the examiner Wodnoodny Nov 10 101 Monique adead left of the orth Collegiate institute junior iiri caskezbil tun com pletes jump shot as Nancy Thompson of Central Collegiate moves stop her ortri won the game 4032 In other action Central beat orth the senior game and onh came back to upset Central 3721 in the midget contest Examiner Photo Green light given to arena committee MIDHIRST espra Township recreation commit tee got he green light from council Tuesday night to set Lip committee to consider building township arena The committees first task said Murray van Rassel recreation committee chair man is to study the operation construction and funding pro cedures of other arenas in the area The steering committee will report to council when the study is finished and the fin dings will be presented at public meeting sometime in the new year ARENA If an arena is built van Rassel said it will be part of com in no recreation centre planned for loacre site ow nod by the tawnship on Highway 27 north of Midhurst baseball diamond was bu1lt on small part of the site last summer and van Rassel said he would like to see the arena boilt on lit acres overlooking the diamond The rest of the land which slopes down to Willow Creek could be turned into naturi walk area he said Van Rassel said the recrea lion committee wanted coun cils blessing for the arena feasibility study because we dont want to start something and then have the boom lowered by council FAVOREI Reeve Alan Johnston favored the study but he suggested private group of residents get behind iu prop4 litcaust more grant arc available to privalt groups for surli pro ject than to the township Stroud blanked OAK itlllfillS Stroud NOVICPS worn blanked by Oak Ridges Iuisday night in the York Simcoc Minor llockcy League Stroud has busy wclkiiid schcdulc Willi thrcc games planned On Saturday morning Stroud travils to Scliomlwrg and then in tho aftcriimin they play in Newmarket On Sunday Stroud plays host to litfroy Out of my way please Eastvlew Secondary Schools Sandra Iain right moves in to check olliiigwood ol Icgiatc Institute player during Georgian Bay Secondary School Association giimc Mon day in Collingwood Klm Holden 13 looks on Colllngwood won the game 5239 but Eastview came back in the junior gami to win 3229 The SBSSA zom thrci championships are at Collingwood Thursday starting at noon Special to The Examiner orth defeats Central in iuniOr basketball Barrie North Collegiate In stitute junior girls basketball team has finally found team it can beat North led from start to finish in beating Central Collegiate institute 4032 in Georgian Bay Secondary School Associa tion GBSSA game Tuesday at North The win was the clubs first of the season after suffering five straight defeats Monique Cadciiu was the big gun for North She scored game high 22 points and con trolled thc play in the Central end of the court Laurie Hookcr had nine points for North Tricia Downcy had four and Sandra chros scored three Debbie Stevenson led the Central attack with 11 points Nancy Thompson scored five and Jcnifcr lrvine Kim Holii day and Roxanne Jurtras scored four points each North controlled the early go ing in the game They played mantoman defence which Spo forced Central into number of bad passes that failed to find the mark At quarter time North held comfortable 124 lead and from that point on it was case of the team just playing well enough to win Stevenson went to work in the second quarter and put Central right back in the game She scored seven points in the quarter and North had an 1813 lead at the half North had chance to put the game out of reach in the third arter They had number of earcut breaks as the Central guards tried to force the play in the North end of the court but failed to take advantage of them Central kept fighting back to keep the game close Each team scored eight points in the quarter and North held 2621 lead Central kept pressing in the final quarter ut three con secutive baskets by Hooker gave North comfortable lead with only few minutes re maining in the game Central downs North 4020 Central Collegiate Institute senior girls basketball team doubled North Collegiate 1n stitute 4020 in Georgian Bay Secondary School Association GBSSA game Tuesday at North The win gave Central measure of revenge after North teams won the junior and midget games North beat Central 3721 in the midget game Down Newmarket 52 SENIOR Central built up com fortable mll lead at half time and them coasted to the win Sandy Caldwell was the top shooter for Central She scored 11 points Karen Scott had 10 for the winners Jane Young scored five and Gabrielle Vollebregt had four Kelly Pepchiny scored seven points for North Sherrell LeBlanc had five MIDGEI Ann Casey scored 17 points for Central in the junior game but it wasnt enough as North coasted home with its second win of the day Cindy Strath scored eight points for North Sue Szeli had stx and Linda Hazzard and Julie OBrien had four points each COOPs victorioUs llarric Major Midgets came up with an impressive 52 win ovcl Newmarket Tuesday night at the Barrie Arena in the York Siiiicoc Minor Hockey League Aftcr having dismal series with Orillia in the Canadian Wrigley Mldgct liaiiipionship the CPs came out Tuesday with balanced skating attack They did not look like the disorganized tcam that played Orillia instead the Uiis utilized the wide ice surface at the Bar ric Arena with crisp passing plays that left Newmarket tripping ovcr their own skates llic Ulis uricnod 20 lead in the first period but the visitors wcrc ah to score with 10 seconds remaining in the pcriod on powcrplay tllllUIll Barric outscorlxi Newmarket 31 in the second period There was no scoring in the final period TO0P5 goalie Chris Harris kicked out 22 shots on not whilc Barrie fired 25 at the New markct goal Harrie had 13 minor penalties and one five minute major penalty Wllllt Newmarket had 15 minor penalties Dalc lickard opened the scoring for Barrie Newmarket had just failed to score on clear cut breakaway and Steve Bouchcy picked up the rebound and fed pass to Steve nap pet Chappel carried the puck up we and flip Pickiird who madc no mistake with his shot pass to slid thc puck under Steve Mason Newmarket goalie at 246 24 11 13 the CUlls took 24 lead on second excellent pass ing play Barrie had kept Newmarket pinned up in the visitors end and Jim Garner scored from in front of the net Assists went to Dave Miles and Doug Loughccd With to seconds left in the opening period Newmarket scored on powcrplay with Barrie two men short Harrie continued to press in thc second period arid the prcssurc paid off at 304 when Izivc Miles made it With Dave Stcvclis and John Surgcnor assisting it was Shorthanded goal MORIII iAIN Niwinarkcl camc right back and 45 scconds later made it 32 Willi Ross Emerson scoring Willi five minutes gone in the sccond period happcl gave Barrio commanding 42 lead with Garner and Bouchcy hcl mg out on the play llcrnic Hut roundcd out thc scoring Willi soconds to go in thc sccond pcriod with Davc Mayor and lloulhiy assisting The its next game is on Nov 22 against Richmond Hill at 1t 12 it tho llariicArcnii Barrie will host Finnish Midgets midgct hockey cum from Finland will play an exhibition garlic in ionic on Jim against the llarric ls of the York Sinicix Minor llockcy lAliglic llill Harris hudgil and financc chairman for the Bar Ili Minor llockcy Association and co mordiiuitor of the 0x hiliitioii gninc in llarric said llic orgaiiinng coiiiluittcc was hoping to how 3000 spcctators at the game lion lickiird is llic ot licr cocoordiiuitor Harris said many of thc dctails for thc visit lind yct to tic workid out llc said hc did not know what tinu llic giilnc would bc played but expected it to be an cvcnin garlic Harris said ic Finnish team would also play gaiiic at anadiiin Forces liasc Borden on Juli The team will play total of six cxhihition games in Ontario It will also he one of six Europcim teams visiting the provincc at that timc Harris said thc Finnish iliiycrs will hc hillctcd in thc ionics of thc playch and will hc givcn banquet wliilc in liiirric He added the lcam officials and parents of the playch truvcling with the tcam would also be hosted and cntcrtaimxi whiic in Barrie Mlkc Walker Barrie OOP Midgets defenccman cleans the puck from the corner during first period action Tuesday night at the Barrie Arena The 0015 dumped Newmarket 52 tExamlmr Photo Rod Carew named American MVP NEW YORK AP Rod Carew of Minnesota Twins whose 388 batting average was the best in the major leagues in 20 years today was named the American Leagues Most Valuable Player for the 1977 baseball season The 32yearold Carew winner of his sixth AL batting championship and his fifth in six years received 12 first place votes and total of 273 points in balloting by 2man committee of the Baseball Writers Association of America Tell other players collected firstplace votes in the most diversified voting in the 47year history of the award Fiist place was worth 14 points sccond place nine points third place cighl ctc UWENSSEIOND utficldcr Al Cowcns of Kansas City Royals was named No on four ballots and finished distant second with 217 points Another outfielder Ken Singleton of Baltimore Orioles ganicrcd thrcc firstplacc votes and was third with 200 points Two newcomers lead scoring for Barrie Senior Flyers iWo niwcolncrs to tho lliuric Flyers this season share the spotlight in tlic lciinis scorin racc ihc Flycrs liiivc Won six 13 games in the Ontario Senior llockcy lcnguc this sciisou Wiiync King loads the club with 19 points while Bob Wasson shiircs second pliicc with Paul Regan King joined the Flyers iiftcr playing part of last season with the Cleveland Barons in the Nutionn ockcy A880tlllll011 Wasson was one of the top players in univcrslt hockcy last year King has 11 goals and eight assists in 13 games and hunt miiiutcs in penalties Wiisson has 16 points and has scored eight goals Wristion has 11 minutes in penalties Regan has scored only two goals this season He was the team ii leading scorer last season Regan has assisted on 14 goals Regan pin on the same line as King and Phil Branston Branston is tic Burgess for third place with 15 points with Less Branston has eight goals and seven assists while Burgess has six goals and nine assists Two other top scorers for the team last year are in the top third in scoring Wayne Carleton has four goals and four aSSIsts while Bob Baird has three goals and five assists Ernie Miller now retired has the best goals against average for the games Johns has 485 average in 433 oalies on the team Miller has 398 average in 427 on Patterson has 455 average in 455 games Dave ames The Flyers have won four of games at home and only two of five on the road The Flyers have scored 53 goals and allowed 58 The Flyers play host to Thunder Bay Twins on Saturday at pm LEADING SCORERS GP Pill PIM King 13 11 19 13 Wasson 13 16 ll Regan 13 14 16 22 Branston 13 15 Burgess 13 15 15 Sly ii Carleton 10 14 Baird 10 38 Thompson 10 28 Hammond 12 MacMillan 13 12 Ralph 11 25 Shaw ii Ferguson 12 it Agnew 14 Sly 13 ll Lyle l3 10 Lyte 10 ii GOALTENIHIRS GP GA Still Avg Patterson 440 20 455 Miller 427 17 311 Johns 433 21 do 485 ing sn Wait till 1978 for Argonauts By KEN WALLS Wait until next year have been waiting for quarter century now for favorite football team who else but the Argonauts to gra the golden fleece aogbain You go back to 1952 for their last Grey Cup when by Wirkowski was quarterback and Frank Clair was general manager Oh well the 1977 Argos at least made the eastéhplayoifs Even that honor has been denied them for most the last decade Leo Cahill took them right into the cup final in 1971 with Joe Theismann as signal caller Argos lost by 1411 to Calgary Stampeders at Empire Stadium in Vancouver Leo had Leon McQuay way back then and remember the XRay fumbled latein the game McQuay did reasonably well in the disaster at Ottawa last Sabbath Day This time it was quarterback Chuck Ealey who fumbled and he will likely go down in history as the goat The criticism is not deserved this scribe asserts Where did his blocking protection disappear on that last play The Georgian Connection became disconnected if you were watching the screen intently Now would like to say few words on behalf of Eal really fine gentleman on and off the field He led Harm ton TigerCats to the Grey Cup in 1972 coming to the Ambitious City from University of Toledo where he was an undefeated uarterback But after that year things began to go wrong lior Chuck He was traded to Winnipeg and finally landed in Toronto last year when Russ Jackson was coach In my playbook he should still be coach Anyway at the annual Sport Celebrities dinner in February 1973 at the Royal York Hotel along with Judge Doug Morton and several other Kiwanians got up nerve and approached Ealey to congratulate him on his Grey cup play He was very pleasant and met all our gang which in eluded Jack Butler George Caldwell and Bruce Dangerfield as well as His Honor We had nice chat with this unaffected young man quite the contrary to some socalled celebrities you meet in the jock world So naturally was rooting for Argos Ealey is high school teacher in Etobicoke instructing in commercial courses My soninlaw and daughter both teachers feel the same about Ealey 332 About football fans and media types everyone is an ex pert and would have called different play We all know more than the coach when it comes to strategy For exam pie cant understand why BC coach Rapp cut Tyrone Walls How did the Lions ever win without him Over the years that have covered Barrie Collegiate teams and there have been some very fine ballPlayers You at least those of mature vintage have heard Red Storey There were Jack Dyte Bill Strachan Vic Reynolds Herbie and Bill Dyment Brian Hennessy Mike Livingston Jack Nixon and Ross Robertson Quarterbacks like Alf Crossland Bob Delaney Leon Garrick Paul Hart Millet Salter played Linemen like Morlev Richardson Howell Partridge Cecil Cook Frank Muir Ron Stewart competed Flying wings like Ross Cowan Jack Payne Eric Mcllwain leady meson played These are only few which come to mind but there were many more And BCl thats Central now was blessed with solid coaches like Alex Cockbum and Dalt Nesbitt There were great games over in the park behind the arena the mid19305 between arch rivals Orillia and Barrie Orillia Cls great star was Jake Gaudaur He is now com missioner of the Canadian Football League following great career with Hamilton TiCats Jake and Storey were ferocious opponents on the field Red had Jack Dyte and Bill ii gr i3 at Strachan in the backfield with him and that trio was too much for Big Jake alone almost forgot an allstar running halfback for BCI 22 if named Gordon Roach Yes indeed thats THE Gord Roach Dunloo manabouttown From BCI he advanced to the RCAF After the great conflict he played two seasons with Toronto Indians in senior football The team included some topnotch jocks like the Stukus brothers In recent years 43 Gordie has gained some measure of fame on the golf course He always had strong throwing arm He also promotes fashion shows at the Country Club In future he will per sonally inspect all models to make sure they are zipped up Looking over an old copy of The Examiner April 1940 if discovered picture of the International Amateur Ice Hockey Champions the Atlantic City Sea Gulls of New Jer sey The city is famous for the Miss America pageant and tourism second only to Niagara Falls for honeymoons and conventions The coach was Bert Corbeau from Penetang The players included big Harry Dick from Midland and two wellknown Barrie exjunior stars Harry Dinty Scott and Wilton tDick Livingston would like to close with quotation one by Johnny Car son Dont ask me who he is Simpson is getting two and halfmillion in his new contract with the Buffalo Bills Thats halfmillion for playing football and two million for living in Buffalo Barrie Colts are in third Barrie Colts of the MidOntario Junior Hockey League are in third place in the league standings The Colts have nine points in 12 games with four wins seven losses and tie They have scored 59 goals and allow ed 62 In first place is Oak Ridges Oak Ridges has won 11 of 12 games and have scored 97 goals and allowed 50 Thornhill is in second place WON SIX Thornhill has won six games lost three and tied one 55 tie with the Colts Thornhill has scored 53 goals and allowed 59 Orillia is in fourth place with four wits and seven losses one point behind Barrie Orillia has scored 46 goals and allowed 67 Owen Sound has two wins and nine losses Owen Sound has scored 65 goals and allowed 83 The Colts have playcd in the most games that have been decided by one goal Thc tolts have lost three of those games and won one The Colts also took part in the only be this season Pauleyanna blanks Wall 30 Pauleyanna Sports blanked Wall Real Estate 311 in thc Iii nisfil Ladies Brooniball League recently In other games played lvy toppled Towers 80 and Speedy Muffler dropped CKVR NoStam 20 Debbie Penfold Dianc Cow and Glynis Marshall scored for Pauleyanna Maryann Hitclioii recorded the shutout Sharon McMaster paced Ivy with fotir goals and an assist in the victory over Towers athy Sabourin Susan Wiggins Pat Elliot and Louise Marshall scored siiiglcs Suc Gunton had the shutout Louise Marshall is the leagues top scorcr with we goals and two assists Gunton is the leagues best goalie allowing two goals in five games On Sunday the NoStars meet Pnuicyiinnii at noon with Towers playing Speedy and Wall playing lvy 111 other gamcs Johnson registers shutout RO Stcvcn Johnson gonlic for the novicc lorpcy Real Estate in thc ro Minor ilockcy Assiwiiituiu ngistend another shutout Johnston has allowed only one goal in four gamm this acnsou ltocciit ly lorpcy dcfcatcd lcfroy ti In ntom action Oro Lions wcrc shut out twice ihc lost so to Tot tcuhiun and 770 to St roud ro lccwcos won two games liist wcck blanking Toltcnhinn and shutting out King Ci 1y In liuiitiiiii ii lion ro Sproulc llomcs blankcd Maple Um Al Smith Plastering Midgets tied Richmond Hill 88 and then lost to Schomberg ro ltycni Equipment Midgets cd cd lottcnhniii 21 and they were in turn edge11 liy Strou ro Inrlridgc Tractor Juveniles downed Barrie Cook Jiivcnilui 42 and thou dcfciitcd Nolilct on 64