the examiner Thunday Nov 17 1977 23 NOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES at Notices Engagements Births s5 rnoximum 40 words additional words I0 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words Additional words 10 cents par word In Momoriam no verso $550 Verso per count lina extra 22 cont par lino Coming Evlnts SI births TINDALL Norm and Laureen ar pleased to announce the birth of daughter lbs oh 015 on Monday Nov l4 l977 sister for Cheryl grand daughter for Fran Tindall of Stouffviile Ken and Mildred Smith at Ivy specoal thanks to Dr Handley and 4th floor nurses WALDEN Its wonderful moment We Paul Rosalie and Jason of Walker ton have baby son and brother John Jeffrey born November to 1977 lbs ll 01s at the County of Bruce General Hospital Second grandson for Mr and Mrs Clarence Smith Utopia and Mr aDngs Leroy Walden Ripley We LEWIS DESJARDINS Mr and Mrs John Levvis of Barrie are pleased to announced the engagement of their daughter Nancy to Clifford Desiardins son of Mr and Mrs lrenee Desiardins of Barrie The marriage will take place On December 10th I977 at pm at St Marys Church 85 deaths MARSHALL Samuel Graham Sud denly at his home RR Thornton on Wednesday November I6 I977 Samuel Marshall beloved husband of Margaret Simpson Dear father of Robert Sharon Mrs Fredericki and Nancy Mrs Johnstoni Also survw ed by grandchildren Son of the late Frantis and Elizabeth Marshall Dear brother of Ann Mrs Neilly Mary Mrs Ferguson Margaret Mrs Reid Robert Charles John and Eleanor Mrs Reid Predeceaseo by Jim Frank and Elsie Resting at the Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown for service on Friday November is at Interment Thornton Union Cemetery CAIRNS Douglas toria Hospital November is i977 Douglas Cairns in his 70th year Beloved husband of Hazel Crawford Dear lather of Thelma IMrs John McCuaigi and Margaret Mrs Leonard Dunsmore Grandfather of IS grandchildren and two great grandchildren Brother of Alvm and Ivan Cairns and Viola Mrs Roy Slackl RESIIDQ at the Sleckley Funeral Home worsley St Barrie Servuce in the chapel on Saturday November at Interment Dalston Cemetery At the Royal VIC Barrie on Tuesday CLARKE Norman At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday November 16 W77 Norman Clarke in his 85th year Beloved husband of Irene Brophy Dear lather of Margaret Mrs Mervyn Jessop of Bradford and Barbara Mrs Douglas Carruthers of Toronto Grandfather of Barbara and Douglas Jessop David and Jamie Car ruthers and brother of the late Leighton Clarke Friends may call at Steckiey Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar rie SerVIce in the chapel on Friday November 18th at 2p rn interment Bar rie Union Cemetery MONTEITH Winnie Jean Charter member Coronation Lodge No 51 at Toronto on Wednesday November l6 l977 Winnie Jean Monteith Fondly remembered by many nieces and nephews Friends may cell at the Arnold Funeral Home i27 Baylieid St Barrie Thursday to and Friday to and to Serwce in the chapel Saturday afternoon at interment Midhurst union Cemetery Arnold Funeral Home parking at rear $550 $322 porc mn in 88 coming events ORO DISTRICT LIONS CLUI ANNUAL TURKEY SHOOT SIT Nov um um 10 up to pm OIIIENS smart MARINE Concession Shanty Bay Id ORO STATION Ont GBOSE SHOOT SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19th 10 mm AT VERN WALTS MILES NORTH OF MIDHURST HWY 27 MS gin Mingling THE ALLANDALE McKAY Jenine Beatrice In loving memory of dear Wife and mother zanicee¢iv 60mm snowmts thzzyzszilzimscrum PRESENT neg °i°s3 cumerAs it3125322stressesor TEA AND BAZAAR siciiiiiiighem om SAT nov Hill 1917 PLACE ST GEORGES NOHCE ANGLICAN CHURCH Simcoe South Liberal Assoc ANNUAL MEETING Wine and Cheese Tuesday Nov 29 pm BOOSTER CLUB ROOM BARRIE ARENA For Tickets RAY RAMSAY 7268722 CLAIRE CAMPBELL 7268655 THE EMBASSY HALL 386 Blake Strut Sponsored by THE BA RRIE MUS MAX ERS ASSOCA TION Music for All Ages NOVEMBER 25 ADMISSION $7 per couple Licensed Burton Ave at Granville TIME 100 to 300 pm TEA ADULTS 75 CHILDREN 25 mm cooous BOOKS CANDIES cum sumo NI BINGO HEBEKAH AND ODDFELLUWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRIS LANE iockpot $100 refreshment booth ThTF rumv suoor at ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE CLUB MILL ST ANGUS SAT NOV 19 I977 l2 noon to pm I2 gauge shotguns only Guts avalablo ï¬nals supplied Danchg in tho ovonhg to RED ZINN and The Third Oinonsions Proceeds to Essa Arena fund II Joseph Weston left of Sandy ovc Acres had thc luck of the draw with him in recent con test of Douglas Lincoln Mercury Sales Ltd llis name was chosen from the over 500 cntrics deposited in the drawbox at the Douglas showroom during the recent promotion Ilis prim is Toshiba microwave oven Weston and his wife Alice accepted the oven from Henry Dc Iongc centrc sales manager at Douglas Examiner Photm Helmer Paris police hold young woman Tuesday night after arresting her during scuffles which broke out between the police and demonstrators in downtown iurls She was attending demonstration in support of West icrmun lawyer Klaus Croissant who is lacing extradition from France The demonstration had been banned roissnnt was an attorney for Andreas Baadcr convicted West ierinan terrorist AP Laserphotoi Frenchman Andrc Duiong shows his passport with por traits of himself and his four ycarold daughter Lucicnne during press conference In Paris Tuesday The child was taken by his wife from llambouillel to anndu and now holds aiiadian citizen ship Aftcr he tried to see Iu ciennc in anadii recently he was sentenccil in abstcn tia to is years jail and the Canadian authorities have asked for his extradition from France Ihotol BBcomhtg events TT dOCTOI SOYS Can affect menstruation Dear Dr Thosteson My daughter 15 is feet 11 inches and weighs 110 pounds When she was 13 she got her mon strual period Then at about 14 it stopped comtgletely The doctor gaveher orough ex amination and found everything normal She has been trying to lose weight and its frustrating for her She eats little but just wont lose Is this gland prob lem have made an ap int ment to see an endocrino 0521s toseewhathehastosa you advise as to other can help herMrs LC Youve picked the right specialist for this type of mblem Hell be able to tell you if the amenorrhea lack of menstruation is due to glan dular disorders By all means tell him of the girls efforts to lose weight stringent diet which many teena ers seem willing to subject emselves to can cause menstrual irregularities ays suspect that may have something to do with our daughters problems his would be even more likely in ur daughters case because of age and because after all she was not what one would call obese to begin with She is not far above normal weight for the statistics you give me Id be interested in the out come of this case should you care to write me later on Dear Dr Thosteson So many women tell me about the weird variety of symptoms to expect at menopause that already Im walking case How many do most women get and whichMrs HB could give you shopping list of symptomsfrom the hot flushes to vaginal dryness But what purpose would that serve suppose the flushes and sweat ing would top the list The best rule is to anticipate none of them tsome and be prepared for whole lot Dear Dr Thosteson went to see my doctor for pain in my arm He said had golf elbow resume this is about the same as tennis elbow Am right or is there difference JP Yes and if you were rac quet ball enthusiast he might have called it racquet elbow The only difference is in the way joints are used in the vari ous rts You dont have to be go er to get golfers elbow anymore than you have to play tennis to get that kind of Joint problem No matter how you slice it its all bursitis bursa is fluidfilled sac at joint over which tendons ride Its natures ingenious joint iubricating mechanism All joints that move have bursas But nature did not envision men swinging mightily at tiny ball for hours on endand didnt provide for it As re sult the bursa becomes swollen and inflamed painful price to pay for any unwise exertion Heat helps ease the pain but sometimes other treatment may be necessary such as draining fluid from the area Hydrooortisone decreases in flammation it might be some time before you get back on the course When ou do favor the elbow bit at irst know friend who had this He lost some driving power but turned into won derful chipper Dear Dr Thosteson Would rectal enema help relieve muscle spasms in the rectumMM It might althou lwould advise hot tub which should accomplish the same purpose Meanwhile be checked for hemorrhoids fissure or infection in the area Oswald and Jim Jacoby singleton queen test SOUTH IDI 654 KJ43 AQJ AAQa Both vulnerable West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald di James Jacoby Every South in the dupli cate game opened one notrump Half the North layers ust raised to game en est opened heart they had no trouble taking ll tricks When West opened the ack of spades they were hot to nine tricks Thats the best declarer can do if When North used Stay man twoclub response South bid two beans North raised to four and now West had an easy spadeopening lead The defense took three spades and shifted to club which was won in dummy Some South players cashed the ace of trum in case there was sing eton ueen There was but it fell rom East and West made trump trick Smarter declarers saw that if West did hold singleton ueen there was no way to ma the hand But if East held her unguarded iadyship low spade from dummy would win They led the low spade intending to finesse the jack But when the queen came up they took their king iayed the jack of spades nessed against Wests 10 and had their IO tricks Ag giggoioEE Nebraska reader wants to know If any woman other than the late Helen Sobel Smith has won both the Vanderbilt and Spingold cups the opponents take the first Yes Edith Kemp of Miami four tricks won both in 1963 daily crossword ACROSS 44Envlronment Answer to Previous Puzlle agency abbr Commit faux 46 Porcine pas mother Jest 47 Jelly Tobacco chew 51 Theater 12 Water Fr attendant 13 River in 55 AddCI Russia 56 Native of 14 Hindi dialect G8390W 15 Lysergic acid 58 390 IWII diethylamide 59 PM 18 Womans chum name 80 Wood strip 17 Grows old A9 62 Gone to court 18 Weapon 63 20 such 64 Ezgrgysoving 5333 time 0bbr 24 Loud noise 25 Creation DOWN 29 Loft 33 Animal waste Eff 8h chemical 34 Wound mark 353 36 HISIOVIC measures DOFIQd Samovar 37 Fabrication Villain in 38 Poker game Othello 39 Bodies of Tartan fabric water Oldfashioned 40 Narrow shelf Press 42 Manorial land 10 Roman date ll Sprinkle with 39 Uses needle powder and thread 19 Sailing 41 Made to mesh 21 Story 43 Maws fabricator 45 Passageway 23 Florida key 47 Firearms 25 Water bird 48 Hairy man 26 Indian 49 Lifted Fr 27 Exigoncy 50 College 28 Foot it athletic group 30 River in 52 Take advice England 53 Greek deity 31 Persia 54 Fee for use 32 Receptacle 57 Baseball 35 Drinks player Mai 38 lrish clan AStIOG raph Bernice Bede Gaol Wool Nov 13 1371 Important longrange plans will be ready for reaping this coming year In addition con siderable travel for pleasure Is likely SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You are held in particularly high esteem today by people that you know socially Its not likely they would deny you any request you make of them SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 There are rainbows in your Winthrop TURNIPS Short Ribs Iii7 yr 54 YE SOLDIEKI How DID You END UP lN NIY CAVE Born Loser KNOW WHAT LOVEMA5HED This is but 369r FRIEND wrouiza éoiile life today Each could have pot of gold at the end of them You may be lucky in two totally unrelated circumstances CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 10 The more you move arouno and mix today the better chance you have of good things occur ring Uniquely advantageous contacts will develop AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Be watchful today for sudden shifts that could mean more dollars or advancement In your field Someone In key posi tion may make If possible PISCES Fob 20March 20 Youre extremely magnetic to day to either sex Your oppo site gender will view you romantically while your own cmrwu In Reg us Pal 0n PLAGUE TAKES MANY HUNS INVADE FROM EAST KINGS RATE SOAIZSMKINGS our ro BE CROOK NEW VICTIMS CRIME nu IZN COAGTAL VILLAGE LIVE WITH ir EAT WITH lT EVEN SLEEP wrrH ITTIII MEPHEW BRUTUSJJHO ONESMEMJOUJ HEREIN CANCEL THE DEBT TTHESNANINN iI= ITS OKAY WITH mun Wire THAT is NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 DO WITH MY MlSSUS IM MY WI5H HAD CLOSET FLlLL OFMAEHED TLIRNIP5 will appreciate you as friend ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Youre fortunate today in that people are apt to do nice things for you purely on Impulse This is especially true of those of the opposite sex who dig you TAURUS April 20May 20 Being able to get along with lust about anyone Is what will make this successful day Youre also lucky with grandi ose Ians GE INI May 21June 20 There are unusually large opportuni ties around you today finan cially and careerwlse Be alert for your breaks could come in unique manner CANCER June 21July 22 It Dan Cupid seems to have been THAT BROTHER TURNS HEY SYLVESTER TH NOON WHISTLE BLEWKNOCK OFF FER iii cn THEREs MENTAL PICTURE LL 6TAY WITH ME R12 LONG TIME KNEW PH YOURE 0051 IfcHlNG To GET Back iNro rIIE OLD Rn RACE ARENT You Ignoring you lately be of good cheer He has someone spe cial In mind Its possible you could cross paths today LEO July 23Aug 22 Changes you are presently making ap pear to be very wise and promising It looks like things will work out to your expecta lions VIRGO Aug itsSept 22 This Is good day to bring con tracts agreements or legal matters to head for the odds are stacked in your favor LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 This could be day of outstanding achievement for you if youre willing to work for It Solid effort will give you both fame and fortune flywés iio Ira sn has Mi yinlauel 11 FUNNYOWA mum 10 THINK Es HENPEOED IF IS MFELET iMAVEA BEER WHILE 95 DOIN me wASHIN on Come see our wide selection of I978 Calendars and Diaries for home office use