Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1977, p. 4

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If 551 wcg 519 is Wodnoaday Nov 10 1977 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Ello Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 Why the delay on annexation Barrie spent roughly $250000 to get parts of Innisfil and Vespra under its control After seeminglyendless round of OMB hearings and court appearances Barrie got what it wanted On Jan Barrie is supposed to take control of parts of Innisfil and Vespra The average ratepayer would expect Barrie City Hall to be hive of activity with municipal servants planning the takeover to the last detail The average ratepayer would of course not be sur prised to learn that City Hall is in fact hive of lethargy as far as annexation is concerned Innisfil and Vespra have the easy job On Jan they just stop providing services to their former possessions But whatfipr instance are the garbage collection days in Barries possessions Has any work been done to set up garbage pickup routes What about snow clearing How many extra miles of roads are being added to snow clearing routes in the an nexed areas Can the city works department handle the extra work without having to buy more equipment What about tax bills Do township residents in the an nexed areas start paying their taxes to Barrie Jan Or is an arrangement being set up for residents in the an nexed areas to continue paying tax bills to the townships with the townships passing the money along to Barrie The Ontario Municipal Board wielder of the shotgun in this marriage suggested that there be negotiations to phase tax increases over period of years to bring an nexed residents to the level now enjoyed by Barrie residents Has any work been done on these negotiations On the plus side there is the work done by Barrie Police Chief Earl Snider and Barrie Fire Chief Jack McAllister Both have told Barrie City Council what they want and why Council so far has given up no sign of do ing anything about their requests The OMB can take some of the blame for the lack of planning The OMB decision really did nothing more than say Barrie could have some Innisfil and Vespra land The vague OMB decision has made it difficult for Bar rie But the OMB did say Jan 1978 is An xation Day So why has so little been done Reacts with rage Dear Sir It seems that those Barrie Aldermen who endorsed Travelways blatant contravention of the citys zoning bylaw have little respect for the law and by extension little respect for themselves as law makers react to this hypocrisy with rage Rae Crossman 189 Toronto Street Corrects facts Dear Sir wish to correct few facts in the article The Sorting Scene by Ken Walls in The Examiner of Wednesday Nov The impression given by Mr Walls is that Jim Corrigall is not really Barrie boy but that his parents moved to Barrie after Jim had attended Scollard Hall for several years This is erroneous Mr and Mrs Pat Corrigall are longtime residents of our city Although have lost con tact with Jim on personal basts remember him well as student here in Barrie at grade school at St Marys and as Grade student at St Josephs High School while was there Jim lived only few blocks from here on Peel St and many times and others from this neighborhood walked that mile or so to St Joes with him sincerely hope that you will print this let write your mp 99 If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed below are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitablc for our Letters to the Editor columns tAfter all if there is mat ter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Iir Itynard MP North Sirncoe Parliament Burldings Uttawalmt KIAoAi Koo Milne MP Peel ImiferinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIAOM fimlalr Iirlrvenl Mi loriv Burntore Parliament Budding triala KlAtIlfl In Mug MP IW Comor fhrllan 01 lllillllnv Illa mi mt VIA UM PIUVIVI IIH hurry 1471 MVP iiiJ mu flarliiivlllll Quem Park inrvmto MIA 1A2 tlldlm hnth MVP 1tunM Elm mannlapqiatuw 6mm 10 Iflfllnl 47 IAZ part WI Mti fnffamn thirqu for Park IImnto Mli 1A2 letters to the editor ter however edited so that people will realize that Jim really is Barrie boy and grew up here not in North Bay as Mr Walls article would indicate Best of luck Jim The St Joes guys are all rootin for you Yours John Carney Barrie Mac bet bac Dear Sir On October 3rd 1977 the Roman Polanski film MACBETH was shown to Grade XII Cen tral Collegiate students Roman Polanski has recently been con victed for sex offence against minor He has been sentenced to undergo psychiatric examination in prison In his version of Macbeth man is shown having his head out Last week in Toronto the sextorture movie Snuff was shown and it purports to have scenes depicting woman having parts of her body cut off It was heavily picketed by members of the WOMENS LIBERATION MOVEMENT Come on you men of the MENS LIBERAV TION MOVEMENT Pull your socks up Where were you on Monday 3rd October Yours sincerely James Iclter Thanks Dear Sir wish to take this opportunity as the Chairman of the Arthritis Society for the Barrie area to say thank you to all those people who helped with the blitz coverage of the part of the city lying between St Vin cent St and Bayfield Street and north of Highway 400 which took place on Tuesday Oct 25 1977 special thank you to the householders who received the 70 Arthritis volunteers so graciously Thank you to the volunteers themselves for giving of their time to help United Ap peal reach its goal this year Yours very truly Edward Mayhew ChairmanBarrie Area Congratulates Dear Sir Congratulations to the three Barrie area artists who won awards at the recent 11th annual juried exhibition in the Tom Thom son Memorial Gallery Owen Sound Joan Le Boeuf and Joan Danast received awards for painting and Stepnlitiii for his sculpture Square Dancers It is very unfortunate that the city of Bar rie still does not have legitimate gallery to accommodate the visual arts and as result local artists of this calibre have to elsewhere to exhibit where they are viouiil appreciated Owen man 711 miles from Ilarrie has population of 19282 and supports gallery of professional standards while the pro gresuive city of iiarric with population of 34694 has spent the lmil three years haggl ing over the Fire Hall Andy Nixon Barrie IIISINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS Sean Finlay managing editor Len Sovlck manager Marlon Gouoh accountant Randy McDonald city editor SALEMten Betty Armor Shella McGovern assistant city editor Dan Gaynor Dorothy Bowland Blll McFarlane wire editor Werner Bergen sports Claudia Krause lliestyle Marina Quattrocchl photographer REPORTERS John Bruce Poul Deleon CLASSIFIED Richard Dunstan Ruth Blals supervisor Pal Guergls Freda shinner Scott Hasklns Rudlelgh MacLean Sue Burke Knowles ramblings By BILL KNOWLES write this while attending my companys annual convention in Toronto Too bad they dont hold it in Barbados though Less smoke there and more sun Or perhaps theres the if Caveat emptor Opposition field day Mcmbcrs of tlic loyal opposition and other members of Parliament have had field day in embarrasng thc Government by exposing the fact that ii spy network cxists in fanndn presumably sallCllOIltd by the Government and that it would appear to be brunch ol the RCMP The majority of thc Canadian public having now found that it is more than mcrc idle speculation that thc RCMI have been carrying out illegal surveillance activities in Canada seem to have adopted the rather im mature attitude that they havc either been misled or led down the proverbial gurdcn path by the Government In actuallity Royal Commission on security in Canada recommended in 1969 that Canada required civilian security lorce to carry out domestic intelligence work Like most Royal Commissions thc rcconi mendation was not followed Instead the government appears to have ut the RMI to work in carrying out intc ligcncc without revealin this information to the Canadian people rough Parliament and enacting tlic necessary legislation Quite conceivably had the governmcnl ill tempted to pass the legislation for the lypc of security force that every major powcr and some not so major have in this world then would have been such hue and cry from the Opposition that we would probably still be hearing the cat calls in our Parliament to this day It was quite wrong for the govcmmcnt to initiate this type of activity in the manner that it did and of course the government is suffenng from that impropriety as result What the government tried to do however was correct in my opinion If we are to be in position to counteract terrorism in our count the kidna pin of diplomats and or the kil ing of publ of icials we must have an adequate surveillance force that can hopefully prevent this type of activity before it happens When legitimate mail is opened and legal political Karly offices are bugged there is terribly ne ine between what is proper or improper in surveillance and undercover work and unless and until there is legislation to cover this type of activity then we as country cannot nor should we tolerate it In the meantime lets not turn the RCMP Into political football or make the force the fall guy for the errors that the politicians made in the first place in not creating the necessary legislation Lyall Johnson Barb Boulton Dana Graham John Zarecky Karen Atkinson P99 Chapell Dana Homewood Gall Mc Parland Vlkkl Grant CIRCULATION Jon Butler manager Linda Halkes asst manager Andy Haughton Judy Hickey Alva LaPlante Elaine Porter Gary Prlngle same amount of sun but it cant get through the smog here in Toronto Anyway here am missing the last Mon day council meeting the first time Ive miss edbythe way Things are popping and you may havc already read about it by this time Hospital budgets are in an uproar and the possibility of restricting hospital services looms over us an me money sunny isu there and something will have to done Health care represents onethird of the total budget amounting to over three billion dollars per year in Ontario Thats right three billion dollars With the existing budget Ontarios hospitals will be short almost 175 million dollars Some say that there should be basic char for hospital stay of $5 per day to be paid the rson in the hospital This would add $75 mil ion each year still 75 million short It costs about $220 per day on the average at Ontarios hospitals Our HIP premiums dont come near covering the costs It is also being considered that pcrhps rncdiciil items such as abortions cixsiiictic surgcry etc should not be covered by Ollll and xrsons sciking this type of Inillliltlll shou pay for it out of lhcir own pockets Its ii difficult matter and it relates direc tly to cuch and cvcryoncs pockets via the tax dcrluciilion If Wc want thc service we will have to pin iv 583 The world today Ily JOIIN II IIAIIIIIION Foreign Affairs Analyst lhomiion News Scrvlcc There are niiin historic ironies in the week of celebrations the tltlth anniversary of the Iloliiliovlk Ilcvolulion not the least of which lli ll groiilcr rather than in smaller Russian cm ilrc since 1917 lirliil Iiuuiiln nought iiiival outlets to the warm WIIItlti of the world vicd with Britain for spheres of Influence on the borders of the Indian cmplrc MRI in Persia The disastrous defeats at sea of two Im pcrlul iiuiiiiliin fleets during the Russo Japunosc War of 190405 resulted from czarlsl efforts to defend Russian ex panslonlsm ln Manchuriu But whatever the czars from Peter the Great and Catherine II to Nicholas II tried to accomplish in butldln Russian empire pales in comparison to ommunlst success And while the presentday leaders of the USSR recn themselves about the many successfu struggles against colonialism the Soviet Union has becone an imperial power beyond 19th century czarist dreams This Is true of course in Eastern Europe where host of satellite states chafe under continuous military occupation by the Soviet Union and in he former inde endent republics of the Baltic states now in egrated po ltical units of the Soviets stem But in 1977 the Soviet Un ons Imperialism is no where more obvious in oldfashioned ter ms which the French British and Germans used to employ than in Moscows African ad ventures Lfi V11sQfrézfliV1335539534 Evyd Published daily except YEARLY by carrier MOTOR THROW OFF ELSEWHERE tN CANADA if 21 The Examiner Is member of The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at Clrcula lions ABC Only the Canadian Press may republish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local news stories published in The Examiner Sunday and statutory holidays WEE KLYb carrier chrhs The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper $4680 BY MAIL Barrie $4680 National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 I710 640 Cathcart St SIMCOE COUNTY Montreal $3650 $39 year 338501 year We have to pay for service from the provinces hospitals for it the same as for all other services we demand still like and support the Mounties and personally believe that they carry out orders from their superiors and their superiors carry out orders from their superiors etc The buck stops at hairman Pierrcs office though had phone call on the subject The per son pointed out that it was not pro for every secret to be broadcast to the pub ic She has point but where should the line be drawn But if there is valid reason to suspect treason or subversivc activities then the authorities must make every reasonable cf fort to discover whats going on Burning bar us may well be going fix fair but infiltrating subversive groups is not If you have nothing to hide why be afraid personally believe that trying to break up our county is treason and treason in war time or peacetime is punishable by death The Mounties are acknowledged as the best police force in the world believe this The sloppy bleeding hearts of the world would restrict or climinalc all police With their daydream that all people are nice But the Federal Government is responsible for their action and mmst accept all respon siblil for their actions If people can bug incin of parliament illegally how can those same pcoplc deny ordering the police to carry out illegal actions What mess Historic ironies in celebrations Sovietbacked African spheres of influence clicnt states arms supplies and technical aid are primarily repeat versions of the way Western European colonial empires acted in Africa at the turn of this century But in the late 20th century such um brellas involve contemporary sharing of naval and military power and the advanced technology of our time Where Imperial Germany dispatched cruiser of the Kaisers navy in 1904 to in timidate Morrocan ruler into territorial distribution between Germany and France the USSR moves in modern equipment and supplies to make possible the emergence of yet another Marxist African nation Angola is case in point where in de ndence under Marxist president would no have taken place the way Moscow wanted it without major Soviet assistance What we today style client states of an imperial power exist with vengeance within the USSRs neocolonial African system Guinea Somalia and Mozambique are all Marxistoriented black republics of mixicrn Africa This is much more conclusive develop ment than for example the overriding British military and imperial administration which chafed the Egyptians earlier in this century The new African states are permitted to emer as new states in their own right with eir leftwng revolutionaries of the colonial era becoming independent black leaders of the present Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arising out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space actually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error occurred whether such error is due to the negligence at Its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for noninsertion at any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Canada story Black day in history By BOB BOWMAN Louis Riel was hanged at Regina Nov 16 1885 It was black day in Canadian history out the consequences could not be seen at that time Confederation had helped to bring some unity between Englishand Frenchspeaking Canadians Riels execution opened old woun ds and they have never healed At times they have crippled progras Riel was pronounced guilty of treason Aug 1885 and sentenced to be hanged Sept 18 The outcry was so great even from outside Canada that the execution was postponed three times while doctors examined Riel to see if he could be declared insane Then he could have been put in an as lum and the course of Canadian political would have been far smoother Unfortunately the doctors decided Riel knew what he was doing Riel himself on the gallows said Do not fear shall not shame my friends or rejoice my enemies by dying c0ward The thoughts of passing my life in an insane asylum or penitentiary fills me with terror and can accept death with joy and gratitude An effort was made to rescue Riel from prison in Regina Sir John Macdonald may have been behind it After the Red River uprising in 1870 Macdonald was sa ing publicly Where is Riel wish couldylay my hands on him Privately he was sending money to Riel and urging him to escape to the US which he eventually did There is story that the North West Moun ted Police guards were supposed to turn their hacks for few minutes while Riel was taken from prison and raced to the border on hor seback The scheme fell through when one of Riels enemies heard about the plan and gave the alarm The prison guards were not able to cooperate This story is denied by the RCMP successors to the original NWMP The hangman was an enemy of Riels As be fastened the noose around Riels neck he whispered Do you know me Louis Riel It is my turn today OTHER NOV 16 EVENTS 1686Louis XIV of France and James II of England signed treaty governing possessions in North America in case of war in Europe ismPierre Joubert of Quebec died at age 113 years 124 days lassJudge Begbie arrived in British Columbia mailLouis Riel held convention of rebels at Red River lnterQreting the news Burns future sensitive task By GARRY FAIRBAIRN WASHINGTON tCPl One of the most im portant monetary decisions of President Car ters first ouryear term involves stubborn 72yearold economist who for eight years has presided over the US money supply Arthur Burns term as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board expires Jan 31 Whether Carter keeps Burns as chairman oras mast US commentators predicthe appoints new chairman the president will have sensitive task Burns key adviser to former presidents Eisenhower and Nixon has become symbol of fiscal conservatism hero to the business vmrld but bete noire of Democrats and other groups that want expansionary policies As head of the board he makes decisions on the money supply interest rates and other key banking issues that affect the US economy Even if Carter appoints new chairman Burns could continue having some input in such matters since he is entitled to remain member of the sevenman board un til 1984 His replacement as chairman by com parative liberal might further erode the shaky confidence of business investors on whom the White House must depend for economic grewth AVOID INFLATION Virtually immune from presidential orders in his dependent post Burns has been working continuously to slow the growth in the US money supply and thus ease in flation He has been succeeding so well in slowing money growth that White Heuse officials comp ain his restrictive policies are too severe and are undercutting their attempts at economic expansion Burns most obvious victory came last spring when Carter cancelled ans for $50 tax rebate plan that Burns fought in public testimony before Congress Since then Burns has continued to use public platforms for his economic con servatism message calling for tax cuts for businesses and lamenting the tendency of em ployees to increase absenteeism SPOKE TO HOUSE In June Burns told House hearing that Carter had not tried to interfere in Federal Reserve Board matters because the president respects the boards independence and probabl because he knows that there is no way of ac icving any result by that route His prescri itions are firm and consistent make antiii lation measures the first eco nomic priority reduce federal deficits cut business taxes boost co irate profits roll back govcniment regula ion of private en torprise in short unleash the private sector There have been cchixs of such concern in arlcrs statements on the need for be anccd budget Rut Carter has also spoke forlineg of the ur cni hood to pinup in money to provtdc jobs or the growing Iegiom of unemployed urban youth For the svmlmlconsclous president the Burns uesllon pmonls an opportunn to demons ratc his mmmitmcnt to one of thou goals The trouble is it also creates the meilassity of giving second place to the other goa

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