ammonitech lZnfttéélétif$£éil£l$riiï¬pmsliï¬iiiiliiilmiiflz zeihvélinï¬ovllnmanaolno editor tzivsisizkflrhaonaper llgfllaunEégugh ccoumam Sunday and credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters of A9 Francpmue and um Randy Mcoomld cfly no SALESMEN Betty Arm SGIUtOFY holidays news stories published in The Examiner lï¬iicgiï¬mtliireliligl my nor Elziffolimn gglfilcypingd WEE KirlcZlifW ghTExsmlner Cifllrzs €23232 onhali orioinal MM and advertisino material created FM Nov Wing barrte and simcoe county Serials VlkkiGrant YEARLabbgocarrier WWW WSNW Marina Quattrocchi photographer John Zarecky Copyright registration number 203815 register at Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited BY MAIL Barrie REPORTERs CIRCULATION $46 80 National advertisin offices 65 Queen St Toronto 8644710 640 Cathcart St John Bruce Jon Butler manager l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 PM In cussmED Undo cumin manager slMcogfpounrv Montreal ichard Dunstan Ruth Blais supervisor AMY Hfluï¬hion Eho her The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of 903 pUbl ggfmï¬lfns 32 2232ng 73 mgke MOTOZJ 53 OFF errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is WM CIICUMTION luvnflflm mun usmiss Rudleloh MacLeon Peony Chapel 50 P°° ELSEWHERE IN CANADA due to the negligence or its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability tor Sue Burke Dana Homewood Gary Pringle 33350 Year 7284414 Will we learn from lesson Everyone who signs Bob Bentleys petition to have Rene Levesque removed as premier of Quebec should get free copy of the British North America Act Canadians dont know very much about their country Bentleys petition plays on that ignorance Senator Carl Goldenberg an expert on the Canadian constitution the British North America Act says the act has no provision for removing provincial premier from office Bentley as former mayor of Barrie and good one must have known that before he started on his crusade His reaction to Goldenbergs statement is probably more disturbing than his petition The class action suit he plans says Bentley could point up flaw in Canadas judicial system and since there isnt mechanism to remove provincial premiers from office maybe the Supreme Court should take look at the situation Lets stgp this nonsense right now Lets lo at what Bentley really wants Right now there are two basic ways provincial premier can lose his job He can be defeated in the pro vincial legislature or he and his party can be defeated at the polls by the voters Bentley wants to change that He wants any group in any part of the country to be given the right to ask the Supreme Court of Canada to turf any provincial premier out of office Let us say for instance that the widget manufac turers of British Columbia decide that the Ontario govemments policy of tax breaks for Ontario widget manufacturers is unfair to BC manufacturers The BC widget manufacturers get up petition which they take to the Supreme Court of Canada to have the premier of Ontario thrown out of office Supreme Court of Canada throws the premier of Ontario out of office That does not strike us as particularly good way to run country It makes mockery of provincial le gislature it makes the right to vote joke that right to vote will be useful only so long as the voters do what the Supreme Court of Canada wants them to do Bob Bentley is concerned about Canada as many of US are But the petition is the wrong way to go about tackling the countrys problems and the classaction suit ap proach is the wrong approach about the The saddest thing etition is that it once again shows how much Cana ians know about the American system and how little they know about how their own countr works If more Cana ians took the time and trouble to learn more about their own country then perhaps Canada wouldnt be in the state it is in today Bob Bentley has done some ood he has shown the woeful ignorance of most Cana ians about their country Let us hope Canadians will learn from Bentleys lesson down memory lane Nov 18 1963 Parker Peacock of Strand won the Todd Trophy for bestdressed barrow at the Royal Winter Fair Robert Sproule won class for Yorkshire carcass Len Cumming of Oro Station president of the Simcoe County Federation of Agriculture attended the annual OFA convention in Toronto along with William Kell Churchill John Hebgin Alliston and Mrs Earl Parnell Elmvale Merit Insurance Co was seeking sales representative for the Barrie Your business By VINCENT ann Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service As the costs land and rimming go up growing number of Canadians have been tur ning to condominium ownership Cmdominium is of property ownership which can be app led to an form if constriction Townhouses and nts are the mint common If all goes well cmdorninium ownership can bring relatively tumblefree lifestyle complete with recreatimal facilities that couldnt be bouyit at comparable price in any other way we want your opinion Somethingon your mind Send us letter to the editor Please lllflkt it an original copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters although pen name will be used upon request include your address and telephone number because we have to verify letters but we wont print your address should you prefer Weve found that short letters are the best read Because of space limitations public interest and good taste we sometimes have to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays Send yours to Letters to the editor The Draminer Box 370 iBarric Ont AM area Guaranteed minimum annual income was $5100 Lawrence of Arabia was playing at the Imperial Theatre girls of the Explorer group at Angus United Church col lected $50 for UNICEF At Allan dale Drugs Caldwell Drugs and Harpers Pharmacy Kodak Movie Kits were on sale for $1997 and hair dryers for $1897 IGA had frying or roasting chickens on sale for 31 cents pound and 10 grapefruit for 69 cents at Avoiding pitfalls in condominiums On the other hand condominium buyers sometimes find that they have bought pig in poke Some unethical developers and gpeculalors storimjulit short of fraud in their ealings with ominium buyers John Clarke Toronto lawyer puts part of the blame on rovincial and municipal gov ernments for nillng lo publiciue the possible complications and prolmt consumers from unscrupulous dovnlopcrn and management companies in his book ltn dominlumii What Are You lleall iiiiylng McGrawiiill ltytrmm 205 pages Wit At least one provincial gov ernment Onlurio has ililisliwl guide called leing In tont mninintn that any Prospective purltinsel would find useful And the smile government has drawn public attention to such pintlines no time builder knowingly underestimates HitI mmthly mniiiioiinnce met that eatll iliill owner must pay linii nutiman then find themselves saddled with large tlufliii and high monlhl carrying lllm go The holder may strong long leltri sweetheart contract with wholly owned subsidiary to maiin the mtitlumitililtti devel ment at high no time lying titeilnn ds of future corporation representing the unitowners Despite such possible lillfnlle mm dominium projects have nltfllllllftl lot on in ceasing proportion of new residential fl struction in Canadian cities Tholi winlivn latity IS likely to continue In llittemw no tion puts conventional homo nwnotnlilp beyond the reach of young people mmuth Parliament hill By STEWART MacIJZOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service few months ago it would not have been of national importance if Commons Speaker James Jerome stood for few momean and clarified or charged some brief remarks he made day earlier What he said would have had little impact with those not involved in the daytoday operations of Parliament But now that parliamentary proceedings are becoming television spectacular the rules goveming that institution are becoming almost as important as offside calls during Hockey Night in Canada If we are going to enjoy the game we must keep up on rulc changes So in that context the Speakers chief statement was of profound significance bc By JOHN llAltHltON Foreign Affairs Annlykl Thomson News Servlct Priced out of the market Canadians have heard the expression of ten since the 19505 in regard to their manufactured goods for ex rt p0Goods and services in many ways similar to those in the United States have cost more to produce in this country because of our smaller domestic market and our reticence to be hardbargaining ex irtcrs In some instances expression was used by industry almost as form of blackmail that the federal government must offer sub sidies or tariff protection to permit higher priced Canadian goods to penetrate foreign markets Not too much of this can be done because of Canadian commitments under the GATT Agreement not to underpin iridustrieswnh state subsidies which are competing in inter national markets However priced out of the market means more than it ever has before and can be ex tended to growing number of industries and not only manufacturing The Canadian pulp and newsprint industry Iti finally facing the fact that overseas com petition to the Canadian product may soon end twine of our traditional foreign markets The largest and most critical of these is of mum the United States where the develop ment of large new US mills using the faster mwlnu southern pine now are ready to cut llunvily into this major Canadian market for export llZIIJUMIETES Whatever there is of Canadian shoe in dium ls lmln stiff com tltion from the litml lane with utvomades oeex rts oneof the main nvoilwtill thrusts of tr diver sifying wntimtiy cause had he not modified his daycarlier remarks its difficult to predict just what would be delivered to television viewers in the way of outrageous accusations Certainly for 24 hours Jerome appeared to be inviting the op sition or dissident Liberals to ac cusc government of just about any sin thatcametomind The incident also underscores the delicate difficulties facing the ker as he tries to maintain order and tra itions often with lit tle time for consideration under the pressure and heat of angry debates Its surprising that more misjudgmcnls dont occur particularly when the House is all steamed up over RCMP scandals and the like TRUIHZAUCIIARGE In this particular case an oulra ed Con servative opposition had deman ed that There are still other reasons for being priced out of the market which have to do with our lifestyle chiefly with our ex pectations of larger personal take out of the system than it now can afford Look at the public sector in Ottawa At present there are senior public servants some of them in the Privy Council office who earn close to $60000 year This is more than the salary of Zbigniew Brzezinski the national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter the most powerful leader on earth Its more than any American public servant is rmitted to earn under US law the eel ing at present being $42700 The department of industry trade and commerce has more than 100 officials ear nin in excess of $32000 annually Canadian Armed Forces with their rich needs for new aircraft and warships continue to promote officers into the general officer category with Latin Americanstyle alacrity In the nonOttawa scene Walter Pitman president of Torontos Ryerson Polytechnics Institute the leading community college in Ontario likes to lecture the public at large and his graduating students in particular about other items in society being more im portant than just plain money According to reports in The Globe and Mail President Pitman earns $59000 year And thats lot of just plain money The Canadian working force in man hiya technolog jobs is clearly not as pr uctive as in simi ar industries in the US no matter how much their unions may protest the statement Andsoitgoes our country lsused toa style of living and remuneration more and more out of line with our condition Priced out of the market long ago began here at home Just ignore it Jean and itll go away Speakers second thoughts underscore his difficulties Prime Minister Trudeau withdraw sugges tions that the Tories had planted electronic bugs in their own offices so they could accuse the government or the RCMP of wrongdoing He said the Liberals went about things in straightforward manner not by having some phony bugs planted in their office which is the way they the Conservatives do it Speaker Jerome carefully considered the insinuation for couple of days and then ruled that the prime minister had gone beyond the bounds of parliamentary traditions It is my disposition in these cir cumstances to always in the interest of protecting the dignity of Parliament exer cise the benefit of that doubt in favor of asking the honorable member to withdraw any remarks that might by reasonable in terpretation of the precedents be offensive Trudeau technically withdraw his remarks but announced that our Suspicion remains And armed with the Speakers ruling about what constitutes an unparliamentary remark the prime minister suggested that former prime minister John Diefenbaker had used offensive terminology earlier in the day He noted that Diefenbaker in introducing motion had accused the government of un lawful action and wrongdoing Since it had not been proved that the gover nment was guilty of illegalities or wrongdoing in connection with the uranium cartel said Trudeau the right honorable gentleman is doing something which is clearly contrary to Your Honors ruling Normally the Speaker would consider the request for day or so before handing down decision but this time Jerome immediately decided that Diefenbakers words did not con stitute breach of parliamentary rocedures His argument was that Diefenba er did not make statement as such but was merely seeking leave to introduce motion Honorable members will have to realize that member seeks permission within the standing orders to put forward motion for debate and discussion he said It is not in basic nature statement but is in fact motion which is proposed for debate You could see ebrows snap ing heaven ward all over the amber It di nt take long for experienced MPs to realize what this ruling meant Just wait said one Tory MP Well be able to introduce every motion by accusing the government of ever heinous crime ever committed Its just ma for television But alas for the opposition Speaker Jerome had second thoughts before the rules would permit any motions the following day It occurs to me he said that may very well have given an impression that motions and preambles to motions are somehow exempt from the strictures have put on lan guage used in debate If have done that want to hasten today to correct that impression because it is quite wrong So its back to the old mice and well never know just how imaginative the ltlon could have been in conconting lberal crimes noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Canadas story Canadian responsible By BOB BOWMAN Nice year Canadiam have tp put their clocks back an hour or forward an hour as the changes are made between standard and daylight times good rule to remember is Spring forward fall back distinguished Canadian Sir Sandford Fleming was responsible for the division of standard time zones Daylight saving was later innovation to give more recreation time in the evening duri the summer months It was also used in Winter months during the Second World War to conserve electric power Britain went on double summer time Fleming had remarkable career He arrived in Canada in 1845 as young im migrant from Scotland and distinguished himself in 1849 by rushing into burnin Parliament building in Montreal an rescuing portrait of Queen Victoria Then he designed the famous threepenny Beaver stamp issued in 1851 After studying engineering and surveying in Toronto he became the chief engineer of the Ontario Simcoe and Huron Railway in 1857 That was the beginning of railway career that took him from coast to coast He was the chief engineer of the building of the Intercolonial Railway between Montreal and Halifax one of the main reasons the Maritimes agreed to join Canada in 11157 When British Co umbia agreed to join Canada in 1871 on condition that railway be built to the Pacific coast the task of finding the best route was entrusted to Fleming This included the routes through the Rock Moun tains and Fleming surveyed Ye owhead Pass now used by the Canadian National Railways and also Kicking Horse Eagle and Rgers Passes now used by Canadian Pacific While doing this work Fleming became an expert on time and divided Canada into standard time zones There now are seven in cluding Newfoundland and Yukon This system was adopted by Canada Nov 18 1883 and then by the nest of the world at an in ternational conference held in Washington the following year OTHER NOV 18 EVENTS ionGreat woman pioneer Madame de la Peltrie died at Quebec lï¬78LaSalle sent dpart including Tonty antlilsHennepin to buil sllip above Niagara Fa rimCanada Act Constitutional Act was proclaimed to come into effect Dec 26 1824Search began to find mouth of Fraser River BC I929Tidal wave caused eat damage and killed 27 people in Newfoun and wasToronto Globe bought Mail and Em plre Interpreting the news Setback for Kremlin WASHINGTON CP The rupture in SovietSomali relations with its threat to support of Soviet naval and air operations in the Indian Ocean region may turn out to be significant advantage to Western powers particularly the US Indeed Somalias decision to expel about 6000 Russian advisers and force closure of all Soviet military bases in that country marks another major setback for the Kremlin in nor theastern Africa Originally the Soviet Union wooed both Ethiopia and Somalia with military equip ment and other aid But with Somalibacked secessionist rebels attempting to win control of the Ogaden desert from Ethiopia the Kremlin ap pgrently decided to throw its full support hind Addis Ababa after failing to persuade Somalia to halt its military activities Somali President Mohammed Siad Barre warned that continued Soviet and Cuban military backing of Ethiopia would place relations with Somali in great jeopardy The Kremlin tried reconciliation but secret talks proved useless Now the forced evacuation of Soviet bases will end docking and port facilities which helped sustain Soviet air and naval op erations in the Indian Ocean The Russians still have bases in Aden South Yemen and Ethiopian ports on the Red Sea but the Somali bases were much closer to the Indian Ocean operational area The Somalis have been bitter about Russias support for Ethiopia In addition Somalia has cited growing numbers of Cuban troops fighting alongside Ethiopian soldiers Somalia is not only country in that region where the Russians have lost ground Five months ago Sudan ejected its Soviet ad visers and five years ago Egy ousted Soviet military and civilian personne Ethiopia is the larger of the two countries but Somalia is supported by oilrich Arab states including Saudi Arabia Egypt the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait The US while tryi to stay out of the con flict has not com etely withdrawn an earlier offer made wi Britain and France to su ply small quantities of defensive weapons to malia The US also has started moves to civilian aid gram for Somalia think ng in terms off farming and health care bible though For God Is not unrtghteous to forget your work and labor of love which ye have showed toward His name in that ye have ministered to the saints and do minister Hebrews 810 God doesnt miss thingIndia has tmemory Benotw lnwell oryeshallreaplfyefalntm dd