ABERDEEN Scollslld AP The Roman Cnthnlic bishop Aberdeenwho has deï¬ed Vallcan command In ï¬re hls hnuickccpcr Sunday with drew an order In his parish priest to read defence hls Iland at masscs The bishop Msgr Fraud Walsh 52 backed down alter speclal diocesan meeting with his priests There was no revolt on the mart of Ihe priests but they to that he bixhupa statement would be out of plan In vlne snrvlce and Ihc blshup saw Ihcir paint of view lm medhtely sald Very Rev Thnt McLaughlln The Vatican first Issued command lhrce mnnlhs ago to the bishop to gel rid his huusckcepcr Mrs Chrislinc Mackenzie lLyenrold dl vorcece who alsn goes by the name Ruby She had been ha bishops housekeeper for lhm guard order three Ne irons out of the water all nhiw Savannah Beach 63 By HAROLD MORRISUN WASHINGTON NFLGlobal war in absolute says the Can lre fur the Study of Democratic Imlitulioux in an analysis Ihal comma that dcmilllarizcd world polillu no longer ulo plinlyyg uplift1y pracllcnhle Puhllxhcd In book arm as Ike Unllcd Slnlcs Brilnln and the Soviet Uniun prepare lo b2 gin cruclnl Moscnw nugollaunns on purlinltnuclvnr lrsllflm truly Ihe analysls malnlains Hun lha wnr syslcm mm dnllon or lnlcmnllflnal politic Ms collapsed and In only thing kctplnz ll ullve Ike mlndlm me lechnoluxl cal dgvcloprgcn Biéliéji Wiilidfï¬ï¬E Support Demand Sludcnu of pollliu nnd mclnl Ind physical Innas uomthnw had In find ways or nrmllnu lha grim ndvnucc Increas Inxly hunc nuclear schcmcs or momr or lnlnr lllcsc xchcmc would dcslmy humunlly lay Ihe Mudy linnnccd In ml by Ina flockdtllcr Inundnlan and he Cnmczle Faundnunn ur In Irmnllnnnl Pram Pmmrul hy mililnry nnalynl Wnllrr Millis and fly Induhlrlnl cunlullnm Jnmr Runl Ulu crnlun pm puhllxhrd by lhe Murmlllnn Campnny 111 Ahu1llun War WM NOT AMHHI Global War Is Obsolete Says Study Of World Politics nlnhn war no Innxrr 1M II mrnnl wnrld Ilflcrcnrrl he mnlmd 7M Mirth pulnl In rrpnrl my Vnr nrn of UM lurrlphrrnl vmrly In lvrcumlnu lm mm Ilcnbln nM lln lllrrnla In no Imcnlly unriul nr rmllhle in lhn lnlrmnlinnnl oulrr nl Wlihlflfl wonl Inkn you place bul um NFC Tuvnloan Will 50 Ink lhnl holiday now Donaw confidently npay somibly Got an HF Travoloan Uh Innmm Imbll at Mr group lam Mann ll Dun Mud VI 100 Need holiday moyey In Im IrlllIlIK wrllm IAllll NEGROES ORDERED OUT0F THE WATER yean She Is the urine wife of minister of the Church Scotland Presbyterian who divorced her on ground dc scriion an VaMcan set or the bishop ln dlsmiss her cndnd Inst Wednesday The bis hop deï¬ed the command and sent an appeal In lhe Vallnan Th Vatican so far has not re pugd DEADLINE IS PAST The statement lhe bishop wanted read In massc blamed jealous wnrnnn and llve priest or whlpping up he lrauhlz Let lh lrouhhmakcrs so about their own buslncs lhcir prnycrs nndthelr duly snld the bishnps slatemnnt Ln hum leave my hnusckceper and mysell free to do like wise Sunday taker the lwn boys mr against city regulations and one girl went into the wn film were arrested after The bishop II on vacallon In Banflshire Scotland Mn Mm Kcnzlajs with him ready exists The terrible mass deslrucllon weapuns an Ilnle mated and canvenlionnl armed forces where lhcy are used all are used mum and more In much lhc way In nallunal and Imposed lvlcmallnnal pollen forces at dcmllilarlxcd world wnuld tmplnycd Cumlderinz the drum xcr clnl and economic orgnnlzalion In whlch the modern world has arrived dcmililnrizcd wnrld palillcn In cnlircly practicable Ptrhap the grenlcst bar In HI allalnmtnl la lhe dupl hcld belle lhnl In Impossihlo nnd ulopkm In lhe wen llnlh ccnlury such xyalum cl Inlemnuonnl rclnlinns has becomo possible as llme goes an will grow mare pmlbln null We already hnve world pnwtr Ihuchlre lhn encour nzu II The nrcnlul pmblcm today Ix to convince mm of lhla Incl For lhs lirsl lime In history It wax pnsslhla lo Mnk nhaut world wllhnul war Thus were the line an which human lhinkinx mull procud Uphnlntulux nu hm NM Jul 5M9 Ilne HADHIHD HT Hahn PA um BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK nenullnl Samplu Fm Elllmllu FREE lICKUl AND DELIVERY Phone PA aw Mum CESE F61 Cbilrts Prove Within Week SUPERIOR Wis APtUpA per Lake Shipping Company Limiicd ul Toronto has been given until July 22 to shnw cause why its dispute with the Seafarers International Union shnuldhn settled in court rather lhnn by the us Na tional Labor Relatinns Board Circuit Judge Allen Kinney set the dale at hearing Pn day on an inlunction which pre vented union members irum plckcling the Douglas llnugh ion an Upper Lakes vessel 233 BRADFORD ST Uxhtulmllbollunlt Jtlmloulh Chcvmlrl lmpnlm vay II Nun 400 luwllo Sting flu Comb Monu Spydrr EXCITING KINDS OF CARS AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALERS ONESTOP SHOPPING CENT REI Lnrky you Sumnwrn here And nothing hm nothing can hml tho rurvfrtn fmling you gut 6m you lund out on the 0pm mml inn hrnml mxw cur Fuel in mummr time in lruvtllin timr And for tnwollinu you jlmt cunl liml holltr wuy tvun thnn Ilmvruhll Why Ilnrn nm gnutl numnn Chevrolet that in fullmim luxury with lltnivn Jvtmlmmlh ritlnl Cnrvnir apurLyxntng my all gotnut wilh planty guilty for it in thn ntyling lrpnrllnrnt hm lhrvy ll thrifty wny In no plncvu in ntyk Corvette with lush DANGERFIELD MOTORS lIMIIED whichtxenineréWednesd loaded with are The dispute rush irom the unions protest ol the hiring of Canadian seamen an Upper Lakes Shipping vcsscis The union contends Upper Lake is American owned and should hire American seamen The shipping iirm seeks to have the dispute settled in court and the SIU contends that the NLRB huuid settle the matter TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 3H they were creed to leave the water AP Wirephnw excitement runs in the Chevrolet Family De sum in we Bonanza on the CBC1V network each Sunday Check your local llsllng 10 channel and lime Your Chmolot OIdImobllv Cndllhc Envoy Indghovvolol Truck Dulor At least 52 persons insttheir lives in accidents was Can ada during the weekend 27 oi them In iraiiic mishap and 21 by dmwnlnga inciudingionr mall children whu drowned when their Ismail bnai aven tumed under material Canadién Pres aurveyl from pm local limnerrldayl to midnight local llmu Sunday rhowed that Onlarlo led the la Ality count with 12 trams deaths and nlne drownings The our children all of Whilcdog 0nL about 53 miles north of Kenora drowned Ihelr aulboard motor lalled and they were swept under he all an the Wlnnlprg Blver Onlarlo also had two unclassifleddealhs slxmonlhhld baby choked to death ln Cornwall and Tor anlo man dled alter he tell rum ladder at his harm The Ontarlo dead SUNDAY Jerry Derlch 61 of Toronto when hls truck collded wllh ear ln Toronlo John idkécsï¬z ol Hnmfllnn drowned whenhe slipped from dam at Calednnln Into the walgr Whi1 ï¬shing Allan mchnrdsoi Mindcn Ont hm lwocar collision 40 mflp npgth Eelerypmggg Mrs me Bembe 26 Tor onto when the car In which she was riding collided with trans p05 puck negr Oshawa By 11m CANAbIAN Pnéss Ccslauée Jéhnké 4111 m1 narrow 4mm Injuries received Saturday ï¬ght whgn glrpchby Leads Deaths With Nine In Traffic iihckmeaRmlking mm Her row 17 miles southeast at Windsor Mrs Miriam Tyrell 74 n1 Caledon Iroln Inlurles received when the but her husband was drivlng collldfll with another vehicle In North York Tab onto suburb Ivan Jamska six months who chuked to death at Corn wall home where his parenu ygre flaking Douglas Green 17 of Slate Falls when the car In whlnh he was riding collldod with an nlhcr car near Denblgll 10 mlles myth of Bellevllle CALGARY CF Anulher Calgary Stampede romped inlo history Saturday night leaving behind annual tall luck ered out mcrryqnakm and caflboyai The sixday rodeo hlled the biggest of It kind In lhe world ended with lung llneun United States cowhnnds at he pnywlckeu collectan great chunk ol the admin prjze naneyu It also ended with four out riders being injured in crack uns an IE track during ihe ex citing final hcaLs oi the chuck wggnn races The 5152 annual Slampade was blg gaudy show but two rainy days earlier in lhq weak cu sharply into attendance Iig urns total 572019 persons want lhrough Ihe gates com pared wilh 535667 in 1962 and record 591715 durlng roya visit In 1955 Officials were hop lng or record 600000 Slst Annual Calgary Stampede Gets Rain Twice Numbers Drop In pvrfurmnnm to numb iin npirilul stylian And Hmuuh nll our um nu lliflunnl lm run he nll lmvn thin in mmnmn llmym ull uniting lmlrivn llmym nll IINIMIM hum And lhuym all Chnvmlnla Sojuin the fmnily Ihcvmloln hut in run gel in on the fun nml oxvilmnrul that is Illnvrulnla nlnnv Youll lm in MI company with lhn lmuaumln 0f olhlr hnppy IIlVrUlll mvnvrn who Imvn nlrlmly Illmnvrrnl urilrmrnl rmlly Inn run in IE Cllcrrru ldumllyl MnEsher mustard Queensvme when her car went out 01 control near Aurora Dawd Joseph Oslerholzer uIDethK drowned whllv swim ming with companlans from an anchored boat Peach Island ngar Windsor Thomaso Spatula so of Tor onto when he sllpped and tell mm ladder while palnllns eaves at Jlis home Nnrlrcé daughters Mr and Mrs Simon McDonald and ona The oulrlders were Injured in the second and Udrd hcpls he chuckwagnn derby won by Ihe Peter Bawden outfit from Calgary Thu rig was last years champlon Three the outrlders In hnsblkal wIlh lractuxcs he ï¬rst serlou injuries sullened in any Wield mm duringdha week One of them run going into turn and collided with two oth ers both whom were also injured In the lhlrd Heat rider tell from his horse few feet mm the ï¬nish Hne However the stampede ended on golden noteMu Jeannette Brearly housewiie mm Portland Ore won gold brick wath $50000 on $1Hckct lsha All ght mgsdqy Stampede nmcmls sald they were Ialrly ccrlaln flue wouhi want the brick converted to cash beloreJaklng across the Inlarnatinnal boundary HIM Mum VALUE PHONE PA 66527 SATURDAY Donald Bruce Horn 11 of Parl Credit when his car crashed into budge abutment on the Queen Ellzabeth Way Helen Mary Donahue Sarnln In twavcar cullisluu l8 migs sgulh of Sudhur 101111 BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY JULY 15 1961 daughter or Mr and Mrs Frank Paisnk drowned on the Winnipeg liver at Whllcdog Ont 51 mile north nl Kenqra Alex Pavllnl 28 Windsor when the 513011 car in whlch he Was passenger hit ken near Tlvcrlon two mllc from quge Huron Matthew Raw 55 Ca bourg when rhe car In whlch he was passenger collided with anulher car negr Park Hope Mrs Marguerite Craig 66 Hazel Park Mich passenger la car which missed detour curve and hit light pole near EW err Jan Gentrix 8111 bum drowned In our out water in creek near his homa Rléhérd Francis of Plclan drowned in East Lake north Believille FRIDAY Sidney Taylor 23 Sarnla drowned when he ell overboard from an outboard cruiser In the St Clair River 24HOUR SERVDCE SALES Ind SERVICE EAEllvai Influx And All Candlllonlnl Addllde PA um HEATING Eauw adWENs HAK WK Wm