1n the examiner Tuesday Dec 27 1911 Ill wnwvfl Shake the Shivers Car PreHeater Get into warmedup car and enjoy winter driving Heater abt 334 is universal fit with sidemount control with BPT WInter Express Winter Express Radial KevlarBelted leay GlassBelted Polyester GlassBelted Polyester Radial with BPT Kevlar Belts plus Big in an Economical Radial Whitewall One onrmore One 2or more Paw Traction Tread sizes tire price 33032 Jr tire price aï¬choflgf ER7814 1558R13 3975 3491 ER7814 BR7813 4290 3790 Whitewall Whitewall It IEEI EaCh DR7814 4580 4066 5930 5253 EaCh ER7814 4740 4218 6080 5396 96 WINDSHIELD COVER WINTER WIPER BLADES more am discount Each FR7814 4945 4413 6345 5648 or more alter uiscouni Each GR7814 5140 4598 6595 5885 PlascIlch fIt Standatd Flgmble weather to 300d traction tor Winter action Kevlarthe miracle belting thats wm r0 eC resStam covenng For rugged tire with deep deep HUB15 990 4455 times stronger than steel pound agams mosmre Ce mostmakes Each bite in heavy snow yet softer ewe15 5130 4588 6630 5918 for pound plus our BPT tread smoother ride due to the Poly Rm 5495 4935 70 6313 compound for studlike grip SNOWBBUSHICESCRAPER HANDY LOCK DE lcER ester body capped by resilient JR7815 90 6545 results in extraordinary winter must for wmter driv SpeCIal injector nozzle glass bens LR7815 7490 6735 traction ingl23double row of inserts in lock 3102 nylon bristles aerosol tube Hiwavvaav Snow Tires ggiigg 3821 BiasPly 0r GlassBelted Giant 4Ply Nylon 52010 1845 1563 55012 1945 1658 60012 2195 1895 60012 2495 2180 9814 60013 2530+ 2213+ A7813 2780 2451 2930 2593 Whtewa EaCh 37813 293° 264 or more after discount Each 07813 3030+ 2688+ 37814 27901 toughie that can take it on icy highway or 2460r 3040 2698 snowy byway big burly giant made of 37814 2630 2355 4ply Du Pont Nylon and deep firm tread 07814 2990 2650 3230 2878 E7814 3040 2698 3290 2935 F7814 3195 2645 3445 3083 87814 3380 3021 3630 3258 H7814 3530 3163 3880 3496 56015 2725 2399 E78 14 C7815 3040+ 2698t 3290 2935 Whitewall Each F7815 3240 2888 3440 3078 7k AAM Ar 77 IGNITION SPRAY BATTERY WARMER 67815 33 3035 37 3368 20r more afterdiscount Each H7815 3595 3225 4045 3653 Motomaster aerosol Blankettype Oil and acrd reSIs mms 3555 3292 4165 3767 Has lot going for It plies of Du Pom Seals out mOIsture tam cqver wraps around battery Lug15 4330 3971 Nylon for extra safety29lass belts for extra mpms Stars fps We Fl 49 7pm i87 t556 851 strength plusadeepbiting tread ino eectnca out et Y0n ac W3 Prce 30 MOTOMASTER QUICK START 80W Twinply Snow Travel Blackwall One gag sizes tire price discount Upper cylinder lubri cantanticorrosion aid 11 BATTERY WARMEH Helps starts 15 fIoz Traytype Slips under battery and plugs into any 115V outlet EAFENE5EF2E 226933593599in 869 Fa ctorvFresh SnowTravel gas tank Easypour 39c Ensures starts plastic bottle 6OZ DIPSTICK HEATER BETTER BUY THAN RETREADS 813 1680 E7814 gt 1681 TRACTION AID FOR TIRES Extended element activates oil Why buy retreads when you can get gt Ea0h Pale has tqrougbldpssucï¬ hie this factoryfresh Winter performer at Spkes Adaptabe I0 °Ve ce tee such low price SnowTravel is any car We Wdth Par Wth cord plug sturdy bias twinply nylon construction EaCh 18 15 36AUTOSHOVEL STEERNGWHEELCOVE itdefï¬Ã©esafo°ifa€lfé2232 EltacdregwgtdgraigwpIsgm gilt 3229ng 38083 counts count on SnowTravel discount 2093 stick to 1212 912 bl Beige or Red color Zlï¬gfeï¬fiisfl Im 230 No extra charge for passenger tire 5year road hazard insurance Cover installation on most standard rims when age applies to above tires It ensures you buy Dill or Schrader valve at our your tires against damage caused by regular price of$100We must install our road conditions which render them un new tire and valve together safe Due to heavy seasonal demand we may be temporarily out of stock on your size but we will gladly take your order BROWN Barrie lTD Boyfield Moll Bayfield 51 Hwy 27 Telephone 7266418