Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1977, p. 18

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10 the examiner Friday Dec 1917 115 11 EEIIITOO 16 employment wanted 79 auction sales ANTIQUE lIeIp waited 7llielp wanted MATURETRESPONSIBLE person re quired to do night work at childrens neighborly Will do babysitting in my home daily or weekly Constant supervision Have tour news pgéggbalAllandale area Telephone yerzfieogwglhrug716ogbggrtches provided AUCTION SALE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION You $1500 carcassinstructs SEETILESifiéfiizeiitffii S°°d°v°°c3 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES requires plus per month With previous experience it any references it Good lunches References available Of lznoon at me Must have car aEvalrlrable eBtc Reply to Box W28 The Telephone 728 1359 THE CLUB PAV Death Notices Engagements Births 8550 experienced Skip acer and album to Sta January be nest and WfNIIEbSifLrEIeSPERSON for Barrie ErrEtaLllégllldein WISE Slwvlncggrzzld wrm Jaw Md Bay maflmum To w°d°ddm°n°l w°rd mun mm by 131 Mus be bondabe Oriiiia and surrounding area to sell all Rose Monday yto Friday Telephone ORILLIA cord of thanks 40 words $550 iMfs ambihous gssplipjl gngryegprdngmgnéssgo 72s 3949 To by public audio by or Additionalwords 10 cents per word 4589298 Send detailed resume to CALL 7261404 909 sneibourne Ontario LON 150 EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available der of the executors the Mmotlam vom 8550 FINANCIAL COLLECTION AGENCIES 7O COLLIER ST SUITE 803 BARRIE ONTARIO 03 Person with automatic buffing machine experience required for plant located In Barrie Experience with buffing aluminum brass and familiar with all types of buffing compounds and machine setting Reply In writing giving details of previous experience to CANADYLET LTD 137 John St Barrie Ont L4N 2L1 TF dilllllllllllIlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllE KIRBY OPPORTUNITY PEOPLE NEEDED new for our planted advancement program Cal 7167401 TF lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over2i yrs of age pass medical HEAD TELLER required immediately for Georgian Mall Branch of Municipal Savings Applicants must have minimum of three years banking or trust company experience Please telephone Mr Hindlcy 726 0340 LOCAL LONG ESTABLISHED com pany requires telephone solicitor good hourly rate and bonus Telephone 7286237 NIGHT AUDITOR required full time experience preferred full company benefits Please apply in person to the Holiday Inn Barrie 72sales helpagents INTERNATIONAL OIL COMPANY offers opportunity for high In come plus regular cash and vacation bonuses abundant fringe benefits to mature In dividuai in Barrie area Airmail President Dept CC PO Box 70 Station Toronto Ontario M46 326 03 in my home Full or parttime Children aged one year and over Constant super vlslon References available Please call 7287066 for more information MOTEL MANAGER moving to Barrie seeks responsible position Full or part tinsfeeetlene 899 7442 EXPERIENCED DAY CARE available In my home Full time ages one year and over References available Please call 729 I479 HOUSE CLEANING available by the day Have own transportation Telephone 424 94 11 legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against the Estate of HELEN MAUDE BURDITT late of the City of Barrie In the County of Slmcoe who died on or about the 27th day of October l977 must be filed with the un dersigned an or before the 17th day of December 1977 after which date the Estate will residual antique contents of local estates including fine fur nishings collectoble art glass china brass copper silver clocks paintings primitives etc Over 200 lots too numerous to mention All sales final No reserves Not respon sible for accidents Preview 10 am sale day THIS IS OUR AN NUAL CHRISTMAS SALE AND WELL WORTH ATTENDING WILLIAM PINKNEY Auctioneer D2 Bill Barr resz Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events govellfl mhummmmwmwaawwawmwg INNISEIL llONS CLUB presents GALA NEW YEAR EVE 8322 per column inch 38 oonhg events Elsie Jennett and Florence iHolt attended the Tweedsmuir History Workshop at Barrie on Nov23 This was sponsored by the Simcoe Kempenfelt District IWomens Institute with some visitors from the west east and north Districts was the instructor for the one day session which consisted of instructions on house logs as well as many helpful ideas on the Tweedsmuir histories CHRISTMAS MEETING Trinity United Church Womens will be holding its Christmas meetin on Dec at Ithe Church schoo room with Lena Caldwell and Hyacinth Mrs Walker the pro Ivincial curator of St George EXPANDING CANADIAN on Company Auctioneer Scott as hostesses Then we want YOU needs dependable person who can work dlslrlbme 19 055° haVlng comflfiéees wy befglxmg AAr Howie without supervtsion Earn 4000 per regard only go the daims men reporto year sac les year plus bonus Contact customers med ppra er land each rnernber WI be Stock Brothers gfigtfdpfeifzoxlfiwgéi$141511 DATED at Barrie Ontario this the revealing her mystery friends School BUS Lines Bramponom 18th do of Nov mber 1977 withasl gift The dollar caller Manager requfed for rapidly expanding retail 76employment wanted STEWARIIESTEN AsthisIs the annua meeting store selling varied line at merchandise in 72859 Solicitors for the Executors 72807 FTF lggceelectlon 0f Officers W111 take eluding hardware appliances farm supplies and 1F mmuomnuum 21 Owen Street °=gHRlSTMASCONCERT law and Garden supplies REAL ESTATE summon AGENCY RE °°° N18 25 D2 ALLEN HORNER at Trinity United sunday school Successful applicant will have several years OPPORTUNITY Invites iob offers from In Aumion Service Will be havmg their Christmas dusm and oppucoflom Concert in the Thornton mnangem experence wlh emph°ss from competentworkers EXAMINER BARRIESSIMCOECOUNTYI Orangenaui°nDe°17lr°m7 chandismg Inventory control and staff super AFREESERVICE WANT ADS Form Household tospm vision 66 ere were 13 4H OAntIques Appralsals Homemaking Club girls and This poSItIon offers good salary range and MWFJ2 PHONE 728244 KRONOJ BRADFORD mg leaders pat Neil and generous benefits package if wyr ONT Limited Number of Tickets available Willie VanderPOSl that attend ed an achievement day at Chur chill on Nov 26 RuthAnn Peacock and Catherine Kopps commented on the exhibit How You Spend your Leisure Time Ruth Ann also received coun ty honors after completing six gzojects The next project will The Cereal Shelf with leaders Willie and Rea Kleinveld Z7330 dressers The amnion from Shea 72501eshelpagens For tickets information call 4363080 Real Estate to Family TIUST Corporation Realtor has enlarged our Iscope of operations We Iare anxious to meet either experienced real estate salespersons or in dividuals who enjoy Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 FTF Please reply enclosing brief resume to Box W27 The Examiner Barrie 023 03 anwmawamamaazmmammfi MMflc CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AUCTION SALE of furniture appliances office quuipment antique glass and fchina brass assortment of animal Trust 9Wllworkhardloruou MW snowmobiles and miscellaneous tires etc FOOD SALES Well known FOOD BROKER requires the services of an aggressive salesperson with background in Food Soles Area DARRIEORILLIA surrounding area This position provides many benefits WE lt Tuesdays Childislulloi grace Wednesdays Child 15 lull of woe Thursdays Child has far to go QIIIIIIIIIllllIIlIlIIlIIlIllllllllllllllllllllllE Availablo with local com Excellent opportunity for Fr daysCh Id slov ng and no 2° °° working with people and P00 725 2414 or on lying 3000 desre curfer where ln REAL ESTATE SAT DEC IOAT AM gslmd mm Dom on me gab Oassified advertisements and noti pianwmo come lmlted by SALES REPRESENTATIVES Located at 186 YONGE ST stairanuwiseand goodand gay iii p0 mustbereceivndby31prt1dyr by sir nd rod Children heariligtnisverse by Counter bu to WM TAYLOR CANADA LTD d9 ct US E99 compdnky won aimid thelttest force In town PAINSWICK Highway 11 south Cullen wayswamwknow Mumde gimp namelgyonmmmlpiwalh Margaret Sta Box W29 ex pic the mo ny xperience pre erre not essentla you people and like of Barrio to the rear and the week was their birth date Keep this by pm Mo day PM 435 7678 THE Ex INER BARRIE benefits we offer in houses we ll help you do the rest below the Aldersgrova Animal 323 SrrBfésm$aXn éggfzfnellrfl publication MONTREAL TRUST Mano ement will ive ou the rofessional Hospital inside Announcement Will include the name of BIRTHSENGAGEMENTS 03 Ing commtsstons up ossismnm You require be successful in the Real Esme Hed Terms Cosh your child the day of the week month MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES An Interesting demonstration to 750 and war of birth the weight and other 40words$550 on the making of Chnstmas WE OFFER Vernon Ayres Auctioneer Vital Information printed message Additionalwords lOctsperword wreaths was given by Mrs Call CORBY ADAMS Commission SPIIS UP 75 SC N° 73 fiffiiypfizgiforarmiIYITISTImger In NKS 5° Milne of Campbellford for tional Io 72626l PM Sm LL 21i°22££1£X23 Mo° mer resndem of this area at the N250 Company paid health and insurance plans Phom 4364922 HOME DEMONSTRATORS REQUIRED Evenings and Saturdays All appointments proarranged 6353479 AVON WANT TO PUTABIG 7371903 PRESENT UNDER YOUR Is ALLIANCE va0 min 14 CHILDREN CALL BETWEEN to All AND PM CHRIST MAS REE CAR REQUIRED Earn extra money as an AVON rmreseniatwe Sell qualin AVON products while Itie kiddies are in stool Ill show you how Call now 7289652 or wnie AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont help wanted 11 help waited COMPUTER OPERATOR PROGRAMMER Experienced DOS operator preferably with HONEYWELL 658 background Ideal can didate will have some ex perience or background utilising Cobol as this position will lead into ATTENTION Immediate positions motherlnss family chilctrrn Ian years nice hUIYlL In Colrlwatur with comfortable accorrimodntirin Apply tux £57 Coldwatrr Call BLISTIIO days or 686 7900 evenings WORK YOUR SPARE HOURS day or evenings earn up to so per hour rtis tribute our catalogue and plrk up or ders Telephone 416 895 653 pony SIX FULLTIME PEOPLE Good earning opportunity ADVANCEMENT programming assignments 1H elp Wa ntedi Must be neat in 09 day shift position Car requwcd apply at If Ailinnri Iilvrl Pooronc sahry open UnitNo 14 Barrieomario Must have car ACCOUNTANT N° prlnc° ns°ry Young aggressive company LQUIIOS an Jhone for personal in tervlew 7267401 Apply in writing to BOX W30 THE EXAMINER BARRIE excellent benefits background or some if not completed periencr Write Box amincr Barrie Ont W76 The YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES TOO LIVE lN HOUSEVEFPLR lTiltl for experienced Accountant vvith bankingl training as an Offices will he in Barrie Possibility of days being ac ceptablc if desired by the applicant Remuneration commensurate With ex terest within fifteen days after the date of sale Adiustments to be made as of date of closing at which time vacant possession or as Professionol training Financial assistance for advanced RE courses Boord dues PAID BY COMPANY chance to write your own pay cheque Interested in ioining company that cares Write NORRENA PO Box 864 Barrie or call 7371223 D2 77 9° nii NO MLA 37476 JUDICIAL SALE of valuable lands known as parts and 10 Plan SIR1026 Township of Tiny IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF The Mechanics Lien Act RSO 1970 Chapter 267 and amendments thereto BETWEEN JOHN WHEELWRIGHT LIMITED Plaintiff and TONY ZONGOS AND ZONGOS DEVELOPMENTS CORPORATION LIMITED Defendants ADVERTISEMENT Pursuant to the Judgment and Order for Sale made in this cause there will be offered for sale by auction at the Court House Worsley Street Barrie Ontario on Monday the 19th day of December 1977 lands and premises known as parts 68 and 10 registered Plan 51R 1026 in the Township of Tiny The property will be offered for sole subject to reserve bid fixed by the undersigned The Purchaser shall pay down to the vendors Solicitor on the day of sale 10 per cent of the purchaser money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money Into Court without in the case may be will be given The Purchaser shall search the title at his own expense The Vendor shall not be bound to produce any abstract of title or any deeds or evidence of title other than those In its possession or control In all other respects the Conditions of Sale are the standing Conditions of Sale settled by the un dersigned The land consists of three lots on which there is set to be erected partially completed building suitable for conversion to health club or similar use Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Philip Spencer Thomson Spencer Stewart Barristers and Solicitors 401 Bay Street Suite 2010 Toronto Ontario M5H 2Y4 4163610522 DATED at Barrie this 22nd day of November AD 1977 COUTURE LOCAL MASTER SCO 029 19 auction saIeTsm 79 auction sales DCS AUCTIONS ncs ANTIQUES FINE FURNITURE LTD ON HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO IN THE VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN SUNDAY DEC 1917 AT PM PARTIAL LIST ONLY Oak Twin Ped Partners Desk Excellent Pc Poster Bedroom Suites Pc Carved Walnut Mah Dining Room Suites Sel of Pine Chests of Drawers Jacques Hayes Double Bed Others Vlct patterns tionai words 10 nlS per word November 301077 Cyrill Lows Nixon in his 88m yearbc10ved husband of Minnie Nixon Friends may all at Siecklny Funeral Home 30 Worslcy Sireoi Bar rip SerVIcc In lhr chapel on Friday Dearmber at pm lnlIrnient St James Cemetery Stroud CAMERON Sadie Edith At the Turon Io General Hospital on Wednesday Novembcr 30th i977 Sadie Ellis In her Bath yLar beloved Wilc of the late George Ollvlr Cameron Dear aunt of Mary Lou Mrs Nikolaus of Spokane Washington Dorothy Ellis of Victoria BC and predeceased by Harry Eudi Ellis Dear cousm of Margaret Cale of Taranio Doris Styles of Ottawa Martha Plunketl at Wood bridge and Edna Mellish of SI Catharines Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home IS Bradford Si Barrie visitation from Thursday at Ser Vice and committal complete in tho chapel on Friday December 7nd at Interment Barrio Union Cemetery In lieu of flowers donations to the Cana dian Cancer Society would be ap precialed HADDEN Haxcl Jane at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barric on Thursday December lst 1977 Hazel Hadden be loved wife at James Hadden of Bar me dear mother of Jim at Calgary and Larry Of Whitehorse Yukon Teritorics Dear gradmother of John and dear mother in law of Gail Dear sister of Frank and Evelyn Mrs Goulah both at Barrie Louella Mrs Braybrook of Surrey Stephella Mrs Scarto of Nanaimo Shirley Mrs Dal ey of New Westminister and Dorothy Mrs Bowen of Barrie Pre deceased by Wesley Resting at the Jen nett Funeral Home l5 Bradford Street Barrie Visutation from Saturday at Service in the chapel on Monday December 5th at Interment Bar rie Union Cemetery In lieu of flowers memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated BOADWAY Ernest Herman At the Toronto General Hospital on Thursday December Isl 1977 Ernest Boadway in his 49th year beloved son of Mrs Rita Ruth of Mississauga dear father of Charles at Terri Lee Larry Lin la and Mary of Barrie Dear brother of John Ruth of Barrie Shirley Wagner and Mable Russel both of Bramalea and Kathleen Simpson of St Catharines Funeral arrangements later by the Jen nett Funeral Home 152 Bradford Street Barrie LLOYD William Edward At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday December lst 1977 William Lloyd beloved husband of the late Genevieve Lloyd Dear father of Cynthia Lloyd Denney of El Paso Texas Dear grand father of Gregory Campbell and Fran cesca Dear brother of Wesley Lloyd of Toronto Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 157 Bradford SI Barrie Visitation from Sunday at 730 pm private service will be held at St Marys Cemetery Barrie PHONE7187414 ISdeattts NIXON cyriii Louis Al the IOOF examlner HUM BMW an lemma Sunshine Dressing lIiIIlvil lIIlltrn ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel Bows on bare shoulders above 27 BAYFELD ST heaii shaped bodice and 7282530 nipped waist Its sunshine Friendly Courteous Service lieSSing lllSl the way you like ill MWFTF Choose easyizale cottons Piiiitcil Patient 4540 Teen Sires 10 12 14 16 Size 12 bust 32 lakes 78 yards 45 Inch 58 yald contrast DAY With verse per count line 22 cents per line COMING EVENTS $322 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 9flic per word per insertion Three consecutive Insertions cents per word per Insertion total $648 Six oonv secutive Insertions per word per inser lion total $1221 Multiple insertions may be ordered subieci to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires odvertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement Immediately after first Inserv lion in order that any error or omission may be reported before am In order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner Is responsible for only one incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that Involves the mleprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the dvertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 7282414 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liabilitly In reSpect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay In for warding such replies however otherwise TF Now moose are bugged NORTH BATTLEFORD Sask moose are about to be bugged Selected moose will be im mobilized starting this fall in what the rovinciai govern ments wild ife branch calls ra diotelemetry Tiny radio trans mitters with range of 12 to 16 kilometres will be attached to the mooses necks and the ani mals monitored with the help of series of manned radio towers to be established in vari ous areas of the province Twentyfour moose will get the bugs and be monitored for three years Wildlife biologists hope the data collected will tell them IIabout feeding habits move iment amount of territory roamed significant seasonal movements periods of mating segregation or ag ession and CP Saskatchewan November meeting of the Alliston and District Hor ticultural Society With several varities of evergreen previously made into small bouquets she demon strated how easy it is to make an attractive wreath using plastic covered corrugated car dboard or forms from floral wreath racks which had been filled with peat moss and wrap ped with garbage bags for the shape Mrs Milne had on display two large wreaths she had made which included the use of artificial fruit and flowers even gilted walnuts previously emptied of the friut Some lucky members went home with some of the wreaths also beautiful poinsettia plants donated by Mr Phipps from BMHS greenhouse and lovely dried flower arrangement the work of Caroline Collins During the opening exercises president Mr Lewis gave tribute in the memory of Harry Holland husband of Anna an active member of the society who passed away recently While giving her program committee report Helen Shibish gave some suggestions from the provincial convention concerning budgets and program and it would appear the local organization are doing quite well with the exception of the Junior program which seems to have some problems The Librarian referred to the Ebook Gardening Indoors un der Lights which has been ipurchased and displayed Iunique shaped carrot gown in glarguerlte Cunninghams gar en The Christmas Show was an nounced for Dec 15 in St Johns Church Hall Lasorda signs LOS ANGELES AP Tom Lasorda who took over from Walt Alston collected the booty for winning the National League pennant in his first year Ias Los Angeles Dodgers signed him Thursday to manage again in 1978 The Dodgers would not di vulge the salary for their skip per but he said It was more money than ever dreamed of neighborhood $12510i each pallein cash separation of macs from to making and observers Other Settees Gentleman Ladies Chairs Etc Variety of Carved mom de Add Lamp Console Hall Drum Side Tables In Various Wood Welsh gggquéacot panel for first males hgumd It was the $75 Oak Dressers Pine Servers Sldebrds Sets of Pressbock Dining 01653 mm and handhng out rs uare so row nn es ah Tea Ch Ion sgess OCO Til am all El In9 102 Mr Awufngvzrnu 125135 WELLINGTON APTS V° Pine Washstands Walnut Secretary Desk Having MultiPane Book The biologists hope the infor mation wil help in running Although the Dodgers will go new moose management pro after additional playing talent gram In which the harvesting of at the maor league meetin residents add 9c sales tax PiInI plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send Adyertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is ger sLyl cow moose will be restricted next week In Honolulu the fie DUCKWORTNEUGENIA AREA to Pigs Dgoplesafl ESpilde 31bit fvgelsh Style Fla Ellib to Anne Adams Pattern Dept lgzyblwdvyo1soglillifiin27rfi Thednyst incoée ml b3 813 has been completgg wits con ype enc es no es rowers nc oys ugge um er an Signi Lasor an Pine Dryslnks Oak Walnut Bookcases Walnut lnlold Piano Fhv Examlnfrl hogr555 inew readers as old ones satisfy Delta area of northeastern Sas coaches aged Adams Monty Ph no CR Jam Cupboards In Pine Mah Walnut Cedar Blanket Chests AVEnuci sedrborflughv Etheir wants We recommend katchewan 88583 Jim Gilliam and Pre Vlct Mah Mirrored Back Sldebrds Walnut Splnette Desk Vlct Mar tan II 4P7 Ithat you start your ad tomorrow Sm Gomez ble Top Washstands Oak Walnut Bureau Desks Round Pine Ped PHCPS too Iugh Save and and cancel it when you get The Dodgers also announced STAYNER Dining Table Vlct Mah Rnd Dining Table China Curio Cabinets sew send on NEW FALL results After many years of ex EXAMINER that Jim Lefebvre former star Dressers In Carved Oak Walnut Oak Hallstands Walnut Ser meER pAnERNCAIALOGove perience with millions of want Infielder would return to the vers Welsh Style Open Front Corner Cupbrd Vlct Other Carved 100 was Sllesdesses ads we know tomorrow is the club in player development and ld llk mation about an Examiner Carrier mamas won Mum driplima Hunted slmnld mps Skms Damn Flee be dgy slim WEI ad 72824 gilt33 trying to improve our es WOU more Leaded Glass W1nd0ws Plant Stan In Me Pine owe Rats pattern coupon Send it every ay ist est ay Ioa R0 99 etc Hanging Brass Oil Lamps Oak Marble Case Mantel Clocks Instant Sewing Book $100 veriise in The Examiner ball club said Lasorda at the School Type Wall Clocks Brass Copperware Pictures it Prints Instant Fashion Book Classified Section gnghniogtugléeegofigerrsefigirégfg ME AG MC 300 Lots lfllsfoavlingllgalsitgm SLED Phone Uiiildllilu lill ItIIISSIlIeil surprise to no one ADDRESS PHONE 2m WIIIII ails Although the session muggy TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX belonged to Lasorda general PARKING REFRESHMENTS STORAGELDELIVERYAVAILABLE pm manager Campanis com PREVIEW oAv PRIOR 10 SALE I0A 5PM Aisozuouns PRIOR to SA Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 05 MAY BE LEFT AT OFFICE IF UNABLE TO ATTEND SALE DEREK RICHARD OSBORNE ii AUCTIONEERS PHONE 7054589116 day previous mended attention when he said there was possibility of the Dodgers making one or two 7282414 0011 Saturday whopper tradesln Honolulu

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