busy day and all sales were well attended BABY CITED IN Last Nday morning call to tnnislil police said um ohrtd was locked In room and the mother could not get him out Police relayed this to Deputy Chlei George Young at the the department He was picked up In cruiser and taken to the home oI Mrs Taylor on Church Street In Leiroy strong lean against the bedroom door was all that was needed MEET CHIEF meeting arranged by Chlet Brown took place at the town ship cities on Sunday afternoon About damn chairmen at the lakeshore associations were there to discuss any matters Aboutlilty persons attended Satets suggestions were dis cussed The delegates were shown the Inhalalor given short talk on mouthtomouth re Suscitatlon and shown the little hutnnneni which can be pub chased cheaply and used tor this purpose If anyone has Ute know lodge to do It It would be better to have one on handand never make use at it than be without and loss lite Chlel Brown said One ot the important Items presented was suggestion to make some oi the residents In nancnino FOR THE PRESIDENT President Kennedy leavu SI Francis Xavier chords in Hyannls Sunday morning at ter attending mass and was cheted by crowd of sev iNNISFIl NOTES eral hundred most ol them summer tourists The presi dent was spending the week end at his nearby summer home In Hyanois Port AP eraphoto Million Rain Good For Innislil 365 The long expected and hoped lor rain Iell in abundance in this area over the weekend It may have spoiled haying conditions and lclt thousands ot hay bales Ewell dampened and no doubt kept many visitors away lrom parks and recreational areas Happening on Sunday it also put big dint lo the novnccldent records as greasy paVemcots resulted from the rain How ever the steady downpour was badly needed and every gar donor can see improvements to mgllre his summers work worth It TEAMS SELECTED The elimination lor bricks and pins on Friday resulted in the following players Bob Thompson Bey Cochrane Vic Bolton Mnlloy Mclleddi All Chalmers Jack lluntcr Bruce Pinlmcy who will be tossing bricks Linda Small Donnadoan Watson ltlary lox llllly Itrul Janct Ayerst Bonnie Muiholland Annie Eldlck Lyn da Campbell who will toss roll log pins This year tropr will be given all members taking part in the contest large one or the top contestant and others or the live members at the cum Deeorolrd miniature rollan pins will be available lor the girls SCHOOL AUCIlDNED The our schools whldi were sold by public auction on Sutur doy brought total ot $11700 to the public coltcrs The ouc tlonccr was Jerry Coughlin who had spray oi orange lilies pin ned on him at the Iirst sole William Kelly ol Toronto purchased the Bethesda school at $2600 Tth was the cheap est and best value oi the day At Cherry Creek Russell 5th art who owns the pr SlillllTY BllY ltlghwsy it at Guthri lllflltll mas IAYIDHEIIFI lIlE SUN Illti IIIIII WI Winona mo IlIlIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIii ï¬lm kept the bidding going but gave over at the amount at $2150 to Grant Allen son at Bowman Allen who wants to build home on the lot At the 5th Line Tyrone the bidding was brisk and ï¬nally Mrs William Kelly ot the nth Line and no relation to the other Kelly was the purchaser at $4500 At Nan tyr sister Ilili Boycholi who arms on the 7th Linc got the property at 531 She will keep it looking like school and make It Into summer home it Is about mile and halt TIIE INTERNATIIIIIAIIY ABBLAIMEII HIT JUST ASITWAS sown III THE MIJIIIIBIIPITIIS urnrwunu STARTS each area constables to help HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE Little Ase Can it MONDAY TUESDAY mm¢amumas minmung SIX BLACK HORSES Andie Murphy John OBrien PLUS CARTOON Show Start AI Dusk lllE DARRYL IE ZANUCKS WIITHZWIWMWIW sum WED nuavs MPERIIII mam THEATRE Evening Shows AI and pm AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT IECIINICOIJIII IANAVIMUN PRICES FOR THIS ENTERTAINMENT Adults 95 tltIIS lltUfll Iliillil Studenls 75 Children 35 NOW SHOWING We aooso ATTRACTION inmo mmnnns IIIRKFOIIESICIIELOALUNSO mm TECHNICOLORITOTALSCOFI IAMNIN Int pun HOME III um he ordeï¬ on the bench to police train Lis ssod other places Esau stioo could oelect wiple ot men to be sworn In Winter Fromm came up Since over two hundred colleges were broken Into lastwinteq Chief Brown tell that cottngera should leave name and address No Voe This Yeas Says PC Chairman LONDON Iltcuterst The lolnt chairman or the ruling Conservative party lain Mm leod said Saturday there will not be general election In within view of Investigating at Britain this year Home GOES ro MEXICO MONTREAL tCPI Fifteen yearold Patricia Show at sub urban Points Claire was chosen as one or two Canadian repre sentatives to an International Ranger centerence in Mensa vau Mexico Patricia belongs to the St Louis Land Ranger Oomruo Take no notice at the Gal lop polls Maclcod said They are lorecast oi what might happen It there was to be general election tomorrow But there will he no general elec tion this year Macieod who has been men tioned recently as contender tor the party leadership in the event of Prime Minister Mae mlllnns resignation said most 43 II oi the rty members want Mocxnllnn to decide on his poo slblc resignation without being heckled or hcclomd harried or hurried Macch was the tire high ranklng party oIIiclal to deny recent nimora that an election would take place this year The prime minister Is bound to call an election by October 1961 Speaking to Conservative meeting at the village at Chew Magna near London Mscleod said he would serve Macmillan loyalty until he retires or my breath gives out INCREASED TRAFFIC The number or passengers through British ports rose Irorn 155820000 in 1950 to 7l00000 in LLIZII law are pleased to announce their Annual ESTATE SALE ONCEAYEAR OPPORTUNITY for GENUINE BARGAINS Escapees Caught Back To Brandon WINNIPEG CPI Fiftyst hours oI tmcdom ended with out struggle early Sunday as RCMP took back into custody two escaped eonvlcts Irom Brandon Provincial Jail BrucoKalser l7 and Robert McKenny were arrested In predawn raid on suburban house alter RCMP received tip tram an unldentllied caller the men were seen there The arrest ended massive monhunt tor the lugitlves who seized as hostages mother and son and teenaged boy DIAMOND RINGS and ANIIQIIE JEWELLERY Selling Al Prices For Below Original Cost NOW ON DISPLAY EXHIBITION OF GENUINE RARE GEMS All available for purchasing during this event RINGS 35 76 DUNLOP ST HumvnoattrawrdNllrzatmLuuulazn math 00 Up PA M745 lollowlng their escape lrom Brandon Thursday night Illi three were released unhsnncd Police said the men seemed relieved and surrendered moekly as oliiceis raided the house about 315 om Sunday There was no Incident and no other persons were arreslui in the raid PAMPEIKS PUODLELI MONTREAL ICP Lynn McLay third year McGill student has what she considers the ideal summer lobwashing and grooming poodles at Montreal dog on on She bids it relaxing alter the tensions of term papers and final exams