Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1977, p. 15

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7ihelp waited ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE the examlner Saturday Dec 31 197115 RESPONSIBLE PERSON willing babysit in my home It month old baby lrom am to 530 pm in Napier and Johnson Street area For more informa tion call 737 3135 sus AN HOUR interesting telephone work Phonina lrom our oltice only SPECIAL NOTICES CASH Death Notices Engagements Births Telephone 726 8420 on Monday and Tues $550 day am °° maximum 40 words additional words To cents per word 14° gum in CardolthankslAOwords Dally Busmess Directory gm Minimum Macaw WTV InMomorlomhoverse $550 ee USt oo overt Cl ow vertlsers afioml Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line listed are experts in their field and will assure you ol the Coming Events $322 per column inch Expanding In Barrie area now llnest lob possible taking applications for men and women full or parttime to fill over twenty available positions immediately No experience necessary Complete company HAPPY EIRST ca ANNIVERSARY ralnl us av ac ss ALUMINUM DRYWALL IIOME IMPROVEMENTS PICTURE ERAMING co DvaAu co CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement To Iolixing in Custom HFdrenoebllnry plastnir andl decoratsng ptrivacy egreans p0 IOS auminum 007 Um OI or texllirfelssrylihc EZTRJ illr°l°2T50ln5 ducting£13933 ELL CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING Feruenvmgv CALL FT GaulELrwrmfi 77777 SPECIALIZING IN Tuckd pointing irimneys RETAIL COMMERCAL 737 483 ALUMINUM EAVESTIIOIIGIIING £3123 23C1iloil°i2l $3222 CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 90 From The Composmg Room 589346 Siding Eavestrough FATIM Eniztiofiggggn 50 EETIIEEWSAEPEETRT 63 £7015 MOIdCY Friday The Examiner my °LA 22 Winggys SUPERIOR hEAVESTROUGLIING Cleanin HINTmoi Gum EZEMIEP P3935 éXPANDING CANALwa rs caves raug an ice on snow remova ny Shutters OAwnings 3T92£Tggfiéu Mam vflsm dations renovations Wdfitlohslg Plfdlr afifgsugegsggfalsfiuprsrseorvxhgiggowggt 43629S5 or 4361I75 alter pm GENERAL HOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 4363I77 alter pm DAVEY Jamese at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday December 30 I977 James Davey beloved husband of Isabella Shering and the late Montta Jago and lather ot Faye Mrs Vincent GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth at your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont LoT 2J6 THOUSANDS OF THINGS To SELL AdditionsRooting Porch EnclosuresStonework EAVESTROUGHING conlractor and repairs Jack Bates Free estimates Il7 Burton Ave Allandale 72686577alteipm ELECTRICAL SNOW BLOWING For If 95Im019 les SNOWBLOWING Lowest rails in town bus€55 firms Calendars matches Ad relatives lnthose tar awayplaces Place Cole and Ralph James Davey Grand Pull spummc PH GAMBLE c°i° Renovmmg gletlzyghoRSTMTWstTrslgl speClalties printed labels tapes ollice amouncemeftl an DIV Call The lather ol stx grandchildren and three ResIdential Industrial Installations and ser 77 Examiner Classrlied 728 24 great grandchildren SUIVIVEG 350 DY Rec roomlamily room supplies etc Top commissions Alco Local Family Business EARTHTONE Rooling aluminuminstalla lions renovations GOETGHELUCK Free estimates Reasonable rates Telephone MfilfimnccEm APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd outhorixed sales and service I8 Alliance Blvd Unit I9 AOTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv I7 Mary St 72654 TFIRO llOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses Ior sale Apply at 92 Miran Ave Barrie or telephone 7285283 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces WZEL Luv CARPENTER Spocialixing in rec rooms in teriar remodelling trim etc Please call 7288884 alterbpm CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine lurniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2946 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisloction toronteod and Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc Nag to small 72674271 CONSTRUCTION licencedcarpenters lor renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 4351995 777 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with Al carpet steam M3 SAVE SAVEVSIeamflcIeaner for rent SIS per day 7280883 FREE delivery and COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo damgn art work layout etc Plese call collect 416 936262 M7ir if iiwffi Cit$10M FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood lences Improve your property 737 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT rl made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing In pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia St Phone 7266000 DRESSMAKING TAILORING and alloratibns Reasonable rates For appointment call 7373984 between am and DRYWALL CONSTRUCTION General Carpentry Drywall Interior and Exterior Painting Spray Texture 7288663 BARRIE 4240052 BORDEN 67 fruits vegetables POTATOES FOR SALE Chaice quality Also some number twos will deliver Telephone 778 767 728 9378 ispersonals SLEIGH RIDES Evenings Weekends Reasonable Rates 7286078 alter 600 pm MWFF22 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 72865G1Il you drink thats your business It you want to quit thats Ours Call any time RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie two minutes Windy HaughFarmJZo 0192 MONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let triend help Call Telecare 726 7972 anytime UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 737 267i YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea cup reading For appointment call 728 0907 INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 737 2972 BOWLERS WANTED Singles or couples to finish last hall of bowling season Call Art or Chuck at Kempvmw Bowl 728 976i CATERING No party too small Christmas parties bullets hors doeuvres Hot or cold Guaranteed Reasonable rates 726 4940 BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 00 530p and Thursdnyo 3O 30 737 4772 726 9300 Ext 236 HORSE DRAWN SLEIGHRIDES Come and enioy yoursoll $75 per hour Telephone no 3776 THE WINNERS ol the LAKE SIMCOE REPEATER ASSOCIATION drawing held at Georgian College on Dec l2 I977 were lst prize Nixon IMIIowdale Si37 75 7nd prize Dianne DobratzNewmarkelAlghan 11help waited gillllllllIllIllllllllIIlIlllllllllllllllllllllllg RIRBY OPPORTUNITY PEOPLE NEEDED new for our plemled edvencement program CHI 7267205 TF lllIIlIIiIiliiiiiilllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE IN BUDGET SOUEEZE Bills piling up Take the pressure all with the extra cash you can earn as an AVON REPRESENTATIVE Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont UM 4T7 ElliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII FSTF flfilfiifiLL SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic I8 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work 4364558 43642757 WE GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 EIREPLACES STONEWORK and lireplaces specialty Vic Wgtson Ior lree estimates 728IVS99 gt EIREWOOD FIREWOOD FOR SALE Mixed hardwoods Will deliver Telephone 7260703 evenings and weekends FIREPLACE HARDWOODS Cheaper by the lull cord Free delivery also cedar posts IEIPPIIPPEPBIW FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to 929994 975429 HANDYMAN GENERAL HOME CARE Rools cleaned ol ice and snow Snowplowing °Small moving jobs Garages and basements cleaned Trash hauled away OChimneys Cleaned BARRIE 4875155 fiNfiDYMAN will do paperhang by car tiling lurniture stripping and Lil9cff9i 7373975 Handyman Will do painting paper hanging lloor tiling lurniture stripping and refinishing Call Paul 797 2375 RUG SHAMPOOING wall washing painting Bygonelis belle 7737167 SNOW REMOVAL Irom home and cottage rools Also alterations and repairs Log Con tEUEiSIFBTFSI 92 9°°lti9r 73736 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 altar 30 References available NEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom ploy room laundry Olllce storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 7288906 7T help waited GROWING INTERNATIONAL CHEMICAL CO needs mature dependable person to contact protected industrial accounts in Barrie area Excellent op portunity for high income security plus bonuses and benefits Contact Crawlord Box 247 Sto Toronto Ont MBZ 5PI 031 TIRED OF BEING laid all Of low pay We have part and lull time positions open with above average wage tor am bitious persons With car Barrie and sur rounding area Telephone All 895 gt53 71 help wilted week 330 500 pm Construction Specialists FREE ESTIMATES Cal TOM 7260424 INCOME TAR INCOME TAX returns prepared An us Bar rie area 55 up Dobson 4245 IO alter 50nd weekends MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specialtyLEree estimate 705424 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music tor people who like to dance Good raLeS 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular ALarcel PgtrviniGuirtar Studio 726lffi9 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two months trial instrument loaned Iar home practice Canadian Aca demy olMusic I2l Baylield728l799 GUITAR Classical and lolk string ban and drums The Bandstand Bayliold Ma 726497 DRUM INSTRUC Iossons available In Ian PROFESSIONAL TION Private rock or classical Reasonable rates renown229 SOCIALAND BALLROOM DANCING Instruction lor all occasions Classes now forming MACOUPLE CALL 72647 23 REGIONAL ACADEMY OEDANCING PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Establish ed307yeorsr 726 2275 726 9002 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267389 PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced lroe estimates Jack Richardson 726 20I2 measu PAULS PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satlslactlon guaranteed M29 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING in tumor exterior paper hanging custom work Satisloction guaranteed 7266808 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex PARTTIME KITCHEN AND COUNTER HELP REQUIRED MCBOIIBIGO it ATTENTION STUDENTS Interested in gaining linancial independence McDonalds will hire lilteen to twenty parttime employees Benelits include above minimum wages lood discount unilorm supplied scheduled pay raises three shifts per Contact manager on duty MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY tenor wallpapering custom textured walls arid ceilings Telephone 705 835 5387 local PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom from at all types We stock many Sizes m11° 75 71 help waited AN OHIO OIL CO ollers plenty cl money plus cash bonuses at home training for mature in dividual in Barrie area Regar dless of experience write Read Pres American Lubricants Co Box 696 Dayton Ohio 45401 031 RELIABLE PERSON tr IIVt Ill and help look alter two rhildrinl and Some housekeeplnrl dljllt involved Please reply stating rixprrmnu and salary CXDICIII It Box Wu Thl Ex aminer Barrm HE WAN Telephone 718 148 71 help slatted Cilr rcIUIrId SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable rates mates call Paul 7373064 WRIGHTSVSNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and residential Reasonable rates Dependable 7267757 REICHEN SNOW PLowmo DJSHOWDIOTWTHTQE Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by clean up Call 7265666 BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Residential and commercial Best service in town Reas onoble rates Telephone 7372892 oouos SNOWPLOWING small comlTIOTCTOI land residential Reasonable rates 7288160 SNOWPLOWING ArResidentlal driveways and parking lots Barrie and laniinl Township IdsrhevfléJii ROOFING CONTRACTOR Residential Commercial Snowplowing Snow Removal Reasonable Rates Contract seasonal or by Cleanup 7370818 Anytime residential and Irea estl J5 SNOW REMOVAL FROM Roors ONLY Call before noon 7373657 Askrlor Kirk or Gord RESIDENTIAL SNOWPLowmo Reasonable rates Barrie hnislil Telephone 6362695 artytimer TONYS SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates Contract Relevance il needed Coll mszn STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurst telephone Ll DSIJ357 1978 ARE YOU GOING TO START ANOTHER YEAR IN THE SAME HUT SAME JOB SAME HEADACHES SAME WORRIES SAME WAGES DON We are one ol Canadas fastest growing lirms and we need good people We will train you for career position leading to management Excellent pay and promising luture can be yours simply by picking up your phone and giving us the chance to talk to you DONT HESITATE CALL 737 4904 Immediately AND DISTRIBUTORS 7284392 WELL DRILLING Morris Gllberts Water Well Drillin Farm home cottage and wels Free estimate IO years experience Angus 4245657 WELDING BILLS WELDING AND RAILING SPECIALTIES hr days Very reasonable rates Misc welding No lobtoo small 7264406 NOTICE llllllllllil Int lliifIllIéll wiil Till pill day previous noun Saturdav 7ihelp wmted II you wont to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hald valid drivers licence over 2i yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 WANTED MATURE PERSONS for Telephone Soliciting Apply at 39 COLLIER ST SUITE I03 or call 7267205 LIVE IN HOLISEKEEPER needed tor motherless lamily children and years nice home in Coldwatrr with comfortable accommodation Apply Box 457 Coldwater Call 83 3H0 days or 686 7900 evenings BABYSITTER REQUIRED tor alter noon kindergarten child Steel St school area Cal726 3966 EXPERIENCED COOK required for medium sized dining room Reply to Box Wu The Examiner Barrie stating ex perience and salary required WANTED LIVE IN HOUSE KEEPER mature for two weeks at January to care tor three school aged children Excellent wages For more in lormation telephone 835 $684 day or night RESPONSIBLE PERSON required to do housekeeping and day Care Of tour year old Five day week Riverwood Farms area Must have Iransportation 7266l58 lIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER required tor motherless lamily Two children ages II and Please provide references Telephone 726 3839 RESPONSIBLE PERSON willing to babysit In my home It month old baby from It pm to am In Napier and Johnson Street area For more lnlorma lion call 737 3135 ONE LICENSED BODY PERSON and one PAINTER required lor busy flat rate shop Steady flow at work lringe benetits Apply to Joe Burton Paul Sadlon Motors 726 IBII DISC JOCKEY required three nights weekly Apply in person Bayshore Motor Hotel RESPONSIBLE MATURF LADY to babysit two children ages and 7V years three to tour days week Telephone 726 9677 APPLICATIONSARE BEING RECEIV ED for position at Health Care Ald or Nurse Aid tor care at profoundly mental ty handicapped children and adolescents Employee is expected to wch weekend shill rotations and must have own transportation Employee benefits In ellect For interview or lanaements telephone 436 IMI between 9am andApm Box 3772 Ottawa 76employment wanted GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Invites lob alters from In dustries and applications from competent workers FREE SERVICE 7265360 MWFJ2 EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home Full or part time Children aged one year and over Constant super vision Reterences available Please call 728 7096 lor more inlormation HONEST AND RELIABLE woman desires housework by the day Will also cook and bake Phone 737 4N5 MATUR WOMAN experienced will go out babysitting Also hand knit mittens for sale Telephone 726 4967 BOX REPLIES Whlle every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liabllitiy in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in lor warding such replies however otherwise TF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices lor the pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Oouilled Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional words IOcts per word CARD OF THANKS words $550 Addi tIonaI words I0cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $550 With verse per count line 22 cents per llne COMING EVENTS $3 27 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply II paid within days One or two Insertions 9ic per word per Insertion Three consecutive insertions cents per word per Insertion total $648 Six con secutive insertions 8ic per word per Inser tion total SI22A Multiple Insertions may be ordered eubiect to cancellation when Iatlslactory results obtained Method oI counting lower than 74 words count as 24 words Each Initial abbreviation set ol numbers etc count on separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are accepted convenlence to the advertisers Therelore the Claslllled Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement Immediately alter llrlt inser lion in order that any error or omission may be reported belore am In order that some may be rectilled lar the following day publication The Examiner II responsible lor only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the mlsprlnl Er rors whlch do not lessen the value at the advertisement are not eligible tor correc tlons by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reject any want ads PHONE 72824 Route NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE 483 engagements MR AND MRS GEORGE MOTH are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Susan Elilaheth to William Terry Wedding to be held on January 7th I978 ISdeetlts ROBE RTSON Michael John Entered into rest on Thursday December 29th I977 Michael John Robertson in his I7th year Dear son of Kenneth and Joan Robertson Brother ol Kim Scott Susan Jody and Janine Lavina grandson of Mr and Mrs Bearcrolt and Mr Clair Robertson Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar rie on Friday from to 930 pm and Saturday lrom 10 am until time of ser vice at2130p Interment Barrie union Cemetery DEES Arnold After lengthy illness at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday December 30 1977 Arnold Dees in his 55m year Beloved husband at Jennie Dees ol Painswick Loving lather ol Mary Jo ers Brown of Barrie Carla of Toronto and Anita and Arnold both at home Dear brother of Marie Mrs Van der Maas Neeltie Mrs Van der Ree and Petrus all of Holland and Jack at St Thomas private lamily service was held lrom the Jennett Funeral Home l5 Bradlard St Barrie Interment later at St Pauls Cemetery Stroud THOMPSON Harry Bruce At Grove Park Home Barric on Thursday December 29 I977 Harry Bruce Thomp son in his 95th year beloved husband OI the late Lomsa Bates dear lather at Robert ol Barrie and Helen Mrs John Forsyth at Markham Grandfather ol Jettrey and Steven Thompson and Stephanie and Leanne Forsyth Friends may call at Sterkley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter Sun day Complete sorwce in the chapel on Monday January at It Interment Barrie Union Cemetery COLE Harvey Canadian National Railway pensioners club died peaceful Iy at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Friday December 30 I977 Harvey Hamilton Cole in his 89th year beloved husband at the late Levina Hanes Lov ing lather ot Iva Blakesley Norma Shaw Marion lnnos and Lloyd all of Etobicoke Hilda Swan OI Oshawa Graydon ol Corunna Ontario Edith Coles Phyllis Greenough Barbara Browning and PatriCia Cole all at Bar no and one brother Howard of Midland and predeceased by daughter Laurine OBrien and grandson Murray Greenough Dear granolather oI I5 grandchildren Resting at the Jennett funeral Home I5 Bradford street Bar rk Vi5itation lrom Saturday at Ser VILl and committal complete In thi lapel on Monday January 7nd at Interment later at Barrio Union Cemetery KINGWiIma Alma At the Royalvic tam Hospital Barrio on Friday December 30 I977 Wilma chgvl King In her 59th year DLIDVLU wile ol the late Stanley King Dear mother of Sandra of Don Mills and Robert and Sonya both at home Dear sister of Jean Manning Ol Creemoro EI5ie Colo ot Corunna On taro Harold Switzer ot Orilliii and Les SwilIer oI Barric Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home l5 Bradford St Barrie Visitation lrom Saturday at Ser Vice and committal complete in the chapel on Monday January at 30 lnlvrmrnt St Pauls Cemetery In ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 AGE I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service AMPLE PARKING AT REAR MWFTF WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 two sisters In England Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie after pm Sunday Com plete service in the chapel on Tuesday January at 2pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery Innislil tilwilt of tinIlls ETHERINGTON The lamily ot the late Frank Etherington wish to express their appreciation to relatives lriends and neighbors for their kindness cards llowers and donations to Canadian Cancer Society and Heart Fund special thanks to Dr Lewis and Rev Frill s7 iiile MARKLE Dora who passed away Dec 31 1973 You could not say goodbye to me Perhaps it was iust as well For could never say goodbye To someone loved so well ltbroke my heart to lose you Butyou did notgoalone For partol me wentwith you The day God called you Home Sheltered by the rock of ages Anchored on the golden share In the loving arms of Jesus She is saletorever more Ever remembered and loved by her husband Stan Children and grand chudren CLARK In loving memory of dear lather and grandfather George William who passed away January 11976 little message sweet and tender Just to say westill remember Always remembered and sadly miss edby Mary Jean John andtamilies Gomhg events IACPOT BINGO After day of skiing together on Vail Mountain today Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and former President Gerald Ford walked through town to do little shopping and stop in and see some friends The Canadian Prime Minister who is on ski vacation at Snowmass came over to visit Ford The Ford family is spending the holidays here AP Photo Afternoon outing for pair of VIPs VAlL Colo AP Despite objections from US Secret Service agents Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and former president Gerald Ford boarded skilift chair together Friday where the Fords are staying then walked the 150 yards to the ski lift with Ford With Secret Service agents local police and ski patrol members travelling behind and in front of them it SOUTHWARD RATEPAYERS for an afternoon on Vail Moun took 10 lift chairs to get the ASSOCIATION Iain party up the mountain WEDJAN 4th 1978 The Secret serVce agents Susan Ford the former presi 130 EM wanted Trudeau and Ford to dents daughter travelled with r00 on travel in separate chairs wtth Secret Service agent in ll an armed agent beside each Chair behind Ford and Guaranteed $37500 Jackpot man Ford usually goes along Trudeau soumwum All with that arrangement but in GILUWWD sisted this time on going up Imdy ho has vacationed withrmdeau here smce his days asa sum The prime minister is vaca congressman from MIChIgaOi IS 56907 timing this week at Aspen an strong intermediate skier 031434 BINGO EVERY MONDAY Trudeau is an expert pair Of skis designed for powder snow were sent to the top of the mountain by Trudeaus aides Ford has never skied the deep powder in the bowls on the back side of the mountain other of the resort towns in the high Rocky Mountains Ford in vited him to Vail where hudeau was to spend the night with the Ford family after dinner party with friends of the Fords 8pm It IS gomg to be great Ford and his Wife Betty ar CANz9l2wILEGON day Ford said as he waited rived here last week for ski for Trudeau to arrive by car mg vacationMrs Ford greeted Trudeau at the Fords house but she did not go skiing St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION Sloo STF fmm Aspen The prime minis fer stopped briefly at the house PINE CREST GALA NEW YEARS EVE BALL Tickets on sale Phone 7281028 WSD31 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO VESPRA Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier PHONE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 ST VINCENTWELLINGTON AREA OWENWELLINGTON AREA MINESING QUEEN ST CODRINGTONALBERT AREA FERRISHEATH AREA Hockey on wheels Hockey in Torontos Riverdale Park took on new look when Blake Rushtotl front and his brother Ted roar hopped on their bicycles for game Forecasters say icemaking weather will continue Photo DUFFERIN AREA Some IOWyers like to see QC title dropped TORONTO CP Some lawyers have suggested the practice in Canada of awarding the title Queens counsel QC to members of their profession should be dropped The federal government has Just announced 11 new QCs among them former finance minister Donald Macdonald province are eligible for the title short list Of potential QCs is drawn up by the attor neygenerals office for ap proval by the cabinet Allan Mintz Toronto lawyer who has practised law years butlis not QC said The Ontario attorne enerals Its Ilse 855 1t doesnt office will name Qngon Sun mam anythmg day It may even be fraud upon the public

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