Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Nov 1977, p. 6

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tho oxamlnor FridayNov 1a 1077 Pe Hollowo eaks at convention Brings ne Canada cam By PAT GUERGIS Examiner Staff Reporter woman who spent $3000 of her own money to purchase but tons to promote One Canada spoke to over 200 women atten ding the 45th annual Simcoe area Womens Institute conven tion in Alliston hiesday Peg Halloway who says sav ing Canada from breaking up is the responsibility of you and me and not the government has been guest on the Betty Kennedy Show Fro Page Challenge and Radio well as making hundreds of public appearances to speak to vanous youps Since the election of Rene Levesque as premier of the pro vince of Quebec Mrs Halloway has launched personal cam paign to keep Canada together We all stand chance of los ing our count over lot of lit tle things that is mainly because we dont really under stand our country she said One of our problems is that Wate te cynicism overflow ed our rs and now we have little faith in our government The Lnited States has had the opportunity of recuperating from this because of their bi centennial when nationalism was highlighted She said groups such as the Womens Institutes who have such strong voice are afraid of being nonpartisan Dont Wm about how your remarks 50 just stand up and be counted SPECIAL TEAS Mrs Halloway said Con federation teas have been started across the country and suggested the members of the Simcoe WI have them also Lets use these teas to get together and talk about Canada and Confederation and when we are done talking lets go and talk to others she said The mother of two sons who are both in university said Canada is made up of four parts The large part of the population and the bench Canadian who came to Canada in the very early days Quebec City started in is the oldest continually inhabited ci ty in North America The third grou is the British who came to nada in 175 when were were alleady 16w0French lehere The fou group is the multicultural groups who came in wave after wave from variom countries country called Canada was formed in 167 between the hench and the British for the benefit of both parties Mrs Halloway said It was just as important to be financially credit worthy then as it today The were trying to finance coastto coast railway in those days MANY FACTS There are man facts about Confeduation Quebec that many people dont know the speaker said For one thing it took great deal of persuasion to get Quebec to join the rest of Canada and they did so on the promise that French heritage and language would be preserv ed Quebec is the largest pro vince in Canada with 600000 square miles in its borders It controls most of the St Lawrence Seaway onethird of Canadas electrical power has population of over six million people 27 per cent of Canadas population and contributes 245 cent of the gross na tiona product Mrs Halloway noted Almost 82 people in Qtie cent of the are French and can trace their ancestors hack mum Nov 15 today is the first an niversary of the election of the Parti Quobccols Its the first time any group has been in position to dmtmy our country Had we onLy had another five years we might have been able to bring this country back to the type of country our fordathers dreamed of You people here today have very much in common with similar groups in Quebec sit ting around in churches such as this toasti the Queen They are just as oyal to her as you are but there are people who feel Quebec mist separate to recognize themselves Mrs Halloway said Dialogue about Canada is important to keep our country together We are one of the few countries in the world which knows so little about our con stitution Mrs Halloway wife of consu ting en neer said unemployment in ebec islSpercenthigherthanthe rest of Canada Independence wont change this it is time which is needed she said History has shown that no nation has survivied when 50 per cent of the economic whole isgone Our federation would not stay together if Quebec left because Ontario would have too stron voice Each province woul become too involved with its own affairs to worry about thewhole country If you take Quebec away and break that ribbon we who is the would very eguickly be annexed by the Unit Stalin she said QUESTIONS In question and answer riod which followed her talk rs Halloway discussed several books and authors on the subject of separatism and bilin allsm aude Morans intentions are far more scary than anything Rene Levesque has come up with yet He has totally closed mind and in his book Quebec Versus Ottawa he sounds totally paranoid she said Another book Bilingual TodayFrench Tomorrow by Andrews was termed Mrs Holloway as one which should be thrown in the gar bage The author has taken group of situations and chosen certain facts to support his statements You can support any thesis if you choose your facts carefull enough If you wis to read it do so but then throw it in the garbage and dont pass it on to anyone she said She was asked about resolu tion being circulated for sup port to vote down an 30 raise to bilingual civil servants It is bonus to encourage more anglophones to speak French In many countries peo ple are encouraged to speak several languages she said GOOD IDEA When asked how she felt about the campaign of Bob Bentley of Barrie to raise 10000 signatures to take to Ottawa in an attempt to have Rene Le vesque deseated Mrs Halloway said she thought it was good idea Its good idea but dont know if presenting an adverse situation to the Quebec govern ment is going to affect anything Mrs Halloway concluded her talk by telling the audience that no level of government can save Canada ltsa job for you and me and mmillion other Canadians 208 women attend WI meeting held earlier this week in Alliston new arllflda bfe°5l form IS now available in Canada Tenderly we treasure the past with memories that will always last was the theme of the Simcoe Area Womens In stitute 45th annual convention held Monday Alliston Mrs Verna Maluske presi dent of the Federated Womens Institutes of Ontario gave the and Tuesday in Poinswick WI meets The Nov meeting of the Pamwidv Womens Institute was chaired by Mrs Maynard The mil call How to lick the diora na the most was well armhere by if members arr one xx The 11 on rich 9123 21 without He by Mrs 22 er or were Mrs Lei tpeart Vet uy umiiati Jiiiillitl U1lrl Lotiouinu user 1m Laura tilt gm resume of her work in this field she said the cost of living started to increase 30 years ago She advised that consumers should research the articles they plan to purchase look at the warranty and find out the policy of the store where they are dealing She said unfair business prac trees can lead to heavy fines Mrs Smith was the con vener of this meeting with the topic family and consumer af fairs Mrs Wooland was thanked by Mn Hudasek and given 34 awemalion Violet Lillington rotlroa 208 women in attendance report on the past years ac tivities She has belon ed to the WI for 25 years an is charter member of the Marmion branch in Grey County The On tario Federation includes 1277 branches 82 of which are located in Simcoe County The program began Monday at pm with registration be ing taken by members of the Simcoe South District During the afternoon demonstration on conservation was put on by home economists Barbara McArthur South Sim one and Jane Sills North Simr coe 530 banquet was highlight by cake cutting ceremony honoring 80 years of Womens Institutes singalong was followed by solo Mrs Orr and skit put on iy Mrs Donald Jacobs and Mrs Don Ilennossay MARINA QUAITRIKTCIII Examiner Staff Report After 44 years as nurse Violet Lillington is retiring this week from Barries Royal Victoria Hospital but not without bit of sadness in few tears and many fond memories to look back on There have probably been few occasions when the eighth floor of the hos ital had as many visitors mi ling in and out as it did this week for Mrs Lillingtons going away party Everyone took time off to bid goodbye doctors nurses orderlies technicians cleaning staff laundry staff retired nurses office staff just about everyone it seemed who had ever come in contact with Mrs Lillin ton at the hospital The goodbyes were often humorous often teanlng but alwa ssincere ellmiaa on by gully but Ill bet well still see you around Youre bond of 818 Its been pleasure knOWlng you Its been really nice to have on around You us couldnt turn Your be on us Vi youre not olng to till corn plegelli ing to sure inlaa your smling face wish more of us could be like you smiling and happy all the she started MM Tuesday morning the group heard Mary McGee director of economics branch of the On tario Ministry of Agriculture and Food speak on ways and means of conserving energy Following reports of various committees luncheon was held featuring guest speaker Peg Halloway of Clarkson whose topic One Canada from sea to created lot of in terest Merle Stitler guest soloist from New Lowell sang They All Call It Canada But Call It Home as well as Christopher Robin is Saying His Prayers During the afternoon session vote was taken on the raising of the drinking age The members voted to sus tain the resolution to raise the drinking age It will now go to the provincial board as an urgent matter to be dealt with at the WI provincial conference this spring After 44 years as nurse Violet Llillingtoni It was obvious after few minutes that Mrs Lillington is well liked One glance at her collu tion of farewell gifts demon strated that canod rocking chair silver son vln troy usnukeskin mic wit $25 silk line kid gloves in leather writing portfolio gold filled pen and finally framed picture with the words thank you in scribed in large letters Mrs Lillin ton has always said the wo thank you are the two most beautiful in the English language The thing that impresses me about her the most said hos ital chaplain Don Pea is that shes con cerned above and beyond the call of duty She has personal in terest in every atient think thats real whats made her great nurse EGAN IN I933 Mrs Lillington began nur sing training in 1933 in her home town St Johns Newfoundland She nt 12 neral oars at St Johns lion itnl then worked in lial fax at Victoria General llmpiinl and the Halifax In flrmary She canto in linrric in 1952 where she works 12s years on private tlllly and tho last my years in einergtnc Even though she of cially retires Nov lit the Mine day 44 years ago retiring Peg Ilalloway who is running One Canada campaign pins one of her buttons on Mrs James Beard the new president of Simcoe area Womens Institute at their 45th annual con vention held Monday and Tuesday in Alllston Examiner Photo TORONTO lCP Canadian women who have undergone breast surgery for cancer have new option when they choose an artificial breast The new artificial breast form presented Wednesday to the media and retail personnel now is being distributed to retailers across Canada by Ca nadian LadyCanadelle Inc of Montreal makers of Wonder Bra The man behind the new type of postmastectomy prosthesis is Dr Waymzin Spcncc of Waco Tex specialist in physical and rehabilitative medicine Dr Spence in Toronto for the presentation told the group his design offers women more comfortable and durable arti ficial breast form that has been available in the past The form which retails in Canada for $90 to $125 depend Mrs Lillington says dont worry lli be busy She and her husband are spending the winter in St Petersburg Florida where she plans in do lot of swim ruling and play bridgi seven days in week In June shes looking for ward to in northern fishing tri llishing she says is one of her favorite sports Im going to miss her for two reasons said Willnnl Grieg nn erny technician She always returns our pillows in X1101 and she always tolls lllt when sniclt are in season When asked if Sllt could recount some of the highlights of her career friend Dr Benton in terjected think every day for her has been highlight She comes up with something different every da Shes hard act to fol owl Mrs Lillington ust lau bed and shook her end as clocked in the direction of her new rocker Theres one thin know for certain she sa Im really not ready for that rocking chair Theres no darn wa Im going to just sit in it Bul am going to enjoy it And if enjoy retirement half as much as Ive enjoyed nursinggee it will be lot offiin ing on size is made from viscoclastic silicone gel which has the memory charac teristics of flesh The gel is wrapped in soft skinlike material The new prosthesis is de signed in two shapesteardrop and heartand weighs five per cent less than the natural breast tissue to assure comfort and balance Dr Spence said SIZES VARY The weights vary from four to 40 ounces and corrmpond to bra sizm ranging from 80 to 44 DD The prosthesis can be worn two to six weeks after surgery The teardrop shape worn at 45degrec angle is recom mended for women who have had major surgery known as radical mastectomy which in volves the removal of un derlying chest muscles The heartshapes form is worn by women who have un dergone simple mastectomy and need to replace only breast tissue Dr Spence currently the medical director of Spenco Medical Corporation in Waco said women can either wear the form agaimt the skin where it is held in lace by wellfitted bra or tuc it inside pocket on thebra popular feature with the women has been the addition of naturallooking nipple molded and dyed into the for ms hesaid Breast cancer occurs in about seven per cent of all North American women and is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women Dr Spence said It is estimated 10000 new cases of breast cancer will be discovered in Canada in 1977 History of photography discussed at library The history of photograghy was presented in sli es Wednesday by Brian Mus selwhite of the Royal Ontario Museum Toronto The art of photography be an almost 150 years ago ut Eggnographs have only recently recognized as valuable collectors items he said Many people may have old photographs at home which could be valuable dc nding how much they reveal the past For exam le scenes of activit are likey to be more valuabe than portraits of the same period The importance of the photographer also adds to value Mussclwhite provided in formation on the char acteristics of older photographs obtained thnough his hobby of collecting photographs The mmeum does not aveacollec tion of photographs as art although ehopes it willsoon Employed as technician in the European department of the museum Musselwhite con ducts information sessions through the extension services department The Barrie Public Library has available several books helpful to anyone interested in learning more about old photographs Also for public view are microfilmed copies of the Fred Grant Collection of 19th century hotography The collection eatures variety of area land marks Duplicate bridge Barrie duplicate bridge club winners for Nov are North South Stan Everingham Stan Everingham Sr second Mar nie and Sherman Boulter third Condor and Rosemary pratt Eastwest first Sue Graham and Gary Edmunds second Dave Lewis and John Hazel third Marg Flewelling and John Postnikoff Nov individual club cham pionship overall results tied or first Shirley McRone and Danny Schamehorn second Ralph Brand third Heino Len tslus fourth John Hazel fifth Marg Powell Rays Bridge Club winners Wednesday Nov North south first Jean Burke and Russell Church second Pe More and Dave Lewis thir John Kuipers and Dave Hig gins Eastwest winners first John Macbeth and Ed Wynarslti second Florence Turner and Gail Ha wirth third Rita Haines and arjorle Young ISRAELI PHOTOS SHOWN NEW YhORK 311$an ty our otograp ow the fob spectrum of lsraell life will be displayed at the Jewish Museum here through Dec 18 The show is called Israel Kaleidoaco Color Photogra he by orris and Edith Ja fe and the museum says it captures the essence of an ancient land while reflec ting the lnfluence of con temporary life Fo it We ilure can help no Ann Landon While visiting in minimum state my husband and were having breakfast at table next to three women who ind not seen each other for time One the women said had the pointment of my life last spring My grarxlson lurked kin dergarten Being firstgrade teacher wanted to tell her that the childs parents should have kept the months or ma be year There is nothi th birthda four and are not ready Flunking kinder teacher can do for gade when he or she is not ready unprqaared child who cant becomes frustrated and learns to can make big difference in the rental pride can be Dear Teacher Ill bet lot some solid input been two chi the love of Mike wh country to answer such Librarians are train the public to telephone damaging thi yea life little something Thanks friendDurham NC Dear Durham wish the ram who wrote to me and asked for good meat loaf reclEe Thanks for your letter honey needed you Dear Ann Landers pain for long time The Already seven people have telephonedandhave person to ask for details about themSlxteen and All Cried Out Dear Sixteen Say Mom died need be added Clods who press for de swered by long period of silence It can be the most ef fective response of all Confidential to BrainDrained and De hilarious book for cheering up your hotsebound friend or anyone is Art Buchwalds 25year collection of columns Down the Seine and Up the PotamacPublisher Putnam Price $1095 Its side splitter Writing is lonely guess never realized how much saying to my tropical fish yesterday about Lester the Panama Canal or lady When the fish surfaced and blew said If youre going to talk dirty The phone rang twice and Estelle said Thanks for calling how Mom died feel It is none of their business Please tell me what to say to peacefully Nothi more tails should an pending Erma Bombeck Writing is lonely Ill call Estelle So whats hap hing asked At the tone wi you please leave number and Ill return your call This is crisis centre said angrily Your crisis is read ialed the number of another friend the operator but that number is no longer in service If wish assistance please remain on Thank you said but my mother doesnt like me to talk to strange recordings got on bus and went into town Hello there said to the pointed to the sign that said us driver He permitted to the bus driver nervously to the other side if the It was the same all day If it wasnt recording telling me what to do it was person saying something mechanical It got home so climbed into the car and drivein where you hang out the window and into clowns mouth was late when drove thr yell dyllour or ove up and waited for Jack Nothing ha figuring he the line 81 the clown to creep You think youre better than me doctor was not on call but if we service that wiShed to leave our name and number his associate would call us fixed him put Lester on the li worked MRSJT DEAR MRSJT Try vinegar and tea leavel shake and leave them In to soak but shake every often This may take long time it took long time to build up so be patient Arming help If any of the readers know of something else ne Pol lys Einters Tea dissolves chino crust DEAR POLLYI do hope someone can tell me how to remove crust left from hard water residue that Is in the bottom of an anti ue chlnapitcher have just acquired have tried egar in boiling water and scouring with numerous cleaning agents but nothing am lure the will share it with you POLLY DEAR PULL My blanket is so short that when make boy home another six magic about fif children are ready or kindergarten at until six rten is sometimes the bi ggest favor ild To send youngster on to the first an be grrauyitzllaservim ce eep pace peers hate school That one year person Pa Teacher In Kansas maligned kinder teachers are delighted you wrote So am Thank you for Dear Ann Landon The letter from the woman who had for years because she didnt know whether her were both born on Sunday prompted me to write my first letter to newspaper know lot of people look on you as friend Ann but for do they bother you with stuff like tint when there are peop waiting in every public library in the uestions to dispense information on almost any eubject you can think of We love our work and enjoy looking up answers So please print this letter and encourage us when they want to know had called her librarian where were you when have this terrible need to express in feelings Please let me do it through your column mother died yesterday She suffered great deal worst agony for her was knowing that she was causrng all of us lot of anxiety over her ter knew we loved her very much Mom took her own life It was not reported as such she swallowed whole bottle of pills but lot of dpeople who visited her recently had an idea that she would something like that until found myself Whatya wanta talk Liz Taylors Avon couple of bubbles your name and phone Im sorry said No talking When arrived at the department store took an elevator where recording told me to please stand clear of the door and face the front said thank you and man moved peak to me ed opened my car door and kicked him short in his mouth Nothing Finally threw my arms around his throat and yelled You little That night as my husband dialed the doctor he got recording from the medical answering the vinegar may lte some tdiaap garter come in on You you said my the bed there is never enough to tuck in so it does not come loose during the night folded an old sheet in thirds three pieces from one sheet and sewed piece at the end of lanket and then made hem so it stays tight and snug on the bed My neighbors were very curious when they saw my blanket on the line but now have seen several others with white strips on the end FRANCES DEAR POLLY When someone asks to borrow your crochet or knitting Instructions treasured recl post offices and first have it photostated banks etc rarlee have these machines and the small cost will be an investment in friendship Never never allow ANYONE to borrow such things unless you are willing to kiss them rmanent goodbye There is always first time for even life most trustworthy of persons to forget Give them the but never the original ve all your em ty thread your embroidery la and use them to wind 083 on Pee off the original papers at the ends and put on the number of the floss so you can replace it with more of the exact same shade If need be lastlc ice cube tray is nice for holding these spools of floss any of them stack nicely so the are great for organizing ones sewln drawer as they hol and separate the various sewln fln DE RPO PAULA overiglauware keep heavy duty my to use tchen drawer ndy To remove burnedon food from pots or laatlc ice acra or scraping rln in burned food This in uick and certainly boata acourlng and more scouring CO NIE DEAR POLLY My daughter discarded nice white sweater because aha scorched it acrou the back tryin to dry It too near wall heater She gave the awoater to and made ltlook like new again by cov munom area with Iome lace had also added strip of around each cuff The sweater look almoat like new and the scorched am cannot be noticed JEAN

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