10 the examiner Friday Nov 181077 01 property for sale 01 property for sds ncu ESTATE LID MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Wiilon Latldirzg MIDHURST Open 5018 Sun noon till dusk DODSON ROAD PAINSWICK level sidesplit bedrooms plus one downstairs large rec room large laundry room gas heating double garage large lot $53500 Quick possession I440 SQUARE FOOT ALUMINUM SIDING BUNGALOW Exceptionally clean home with bedrooms large kitchen dining room big family room with bar sauna cold room and utility room large garage beautifully landscaped lot Asking $70M ENJOY WARM FIREPLACE this winter in this bedroom level sidesplit in Barries east end This home features patio doors from nice family room to the rear yard and patio doors from the kitchen to new cedar deck hardwood floors and attached garage STROUDII bedroom bungalow large rec room with large brick fireplace workshop large kitchen with patio doors to cedar deck and large back yard Asking $48200 and anxious HELPII Vendors have moved and must sell their well kept bedroom bungalow and lot at Minets Point Asking $31500 and anxious LAKEFRONT HOME on 75 frontage of Big Bay Point This home has bedrooms and can be purchased with some appliances Priced right at $69900 REDUCED TO $35900 Large 10 1st mortgage storey con dominium patio doors Iz baths garage WALKING DISTNACE TO DOWNTOWN storey brick home with fireplace I4 pc pc baths double garage nicely lan MlDtIURST BRICK BUNGALOW New home bedrooms master statements avallableCallBrIan Martell bedroom has ensuite sunken Iivln room broadloom main MW pc GROCERY STORE on Highway 24 near level family room with fireplace double garage $79900 Comnww Lam Mng common tlons quarter acre lot equipment Price $95000 Please phone or write for Bigglns RE MIDHURST ESTATES Executive type sidesplit or storey home bedrooms baths broadloom double garage All This on nearly acre tread estate lots $134000 $138000 MIDHURST DORAN RD Executive type home approx 2900 sq ft with number of extras that should be seen Ask your agent to show this one Asking reduced price of $1 10000 RURAL STARTER HOME Big Bay Point bedrooms large eatIn kit chen lot 100 160 Asking $35500 RURAL BUNGALOW with finished basement single garage walkout inground pool large lot Asking 5645 RANCH STYLE 2000 sq it home on 40 acres with beautiful view bedrooms large living room with double fireplace to family room decks Landing strip and hangar Also bedroom guest home 5169 RIVERWOOD FARM SUBDIVISION backsplit bedroom fully broadloomed immediate possession asking $48900 BUILDING LOTS North $16900 with steam at rear South 515500 214 frontage with lots of trees ALCONA $37500 bedroom new kitchen bath fireplace large lot This wont last STROUD $49900 bedroom bungalow finished basement broadloom walkout from dining room to large deck patio paved drive TRY $3500 DOWN To one open mortgage excelllent older Ihom In Allandale bedrooms country style kitchen walkout basement to deep lot only $39500 ALLANDALE HEIGHTS Large bedroom home with garage on deep lot broadloomed $52900 Try on offer must be sold EAST END BARRIE We offer for sale this bedroom all brick bungalow on large landscaped lot of 70 173 Located at 92 Melrose St This home offers everything for the family Lots and lots of cupboards and closets for the wife to huge garden for the husband Drive by and call us for an appointment Our asking price $54900 SHANTY BAY acre estate lots Only left in modern lot sub division Buy now and build next spring INNISFIL Bungalow bedroom electrically heated with colour Iok siding features 60 by 214 lot fieldstone fireplace dining room low taxes enclosed front verandah and broadloom Asking $38000 VIEW OF THE BAY Residential area of quality homes Spacious bedroom bungalow double garage trees and shrubs galore living and dining area both recently redecorated lower level has cherry panelled rec room with fireplace professionally finished sound proof study and much more THREE ACRE TREED LOT Ready to build on permits available and septic approval fully surveyed Asking only $20000 $12500 MOBILE HOME bedrooms bath appliances all drapes $37500 bedroom semidetached on bus route close to down town $50900 bedroom bungalow stone fireplace bar and garage $97500 I685 sq ft home fireplaces family room rec roam sauna shower heated in ground pool Midhurst N18 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 Bert Cuff 7284067 Harry Magill 7263864 John Colwell 7267726 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 Doug Baker 7283274 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hooey 7280676 Harold Davis 7287543 Peter Bracalente 7263916 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Paul ArbOur 7263897 Norman McMillan 7268957 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Jim Cancilla 7371597 30099135 STREET HRRIlJNTARIO REAL ESTATE LTD REALM MUST BE SOLD This yr old well constructed bungalow bdrms Family sized llv rm din rm and kitchen Full high bsmt Ideal for bdrm apt Garage Asking only $44900 Call HARI JAIN RENT NOW BUY LATER 25 Maplehurst Cr brick home with separate din rm and garage Law heating cost Close to school shopping Low rent Call ASH JAIN HANDYMANS SPECIAL $45000 am solid home only years old My owner did not look after me You can decorate the and save up to $5 compared to price of same site of home have bdr ms lge liv rm din rm very lge full bsmt garage Just come see me offer what you like Call HARI JAIN for details RENT NOW With option to buy later Bayfleld Candles area Fully bdlmd bdrm home with family rm bathrooms garage Im mediate occupancy $325 per month Call HARI JAIN um DOWN 10 let mtgn East end brick semi Spotless brick home with attractvely landscaped lot paved drive Call LARRY THOMPSON Renault 728ï¬lo Larry Thompson 7285219 MJaIn 7269915 Harl Jaln 7269915 AahJaln 7204915 NIB MUST SELL bedroom brick bungalow In Stroud Finished family room with Franklin fireplace Goad clean comfortable home ACRE TREED LOT Ora Twp Paved road For detallsCall Reed 7266821 or 7285753 16 Dunlop St Barrie EMORY MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 WHERE THE RED CARPET IS OUT Ron Thorne 7288714 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Helen Burns 72623 Jerry McNabb 7262386 Sue Drennan 7263545 Bill Purvis 7260452 NIB cars for sale 71 701197177775 FRANKS ARTISTIC FRAMING ART SUPPUES Mont1 Igororg Harvey Weber 4363815 Percy Ford 7287930 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ross Burwell 4589248 Rob Knapp 4875462 Ken Miller 4873365 Wayne Ward 7268220 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Mike Lysabild 7266054 SLEIGII FULL OF SAVINGS LED cs $49 to Antennas $999 AM FM track car stereos $09 Hitachi home speakers $49 Wall hanging clocks $49 29 pc HSS drIII sets $25 V4 38 socket sets $1199 Car burglaralarms $399 Switch blade combs $399 PETES SURPLUS SALES 7373955 ALL THINGS NICE HANDMADE GIFTS WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCH afghans nncrame stuffed handknlis some antiques Qtllts MI Samsonite Jetllner Dionlte Skyway HANDBAGS Leather Suede Vinyls WALLETS BuxtonTllleyRolf Attache cases brlefcases gloves scarves evening boat sponbags totebogs gifts IARRIE LEATHERGOODS BA YFIELD MALL 7255291 Ross Miller 7260563 Al Rose PAINTINGS CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING PANTINGS CLEANED ANO RESTOREO FINE FRAMING FOR NEEDLEPOINT PHOTOS CERTIFICATES 30 Will 7262800 P5 7288116 019 fleflfllefmfemr Calculator GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR LT EA LTOH 40 Maple Ave Agent for Pineview Estates of Midhurst PETER GUBBELS 7282425 AL CALHOUN no loll 8352742 ART MAW 728 I346 Specialists In Custom Draperies ns for Christmas Bedspreads other gift items IAYEIELD MALL IARRIE 7267292 CushIo lolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift sub scriptions Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost Is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gift will be announced In your name with beautiful card in rfull rich colors mailed to arrive at lust the right time before Christmas Order now DO JOHN COLE 7288017 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 BERNIE BLUM 4872299 mortgages FENDLEYS FLOWERS LIVNG LOVING CHRISTMAS GIFTS Send our FID Susans Greater Bouquet 07buslness opportunities EXPANDING COMPANY wlshes to bedrooms full basement garage paved drive Reduced to $44900 mm mm sunum dale In th IO All no EASTVIEW COLLEGIATE AREA year old bedroom home Master mgmaawfm cw W9 bedroom with pc ensulte family room garage paved drive write ThermoGleze Ltd 395 Catherine $52500 St Ottawa Ontario 1012 5T6 VARIETY STORE and pop factory ALLANDALE HEIGHTS bedroom home main level family room business for sale In village community opportunity kl grosses $150010 $5000 per week As ng dscaped $70900 stasoo Also ART SHOP for sale mall location excellent return on investment 7260041 or 7247907 Readlng Is the key to schoolsuccess Be sure your cttlfd has the key Grace ALL YOU The Second Mortgages LOAN AMOUNT 5000 51001 SIS 0W SNOW Bases an 12 per year 25 year amorluatlon I6132383115 or Stawmoblles Warm clothing Snowmoblle toques bolaclava boots THINK SUMMER SWater sklls wet sults canoes etc SPORT HAVEN MARINE any mu mom MONTHLY PAYMENT 5336 $106 71 $16006 $213 41 DI4 helmets sweaters Excellent couple CHRISTMAS Compare what you are paying now for car loan personal loan and credit cards you could be paying All you save is interest Call anytime Wayne Dobson 3222838 OFFICE 7269262 First mortgages from 94 We buy and sell existing mor tgages Tamer MORTGAGES bought and sold lmme dlate action Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 7204651evenlngs with what details Meaford 5195 4617 7295975 Also opening new store In Plaza corner of Hwy 89 King Alliston PRACTICAL GIFTS Per Al The My Sllppers Shoes Snow Boots Evening Shoes Writing to THE Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266537 financial BRlEL Investment Services yr Guaranteea Investment Certificates III2 REID705 7267 Musical Giff $uggesflons Ctft Phafsritsre 51M °Hutches Tables Wash Stands Wall Units Custom made to your design Phone 6111 Titty at 7266961 Mute 07001411 $191 um MwFTF mu i°Nae laden Ht Huerta ftsSut lIslHehtmPbaas UDrgIpsleeoesserlss onusotpnue 9WCBOEI We yr52esie lessees mmmnnusmm DUNLOPS HAMMOND GAN CENTRE tut mam T3 confidential David °Hand Bags tiflcates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 7283801 airsawemuwxxme vs T4 mobile homes tTailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Narthlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway Souith I70 Burton Ave 191 012 ijR on DI4 I2 mortgages KINZIE LIMITED Ist Mortgages IU4 10 prepayment phlege to 05 of tabs 2nd Mortgages II open on ertis htersst to 90 of value We are mortgage brokers and since we SDIUOIIZI can guarantee prompt and Indardual attention to all mot 1909a InquIrIes ensuring maximum mortgages favorable market terms Ample Iun ds lot reSIdantial commercial and rKrIahonal properties We also purchase lISTIng mot tgoges larcash TITTm ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT heat and hydro included Pets welcome am $190 monthly 16 opts to rent ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Very cute selfcontained apartment with all utilities paid Completely redecorated and new broadloom throughout Rel S210 mc 20mm condition certified 73048 miles Llc FURNISHED ROOM to rent In private home In Tall Trees area Use of house facilities Linen supplied weekly No parking $27 weekly Telephone 7372756 NICELY FURNISHED bedsltting I7 Itouses to rent MODERN FOUR BEDROOM house for rent Allandale Heights Lease to run from December to July $350 not In cluding utilities 726 2818 FOUR BEDROOM house close to school and hospital 175 Toronto st Reference December 1976 vw RABBIT Custom 175 13 SR ple parking tires passive restraint seat belt system 424 0486 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED down stairs apartment Stove fridge heal and in clean quiet home Lady preferred Non smokers preferred Phone after pm Phone comfortable TV Gentleman Homellke atmosphere Board If desired Telephone 7372088 DOWNTOWN BARRIE Furnished room Kitchen prlvlleges preferred 7284260 or 7280810 NEW TASTEFULLY DECORATED Selfcontalned Private entrance and parking Every thing Included household needs TV etc Central References 7206204 gentleman near west Plaza and tac forles $20 weekly Telephone 7266690 21room and board RELAX ED CLEAN HOME for female to room Use of kitchen easy commuting to Barrle $139 monthly 4509109 LARGE FURNISHED sun room for rent Use of kitchen Grove and Bayfleld area Available Immediately Student preferred Telephone 7372239 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease smell or large suites Immediate oc cupancy short or Iona term 7263400 Angeloff TWO OFF ICES lust over 500 square feet each can be Iolned together $150 mon thly each Includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 7263338 RETAIL STORE or office for rent available December 1st Allandale loca tlon 500 square feet $235 month In cludes heat and hydro Tele 0712 after pm or 7264621da erences L26 4930 T9170 spacious lnly telephone parking APARTMENT close to school shopping and bus route Large yard Heatand parking No pets $285 monthly Telephone 726 1045 BEDROOM APARTMENT stove refrigerator heat married couple no children or pets $220 plus hydro and last months rent Available December Isl Telephone 281845 FURNISH STUDIO Available hydro included required BE DR 00M well kept 7267141 attk ON BUS ROUTE near school three bedroom bungalow Fully broadloomed Available immediately Full basement garage $325 monthly No pets 720976 CHURCHILL twelve miles south of Bar rie 217 mlles from commuter train four two washrooms broadloomed $350 monthly plus utIIItIes 416 7272725 aflero BE DROO Reasonable rent 720 21283 AVAILABLE DECEMBER 151 Two bedroom apartment in house Stove and fridge Pay our own hydro $185 References please For ap polntmenl call 728 8277 LARGE ONEBEDRODM apartment self contained December Isl Telephone 436 38318fter for rent ladies bachelor apartment monthly bedrooms fully 7289866 TF STYLE bne bedroom apartment super clean nicely Immediate possession Call appliances Available BEDROOM two Two bathrooms also fireplace Situated on 50 acres very scenic property miles north of Barrle $250 per month Im mediate possession 4162797550 after I973 25 FOOT TRAVELINER house traIler Sleeps seven Fully equipped In side In excellenl condition Telephone 7370590 TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe luxury furnishings bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 new used only six times 705 445 1480 60 x12 used mobile home deluxe model bedrooms broadloom drapes fridge stove Call 705 decorated 7267 1625 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment with stove and fridge Nicely decorated In very clean quiet fourplex Includes parking and all utilities except hydra 726 1625 TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED apart mem available Immediately own on trance and hydro Busnncss couple pre ferred Phone 728 9318 CUNDLES AREA one bedroom self contained parate enlrancc available December 1st Call after pm 726 9319 all da weekends under most TWOOR THREE bedroom home on nghway 90 six miles from Barrie Immediately trailer furnished apartment king Size Available 7260617 MIDHURST Telephone I7 Itousas to rent TOWNHOUSE On Eastvlew bus route Immaculate dltion full basement oil heat $205 plus all and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm Moderan bedroom bungalow on heat garage Completely firnlsihred Jan 1st May Isl 7202874 LUXURY TOWNHOUSE Three bedrooms washrooms heated garage adults only $290 monthly plus utilities before pm1416 4893833 after pm COLDWATER bedrooms walkout basement Children welcome references required $300 per month plus utIIItIes Coldwater 6867718 SHANTY BAY Concession and Ridge Rd Older bedroom storey recently and broadloomed 4165762496 or shown on Call Mortgage Manager Ian Kerr for valuable ad vice Bus 7371881 Res Toll Free 4875965 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East Barrie Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TFMP Two BEDROOM apartment to rent $243 monthly Allandale area Available December Telephone 737 3445 after POL FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central only 726 0988weekdays TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS $280 monthly includes all utilities and cable No pets Close to Baylield Mall Lease required Telephone 726 6046 TWO BEDROOM Apartment 74 Shirley $260 per month plus hydro All other utIIItes Included Available immediate Iy Nopels No children 726 8733 BEDROOM APARTMENT avallable December cllitles hstnertiefBeergbnMd 7979086 NORTHLANDER Three bedroom 12 70 home set up and skirted an landscaped lot at Lakevlew Mobile Home Estates In OrIlIIa $1506 down balance $16535 monthly plus Ial rental Thls home is located across from waterfront municipal park Close tc schools and shopping Eniay the holiday season In comfortable home of your own Please call 726 6547 after pm for further information 1976 26 foot TRIPLE the cellent condition Fully equipped 12000 elephone 436 2448 MOBILE HOME two bedroom stove and fridge near Stroud Low down pay $100 per £63097 510 730 pm 16 aptstg rent TWO BEDROOM apartment available Downtown two can bOdIOOtYYS Adults Lount 7262109 1100 sq house for home Ex NEW BEDROOM HOUSE In Alcona Beach Family room with fireplace 1V2 baths Available now $350 monthly plus heat and hydro Telephone 7263257 am 108 pm 4363348 after THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available November 1st Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 7263257 between am and pm phone 726 renovated Call miles Parking $230 monthly References No pets 728 1035 TWO BEDROOM AND THREE BED ROOM apartments Modern building $290 and $310 monthly Includes electric heatllgh1 water and parking Lease re qulred First and last months rent In ad vence Call Wellington Place Apart ments building superintendent apt No 135 wellington St 726 7153 or 7263827 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED Apart In downtown area November 1st for girls only Rent $130 monthly plus heat 7263257 between amand9pm TWO BEDROOM Apartment In down town area available immediately Tele phone 726 3257 between am and pm ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments Fridge and stove Included Telephone 737 1674 between 500 and 700 pm COZY TWO BEDROOM tral location parking heatand hydro In cluded $195 First and last required 726 9418 atter6pm ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apart ment overlooking the lake $190 mon thly Everything Included but hydro lease Phone 7260241 laundry plus hydro BEDROOMIarm bungalow stove and freezer supplied Utilities extra First and last months rent No pets Available December 15t 726 3044 OBILE HOME on lot near Stroud Two bedroom fridge stove and hydro Includ $185 per month Couples only No ts Or will sell with low down payment no $100 per month 4363897 to 730 ment month Telephone STORE FOR RENT 3500 Square rm Can Divide Jeh Lottes Vlaeluortils LC00 Shoppers Drug Mart At the BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Specs Suitable for Eertitvrs Store lafIie and TV Hertlvrare Heaten4 Apparel Hsrlst fabric strap etc 000 Don One 4915RBSI First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association location Telephone December Adults only $240 monlhl 7269200 EWACON DOMVINAIEU HOUSES For Immediate rental bedrooms large living room and dining room located at 17 St Vincent St 7283011 726 5992 or 4589431 FOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE three miles east of Barrie near Shanty Two bathrooms modern 51x months lease required $300 per month Flrst and last months rent In advance Telephone 7260908 Barrie LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment available Immediately Convenient to Telephone NEW HOUSE references prEferred ngus area Large two bedroom large throughout menl Available downtown 7203097 after pm TWO BEDROOM Stove refrigerator heat and parklng Included Located in December hospital living room cupboards elephone 424 5838 SMALL BEDROOM house Allandale Full yard private drive economically pace heated Available December lst Telephone Mldhurst Telephone collect 416 7752877 MOVING IN THE NEW YEAR one bedroom apartment centrally located be available January Everything Included In $190 monthly rent Apply in writing to Box W7 Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont ONE BEDROOM apartment fresth decorated stave refrigerator utilities parking Included $190 monthly Avail able December Close to downtown and hospltal 7266633 Available Bay heated Best older couple 4363737 97 for rent BEDROOM HOUSE for rent lnnlsfll immediately 265 monthly plus utIIItIes Telephone 285119 LARGE BEDROOM Townhouse full No appliances References required Angus area $210 monthly First and last months rent required Telephone Sunday through Thursday 900amto9mpm4245246 Beach area Available mar apartment cen emem BLAKE STREET Three bedroom me for rent available Immediately 290 monthly No pets Option to buy vallable Telephone 4872412 brick back om It ALLANDALE HEIGHTS four bedroom Semi available Immediately $375 per month plus utIIItIes Lease required Call Lou Goedemont Real EORGIAN COLLEGE llt fridge and stove $325 monthly 371211 Virgo Realty Ltd I2 mortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you One year 1268420 SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment $1 Barrie Newly palnted and broad Domed Fridge stove and all utllltles Included at $175 per month First and last months required Because of rear entrance and size more suitable for slngle TH LINE INNISFTL Home on large lot Ith garage $250 monthly Telephone 282291 or 7289050 8apts wanted to rent W0 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED for amlly of four adults plus one old dog and old cat quiet and clean Needed for ecember 15th Please phone 7204756 fter or all day Saturday zitrooms to let Harr Maglll rep Estate 7284067 or 7263864 10TH CONCESSION OF 0R0 bedroom frame home with basement available December utIIItIes Lease required call Harry Magill representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate 728 4067 or 7263864 COUNTRY LIVING close to Barrie Modern bedroom bungalow Hwy 27 bulltIn stove and oven 19 washer and dryer large garage $325 monthly Louis Stansfleld 7263261 or 7288082 represen tative Canada Trust 262 SHANTY BAY ROAD Kempe Village beautifully wood site bedroom townhouse electric heat hydro water refrigerator and stove Included Adults ets Available January located on Dunl $250 plus tonsnflduted bulldlng turpnrotlnn unselflatetl bulkihg corporation lulled apartment male Call Ray Bubel Rep Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor726387l AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY room apartment Blake St $105 monthly plus hydro Call Sue Drennan represen tlng Emory Mlller Ltd 7261881 7263545 QUIET NON SMOKING RESPONSI BLE PERSON WANTED to share large partly furnished two bedroom apart FURNISHED ROOM In Allandale at bu available Telephone To consolidate debls low monthly payments oHome Improvements any worthy reason 10 pay off exrstlng or maturan mortgage Construcllon funds free advice Iry us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages facllltles preferred nlelt stop cooking Gentlemen 7204268 days or 7200010 evenings FURNISHE 24spa ce for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq ft fully sprinklered transpor and light truck loading docks I4 tt10 tt clear part of large expanding Industrial mall 726711 FOR LEASE warehouse Ameloft INDUSTRIAL SPACE 42 feet Bradford St $300 per month Also 1325 square feet Morrow Rd 087 per month Call Mortell Ltd 7200074 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL aro ties for sale or rent lmltsd Real Estate 7200074 ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facllltles 7267106 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern locatlon Parking now Phone Hamilton Real 7371000 CLEAN BRIGHT furnished bedroom for gentleman line supplied and chang ed weekly share kitchen free parklnm $25 weekly Tslgphone 720247l ment Parking Call John mornings an IV 4073080 References required $150 monthly only No CENTRAL Lelephone 284590 NEW TWO STOREY LAKEFRONT HOME beautiful View Line Oro Close to skiing Adults only $695 monthly Call 4872626 or 416486 6357 FERRIS LANE townhouse four appliances broadloom attached garage Available immediately Call toll free 10002610600 THREE BEDROOM SEMI central loca tion stove and fridge Included partially furnished Available December 151h all 7208463 after pm weekdays SUBLET FOR DECEMBER 1st Two in 129 OUNLOP 51 EAST BARRIE ONTARIO mom Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc bedroom apartment with gym sauna children welcome $264 monthly Tele phone 728 7763 available Estate MORTGAGE FUNDING Itll Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service central Indu Itrlal Telephone 7263400 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT avail space and bedroom Three able December 1st Pay own hydro $195 monthly 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 333421 Adults only Telephone $325 monthly square 7265247 TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX Hlllsdale 15 miles north of Barrie Pine floors huge kitchen garden Suit quiet girl or couple $150 No pets children 0352031 ROOM FOR RENT aentleman prefer red available Immediately Telephone 7370601 or 726 2555 Mortal IRSW0 HEATED GARAGE SPACEIVIIIIDIO to do your own car Irs Hourly or daily jrates Located at Burton Ave Phone 4562576 GARAGE NEEDED In Allandele area for storage of old car Telephone 7264331 26accommodatlonsto share YOUNG MAN 1100 two b00700 I107 to share IO minutes south of Barrie Telephone 4362695 PERSON NEEDED for large farmhouse Call 7206091 LIBERAL MINDED gentleman Wishes to share two bedroom apartment Tele phone 7269240 Â¥ansaf CARS 0THREE 75 VALIAHTS cylinder auto PS radio all low miles 074 PINTO Readout Auto radio 28000 miles as new Llc HTP298 14 sonar Wagon 2300 cc engine 4spd radio Lic JCW942 S2195 GUARANTEED 8CERTIFIED No down payment bank terms CALL 7282220 FOR DEMONSTRATION BAY CITY MOTORS 45 BRADFORD ST N18 BUYING CAR Why not geta loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 12 per cent Interest 18 Collier St 7205191 PRIVATE 1974 Plymouth Custom satellite automatic power steering power brakes radio Very good condi tion Certified $2100 or best otter Telephone 7370066 1975 OLDSMOBILE ROYALE one owner 55000 miles Includes air condi tioning cruise control AMFM radio power windows and seats Asking $3595 Bus 7260259 Home 7200328 1975 FORD LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE station wagon Low mileage lm maculale British Columbia car Ab soluter no rust Power steerlnp power brakes AMFM stereo aIr condlfionlng electric door locks two Michelin snow tires on rims Asking $4400 7207349 atter6pm I971 CHRYSLER Excellent condition Phone 4365548 I975 PINTO 1975 Ford Pinto Llc KFX 482 Two door standard with only 20W0 original miles This car is like new Inside and out GREAT SECOND CAR FOR ONLY 1973 CUTLASS SUPREME 52000 miles excellent condition new radial tires Many extras Asklng $2400 Telephone I7284400 before pm or 7267900 even ngs I970 VOLVO MODEL 1445 A5 ls $600 or reasonable offer Telephone 7260235 1950 CHEV DOOR 1939 Chrysler door 1973 Datsun 4door1800 1937 Chev V2 ton will sell or Include V2 ton pickup In trade 4365596 after pm 1972 VOLVO WAGON low mileage automatic radials Extras Good runn ing condition Body good One owner Snow tires Sacrifice best offer 7370317 1971 VW BEETLE bucket seats super No FZJ426 $1595 Auto Haus Barrie 7370100 rear window louvre four speed stan dard transmission certified 20567 miles Llc No LFF465 $3795 Auto Haus Barrie 7370100 1970 VOLKSWAGEN lalr condltlon needs engine $350 or best offer Telep 43 afters pm I970 HORNET 1970 AMC HORNET Llc AVE471 six cylinder automatic 51000 miles reliable car for the winter Only $495 Certified Siting DATSUN utsynousr 7110254 1976 ASPEN SPECIAL ADDITION P5 P8 bucket seats like new Certified 25863 miles Llc No KSE 042 Price $3995 Auto Haus Barrie 7370100 steerlng dlsc brakes radio WIII certify Best offer Telephone 7285308 anytime 1971 OLDS VISTA CRUISER wagon Llc No H02 467 SPECIAL AT ONLY $1700 Paris Slessor Motors 418 Blake street Barrie 7288390 1976 GRAND PRIx SJ fully loaded like new Only 27313 miles Llc No sz633 Paris Slessor Motors 418 Blake Street Barrie 7208390 1972 HORNET four door six cylinder automatic This car Is In showroom con dition Llc No AYU737 Paris slessor Motors 418 Blake Street Barrie 7288390 1972 CHEVELLE MALIBU two door hardtop One owner 55000 miles Llc No AWA 247 Paris Slessor Motors 410 Blake Street Barrie 7200390 1975 VW Beetle for sale In good condi on new muffler new rear tires radio rear window defroster block heater $1700 or best offer Telephone 4873622 76 MALI BU CLASSIC 1976 Chevelle Malibu Classic two door coupe eight cylinder automatic P5 P8 WSW radial tires factory air condition lrtg Finished In sliver blue matching In tlor Llc JTtlt006 Will sellqulckly aton ly $2950 International Automobile loo Tltfln St Barrie 7269050 1973 MGB body rustproofed and solid original point good tires mechanicall sound runs smoothly Fully certifl 0000 miles Price $2400 Call George 7202405 days 7262015 evenlngs I972 OLDSMOBILE DELTA BB Royale er staerlno and brakes one owner 1295 Telephone7207005 1973 CHEVELLE DELUXE 350 automatlc power steering Requires paint lob Certified $1200 Telephone 4364309 76 MALIIU CLASSIC I976 Chevelle Mallbu Oassic Llc No K122 15 V8 automatic P5 P8 factory aIr conditioning Flnlshed 1n maroon with black cloth Interior WILL GO QUICKLY AT ONLY coc DATSUN IIIt 0194 such mssu