1e the examlner Tueaday Dec 20 1977 births boots motors 41 accommodations to share 26 adoptions 82 opts to rent 16 apts wanted to rent 18 articles for sole 40 articles to rent 43 articles wanted 42 auctions sales 79 auto accessories 36 auto service and repairs 35 business opportunities 07 camping equipment 56 card of thanks 86 cars for sale 32 cars wanted 33 coming events 88 commercial sale or rent 09 construction machinery 55 CLASSIFIED ADS cottages to rent 27 cottages for sole 28 cottages wanted 29 deaths 85 dogs pets 44 employment wanted 76 engagements 83 exchange 48 forms for rent 06 forms for sale 05 01 property for sale 01 property for sale MORTGAGES APPRAISALS CONSULTING SALES LEASING 58 COLLIER ST SUITE BARRIE ONTARIO NEW HOMES ONLY In Oro Vespra and Innisfil Townships lNNlSFlL TOWNSHlP EDGE OF CITY Three bedroom brick and aluminum siding split entry bungalow with builtin single car garage Insulated in excess of requirements Scenic 80 300 treed lot with ravine at rear 1100 sq ft of living space on main floor with full unfinished basement Asking $45900 10 insured mor tgoge VESPRA TOWNSHIP 10 MINUTES FROM BARRIE No frill bedroom split entry brick and aluminum siding bungalow 1050 sq ft on main floor with lull basement which can be finished by buyer to almost double living area 132 162 foot irregular shaped lot Paved road 10 insured mortgage Priced at $44500 ORO TOWNSHIP Three bedroom brick and aluminum back split with double garage Serviced by water system and septic tank Located in modern residential area near lake 10 minutes from Barrie Large lot 95 150 1080 sq feet home priced at $47500 with mortgage at current rate ALL OF THE ABOVE HOMES FEATURE broadloom and cushion flooring throughout Purchaser will have choice of colors fixtures cupboards flooring etc from builders samples where some have not already been ordered by builder For personal interview with builder or more information please call ED JENNINGS at 7371010 or 7280803 Enquiries from all Real Estate Brokers welcome and appreciated 1010 on your$K £9 015162021H it BEDROOM SIDESPLIT Located in Allandale Heights newly broodloomed decorated large family room Den with walkout to two level cedar deck Good financing 30 day possession if required Asking $57900 Call Dwight Norrena AWAY AND ABOVE THE EVERYDAY WORLD Only minutes from it bedrooms car garage walkout family room with fireplace and deck Asking $67750 Call today Loeffler ALLANDALE HEIGHTS bedroom split entry broadloom throughout family room with fireplace and dry bar Fully fenced yard close to public and the new high school $52900 Call Dwight Norrena Well work hard for you STAYNER Low down payment for large bedroom lyearold bungalow with car part $41000 Call Norbert Loeffler D20 Ellen Norrena 7372929 Norbert Loefller 7370167 Jim Bouchard 7285772 Henry Robinson 3258546 Edward 80wman 7267000 Loddie Griesbach Rl Dwight Norrena FR OLE 7289844 7372929 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS HEAD OFFICE 98 BAYFIELD ST 7284067 35 ESSA RD BARRIE 7372880 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL PM AGENTS FOR OMIDNUIST ESTATES 9WILL0W lANDlNG MIDNURST PRATT CONSTRUCTION LTD REID BUILDING LTD 0C BATTISON SONS LTD Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Lorry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cuff 7284067 Harry Mogill 7263864 John Colwell 7267726 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hooey 7280676 Harold Davis 7287543 Peter Bracalente 7263916 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Paul Arbour 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Peter Gubbels 7282425 Jim Cancllla 737 1597 REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIELI ST BARRIE 7263111 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Vicki Kent 4872501 Leo Covanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Botstone 7263043 Bill Moron 7282305 MargWoodnotoll 4873148 Real Estate ABLEPAGE Professionals Since 1913 355 Boyfield St Barrie Office 737001 7266904 Bill McCreary 7281865 gilt56 7266280 Verna Mullin 7282875 Bev Neill 7260205 Judy Pennett 7371264 IMIf Sharpe 4362576 Wayne Pennett 7371264 Gord Harris 4362403 lmufllmffffffffffffffffffmllllfflffIffllllffffffffffffffffffffflllfflllllllflllllllllllflffttttff Montreal Trust EL property for sole NEL LIMITED farm machinery 64 farm machinery wanted 65 feed seed grain 60 financial 11 florists 89 fruits and vegetables 67 garages 25 garden supplies 50 help wanted home improvements 47 01 property forsille 79 BAYFIELD sr BARRIE PHONE 7261405 TThSTF 119 DUNLOP ST 726I938 B9 Collier st Barrie llne 7264491 le $21111 WILLsoii REAL ESTATE LIMITED TORONTO 3646636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GRAND PLA CE BY CHANUTE INVESTMENTS 0F BARRIE Young iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiï¬niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiï¬ï¬iiiiiiï¬ at in REALTY WORLD 39 wt gm my Barrio Ontario Toronto line 8630398 iiiiiiï¬nï¬ 13 CHOLKAN PotMcGrath JoeDlrracolo RuthGibbons MarfhoDyson Lorna Verstraten 7373394 726$67 7281409 7262090 4241956 7262596 4584762 7287858 Bill Hockiey JoeCestaric 67 DUNLOP WEST Percy Ford 7287930 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ross Burwell 4589248 Rob Knapp 4875462 Ken Miller 4873365 Wayne Ward 7268220 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Mike Lysobild 7266054 Al Rose 7288116 REALTOR 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 Royal Trust 357 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7288800 TOR LINE 881 4174 ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA CO LTD II Nora Rivers Joe Dyson Don Allan Doug Ferguson Marg Ferguson Poppy Wilde MurlalJaffrey JlmMilos 7262596 7262090 4872412 7286172 7286172 7281887 7266383 7370499 EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 364 7941 WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT Ron Thorne 7288714 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Helen Burns 7262386 Jerry McNabb 7262386 Sue Drennan 4875712 Bill Purvis 7260452 Ross Miller 7260563 Harvey Weber 4363815 Bruce Dangerfield 7284959 REALTOR RoyalTrusl an HA 11 IF 168 DUNLOP EAST WW DONALDS MILLER REALTOR 4364507 TThS J21 DAMBIIIISIII lIVAll not 887 DUNLOP ST BRRIE 7263422 TF PROPERTIES to be sold for tax ar rears Official Ontario Lits Dept Ex Box 5380 Station Ottawa Ont K2C 3J1 REALTOR Hours Wilekdnys to Saturdays 910 47 COLLIER ST Corner of Owen Collar Streets BARRIE 726261 Dorothy MacQuarrie 7286358 Helen Hopkins 7281662 Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Leeder 7269245 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Gord Wright no toll4363669 Margaret Wright 4363669 TF NORMAN 728 3293 12 Eniortgoges First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am WORD ADS SEMIDISPLAY houses to rent 17 houses wanted to rent 19 in memorioms 87 instructions 69 insurance 10 landscaping 531 leasing 39 legal 77 livestock for sale 57 livestock wanted 58 mortgages Ist Mortgages 108 with 10 prepayment prlvlogo to 85 of traits 2nd Mortgages 11 open on min interest to 90 of value We are mortgage brokers arid Since we specialize can guarantee prompt and Individual attention to all rnor tgage Inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages the most favorable market terms Ample fun for residential omineiciul and under recreanonalproperries We also purchase allsfltlg mar 190995 for cash Call Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr for valuable ad vice Bus 7371881 Res Toll Free 4875965 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East Barrie Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TFMP PERSONAL LOANS Second Mortgages Rates Flexible ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 53 Bath St Cd NORM or ooemt 7266431 TThSJ26 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker Call 726 4651 days 728 4651 evenings 14 riioblos homes triers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up To 15 Years Highway 11 Souith I70 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king Size lbed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 new used only six times 7054451480 16apts to rent WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St West TWO AND THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS For appointment to view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St Spacious suites available Utilities included con venient location 7265771 ThFSTF MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease QUIet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF Illms to rent lost found 70 lots for sale 04 market basket 66 marriages 84 mobile homes trailers 14 money to loan 13 mortgages 12 motorcyles 37 nursing homes 15 office stores for rent 23 lbqtsJo rent FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 weekdays TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS 52 monthly includes all utilities and cable No pets Close to Bayfleld Mall Lease required Telephone 7266046 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments for rent Frldge and stove Included Telephone 737 1674 between 500 and 700 pm LARGE BEDROOM apartment cen trally located Includes all utllltles Parking Included Laundry facilities No pets Please telephone 7280980 TWO BEDROOM Apartment Stove refrigerator parking laundry facilities and heat Included No children or pets Apply Apartment 201 55 Blake Street MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartments coloured appliances utilities included Available January 15th and February lst Telephone 7263577 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT $260 monthly includes everything except hydro No pets Available now 74 Shirley 51 Telephone 726 8733 or 72621817 UNFURNISHED SIX ROOM apartment for rent Dunlap and Maple $195 monthly plus heat and utilities Available im mediately Apply Mostyns Bayfield Mall Barrie 7263442 FURNISHEDone bedroom self contained apartment garage included $150 monthly Close to downtown Suit one lady Telephone 7288484 FURNISHED aACHELOnéTTEchén tral Barrie Start at $35 weekly Telephone 726 6271 after pm LARGE Two BEDROOM apartment utilities allincluded $250 monthly First and last month Children welcome Telephone 728 4618 BACHELOR APARTMENT on Bayfield Street Available from January $150 monthly Fridge stave utilities and parklng included Telephone 7262910 ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown $190 monthly Fridge stove and utilities included Available from January Telephone 726 2910 BEDROOM APARTMENT available January lst outside parking centrally located Telephone Hoyle 728 5225 after BEDROOM central aarFIe lnCIudes heal hydro refrigerator and stove $240 monthly Telephone 726 6271 after p771 CENTRAL LOCATION Modern spacious unfurnished bedroom apart merit Refrigerator stove parking $250 monthly Adults only No pets Telephone 728 2253 business hours TWO BEDROOM $220 monthly Angus area Also furnished bachelorette cen tral Barrle 726 6271 after TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent Allandale area Parking heat and cable included $243 monthly Telephone 737 3445 BEDROOM APARTMENT $240 in cludes fridge stove and parking hydro extra No pets or children Telephone 737 0803 LIKE YOUR OWN apartment only cheaper Completely furnished kitchen taCIIitIes Bus and shopping nearby Available now Girls only please Call after5p 726 9319 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY two bedroom apartment Allandale area Fridge stove cable and hydro Included Rent $243 monthly First and last months rent Telephone 737 3445 anytime TWO BEDROOM available January 151 Includes heat cable parking and carpeting $250 monthly Call 7268733 after 737 3994 THREE BEDROOM apartment $265 plus hydro fridge and stove large grounds Ridge Road Oro Telephone 4872714from6pmt010pm PARK LANE TOWERS Modern two bedroom apartment Two elevators All utilities included in rent controlled by Rental Review Officer Walking distance to downtown References 728 0776 Two BEDROOM central parking no pets $215 monthly plus hydro Telephone 7370901 days ONE BEDROOM apartment in quiet triplex Fridge and stove parking close to shopping Adults only no pets $195 plus hydro monthly Telephone 728 8898 BEDROOM APARTMENT available immediately Stove and fridge parking laundry facilities Bus stop at door $250 monthly plus hydro References 728 10350r 7371771 TWO BEDROOM apartment fridge stove heat parking new laundry room $232 monthly no pets please 728 5816 atter630pm FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment separate entrance $225 monthly in cludes all utilities parking Available immediately Telephone 424 5403 TWO BEDROOM Married couples preferred no children $235 monthly first and last months rent Laundry and parking facilities Available immediate ly Telephone 737 1338 17housos to rent PUGETCOURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 7289682 TThSTF NEW CONDOMINIUM HOUSES For Immediate rental bedrooms large living room and dining room located at 17 St Vincent St 7283030 726 5992 or 458 9431 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS coursesom seml available Immediately $375 per month plus utllitles Lease required Call Harr Maglll rep Lou Goedemont Real Estate 728 4067 or 7263864 16qm to rent CENTRAL DNTARID FINEST IMPERIAL IVVE RS Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage brokers Association TF EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 COLORED APPLIANCES 0STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE OSAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND 37 Johnson Street LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY OTENNIS COURT GAMES ROOM CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB CREATED AND MANAGED BY KANEFF PROPERTIES LIMITED Barrie 7269580 Also see CEDARWOOD COURT 125 WELLINGTON ST 7264991 TT11STF plete perfect condition 1973 PINTO ex opportunity for men women74 pasture for sole 61 posture to rent 62 pasture wanted 63 personals 68 photography 49 plants and bulbs 52 poultry and chicks 59 professional directory 90 property for sale 01 17 houses to root COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 builtIn stove and oven trig washer and dryer large garage $310 monthly Louis Stansfleld 7263261 or 7288082 represen tative Canada Trust TWO THREE BEDROOM HOUSES available immediately Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utlllties Also close to bus stop 7263257 between am and 9pm HILLSDALE bed rm farm house with barns located on acres close to ski hills Rent $300 per month Call Ray Bubel 7263871 or 7289275 representing Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor THREE BEDROOM semidetached house Tall Trees area broadloomed garage Available December 30 $325 monthly First and last months rent re quired Call 7286321 after pm 726 27 75 MAT LAKE STREET bedroom available Immediately $285 month References required 4872412 TWO BEDROOM HOME for rent at 143 Burton Ave $230 month plus utilities Call AI Beacock repressenting Unigroup Real Estate 737I771 ONE YEAR OLD model home Three bedrooms broadloom four appliances draperies and garage Newly decorated Available February lst $375 monthly Call 737 2217 DALSTON miles to Barrie 1V7 storey bedroom home lull basement oil furnace School bus $250 monthly plus utilities Available January 7285630 20rooms to let FURNISHED ROOM in Allandale of bus stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 7284268 daysor 7280810cvenings CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facilities 7267186 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking availableI now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 737 INO EXTRA LARGE furnished rooms share kitchen for singles or young couples linen supplied Downtown area 7266392 CLEAN FURNISHED rooms for rent Centrally located parking facilities Available immediately Phone 737 4905 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM in quiet building Central Adults No pets $120 monthly Available immediately Please call 726 9199 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM for rent Share kitchen $85 monthly Parking available Apply 27 Toronto St after pm FURNISHED ROOM for rent S18 week Iy Linen supplied Central location Telephone 737 I472 23oftices stores for Eent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angelofl OFFICE SPACE available from 125 to 1200 square feet Rental rate $450 perI sq ft Call Bill Sakaris National Trust Company 728 9201 TWO OFFICES iust over 500 square feet each can be ioined together $150 manl thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downIOWn Barrie Mrs Petch 726 3338 RETAIL STORE or office for rentI available December lst Allandale loca tion 500 square feet $235 month in cludes heal and hydro Telephone 726 8712 after pm or 726 4621 daily RETAIL 0R OFFICE SPACE asrsubleit from current tenant 300 600 square teem near Five Points 726 3822 3600 SQUARE FT AND MORE ideal for retail store stores offices Also basement storage space available withI ideal loading unloading area MainI downtown Barrie 726 0988 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks14ft18fl clear part of large expandlng industriall mall 7110 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloft COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL prol parties for sale or rent Mortelll Limited Real Estate 728 0674 27cotfages to rent THREE BEDROOM winterized cottage available Immediater in Big Bay Point with fireplace and broadloom throughout Rent $250 Telephone bet ween9am and9pm 7263257 32ws for sis 1973 M68 body rustproofed and solid original paint good tires mechanically sound runs smoothly Fully certified 40000 miles Price $2400 Call George 7282485 days 726 2815 evenings 1970 DATSUN 510 Body and interior ex cellent Good mechanically Owner will certify $750 Call 7266618 1976 MERCURY BOBCAT two door four cylinder automatic 22000 miles $2750 In excellent condition Telephone 728 9723 1975 COMET 27000 miles radio elec tronic ignition rear window defrost block heater Excellent condition Ask ing $2300 or best offer Telephone 322 3044 anytime 1975AUDl100LS In excellent condition Ziebarted Radio Front wheel drive 30 mpg 25000 miles certified $4200 or best offer 424 5449 after pm 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS immaculate condition door low mileage automatic Wlll certify $2600 or best of fer Telephone 726 6925 I973 CHEVELLE Laguna door coupe V8 snow tires radio vinyl roof ex cellent condition Asking $1900 Telephone Gary 7262174 after pm 1973 PINTO STATION WAGON body and Interior In excellent condition Automatlc and Squire options Many other extras Owner will certify Telephone 726 7822 1966 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 75000 miles Excellent mechanical condition Interior in good condition Recently cer tified $300 Telephone 728 8275 anytime 1976 BUICK SKYHAWK V6 automatic power steering Zlerbart 15000 miles $400 or take over payments Telephone 4240707 1969 CHEV Impala running condition As is $100 Telephone 4364696 1974 OLDS DELTA 88 four door hardtop power windows power steering power brakes aIr conditioning radio Good condition $2300 or best offer Telephone 7262348 1971 CHEV four door sedan 350 V8 automatic PS and PB Radio Excellent mechanical condition Certlfled Asking S675 Stroud 436 1313 I970 FORD custMEoéMJBoor hard top 302 Certified Telephone 725 9092 between and pm $450 CERTIFIED 1967 Ford custom six cylinder four door standard body and motor In excellent condition Good gas mileage Telephone 726 5485 1976 CAMARO 350 blue with whlte In terlor low mileage Lady owner $4100 Telephone7373477 1974 MAVERICK Best offer Certified two door low mlleage 1974 THREE QUARTER TON FORD Best offer Cer tified Low mileage Telephone 487 2411 after6 I976 CORDOBA alr cruise control cer tlfled Asking $4500 Owner must sell has company car 7263869 from am to pm Ask for Bruce 1977 HONDA Hatchback automatla 4000 miles Immaculate 1976 DODGE VAN RV automatic 5000 miles com cellent body uncertlfled snow tires $700 7371864 automatic 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 blue standard Michelin radlals new ex haust ruslproofed excellent condltlon $1000 TelephoneTNMeo property for sale or rent 03 property management 08 property wanted 02 public notices 80 resorts 30 room and board 21 rooms to let 20 rooms wanted 22 sales help agents 72 service and repairs 54 33 cars wanted JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 WANTED Clean used cars earrieHorT da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup anytime 4362900 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke M6168 Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 72115111 and traileEs 1975 F250 FORD four wheel drive V8 automatic In good condition Telephone 4455562 after pm 1972 FORD ECONOLINE van longrbox V8 standard insulated certified $1850 New tiriTelephone 7373445 1972 CH EV 7ton 350 automatic In good condition $1850certified1973 FORD 34 ton excellent for camper Two gas tanks 300 six cylinder standard $2400 certified Telephone 7269487 after 1975 FORD 34 TON pickup truck 24000 mlles heavy duty suspension very good condition Telephone 72856 1974 COURIER TON good condition licenced $1400 or reasonable offer Also 1963 Buick Special V6 good condition $200 licenced Telephone 4249756 38snowmobiles ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE uccrssoms BARRIE SoH at SPORT NAVEN MARINE sum Id 7261001 My27 ARTIC CAT EL TIGRE 4000 1976 In ex cellent condition never raced Low mileage Fully equipped Telephone 06191385 or 728 4658 evenings 1972 SKI DOD Olympic 300 Excellent condition like new Asking $500 Phone 7268498 1977 ELAN 510066 for Egie singli engine less than 30 hours Overhauled ready to go Telephone 424 5699 Visit BARRIES ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE DEALER THIS WEEKS SPECIAL 1978 LYNX 2000 New 5000 PANTERA 1199 1699 1799 2750 New 4000 EL TIGRE 1978 EL TIGRE LIQUID Sport Navoii Marble rule out of Bari on Shorty Bay Rd 7261001 40 micles for sde SKIS Head Comp DH 220 cm with Nevada Topllne Bindings like new cost $345 sell for $135 Dynastar MP1 207 cm with Salomon 555 Bindings like new cost $310 sell for $130 Rossignol Roc 550 195 cm with Nevada Bindings used $60 Yamaha all around 185 cm with Cover stepin Bindings used$40 Lange Comp Slalom 195 cm good condition $45 Salomon 505 Bindings $15 Mens Nordica Topline Buckle Boots years old size $15 Mens Nordica Topllne Buckle Boots years old size $25 Mens DH redblue racing suit like new worn for downhill races cost $230 sell for $110 Private sale phone anytime 8352000 no tall used D20 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 7263435 ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball IIoo 1mm entertainer Excellent condition Asking $2950Telephone 728 1970 $299 REUPIIOLSTERS your chostsrfiold that labor Idfahlciooludoiiupto lSyds Pickup dolvery iicludoil Wurli nIsiilp fuly guaranteed to 10 day service STONES UPIIOLSTERING Brarte 7265721 024 MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knick knacks Very reasonable Telephone 436 3584 FIREWOOD mixed hardwood Free delivery Telephone 3222390 HANDCRAFTED PINE FURNITURE choice of style finish Coffee tables $125 end tablesfrorngs 7371039 COLOR TV RENTALS DENTALPURCHASE 20GE color per week $460 26 Quasar only wkly $550 20 RCA XLIOO per week $475 26 Panasonic per week $645 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL MARCH 78 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAlA 7371182 POINTSETTIAS up to blooms in Inch pots $399 while they last Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Drive Telephone 7262951 7282414 snowmobiles 38 space for rent 24 stamps and coins 45 summer prOperties for sale 31 swaps 46 teachers wanted 73 tenders 78 trade schools 75 trees and shrubs 51 trucks and trailers 34 40 articles for side RCA xuoo We have 16 RCA XLIW solid state color portablas new in crates for only $378 or pay just $365 weekly on our Rental Pur chase Plon No money down no payments till March 1978 Phone tonight delivery tonight RRAIYRELLYS Barrie Plaza 7371182 J18 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES Berkel scales gas steam table two pot size commercial floor scrubber and polisher Items $50 each $20 hot peanut machine Also twin stroller 7284825 after5pmr Telephone Tis the Merry Merry Month of December Time to stop think and remember Got to find that special gift Why not check our Christmas list Classified Gift Spotter TF HAMMOND PIPER ORGAN like new one keyboard $695 Telephone 728 8796 after6pm LIMITED NUMBER olfactory seconds now in stock Most only slightly marked Single double and queen Barrie Mat tress Factory 15 Dunlop downtown Barrie 7289922 GUITAR MATSUOKA DREAD NAUGHT new excellent tone and ac tion with deluxe case $300 Call 7281114 or 737 3947 anytime mzr KELLY sins We are overstocked with new used and repossessed televisions Now is the time to save Electrohome 26 color only $490 weekly 18 RCA color only $390 weekly 20 Toshiba color only $450 weekly on the super renttoown plan No money down no payments till March 1978 KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371 182 Phone tonight delivery tonight J18 APARTMENT SIZE portable bar and matching stools $150 firm Electric Baseboard Heater 7501500 watt $10 Small 12 12 tile top occasional table $4 Two pink Depression glass candy dishes one with handle one touted $5 each 7289830 evenings only CANNON MOVIE CAMERA and case Eumic movie proiector and screen and splicer Kodak carousel slide Droiector screen and four reels Telephone 424 6885 Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store Start the holiday season off right EXAMINE the GIFT SPOTTER tonight TF GUITAR electric solid body four pick ups four channels dual volume can trols $125 Telephone 726 1059 35 MM Through lens metering Cannon TL lens 50 mm 18 $150 Telephone 726 1059 MIRANDA SENSOMAT 35 CAMERA with 50 mm 18 lense and 13 telephoto tense Includes case for camera and filters $200 Call 737 0632 REPOSSESSED 26 RCA XLIOO carved wood cabinet to the floor Casters total automatic color illuminated channels digital UHF Instant on Take over payments of $19 per month Phone tonight Delivery tonight Where else KRAZY KELLYS BarrIsHaza7371182 J18 TWO REALISTIC optomus 28 speakers twenty three inches high eight track player about one year old $125 Call 726 0393 ext 55 ask for George Personal call USED SKATES and skate exchéï¬e Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports 68 Dunlop St 726 3200 FIREWOOD $35 per cord Bush corisri load Free delivery Phone Creemori 466 2320 ESTATE SALE some antiqueSV rooms of furniture Telephone 728 38610 726 9182 VARIETY STORE equipment for ul three door cooler two ice cream freeze cash register commercial floc polisher thermo fox photo copier ALSI flass and chrome coffee and end table All in good condition1241811 QUEBEC HEATER 41 highsi Reasonably good condition Telephon 726 2477 423 rticlesiwa nted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pr 1950 items 728 8234 COINS WANTED accumulations cr Iections of Canadian or American cm per silver gold Highest cash paid bi collector 726 4544 REQUIRED Good used items of 61 kinds for the needy SALVATION AR MY 60Collier St 728 3794 44don and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampool and clipping of all breeds Scot Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING protesiï¬ grooming all breeds pick up and livery 726 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Best selection town Aquariums all sizes at unbeeta prices Evenings and weekends Ed hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 726009 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Prof sional clipping and grooming Re onable rates Phone 726 0061 OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG pupp Great stocking stuflers Pu registered lnterested 645 8176 of 6pmlBracebridgeI COCKER SPANIEL female pupDY neegs good ham Registered shots and reasonabl Telephone 7265218 after pm POODLEVPUPPIES while Eeveii woel old male and female $100 Toy male fr studservices 728 9783 GERMAN SHE PHERD PJrT registered needles tattooed Males or females Ideal gift for Christmas Telt phone 726 I940 IRISH SETTERS for semi2 registered female 18 months tron show stock Telephone 458 4718 for fur ther information lovely blec FREE KITTENS to good homes Mu let them go on account of allerglas family Housebroken Telephon 436 43119 MINIATURE POODLE PUP for salt male nine weeks old Used to chlldrer Would make an excellent Christmas glf $50 to good home Telephone 7280578