as tho examiner Wodnosday Dec 21 1971 Book By FRASER MacDOlGALl John Diefenbakers 82plus years havent dimmed his tal ent for stirring up controversy and capturing headlines The reception the country gave the third volume of the Old Chief memoirs testify to that Like the first two volumes the main title is One Canada But the defining subtitle forms vmd reminder the period The Tumultuous Years 196267 Macmillan 302 pages $1595 Tumultuous the years and the memoirs events were the political period one of the stormiest Canada has seen the time one of neverending confrontation and controversy The book deals with such events as the 1962 election when the Conservatives sank to minority of 116 of the 265 House of Commons seats from the 208 seats they captured in 1958 the Conservative govern ments defeat on confidence motion in the Commons in 1963 amid party plots to oust Die fenbaker as leader Diefenba kers unexpected successes in 1963 and 1965 in preventing Les ter Pearson and the Liberals from achieving majority gov ernment and Diefenbakers re placement as party leader in 1967 after bitter turmoil within the party ONE MANS STORY Diefenbaker tells his story graphically He snorts derision at his foes particularly those he had thought were his frien ds and says kind things about people who stood by him al though some of those do take lump or two But it is clearly his story his recollection of events told in the way that he undoubtedly wants his conduct in those years to be remembered Some people have been quick to disagree One was forthright Douglas Harkness whose resig naton as defence minister Feb 1963 proved the catalyst that touched off an internal crisis within the Conservative party and set in motion chain of events that led inexorably to the governments overthrow two days later As soon as excerpts from Tu multuous Years began appear ing in Canadian newspapers on October Harkness swung into print with his own account of the resignation and other even ts he was connected with He had written his story at the time and deposited it with the Public Archives for use when he might feel compelled to speak out He and Diefenbaker do agree there was resignation and on matter of principle but the details differ sharply CAMP COMES BACK Fellow Conservative Dalton Camp blamed by Diefenbaker for great many of his trou bles came back at his onetime leader with cleverly crafted review disputing statement af ter statement in the book The reviews lengthy title re flected the nature of the con tent This is Byzantium ex quisitely complex buried in im penetrable rhetoric Here there can be no figure more heroic than the man who goes into bat tle and falls on his own sword Former Liberal Jack Pick ersgill no slouch at sounding the praises of his own party and its right to govern also tur ned reviewer saying that in the gt book Diefenbaker has nailed extra savn down for all time his status as the supreme egocentric of Canadian public life None of the controversy is likely to hurt sales of the book which is on the market in good time for the Christmas trade Diefenbaker and his publishers must be laughing all the way to the bank HELP FROM OTHERS As in the first two volumes Diefenbaker had the assistance of historians John Munro and Dr John Archer Munro wrote foreword say ing that the Diefenbaker mem oirs stand as personal trib ute to the worth of our heritage and institutions and to the solu bility of our problems as na tion Dr Archer contributed sen sitive biography of Diefenba kers wife Olive who died Dec 21 1976 describing her as semiboneless cooked smoked whole with this coupon 100 off the purchase price of one Loblaws whole °°°ked am smoked Limit one whole ham per coupon whole person in herself re expires December 31 1977 sourceful cultured woman who made conscious choice or role CIIp this Valuable COUpOn and unfalteringly pursued and developed that role Fraser MacDougall is for mer Ottawa bureau chief Canadian Press Thomson News Service gt41 shrimp cocktail tIVtitw tea tii bags troierifgrmsiï¬x young Canada 5Ell trgtiltilj wtateootltco smoked we butterballturkeys nrier hams VNVH setviettes Flynf quits as publisher COLUMBUS Ohio AP Larry Flynt who says he has undergone religious con version has resigned as pub lisher of the sexoriented Hus tler magazine Cynthia Johnson spokes gt man for Hustler said Monday nozen Loblaws lb mli may are that Flynt announced his resig siestastrategists sausage meat meat ChUbS ric announcement of the eci sion Flynt recently promised to change the format of the mage zine to advocate healthy atti tudes toward sex and dis continue features that display women as pieces of meat Flynt says his conversion came about with the help of evangelist Ruth Carter Staple ton sister of President Carter MUM utldv flour Mflflw