Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1977, p. 14

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14 the examiner Saturday Dec 31 1977 CLASSIFIED ADS DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 om to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 haurs prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until om accommodations to share 26 births 81 cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 54 houses to rent 17 lost found 70 opportunity lor men women74 property for sole or rent 03 snowmobiles 38 adoptions 82 boots motors 41 cottages lor sole 28 farm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 lots lor sale 04 posture for sole 61 property management 08 space for rent 24 opts to rent 16 business opportunities 07 Colleges wanted 29 teed seed grain 60 in memorioms 87 market basket 66 posture to rent 62 property wanted 02 stamps and cains 45 opts wanted to rent is camping equipment 56 deaths 85 financial ii instructions 69 marriages 84 posture wanted 63 public notices 80 summer properties for sale 31 articles lor sale 40 card of thanks 86 dogs pets 44 florists 89 insurance 10 mobile homes trailers 14 personals 68 resorts 3O swaps 467 articles to rent 43 cars for sale 32 employment wanted 76 fruits and vegetables 67 landscaping 53 money to loan 13 photography 49 room and board 21 teachers wanted 73 articles wanted 42 cars wanted 33 engagements 83 garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 plants and bulbs 52 rooms to let 20 tenders 73 auctions sales 79 coming events 88 exchange 48 garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcyles 37 poultry and chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 trade schools 75 auto accessories 36 commercial sale or rent 09 larms for rent 06 help wanted livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales help agents 72 tFBOS and Shrubs 5T auto service and repairs 35 construction machinery 55 forms lor sale 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 ollice stores tor rent 23 property lor sale 01 sewice and repairs 54 trucks and trailers 01 property for sale 01 property for salt 01 property for role 01 property lor 3791977 777 12 mms 16 qm to rent 17 lioiius to rent 33 our wanted 40 Selector ode 5133222235etifteiit°i snags $3Ll332f°ti URGENTLY REQUIRED MORTGAGES ARRANGED two260980 weekd7a7ys777 Pfece bal UIIY misnea Please CB For Barries Newest Car Dealer Reasonable Rates Two BEDROOM AfiPAIRITMENES sbzlao $5695th fly WOOD STOVES nthl nciudes ut ies an ca own ouses or ran Exslng petsy Iclose to Baylield Mall Lease Three bedrooms washrooms heated Eflldom IARRIE Mongoges eqUImd Telemme 77 6099 93999 Aduns °lY 790 mommY GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL Clean burning Purchased ONE AND Two bedJoopt apartinsnttjs agflgglgmngfliu 1T mingfimm 709 AUTOMOBILES oAlrtIght construction rent Fridge an sove incu 777 777 F° Toerlephane 737 1674 between 500and 700 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW At Rwsonobly Priced to neALIOR Mortgage Life Insurance pm tachcdgarage close to City available anytime Available TWO LARGE two bedroom apartments mmwaeV lemon 7283366 or gt one available January tst one February 96 MwFm 1st Close to downtown on bus mu 7777 FINANCIAL Un7ht Wing 285mm to let I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 peptic semigcousq slittinggrid First and last mon ren no pe M7wp mpiierapprox mon so In TY ENTERPRISES Phone 726 6725 alter4pm 357E2530V2ifagfiifggff excellent condition Asking $550 l2l BAYFIELD 5T BACHELOR APARTVENTI addU Gentlemen prelerred Telephone ifitrugks anq trailers BAH UNL Iy suit older person rent Inc es ave 7278 4268 days or 728 0an evenings 1956WILLYS Jéégjwheeyfie OP retrlgerator above ground parking CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS metal can in good condmonl 957 ifizihmojdozrrrequmpfétolraqiéndrylgggmi common room57 free parking aundry Telephone 436 47917 betweeneam and Stove tires lamps knick knacks Very reasonable Telephone 4363584 728 8655 taCIIIties 726 7186 pm TT AMM ORGAN like new FURNISHED ROOMS Clean modern FORD RANGER XLT Mm whee 0ND PIPE nt afifinwegxgdi$siefixngwglgg central location Parking available anve wth snow Wow and elecric one keyboard 5695 Telephone 728 8796 atteropm downtown Appliances heat water and Phone Hamllm Real Eslae hwu°°°Wademrvan parking supplied From 95 monthly 7371000 Telephone 87358727347777 FIREWOOD FOR SALEVHardwood or Telephone 726 7736 CLEAN FURNISHED rooms tor rent i966 Fopb W740 dUTnp Wm dual mixed wood Free kindling and delivery COMPLETELY FURNISHED Ape Centrally located parking tacilities wheels in good condition 5995 VyjiDPrqei Telephone726 988 mens mm by ml week One or Available Immediately Phone 737 4905 Telephone 436 4791 between 37m and bedrooms $120 weekly Adults only FURNISHED ROOM TV gatipeglngty RT 7777 Brookdale Park Inn Tale hone7281312 Separa bat parking 89 one 1975 F250 FORD our meal drve var tloor Casters total automatic color 726 1531 or 776 7704 ONE BEDROOM Apartment wnh ap automatic In good condition Telephone pliances Utilities paid 248 Steel Street ROOMS AVAILABLE immediately 445 5562 other 5pm °d hmnhv diam UHF nItont Available immediately Telephone Gentleman preterred Central location in FOhDrEéofidLiNéjQafi long So an Toke over payment ot$19per month Ollice Hours om pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Young Biggin 7373200 Ti 89 Collier St Barrie Ontario Barrie line 7264491 Toronto line 8630398 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action confidential David astralaltakaltaitlioioiuiuluiuiuiuiwmtaumasatl REPOSSESSED 26 RCA xuoo carved wood coblnat to the Wass Real Estate Broker Call 726 4651 days 728 4651 evenings 14 uoltlu lento triers MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM AGENTS FOR REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELI ST BARRIE 7263111 Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale 487 2412 UNFURNISHED BEDROOM apart ment tor rent available immediately No children No pets Couple preterrcd Apply Armstrong Hardware or tell phone728 2441 TWO BEDROOM Apartment downtown location Parking available $225 month Iy plus utilities First and last Rel Central location parking 30 Mary Street Linen supplied weekly 320 week ly Telephone 728 7142 ROOMS AVAILABLE immediate possession kitchen privileges parking central location Telephone 737 4556 ask lor Bob LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room tor quiet male or married couple tanks 300 six cylinder standard $2400 certitied Telephone 726 94787 after 1972 CHEVROLET halt ton pick up custom 350 cubic inch power steering power brakes automatic Certified $18501irmCallatter7pm7374965 1975 FORD 34 super cab F250 camper special Excellent condition Power J18 VARIETY STORE equipment tor sale three door cooler two ice cream treezer cash register commercial tlaor polisher thermotox photo copier ALSO tlass and chrome cottee and end tables All in good condition 4241811 726 7472 726 4859 or 737 0601 vestandam Msulaemcermedv8507 non tonight Dellvery tonight Where Two BEDROOM APARTMENT LARGKE SLEAN7BRIGHLR007M tor NewtiresTelephone7373445 Penetang Streetnear Georgian College Ten en aci ie7spar IngtC 030 1972 105 KIAIY Ill MObI Ie Homes Available January 5th $220 monthly in 5995 and bus route TeePhO 737 3675 cmdfilbfiyslfaso geistliiéémilédgg lurk Pll Ys cludes India and stove Telephone ROOM AVAILABLE in private home excellent camber Two gas 7371 CAST IRON FARM BELL 12 8100 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Vicki Kent 4872501 Memes Telephone 726 99 or 776 3964 reasonable rem cent locafion mqiggfivgcfiaagggygaggtandard rim 31 13 $317577Teacher157 brass mmw Bum Leo Cavanough 7281207 Bob Sounders 7263883 or omes Two BEDROOM APARTMENT s250 Telephone 726 9806 m3 CHEV CHEYENNEhMfiri Ems mseegeninéslbr 326 wulow uuomc Mmwm Larry Wood no toll 4B73l48 R055 Bulslone 7763043 Northlanders Eggrglfirg para 230ftices STOteS for rent ZeILwoark 728 2439 evenings 7265793 or 0b cmucno lm Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Bill Moran 7282305 Travel yroilers awn hydro No pets Available now 74 MODE RN OFF ICE space my least 0W IEID IUILDING 0C IATTISON SONS LTD Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Shirley SI Tellphone 726873 or 7263817 ONE BEDROOM sell contained apart munt Fridge Stove and utilities Includ small or large suites immedlate ac cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelo TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square teat New 1977 Scout Four wheel drive Best tor plow moun ting Sale price 1975 International We have 16RCA XLIOO solid state color portables new In crates tor only $378 or pay just $365 weekly on our Rental PurV chase Plan No money down no payment ed Central location Available im Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Lorry Brewer 7289745 Highway somh medley ms mommy FM and frfyhcgiclll7bnlfllljl1dfe tggxhzg 77710 glean Wim Moway Frink Sander box 5007 glnrfirch 1978 Phone tonight delivery Bert Cull 7284067 Harry Magill 7263864 months rent Telephone 737 359431ter Locamd Dun downmwn 8a Hart Motors Ltd Dunlop and 400 Job all 726 7726 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 I70 Burton Ave 7289866 Mrs Patch 726 3338 Battle Telephone 728 3026 mu KELLYS Doung BCOkNer 7283274 Larry DeWilde 17283253 Tr 17houses to rent RETAIL STORE or ottice tor rent itsservice and repairs Ionic Home 7371182 available December lst Allandale Ioca rr Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hooey 7280676 TANDEM 03 Bendix deluxe 06 cou mi 500 saw EC 323 la rpm in J18 tra Ior ry rn shngs kng 05 hea an ro eep one 726 Harold Davis 728 7543 Peter Brocolente 736 Brut REALTOR 77 56mm wow yr 704 233 8712mm or no 4621077qu Do Yourolf FAB SALE Fred Reynolds 7255333 POU Arbour ve new used only SIX times 705 445 1480 PRESTIGE lWY bedroo OFFICES FOR RENT Separate ad and 15 per cent all all materias in Our store Norman McMillan 7268957 Chuck Lambert 7288001 RENTAL 24 motor home Sleeps 5225 townhouses Selective neigh ioimng 110 400 square leet on ground Semifiégsrpttlgfs 31 Sewlngm mfhmest Peter Gubbels 7282425 Jim Cancilla 7371597 Agent for Pineview Estates of Midhurst kly plus Cents per mile Cali borhood defencei 275 tloor 100 270 on second tloor 7262772 You do the work we supply VBCUU ceaners 737 2217 days 737 2349chningsand weekends Singer knitting machine specially pricedSi7nge77Georgian Mall 7287960 shop space tools Blake 7262361 to pm 3630 SQUARE FT AND MORE Ideal 7288017 AL CALHOUN no toll 8352742 1613 to not Evenin 7289682 Iur retail store stores olIces Also knowl°d9° LIMITED NUMBER OF NAME JOHN COLE BRAND tactory seconds now stock LyPAGlJ TOM CAIRNS 7280653 ART MAW 7281346 WELLINGTON PLACE I7Th7s77 gesglmpgadsgratifniégglegav35 eAyvat zdflourfloadsermce Mos only ying marked Singie doume PTOTCSSIOHalS Since 1913 BERNIE BLUM 4872299 BARRY COLE 14164319225 downtown Barrle7260988 Snowplowlna zippelieenétwentylyearguargntag mi ei arrle ress ac ry SWFT APARTMENTS New CONDOMINIUM sauna2901m63222120 0mm anusqpmnaanayzz 355 Bo field ST Barrie l35w°lll9° 5w° HOUSES Parking All utilities Supplied $125 nifdlcocepo SINGER VACUUM CLEANERS and Two AND For immediate rental bedrooms large momle Talcphone no 99 or 726 396 DUE NV DI sewing Tacgmes SpedaIdiscourls this REALTOR THREE BEDROOMS litmo room and dining room located at 24space for rent 52 freflpyfionggg7ggwgan Ma 33 Office 737 001 ADULTS 1859 VMen 303° 77 5°97 FR IME IN TRIAL SPACE 2000 Royal Trust For appointment to view coll ALLANDALE HE toms bedroom 60000 so ll tully sprinklersd transport mzlsnghs Enid Do 7266904 BillMcCreory 7281865 7263927 or 7267153 507711 availablv immediately $375 ptr amIgmWC deg 9°C CARS REPAIRED in are time mm monm pusummes Lease 11de can clear part OI lrtrgP expanding Industrial Cheap 3957 An min Smsider WOHOYl lOlOVISIMiNW 101 Jack Slessor 7266280 Verna Mullin 7282875 11 Ha Mag rep LOU Gocdpmom Rm ma 715730 Telephone 7370721 3877 5730 nd to we Electrahame 26 color only $490 Bev Neill 7260205 VOI Ivordi 8355682 ETTWW 7vA Estate 778 4067 or 726 3864 FOR LEASE tndUSTrlal 5pae and weekends weekly 18 RCA color only $390 weekly wanhousi Telephont 726 3400 20 Toshiba color only $450 weekly on WillShorpe 4362576 Gard Harris 436 2403 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE BEDROOM uTOREy Iargr living BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St Spacious suites available Utilities included con venient location 7265771 ThFSTF MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments lor lease Qmet area downtown quiet neighborhood Angelo 377motorcycl7e757 77 thewperrenttoownplon $375 monthly AVfllldTJIP immediately COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL pro No money down no payments till March Telephone 726 9941 or 726 3964 parties tor sale or rent Morteli Egg CirM ggiiws 6SIEQS 51333 1978 ted Real Estate 728 0674 Two THREE BEDROOM HOUbts Tmephone 737 4965 aner7p7m7 KRAZY KELLY Barrie Shopping Ploxa available Immediaey RM room SRACE FOR RENT Two rooms 17 38 bl 7371182Phonetanightdeliverytonight garagltandlargebrtckyard Cundlvs Rd 23 Two enhances and M0 fsnowmo Les 118 hrooms Club meetings or other arm Rent $330 monthly plus UllllllCS was ms 05 bus mm 726 375 unwoon USPS cilias Orr Lake area Telephone ARCTIC CA1 18 WOOD STOVES bunk beds pool and ping pong table chests etc Hillsdale Se am and9p 377 785 HILLSDALE bld rm larm house 25garages WWMOBILES forgo Haan Satore 8353005 Open 10 am pm ri ayevenings IACCESSOIIES with barns located on acres close to ski hills Rent $110 per month Call Ray DOUBLE GARAGE FOR RENT CLEARANCE20 Der Cenl 1977 Dubai 726 3871 or 728 9275 representing BayViGW and Highway 11 SUItable tor televisions refrigerators stoves dishwashers washers dryers micro Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor small business Telephone1 416 249 0585 WWW 7288800TOR LINE 8814174 ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR 168 cflflhflfln 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 DUNLOP Direct Toronto Line 3646625 EAST NORMAN 7283293 REALTOR mm Seven mu 0m Goo 277coa es rem sou wave only atBarrie Tv and Appliances Odult building No pets gianMall Four bedroom lnrmhouso HIV MARINE SBrQPEIqpEEUBvQLiWM 00 Riv 7mm IJIJS VItttl llly tr WI 1y RMerenCes 723 9682 90 baths lamily room tinplace natural THREE BEDROOM winterized cottage CABLE CONVERTERS ca Baffle TV as heat to or as FIVQ hence it me int and applances 728 97 Sala HOLGAI us 50 pp ava ablo Im ately in Bay Po JOODINOCOO 7264567 J00 0180 1262090 Pl $115 plus utlllttos First and last Lease with tireplaco and broadloom 7161001 on cable Convener lo receve 071 property lor sale RuthGibbons m1409 Don Allan Doug Ferguson Marg Ferguson Poppy Wilde 12inormeges Th 4T 728 3715 throughout Rent $250 Telephone bet 27 available programming trom your FOR HEN 0R SALE bedroom mt ween9 andt 726 3257 chair Price lflClUSlV7€SB995 kitchen walkout and dinlligroom 154 MOTO SKI double trailer and Ski HAMMOINVD TLTOBEORGAN wm 217° acre 690 stove $750 plus utilities 32 cars9 We boose I974 EVINRUDE Bobcat 1974 mecabeV3U9 2IW09U5M0eln Edginiii Drive avnilable Immediately 1970 DATSUN 510 Body and interior ex NORTHWAY 1974 POLARIS One eight twmaion CB 4246751 atterSPIn 1416 771 1698 Cellent Good mechanically Owner will horsepower tractor with blade grass 15661 TABLETva Riosets JESSE Martha Dyson Lorna Verstraten 4241956 Bill Hockiey 7262596 JoeCestaric 4584762 7262090 TWO Bl DROOM Apartment Stove lilllQIYrlUr parking laundry tacillttes lntl tIrnt Included No Children or pets Apply Aprtrtmciit 101 SS Blakt Slrtot Doug Wainwright 7287858 Muriel Jeffrey Jim Miles ONE lilIphnrir 728 4618 IAHGL TWO BEDROOM apartmcnt lilIItIinli includrd $250 monthly First lrxt last month Children welcome THRE BEDROOM brick bungalow with attached garage Fridge stove and dryer tor rent Located two miles south ot Barric Telephone 436 2448 CYtily $750 Call 726 6618 1973 CUTLASS SUPREME one owner good condition Telephone 726 5180 um PINTO FOR SALE as is Asking Cutting attachments one utility trailer 726 9360 or 737 0456 Ski 000 i977 TNT 440 EC carbiaérun ners very low mileage Excellent condi cues and score included 595 Cooey 22 calibre ritle single shot S15 box spring and mattress tree tor the taking 7267414 cozy BEDROOM bungalow with play $100 or best otter Telephone 726 2105 51395 Zeb at 776 5612 or 726 9438 TWO SNowTIREson rims size H78 180 DUNLOP ST arm Upsalrs on good size cod on an 5pm atterbp mor Tony at4I6 5924748days 15 In good condition on 1972 Ford Sta ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown 7269933 ffluzlgywmflggfi53 32 Highway No 90 between Barrie and 968 pLyMOUTH ROADRUNNER 353 I972 ARCTIC CAT PUMAliéwiitTcovéii 19 W993I9Ffl°eéL If Telpphono 716 79 Angus $250 per month lmn116 pOS cubic mm your Speed New 55 Holly dual Very good condition Also homemade 7m 70 BEDROOM APARTMENT bl session Call 416 8955207 iced am New headers timing chain Ski boose s450 Telephone 728 0528 VERY RARE flVala 77 777 7777777777777 prepayment January Wm parking when two BEDROOM HOUSE eiecim new iront end brake shoes shocks Two 1976 YAMAHAS GS 250 Single 22 SH OTGUN privilege to 85 at value 2an Mortgage II open on min interest to 90 of value heating in New Lowell Available Many spare parts $800 lirm Call alter horse power with oil iniection One with February Ist Telephone 424 1718 pm 737 4965 speedometer Very low mileage Tele THREE BEDROOM HOME 76 Blake 1967 FALCON STATION WAGON Ex °D°DE737 37 Street Barrie $285 monthly Available Illenl Ondllmn Cerlilicd NOWIY 1973 MOTO SKI 295 twin with cover Like immediaton Telephono48724l painted Va 302 Must sell Leaving new$575Telephone7289750 ALLANDALE For rent tour bedroom er Telephonena 73 Irxatlut Telephone Hoyle 728 5225 otter PARK LANE TOWERS Modirn two bedroom apartment Two tlIVdOVs All utilities included In rent WILLsoIi REAL ESTATE LIMITED INESON ERVICE 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORONTO 364 6636 lt MON ZED BROWNING POINTER GRADE highly engraved over and under in ex cellent condition real investment and collectors item Price $2200 Call 77 728 5981 day time or 726 3490 evenings 1975 ARCTIC CAT Eltigre excellent 77 773 Lmlroliid by Rental Review Otticor bnlhtoomsr two Swey semi with MGRW PLYMOUTH Saltlite black condition complete with cover $1100 39EIEPELVEWEL APPRAISING AND FINANCING 77 MW Wm qqtiu walkmg amen downiown garage broadloom throughout stovt yirlyl hardlogésleylirltdqr ragodotraller Telephone 728 4904 CASH FOR old myan books dishes OPEN P7M7 WP 5IIilllill4411 ultllllllllttt pinmpt RntLrianS 728 0776 and triage Included $325 monthly 0p II IISX 9° m5 Olncw 1974 SKI DOO ELAN 250 deluxe twin old pictures clacks odds and ends pre tton to purchase at reasonable price muttler excellent $500 728 4659 even Phone 726 2689 alter 195 amt tl tttltri 17 till HIV BEDROOM APARTMENT available cylinder In good condition Telephone 1950items7288234 Immediately Stove and tridge parking 726 667377or 726 6066 REQUIRED Good used items at all laugh rinnw mum ltlllilltlltl EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR It mm laundry laCllitlos Bus stop at door $244 $77595 MONTH Tm bedrooms MOWECO 900 5009 SNOWMOBILE SLEIOH tor sale kinds tor the needy SALVATION AR monthly plus hydro Relcrencos 72B kllcnen and dweller WNW °v 19 Owlmsl W° 596 Skiboose in good condition 575 or best MY 6o Collier st 7283794 rhlillIIIillllhtllltllitt Ampltlim 0357 and three piece bathroom dauble certitied recent brake lab and tune up one Telephone 726 8880 L4 7777 77 14 thornmull ul nitti garage 27 Yonge street Painswick good condition single owner $450 Tele WANTED Used senior ooaltending WWUMW WWW BE DROOM Central Barrie Includes Telephone 778 39467 phone 728 1503 equipment Must be in reasonable condi heat hydro relrlgoratar and stove $240 or tion Telephone 728 0680 um wit ulsu illllllllil Illxllllq mu mommy yelephononb Hancupm LARGE BEDROOM semi years 1969 DODGE two door hardtop bronze ssv tquqtt titt old Fully carpeted heated garage 318 power steering power brakes Cer Wanted ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT tor rent lrtdgo stove heal and hydro Private entrance parking Available immtdiatcIy Telephone 737 2699 BY CHANUTE INVESTME TS 0F BARRIE walkout patio lull basement Central tilied$500T0DDt10ne 737 3147 location $340 monthly No 10850 To Musr SELL W73 pommc Le Mans uulred 835 7000 $1100 or best otter Telephone Joe 435 6079Alliston USED TAYLOR SAFE Iagoins 7283026 Call Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr lor valuable od RENTALS 89 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7263422 Lee Benhom 4245033 Ian Rouse 7265407 vice IMMEDIATE POSSESSION SUBLET EXAMINER mo OLDSMOBILE in cm condition 44dogs and pets W1 728 737 188 One brdroom apartment overlooks bay ma Th icAc ma we 7269l35 no can rett 86 U5 Impmm rowers Includes parking and WANT ADS Wt7nlelllld radio snow tires $350 muci town or we°k7 SAM pooDLE Salonsrlampoomg Tclephono 726 0395 Bill Borr 7280744 Peter SWItzer 4365759 Res Toll Free 4875965 hydro ma TainptlonLm 9580 PHONE 7282414 ms GRANDE TORINO BROUGHAM 26 Qua only Md 50 gr capo93272273 breeds Sophia ee 85 Lou Dull 4241356 Will Vezeou 4246358 lo run Loaded wim Has Make an on 20 RCA xfluoo kY 77666757 77777mmfi1767737m77 30b MOTCII 7288444 Jane Young 7284717 DONALD Ib gg rm Telephone 718 795 any ma 77 per wee flJ grooming breeds pickup and Elaine Jackson 7263780 Bob Henderson 7285112 lgt VngogvAsfiaEg 27 mglgiwag 26 figngfipgvrgesbv 5645 gzcégl7il19igpjlflfliw lCALFIHBt ti Mary Morrison CRA 7289933 STF 107 Dunlop St East 436 479ibetweenaamanawm town Aquariums all sizgssatseunebcealgbig Jock MacLaren 7284950 Barrie 33car5 wanted0 bu NO PAYMENT TlL prices Evenings and weekends Edge MLS REALIOR MARCH 78 IlA579IQLAIEEELRBELWL Member ROLLS ROYCE MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes EMORY 436450 mm Mongage °° °9 228 °lpplit2i°5mm° 951 LL archers Assocmw Delivered Tonight OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG puppies TFMP Pure registered Interested 6458176 II $1 500 D0 alter6pmiB7racebidge1 POODLE puppies whitegetértwvgettg ROLLS ROYCE Et BENTLEY Three bedroom tront split semi detach old male and temaie $100 Toy male tor LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 WHERE THE RED CARPET 15 OUT red home on quiet zul de sac double garage brotidloom and lirLplace Murry Warsli Realty Ltd Call Marlene Knowles 728 9636 pr 737 2351 PRIVATE SALE Four bedroom semi hacksplit 1500 square loot broadloom larql basement paved drivo garage OR WA GES Thinking rellnanclng your home or cottage Why not call for quote with no TOWERS SUBSTANTIAL CASH BUYER KEllYS MIRIE SHOPPING PLAIA stud services 7289783 SPRINGER SPANIELS liver and white 5150 registered Also purebred Doberman puppies $100 No papers BOARDING TAMCAR KENNELS1 519925 3868 Shelburne Gerald ONeill 7267733 Les Lovegrove 4241289 am on Wm 93 obligation We mini FREE T6coab HOME7 E5879 Ross Burwell 4589248 Nelson Garrett 7266096 pyrang owd neighbourhood $44000 You money IN US DOLLARS mpgm7loam33313ggifig Rob Knapp 4875462 Helen Burns 7262386 R513 from 10 for all preowned cellent with children Telephone Ken Miller 4873365 Jerry McNabb 7262386 PR VAT SECONDS 0M R0 INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sized pools 773845 Wsi Wayne Word 7268220 Sue Drennan 4875712 REDUCED $5000 Raised bedroom ll oYces pndispiajtg Comebin tkodpy plr 277276146703 SELSSEFIQONIEDTDQPPBIEEERSJfilialT75 ree 00 Hannah Pentlond 7288028 Bill Purvis 7260452 3Iwaarlfg2351fihfidpgm CI WAYNE DODSON BGDTIBYS above profit pools Plunger Pools temale six weeks $85 and up Wonderlul Al Rose 7288116 Ross Miller 7260563 mi broadloom throughout cwnr dark Armstrong Call for Details flaxnan Plaza SIJéirt Pe7ipl197319° Harvey Weber 4363815 Bruce Dangerfield 7284959 who banmue Mknq 1000 or flu 315 5974861 XEEEkafififigfimfi flgfmgficgggfli 52plants and bUle Ron Thorne 7288714 Percy Ford moflgages 49 km 57 PALMYRA MOTORS oaD7u7nlop St 7267 320077 IOPIC¢L SLApTW 1269261 oLAItGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING 8Av Palmyra New York SPACE HEATERS FetheclaleeDr 25951 ocszpéoam APPLIANCES orcNNis COURT 0241 maych S7 inagtacfiééééia 47 collint sr AGE lOCKERS ENSUITE tTflBHTT PERSONAL DANS SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM plin Sfmes VdIaAyNTpElcitup gHoglt will Bought HORSE TRAILER tor rent or will move mm at 0w MI Sm Second Mortgages CLOSE To SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB tes 77 Ed°° Service Parts TRACy WANTS cars and lrucks tor wrecking and parts top prices paid MWFTF BARRIE Rates Flexlble smultrychicks 726 my or CANADA CREATED AND MANAGED BY Free chkup7Teleph0ne 726 am DE JONG HEATING aEKALp REAByJEEIW urnlast EXAMINER waEFF ROPERTES LIMITED mtxtlfitiéfiaxsShasta SUPPLIES 35I223211118 Dorothy MocQuarrle 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Ci NOW or DOIEEN 37 nson treet Barrie 7269580 SCRAP VEHICLE WANTED Top CorbyAdams 7286829 Rossleeder 7269245 7266431 WANT ADS AIo socCEDARwooD coum I25 WELLINGToN Stw 2375853515923 °e 4363 élfiflLSVeseables Jim Quinlan 7260873 Gard Wright no toll4363669 TThsi26 728 2414 7264991 TOP PRICE tar top cars Toke Motors 51 Poul sum APPLES Apply Koole and Son con Mofgorm wrigh 4363669 77 TTh51p leited 119 Bradtord Street Barrie $03 cesslon Oro Telephone 7208489 or 72s 8111 1907 Close

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