household AP Photo Points to ponder By DOROTHY KILBIRN nineteenyear old girl with black curly hair clad in faded jeans and shirt with rucksack on her back was hiking through the Scottish Highlands She stopped at small town post office bought postcard and wrote an address on ll But instead of writing message on it she took bottle of perfume from her shirt pocket and sprinkled few drops on the card Afte wavnig it in the air couple of time she drop ped it in the post box For your boyfriend an onlooker smilineg asked No she replied For my grandfather She explained that her grandfather who lived alone HAMILION rli Bill Newcll anadian executive director of World Vision has visited 43 countries in the last five years As director of the inter national charitable organ ization Newell oversees World Vision operations He meets with church and missionary leaders and politicians in the countries he moivvo The fragrance of loving in Edinburgh was Everywhere she went she sent him postcard no message just few drops of her perfume sprinkled on ll She knew that as soon as her old blind grandfather rte eived her postcard and held it to his face he would know that somewhere young girl in the flush of her youth was thinkingof him Fragrances are for remembering and hov pUIIL nant those memories can be at times Beautiful fragrances are also emanated bv acts ot love We have an old piano which is fragrant with memories for me because my mother went out to work blind visits to discuss existing and proposed prog ra ms his most recent trip Newell visited Kenya and spoke with Ifgandan refugees Some of them told me about the military breaking into their church while ser vice was on dragging the minister from the pulpit and shooting him he said out we ï¬ascosnow Swearingin ceremony Pope at weekly general audience Pope Paul V1 is aided by his personal secretary Monsignor Pasquale Iacchi left as he takes his place recently on the dais in the Vatican audience hall for his weekly general au dience In the background is sculpture by Italian artist iericlc Fauini depicting the resurrection of Christ At right is Monsignor Del IalIo di Roccagiovine of the pontifical one day week money to give lessons III Man water his niei brought to him because the had risked their lives in an effort to quench the thirst ot leader to whom they were deeply devoted There is nothing fragrant than gift says Here is my love And what gift from God could declare more clearly to mankind Here is my love than the gift of iods Son that Ilere is love not that we loved Iod but that he loved its and sent his Son to be the propit iat ion for our siiis Oversees Vision operations Newtll went to Vietnam during the last days of fighting to distribute food rations and travelled to Bangladesh where he helped teach farmers to stagger the planting of crops so the an nual floods would not wipe out the countrys food supply World Vision has an annual operating budget of $40 million and sponsors 13mm children around the world Constantine armanlis left 70 is sworn in as premier of Greece in Athens for the seventh time in his life Archbishop Seraheim reads the oath of office to the premier who maintain ed his position in recent national elections AP Laserphotoi to earn piano years ago young soldier refused to drink the more Weekend religion roundup the examiner Saturday Doc 1m $22000 annually to start church TORONTO CP group of Presbyterians who broke with their church when their minister was fired have been told it will cost more than $22000 year to start new church The group of more than 100 broke away from Alderwood Presbyterian Church in Mar ch to protest the firing of Rev Allan Pickering 53 The group petitioned the West Toronto Presbytery for per mission to choose their own Church 220 Stool Stroot Ionic Worship Service 11000m 1045 am Sunday School REV JOHN KLEIN Pootor lt lktzl HIWAYII Special Music Cori Bull St Andrews Proohytorion Church Owoo Ind Worlioy Sn INTERIM MODERATOR REV ERIC IEGGS ID ORGANIST Con Von Homort Guoot MInIItor Rov Dr Porrio l1 oWorohb THE SAOAMENT OF THE LORDS SUPPER 945 am Sonior Church School am Junior Church School AI VIoItoro WoIcomo 3x CHURCH Presents 950 om Dynamic SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 am Worship Pootor Running Spooklng 700 pm 72 9729 Wolcomo to the FREE METHODIST CHURCH 200 BAYFIELD ST DECEMBER 4th of Oolrvlllo Ontario 945 am Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship Sorvico 730 pm Evonlng Sorvlco COMING DECEMBER 11th CHILDRENS CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT NORTH COLLEGIATE Pootoro bYteftéhUvCuheis minister and establish church within the parent Ca nadian body of the Presbyterian Church George Isaac secretary treasurer of the Presbytery said it would take $22000 year to cover the ministers stipend and basic operating costs not including the cost of the building Dr Donald Corbett Presbytery commissioner said Pickering had refused directive to try and reconcile CUNDLES HEIGHTS CHURCH At CundIoo Hoighto Public School 11 am Worship Service and Sunday School Forlntornotion 12071 33 FAITH MISSIONARY 229 Crawford Street Barrie 737 3067 Minister Rev Wayne Domm 7268750 945 am Fomily Sunday School 1100 am Morning Worship Spociol Music Jono Block 100 pm Evoning Worship Spociol Music Iono Block Wodnoldoy pm Bihlo Study Friondly Wolcomo Awaits You fl s1 lrJz ii Ia noun 24 mm ICWTS 31 Behind 53 the Scenes with 142 THE HIDING PLACE Lg PENTECOSTAL CHURCH The The Sollwoods Eorl Grigg WESTMINSTER IRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I70 Steel St Noor Puget Minister Poul Mills 1000 AM MORNING WORSHIP Chorgo It To Mo Nursery Kindergarten Junior Church 16 11 AM Church School all 0905 Wednesday 830pm Bible Study and Prayer differences with church members who had asked for his dismissal Members who broke away from the church said Picker ings popularity and his in troduction of new programs to increase church mem bership had alienated some older church members Tensions TORONTO cm United Church missionary Church Sunday School 11 am TESTIMONY MEETING Second Wed each month pm Reading Room open Tues Thurs 24 pm Thurs 730 930 pm Tel 7261602 GRACE UNITED CHURCH Grovo St Eort ot Cook St Minister REv ARTHUR STOREY 1030 am Morning Wonhb Grout Expoctotionl Horod The Friendiy Fellowship Central United Church Ross and Toronto Streets Invites You To Family Celebration of Worship Meditation Tho Prico of Doing Proporod Rov Joy 112 Collior St TWO SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL 930 11 am Mouogo CHRISTMAS IN BLACK WHITE TONIGHT AT 730 PARISH OF CRAIGHURST Minesing Midhurst Services of St Johns Craighursf am St Peters of Minesing IO15 am St Pauls at Midhurst l30 am Esso Rood Proshytorion Church 59 Eur Rd at Burton Avo Minister Rov Gerard Byloord ORGANIST MRS VERA DIAMOND DECEMBER II Shplo Ioohooo Sudy Sdool for oI ogoo dorhlg tho oorvico Mont uoroory provldod Wo wokeo you TO OUR FELLOWSHIP Christian Science Society 159 Collier Street Barrie Woicomo to JoyfulChriItControd Followohlpll COLLIER STREET CHURCH Pootor FrItI FESTIVAL OF SUNSHINE AND SNOWFLAKES with tho Barrio Boys Choir King Edword School Giolr Johnson School Choir Ind CoIiior Youth Choir EVERYONE WELCOME says Canadians are inept in personal relationships and this leads to racial tensions in their dealings with new immi ants Kat erine Hockin former director of the Ecumenical Institute of Canada told an audience of clergy and educationists in Toronto that Canadian churchmen cannot seem to abandon their belief that God only works through the Christian church dont think weve really Service Burton Avenue United Church 37 Burton Avenue Rev Paulo Morrow Minister Mr Doug Gonowa Muoic Diroctor MORNING WORSHIP 00 am Sermon REDIGGING AN OLD WELL ADVENT ll NwooryCro ood Gwch Sohoolprovidod EVERYONE IS WELCOME Barrie Ontario Noor City Holl Howard St Giles Church 95 Cook St Barrie SERVICES 010 am HOLY COMMUNION 1000 om FAMILY EUCNARIST Sendy School Nuroory St Thomas Shanty Boy SERVICES 1030 om HOLY COMMUNION Sondoy School Noroory come to grips with people of other faiths being among us she said She said people from other cultures come to Canada ex pecting to be treated warmly and then find that Canadians do not even know courtesy 150 there STRATFORD Ont CP The Stratford and District interdenominational Christi an school opened recently and the ceremony was at tended by 150 spectators Rev John Hellinga of Guelph 0nt said there was more to the Christian school than emphasizing Christian morality This school is not to shield children from the outside world he said The school was established because the people of Stratford together with Christ believers have taken the initial mandate of God seriously United Pentecostal Church Timothy Christian School 49 Forrio Lono Sunday School 1000 am Morning Worship 1100 am Evening Worship 700 pm EVERYONE WELCOME Mortin Pootor 7282353 HOPE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Orï¬ Imch Opoï¬g Novomhor 17th Cornor of Coorthod IdI Athorhy Proon Rohort Downing SUNDAY pm Spiritual Hoollng pm DIvIno Sorvico Speaker Ruby Leosk Cloirvoyant Sondra Loosk Everyone welcome For information 7053253409 1030 am FAMILY WORSHIP WHY SERVE GOD Wednesday 630 pm Family Night At Tho Hoort of Borrio With Barrio At Hoort SUNDAY Fomily Sunday School 945 am Morning Worship 100 am GooltSpodor DrM Eltohrool THE FULL DR FOUNUARE GOSPEL I877 NII IILNIIRED YEARS OF WITNESS I977 FIRST BAPTIST Clopperton Worsley Minister Rev INNISWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH Hwy 11 iust South of Little Ave Roy Woldoch TUESDAY Womons Bihlo Study 930 am WEDNESDAY Proyor Bihlo Studios 730 pm Youre Invited To Attend EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 120 St Vincont St Iorrio Ontorio Pootor Rov Front Wuoot 7283017 YOU ARE INVITED to TOM ALLEN FAMILY CONFERENCE with TOM ALLEN opooIring ot ol oorvicoo SATURDAY 115 mm Sunday 930om Ithlo School with ciou for ovory poroon in tho FAMILY 1045 am Tho Rovivol of tho FAMILY 700 pm Exciting Things quon Whoo FAMILIES moot EMMANUEL church niniotoring to FAMILIES In Iorrio cod oroond Stucco County St Georges Burton and Granville 00 Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist Rector Rev eye Church School Huroory All Welcome Trinity Church Collier St next to Poot0f1icc noJohEJpoon lotto Iov Soi Mom mom oiou anon IIon Communion 1030 om MM Proochori Iov Ohol Yoooby 730 1030