Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 15 Mar 1928, p. 1

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, 1928 $2 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. COLBORNE COUNCIL 1928 Assessment Slightly Lower Owing to Income Exemptions. Court of Revision Fixed for April 9th. The regular meeting of Colborne Council was held Monday evening, March 12th, 1928. Present: C. M. Finkle, Reeve; B. H. Coyle. W. A. Seed and W. J. Cowie. A communication from Department of Public Highways requested settlement of account for extra street paving done in Colborne in 1926--about $7000. The original estimates quoted $5200, and explanations of some of the extra charges in the account were previously asked of the resident engineer, who promised to meet the Council but has so far failed to do so. Last June the Department was notified that the Corporation would settle promptly when adjustments made and were also asked to send the engineer Miss Beatrice Purdy Wins District Oratory Contest I DEATH OF MR. NELSON DAILEY [ COMING EVENTS Ten Brilliant Student Orators Speak | point" system. Each judge wrote on "Canada's Future" at Victoria I order of merit those he considered Opera House, Cobourg j best speakers and handed it in -■ | the chairman, who, after noting the Purdy Presented with Silver Cup order in which the names appeared, town last Monday, on Master James' Mol pneumonia. All hope old and highly re Mr. Joseph Nelson away on Thursday, at the home of his spi ct( d resi- Dailev, pas- C. M. Allen & Son March 8th list 01 specials for Saturday. See nephew. Mr! advt. on PaSe 8-e Township, ----1----" for the last J The Willing Workers of St. Andrew's n in Athol, j Presbyterian Church will hold their n April 13th, Annual Irish Supper on Friday, March Daniel and 16th, 1928. 5-tf for Colb Wins =ed the of Colbo i Drydei ,'inni f Brooklin c s of U. he last of! Hogetts of Cobourg ng orator, Miss Purdjv traced the developmj long various lines of 1 .aid that Canada was| ideal geographical ] the i nts. answer was received from the Department in this regard. The Clerk was therefore instructed to send copies of previous letters to Department and the engineer, ind request a visit by the latter. The Council feels that extra expenses caused through somebody's error in laying out the work are not properly charged to the Village. The assessor for 1928, Mr. John W. McCarl. returned his roll. It shows: Great interest centred in the District | and Bernie Oratorical Contest held in the Victoria j third place. Opera House, Cobourg, on Friday even- j The winr ing, March 9th, 1928. Notwithstanding her addresi very unfavorable weather conditions,, 0f Canada ; a fair attendance was present -to hear I gress She this contest of youthful oratory. uated in at. Friends of the different competitors ! (jon for trade and a number of the Principals and j pas,t h.ad h€en one 0f achievement members of the staff from the schools < i]:u\ immortalized the represented were there, each naturally j neers wh<) had .hewn their clea) interested in their own student speak- | fvom the virginal forests. After ere in the contest, and each hopeful | vears 0f struggle Canada now stopd that he or she might win the coveted j on a summlt, back of which lajia trophy; and thus not only win per- j v^ta of vears of toji atw experience, sonal honour, but bring distinction to an<j jn front 0f which stretched a li their school. It was an anxious time ■ scape rjch with the promises of for the contestants: it was an eager, | future expectant audience that they faced, j rouchijlg on the resources ot ( In this contest, which is being spon-1 .u]a aml tbe part they had aire sored by the Toronto Daily Star and j piayed in the development of the e< is a Dominion-wide affair. Cobourg was | tryi and the part they were desti of the seven districts in the Pro- j to play in the future, the eloqt xable . . i taxable . 261,875 ! . 19,921 : ,792 I rated the diffa :es--the forest, mineral--that n immensely valui importance and supren included the secondary schools from Pickering on the west I "typj nd Milbrook and Omemee on the ggr{ ;orth to Campbellford on the east, t^jg There were eleven students who had j -pjjg 4?«q 778lwon firat plac* in thelr re3Pective I of Canada's inland waterways $503,<(o schools and thus became eligible to aiS(, emphasized 2.800 | enter the district competition. Ten of 44,900 | these faced the three good men and! Tn a different vein the speaker --;-- true, who had been intrusted with I <>f °U!' neecl of remembering $' 47,700 the responsibility of judges. They j Creator of this fair land and all 'were: Miss Beatrice Purdv. represent ' >"th a»«' diversified recourse*. .* 1,250 j ing Colborne High School: Miss Mar-!the, honourable traditions and id 12^00 ' jorie Ackerman. Campbellford High " hool; Birnie Hodgefts, Cobourg Col- We pies l thirty r days Mr. A thi 8 ana j under t rriage People, -eased Hall, Fr lAdmissi ee-act play, -'Lucky Gulch," le auspices of Shiloh Young-will be given in Dundonald dav evening, March 23rd, 1928, >n 35c and 25c. All invited. in farming u: pelted him to manhood his ! failing health •etire. After attaining hole time was spent •ne, where he had seen In religion he was a in politics a Conser-an uncle of Mrs. John Mr. Manley Brown. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. P. Falconer, at the residence of Mr. Brown, on Saturday as in the i Street j "The Dust of the Earth," a four scripture act V^a.y, will be presented by Trinity Hp "wa^ene-ae-Pd Church- Dramatic Club, in Victoria he was engaged - q „„ WQator April Bft.^jS?' advertising and pi tch for the Colbo McCra Otto Ken vere attack of pneumonia during the IMt. and Mrs. Win.G. Morrow and sons. Clifford and Harold, of Pet spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Usher. Mr. Albert Waller was taken to jin or neai Cobourg Hospital on Tuesday, being many eh ill of pleuro-pneumonia. All wish him I Methodis a quick recovery. Mr. W. J. Troop, Colborm in London. Ontario, attending a staff' meeting, central region, of the Can-[ adian National Express Company. i afternoon, while ii Gibson and Mrs. Bartlett of Sal-em Cenieterv. The pallbe; Detroit Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. M. j John Somers. Fred J. Armstrong. John Spring Millinery Openings-Friday Railton of Toronto were in town last L. Cockburn. Relit. B. Bland. B. Fer- and Saturday March 16th and 17th ik attending the funeral of the late; guson. and L. J. Harnden. J928 Featuriii" imported models-- Mrs. R. L. Johnston. --. Joan and Beaufoite. Distinctive and Arthur Lawson of Montreal FRFr) pa mchptm vuiwc i different. The Cavendish sports wear spent a few days with her aunt, Miss I" „ ! hats a specialty. Miss Culver's Mil- McTavish; at "Bellevue." upon her re- RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP j linerv Pariours, Colborne. turn from Toronto, where she had --• been playing in^ the Badminton tourna-; Tlle following in reference to Fred for the -Dominion Championship. Bamforth, an old Collborne boy, will be j ling, March 23rd, 1928. ^ Village Improvement hold a dance in the Town Hall, Colborne. Orchestra in attendance. Refreshments. Admission 50c each for.dancers; 25c each for spectators. Proceeds m aid of Colborne Public Library funds. 9-2 Ages i Ages 14. 10, hat marked the lives of n this country be our incentive ,4S0'778 iterate' Institute: Miss 'Bertha Lang, emulate their sterling qualities * ' " I Milbrook Continuation School: Miss i fortitude and righteousness am' •.....• • ! Gladys Cobbledick. Orono High Scho- to the highest and noblest coi •• • 8 ol; Roy Jones. Newcastle High Scho-! of manhood and womanhood. jol; John Dryden. Brooklin Continua-j Following the addresses were Me children in each | tion School;--:-----, Osh-jor two n„,"iea!'numbers, after nU ••••«-' <""i'"'SU'"' In-ti'ui. . and Mi-.s {,„, ,,.....,„a„ asked the winners to s........38 i Margaret Westney. Pickering Contin- 12, 13 years 81! uation School. nd •ep,;,>„s ead with interest. His fathe j R. Bamforth, was at one time pastor . Colborne Methodist Church. "In Frederick Bamforth we have a ' i man of whom our Province should well be proud. He was born in King-i ston, the son of Rev. Richard and Mrs. '■ Bamforth, well and worthily known for many years in the Bay of Quinte , Conference o. the Methodist Church, now retired and living ii "Fred's star first rose ational horizon when 23 1 The chairman of the i 4. Ages 16, 17 years........U Mr. W. J. Morrison, Prine Population................ 907 manville High School, w The total taxable assessment is held the trophy last year, down $2,854 compared with 1927. Ow- j The three judges were ing to increased exemptions there is Best and Mr. W. F. Ward of Bowman-reduction, of $3108 in income asses- ville and Rev. Mr. McLauchlffl - nienr.s, and there also a reduc ■rment of $499. Real up $1575. The popu- The Court of Revisio: and determining appeals Monday, April 9th, 1928, The tax collector, Mr. Wm. fixed fo Splendid addresses were given by I all the speakers and each showed ! marked ability both in material and ' delivery. The subject. "Canada's Fut-j ure." although a broad one, really narrowed down to a consideration - immense resources in forest and reported 1927 taxes unpaid tolling Aeld and mine and the part they were about $700 including the v, l» naltles. ; cest.ined to play, so that all the ent-The time for the return of the roll rants found themselves on common was extended until March 26th. 1.28. The 3«dges were seated m dif- Taxes unpaid after that date are to [tlen 1 be recovered with costs m judging Judge will be asked to $10 the amount alio f town hall for Divisi of the auditi ked th< After complinieniarv inners. he presented Miss Purdy with the beautiful cup donated bv the Toronto Star. Mr. It. I). !'. Davidson of the Cobourg 3 three While the big snow and blow last d j Fliday evening lessened the attend-eiance at the Eastern Star dance, those si who were present had a very pleasant it j time. Music by Fleming's Orchestra, 8 and square dancing was "called off" s | by Mr. P. Clarey. | Mr. Carmen Alger of Prelate. Sa (son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alger, formerly of Colborne) was ling on friends in Colborne last week. Mr. Alger -was on his way home from England where he had been on the Canadian farmers Marketing Tour. He was delighted with the trip and the receptions accorded the party both in England and Denmark. Rev. Charles E. Cragg of the Devine Street United Church. Sarnia. has been j the following appointed pastor of the King Street' degree. For three years, he was in I United Church. Oshawa. The present j charge of the mathematical studies pastor, Rev. C. W. DeMille, who has 0f Albert College. Belleville whence been in Oshawa for the past four j he was allured to Chicago University,! years, and who is also President of j.where in September. 1927, he won the I ItWepTOi ^-rcfrr'W^^ntevflnce.. his.; iitjrjii Rh . tt-^vitl, „,ii.-h distinction. 1 Mille leaves on June 30, and Mr. Cragg) staff of Chicago University and has] will take over his new charge here refused several tempting professor-1 on July 1. i ships. His latest honour is a "Nation- al "Research Scholarship" in Harvard > require a new spring suit t wil Ibe pleased to know that Tip Top Tailor's expert will be at Hawkins' store Thursday, March 15th with a complete range of new cloths--taking measures for suits-blues, greys and fancy's--all at one price--1$24.00. Get your suits for Easter! duty after Peterboro. j spending a pleasant two. weeks in above the | Toronto, mixed with pleasure and business, and announces the purchase ulated in 19.18 from Cobourg C. I. in- ot a carefully selected showing of to Queen's University with first place j Spring Coats and Dresses, which will in mathematics and also the honour be on display in good season for of the Ellen Nickle Memorial Scholar- spring buying. She finds it a great later he graduated advantage visiting different factories *- and is now in a position to explain medalist in mathen Corn- of Goods, BIRTHS At Smithfield, represent this district in Toronto on April 14th. Miss Purdy is receiving the congratulations of a host of friends and all will watch with interest the next stage of the contest arid hope she will qualify for the Dominion contest to he held at Ottawa. Dr. W. G. Robertson will be in his Uni office every Saturday and Monday October, during February and March. means -: characte Ready made suits, new spring stock, j and serv aig-Grills- pret We are justly proud of IN MEMORIAM M. Bro mfi. I J. tillage and school finances in I shape. The village accounts a balance of $2896.08 in assets liabilities^--omitting the principal n H. S. debentures, and for street: g The accounts of the schools a total cash surplus at Dec. 31, j of $9520.13. The abstract state-appears in another cob---' SHINGLES CARLOAD OF SHINGLES TO BE SOLD AT BARGAIN PRICES FOR 15 DAYS. J. C. SCRIPTURE 11-2 COLBORNE YOU RUN NO RISK, just get Mrs. I J"" Svbilla Spahrs Tonsilitis. use it for I ' . .J. Sore Throats, Coughs, Bronchitis,] at A1" Croup, Catarrh. Head Colds, and all I Deep i Throat and Tonsil Diseases. Success | Of a or money back. GOULD'S DRUG In mei STORE, Colborne. I Beca ; AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY GRANTS I Our lips Tip Top Suits made tt , only $24.00. All clothes | | fit and wear. On sale at •ultural Societie Brighton . campbellfo $296.00 264.00 418.00 342.00 pay ' the ■ollnv The Johnstone School of Dancing BELLEVILLE Prof. Mrs. and Miss Johnstone will resume their DANCING CLASS FOR CHILDREN Saturday, March 24th, 1928, at 2.30 p. m. Intending pupils should enroll now. Phone: 750w or 1546 the result of a mad dag scene ibourg, when several dogs were i by a dog pronounsed to be Cobourg Town Council is likely use an order immediately for extermination of all dogs run- at large in the corporation. The al health officer has issued a ing to anyone bitten by a dog ;ve immediate medical ittention. of Police Ruse killed the dog he head was sent to Toronto for G. H. Field, medical officer of h. received a telephone message Dr. Anderson, chief analyst at i'-.o. who reported that the dog testion had been subject to one e most violent attacks of rabies Ii he had ever come in contact He advised that every animal Ii might possibly have come in tc with the animal, either prior during the mad rampage, be im-arely destroyed and that all per-who had suffered bites or wounds v kind from dogs during the past weeks be given the Pasteur treat- JUST TRY a loaf of Rowsome's famous Maple Leaf Bread--fhe bread with the homemade flavour--the more you eat the more you want. We stand behind our bread in weight, quality and the same price in all towns. It is made of the very best of wholesome ingredients--Milk, Sugar, Shortening, Malt and Yeast. Our aim is to make a loaf to build a trade-- which has brought us regular satisfied customers from outside towns as well as in our own district. Remember you get what you pay for--quality s for itself--if you make a cheap loaf you can sell it cheap. Our Bread and Buns are Baked Fresh Daily Prompt Courteous Attention at All Times Order Your Maple Syrup Now! . .We will have a limited supply of Eastern Ontario No. 1 Syrup--same as last season--at a reasonable price. E. W. ROWSOME Phone 150 King Street Colo LAST CALL COLBORNE TAXES Taxes remaining unpaid after Monday, March 26th, 1928, will be recovered with costs. Bv order WM. USHER, Tax Collector ______lized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Grills, Warkworth, on Thursday. March 1st. 1928, when their second daughter, Phea Agnes, was united jn marriage to Mr. Blake Douglas Haig, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Haig. Seymour East. Owetis-Scott--On Wiednesday afternoon, February 29th. 1928, at Campbellford, Thelma Mary Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Scott, was united in marriage to Walter James Owens, son of Mrs. Owens and the late James Owens, of Campbellford, Rev. E. Harston, pastor of St. John's United Church, officiating. DEATHS____ Dailey In Cramahe Township, on Thursday. March 8th, 1928, Nelson Dailey, in his 88th year. . Interment in Union Cemetery. Robson--At Niagara Falls, Ontario, on Monday, March 5th, 1928. Lionel, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Robson (nee Edna Cockburn) aged 5 months. Wilson--In Colborne, on Monday, March 12th, 1928, Sarah Nethery, widow of the late Josiah B. Wilson of Hillier. in her 90th year. Funeral serviie at the home of her son, Mr. H. B. Wilson, "Maplehurst," Colborne. on Wednesday, March 4th. Interment in Hillier Necropolis. AUCTION SALE Tuesday. March 20th, 1928, at 1.30 p. m.--Heavy Percheron horses, high grade short-horn cattle, pigs, farm implements, orchard spray outfit, etc.. of John Pollock, two miles north of Morganston. Usual terms. .J. R. Battisby. Auctioneer. IRISH SUPPER under the auspices of the Willing Workers of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church COLBORN E to be held in the S. S. Hall, on Friday, March 16th, 1928 lea served from S.30 to 8.00 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME AUCTION SALES -by-- S. E. ROBINSON Saturday, March 17th, 1928, at 1.30 p. m. sharp-- Valuable household furniture and effects, hens. etc.. of Mrs. Janet. Pickworth. Church St.. Colborne. Usual terms. S. E. Robin- AUCTION SALES ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario Phone 10 r23. Thursday, March 15th. 1928-- Pure bred Holsteins and implements, the property of Harry Colton, East Colborne. Friday, March 16th, 1928-- Pure bred and high grade Durham cattle, horses and implements, the property of Marcus L. Drinkwalter, Township of Cramahe, 1 mile north of Little Lake. Thursday, March 22nd, 1928--Live stock, implements, hay and grain, the property of Dan Kewin, about S miles south east of Castleton. Usual terms.

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