Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 2 Feb 1928, p. 1

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tfolbor THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1928 $2 a year in advance: $2.50 to U.S.A. COLBORNE SCHOOL BOARD Mr. J. A. Corbyn Elected Chairman for 1928.-Mr. F. J. Smith Re-appointed Secretary - Treasurer.- Standing Committees Re-appointed. The statutory meeting for organization of Colborne Board of Education for 1928 was held Wednesday evening, Feb. 1st. Present:--J. A. Corbyn, C. W. Crandell, H. S. Keyes, H. J. Coyle, J. F. Wilson, B. McCraeken, D. W. Church, H. J. Mayhew, A. E. Donaghy, H. Gale. The Secretary, Mr. F. J. Smith tailed the meeting to order, read the notice from the Village Clerk certifying the election of Messrs. F. M. Brintnell, J. - A. Corbyn and C. W. Crandell at the municipal elections to serve for the years 1928 and 1929, and the appointment of Mr. H. Gale by the Municipal Council for 1928, 1929 and 1930; and Mr. D. W. Church by the Counties Council for 1928, 1929 and 1930. He then asked for nominations for chairman. Mr. J. A. Corbyn was elected chairman of the Board for 1928. Mr. Corbyn on taking the chair ex-presed his thanks for the honour, and asked for the co-operation of the Trustees throughout the year. Mr. Fred J. Smith Secretary-Treasurer $90 per year. Standing Committees The following standing committees were re-appointed, the first, named on each to be chairman of the committee: Finance--H. S. Keyes, H. J. Coyle, D. W. Church, B. MicCracki Schools--F. IV , E. Qui CHARLES H. DAVIDSON, WARDEN j DEATH OF MRS. HUGH ROSS On Tuesday evening, January 24th, 1928, on the eighteenth ballot, Mr. Charles H. Davidson, Deputy Reeve of the Town of Campbellford, was elected Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. It was his third attempt for the honour, and shows his tenacity of purpose. Mr. Davidson will be 57 years of age on March 8th, 1928, and was born in the Village of Manotick, near Ottawa. When a boy of 13 he started in to learn the baking business in Ottawa, and 37 years ago removed to Campbellford, where he worked for a baker in that town for several years before going into business for himself. Twelve years ago, when motors started to come in he went into the garage business, and now is the agent for General Motors in Carapbellford. As well as being Deputy Reeve of the Town, he is chief of the fire brigade, and "blows the big drum" in the Northumberland Regiment Band. He is also owner of the new $12,000 rink put up this year in Campbellford, and the hockey team, as well as being manager of the base ball club, which " e Northumberland League championship last summer. Fraternally, he is a member of the A. F. & A. ^pointed ! M-> 1-O.O.F., L.O.L,, Black Preceptory, :alary' of I and W.O.W. In politics, he is a Conservative, one who is always working for his party. In religion, he is a member of the United Church. He is a married man with four children. He has been in municipal life since 1900, when he was first elected to the ! Council. In his twenty- eight years, •intnell, J. F. Wil- i he was defeated once for Councillor Corbyn. I and twice for Reeve. He first came After an illness of some months, Mabel Mallory, wife of Hugh Ross of Grafton died on Saturday, January 28th, 1928. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Mallory of Toronto (formerly of Grafton). She was _ minent in church and social circles at Grafton, and is survived by her husband, three daughters, Allie, in Toronto; Catherine and Mabel, and one son, Aird, at home; also by her parents and by three sisters, residing in Toronto. The funeral was held on Monday, the interment taking place at the St. Andrew's Church Cemetery, Grafton. Repairs--H. Gale, A. E. Donaghy, I to the Counties Council in 1919, when H. J. Mayhew, C. W. Crandell. [ A. J. Henderson of Cavan Township Notice was read of the annual | was Warden. He was five years meeting of the Ontario Trustees and | Reeve, and three years as Deputy Ratepayers Association to be held in'"" Toronto, in connection with the O.E.A. on April 10th, 11th and 12th, 1928. Appointment of delegates was deferred until next meeting of the Board. Mr. Fred J. Smith was recommended for appointment as School Attendance Officer by Colborne Council. Messrs. Corbyn and Keyes were appointed to press for the 1926 arrears of the Counties maintenance grant. This matter was pressed by Reeves Pinkie and Murphy at the recent meeting of the Counties Council as mey be seen by report of the proceedings on page 8. i Committee were auth- THOMPSON IS CONVICTED ✓en Two Months in Counties' Jal !or Misconduct in Home where Children Lived Harold Thompson, a recent arrival in Colborne, was convicted in County Police Court, Cohourg, Monday, on a charge of misconduct in a house where children under 16 years of age resid ed, and was sentenced by Magistrate W. H. Floyd to two months at the Counties jail. Thompson, it was revealed at the court hearing last week, has been living for some time with a married woman and two children from > rm if°ud,ie°pt ' °ba**** asainst | THE LATE MRS. (DR.) GOULD The funeral of Mrs. Pheobe Dorland Gould (widow of the late Dr. Carmen M. Gould of Colborne), who died at Regina, Saskatchewan, on Sunday, January 22nd, 1928, took place Friday afternoon from Colborne to the family plot in Castleton Cemetery. ! Gould was for many years an e'i ed resident of Colborne, and consistent member of the Me Church and a valued helper xiliaries here. For the " ars Mrs. Gould has been with her brother, Mr. G. N. Drinkwalter, Sask. Mr. Dorland and his son-in-li U. W. Thurston accompanied mains from the West. Mr. Dorland of Brooklyn, N.Y., a and Miss Harper of Oshawa tended the funeral. DEATH OF HARRY CHRIST At 3 Beatty Avenue, Toronto} Christie. Vice-President and Mr of S. F. Bowser Co., Ltd., passed vv.v Friday, January 20th, 1928, af r a lingering illness of thirteen months. Those surviving him are: His wife. Olive Kemp, formerly of Colbor.ig and his daughter Mnrv; his mot he-', M"-' Christie of Glasgow; his broi' Christie, of Vancouver, sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Kenneth of Glasgow, Scotland. Mr. was born in Dundee, Scotland, studied law at Edinburg University, coming to Canada twenty-two years ago, where he entered the employment of the Bowser Company, in whose services he had-been continuously until his death. He was a member of Dunn Avenue United Church, the Rotary Club, Toronto Canoe Club, Lakeview Golf Club, Empire Clubf and of Trade. Interment Ir Parjc Cemetery, Toronto. vV._^, PERSONAL Miss Isabel Folk of Toronto was home over the weekend. Mrs. F. P. Strong spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bryans, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly J. Brown of Oshawa, spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Dr. J. Archer Brown. Miss Olive Earl returned to Brock-ville on Monday, after spending a month's holiday at her home here. Mr. Chas. E. Hanna, ex-M. P. was elected President of Belleville Agricultural Society for 1928, at the annual meeting held last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Heath, Alberta, are visiting her ers, Mrs. W. H. Edwards and Mrs. J. F. Nelson, Church Street. Mr. A. Dromhiller, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Dudley, and Mr. J. M. Kemp of Detroit spent a few days at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kemp. In the list of officers elected by St. Paul's Ladies' Guild, Marmora, is the e of Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton Crawford (nee May McGlennon, formerly of Colborne). Mr. G. E. Reynolds and son, Jack, or" Beeton motored down and spent a couple of days visiting at the homes of his brother, Mr. S. Reynolds, and nephew, Mr. Keating. There appears to be no change in the condition of Mrs. H. L. Chapin, Chief Friend of Oshawa COMING EVENTS The Willing Workers of St. Andrew's Chtef JamiescT of' CoYbornTlate Mon- ^^fj" QChurch ^.^J**? day evening that a LaSalle coupe had f^™™^ Supper 011 Fnday' been taken from that city in, the j Jbul' IM^-______ b'U afternoon. A description was also given stating the car body to be a Tne Castleton Women's Institute dark wine color, six wire wheels, grey j ^Utlh°ld \heir s°°™1 ~~~ top, and the license number. similar to this had been Castleton town hall, Saturday, Feb. 11th, 1928, consisting of games, and r families. son kept on the lookout until after 1 a.m. and was about to give up when a young man walked into the Brunswick Hotel and asked to use the pay telephone. Chief Jamieson slipped and discovered the description parked Church Street, north of the hotel. He came back and placed the young fellow under arrest as he came out of the telephone cabinet. He gave the name of Johnson, but later it turned out his name was J. Turner, a native of Peterboro. Provincial officers Reid and Dickson of Oshawa, and also Mr. Moffit from whose garage the car had been . taken, came down Tuesday morning j and took the man and car back with j A ph them. It seems the young woman had ' Monday been taken home Monday evening, and ' ' oung fellow had again come to Colborne, apparently just enjoying the fun of stepping on the gas. The car iglit-cylinder engine, could 5-2 The Young People's Guild of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will present a short Play and Musical , Programme at their regular meeting, answering the ' Monday evening, February 6th, 192S,„ -1 ;" the Sunday School Hall. Silver Election. All welcom Saturday Afternoon Teas will be held until further notice in the Council Room, Colborne, under the auspices of the Colborne Village Improvement Society. Tea. sandwiches and cake served from 3 to 6 p.m. Proceeds in aid of Public Library. All are ho has been seriously ill in hospitalj be made to cover the ground fa in Toronto. Mr. Chapin spent Sunday i !t was noticed going the limit by in the city, at the home of his daught- f several. held by the W. A. of Trinity Chi in the Parish Hall. Over $16.00 v realized. Another will be held i Monday evening, Feb. 6th, 1928. : coeds go to the fund tor the re-dec tion of the church building. husband. In court Thompson declar-ARDEN WELCOMED ed that he had not known that he BY HIS HOME TOWN i was doing wrong and quoted from the :---• Old Testament in support of his con- iCharles H. Davidson, the new War- j tention that certain immoralities are den of the United Counties of North- not crimes. He said that he has lived umlberland and Durham, was given a j a straight, good life and has never rousing reception on returning to his ! been convicted in court before, home town, Campbellford, Friday! "This woman came to me and I The Regimental Band, the j couldn't_ turn her away." Thompson January 5th, 1928, of a formef^Vell known and highly respected resident of Alnwick Township, in the person of Mr. Hargrave Halstead, in his 82nd year. Mr. and Mrs. Halstead moved to Calgary about 14 years ago, where they have resided ever since. Council i lemibers of the Town' said. "We Salvationists tak< i body, joined the proces-! one in." sion from tne station, and what with] Magis fireworks and bonfires, old-timers say , Attorne. it was the biggest night the old town i pressed has had since the relief of Ladysmith. ' 1"' e W. H. Floyd and Crown j /. F. Kerr, K.C.. both im-. on Thompson that he had I been doing wrong. He was led away j HERE'S A CHANCE, at OUR risk, use Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis, for Cough, Bronchitis, Croup, Catarrh, Whooping-cough, Quinsy, Sore Throats and Tonsil troubles. Results good or money back. GOULD'S DRUG STORE, Colborne. 4-2 The Ontario Government has been urged to license poultry dealers in the Province. Pressure has been brought to bear on the Provincial authorities, it is said, with a view to check chicken stealing in the Province. Butter Wrappers at Express Office. S. B. Rollins, Reeve of Tweed, has been elected to the position of Warden for Hastings County for the year 1928. I TEST THE CAPACITY OF STRAIN YOUR EYES WILL ENDURE, THE DELICACY OF THE EYE, ITS FORMATION AND THE INTRICACIES OF ITS NERVE SYSTEM ARE INDEED Vv'C NDERFUL. Had Your Eyes Tested ? ITS HAZARDOUS THINKING THAT NATURE WILL CURE THAT DEFECT. IT CAN'T. GLASSES ARE RESTFUL, CURATIVE. GET THE BEST, ALWAYS CHEAPEST, HERE. H. J. MAYHEW CING STREET Oyster Supper under the auspices of the Colborne U. F. O. and U. F. W. O. CLUBS IN THE CLUB ROOMS, OVER EDWARDS' STORE Friday, February 3rd, 1928 SUPPER 50 CENTS DANCE in Victoria Opera House, Colborne FLEMING'S ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE REMEMBER THE DATE! Mrs. M. M. Elli At the annual meeting of the Cram.' ahe Municipal Telephone System the officers were re-elected: C. W. Mas-sey (chairman), Clayton Peacock and Herman Reynolds, as Commissioners, F. A. Black as Secretary-Treasurer. Hastings Star: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fowlds left on Monday last to spend a week in New York, where Mr.Fowlds is in attendance at the Trent Waterways Development Association exhibit at the New York Motor Boat Show. At the reorganization meeting of the Belleville Board of Education John Elliott was again elected Chairman for a fourth term. W. Jeffers Diamond was elected secretary of the Board, a post he has continuously held since 1881. Toronto Gloibe: iMjr. and Mrs. Frank L. Webb announce the engagement of their only daughter, Jean Kennedy Keller, to Mr. Arthur Stuart Robert-SQVL..B,4„Sn, 00»..<»'..J>oW{ri. Oahnrtcn. , Walkerton. The marriage will take place February twenty-first in St. Thomas' Church at 2 o'clock. While regretting the circumstances causing the visit, old Colborne friends were pleased to greet Mr. Jack Dorland of New York, who was here to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Gould. Mr. Dorland, who served his apprenticeship in the Express Printing Office, is now proprietor of a good-sized job printing establishment in New York. He left Colborne twenty-two years ago. Mr. Dorland was the guest of his cousin. Mr. W. E. Gould, while in Colborne. Toronto Mail-Empire: Miss Margaret Davidson, daugh'er of Venerable Archdeacon and Mrs. J. C. Davidson, 156 Cottingham Street, Toronto, is leaving Toronto in a day or two and will sail Friday, February, 3, on the S.S. Olympic en route to Karohi, India, where her marriage is to take place on March 15 to Captain J. O. L. Mason, 2nd Punjab Regiment, son of Canon and Mrs. Mason, Toronto. The police officers and also the owner of the car were greatly pleased, and said so, with the attentions of Chief Jamieson in the matter. Ross--At Grafton, on Saturday, Jan. :, 1928, Mabel Abigail Mallory, beloved wife of Hugh Ross, in her 53rd . Funeral Monday, Jan. 30, from the family residence, Grafton, to the Preshyterian Church Cemetery, at Grafton. COAL In the past week I have unloaded over 100 tons of the Best Coal mined in the Pennsylvania fields, and would solicit a fair share of your patronage. ONE PRICE TO ALL PEOPLE AH Coal Thoroughly Screened before leaving shed F. P. STRONG DEATHS CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramiahe Council met in the Council Chamlber, Castleton, Jan. 28th, 1928, at ten o'clock. Members all present, Reeve Murphy in the dhair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Orders were drawn on the treasurer as follows: E. Hoover, refund dog tax. . . . 2.00 Lorne Darling, stamps .. .. 1.11 W. E. Irish, work on road .. 4.50 Clare Jones, blasting pits .... 8.38 Neil F. MacNachtan, re Weath- erup................ 23.25 Municipal World, supplies. . .. 12.63 Harry McCraeken, work, road 12.00 gpgy mm, in? m*&m fl ** is................ 19.50 Geo. H. Blakely, wood...... 5.00 E. Vanwicklin, work, road 39.00 arry Darling, bal. work on .bridge.............. 5.25 John Weatherup, work on road 7.50 Ellen Hopkins, work on road. . 48.75 Teachers' Salaries-- Gladys Collins, s.s. 23.. .. 87.75 A. E. Jones, s.s. 22....... 200.00 Archie Frost, s.s 4...... 100.00 C. W. Massey, s.s. 16 . . . . 100.00 Ralph Wilce, s.s. 26.. ..200.00 Cramahe Municipal Telephone System.............. 550.00 Mrs. P A. Thompson, care of hall................ 3.50 F. D. McCallum, gravel .. .. 1.20 Won. Everden. gravel...... 20.00 Cecil May, gravel........ 11.30 E A. Rutherford, repairs culvert and dragging.......... 6.00 W. W. Mutton, work on road. . 149.60 W. W, Mutton, work on dam. . 18.65 Sylas Tryon, work on road .. 3.50 J. F. Haynes, gravel...... 4.80 Council adjourned to meet the last Friday in February at 11 o'clock. i Churc 16th, The Ladies' Aid c are giving a splendid cenc Thursday evening, February 1928. A good programme consisting ot songs, quartettes, solos, tableaux, and a short play, "A Troublesome Investment," put on by the young people. Adults 35c; children 20c. Come and enjoy an evening of pleasure with To Invitation Holders: The Order j of the Eastern Star will hold a dance and euchre on Wednesday evening, February 8th, 1928, at 8 o'clock. Admission 50 cents each, including tax. Previous invitation holders will please notice. THREE-DAY POULTRY COURSES AT COLBORNE AND CAMPBELLFORD TS"Tn~TUU<.ii}'t 'of 'UlVOraiiaUOll Ifdm h>r- - onto relative to the conducting of two three day poultry short courses ir. the County. One will be held at Colborne, in thie Town Hall, Feb. 211-23, and the other will be held in Campbellford, March 6-8. Instructors in charge of these courses are, Mr. George Robertson. Assistant Dominion Poultry Husband-man, Ottawa, and Mr. J. Frazer, Poul-tryman of the Agricultural School at Kemptville. These men are rated with the best in poultry lore and poultry keepers in the County would do well to keep these dates in mind and arrange to be in attendance. Births............35 Marriages.......... 9 Deaths............34 G. R. Beavis, Township Clerk. BABY CHICKS BARRED ROCKS WHITE ROCKS BRED-TO-LAY From Government County Breeding Station Pens Headed by O. A. C. PEDIGREED MALE BIRDS Female stock akin in breeding to, and including sisters and half-sisters of: Barred Rock Hen, No. 180, Canadian Egg Laying Contest, 1927, with AA record of 303 eggs. The greatest total ever achieved in any Egg Laying Contest. QUALITY COUNTS SECURE YOUR CHICKS FROM THIS I ORDER NOW! 'INCIBLE STRAIN WHITE ROCKS: McCALL AND K. A. S. STRAINS Type excellent and real layers 100 Chicks, March and April, hatched......$35.00 100 Chicks. May, hatched..............$25.00 Special prices on large orders. TERMS: 20% cash with order, balance C.O.D. Delivery guaranteed. ' P FARLY CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Fair Haven Farm, Colborne Making final arrangements for the Seed Fair to be held in Cobourg on March 15thM6th, and 17th, members of the Quinte District Seed Society met in the Counties Council Committee room at Cobourg last Thursday. The meeting was an enthusiastic one and indications point to a successful A special committee was appointed to look after the arrangements for the Fair. It com/prises D. J. Gibson of Bowmanville, R. L. Haldsworth of Cobourg R.R. 4, W. Reynolds of Port Hope, H. Tait of iMillbrook, L. H. Winslow of Ida, W. D. Haig of Colborne R.R. 5, Col. L. T. McGloughlin of Tyrone, and Reeve George Thompson of Cobourg. Special membership committees for each Township in the Counties were also appointed. The Society decided to hold five seed cleaning demonstrations and meetings in Durham and Northumberland Counties dates and places to be announced later. Mr. H. W. Pear-Bellevville, Seed Inspector for Central Ontario, was present at the meeting. AUCTION SALES --by-- 8. E. ROBINSON Friday, Feb. 10th, 1928 at 1 p.m.-- Dairy cattle, sheep, horses, farm implements, hay, grain, gasoline engine, etc., of Mr. E. Quinn on the premises, Lot 27, Con. 7, Cramahe Township, 1% miles East of Castleton., Usual terms. Hay and Grain Cash. S. E. Robinson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES ---by- Oscar C. Morgan, Auctioneer Hilton, R.R. No. 1 Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 1928--Auction sale of Mr. Geo. Riley, 1 mile north of Trenton: Entire farm stock and implements, consisting of extra choice herd of dairy cows, heavy horses, hay, grain and machinery. No reserve as Mr. Riley is giving up farming. Wednesday, Feb. 15th, 1928--Auction sale of Mr. Gilbert Vanslyke, near Breeze School, 2nd con.: Farm stock and implements. No reserve as Mr. Vanslyke is leaving the farm. Butter Wrappers at Express Office,

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