VWrwrW 20 the examlnor Friday Doc 1977 War Hero Buried Military pallbearers carry coffin containing the body of Tommy Prince muchdecorated Canadian Indian who was buried in Winnipeg Wednesday Prince won 10 medals for his service in the Second World War and the Korean War CP Wirephoto neighbourly news hawkestone cookstown by by Muriel Hart Marjorie Eldridge 4372030 4584487 Mr and Mrs Roy Gray spent last weekend visiting relatives in North Bay The Sunday School potluck supper and entertainment will be held in the Sunday School Room on Dec 10 at 6pm WHITE GIII White Gift Sunday will be observed in the Sunday School at the regular service at 1115 am on Dec 18 Despite the poor weather 15 tables of euchre were played at the annual Orange Lodge euchre and lucky draw held at the Hawkestone Community Hall on Nov 25 Prizes for cards were ladies high Mrs LeGrand second high Mrs Ouirouette third high Betty Balkwill The travelling prize was given to Mrs Booth and the low was Donna Thornton The mens high score was Fred Bragg second was Mrs Pickering playing as mans card third high was Elmer Balkwill travelling won by Doug Pickering low was Jack Jermey TURKEY WINNERS The turkeys were won by the following Jim Herbst Edward Emms Jarvis Isobell Monkman and the consolation prize went to Don McArthur Mrs Gordon Horne Mrs Crawford and Earl Robinson Door prizes were won by Karen Jermey Lloyd Schram Mrs Lees llrs Mould Mrs Jermey Mrs Bar tholomew and Clyde Newton The cake draw winners were Mrs William Mould Sr and Mrs Ivan Thornton MEETING Members of St Aidens Anglican Church Women will meet on Dec at the home of Mrs Harold Dunn at pm MARRIED Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Allan Norwood nee Deb bie Rice who were married in the United Church on Nov 26 Rev DeQuetteville was the officiating minister and the organist was Mrs Richard son The reception was in the corn munity hall catered to by Mit chell Square Womens in stitute Debbie was guestofhonor at several showers prior to her wedding surprise shower was arranged by Brenda Jermey and Christine Richard shower for members of the Norwood families was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Beverley Norwood in Minesmg Jim and Mary Rice hosted shower for members of the Rice families and Marilyn McDon nell held an afternoon miscellaneous shower for friends and neighbors of the bride WOMENS INSTITUTE Members of he Womens In stitute met at the home of Mrs Hart on Nov 23 at pm The roll call name troubled spot in the world and tell why it interests you was answered by 10 members The motto the future of Canada belongs to you play your part was commented on yMrsHart The minute were read and ado ted correspondence was deat with then the meeting was turned over to Mrs convener of citizenship and world affairs Mrs Goss read several in teresting articles pertaining to Canada Hostesses were Mrs Ban bury and Mrs Lloyd Leigh and social hour was spent over lunch Mrs Elizabeth Adaline Don nell Inee Nevils of Cookstown passed away in Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston on Nov 11 after short illness Mrs Donnell was bom in Tecumseth Township on July 21 1899 and was the daughter of John James and Maude Nevils In April 1930 she married Pcr cy Arnold and lived in Essa Township until 1939 Her hus band died in 1936 and in December 1939 she married John Donnell and moved with her son James to Cookstown In 1962 her husband passed away Mrs Donnell was an active member of St Johns Anglican Church She was life member of the Anglican Church Women and president for three years 1958 to 1960 She was president of the Tecumseth South Simcoe Deanery in 1959 to 1960 She was life member of Pinecrest Chapter ES number 26 and held office of Worthy Matron in 1952 She was also member of the Cookstown Womens Institute and member of the Maple Leaf Club No 337 She is survived by her son James Arnold and one gran daughter Christa She leaves three sisters Lena Mrs Armstrongi Irene Mrs Gilroyi and Mildred Mrs Lowei all of Cookstown Eastern Star service was held on Nov 12 and Rev Ward conducted the funeral service on Nov 13 at St Johns Anglican Church with burial in the adjoining cemetery Pallbearers were Brian Davis Colwell Arnold Bill Draper Earl Gilroy Jack Slim and Ivan Earley Friends came from Detroit Toronto Penelon Falls and surrounding area MEETING MONDAY The United Church Women are reminded of the United Church Women meeting Monday to be held in the Churchattipm This will commence with pot luck supper at 630 pm There will also be bazaar table Mrs Jean Kcll will be the guest speaker The 4H Awards Banquet is scheduled for Dec in Sunday School rooms of the United Church ENJOY SIAY Mr and Mrs Wes Hindlc en joyed stay with Mr and Mrs Gunnars Balodis and children in Dartmouth this month IMPROVING Mrs Alzetla Moir is improv ing at her home following stay in Parry Sound Hos ital last fall due to acci ent near Rosseau ltllAll The roll call for the Cookstown Womens Institute members at their Nov 30 meeting was Gift for the Residents of Simcoe Manor Mrs Harold Parker has open ed her home for turkey dinner to the Womens Institute members Ken Gould iJr died in an accident in Toronto recently He was the 41yearold son of Mary and Ken Gould Sr John Clark is ill in St Michaels Hos ital in Toronto Russell We is recovering from surgery in Stevenson Memorial Hospital in Alliston Mrs Graham and Ed Mc Comb who are patients in Alliston Hospital and Mrs Stuart orrigan who is in Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie lhe Bethesda Unit for the United Church Women held recent meeting at the home of Mrs Glen Mx at Bond Head Chrstmas Gift ideas Theres still time to shop at Sears for those last minute gifts This isjust sample But hurry Dont be late Womens Leather Winter Boots 99mm 4899 15 pull on style boot Brown Black Foambacked nylon tricot lining Leather look sole and heel SaniGuard treated No 46424 Not available in all sizes VJTï¬ï¬Rv mm Dunkums slipperettes by NlteAires Foam padded insoles long wearing vinyl soles Mach washable Soft brushed nylon or Orionacrylic Asst colours SML DI75 Ladlu Accessories Handy Geology Microscope 249 For viewing rocks plants 15x 30x 50x Builtin illurninator Batteries not incl 49B 027 293 SimpsonsSears Ltd Rog and Was refer to SimmonsSears Ltd prlcos 100 cotton Mens Flannel Shirts 699 These shirts are oreshrunk proportioned fit and have long tails for better fit Assorted colours Sizes SMLXL DI33 Mon Furnishing Stylish 100 Acrylic Toque 179 Take advantage of this low price on fancy patterned acrylic toques with tassel Not exactly as illustrated size fits all Asst colours DI33MonaFurnlahlngl 100 Acetate Glrls Briefs 99 Machine wash and dry 90326 Hip hugger with lace trlm 90327 print band White print 810 1012 1214 Elastic fit ted Dfllalrla Wur Breakout Play Pinball or Breakout in colour 12988 Play in colour on your colour television Up to 28game variations lncl pinball basketball Fun for all ages out Sporta Contra Sears Georgian Mail 509 Bayfield St Barrie Call 7264451 Store address Elegant Modern Cedar Chest 998 Rog14998 Lined with cedar veneer Bur nished brass finished hardware Lock and key 40x1 7X18V2 DI1 Furniture Measures 100 Solid State Black White TV 9997 12 ACDC portable TV Use in side or outside with rechargable battery or in car or trailer with cigarette lighter adapter Battery 3938 Adap 998 also Tolovlolone Christmas Store Hours Monday to Friday 930 am to 930 pm Saturday 930 am to 530 pm Personal Shopping Only Please While flQuantities last 930 to 930 MonFri 930530 Sat Easy Care Mens PJs 799 Canadian made pyjamas made from polyestercotton blend Machine wash and dry Asst colours SMLXL 0133 Mona Furnlahlnga Spice Rack 199 3tler spice rack with drawer Bot tles and spices are not included 019 10 Dltt Houuwaru ELECTRONICS Sears Dynamic Storoophones 797 10 foot coiled cord with standard plug Foam rubber cushion vinyl filled 57B 035 202 W58 Stereo Dept Sun Auto Contra open weekdays am Health and Beauty Lady Kenmore Oshiboril Beauty Kit 4°8 Steamsheats facial towels quickly for effective cleansing Ideal to heat hair treatment oils Heats op tional hair curlers Incl club towels 018 Health Buuty 100 polyester fibre fllled pillows 399 17x24 Approx Assorted coloured covers in attractive prints and patterns DI Llnonc 12 Craftsman Electric Chainsaw One year guarantee Develops hp Double Insulated Red and Black Sleeve bearing con struction permanently lubricated Umlted quantities DID Hardware Charge it MEI inn sun In uni inm Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account