Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Dec 1977, p. 2

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the examiner Tuesday Dec 20 1977 extra OPEC ministers seen agreeing on oil prices ARAtAS tAIH The Organization of Petroleum porting Countries OIIZti opened twoday pricing meeting today with the nienibeis split again but unanimous decision pixdicted Venezuelas oil chief Energy and Mines Minster Valentin Hernandez Amsta met iiiilil late Monday ith the other oil ministers in last minute attempt to settle the ditfennees There were unconfirmed reports that eneiuelan President tailos Andres Icrc also ISIltl the ministers at their hotel at taraballmla beach nosoit near taratas in an attempt to mediate the price dzspiite Ilernaisle travelled to omion last week to tn to recon eile price haw ks seeking increases of up to 23 per cent and eonsen alive doxcs ho war the present price froren through 15178 He has inaintaimsi Sltict his retuni that there would be unanimous agrt iiient but be conceded reaching consensus would be very ditzicult There hm been prmltetioas that tho ministeis ill agree on as increase of five per con in the base price of crude oil itow SI Tel tor gm bairc thzs oald inc pump price of gasoline in the Canada which imports about half its e21 tr ibcrs uses the Imperial gallon hcl is one tilil large tl measure No GM decision yet on rebate TORONTO tI General loiozs Canada Ltd has not made decason or iebate and etensioti of warranty for Canadian ow aims of is Oldsmobile Riiick and Ioiitiacs equippwl with thmmlet engines company spokesman said Monday Owners of the cats in the Initul Starts who were unaware Chevrolet engines were IItSldllttl iii the other makes were awardul ssm each on Monday and twoyear warranty ex tension Sultltti to apprmal by district court judge company spokesman James Hamilton said GM Canada usually follows policy However there probably are few of the cars in tanada he said Outstonding public servant tlIA CI Deputy Transport Minister Sylvain Ioutier has been named the outstanding federal public servant this year cited for financial restraint at the head of one of Ottawas biggest ministries Prime Minister Trudeau announcing the $5000 out standing achievement award at news conference Mon day said louticr set an example for his colleagues in this time of public spen ding restraint He lid not elaborate Ioutier sltt native of Iroisitiviercs One and civil servant for 24 years became permanent head of the transport department in I075 when Jean Marchand was minister Knievel files $2IOM sunt LOS ANGELES alif Reutcri Daredevil stuiitman Evel Knievel filed SENmillion fraud and libel suit Monday against the man he has admitted attacking last September with baseball bat Knievel serving sixrnionth jail sen tence for the attack filed the suit against his former publicist Sheldon Saltman author of the book ICveI Kniech on Tour The suit sccking $200 million in general damages and $10 million in punitive damage also was filed against Maury Green coauthor of the book and Dell Publishing firm Hess celebrates anniversary BERLIN AB Rudolf Hess ailing tttyearvold deputy of Adolf Hitler celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary one day early Monday at West Berlins Spandau Prison Mrs Ilsc Hess TT separated from her husband since his oneman peace flight to Scotland in litll was allowed only her usual in minute monthly visit at the centuryold red brick prison fainin supporters said To avoid publicity Mrs Hess made the visit day before the couples actual wedding an nivcrsary Controls legislation introduced TAWi Legislation preparing the way for removal of wage and price controls beginning next April was introrluccd Monday in the Commons major goxcrnrncnt proposal would extcnd the life of the arm nflaiori board the antiinflation administrator and the aiiiiflaton appeal tribunal as long as necessary to cover employc groups and companies who do not emerge from conmls Ufllll the final thrm months of 1978 thou thc arricndmciit thc antiinflation apparatus would dzc UM 711 197 finance department spokcsman 3a The ciiaisgc would buy llnlf for filing and examination of rcpoi lt SYLVAIN IOlTIl2R wins award Hug for Barbara Israeli Prime Minister Mcnahem Begin hugs Altt Correspondent Barbara Waltcis at reception in Begins honor at the home of Israeli Ambassador Sinicha linit1inWashington Later Begin departed the capital following two rounds of talks with President artcr and meeting with former President icrald Ford AP Photo For some Ontario schoolchildren Lack of immunization TORONTO Pi An On tario Council of Health report released Monday says that about oiierquarter of all chil dren entering school in Ontario lack immunization against common infect ious iscascs hildrcn lack immunization against diphtheria polio lock aw whooping cough measles German measles and mumps the report says The problem is the result of lack of concern among many young families ignorance among new immigrants and fluctuating immunization prac ticcs by the provinces health units and doctors it says Damage may be 5M in big Tripex blaze COLBORNII iit iPi The fourday fire which do stroycd Tiipcx Manufacturing Ltd and caused an estimated SISmillion damage was ex tinguished Monday company spokesman said Tom Illiiigworth vicepresi dent of ibatleigy anada Ltd Moiitnal said equipment and inventory lost in the blaze was worth about $700000 He said ihaleigy bought the plastics business and equip mcnt frotii Tripex Manufac turing Ltd about four weeks ago but Tripex owned the building which be estimated was worth more than $3000Ii He said earlier estimates by company officials of Szrmillion damage were high Illingworth said no decision has been made on whether Tri pex will resume production elsewhere The employees will continue to he paid and some of them are working as guards at the fire sitc Iic said ausc of the fire not known We belicvc it was an clcc trical fire Iic said But we are waiting for the report from the Ontario fire inaishals of ficc WIIS Pctcr Iav1s president of THE pcx said Saturday he may take action against the olbornc public utilities commission because firefighters could not get water from fire hydrant near the building Davis said there was not enough water pressure at the hydrant Until the report comes out no one will be taking any ac tion Illingworth said Friday toxic fumes from the burning chemicals forced scvcn families ncar the plant to leave their homes However they lind returned by Saturday night The plant is located in tram ahc Iowiiship near this commu nity about 45 kiloiiictics south east of Pctirborough The report says that wide variations in immunization lcv els exist among Ontarios pllllltllttlllllllllllsilIltlthtlOls illlltltllkS of infectious dis ease llith ociiirrwl among pop ulatioii groups where pltlllltllls of language and ctistoiiis exits it says The tcpotl suggests among other things that every IlltllVltl ual be given card to record all inoculations received It says there should also be clarification of iiiiiiinniatioii schedules that advisi doctors when to give what in iioculatioiis All Ontario citizens also should eventually be included in the iiiinistiys computer assistcd school health IOLIHIIL to providi up todatc records The report adds that public health regional services should try to reach pockets of low iiii riiuiiiatioii whether they result from problems of geography language citizens physiciansorethiiicattitudes lhc tilobc and Mail says that Ifieniiis Iiiiihrcll Ontario minister of health will make an announcement JII the new year on how lllt ministry should try to get more iitario citiciis iiiiiiiuniid 1gritish Airwas General Assembly ends sitting after three months of debate UNITED NATIONS AP Thc General Assembly ends its 1977 session today after three months of debate marked by re newed cooperation and n0 Iable lack of stormy con frontatioii Delegates disagreed over the accomplishments of the session but most gave high marks for the manner in which they conducted their business spirit of coopcration dominated the entire session and we are extremely gratr ified said Yury Fokinc dcpr uty cnvoy in the Soviet Unions delegation think we have cultivated the habit of getting together on issues without screaming commented Ambassador Andre Ememann current chairman of the ninecountry European Common Market group Ambassador Radha Krishna Ramphul of Mauritius said the sense of accommodation and compromise was reflected in that nearly twothirds of the more than 200 assembly resolu tions were approved by con sensus without votes T00 REPETEIIVE British Ambassador Ivor Richard also said the session was less frenetic Icss strident less confronuitional and slightly more ac commodating But we still have much too much repetition he added the Bigger world role urged for Canada OTTAWA tli Canada should assume higher profile in international relations based on new more comprehensive foreign policy aimed at rooting out the causes of disorder and injustice Progressive Ion scrvat ive party spokesmen said Monday Opposition Leader Joe Ilark and external affairs critic Douglas Roche made strong plea in the oiiimoiis foi anr ada to increase its work in the world arena when they spoke during special debate on for cign affairs The call was one of several made by opposition and Liberal speakers in the first special for cigii affairs debate held in the ominons in 17 years lhcsc matters came up dur ing the debate which continues today the last day of thc omr mons before hristmas recess that Iastsuntil Jan 22 FIxtcriial Affaiis Minister Iamieson said anada is with drawing support for com mercial operations in South Afr ricn because of its racial sepa ration policies Ilc also reported progress in settling the nuclear dispute flint has prevcnted shipments of aiindiaii uranium to Europe for almost year Herb tray II Windsor Wcsl former cabinet minister once again criticized the government for not im pleinciitiiig Itiiionthold policy against Arab economic boycotts Alark and other on scrvat ivcs said the government should have minister solely responsible for the anadian International Development Agency cum job now held by laiiiicson Mnlticultiiialisiii Minister Noiiii afik said it is the duty of lllt signatories to Ilic Helsinki agreement to speak out against human rights violations an oh vious slap at the Soviet Union Iark attacked the Trudeau govcriiiiiciits foreign policy as being inconsistent on number of major issues during the prime ministers nearly 10 years in Ollltt ItIiIIIIItN SllIIIt3 Ilc said tanndas reputation yctni abroad has suffered and the country has become known as capricious count ry as dilct Iantcamongnations The Liberal government had decided to reduce its corn mitmcnt to NATO but was now changing its mind Trudeau had laid grcat em phasis on the development of socallcd contractual link with the European Economic Com munin EEC as counterbal ance to the overwhelming in fluence of thc US on Canadas economy But Jamicson had admitted there has been only slight im pact on trade to date Iark also called for com plcte review of CIDA operations to make sure foreign aid is of maximum benefit Roche tEdmontonStrathcon at accused the government of playing down foreign affairs Canadians wanted their leaders to adopt stronger voice in the world community same old propaganda speeches and resolutions So overall Id givcita lus Part oft reason for the cal ming mood some diplomats said was that developments on such potentially divisive issues as the Middle East and south ern Africa took placc outside the world organization The Security Council how ever voted unanimously last month for an immcdiatc per mancnt and binding embargo on the salt of arms to South Af rica in the stiffcst action yet against the white governments racial policies Ihc assemny also adopted the usual series of nonbinding resolutions denouncing apar thcid South Africas scgrcga tion policy including om urging an oil embargo and ban on new foreign investment Israel came undcr the usual barrage of lopsided votcs con dcmnirig it for everything from collaboration with South Africa to allegedly denying Palestin him their human rights On onc issuc thc cstab lishrncnt of Jewish scttlcmcnts in the occupicd Arab territories Israel was without supporters The linitod States Israels chicf ally abstained and other traditional West European supporters of the Jewish state sidcd with the Arabs Many delegates cite two rest lutions as the most notable ac complishments of the session Ono was unanimous call for stringent measures against ae rial hijack ings The other was set of proposals for an overhaul of the UN social and economic agentits to make them more responsive to the ncods of de vcloping countrics The Iattcr included the ap pointmcnt of an economic czar who Wlll he the IJNs sccond ranking official Secretarylien oral Kim Waldhcim If thc common dmirc to avoid confrontation brought peace to thc assembly it also took its in LOMIWZMN AMIN rwiking long silence at the IIN on the nhprt of Idi Amin fiw Scandinavmn countrica in irttll1l rcolution calling for ccnaorc if the Ugandan div tator for rl mated grow VlOliHItIfI of human righta tot aftcr day of bargaining with lid African gflnp the itd decided to forgo debate and rcfcr the matcr to the UN Human 11g its Cornrnnor in Geneva coalition of tornrrninia and Third World counricfi shclvcd for at lea another year Vuitcrn rolutor for appointmcn of may orr missionm to prornot homer ri gh tr rou the orl at THE BEST SERVICE QUALITY SELECTION Mcy Con Unto Mon BUT ITS WORTH IT For all your Party Banquet Needs Coll TIFFANY PARTY RENTALS lTD 7371 388 RENT banquet card tables chafing dishes china items choirs coffee urns cutlery glassware and many more AND WE WASH THE DISHES AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE Fascinatin Gbrigtmas 31 Proud History of Great County From the early rural settlements to the contemporary invasion by urban commuters this chronicle mptures all the hardships achievements and hopes for the future of its indomitable people This is book to be enjoyed and treasured by resident and visitor alike Writh by John Craig and illustrated by Margot Oswald Anderson $1195 Available at Book Stores Munlclpcl Dfflcu and Slmcoo County Museum Yule Love Panasonic You could win week holiday for including fun in exciting LONDON and sun galore on the Mediterranean Isle of IBIZA Enter at any of these participating retailers Refuse to hear Kennedy appeal UII AV Iht Suprcmc ourt of anada refused Monday to hear an immigration appeal by James Kennedy hc mar lJ Il nit is Irish terrorist lamcs Mcfann Kennedy left taiiada in September altcr being ordered dc poi tcd but ltl lawyci Ilil Black of Vancouver told the This Christmas mi hUIIlftlllzlur Ii ll IISlIll wishd topursut hiasi hthIt lllt Ths IS on opportunny for you to parhgpote In Rd in the development of the great City of unit 1v APPLIANCES 80 Dunlop St New chairman 33 EIAWA ciu Jack sum SWEATERS The striking committee of the Councd of Mlslfgiifiolflfléms ac lit year vctc ll tlc Nahum WIH the City of Some will be recommending ASH 6mm bhecomc ow mo chairman of TONS appointments early in January 1978 to the Dunlap lyligrfflgfififijjlflfIfgfjijfjfi following boards and commissions DOCKSIDE ELECTRONICS said Mummy Mulcutor at lakoslioro Pormb Clock Radios He said St chairman of fliitlllizmdlfhHum Barrie PUbllC lerory Board BAanlisMDAninissstrtnon Cassette Decks cced Marshall trowe who is rc OF tiringaftcrlourycars iiithctop Barne annlng our FARCUND job North Barrio Plum hslilhllilttk 30 native of llci on Barne Market Commttee COlOR YOUR WORLD on la has been an cm ployce of lllt board since 1901 nmpfil 1145 Borrle Citizens Band 308 Myfldd and board member since 1968 SIMCOE DAnuN Borrie Industrial and Busmess 549 km DGVQlOFrTenl Commllee mum tEAiiiEiiooons no Committee of Adustment Bayflold Moll BlACKlOCKS FARM MEATS rec our RR No Coolidflown °Property Standards Committee AICDNA om srom ACDC Portable 32 Inc Rd Simcoe County Health Unit Applications marked as to what board or commission and appointment is desired with brief resume attached are requested from an individual or spon sored application with the consent of the proposed person attached and will be received by the undersigned up to pm January I978 MultiBand Radios Panasonic Available in Barrie at AlllSlON MINUTE MUFFLER Rados 1b Dufforln St Alliston PETER REINO SPORTS North Barrio Plaza Duality Clothing for the two of you this Christmas AUDIO CORNER 66 Dunlop St 7269271 Stroughon City Clerk Box 400 Barrie Ont L4M 4T5 gator to tho full page Id For mot Mall and who Shim nutty gitllitll iiiitllin it LLl at AUDIUU 267 Bradford 7283632

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