Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 15 Mar 1928, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, 1928 - Because of flawless tex-elli Silk Hosiery keeps its lust-is loveliness throughout a remarkably long life. 1 shades to meet every fancy. CRAIG & CRAIG KING STREET, COLBORNE Phone 136 THE LATE MRS ANDREW ROBSON THE LATE MRS. R. L. JOHNSTO It is our melancholy duty to record in this issue the death of a much he-loved resident of Vernonville vicinity, in the person of Mrs. Andrew Robson, whom the angel of death called to her reward on Friday night. March 2, 1928. Some months ago, the deceased underwent an operation at the General Hospital. Toronto, from which her many friends had hoped full recovery would result. For a time apparently there was an improvement and her condition gave promise of their hopes being realized, but alas, they were prone to dissappointment. Since Christmas her friends and loved ones became alarmed at complications that set in but it was only the last few weeks that they realized that but little hope could be entertained for her recovery. She gradually became weaker and weaker until the death angel came with the last summons, and the final spark of life fled in the evening hours of Friday last. The obsequies were conducted by a former pastor, the Rev. H. L. Bennie, B.D.. assisted by Rev. Mr. Walker and Rev. A. E. McLauchlin, B.A., B.D. A large concourse of friends and neighbours gathered to pay their last tribute of respect. The remains were laid to rest. Monday afternoon, in the family plot, in St. Andrew's Cemetery at Vernonville. iMrs. Robson was the fourth daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broomfield. who immigrated to this country from Scotland. For a number of vears she taught the Vernonville school, until she became the wife of Mr. A. V. Robson. since when she has continued to reside in fhis community. The deceased was one who possessed high qualities of womanhood, kind and loving in her disposition, <]Uiet -ved thetic to friend ind neighbour. She did her duty, well, n home, in church, and in the neigh-murhood, and her death is mourned >y a large circle of relatives and riends and deeply regretted by the The funeral of the late Mrs. R. L. Johnston, wife of the Belleville Canadian National yardmaster, took place on Monday. March 5th, 1928, from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Charles Chapin, Colborne. Services were conducted in the home by the Rev. R. G. Stewart, pastor of St. Andrew's Church, Belleville. Following a short service. at Colborne the cortege proceeded to Oshawa where interment was made in the family plot in the Union Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Coles of Colborne Baptist Church assisted in the service at the grave. The bearers were all nephews of the deceased, namely, James and Elmer Chapin of Colborne and Messrs. James. Ivan, Morley, and Harold Mackie of Oshawa. The late Mrs. Johnston was born in Scotalnd in 1875 and came to Canada at an early age. settling with her parents, in Oshawa. Mrs. Johnston's mother. Mrs. James Mackie, preceded her to the tomb some "five years ago. and a sister, Mrs. Moore, died at Belleville three years ago. Surviving her are her father. Mr. James^Maekie of Oshawa, four brothers. George, James. Alex and Charles, all of Oshawa, three sisters, Mrs. Gerow of Oshawa. Mrs. Gibson. Detroit. Mich., and Mrs. Chapin of Colborne. One daughter, Mrs. T. M. Bart-lett, Ann Arbor, Mich., also survives. The floral tributes were as follows: Gates Ajar- Father, Brothers and Sisters. Husband and Mrs. Bartlett: Wreaths--Yard Staff, Belleville: Brotherhood Railway Trainmen, Canton No. 8, Belleville, General Motors, Oshawa: Cross--Ladies' Auxiliary of Canton, Belleville: Star---Ladies* Auxiliary BR, of T.; Heart--Mr. and Mrs. Chapin and family of Colborne, Rebeckah 133 of Belleville: Sprays-Mr. and Mrs. W. Redner of Belleville, Miss Allen. Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Charlton and family. Belleville. Mr. Percy and Mrs. Shorey. Belleville. M. and Mrs. D. Jordan, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Riser. Belleville, Mr. Windover. Belleville. She i ' husband, by at home and j md one broth-of Edmonton, the sympathy of tli.> eommun-tended. ,. Eddy of Neibra Mr. Job AGENCY FROST & WOOD FARM IMPLEMENTS C. T. TURNEY : 93r3 COLBORNE EGGS FOR HATCHING PURE BRED-TOLAY BARRED ROCK EGGS for hatching 50c per doz. March and April Day-old-Chicks at $20.00 per 100: May and June at $17.00 per 100. Also custom hatch- we don't want to dissappoint you. PLEASANT HILL POULTRY FARM 3-tf H. A. Philp, Prop. DEATH OF JAS. HENRY PRENTICE . The death occurred at Grafton on Wednesday. Fell. 29rh. 192S. of James Henry Prentice, in his fiOth year, following an illness of about five years. Orchard Hill Laying Leghorns USKY CHICKS - Book j • Bal r Chicks and Hat My per We ( stered : Laying Contest finished in sixth place you some eggs and chicks from hens that we this pen. A 20% deposit will hold your order; balance payable at time of delivery. ORCHARD HILL RECORDS ARE GOVERNMENT RECORDS If you are in need of an Incubator or Brooder Stove, see me before ycu buy.. I can save you money. ORCHARD HILL POULTRY FARM Phone: 86r3. R.R. 3, COLBORNE D. C. PEEBLES, Owner and Manager 8-15 go he was married to i Rose Nichols, by whom he is ived, also five daughters. _ Diamond, Mrs. M. Bates and les Fannie, Lillie and Margaret itice, and five sons, George. Percv, :. Harry and Albert Prentice. He nrvived by two brothers, Wil-England and Charles of Cp-The funeral took place on SuHi-St. George's Church ■mi'terv. tended. i larg isiuess man of Cam to his reward on Sa March 3rd, 1928. : mm mmm S. C. W. LEGHORN Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs We have mated a select lot of trapnested females, bred for type, stamina and egg laying qualities, and have to offer a limited number of Chicks and Eggs. Come in and see these pens and the big, peppy males that head them. W. E. OTTO atic Layers" Phone 133, COLBORNE, Ont. t Express Office. I TEST THE CAPACITY OF STRAIN YOUR EYES WILL ENDURE, THE DELICACY OF THE EYE, ITS FORMATION AND THE INTRICACIES OF ITS HS,§VE SYSTEM ARE INDEED ■WONDERFUL. Had Your Eyes Tested ? ITS HAZARDOUS THINKING THAT NATURE WILL CURE THAT DEFECT. IT CAN'T. GLASSES ARU j RESTFUL, CURATIVE. GET THE] BEST, ALWAYS CHEAPEST, HERE. H. J. MAYHEW When you want to bake your best, you want SNOWDRIFT FLOUR BABY CHICKS BARRED ROCKS WHITE ROCKS BRED-TO-LAY From Government County Breeding Station Pens Headed by O. A. C. PEDIGREED MALE BIRDS Female stock akin in breeding to, and including sisters and half-sisters of: Barred Rock Hen, No. 180, Canadian Egg Laying Contest, 1927, with AA record of 303 eggs. The greatest total ever achieved in any Egg Laying Contest. QUALITY COUNTS SECURE YOUR CHICKS FROM THIS INVINCIBLE STRAIN ORDER NOW! tched WHITE ROCKS: McCALL AND K. A. S. STRAINS Type excellent and real layers , March and April, hatched 100 Chicks. May, hatched . Special prices ( TERMS: ORDER EARLY large orders. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITEB Fair Haven Farm, Colborne Brae Crest. Box 1, Brighton I and Recommended by F. A. PHILP MRS. S. M. PURDY Colborne Castleton New Wall Paper Stock IS NOW IN All the Newest Patterns and Colorings PRICES VERY MODERATE See the "Special" we are running ! Before buying, look over our stock! Jas. Redfearn & Son | PRICE TELLS QUALITY SELLS | Specials for Saturday only GOOD BUYING ENABLES US TO SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES On Friday and Saturday we will give you: Infant's Delight Toilet Soap (.Extra Special) 4 cakes for...................25 Ivory Soap .................6 bars . 25 Bulk Tea, the best tea in Colborne, green or black per rb.....................50 Fresh Ground Coffee, while' you wait, the best in Colborne, per lb........ ........50 ;;!Crisco, lib tins (Special) each............ .23 Pure Silver Leaf Lard, per lb........ ... 16 'Craft Cheese, special for Saturday only, per lb .25 ;;Extra Choice Cooking Onions....... . 81b .25 ; Baking Powder, 16 oz. tills( extra special) each .20 .English Breakfast Cocoa, 16 oz. tins (extra r special each.....................25 ■Large Pkg. Soap Chips, reg. 25c (Special) each .19 Get our prices on everything--we sell for less and for cash. C. M. Allen & Son King Street Prompt Delivery Clothing for Men Ready-Mades--New Spring Stock, all shades--Special values in Blue Serges. . . A Blue Suit is alwr./s dressy See our Spring weight Top Coats Tailor-Made Suits--we offer you extra good bargains. Select your suit from our 1000 samples and have it made to please you--delivered in 4 days. The prices are low--$19.00 to $35.00--Tailored to measure. Made by Semi-Ready, Fashion-Craft. Everybody is talking about the Wonderful Tip Top Suits--for only $24.00.-- Just see them, or ask the man who wears one: Shoes--See our new,spring stock $5. Loo;e at your shoes--everybody else does. You'll feel dressed, up wearing a pair of Astoria fine shoes-- They show class. Hats--For spring 1928--on display. Hard and soft felts, in a host of pleasing shades. Dress Up For Easter--Shop here for Gloves, Ties, Hose, Underwear, Caps, etc. Special Display of Easter Shirts and Ties Odd Vests Odd Trousers for men ana boys. WORK TOGS AT BARGAIN PRICES Overalls Work Shirts Sox, 3 prs. $1.00 Work Gloves Combinations Caps Sweaters WINTER GOODS LESS THAN HALF PRICE Heavy Rubber Boots Solid Ruilt Work Boots Our low expense allows us to give extra values. Boys' Winter Overcoats, reg. $9, for $4.00. Big sizes. Underwear for $1.00, pure wool, reg. $2.00. Trunks Suitcases Club Bags F. W. HAWKINS King Street

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