No more Ye Billy Beer Virginia has ruled that Billy Carter is celebrity and therefore Billy Beer cannot be sold in the state Virginia pro hibits the sale of beer endorsed by any prominent living person Hush settles over Ulster LONDON CP com parative hush has settled over embattled Northern Ireland fol lowing year of relative quiet The question is whether the lull will continue or whether it will turn out to be only one more yearend pause in the in temecine strife which has rip ped Northern Ireland since the current round of unrest erupted nearly eight years ago Experts say there appear to be signs of hope as 1978 dawns Total deaths in 1977 were half the 1976 total of 235 Shootings have been cut by onethird from the previous years average of four day Explosions are down 50 per cent and the average blast while more incendiary that in the past packs far less wallop But there also were signs of hope back in 1972 Authorities said then they had the Irish Re publican Army IRA terrorists on the run BLOODIEST YEAR Before that year was out Biscuit king in argument LONDON CP Garfield Weston 79 Canadas ex atriate multimillionaire iscuit king who has been out of the news for about 10 years popped up in one of Britains leading gossip columns recent ly following an argument in the exclusive Fortnum and Mason store Nigel Dempster writing in The Daily Mail says the To rontoborn Weston screamed at two customers Its my god dam store and Ill do what goddam please The columnist writes that the fireworks started when Min Hogg fashion editorand Nicky Haslam an old Etonian designer approached Weston with petition from 150 regular customers requesting that the stores Spanish bar not be closed Weston known for his habit of mingling with the customers at Christmas time was tracked down in Ladies Fashions At first he thought we were giving him present Demps ter quotes Haslam But when he heard what we had to say he said he didnt want to read the petition and threw it under table however the dead totalled 468 and the injured 5000Ulsters bloodiest 12 months yet Also the year 1974 gave way to 1975 with the pronouncement that the IRA was on its knees truce was arranged and the gunmen and bombers used it to regroup and come back strong This time however there ap pear to be differences For one thing IRA ex tremists may be short of money There were 24 bank holdups in 1976 only three in 1977 Another source of funds donations to charity by troubled Irishmen in the United States has almost dried up authorities say largely through their wellpublicized contention that such charity money was ending up in terrorist hands In addition the British Army has adopted low profile su bordinating itself to the Royal Ulster Constabulary RUC the two bodies operating together under local security committees chaired by police superintendent Some sources see this as departure from the old tactic of meeting force with direct force and return to the rule of law VIOLENCE CHANGES They see this as reflection of the changing face of North ern Ireland violence decline in outright terrorism and in its place gangstertype feuds But if bombing and murder declined during 1977 so ironi cally has the activity of the Peace People movement es tablished by two Roman Catho lic housewives who won the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize The Peace People set up local groups composed of Catholics and Protestants to fight the root causes of the unrest The group wanted to establish new community democracy without tribal divisions and political violen ce One thing they did accom plish however was to set up an escape route for former terror ists from both Catholic and Protestant factions More than 100 persons and their families were aided in this way in 1977 their ares id to new life in New Zealan The only alternative had been return to terrorism or if they declined to reprisals from their old organizations This is an opportunity for you to participate in the development Barrie of the great City of The striking committee of the Council of the City of Barrie will be recommending appointments early in January I978 to the following boards and commissions OBarrie Public Library Board Barrie Planning Board OBarrie Market Committee OBarrie Citizens Band OBarrie Industrial and Business Development Committee 0Committee of Adiustment Area Board OProperty Standards Committee Simcoe County Health Unit Applications marked as to what board or commission and appointment is desired with brief resume attached are requested from an individual or spon sored application with the consent of the proposed person attached and will be received by the undersigned up to pm January I978 Straughan City Clerk Box 400 Barrie Ont L4M 4T5 rrr the omlnor ruoodaynoo 21 1917 13 Ever since loan to Mexico EDC has burden of blurred public image ByJRDupllls Hawker Siddeley Canada that very point IMAGE body helps Canadian ex Were not altruistic MacDonald makes it clear of 84 dump trucks to the CP BUSINESS EDITOR Ltd an order for 200railway BLURRED porters eompete abroad by MacDonald said slapping that EDC doesNt subsidise Soviet Union by Unit Rig and The long Strides 0f tall passengercarsforMexico This particular signing providing credit loans or in his hand on his crosse exporters uipment Co Canada hustling John Allan Mac EDC loand $86 million to took place Oct 31 1975 but vestment guarantees knees Like General Motors Canadian firms must Lt of Niagara falls Donald earned hlm qmckly Mexican government agency the EDC two years later is We are concerned Mac he said were in business compete in terms of quality $14 million loan to sup t0 the Shop 00 0f the NW sothat it could buy the eQuip still crushed with carrying Donald said in recent in We cant guarantee we rice delivery and service the $20 million sale to def Bay plant Where 490 mentfrom Canada the burden of blurred terview in Toronto There wonttakealoss esaid we wouldnt make orway of oceangoing workers assembled to WII Lateralocal reporter was publicimage isnt sufficient un NEVERATALOSS loan unless some exporter tugboats Marystown 8558 unusual ceremony toask MacDonald Many confuse it with the derstanding by the public of Nevertheless EDC has madeasale Shipyard Lt of Newfoun MaCDOhald 56 Challman Why are you spending Canadian International theEDC never had loss earning uwere supporting those dland and presxdent of the Expo1 money in Mexico Development Agency He is particularly distur $176mkllion in 1976 that deserve itthe win $1445 million loan to Development Corp EDC But dont you see Mac CIDA which dispenses bed because in the next few Between 1969 and 1976 it ners su port the sale to Turkey of was the t0 318 Donald replied calmly foreign aidabout $1 billion years EDC expects to be rovided $37 billion worth of book at this list of some te ecommunications equip maJOI lmn llflht the Were really financing jobs year most of it to poor orrowing on its own inancial support for sales of deals made by EDC 1977 men and services by Nor Shop floorthat W011 bllll on this factory floor Thats countries meritsmore than $1 billion Canadian goods and services $114 million loan to to more than 65 countries support the $134 million sale MANAGEMENT AND STAFF WISH ONE AND ALL VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR WE PLEDGE OURSELVES TO GIVE YOU OUR CUSTOMER THE BEST OF SERVICE QUALITY AND ABOVE ALL GUARANTEED COMPETITIVE EVERY DAY PRICES THROUGHOUT THE FULL YEAR OF I978 WE ASK YOU TO COMPARE them Telecom Ltd of Mon treal the Canadian Car plant why were hereto make EDC also federal Crown in the money markets FROIEN EVISCERATED UTILITY GRADE YOUNG SMOKED Ross lug LOIN STEAKS on TURKEY HAM on BONELESS cuucx ROAST me now mow rum COOKED CANADAS mm 130 mac i4 LBS may to GRADE PORTERIIOUSE wmi $3000 PURCHASE EXCLUDING cicAiirms sum am SlRlOIN LI on 13 ll roman CANADAS FINEST sun mt FARM FRESH LARGE EGGS 2V2 DOIEN TRAY BACON SIDE sucra swms EMPIRE VAC PACK LB PKGS CHUCK STEAK OR ROAST CANADAS mm was IEEF FRESH GROUND REG GRIND COMPARE ANYWHERE 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GHERKINS RED CHERRIES RUTABAGAS TURNIPS CAN NO WAXED CANADA No GRADE LI BAG LIMIT I0 51 PER mscoum ANGUS MARTS tats We reserve the right to limit to average family nulls