av ï¬gs LS mm erF Wm7 l5 cuts for sale 33 oars wanted 37 trucks and trailers 1404 lid 40 articles for sale tu dogs pets ah heg FREE to 533 ï¬o=meTTea=roiamalum 32 on for sale 32 all for sale JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices I977 slzedoghailGermanshe erdandhetl USED TitIlCiL NO MONEY C0103 TV mmal°lidliztmg BODI Down paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7260711 1973 DODGE tour door clean power TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor STATI 197 Poi ONW GON woe ar steering power brakes automatic 18 air conditioning new tires arItp cylmd 295 uncemfled MInIs Telephone7261073 rakes Needs body work Must se wrecking and rts top prices paid BLACK ham Ionli cocker 3300 Telephone 4363703 anytime mégcggfhgglcg Free pickup Te ephone 7268487 Ipanlels ENC Eegcistrated flirt weeks 1972 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE 32007 Telephone 72869 from WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon ready to go Telephone 7265210 alter Certified $1250 or best otter Rebuilt engine new mullier voltage regulator lull pump shocks gas heater radio Call Dave 4875638 da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 7266400 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup prn THREE MINIATURE collie pup ies seven weeks old Sheitle type Tele one 1970 MERCURY MONTEGO for sale A1 condition low mileage recently painted Will certity $1100 Telephone 7370523 plus PDi treight lic Shop now tor Christmas and use our convenient mIomII mm mg ttorsttiirtns TiLerun WM III for ca b°° 0531 20Tesliiile°erssil mh line 4362900 7262403 19 LE as lavaan plan SUPER CHARGER 71 new bearings mgd 03451er IéNGRAY 327 ï¬erl at Top pRICE tor top car Toke Mayor ud ICA NIIOO CLO pUREaRED MINIATURE pOODLEsI miscmgmagm fgggï¬ggvggg drivei 72611001 or 7269505 °° cum 0105 in Limited no oradiord Street Barrie workshop Three to ch00 26Psnuotiic pertIi $650 No papers 50 males and temaies Six easohable otter 7265049 1969 CHEV iMPALA 4door 307 uncer mam tmmFullpllcvlsmh MNSTERCNARGE No MONEY DOWN MVvm WC Teepme THE VOLvo people evenings WWW 350 automatic Good titled in good condition Asking ssoo 34trucks and trailers nu row to 11 go motor Best otter Telephone 7373450 Telephone 7266721 Essa Rd 8400 Hwy F250 FORD IOU who drive NC PAYMENT TIL oIdI MW chgmglign Jock METEOR RIDEAU door sedan 197 CAMARO 350 will barrel ii in good JANUARY ROTO FERTILIZER SPEADERS six ceilent temperment housebroken P°wer steering power brakes radio ailing5ng owner excellent condi 2330 agiersp mcondtlont eel one N21 h78 no ch med one am Regular Teephone 7264621 nn condition on or best otter Tele hone mil mm F°R° °° °° iï¬iisrr2Izisi° ï¬ifgmucrlizï¬rria Twain 1974 VOLVO 1455 station wagon iuel 1969 PONTIAC vs automatic power lilililiiiiiiiililiiiiliiilliiliiliililiillllll ï¬ï¬ggesgefgohï¬gworggysélm low 1974 FORDtuTON Super Cabheavvldu Delivered TONQI CLOTHES WASHER SPIN DRYEE mnmuim dwmmogd wImchIIdnnI iniection automatic radials stereo brakes and Steering certllled Tele VW STANDARDI new body Iobl cu IY radtbatterY and Suspensionwl haux Slmpncny name CIunIgm running 25 Telephone 726673 phone 4509703 1970 NOVA radio In good running con dition As is 3400 Telephone 4249572 1973 MERCURY MONTEGO door snow tires PS PB radio certilied tape radio Good condition Certified $3425 Telephone 5263068 Midland 1968 FORD FAIRLAINE uncertitied Body needs work Good engine Best ol ler Telephone 7260830 alter pm tilled Telephone 3222785 alter pm 1970 OLDS DELTA 88 new exhaust new transmission power steering and brakes $600 Telephone 7263143 1970 COUGAR V8 power brakes and condition Price Silo Call George 7282465 days 7262015 evenings Willi °dnpgm°°°°2ï¬g STOVE OLDER ELECTRIC tour burner stove oven plus separate warm 47home improvements lng oven works very well clean Price 59° whee Md Wide rel New 1976 GMC PARADISE MOTOR VAN chocolate brown paint with beige trim mveIIrIdgeIsInkIIoIIeIIIumachszveI $2500 or best otter 7267770 alter pm buckets compIeIer carpan I000 or MUST SELL 1973 GMC ton iliary tank Michelin tires $2500 pickup 3000 miles on new VII engine Telephone7058352315 WEGKGGYS best otter Tale one 7053611507 no 1955 BARRAcflgqAELfl PEoigctarcd Giggg 2693289mues 95 can an mi Iteering mags and Ccustom paint Snow 1976 FORD Twelve Passenger Chateau Elmvale nus George 7284 days 72628 YOUR HOME er cars res on rims $1500 all between6ands cl mil snowmobile 440 Rupp All in good condi CORVETTE 1968 convertible white with pm 4872323 Telgphoane 7233295 ewe ma ex as CHEV on Six cylinder Standard Ds good body driven daily $250 or best KITCHEN SUITES 7371 182 tion Telephone 7265731 anytime biack top 350 automatic Reasonable $6 Vim 1968 vw EXCELLENT condition in ForAIIYourRepalrs SNOW PLOUGH loot angling blade otter 1972 GMC lzton with cap six 1967 viiMOUTH BelVEderEr 9W 33 mini Telephme 36905 every respect 57 000 original miles with any and Remvanons ca ydrauilcs Fits an sixe truck linder standard body excellent snow TO 0039 DB engine new tires As is in 9006 running 11m Radio gas heater Come and test drive Telephone 7263208 atterSme tiies new brakes and Clutch Certitied over so Spanisii whim ocriAsolxequejleiolITli BOWLER condition Telephone 7288941 1968 BUICK ELECTRA $300 or best ol it CERTIFIED $975 Call 7264290 sizso or bestotter ALSO complete lront FIREWOOD hard maple and birch dition ter as is Power steering power brakes 99 JAton wlnd mm bu °°° NTE PR SE5 1973 AMC JEEP CJS good can 33cars wantedIo bu whee arm Wm snow pIow Low mIIe end lor 1969 Chev or and l2 nch lengths Will deliver II reasonable mileage Telephone 4361554 power windows power seats Still being we Many was Cemfled Mus se shield inner and outer lenders bumper Telephone 7209204 °Y dwn WWM 705 726 9696 alter pm used Telephone 7262335 Excenem condmoh mam 6r m9m end grill etc stoo or bestoller 4875251 pc micIN FOR SALE mm 00 Jmuary Phone tonight delivery tonight MUST SELL 1976 Cordoba P5 P8 l974 PONITIAC ASTRA GT wagon tour CATERING TRUCKS mo to ma 35service and repairs entertainer Excellent condition Aski MIT Kill OUALTYlNTEGRTYmSERVCE radio vinYI root 60 40lrcritsteat aarcon gtitaasgledéaMicxIerIgLu rggtfogzck Acme Stamess sIeel Inns good condI 329 Telephone Mom mu 1374 MWFD$ ditioned package exce en Con lion 77 22000 miles $4995 Call 726 5963 alter ggaiyoflock many more extras $1500 34223rngggwflteglneliggdpzrom LMigITTCZIdSTsnieSCIhZECM Jï¬i2ir 51trees and shrubs Now Im COUGARI Mo door mg THUNDERBIRD selling for pans For Barries Newest Car Dealer ggxgllgdosr lmporis 7370724 alter 630 SNOWTiRES A70x13on rimswliitit SHADE TREES AND EVERGREENS 197i Gremlin $20 Also copies at the last edition of the Toronto Telegram Best otter Telephone 7289425 lor sale Buy direct from grower Dig your own Cali evenings alter pm or weekends 7269295 tires excellent Call 7288034 alter pm or weekends 72 VEGA cylinder automatic bucket hardtop V8 power steering and brakes console with mag tires bucket seats On iy 46000 miles $1750 1973 CHARGER 1977 DODGE POWER WAGON club cab automatic power steering er brakes plus many more options th 7V2 Largest book and sheet music selection In town TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL payment as low as $7 ham two door automatic po seats new am 3895 tl loot western threeway snow plough month COMPLETE SET machinist tools and 52 ants and bulbs 5531523 brakes radio Only 50000 phone 43563g2tiii pyrieralteida If AUTOMOBILES Both excellentcondition 7286892 cut p9 mnmk box also set or mens gall clubs miles s19000 i974 DODGE Monaco tho 4245949 72 FORD ECONOUNE EmI mm Eflms oAIleMnd Mombl Telephone 7370156 TROPICAL PLANTS iogoug home 32 60 liardion Psi PB rad° Vs I973 COMET six cylinder automatic motor no rust V8 standard S950 Inc eumgogmn ANTIQUE CANADIANA CLOCK oc otlice etc B7ray2s5iISar en re omatic Vinyl root Must sell at very good condition like new Michelins Telephone 436 206iaiier5pm Looklilce new made WWer 590990Wl Femme 73 MERCURY cm Pat 90 $i100 Telephone 4584447 TRUCK CAP ms 00 box Imam Folt orderurvlcs Sheilclock 1079 French sheltclock 1020 $2253 $111Yiaiiflflihéihï¬nmu mmmm door insulated ice box table cupboard Wt 3éfrrï¬iï¬ikiotlé2tf€t1r°£5$f 57°°°ae 60 AI tour door new body paint lob exhaust I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 side benches mattresses sleeps two litIlls oderoll my Searrtilsidhkecnaeiifléï¬ghthllat throcuagh BY system brakes and tuneup also PS and TI HALF TON 1967 GMC 281 motor to sail MUNTZ QUADRAPHONIC track AM FARM FOR PROFIT ron Graham Moiors72as47o may szggéiegtaczcgltgitionOwnerwiiiCer asls Telephone 7266725atter4 and unour ixeggggzoiognjsgo old Slooo tirm SHOP ran new so ate Your choice of color mm MUSIC SIMCOE DISTRICT VILLAGE us Magi an COOP AUTOBODY °° Christmas ALL THE HELP YOU NEED 453 Dunlap 7266531 FIREPLACE HARDwooos cheaper ore FT by the lull cord Free delivery Also Payment 08 low as $I2 trunk loads picked up Telephone Ideas from every HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie Well cared tor Track and trails Windy Hill Farm 6365624 Start the hOlIdOy mm our animals 245 Edgehill Drive season off right 322338 EXAMINE the GIFT wF° 9Z 3auto acesoies per monh MOVING SALE Stove tires lamps knick knocks Very 1970 DUSTER HOOD with inch pro stock scoop $100 030 over pistons $70 IEflGUHWFlZEUBE Daily Business Directory reasonable Telephone 4363584 FIREWOOD FOR SALE I2 lace cord IItralrlte caén andIIIIIejlls $726 tacnhhns S32 16 lace cord 36 All mixed harlcli My U5 Don ems wood delivered 7265938 Sunday ca Po Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers 973377519Lmflvï¬ 999 TT tonight HORSE OWNERS TF Tack auction 50 new saddles hundreds at items at new tack Christmas gilt items etc $20000 inventory Tuesday 37motorcycles 1976 YAMAHA 00 RD black with sad dle bags and windshield mag wheels 7000 miles Show room condition 7267771 days 38snowmobt7é BOX SPRING 8t MATTRESS 99 GIANT RCA xuoo We have RCA xuoo solid lltate color por be 29 30 stouflvme tables new in crates tor only $466 or pay TWOBEIGE BROWN and Black pIaId ovem usi $475 weekly on our Rental Purchase Love Seats wmI nassock n75 aiack Stockyards For iniormatlon call 14166404198 rii vin swivel chair $25 24 volume Lite ma Sim£31 tozzlftoymselizery Natyure library S75 20 volume Great REGISTERED Holstein bulls mon ry AgesolMan $50 7287884 ths old Also an 18 month old herd sire listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible °9 4H calves Apply Al McLean 1973 YAMAHA SL 3300 New engine FURNITURE FOR SALE hutch gold $500 or best alter Days 737 0220 alter HIV with red trim3dressers tinished maple 61097 Ierrie Pius 7371182 cherry wood dresser untinIIsIhedIchestdql HORISES apeARelgio boy Stalls drawers tinlshed pine AI con avai able in arn exerc se area lummum CUSTOM FENCING ANDTMN OFFICE SERVICES L233 11632753 33315 pay an as ow as $8 08 tlon Selling tor ill health Call 7269564 Execaellireenltegï¬ggienfospgggrzgg Moonstone time or 72 AN FOR SALE Kimball lioo th RESiDENTIAL FENCING chain link custom QEANING SERVICES to suit your needs wci rmonth 0R0 BASEMENT SALE Camptire Court FIFTEEN HEREFORD cows some GEORGIAN wood tences Improve Your property 737 Roasonablerates50tistoction gtiorohtoodH 76 W1 Cht °°° 5° e°° E€ °° km Barrie Saturday and Sunday Novem with calves Ali bred to Poll Heretord 5°7 OStarm windows Cleaned lt3°°i1 °d M°l° 7959 dmm Km Mmes mo we 95° 7599929139971 ber 19 and 20 i2 t05pm Miscellaneous auil Phone Ron Mottatt72il547o phoniflzcflvv7rv FOR SALE Kitchen table and chairs househoId IIemsI mique furnnufe and Plenum YOUR PROPERTY andinstaiiod 40 bookcase S200 chestertield and dIsheSI some clothing Nice gilts tor 59poultryc PAINN6 MOTOSKI Treg cutting lounge $450 Telephone 726 9606 May be ChrIgmtIEI Seen at7i4 Christie crescent DEKALB READY to lay puilets avail CH OEaves mm mum Mm 95 9VCe xnoo used skiï¬Ã©sindimé extchant llllllliililllillIIIIiIilIIIIIlllliilIliillllillllilIII mï¬ AvisIgathgITtereIsItItIsgIgz IcIIIiu Hunter aiding savestrough °°°9° b°°° 3m l° mm dammitn£32a6°°° mi swncmiuol Geos 50 windows TrOSh haued away WAYNEKIFOLET Protessional painters Ex BIG SAVINGS Vï¬T Famans Phone 7266891 FOCIO Doors V1 Ton TrUCk and letter and Interior Free estimates Wort TI MOTOCOON cm EM 60leedseedgrain teed 7267339 Shutters Awnmgs Galvanized and Vinyl 7°d9m T°° ESSINCI PM WING WIIM IIytleId St of 1111 mo Top QUALITY hay lor sale square AdditionsRoofing ImIoIIed IARRIE tree estimates Jock Richardson 7262012 ï¬g 50 um tilt gigs saved Telephone 7262411 or Porch EnclosuresStonework FREE ESTIMATES 4375 55 756 lo 7264 gain WING II SI 7I For tree estimate CALI A3 PAULS N30t Also creed Pleads $500 64ta rm machinery II ha She now tor Christmas We RW SWITCNNADE MASSEY HARRIS TRACTOR re 1950 suumG IlYoAcrANNIIrigdIurzltSIengstrpingng er payments as low as ondp use our conveniem COM Tiflllk gilt item snowplow on lront new rear tireps needs 7266907 3th can p°u 7372375 Interior and exterior layaway plan Novel and practical Protects comb in valve iob 5300 Telephone 4245089 II II cm ht Fine tooth comb Local Famll Business Handyman will do pointing paper hanging per man poc DIBSMAKING it tllin turnitur tnpptna and 90 maios rotmtics MUSIC com lidburnt and muttoch loci Soiltloc norm AND nu retinirhtng allroul713777gv7577 A7 Low rates Fast service lion in guaranteed Complete with Pmswc waitsnznlndporffitfyguvofm2irg HARRY LAGENDYK BUILDER Renovations satisfaction guaranteed 06 09 lock Farm Dairy Equipment in block work etc Free estimates ALUMINUM 45203347 till Churchill Ont ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOOIIE us 73 DELAVAL OWNER OPERATED DRESSMAKING TAILORING and alterations M29 Acmu GREAI SOUND IN SPEAKERS Four MWFN28 SALES AND SERVICE PROTECT and BEAUTIFY mum Fm ammmm to 7vrrw year old 447 Sonics speakers 16 llllllllllIllllllIIIlIIIllIIlllllllilililiilllliiil Complete Line of Dairy 7373984 between on and plli HOME IMPROVEMENTS DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING in IAIIII whooms Temphom evenings ah 77 your home With terIr exterior paper hanging custom 728 ANTIQUE LOVESEAT Cane Chain Farm Equipmentand SUPPIIOS it lNTERiOR REMODELLING Kitchens roe we Saltlaction uoronieod 726m we Ie Toner Chan Tmmasville French pro 30 Ho REYNOLDS ALUMINUM rooms Call Russ 4363681 atterbjopjn mggxggbicojgm 37757 SPOINIAVIII MARIN my peï¬e IVmrbflnm Villa 99 Chm usua 72a 08385 728 w7y SIdlng SIOms MAM EAVESTwUGHNG Em °°°bl torlor wollpopering custom textured walls Mk1 cgrvecstusigelbcordml egoggycoanditiaorhd Carnival Glass Bowls and pitchers 66 esoffIF 00 ln inlollcdCollmoom NEED MORE living space rec room extra ondceilingsTelephone 7058355387iocai mephone Im BeautiluiChristmas gitts Saturday and MIwIï¬JF osca MERIOR EAVESTROUGUING SwiollgII bedroom play roam laundry attic gtorog 71lw gtT Sunday November and 20 eEavesfrough Rooï¬ng and rooï¬ng poiuI Hmong space Also painting wallpapering Murray Myi7 CGMDLILC Court 67ruisvegeabes seamhss Call Martin Ventraten 4244956 New Lowell loll 77369 mi FI LTER QUeEN Vacuum CIeTnerl CUSTOM REC ROOMS Brother electric typewri er Un trex APPLES Apply Koole and son Con FlRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP flisflfï¬fgfrï¬nféglriiy$23553 planning and dxorottngï¬mgrivzcrlfrtfl OAKS 82 ow c° omk calculator and deskAli in perlectcondi cession Org Telephone 7288489 or FREE ESTIMATES AIiundole 7268657atter5pm and patios aluminum door the number to mmggagww WI Otterhg t7ign Telephone 7267473 7261907 Closed Sundays CALL 726 9769 ELECTRICAL °d73°4°95 riiscoé custoit PICTURE emote °9° °d °d° FotRKd TEhiWWtEitgim Hersmas SPECIALIZING lN Tuck rlt or re or ourw rive or waterprooï¬ng brickand Chou om hundmd Ma and dung and hographst by 19 7269005 Mdmii PP3932ZJ Skeet wW IN APPRECIATION or rent CHAGALL imaméfcitsq CALDERDQflI onfviireoï¬foitalï¬ï¬athéï¬iiin525 NOVEMBER 18 AND WHAT IT FRALICK ALUMINUM 2513Stratatr2422 mallowi WW vke7264996 Em ORGANS NORTHERN CARPENTRV if hardware Asking Sizso or best otter Sldtng SOIIIIIFOSCIO SIMCOE ELECTRIC Immune IIIImIDï¬II 32 others Perfect gift items 7266il56tter6pm II MEANS To ME Shutters Windows mNMWork£92Mor736 WAN eoorwo and old p90 great investment Picasso ms STEREO SYSTEM including BSR MYMOM ODoors Eavostrough Industrla CommarCIai it it CONSTRUCTION Hous ising loun Fmeellimotes4363i77atte16 lo FACE orIgInaI chin Rom changer Pioneer runer amplifier and Through the crowded hearts at Residential Farms 4°° °V°°r Willom Phon TTTM GAKHJ25 pedal II speakers Excellent condition Asking Wm Call today 43629550r43641750her6pm comol mm 35 500 5200 Your cost $75 Quantities $200II 728 8322 silver 330 weekdays Ih OI Lig ting osign TATTT are IImIIedI so order now any imewee en 77 77 reoccupte oug 4361330 STROUD EI Ic Iconsumn GENERAL NOME REPAIRS ROCKING SWIVEL F°r WRINGER WASHER one year old I0 Interior Exteri OIIMIALI urther Intormation write or call goodcondlflonI 335 7371719 Di 20yrs experience Decor dOllII swing 095 CHAIR cone SINGLE CAR eel garage doom 63 There seeps each year Single emo In GIBSON ALUMINUM City Masters Ltc 118 Refovaing Shmgleslmmned mm CHESTERFIELD AIIIed salesIncorpomhonI 9781284 condition 365 Telephone goth Ih Ih Ion hi Â¥L Tom res old fashioned Pride 7288234 Rec room lamin room R°°lm R°p°lr°d sounder 5475 HIGH BACK CHAIR 56 52 S°°l LARGE UPHOLSTERED CHESTER do ROOFING IN BARRIE II New York New York 10022 FIELD Chair tour drawer letter size SIddIng SOIIII Trough PAQRY LECflflCAL onstruction Specialists FOR IOYEARS T412wt Lot OTTOMAN phone 2118383710 steel tiling cabinet GE room hu My Mother lirst know lreiand Awnings 000s Windows oindustriai 0Commorciol nun It N18 3fgg Wm 60 air STORM WINDOWS lNSTALLED orgrm citesidentiol 04 armor Firmo5 econooMSuTtE oahvcsrf And saw through Pixie eyes the D9 9049 wooo HEAT GOOD iDEA See the rlage girls clothing size 1010 14 ar 3ng FREE Electric Heat Vm MSW mwFolz 50 down draught airtight carmor at Sun borite tables lamps Lego Barbie db Dryers Ranges iSlRSiiQS Seed Natural Foods 54 Dunlop Si camper other toys tires hair dryer OIE GOUIYI now so BARRIE 7265609 Rooms icing mcom mm 550008TUrotil193989 MW miiji Outlined against her Irelands RK PINE POSTER alLFURNACEnearIy new780008TU N24 ANTIQUE DA groom INCOME TAX ret rns re redAn Bar BEDROOM sutle with hutch top triple with quantity oi duct Reasonable Appuuc QUALITY SNCE 19 rieareoJS up JIM gobs 42453 alter SNOW BLOWING F3250 MK dresser Currenth pain advertise In 7370 My much 90 on Incrwud III er ior S9 OCCQP mwflm my SNowaLOWING Mm payments as low as Sic $510 vn°pcn two I23gigszgsgpyguggdagvngiggm inroso ccirfctitoiiux Cicanaiilar Ltd TtgoridesaI N23 INSULATION Contract Rot enceit needed all 726521 MILK 3795 Ih iiiteen gallon aquariums lIuIly eqquIpeIg sIn TeIepmM Inga As primed by memories tears it SOYVICO IOHC so ca ea 9E7 JIMS SNOWMOWING lowe rates in town Par mo WM and Be roams mm V° itItIlerL ltisuunoti MwltMwwnw w° b°° lm it Sévtiniifrï¬itï¬a ï¬ltiidtlsilmm in II in AUTO REPAIRS its 737 and 00er charlie 7k spegd $53120 1333ng lxIIlIlfgImh Juno Crescent swee accent °°° E°°° °l°° All oxcolfllt ODOM gs ril resser4589327 ANTI UE CHAIRS irom S2 to 50 9° tic stems trenching loodsr work provtnciail ed 77 7I I7 WE REgAIR BritishAEIIra onId AJAopongse $6555 In 0me No trades accepted on the OIO NOV It SID agigglrghglagimamyotmr another thoughts and words cars orona ion rv dry 9cin 05$ an reams 726ml WEST GROVE 050 organs vember 1991 337 Coderington St PAULS SNoerOWINo residential and matestsusic Ml 26 RCA moccurvod woodcabinet to the BABY CARRIAGE Io we convms But weary tongue cannotsuttice CONSTRUCTION own Ce 059 Ft re °l° °°°°bl lr° floor Casters total automatic color irom carriage to car bed to stroller To the hopes for happiness Backhoe Excov mutiny 1943113161 Sc 71 100 illuminated channels digital UHF IO CMdllon Ailian 35 Telephone for you 50 sma the price PURPLE MARTIN Houses tor sole Apply at 97 MIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer II or merits at $19 per month 09 MeltonAvBarriortloptlon7795783 Trenching 777777 7777777 clal asidbkre£e7n7ill Reasonable rott 25 mmiffyoitry an wt XIPRIGHTlsIArOZeliï¬odfon¢uti$ For all you give to love to 2E LLLLL so 14 ac an MKKEEHNG H°m°m°l Awormg mnuaom REICHEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowbiowlhg Hrs STAND $30 TeePh°lle 74 536 Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by ELECTRIC SCHWAch II II ELECTROHOME STEREO CONSOLE or an lOC WHPING $23ijflnffï¬flngmflligï¬onf cbonu £0 72g6777 V7 77w777 Amplllier approx amontns old porn Ilrrle Phil 7374 AM FM record changer and record NIB SECRETAIML SERVICES Eucs 7281156 an ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Residential and excellent condition Asking $550 guy De storage mahogany cabinet in excellent cmmflmI wk mm it 7263635 flimeï¬ewu °° 75 ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS mosaiit No JOB SMALL STONEWORK and replaces specialty Vk WM CARE bkfflfllflflfllfllyw 6fl RECYmE LOST HEAT trom yoiir fur Maul you drink thats your business ll you OBookeeping Payroll won I0 Ima 7231599 SIMPSON SEASONAL CONTRACT or as 5C9 1310 heat mlser In your amok SNOW AUGER BLOWER l0 ZGZAG SINGER 599 mum want to quit thats ours Call any time ehévec II°o° low Iton at kit pipes Cali tor iniormatlon 7290755 model 70 and 75 lawn tractors Cost aver Makes button holes iancy stitches etc FALL FERTILIZING tall cleanups Hodge and 7° in RIDING INSTRUCTION Fnoncol Sioiemenls Twins rlkrwoop Mimi hotnganawaupvn intent Eéfflerll35129L wooo For we Errhtiitahrra Pc 0° 5° °° t°t° Cm Horses boarded aarrle lmmim Hourl WookiyMonthiy vigilminomosn oouos SNOWPLOWING small commercial wood split Sold by the lace cord Michelin705 35 C°9ESIV1 °° °° Teeim mm heam mm 126 4067 FIEWOOD FOR SALE ttoldwood IP ondreudentioiReasonablorotemzsmoo 4361372 EMBROIDERED PILLOWCASES $199 LS Ew Reasonable 095 728628 deliverd Any quonlllv dry loomd Eiï¬ï¬vaoï¬iéb gig 57 pair 20 per cent oli Bewriey Cascade 30RANGES225lrosttraetridgesaoo MONECA psychic and card reading 23 dDr Hoover wood73 Mso Ie II as box spring and mattress 20 year both in excellent condition Walnut tea CwnfllllniiBartendevenanSMondav Irc woo COt 17 cord $30 Loco II II III II Tel through Friday Phone 7200060 FREWOOD FOR SALE mixed hardwoodl II dot verlgsI 723 7537 guarantee Free deilvery60miies Bar go 25 ep 30 limited quantity oi white birch Will deliver Ix wï¬ï¬lhrnniyONIï¬gï¬knrfIï¬gtx Wm mm rie Mattress Factory is Dunlop East ï¬lo TIELECCRE TIWtLy tight your problem 89922 aone eta ren hel cl MWF N2 02 776°7°°S£1Le Eflolfl Free estlmile 7054245lsa RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco 3222 Eggtkeéigl Viewth 41boars and mom 6m Yuma ecare MIXED HARDWOOD and plain birch SM per lace cord tor hardwood birch $40 delivered 72596680tter 77AVVVWV LEONS CUSTOMMADE CIOCNI Ol0 60 FTgt IEWOOD FOR SALE Dry seasoned maple RE OWN DJ I0 he pm Showman HWY 93 Damon and beech S30 per lace cord delivered kclodanctoood ronI9J5I 7m9548 TWW 4H 5219 wuloFWVMdr 44 00 YOU NEED live taur piece band tor your Christmas party or other engagements int Io ed all and cellin Free ITFVIOIOITBIIII Mldhurst toolophone BUFFET HUTCH oti while they last Brays Garden Cen 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat UNWANTED HAIRTTimoved WSW tre 26 Ferndalc Drive Telephone double MIL under CHIIa Inboard permanently medically approved Ly 773 295 motor A4 condIIIonI Askmg 52500 dia Hrenchuk Certilied Electroiogist ReUPhOIStermg MM walkerrocking horses tor small babies iTrooTsromiVTunwouï¬asho WBWWEJMFEFJE BABY NE EDS Two blue bunting bags Telephone 435 4245 alter 430pm 7372671 some babY WNW Wmerlled 50ler Chrysler outboard convertible top ski and tea cup reading For appointment lemon 53 nYllme bar accessories $3000 or best otter WEE3 TWOWAY RADIO Imummw VE 7M7 it in Tele hone 7200960 alters TERINGI cï¬T AND 0mm COIIIIIIWL MIMI II II II II KITCHEN 5T0 etc to or ii ll CA or Him parties and °° °V°°l mmm P° minisezld eggmv guantednnaiio MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS 50 ROPOIH covr good condiIiioniCall anytingyAlgg I7 42arcles wanted weddings etc call eariyl Home bak rman 7374501 OI 49$ Innuuanon FREEZER 22 cubic loot chest type by lng and cooking Early Bird Restaurant Lmu33IaIIIIIIacIIIIzIoomtG 32 Gun 55067 ammo and pow Yam GENERAL excellent condltion 5195 CASH FOR old lurnlture books dishes 093 lotio modloo if lt9 maulru 3le MarcOwflflï¬ï¬‚iï¬BEM work d°n° Ind°° Telephone 7377256871 77ï¬7 Ltgoqlctures2ocs odd 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