the examiner Monday Dec 19 1971 23 ataglanoe Iiielieyearold Scott FIIIIIIIS tirade student at odrington School played the part of iniscliimious imp during skit by odriiigton School this week at musical performance rxlriiigton Sings Noel 77 lIhaminer Photo onie director Roman Polanski talks with correctional oi ficers at Iiiiio Ieiis Institute Friday in hino aliforiiia Polanski who pleaded guilty to haying sex with iiiyear at olri girl was beginning court ordered 90day psychiatric study Laserphoto CANADA AND THE WORLD THE QUIZ worldscope to paint for each queatlon answered correctly iilii Al it vitmrririiirri airing Im Irrirlri Irirlgrs rrlirrliiig wrl owaril rriryr firtimid Shaw qulm hustli Uv Irritip Irriirr pill ririwri IitliI rioting newsname art the Pririir Mirilstir ll Japan HIN ui IIH most lIiIIIISIIIdIlIfl nations III the world Rrreiilly rmHKahrrri in alumi in help rival Willi lily lrlllilfy world All IIIIIJIIIIiS What is ffry iiiirriiI pointa for each correct match PART OF THIS NEWSPAPERS SEE THINK SCHOOL PROGRAM he allowed tr ltill if HOOSI ONE rrmv iiMr harpsealsm197drhaorhis rilll to government dflflftflf Ive rr lalsr Prime Minister Trudeau sairi hr Miirl resigri ii Qiirbm voted by large whom to wririi Irrirrr anada in prrivirr uus Ulfiffl if Part lrarlrr fri Brrltiiibirrl 1lflli hilly will hit us no It HOOSI Nf ritrra lfllly hr rrriririrrryv III its rairrpaigir for It fllll Mirml IIff trim exported in the Illi Htrmrnip Written in rririirly iiiarlveii play lirrv ir iirrrirV rm the Iiirirlriri stage llrt IIiri 0i Iilfffltitlit rirrrilly fdllftl III Uf whith if is ruIririy In 10 point for the correct identification matchwords biriitroine followup wrlhrliiw separati 1srririi ahuie Ullffdl 2414 IIII Ssrrlatr 4seriilr dr ilrii lftfti 5sequel eiilil and forgetful YOUR SCORE 91 to 100 point TOP SCOREI 81 to 90 points Encellent 71 to 80 pointa Good 61 tom point Fair °VEC Inc Madieon Wisconsin 121277 i4 Georgiana udet all actiye fillyearvold fiddler recalls when hiistmas as simpler cyetti iii the days before Santa laus She cori tinues the old Quebec tradi tion with music in her home StIean on llies DIlrleans near Quebec it tl Photol newspicture 10 point if you answer HI QUOIIIOH correctly Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat riiri with Algerian IItHItIIIII liuuaii liriiiimllerie left and lyhmri lrisirlriit Miiarrrrriai Kaririah at rinierenri oi IldfflIlfll Arab IIillllfs ill Iriprili What Arab mgariilatiun dries Mr Arafat ripirsirir sportlight paints for each question answered correctly The Denver Hirmrris leading the Western Division of the National Irmthall leagues oriIrriririrliiii IlttI an NH playoff berth fur the first time if llll Ill year history III the learn iiiaria won the national llllf III the WUIIII HOOSI Nl parar hitting gliding harripiuiiships IlfIll III AlisidelddfllIflwr mg theeway lie With West iiritiariy and the hand States Heavyweight bfle rhariipioii who will light lrrm Spinks in chruary must agree by Mummy in limit Willi trip UIIIIIlflll Kin Norton or lose his IIIII If irihrig It the Worlti BUXIIIK mini II hr Mriiilieal anatheris tiaririi veteran rriilir Ielrr Malilrivri who had played lot the National Hot Ity league IfiiIIl slnte 196 Mdhliiyir IIUW plays for the iIittsliurgh Penguins rPhilarlelphia Ilyirs Irt olorarir RtK kies liiii Rule the CHOOSE Ni liostriri Rrri Sin Kansas ily Royals WUII the Amititan leagues liilslariiiiiig designated hitter iwaitl roundtcible Famin dincuasion no score What position should the federal grivvriiiiirrit liIItt minitiring the animal spring limit of Iraq sealsf Answers on Page The doctor says Building up health problem By THOSTESON Ml Dear Dr Thosteson am faithful reader My problem is one know affects thousands of other Canadians My diet con sists of enormous quantities of carbohydrales atn not over weight by any means feet inches and 120 pounds know though that this diet is affect ing my health can sit down and eat half carton of va nilla wafers half carton of ice cream and peanut butter sandwich Thats nothing Ive tried to stop am 20 now Perhaps need someone to shock me into realizing what Im doing might quit This is plea for help II Well at least youre getv ting sotiie protein front the peanut butter tip to now the chief effect of the sweets and carbohydrates probably has been 01 your teeth llut you are building up to real health problem So far your body has been able to hair die the heavy carbohydrate load You may be physically ac tive and burning it off Iiul dont expect that to continue much longer Sooner or later the bathroom scales might be more con vincing than any medical argu ments and youll quit of lltttsr sity unless this carbohydrate gorging has become an in grained habit by then If you continue loading up on sweets and fats rthe ice cream you can then start deducting months from your expected lifespan and the insurance companies can tell you just how many Start correcting your diet For example begin substi tutmg sortie protein snacks and some fruit for all that carbohy drate it will help supply some needed bulk also Dear Dr Thosteson would like your opinion on my high blood pressure am on medicine Aldactazide and af ter couple of weeks of taking it daily stopped because my pressure got low 140 over 70 When went back to see my doctor he took the pressure and it was high He said was prob ably overstimulated and to stop taking the medicine feel bit nervous and take my pressure every two weeks Is it possible to have such fluctuating pres sure KIW Did you tell your doctor you stopped taking the medicine diuretic on your own If you didnt youre playing dangerous games The lower reading you mention iri dicated nice response to it It wasnt too low The higher reading indicates the same high blood pressure factors are at work No doctor can put puzzle together if the patient withholds piece Dear Dr Ihosteson What is involved in thyroid scan test Is the radiation used liar mful The amount of radioactive iodine used for these scans is minute and its active life is short New vacs allow exam inations almost immediately after being taken kind of Geiger counter is used to tell how quickly and to what extent the gland absorbs the radioactively labelled iod ine The test is important for diagnosing thyroid problems Its been in use for many years and you neednt worry about any lasting effects BRIDGE oswald and Jim Jacoby Lead low for finesse NORTH 19 ii 415 K102 in 97 EAST to Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South NT Pass BNT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Nine of dia monds By Oewald Jamel Jacoby Oswald Terence Reese has new book entitled Begin Bridge with Reese It starts out with some very simple hands but as one wou expect from Reese book the later hands all show some basic principle of pla The basic principle in todays hand is that in eneral it is right to lead ow card when intendin to finesse South is In bor er line etxnotrump contract He can bring it home if he ACROSS 38 Repeat 40 Eastern Tax agency 41 Singer Bob abbr Police 42 December colloq song Grooming and 44 Strike lightly 12 Adversary 46 Conned 13 Work cattle 50 Waver I4 Air 54 LyrICISt 15 Drug agency Gershwm abbr 55 Duckhke bird 16 Glandular 56 Melody disease 57 Pro 18 Yearned SI 58 Lumber 20 Luau food 2i Singletons 59 Beverages 60 Superlative 23 Martini suffix ingredient 27 Monastery DOWN head 30 Persran Questionable 32 Masked Went by car animal for Actor Connery short Valid 33 hide to Oxygen solution of compound mystery Wooden nail 34 Swdt aircraft Fasten abbr Posrtive 35 Propel With particle cars Gallic 36 Cook in an affirmative oven IO Housewifes ti 37 Eight Sp tle abbr can collect either four heart tricks or three spade tricks Osward As you can see Terence has placed the spade queen where declarer cant do anything about it but the heart king is finess able Jim Declarer might just as well attack hearts right away If he leads the ten West covers with the king and Easts nine of hearts will keep South from scoring four heart tricks Oswald If South leads the four of hearts to dummys ack followed by the seven est will have to lay the king and South will ave the ten of hearts for fourth heart trick Vermont reader held AKxx AKxxx xx He ran onded one dia mond to ie partners one club whereupon his partner rabid one ade He wants to know who he should have bid then The correct rabid la ump to four spades This ump to game is one that asks partner to bid again with strong opening bid dain crossword Answer to Prevrous Puzzle it Boom 39 Scarcuy t7 Exploding 40 Trolan hero stars 43 Ancrent port 19 Rush hour at Home me dne 45 Small piece of 22 Smooth 24 Throwrng disk ground pl 47 Spouse Mush 48 Wmfled 90d 26 Composer 49 Shoot out Dvorak 50 Officers 27 BImg Candidate 23 P8 School abbr 29 GUI 51 Concrliator 31 Repent 33 Civet for one brbe 36 Humdmm 52 Heart La 37 Christiania 53 Wvvw AStrOG raph Bernice Bede Osol flour Blimllidlaiy Dec 20 1977 Overlook no opportunity this coming year to gain additional knowledge in your chosen field Proper preparation could later lead to advancement SAGITTARIUS Nov23Dec21 Helpers may be hard to come by if you treat them disdainfully today Remember Santa keeps his elves because he makes them feel important CAPRICORN Dec22Jan19 In Winthrop Frank and Ernest mununs IV Born Loser HERES LOOKING AT you KID 7373860 HowD TH MEDITATIO sessrorv WlIH TH 8058 so 6000 WORD NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St dealing with youngsters today you could run into battle of wills if you feel your position is lair and just stick to your guns AQUARIUS Jan20Feb19 Schedule domestic chores es pecially unpleasant ones early in the day Otherwise youll never quite catch up PISCES Feb20March 20 Check carefully anything in writing before you send it off today You could err through haste and change your in tended meaning ARIES March 21Aprll 19 When shopping today be aware of your bank balance You have an unfortunate predi lection for spending too lavish MADE MYOWN LUNGI FUR SCHOOLThus MORNING FAul our WHAT CAN ewe our WHO HAé NOTHING AINT cool for With Your éfJMé Atari TTEN AMP YOUR TEETH WlLl See us for Christmas Candles ind Purtywure SPECIAL 40 Page PHOTO ALBUM 35 ly TAURUS April 20May 20 Do mestic situations will not be exactly to your liking today but theyre not as bad as you may make them Curb impulses to overreact GEMINI May 21June 20 Nor mally youre not one to keep things to yourself if something annoys you Today you could be frustrated because youre too secretive CANCER June 21July 22 How liberal you are with dollar today will largely be governed by the company you keep or who you feel y0u have to keep up with LEO July 23Aug22 Today you may be in for rude awakening when you discover the world Is marching to different drummer than you are Change your beat VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Hear say lnformation could upset you needlessly today Dont push the panic buttepflll you know the facts LIBRA Sept 23Oct23 youll be out of your element joint venturesitoday if youre in votved with someone more ag gressive than you He could make you sacrificial lamb SCORPIO 0ct24Nov22 De cisions made under pressure today will not be your best Stall before committing your self until you have time to think it over ANDM0W5 HAVING THE 01977WKAJIL HERES IOU IF IT COMES nutiI um PLEASE NOT WITH BUTTEKMILKI ITS THATSANDRA FmM THE FISHSHOP wuds KEEPIN IM our THESE NIGHIS WISH THERE WASQME WAY COULD Snow MY APPRECIATION