The moullnn Mu In ha mm of 15mlnulo talk by lruldcnt anhnn Knorr cl Iha anthlnucr Trncl and 1mm Buclcly who dutlnrcdz PORTARTHUR CF sum woman was Inund dead her home hm Sunduy altar man repnrlcd lu pollce she hm been killed Pnllce lnld Marin Kishcuwch 27 had been munlmd They dld not reveal ho type or wnnpnn uscd NEW YORK MP 65H mlllld 62000 Jehovuhl Wll 1mm in Ynnkcc Stadium up pmvrd Snlurdny mulullon mndvmnlng the Unllnd aniunl unfldoln worship The Cumidinns failed to wln prlu but were prnlxed by he adjudlcntnrn or 1911 periorm ance LLANGOLLEN wines Reu tcraIThe Fort William chair an In competition at the Linn gnilcn Musical Festival Satur day against is other mans chgir lmm cauntrles Macmn 3pc st ln plastic surgery and In dil usns ol the eyes am nosé Ind thrpat died Sundayu He was native Orlllla DnL nudgrndunlcd in 102 ram Ihe University of Tnmnla where he rcccxved his medical dngme In 1921 in was lhe chlcf ear nose and lhmnk speclaflst nl Ihe Frfnch laspilql berg Funerql aérvlccs will be held Thursday In Toronto where brother DAxcy MD 1d lives UN An Idol Woman Killed Delano Mlnlsler Paul Hell yer rldea an army Jeep Waugh uh Ilncxof lhe 5rd Brigade ServiceBuLlallon In tha lleld Camp GagelawnY NJL Wllh Mm LLCol CAPSULE NEWS Choir Praised Wallun CalgaryfAllnl NEW gong uan ghgrp Orillia Surgeon Dies In New York 11mm VISITS ARMY CAMP AT YOUR BEER STORE NOW James Fnrmrr nMIunnl dirLclnr at Iha Cannrm nn dul Equality CORE dlnclund plnnl Sundny or boycan mum mm mm dilcrlmlnnu mcinlly among cuslumm or In employman Farmer Inlet vlrwrd by Sen Kcnnelh Kent lng lllNAJ on lnpu rndlm lelzvlnlon program or New York nlnllulu Id ho cxpcm lhn nnUnnwldu boycou la be launched Ihorllyunmr man For your man wiIhuul Iailh In Gods klngdom have em dcavorcd lo gel all people In worahlp IhIs Inlemnllannl Image or human poIlIIcaI sav erelgnly an lbwbest hope or fnrlhb pgnce nnd EecuEIIy In Plans Boycott newly formed unit The do once chlc spent Friday nlxht and Saturday observing ruin lnx manoeuvers Involving 12 000 mops at the mm erepholo from Natlonnl Du fence ant lnhaerPlcku carbon and 339 JAMES FARMER ihe lusf £638 or hunlqn DETROII CF thou Ing mob of about 700 Negroes jammed lha street In ram n1 Duran police headquarters Sut urday lo prom alleï¬ed police hmlnllly and la daman action by Wayne Counly prosecutor Sqmuelrnr 014m Thu dcnd wldlcrl mcmlmrl IM 1nd llcld Squadron n1 Ihe noynl Cnnndlnn Enzlncm Wm Em Trcthewcy 20 New Germany NS and Spr Andormn urnnllard An Inqum was ruled unncccp my CAMP GAGETOWN NIL CF Two aoldlcrl were killed and our Inlurcd our Sunday when 50 on an ovmurncd durlng lrnlnlnx ex crclm he nrmyl Camp anclawm Tim emonsirniion was coiled by Negro organization in pm ml the mini shooting July is oi Cynihia Scnli ZIyumid Ne Ira vmiiiuie Mlil 75cm wnl tho and Idlch hy Pnlmlmun Thnodora grlther who Idld she Illuhld wllh knlfo while mlsung anon GALLETM 0m CF muse up line Mlnluippl River nenrly ended In tragedy Sunday when the must at Iallboal ttmck 0000 power cable llugg law gens lhe wnler All metal was on bout melted inllnnlly and lhowered um nccupanu with molten mm Bath side the 15foot baa wen chmrod The flux ary molar wns rulncd The new board 11 the dim dent grnupla elected will be headeq bySherflfl 51nd PERI ankablnfl 1n Austriln nmpa per reported Sunday that Com munist Hungary plan to abol ish Ihe Iron Curtain death 5MP llolll the border with Austria No Immediate Hungar lan comment waszaHnblo on Hm report which Volksblalt said came lrom Budapest ninrdl In Washington scheduled Iér August 23 CF Wirephala The chunk of wage ha noi yet been campieie but him Grunt Tornnio iawytr whn ncled chairman at the meet ing said the dusidenl group had substantial iendï¬ver the magaxgmgyl arnup Faul Penna and Norman Sherri who tonned pmlew live cummitlea in June ac cused the present management of runnan the company Into min Paxmn president and director said openslim since huel 1960 when the present management took control had hegn unproï¬table because pre vlous promoters had uken high grids ore aqd leg Ilqwugn Lem Guberih New York ham the United Soldiers Die TORONN CPL Amlca Mlnes 1111 silver producerln OMEHOI Cobalt area ently will get new Boar of direcwrl allowlnl stormy aneeUnz of shareholder Fri nyu Boat Melting Negroes Protest Shareholders HavetMadMéet New DirectorsiBoard In View mousu mam mm mum Austria AP TUMELBM Glass in Wlndhlawn pnllcm wllh Kold mluur decornllnn Aboul mm SPECIAL or TUMIILERS Wlndblowl 2d glans About 15 oz Gnld carnllon SPECIAL or TANKARDS MS with dle Ahqu oz SPECIAL cnsm AND sumn 0N lllAY Fin bum china Flam dulgn on whilu backuound SPECIAL TANKMIDS Gm Cithr hnndle About 10 01 SPECIAL or SNACK SETS made cryxlul cups plates SPECIAL Bpicce set CREAM AND SUGAR 1195 SPECIAL scl FIGURINES Pnklcry In Boy or Girl dcslgn SPECIAL pair 521 or WWII Earthenware in Blue or Pink SPECIAL set SALAD BOWLS with spoon and 0m Bowl hanslnne SPECIAL wxlh metal tops SPECIALL paln FRUIT noww Honey lnpaz glam with brass caInur slam About 10 diameter SPECIAL each CAKE PLATES Haney Topaz ï¬lm wllh hm colour mm Abou 11 diameter SPECIAL each Cllll DIP DISH Earthenware 1n vegetable design SPECIAL each SALT AND PEPPER SHAKE nm 11an cm or or soup While glass SPECIAL for AS TRAYS 0N STAND set of glass ash my In assorted calnnra on carrying stand SPECIAL as WALL PLAQUE Panery In Horse Hand design SPECIAL pair stalu arurrylnz on banks wlmmnnagemenu of such big corporations us General Match nttended the meeting on what he called hunmnnahoII day He pespered both man agement an opposition with quesuam and one pdln was told by an Amflcnfllmtar We dont want people coming up lmm New York and tellinz us what In do CONSOLE SETS Mllece earlhenwan set In tulip shape plnk and yellow petals with green leaves SPECIAL 52 Remember the EATON Guarantee Goods Sayisfacfory or Money Refunded SHOP EARLY SHOP tlh CHINAWARE pallcrn MAIN rmon Made 01 cu cluu ham or colcu dc MNDON AP Asdtnllsl nnd writer told Brxllsh Mavi Iian audience Sunday nghl ch1va boy 11 an whn laku caulmceptlve with him whgn ha goeson date Dr Cnmlort lawnmld bInl ozlstandraurlynr gpokg on We mlghl as well make up nur minds added Dr Alex Cnmfartthat chasmy in no 3101 vIrlue hag malnutri on Hank Sex Talk Bhocks Viéwefs 49 149 49 49 49 49 49 49 149 149 149 L49 L49 49 49 149 149 49 Mn CUEIHONS vtnlllnkd Plullc conltd lbre cover with polyzrlrl lll ltr Anomd caluurl 5m nbuut 17 SPECIAL each UTILITY MATS MulllAcolaur nylnn Slzu about mums SPECIAL each scAnEfl MATS Blond ol Viscou WoolundJlnynn wllh scrgnd edges to help prevent lrnylnz MulIIcolunr only Sizo about 20x36 SPECIAL each sum HEADS Blnrk rubber Non ed B5cxlBn SPECIAL or LINK mm Black xlrip rubber Slza about 11 SPECIAL each CARNIVAL MATS Mumcolour on bllck rubber Slm about WxLHI SPECIAL each PAT MATS wool cam assomd cn rm Iwo alike Size about 13x SPECIAL each 18 XZB mi or bcrigef Size aboul SPECIAL each LINK mm Slza about 11 Black xlrip rubber SPECIAL each mohair roller junlor mllcr extension handle SPECIAL SECOND FLOOR WOVEN FIBRE MATS wllh apnnge rub ber backlnz Green blue or red caloun About 25x26 SPECIAL each huï¬ï¬cnzm hack in color 5115 mm each or green SPECIAL BRAIDED QVAL MATS Ibrown 5mg UTILITY KNIFE AND BLICER made stainless steel wllh lacquered wood handlea SPECIAL 2piece set 1v nan made meial hi Ggllden Rose panern SPECIAL ea WASTE BASKET Shea steel with lithographed baked llnlsh Colours white black or blue SPECIAL2 or PAINT BRUSHES Firm nylon brhlled brush In width upeclnl 1y suitable in latextype yalnn SPEC IAL each gnfroy qu um grinned ends FAANT ROLLS SETS Conslst al PERSONONE DAY ONLY TUESDAY JULY 16 AUTO ACCESSORIES Hlaviaws were union the lrankest yet heard on Brlflsh television Fortyour at his au dience telvphoned the BBC to complain Dr Comfort aald sex educa tlan Ihould go at beyond the men Inc llfe tovlnclude In struction on carrect use con traceptives and thls Instruction should start 15 He luggesled lean agerl should observe two command mentsThan shall nut produce underany circumstances an un 3130 program mm mlu mn 31mm EXAMINER Fflflfly Life Hula in FLOOR COVERING HOUSEWARES MAIN noon MAIN FLOOR with raided mnrlleV 7melal may 43 all Ihruaded plastic Iteï¬eï¬eieusly smooth flavour is derived from single premium variety of imported European hops combined with special blend of malt prepared exclusively for new and excitineg different taste in beer from Labatts 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 may 49 49 49 49 549 49 49 He aldhe saw no reason why man shauld not haven mistress as well an wife pm vldgg hglx lnygl In both Many marriages need an adulterous pm In keep them an lhelr feel he Mild There are more hen 300 port In Britain but 15 of these hun dIe some 70 per cent of In on hnport and exports wanltd baby and Thou shall nnl epron anathcra feelings Pump Ntmmndus WINDOW SHADE noomdnrken or typo made plnxlIcconlcd Tl lnloau Whilg slxe about 56x DRAIEIIY TRACKS lrnck cum plate mm end brackeu 24 mnnm bracket screw and one bridge all pmde In InbcI SPECIAL cumpIcIu DMPES LIncd Palyclhylcno plnstlc Caluun brown or lurqunise Site about 36XM SPECIAL pnlr nonmss NIPPLES Cotton runn dy Colours red green blue or 9de Elm nbuut 6xa SPECIAL cnch TAILORED CURTAINS WIIIIa Tm Inn rayon ï¬lm about 40xLI SPECIAL pnlr TAILORED PANELS IVIIIIE Dac mn SIxo nbuul Jexnl SPECIAL each MAIN FLOOR BICYCLE TOOL Km CompMa wllh wrenches tire Irons Screwdriver ol1 container and lirepatching kit SPECIAL wilh masonlte back Site about l0x16 lmpn MIRROR hangs vertically SPECIAL each boon MIRROR wlth unnnléhed tame App 37x11 SPECIAL each PLEATER KITS Each package has one so wtllAlypu or one sci toilingtype 4pronx hooks and plm 13 ynrd plcnlcr ape SPECIAL km DRAPES Pnlyclhykne 1ch wllh opaque plusllc llnlng Colours wine brawn or lurquolw 5le about 51 72 each drape SPECIAL pair CAMP LANTERNS Moulded nlaisflc up and plastic globe Operates on Iwo 15 batteries not included Has posl Ive onoIlnwitch SPECIAL each Stick bEnon NaKmZBi colour 5119 about 1472 SPECIAL each anss FRQM 11mm Vsm abou lo xllVSrPECIAL price Eith CAFE SETS Cale curtnln and vs anca made at comm snllclalh Col ours beg or bluc Curtain 511 about 22x16 valance aboutux49 SPECIAL ME noyyup nurgps made match SPECIAL EACH SPORTING GOODS HOME DECOR sgcoNp noon RETAINS TITLE MEXlCO CITY AP Su gar Ramos transplanted Cu ban retained his world miller weight boxing championship Saturday night by outpulntlng Nigerian challenger Railu King in lSraund title fight lt was Ramns ï¬rst detcnce oi the championship he won March 21 ln Nthround knockout of American Davey Moore in Log Angcles Moore died of lniurie suiiercd in the EM MONDAY JULY ma 49 149 149 149 149 149 49 490 49 L49 49 49 49 149 1491 Mi