Photo Photo Signcarrying miners register their protest against the planned layoff of about 200 production workers at the Sudbury 0nt Falconbridge Mines during demonstra tion at Parliament Hill Mon day About 50 miners par ticipated while leaders of the Mine Mill and Smelter Workers asked the federal government to stop the lay offs CP Photo the examiner Wodnosdoy Nov 1c 1917 as ata James Patterson 210 Ardagh Road Barrie was recently named the winner of the Gooderhams Import Company Award for proficiency Patterson is enrolled in the Hotel and Restaurant Administration Program at Humber College Rexdale Shown presenting the award are at left Russ Woodman sales promotion manager for Gooderhams Import Co and at right Igor Sokur coordinator of the program The May Court Club of Barrie recently made $300 donation to assist in the operations of the Simcoe County District Halfway House For Alcoholics in Orillia The centre has the facilities to assist II occupants toward rehabilitation Accepting the cheque is Howitt of Shanty Bay halfway house director Making the presentation are at left Mrs Nancy Bigelow and Mrs Irene Jefferson both May Court Club directors The proceeds were rais ed at the clubs Gingham Door shop on Maple Avenue Among its other donations are 8500 to the Barrie and District Association For the Mentally Retarded fundraising drive and Christmas gifts for residents of Grove Park Home and Kempenfelt Manor Examiner firefighting helicopter drops chemicals on brush fire raging out of control trying to pre vent the fiames from reaching residential houses in the Sylvia Park district of Topanga Canyon about 30 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles Monday Hundreds of residents in the area had to be evacuated from their homes many houses valued at more than 8160000 Three homes reportedly have already been burned along with 400 acres AP rt Researchers at the University of Alberta are conducting various forms of research to recover and upgrade bltumen the heavy oil in Albertas oil sands The research ranges from chemical studies of the nature of bitumen to how deposits can be expected to react to various recovery tech niques CP Photo The doctor says Newborn often done By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson am worried about my sixyearold dau ter When she was born she on her records PKU 36 per cent When my son was born last year nothing was said about PKU Does this mean the girl may have slight retarda tion or whatMrs IE PKU stands for real tonguetwister of word phenylketonuria This means the presence of phenylalanine in the urine It is substance an amino acid found in protein The problem was recognized ears ago as cause of menta retardation so testing newborns for this is common practice today The reason it appears in the urine is that the liver fails to break it down properly The 36percent reading would have put your daughter in sus icious category reading six milligrams and above is considered significant Theres much missing from your letter She now is six years old but you dont mention her resent mental state If you avent noted any unusual behavior doubt you have any thing to worry about If she was put on reduced henylalanine diet after birth chances of mental retardation occurring is small She may also have been able to compensate for her def crency Your daughter is about to start school and will have the usual aptitude tests This will tell much if you are still wor ried the PKU problem can be tested in other ways have used the term inborn error of metabolism in dis cussing certain ailments in this column One reader wrote to ask me what that means PKU is classic example test Dear Dr Thosteson am six months pregnant and have heard of the dangers of taking medicine during pregnanc took aspirin in the first our months My doctor told me to because of my migraine Im really afraid of what might happen to the baby Can you ease my mindMrs MRL The general rule asyou know is to take as little medi cation as possible during preg nancy especially in the first three months Aspirin is mild analgesic would redict no undue effect on the shy from taking few even when you did Its important to remember that the health of the mother is as important for safe delivery as is the health of the fetus There are certain conditions that demand medications dur insgeéiregnancy These should be only on the advice of the physician who should be told of any overthecounter medicine or prescribed for that matter the woman may be using Dear Dr Thosteson had mastectomy year ago had cobalt treatments and the doc tor advised against me taking any more hormones So did the surgeon But my regular doctor wants me to take small dose for vaginal dryness nervous ness insomnia and depression What do you think about the estrogen Would you advise me to take the pills or notMrs MM Even knowing as little as do about your individual case ldhave to line up on the side of the two physicians who advised against it There are nonhor mone medicines you can be given for the other problems The greatest risk is of cancer especially in person who like yourself has history of it BRIDGE Oswald and Jim Jacoby Safety play assures contract NORTH Di SOUTH 10 Nonthouth vulnerable West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby South studied the dummy for long time He wondered about how he could have reached three notrump There were nine quick tricks if spades failed to break and ii they did There would also be ll tricks at hearts if the spades broke and maybe even 12 if guarding against both 42 spade break and mis placed ace of clubs Then South solved his problem He rose with dummys ace of diamonds led low trump to his ace and cashed the jack of trumps to find both oppo nents following suit nicely Then he took two of dummys high spades When everyone followed he was ready with safety play He ruffed low spade got back to dummy with the queen of trumps discarded club and diamond on the last two spades and led club toward his king West won with the ace and the defendants scored two more club tricks but the rubber bonus was safe in Souths pocket Askiheflos New Mexico reader wants to know if there were ever fivepoint scores possi ble in contract The original scoring table counted notrump at 35 points trick and it was some time later that the current 40 for the first trick and 30 for they didnt But Souths subsequent tricks was problem was to get 10 while adopted daily crossword ACROSS 48 Large deer Answer to Previous Puzzle 49 Matt awa Jesus 53 Submit m°°9m 57 Bear Lat Quartet 58 Cross 5°Vdd inscription 12 Water barrier so Cameroon 13 River in Tuscany who 61 Dogs name gm 62 Egyptian deity mm 63 Pounds abbr 16 Flower 17 Nautical rope 64 Diminutive suf fix 18 Fall flower 20 Communicat gngw sound ing instrument 9mm 22 Comedian pom Caesar 24 Diocese DOWN g3 cunain Inkling Literary composition 33 Docmne Plant disease 34$honw Nrmphs 36 Distant 9mm prefix JmmY 37 With Fr One 39 Selfrighteous are red person Most lying 41 Hawaiian Newspaper volcano notice abbr Mauna 10 Forearm bone 42 Small herring 11 Sinister look 44 Church bench 19 Sixth sense 46 King Fr aber endgame smear HEEE SEE Lana BEBE Hanna ii III El II 533 BEBE BEBE 3513515 asap H5 21 Southern 40 Horse type general 43 Bushy clump 23 Trap door Brit 25 Day So 45 Stretch out 26 Invitation re 47 Greek epic sponse abbr poem 27 my 49 British nobleman Fiiï¬i so Sm document 30 Markat 51 Doesnt exist 31 cont pzncma 52 Within pref 32 Tooth of 54 50 Fri decade 55 Rolls out 35 Supreme 56 Thorny shrub Court group 59 Mans 38 Slaughter nickname AstraG fa Bernice Bede Qsol Worn Nov 17 1977 This coming year some changes may occur not of your own making Flow with the tide rather than buck it for It will carry you to areas of opportu nity you would not have found otherwise SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 If everyone seems to give you hard time today its possible theyre merely reacting to the way you treat them Snarl and you wont snarl alone SAGITIARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 The storm warnings are up Winthrop HOW COME VOLI WERE LATE FOR SCHCOL TODAY today regarding problems of your own making Be careful of what you do and also that which you neglect to do CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Financial dealings with pals today should be conducted along the most amicable lines possible by all Selfishness or stlnginess will hurt the relation ship AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Take nothing for granted ca reer or businesswise today even in situations where you feel you have the upper hand The rug could be pulled out from under you PISCES Fob tilMarch 20 Theres chance you can be manipulated today because of your reluctance to make MADE AAva LUNCH THI€gt MORNING ANDAFTER FiNisHED i977 warm Rios In Frank and Ernest Oisnwrumeru seq us Psi on waves Stand up for what you believe Is right ARIES March 21Aprll 19 You will encounter severe resist ance today if you interfere in situations outside your baliwick Dont butt In where youre not Invited TAURUS April 20May 20 Treat with utmost concern today mat ters that could reflect upon your reputation Wrong moves could leave stains difficult to erase GEMINI May 21June 20 Eval uate your priorities sensibly today so as not to waste exces sive effort on things that will prove to be of small conse quence CANCER June 21July 22 Generally youre not prone to uspaionv l977byNEA IncTN GUVNOK DO you KNOW HOW LONG AGO STARTED TOKTURING MY ACCORDION IN FRONT OF yourz EATERV HAD TO TAKE BATI AND CHANGE MY CLOTHES taking outlandish risks but Involvements of this mature may appeal to you today Dont let the long odds tempt you LEO July 23Aug 22 Unless you and your mate are In complete accord regarding major expenditure today post pone action till compromise ls worked out VIRGO Aug 2380pm 22 Whether this will be produc tive day for you depends largely upon the way you deal with helpers and coworkers Try to be benign not bossy LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Man age your assets with wisdom This Is not day to squander what you have or assume the obligations of one who is poor risk SIX YEARS THREE MONTHS FIVE DAVs FOURTEEN HOURS AN TEN MINUTES THAT5 LIKE LEAVING 5419 THEE To EICHAED PETTY DONT some You HAVE NAME RU6AII SABLE sea THAT JACKIE mwbiréoutmr BE DONEAI$I WENT AHFADAN NSL NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 ID IT COME ON bLAWé 610i wiciiiue FOR NHAT you CANT HAVE HUH WEN CAN BE LIKE THAT SOMETIMES THEYLL DATE WE mEY CANT NHAT ELSE CAM LOU QIDHDyNEAJsc IN Reg US Pal Oll Come see our wide selection of 1978 Calendars and Diaries for home office use WWAAA lt mÂ¥imc