Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1977, p. 16

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1B the examlnar Friday Dec 1971 01 property for sale nder REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 BAYFIEID ST BARRIE 7263111 LOTS ANTEN MILLS 110 x120 $12000 INDUSTRIAL Tittin Street 75 300 $25000 INDUSTRIAL Vespra Street 148 76 $30000 WATERFRONT Concesslon Oro 75 142342500 NEW LISTING 20 Indian Arrow Rd TV year old three bedroom bungalow separate Ilvlng and dining rooms eatIn kitchen tully broadloomed air conditioning double garage Mortgaglng at 104I$S9900 01 property for sole D2 Esther Kennedy 4245471 Vicki Kent 4872501 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 726 3883 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstono 7263043 Marg Wood no tall 487 3148 Bill Moran 7282305 RCHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR GHflLflfln to Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 7262090 4872412 7286172 7286172 7281887 7266383 7370499 JoeDyson MAIIan WWW MorgFergueon Mur1ellettrey JlliIee Le auaa éi EYoung Biggl ii 89 Collier It Barrie Ontario Barrie llne 7264491 Toronto llne 8630398 11NTTTTIHITHITHTHTTT to LB filifllliiiiillllllflu Sill REALTY WORLD ib +4 diiiiiKiiiitl LedvlnvcdilalL 77 TF NORMAN 65 DUNO° 7283293 EAST REALTOR HJus Weskin IOO Soturjoyco IL 07 business opportunities I2 nIortgoges TNE JEAN CONNECTION Opemle YOUr OW discount Thinking of refinancing your home or cottage Why not call for quote with no obligation We might save you money FIRSTS from IO4 SECONDS FROM IV outlet store with brand name eons exclusive areas lucrative proposition with small investment 151431881139 18101 Connection Ltd 8398 St laurent Blvd Montred Qua Coll WAYNE DODSON 92 Amthone 11 financial Mortgage Servlces Tm 149 Beyflald St BRIEL 7269262 Investment Services in soarme 1115013110 Investment Certificates MWFTF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Contact Mortgages REID 705 7267191 Purchosed 012 For Cash Mortgage Lite Insurance Available 1299 FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES I21 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Ottice Hours am by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage 181 Mortgages Brokers Association with 10 prepayment privilege 85 at well dtate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 2nd llltmgages lIU dam5778 465143Venin95 open on Inttlr lnterert to EXAMINER 90 of value WANT ADS PHONE 72824l4 again rings TF MORTGAGES bought and sold Imme 77 nityqrnltq1 nr giirirrir lllp741 p1 gm 110 rim ll Ill mgr rigv irI lit llallll olrwmi ICLZC1Z1 25375 RUSSELL CH URCH 322ZZILILQZIM1 Mobie Homes Wr Ilzi purchasi rating mm 909 Call Mortgage Manager SALE Ian Kerr for valuable ad Parts and Service BUS 737l88l Exclusive Dealer for Res Toll Free 4875965 Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 Sauith 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East Barrie Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TFMP 17 1958999 9191° IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 151 and 2nd Open Mortgage Loane Anywhere on all homes cottages Iarms vacatlon and commercial properties Wed love to help you 10 consolidate debts low monthly payments Home Improvements any worthy reason 10 pay all existing or maturlng mortgage lrllrlJCllO1 lands tree adwce try us owe havri ready cash to purchase mortgages all nytime 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 333421 129 DUNLOP ST EAST BARBIE ONTARIO 7260981 24 Hour Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 14 mobile homes trailer TANDEM Cltatlon Bendlx deluxe traller luxury turnlshlngs lungsue bed sacrlllce at $7000 Ilrm cost 59500 new used only slx tlmes 7054451480 1973 25 FOOT TRAVELINER house trailer Sleeps seven Fully equipped In slde In excellent condition Telephone 7370590 FLORIDA MOBILE home tor sale10 minutes tram Disney World $5500 Canadlan currency Like new condition Phone 435391atter pm REPossEssIoN SALE 1975 2w it Master Coach Travel Trallar Best otter 72670692 am pm weekdays 12 67 1977 bedroom mobile home located quiet park corner lot Owner will carry mortgage Low rate ot In terast Asking $9500 728 6875 or 778 9734 16 to rent WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 185 Wellington St West TWO AND THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS For appointment to vlew call 7263827 or 7267153 TF AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY one bedroom apartment parllally turnlstl ed prlvnle entrance prlvatt parking trout and rear balconies S170 month only 776 0988 weekdays TWO ITROOM AIARTMF N1 $280 monthly llTlLd5 all utllltirs and cable No pets Close to Baylleld Mall Lease quliitvd Telephone 776 6046 TWO ill BROOM Apnr tmont In down town area avmlable IlItmcdlaltlly Tell pltnltu 76 1757 between and It lONl AND Two bedroom aparllllenla ch IIITT Fudge and stove Included lullbluim 1674 Illtween txtand 00 TLM Il BROOM S720 monthly Angus on Also lurnishrd bachelltlrItr colt II um II 716 6771nttor ll ccTNT AINFIT bedroom apart ITTIITl ll idur and stove heal and hydro Ii IItIl IlTTtfllTL Ial king no pets Sm gig or Imiplo call 717 1699 nttor 30 719 BROOM Apartment Stove vNI ooi atul pm king laundry tncllllios Im viiat IIII11 NI Lhtldtoll or pets Ictlly Apm HTTP 701 55 Blake Street AILILt IMMEDIATELY bed room pm 11110 $740 monthly Also small one bedl 00m apartment available Itwo liboeeeetorent MOBILE HOME near Stroud bedrooms retrlgerator stove and hydro Included $185 monthly Couple only no pets or wlll sell with low down payment and S100 monthly Phone 4363897 to 730 pm ATTRACTIVE bedroom house to rent wood burning llre laces stove relrlg orator dryer park ng tor cars Cen tral Telephone 7373923 bungalow oll heat garage CDMpletaly turnlehed January lst to May lst Telephone 77872874 THREE TOWNHOUSES AVAILABLE December lst Speclal reterences re qulred Adults preterred Dellnltely no pets One car parking only Telephone 776 0072 aller5pm TOWNHOUSE S272 per month three bedrooms IV baths tour appliances Available January Isth 1978 Call 728 1762 TWO LUXURY TOWNHOUSES tor rent Three bedrooms two washrooms healed garage Adults only S790 mon thly Available now Telephone 776 7109 betort 8pm ntter 416 489 3833 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE garage brondloom throughout Bnytleld Cundles area $375 monthly nvallabla Immediately Telephone 726 4133 ntler 530p DECEMBER 15TH FIVE BEDROOM modlrltlxed term home baths Inml ly room wlItI tlreplace natural gas heal tlve appliances Inground pool S375 plus utllltles lstnltdlast Lease 778 3715 SHANTY BAY Concesslurl and Ridge Rd Oldor bedroom storey recently Call 728 39795 to renovated and btondloomod Call ruRNIstlltn ONE and two bedroom 57 WM npm TITNITTS available Central Adults BRIGHT COSY corner hlluse close to downtown Prlvate drlve Tll healing Available lmmedlntely rPterelIcos ft gutted all Tor ltrltu 4161 488 6467 ON BUS ROUTE near ac nttol bedroom bungalow tully broadlnortted nvellnblc lltlntlcllallly tull basement garage newa doc TfllPLl Call 778 9745 CLEAN THREE BEDROOM homo lnrue ontnuo centrally located AvnllltbltI December Telephone 778 4868 THRE BEDROOM HOUSIS avnllnltlo Immedlntnly RM room garage and large but kynrd CuIIdIIs Rd area Rent S330 monthly plus IIIlIltlIs Also lose to bus stop 776 1757 between ITT andth ITWO 111 ROOM house lnr rent with backyard and garage Located In Angus Avnllnlllv lnltuhry Telephone 474 0720 fitter Sp lrt TWO BEDROOM HOUSE AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE on Clnpptrtun with 15 S785 monthly January lst $185 monthly Both control located Nepvts 776 9200 TWO BEDROOM apartment in apart mont building Central location heat water parking stove and rotrigernlor in cludtd S740 monthly Phone 726 7736 MISSISSAUGA COURT Two bedroom apartments coloured appliances ullllttes included Available January 15th and February lst Telephone 726 3577 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT available Immediately near Base Borden relrigerator stove heal and hydro S200 montth Telephone 4741971 BACHELOR APARTMENT adults on Iy Suit older person Rent Includes lstove retrigerator above ground park ing sauna modern equipped laundry room Locked doors intercom elevator 778 8655 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT S760 monthly includes everything except hydro Nopets Available now 74 Shirley 51 Telephone 726 8733 or 726 3817 TWO BEDROOM Apartment tor rent on Dunlap Street West Available lrn mediater Telephone 737 7600 evenings 726 5207 BACHELOR APARTMENT $140 per month Iully broadloamed and turnish ed No parking Private CallMary alter 726 9915 UNFURNISHED SIX ROOM apartment tor rent Dunlop and Maple $195 monthly plus neat and utilities Avallable im mediately Apply Mostyns Baytletd Mall Barrie 776 3447 PARK LANE TOWERS Modern bedroom apartment also bedroom apartment Walking distance ta downtown Reterences Rent controll ied by Rental ReVIew Otticer Apply 37 Peel Street TWO BEDROOM apartment available Bus Immediater in brick eleven plcx stop at door parking Laundry tacillties S750 monthly plus hydro Reterences 72810350r7371771 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT stove and trtdge laundry laclilies Parking Available Immediately Utopia area No pets Reterences Telephone 728 7649 ANGUS Fully furnished one bedroom apartment triage and stove washer and dryer All utilities paid Own entrance $225 monthly Call 424 5403 ITHREE BEDROOM apartment S265 lplus hydro Stove supplied garage large grounds On Ridge Road in Oro 1487 3080 7pm 10pm TWO BEDROOM apartments available 5737 includes trldge stove heat new laundry room and parking No pets Call 728 5816 alter rn lONE BEDROOM sell contained apart Iment large living room Broadloom lthroughout clean and neat Central loca ltion nice area $175 monthly utilities in cluded Telephone 737 3594 alter orweekends SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM apartment available immediately stove and triage Itireplace ground Iloor Wellington Baytield Phone alter 728 3097 IBEDSITTING ROOM AND kitchen tul ly turnished heat hydro and parking Close to downtown and hospital lAvaialbe December 15th 487 3819 two BEDROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT Fridge and stove included Close to downtown on bus route No pets Adults only Available January lst S200 monthly Telephone 726 2316 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments available Immediately Close to downtown Rent ranglngStootoSIBOplus hydro No pets allowed Call between am and9p 726 3257 TWO BEDROOM apartment In qulet building Close to downtown Available lrnmedlalely 5750 monthly utllltles In cluded Telephone 776 6633 BEAUTIFUL Two BEDROOM ground Iloor apartment wlth lireplacc Century old home Convenient location Very spaclous well kept Parking heat In cluded S275 Available Immediately 7261045 SUBLET one bedroom Imperial Towers $77650 everything Included Telephone 776 0865 or 776 9580 UNFURNISHED ONE BEDROOM apartment available Immediately no chlldren no pets Couple prelerred App ly Armstrong Hardware or phone 7287441 LARGE TWO bedroom apartment on bus route Close to downtown Irldge stove laundry tacllltles parking tlrst and last months rent No pets Call alter 4prn 7266725 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT available January S195 monthly pay own hydro Parklng heat retrlgerator stove supplled Adults only Telephone 726 5247 I7hou ses to rent NEW CONDOMINIUM HOUSES For Immedlate rental bedrooms large Ilvlng room and dining room located at 17 St Vincent St 728 3030 776 5992 or 458 9431 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS tour bedroom semi avallable lmmedlately S375 per month plus utilities Lease required Call Harr Maglll rep Lou Goedemont Real Estate 778 4067 or 7263864 10TH CONCESSION OF 0R0 two bedroom Irame home wllh basement available December lst S250 plus utlllties Lease required Call Harry Maglll representan Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 728 4067 or 726 3864 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrle Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 77 built in stove and oven trlg washer and dryer large garage S310 monthly Louls Stanslleld 7263261 or 7288087 represerl tatlve Canada Trust 75 BLAKE STREET Three bedroom home tor rent Available Immediately $790 monthly No pets Option to buy avallable Telephone 4872412 BEDROOM HOME In downtown area Immedlate possession Call Hamilton Real Estate 737 1000 LARGE HOME tor rent double garage greenhouse beautltul surroundlngs Located Baytleld Street Central Telephone 737 2600 or evenings 726 5707 MOVE IN NOW Four appllances Included lovely three bedroom bungalow broadloom and cus hlon tIoors lull dry basement tehced yard overslled garage nghway 77 south Asklng $375 monthly Lola starts Ileld 776 3761 or 7288082 representlng Canada Trust llreplace and garage Rent $715 Telephone between and It no 325 FURNISHED ROOM Avallnble Im medintcly Downtown area kltchon uprlvileges parking avallable Cnlll no 1927 HILLSDALF bed rm tarnl house with barns IDcaIId on acres close to ski hills Rent S300 per month Call Buba 3871 or 7289775 representing Ed LoweLtct RenIIOr BARR IF THRE detached backsplit Double car garage tamlly room with tinplace immediate lpossession S375 per month Call Bob lHockley at 7371771 represlntingi Unigroup Inc Real Estate Broker BAYFIELDANDCUNDLES Newlhrec bedroom home S375 monthly Virgar lRealty Ltd 7371211 BARRIE ONE bedroom house 5160 per month plus utilities Telephone 728 4463 latterap Friday all day Saturday THREE BEDROOM seml detached house Tall Trees area broadloomed garage Available December 30 S325 monthly First and last months rent re quired Call 728 6321 alter pm 726 9727 1767 SHANTY BAY Road kempentelt village beautitully wooded site two bedroom townhouse electric heat hydra water retrlgerator and stove In icluded Adults only no pets Available January lst 2311728 4590 Illhouses wanted to rent BEDROOM YOUNC COUPLE with pets requires house or tarmnouse Call collect 1416889 7871 l70rooms to let FURNISHED ROOM ln Allandnle atbus istop cooking laCIIItIes available iGcntlemEn preterred Telephone 728 4768 daysor 778 0810 evenings CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms tree parking laundry taCIlilieS 726 7186 IFURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished room tor rent Kitchen prIVIleges IadIcs preterred 728 4268 or 778 0810 EX TRA LARGE turnished rooms snare kitchen tor singles or young couples linen supplied Downtown area 776 6397 lATTENTION BUSINESS GIRLS Your lawn tarnished room plus share house with two other worklng girls All conve Inlences parking close to bus and malls Available now Telephone atIIr 500 72679319 CLEAN BRIGHT FURNISHED Bedroom tor gentleman Linen supplied and charmed weekly Share kitchen Free parking Central S25 weekly 728 2471 or 728 0598 LARGE NEWLY DECORATED Iur nished rooms Broadloomed and UIllllLS included CalerMarshalI778 3865 COMFORTABLY lurnished roomfl private entrance tull kitchen bath Close to downtown hospital bus route Female only 7761776atter ROOMS AVAILABLE IMMEDIA Gentlemen preterred Central ICC9110 Telephone 726 4859 or 7370601 lROOMS T0 RENT monthly Reasonable Kitchen prlvlloges lully Immediately Apply at 57 Highcrott bet ween and pm FURNISHED ROOM in quIct bulldlng available immediately shared kitc hcn and bathroom broadlaomed Please call 726 9399 alter Jon rn FOR WORKING GUYS OR GIRLS Ideal accommodation In large modern home all conveniences shared prlvileges near Georgian College Telephone 737 I957 BEDSITTING ROOM or rooms with klt Chen prlvlleges Close to downtown Avallable immedlately Telephone 726 9135 evenings CLEAN FURNISHED rooms Ior rent Centrally located pnrktng IacilltIos Available Immediately Phone 737 4905 71room and board RELAXED CLEAN HOME tor temnlc to room Use at kitchen easy commuting to Barrie 51397rnonthly 458 9189 237ottices st0res for rent MODERN OFFICE space tar lease small or large sultes Immediate 0C cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelolt TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square teet each can be iolned together S150 mon thly each includes parking and heat Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 776 3338 RETAIL STORE or ottice tor rent available December lst Allandale loca tlon 500 square Ieet S735 month In cludes heat and hydro Telephone 726 712 alter 6p or 776 4621 daily ETAIL OR OFFICE SPACE as sublet lrom current tenant 300 600 square tect near Five Points 726 3877 OFFICE SPACE T0 RENT Bayvlew and Little Ave 5160 per month Approx Imataly 416 square teet Telephone 7761634 between 100 and 500 pm 3600 SQUARE FT AND MORE Ideal tor retail store stores otllces Also basement storage space avallable wllh Ideal loadlng unloadlng area Main downtown Barrie 726 0988 24space tor rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 7000 60000 so 11 tully sprinklered transport and Ilght truck Ioadlng docks14lt 1811 clear part at large expanding Industrlal mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE Industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelolt COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL pro pertles tor sale or rant Mortell Lmlfiéi IEPEEPI 7239671 1975 GMC V2 TON High Sierra cab New paint and tires Slldlng bar wlndow and sun root Telephone 377 1971 days 835 5861 evenings 25garages HEATED GARAGE SPACE avallablc to do your own car repairs Hourly ar dally rates Located at 171 Burton Ave Shop 778 5212 456 7576 alter hours WANTEDTSmDII garagé to rent tor storage at car tor Winter season Preler In Balrle or close to city Telephone 7799198 26accommodationsto share MIDDLE AGE LADY would like to share her home wlttl same West and Telephone 728 6746 MIDHURST MODERN two bedroom rear 17211 6572 broadloamed Allandale area Availabili 27 cottages to rent THREE BEDROOM wlnterlxed cottage avallable lmmedletely In Big Bay Point wlth tlraplace and broadloom throughout Rent S250 Telephone bet ween am and pm 7763257 32mtorede SERVICE noon EVERY 3000 MILES 1974 VW BEETLE speed electrlc detract radio one owner car Llc HTM488 Low mlleoge Orlglnal paint showroom condltlon ONLY $1995 IIItog DATSUN 549 Baytleld st lust north at Georgian Mall Barrle 7370254 D2 1965 CORVETTE STINGRAY 327 Car tltled $6500 or trade lor tour wheel drive 726 1001 or 726 9005 1969 PONTIAC GTO 400 ublc Inch con vertlble V8 nutomatlc Good condltlon S1600 ur best otter Telephone 416 248 3906 or 776 4403 anytlme Ask tor Joe 1973 IAVL LIN AMX automallc power steering and brakes bucket seats wllh console 360 engine new radlnls wlth hrome reverses on rear Excellent can dIIIoItS7400 Cnll 458 4538 1971 MGB body rustpraoled nrtd solld orlglrlal pnlnl good tlrus mechanically sound runs smoothly Fully curtltled 40000 mlles Price 17400 Cnll George 778 7485 days 726 2815ovenlngs 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY Sports 30000 rIIlIrs excellent gas mllengc bucket seats vlnyl root radlnl tires excellent condltlon WIII clrtlty 52750 Telephone 717 0879 1970 LINCOLN air power equlppml rtrvw pnlnt cortltled 20 mlles per gallon hwy lrlvrlle sale $1400 778 7156 1970 0105 DELTA CUSTOM 445 two barrel power stenrlrlg and brakes nlr deloggcr rndlals $1000 VERY 0W MILEAGEI I975 PINTO dr eod speed Llc KFX482 Lady driven In Immaculate con dition with 20000 orlglnal mlles ONLY $2195 IMCOE DATSUN 549 Baytleld St lust north at Georglan Mall Barrie 7370254 1972 FORD STATIONWAGON Ex cellent condition Includes towing package air shocks new MlchcIIns plus snows Ccrlllied $1600 or best otler Phone 7781617 or 14167752849 even lngs ESTATE SALE 01 1974 Gremlin dr standard transmission 32000 miles Duckelseatscan be seen at6Codrington St Barrie HIghest bid accepted Sub mit signed bid to Donald McKay Bar rister and SolICItor RR No Wasaga Beach Ontarlo solicitor tor the estate 75 CORVETTE Silver with black interior loaded Best otter accepted 778 8345 or 737 1901 1966 RAMBLE Ambassador good run ning condition 5175 uncertiIIcd Call alter 436 5784 1975 HONDA CIVIC tor sale asking SI800 Has 78000 miles Telephone Steve work 474 1200 local 7438 or home 429 5666 50 OFF 1976 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM tour door Llc Na HMO764 460 cubic In ches V8 auto PS PB and windows Tilt steering wheel 21000 mllee Orlglnal palnt without single scratch New was listed at 3825970 WE WILL ACCEPT ONLY $412985 IrvlcoE DATSUN 549 IeyfleldSt lint north at Georgian Md 02H IurI 7370254 1971 FORD GALAXIE two door hard top vinyl root power steering power brakes 351 V8 very good condition S800 or best oltrrr Telephone 737 3191 1975 MALIBU CLASSIC two door hard top V8 power steering and brakes rear window dclroster Cerllttod Must sell tirst reasonable otter Telephone 7268778 1976 CHEV IMPALA low mileage power steering power brakes rndln air Icunditianed power trunk Best reasonable otter Telephone 778 8775 il974 FORD LTD BROUGHAM all power air conditioning Excellent cond tlon Certlticd Best otter Telephone 737 0249 11970 VOI VO 1425111 good Onctltlurl 5900 iMust sell awncr Iravlng country TeIrphone 778 5831 1REFOSSESSION SALE 1969 Oldsmobile Turonadn Best otter Telephone 726 0692 weekdays GREAT VALUE 1972 BUICK SKYLARK Llc No CMO762 V8 automatic PS Immaculate Inside and out Fully cer tltled One owner car 549 we IIIsI lest north of Georgian Mel Ierrle 7370254 I964 OLDS Good runnlng condltlon As Is Certltled S200 Telephone 726 2521 I973 CHALLENGER 340 automatic dark green vlnyl root power steerlng power brakes Asking S7700 cortltled Telephone 728 0867 1969 MUSTANG MACH Fastback new betweenaam 5pm 1976 CAMARO 350 tour barrel blue wllh S4300 or best otter Telephone 737 3477 alter 3009 tn T972 CUTLASS SUPREME tour door hardtop New vlnyl top and palm Superlor condltlon Inslde and out Telephone 728 9737 alter 500 pm 1967 DODGE DART 273 motor runn Ing condltlon Selling as Is Needs body work 5100 Telephone 474 5466 1976 AMC PACER 25000 mlles Ex owner Certltled $7900 or best otter paint runs well Bcst otter Call 726 3869 while Interior low mlleage lady owner cellent condltlon Radio automatlc One r32ourtorede Mustsell Telephone 778 9881 T973APLYMOUTH FURY vs 51000 Call alter 5p no mo 1975 HONDA CIVIC 50000 mlles radlo rustprooted snows Not certltled Telephone 3277408 1974 MUSTANG ll royal blue V6 ex cellent condltlon 37000 mlles tour speed lull vlnyl top S1000 certltled 57800 uncertllled Flrm 726 0117 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT loaded Low mlleage Excellent condltlon elephone 728 7375 anytime 1977 FORD CLISTOM tour door small eight automatic good condltlon $675 as Is Telephone days 4589201 or 776 4053 evenlngs I973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT tor sale power steering power brakes radio 33000 orlglnal miles radlals Telephone 726 8484 alter pm 1970 DATSUN 510 Body and Interior ex cellent Good mechanically Owner wlll certity S750 Call 776 6618 1976 CORDOBA power steerlng power brakes tape deck low mileage Cer tllled Telephone 737 3881 or 835 7731 LOOK YOUR BEST FOR THE HOLIDAYS Hs house Oahlzamet OWQIWltylee ONdI eventlpe No on Etplerchg Ceueetlce Coeteele levelery Pilot sort eete GEORGIAN mu 7281380 FENDLEYS FLOWERS LIVING IOVING CHRISTMAS GIFTS Send our 710 Seaone Greater Bouquet 728 5975 74 Blake Also opening new store In Plaza corner of Hwy 89 King Alliston PRACTICAL GIFTS FerAl ni FIy °Slippers Shoes Snaw Boots Evening Shoes Hand Bags titicates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283881 014 Authorized Sale Sanka ELECTIOLUX CANADA LTD IBAlliance Blvd Unit 19 TEL 7283892 Ask tree home ration tor demon MADE IN CANADA Domestic commercial vacuum cleaners Iloor polishers rug sham pooers seat chests garment oirvaults D24 ROBINSON HARDWARE 310UNLOP St 7282431 024 1974 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Price 54200 FIVI good tlrcs upholstery llkt new Excellent condition throughout Call 7780580 betcire pm Ixcludlng Saturday and Sunday 1977 FIRFBIRD Esptrit rrtlInlllc maroon whltl Interlor buckets console strip scoop lintvd glass rally wheels rallinls radio clc 56700 or best otter 737 1988 1964 CHEVROLET Biscayne and 1967 Volkswagen both in running order Unclrtllled no reasonable OHII relusld Call436 7082 1974 PLYMOUTH Fury V8 two door PS and PB Fully eqmpped excellent condl tlon 69000 mllos wlll certily S7295 Bargaintor ash 7287018 1973 AMC JEEP CJt 45000 Miles Good condltlon Radlo Never been worked Reasonable pilce Telephone 4361554 atter5 I971 ME TEOR tour door automatic 302 snow tires englm heater new battery Needs some body work As is S550 or best otter Telephone 778 70l6 I977 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE Good condition 57650 or best otter Telephone 776 7817 1969 BUICK Good condltlon S325 or best otter Telephone 726 7817 1975 PACER blue whlte leather in terlor speed Iloor shitt bucket seats tIntcd glass block heater radlals snows A1 condltlon 57500 728 8649 1966 PLYMOUTH six autontatlc suitable or parts 575 or best alter Telephone 728 I697 alter pm 1973 Pontiac LeMans 7door hardtop MlcheIIrls Monroe completely tuned 350 automatic stored wlnters Rusttrec 40000 mlles 57500 7763053 alter6 EUROPEAN ECONOMY 1973 AUDI FOX 100 SL two door sports coupe tour cyllnder tour speed AMFM radlo rear detroster radial tlres FInlshed In sllver metallic red plush Interlor An economical prestige automobile LIc AVT 418 lnexpenslvely priced at SI575 International Automoblle 100 Tittln 51 776 9050 I975 NOVA COUPE slx cyllndor automatlc 21000 mlles Excellent condi tlon Radio Will certlly S7750 or near otter 72B 1870 alter pm LOW MILEAGE 1976 Camera 350 C10 speed rally wheels Iront and rear spllers radio clock detogger new car condltlon Phone Dave Murchison 728 4380 1971 VOLKSWAGEN standard new body lob Certllied Best otter Telephone 377 7785 alter ELLIOTTS DECORATING CENTRE Speclallsts In Custom Drooerlos Cuehlom tar Christmas Bedspread other gilt Items HATFIELD MALL BARBIE 7267292 ALL THINGS NICE HANDMADE GIFTS WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCH QIIIII atghanl mrome slutted toys handkrtlte eorne antiques III VAII comment 77 lead 19 leper mournAM 4241699 FRANKS ARTISTIC FRAMING ARTSUPPLIES PAINTINLS CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING PAINTINGS CLEANED AND RESTDHLD FINI FRAMING IOFI NEIDLEPUINI moms CERTIFICATES so TIFFIN 7262800 Crafted Plea Furniture by Tidy Hutches Tables Wash Stands gt Wall Units Custom made to your design Phone Blll Tilly Ill 7266961 Reeeonehle prices HURONIA HANDCRAFIED GIFTS CHOICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS OEekimo carvings OParkos Moccaslns OJewelIry Sweators °Winter Boots Pottery Leather cratts 01ndian crafts Hudson Bay Coats etc etc ALL CANADIAN 3090 MOSLEY ST WASAGA BEACH Hwy 26to Stoyner North 39 mIIeI to Morley Eaet mlle OPEN days Phone 4292108 D24MP 32 em for ode ma PONTIAC tair shape 327 motor mechanically sound I959 BUICK ex cellonl interior blue metallic exterior and mechanically lit Both carswinteril ed snow tires 726 5731 1972 RAMBLER MATADOR door sedan clean car new paint cerlitied 15595 telephone 435 4322 days or 424 5949 evenlngs 1972 NOVA FOUR DOOR six cylinder automatic radio snow tires 34000 ac tual miles Original condition will cer tlty Asking $1700 Apply 68 John St lower 1976 BOBCAT HATCHBACK laur lcyllnder automatic radio $2700 certltled Telephone Avis 7266527 437 Dunlap St CHRISTMAS GIFT 1976 Ford Grand Torino six passenger power Including rear aetrosted tailgate radio radial tires Orlglnal Intermediate wagon linished In royal blue with mat chlng vinyl interior Llc No KOR 074 Check this buy at the year at $7545 In ternatlonal Automoblle 100 Titlln Sl Barrio 776 9050 1975 CHEVELLE MALIBU Classic 36500 original mlles Ready tor winter Power steering brakes radla white walls Landau root V8 automatic Tele phone 424 I773 alter and on weekends 33ca rs wantedto buy URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MW FTF JUNK CARS WANTED nghcst prlces paicl Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 776 8711 wrecking and parts top prlces paid Free plckup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales I7 Gowan 51776 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED prices paid Free ahytlme 436 7900 toP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 7711 81171 Top Immediate plckup station wagon 351 automatic lull lTRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor Srlowmobllee Warrrl clothlng Snowmobile helmets toquet bolaclam boats 09 THINK SUMMER Water ektle wet suite rifles eI SPORT HAVEN MARINE Stlalty Bay Rd 7261001 19401 018 ireS669 IIeSHebtmPbeu uWGWB WhuLOrpM Webdedelyrflokleueee Humyenereeedm The Little Professor mt1 grarr 67171297174715 Suggestlons MWWIneede Iei Crelgleedhg end 13 EducationBenito tyw Inc 115ML nileon or 7267987 BVW PM lath tecte tee 916000 GUBTIONS IN PLUS MINUS DIVIDED BY 2495 battery not lechIded Reading It the key to school success Be sure your chlld has the key DT4 Samsonite letlirler Dionite Skyway HANDBAGS Leather Suede Vinle WALLETS BuxtonTllleylolt Attache cases brlelcaeee gloves scarves evening bogs eportbags lotebogs gitte BARRIE LEATHERGOODS BAYFIELD MALL 7265291 SLEIGH FULL OF SAVINGS LED CBs $49 to $99 Antennas $999 AMFM track car stereos $89 Hitachi home speakers $49 Wall hanging clocks $49 29 pc HSS drill sets $25 38 socket sets $1199 Car burglar alarms $399 Switch blade combs $399 PETES SURPLUS SALES 7373955 AND GIFTS 37 DUNLOP ST BARBIE 34 trucks for do ALMOST NEW 1976 DATSUN ton plckup long box Llc H36241 Wlth only 21000 original miles title like new truck Is PRICED TO SELL AT ONLY 549 Baylleld St lust north of Georglan Mall Borrle 7370254 02 1975 F750 FORD tour wheel drive V8 automatic In good condltlon Telephone 445 5567 alter pm PRIVATE I969 Chev 34 ton automatic V8 licenced and certilied S800 Also 1971 Internatlonal crew cab V8 speed In good running order As Is 8500 Phone 72673103 1973 GMC VAN CB AMFM elght track stereo V8 automatlc carpeted and panelled tinted windows block heater snow tires Low mileage Must sell Ask Ing S2500 Phone 737 0905 I977 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Land Icruslor Toyota one ton pick up 5500 mlles balance or warranty Excellent condition Telephone 1445 1367 1973 C20 GM PICKUP PS and RB Am Fm radio three speed standard re bullt motor new tires with work box on back needs Ilttle work $1600 Call 726 9179 atter5prn FOOT INCH MEYERS ST 90 elec tronic hydraulic tour way eight months old Stlll under warranty hardly used Call7269197 atter5pmS1200 1975 25 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE loaded with optlons plus toot Western snow plow Telephone 43677695 1972 FOORDTRANGTER hall ton plcx up WInterired and cerlltled Excellent coll ditian $2195 Letroy 456 3601 1977 DODGE POWER WAGON club cab automatic power steerlnp power brakes plus many more opllons with toot western three way snowplow Both excellent condltlon $6500 728 6892 1969 DODGE PICKUP equlpped with jradial tires snow radio tach custom paint 773 engine automatlc transmls slon no reasonable otter retused 7261186 1974 CHEV BLAZER tour wheel drive 350 tour speed low mlleage $3995 Telephone 7373664 relatives this Christ ed to the pleasure given Eac gift will be announced in you name with beautiful card in tull rich colors mailed to arriv 0C8 Transceivers hi Musical 3171 J1 DUNLOPS HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE 7371572 014 GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR iolly way to remember your friends and mas Is to send gilt sub scriptions at The Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar at just the right time betore Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to THE Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266537 Something for His Car AU DIOVOX OAerials OTope decks OCar Radios All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 39 High St 7285911 MomFri t11530pm Sat til pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories 34truchforede 1961 CHEV THREE QUARTER ton driven dally good condltlon $175 or best otter ALSO 1972 GMC HALF TON wIth cap slx cyllnder standard body ex cellent snow tires new brakes and clutch certltied $1750 or best otter 4875251 35service and repairs RISTMAS 5mm 0N REFINISHING Look like new $1690 Your choice or color VELA GE U2 BOD 453 Dxnlop 7265990 MWFDI2 MOTORISTS SAVE on repalr bllls Licenced mechanlc wlll repair domestics or Imports 7370774 alter 630 orweekends 38snowmobiles ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILE acumen SPORT HAVEN MARIN Meaty Bay Rd mam My27 197 POLARIS rxns slide rall suspen slon speedometer and tack can be seen at Petes BP 11 Telephone 778 7541 1977 M010 SKI tor sale 399 twln wlth cover 340 orlglnal mlles Telephone 726 8484 nt 1974 SKI DOO Olympic 400 with speedometer In excellent condltlon Asking 5700 Telephone 436 7086 1970 SKI Doo NORDICIIEwtrack and battery Best otter Telephone 3722785 nghway south alter 5pm

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