43 articles to rent 40 articles for sale KEENlet for sills 79auction sales articles for sale 43 articles to rent 7iholp waited WWI$6 WEEK 7lllelp wanted 1lllelp wanted Buys beautiful 26 RCA XLIOO colour COMPLETE DISPEISAL common RENTALS For things you need January Phone tonight delivery tonight PEu WSW lEllï¬li9fi9fli$E assists but needn buy SATURDAY NOV 19 mfl11I sharp located at 269 KILLARNEY 20 Tashha par Isaak $390 20 RCA XL100 par Isak SS 26 Panasonic per use $650 DB ANSWERING SERVICE by Record04 phone with remote message receiver TOO Ourpricasgn go It is expensive to buy BEACH RDI LEFROY Co in Mica NO MONEY DOWN sangtfilgggï¬gsuweï¬tgwggntm tools or equipment lnnisfil Towzship rzlles ast No PAYMENTTL and use them only occasionally gmigumzwwl Plustllisadis worth JANUARY 78 Doesnt it make sense to rent emgned has Md ORGANS Conn Olowray WUINTIOT Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient Iavawav alan Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS um snorrltlc run instructions to sell the following APPLIANCES Kenmore burner stove self cleaning glass door years old like new i9cubic ft deep freeze good GE wringer washer Westinghouse II additiond you can rent PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE Rug ShamPUOr9 dryer with large commercial 7311 182 Chain De 7264800 D9 Wallpaper Steamers FURNITURE2 ld piecec ester Ie prosmtatioqs nsu atlun tap 76 0d PI luwgmmf RECYCLE LOST HEAT from your tur SNOW AUGER BLOWER fits Ford Pl 9° C0 nace Igsmllalheatnmlï¬rirzgzggssmoke Isnzggenoagdlgswnntrsggtogs CostBover pi rocker living room chairs pipes or nor in new so or one ruce our WOOD FOR SALE dry mixed hard McLean7054584488Cookstown Will 17 bOY ChOl new wood split Sold by the lace cord WESTINGHOUSE COLOR TELEVI 05 wooden dmemg set mth 4364371 20Nacoglogliigtdegl igrggod condition How Tillers chairs and china cupboard Kit ALE accessories mï¬ifï¬giomcsï¬oir cord denaI 9°°d C°di°ljl°°i°°£°fl°7°°° Law Rom Chen chrome set oval table and deliveries7287587 ELECTRIC FRIDGE an two oven wow Eaters chalrs end tables and coffee raneVerc TIh IilIilllIIIiiIIIIliIIIlIIIiIIllllllllllllllllllllllill 72¢iaszzp7ml°$pm°°c 21 5W WW 511 mble 57313 Al swnculuoi SUPER CHARGER 671 new bearings Ladders 5f lope SI C0 01 7pcbaoosalts comes with two new carbs 274 In lined wardrobe cedar chest takes Canbeedspted to most cars Best II heelbu rrous 0MB reasonable War 868 Flat square chino cabinet Por es WW EXAMINER ROUTES 125135 WELLINGTON APTS table singer sewing machine Mum GIANT RCA XLIOO Power tools Quasar 213 color TV pormble gar5 Mm llld0113iflf and munV more items for yum and stand Stereo needs just $475 weekly onourï¬antal Purchase repair Table lamps radio alc hY ssoo Plan No money down no payments till Payoats as Isa as $2700 per uentl IO 91050 Mattress This Is REAL SWITCHBLADE Th blada is COMB Terrific gift Item Novel and practical Protects comb in pocket Fina tooth comb Is great for sideburns and mustache tool Satisfac tion is guaranteed Complete with Lock PETES SALES 7373955 January I978 Phone tonight delivery tonight IRAIY RELLYS Barrio Pllla 7371102 D8 FABRIC SALE 25 off all material in the store This week only Singer See the almost world famous Harold Martin in town THOiold Mailin Phone 7266539 DUNDONALDAMELIA AREA INNISFILJONN AREA COOKSTOWN STAYNER DISHES CHINA some antique pieces and usual kitchenware etc set of dishes commercial type TOOLS MISCELLANEOUS Pioneer 1074 chain saw never used Remington 65 chain saw like new New Bl ack and MWFN28 Company Georgian Mali Barrie Decker reverSIble drill and lIIIlIliIlllliIllillIlllllIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIlIlIIIIIIIIl rveewmea reconditioned i7incn Ill lelr 1111 Yes WOUld like more Information GbOUl Exammer Carrier office electric Underwood Telephone 88 5° drills FIREWOOD hard maple and bllCh 16 1373790 ou xs inch and 12 inch lengths Will deliver EMBRolDEREDFTLI5WEKET® eec rlc mo ors various Sizes Teeplme 723°20 pair 20 per cent oft Beverley Cascade Mlsc Chams wre mos ec ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball 1100 with box spring and mattress 20 year lTerms cash no reserve home entertainer Excellent condltlon Asking guarantee Free delivery 60 miles Bar sold Sam number S2930 Telephone 728i970 rie Mattress Factory I5 Dunlap East FIREPLAICE HdARPwogIDIS cheaper WrElEXTHWWW 77 Cheques wlh by the cor ree elvery so pair general 730 belted Re LA Owner or auctioneer not trunk loads picked up Telephone H73 15 nearly new tread Also radio en re 728 record may stereo console wamm BARRE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrle L4M 4T6 responSIble for public llablllty 58 long BOx spring and frame Payoat as Isa 50 par neat CO RCA Xll 00 20 $488 IlsNoasybsaa Washas $2000paroatl QC We have to repeat new JUKE BOX Sallitatastareaalti psyche Ight couplets naslc syste $449 Manufacturers acuity Payoats as low as $1650 per month CC NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENTS TIL FEB 78 We accept CHARGEX MASTERCNARGE Living Room Suites Rocking swivel chair Glostsrfisld lligllliacll cllolr Ottoman full price $299 Noalonsydsan Payments as low as Sl 00 par atontll DO WE NEED YOU FOLKS Double she Head Boards $27 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 nlop St iutt art of the Barrie Amie 72612900 N1416MP PIANOS CMASON IEISCN OSNERLOCR MANNING Also Grand Pianos Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient layaway plan PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE Maple Avo Barrio 7261800 D9 MOVING SALE Stove tires Iamps knlck knacks Very reasonable Telephone 436 3584 FIREWOOD FOR SALE 12 lace cord $32 16 face card 536 All mixed hard wood delivered 7265938 Sunday calls accepted ORGAN FOR SALE Kimball IioTwitrI entertainer Excellent Condition Asking $2950 Telephone 7281973 FOR SALE Kitchen table and chairs s40 bookcase S200 chestertield and lounge $450 Telephone 726 9606 May be seen at 14 Christie Crescent Christmas Gifts Galore Ideas from every store the holiday season off right EXAMINE the GIFT SPOTTER tonight Start TF USED SKATES and skate exchange Also skate sharpening Georgian Sports 68 Dunlop St 726 3200 ORGAN FOR SALE Lowery Venus with genie fully equipped perfect condition $2000 or best Offer originally $3600 Telephone Ron 7284981 evenings GREAT SOUND iN SPEAKERS Four year old 447 Sonics speakers 16 whoofers Telephone evenings after pm7281274 POTTERY NEAVINO SALE Handcrafted by HEATHER NORD JUDITH SHARP Friday Nov 18th Noon to SOL Nov 19th lOom tOSpm 159 PUOET ST BARRIE 7280136 N17 ANTIQUE EIGHT piece walnut dining room suite including refectory table and carved side board Very good condition Telephone 4361039 WOOD HEAT GOOD IDEA See the down draught airtight Carmor at Sun Seed Natural Foods 54 Dunlop St 55000 BTU rating $280 ANTIQUE DARK PINE POSTER BEDROOM suite with hutch top triple dresser Currently being advertised in local flyer for 5999 Will accept $799 or best offer Also Volvo cartop carrier two fifteen gallon aquariums fully equipped with stand Best offer Also car eight track tape deck $12 Automatic two speed live cycle washer like new $350 or best offer Looking for white French provincial tripledresser 4589327 largest book and sheet music selection In town Olook shut amic AI Instructional Matarhl DIICWM to teachers that order service Olarga selection of Christias hymns and carols Shop now for Christmas and use our convenient layaway plan PONTINGS MUSIC CENTRE Maple Avs Iarrls 7264800 DAVENPORT ROCKER and ottoman grey stripes with white vinyl In good condition $45 or best offer Telephone 7372135 atterSpm LARGE WOOD STOVE $200 Piston water pump $50 Telephone 726 3877 House full Helpful Christmas Ideas see our Classified Gift Spotter Visit these friendly merchants of TF Telephone 728 6713 Reupholstering DOLLARS liecover it Yourself Wide selection of discount fabrics OFoam cushions OTools both amateur professional Needles threads twines Buttons made to order complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Mall 7371510 WThFTF HANGING BASKETS all varieties 25 off while they last Brays Garden Cen Ire 26 Ferndale 72672951 BABY NEED TWB blue bunting bags Drive walker rocking horses tar small babies some baby Clothing winterized stroller Telephone 728 5388 anytime KITCHEN STOVE eleclric Maffat in good condilionVCal3nytimer7371658 FREEZER 22 cubic foot chest type by GENERAL excellent condition $195 Telephone 737 2568 WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE six chairs table buffet and china cabinet two oil lamps some antiques Telephone after pm 28 2950 STEREO COMPONENT system Web cor receiver amplifier and Speakers walnut finish Garrard record changer Like new $2 Telephone 487 3622 ROTO FERTILIZER SPEADERS Six at $10 each Used one season Regular $2395 Brays Garden Centre 26 Fern dole Dr 7262951 RED BROADLOOM ery hard wearing used Excellent condition Approximate ly13 25 Asking S50 ROYAL DALTON Sonnet bone china four piece piece settings New Hall price 728 0165 GILSON 20 CUBIC FOOT freezer four drawer letter slxe steel filing cabinet GE room humidifier plate glass mir ror 60 16 Reasonable Phone 7284605 CLOTHES WASHER SPIN DRYER Simplicity portable Clean good running condition Price $110 Call George 72872485 do 2815 evenings STOVE ER ELECTRIC four burner stove oven plus separate warm ing oven Works very well clean Price $55 Call George 728 2485 days 726 2815 evenings DOLL CLOTHES and tote bags for Baby Alive etc Order now for Christmas Telephone 737 2559 SNOVTTIRES A78x130n rims will fit 197i Gremlin $20 Also copies of the last edition of the Toronto Telegram Best 0111 Teenage 295 4iboats and motors 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 alter 430 pm 17 FOOT SPORTRAY runabout 105 hp Chryvler outboard convertible tap ski bar accessories $3000 or best offer Telephone 72878960 alter pm 42articles wanted CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 18g Ms 728 8234 titdogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia StreetEast 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and do livery Pet Studio TROP ISH prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquario I43Ardagh Road 7260094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles signal clipping and grooming Reas enable rates Phone 72670061 4249528 Telephone BeSt Selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable ONE MALE POODLE white ten Weeks old Registered and needled Telephone 303 Dunlop St Wnear Hwy 400 or call 7280580 You will find us In Barrie Orillia Midland Collingwood O29N2591216 1923 47home improvements You HOME giiilliliiilIIIlIiIIiIIIIIIIlIllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIliIgi NEEDS us 5111 MT STE ANNE For AllVOUCREDaIFS QUEBEC 6116 Renovations Call BOWLER Dec 271 178 EN7ESER756R£9565 NEW YEARS EVE PARTY QUALITY INTEGRITY SERVICE INCIUded MW 05 Price includes bus trans= first class quad accom ski tows shuttles tO and from hill MORRISONS TRAVEL Barrie Depart 72846416 Tor Depart 25947884 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL Ni LR No 1823098 months Old also 4H senior calves Apply lJoe McLean RR Barric PhonoIlllllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllla 728 HOE DUE VALLrV hurt Kittirfi an MARE HANDS $O0 booking Winter 0671108 For groups of all ARABAN COLTI 000 95 Iaqrs Cali 7286816 728 via Western SADDLE $125 or trade for 15 ACHIEVING YOUR 57Iivestock for sale HORSES BOARDED Close to Barriei Well cared for Track and trails windy Hill Farm436 5624 HORSE TRAILER FOR RENT or WIIII move your animals 245 Edgehiil DriveI 7263407 lliilllilillllilillllllIilllililllililllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII or 16 Engllsh 726 3877 EIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred marl approxlmalely 16 hands any Willi whirl Al Star Saltablolor brood mare Telopliolw Frtt DUDIIC prnvmw slIovanq of ldmous 456 590 SrIf tiLIp Umrsr that tilins ynu Inr YtrTraL your Home tilt rInn yuui soil undue Irvmuw stress tron your life undrr Ildnd liftW to he happy full and 5m Rossini lake rontrril at your IlfQ ldllIEI Tack auction 50 new Saddles hundredsi lt DOILITItdl wt lll hnvI fur invv imp of items of new tack ChrIslmas qitl plums and sutures Nn riblIIIntIun Holt Items etc $20000 Inventory Tuesday lay IIln Bnrrli Room 10 Wednesday November 29 30 ll StoutleIlIj November 16 Ill all 31 In Stockyards For Information call 416 640 4198 59pounryCmcks HOLIDAY IN THE SUN DEKALB READY At TREASURE ISLAND ST ay pu alva able Also farm fresh eggs Craig Humor PETERSBURG FLORIDA we Poultry Farms Slroud 436 1811 have vacancies from November 60feedseedgrain onward WANT To BUY Com or mm EfflCIency units from $75 week Telephone 32272209attcr6 00p for two persons Phone Barrie 64arm machinery 7283136IOT informuiorrg N30 MASSEY HARRIS TRACTOR pro i950 GENERALMEETING snowplow on front new rear tires needs valve iob S300 Telephone 424 5089 mIwnrn it ii iii ENERGY ECONOMY an iriIn for stile For more infurrtlatlml erir to OmIr SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7280338 or 7286766 MWFTF Ont 70Iost and found SAMOYED 006 L081 71h Connsalon Ora at Lake Simcoc November White female Please telephone 487 518 with any information LOST GOLD CHAIN AND LOCKFI 67fruitsvegeta bles APPLES Apply Radio and Son Con 75 8489 Sentimental value RI WARD Loci in gfzslggy JCO2SSJY2° Sears November 14 Any0 Wm In formation piensv all 124 1979 68personalsr MAXINE BEAUTY SALON Swing into winter with new style from Maxines Professional styling at reasonable prices PERMSSI2500ndup SHAMPOO AND SET $375 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 71 help wanted ONES RON HAIRCUTS $250 EM7° Taking appointments for rlst mas and New Years DUNLOP ST 7269933 50 HIGHCROFT ROAD ALLANDALE HEIGHTS OFF LITTLE AVENUE HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF MAKING LICENCES BY THE CITY OF BARRIE Exgiigtï¬cgv 7288658 WELL SHOW YOU how you can effectively gain your share of the vast Real Estate market We offer effective training to help you make prosperous career N17 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 658i it you drink thats your business If you want toquil thatsours Call any time DACHSHUND PUPPIES 57 SDNcbrNVSJgUCBTON mm In Real Estate sales Lets bred with ers and shots male arses oar arrle yo 1an es drrieiemaiemelfpnbne 5269898Midiand WrindyHaughFarmJ260192 discuss the advantages of PoooLemRUbï¬lés ï¬ï¬rébred toy MONECA psychic and card reading working With us Call RON poodles black male and female counselling DaysandovenlngsMonday JONE57769933 weeks old Deposit will hold till trough Friday Phone 728 8868 DI Christmas Telephone 72812119 Malamute male playful beautilu markings and used to being outside Telephone 126 1073 pm Sltrees andSlirubsfl weekends 7269295 52plants and bulbs office etc Brays Garden Centre Ferndale Dr 726 2951 FREE to good home year old medium size dog half German shepherd and half BLACK MALEJciIambIoniIne Cacker spenlels CKC registrated nine weeks ready to go Telephone 726 5218 after SHADE TREES AND EVERGREENS for sole Buy direct from grower Dig your own Coll evenings after pm or TROPICAL PLANTS for your home or TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Talccare 7267922 anytime UNWANTEO HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly die Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 737 2671 YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea cup reading For appointment call 728 0902 CATERING for Christmas parties and weddings etc cali earlyl Horne bak Ing and cooking Early Bird Restauranl 726 0911 iNTERNATlONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and confidential 7372972 RAWLEIGH AGENT friend at the family Family and pet needs Delivery For appt 728 7639 evenings Doing YBIJI Christmas Dreaming ITS NOT TOO EARLY TO START Build profitable business of your own as an AVON Representative and make those dreams come true Call NOW 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIEOnt WThTF Mnrrhllrton XII llrnrllrlrrl StriII liarrlo FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR com nf Parents without Parlorrs Wednis plete with blade snow bucket and day November 16m 31 chains Telephone 726 6283 Monicas Srhoni Single Si EVERYONE WELCOME for more Information all silowN AND BELL PROFESSIONAL MAN mm 50 rLUfTIly separated HQUIFLS room and Form Dory Equlprnen1 hoard In congenial atmosphere fliXllI DELAVAt schedule parking Please nil 4316 i949 Tax Auditor $24855 $29603 per week The MINISTRY OF REVENUE retail sales tax branch seeks an in dividual interested in challenging auditing career You will examine and analyze wide variety of industrial and financial accounting systems perform audits on businesses of all types and sizes in order to determine the correctness of the vendors systems for accounting for retail sales tax in accordance with the Act and whether any liability for tax exists audit findings through written and oral presentations Location Orillia with continued local travel Qualifications successful completion of an intermediate level examination of professional accounting course recognized in Ontario competency as an auditor gained by suitable practical field audit experience ability to communicate results of audits with Officials of the taxpayers organization proven ability to prepare schedules and audit file documentation in factual form Please submit application or resume by November 22 1977 to District Office Manager File RE353 Ministry of Revenue Retail Sales Tax Branch 19 Front Street North Orillia Ontario This position is open equally to men and women Ontario Public Service Ontario EllllllllllllllllIllllIllllillllIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ACCOUNTING POSITION Progressive manufacturing company requ1res bright energetic selfstarter in our accounting department be preferred range of company benefits salary requirements to llllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll allllIIlllllIlllllllllllllllIIIlllllIIllllllllllllllllllllIlIlllllIlIIlllllllllIlIllllllllllllllllllll ORGANIST El CHOIR LEADER EIRST BAPTIST CHURCH BARRIE is accepting applications for the Iabove position which will be available Jan 1978 manual Legge Organ Send resume attention MUSIC COMMITTEE 37 Clopperlon St Barrie Two N9101216l92326 SPARE TIME If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 21 yrs of age rpass medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 7285941 80 per cent commission Real Estate Sales people for modern Office in Orillia Square Mall Advertising in Toronto papers Secretary and 24 hour on swering service We pay your Orillia board quarterly dues Call MRS VAN WYCK 3256155 Sigmond Sherwood ltd Realtor member of Orillia and Toronto RE8 N17 FULLER BRUSH DEALERS required part or lull time Can earn $45010 $600 an hour Must have car and be neat in appearance 416 895 6532 Exposure to cost accounting and automated accounting systems would be decided assets student enrolled in recognized accounting course would This is challenging career opportunity in growth en vironment offering an attractive starting salary and full Please send detailed resume indicating experience and Ill IX TH ICXA MINER 71 help wanted COCKTAIL WAITRESSWAITER lel ma room waiterwaitress and Chefs helper required Apply in person even ings only Nottawasaga Inn Highway 89 Alliston alternate weekend live in iob with iuveniies in detention home settlng Experience an asset Telephone 737 2441 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS expanding in your area Am bitious people needed for sales and management Trainig supplied Ex cellent earnings Telephone 286 2777 WANTED Mature per son to babysit two children in my home weekdays from pm to 12 pm Shanty Bay Rd area Telephone before pm 728 4864 TAPERS AND DRYWALLERS wanted for Wasaga Beach Colllngwood area Experienced only Telephone 1429 3971 after6pm MOTEL CLERK Requrred for part time nights and some days HoursSpmtO 1amor 10am to pm Will train Switchboard ex person male preferred Write giving resume to Box W8 The Examiner EXPERIENCED lalbrlninum siding in slaller For appointmentcail 726 5609 72sales helpagents N15 needs dependable person who can work without supervision year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 DO YOU ENJOY SEWING and meeting people It the answer is yes Plafls has the iota for you Become direct home sales representative with the Ptaffs sew ing machine Co Hours flexible Good remuneration For further Information call Mrs Fleischmann after CalII collect 416 561 I904 76empioyment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available in my home Full or part time Children aged one year and over Constant super vision References available Please call 728 7086 for more information MOTELMANAOER moving to Barrie Seeks responsible position Full or part timerTeIephoneIr416 889 7442 BOTANIST FIVE YEARS EX PERIENCE Seeks full or part time work in nursery florist business or on farm Rick Bobbette Telephone 726 4211 WILL BABYSIT or light housework your home by the hour or day Telephone 729 3765 EXPERIENCED WOMAN will babysit in her own home Allandalc Heights area Phone 726 8351 WILL BABYSIT one small child in my home in Letitia Heights area Home cooking Reasonable rates Call 726 5745 anytime LADY WILL DO CLEANING $3 per hour plus bus fare Call 728 9822 after pm No pets please located in Barrie N9101116l718 Commission Sales Full Time Excellent potential for high DmhnjelTrlEaEssmud commissions in the home in Mm alas sulation industry Clean con scientious people required for 3pm in and around Barrie Leads supplied car necessary Please call sales manager 7286232 am to pm day previous noon Salurday N16 SALESPERSON UNDERWOOD BROADLOOM has an immediate opening for Carpet Salesperson for their Barrie store Successful ap plicant must be willing to adiust to existing conditons Ex perience an asset Telephone Mrs Fenwick 4162941040 business hours 79 auctionsales AUCTIONEER Farm Estate Viflth proven sales ability for ladies wear store in Bayfield Mall Salary commensurate with experience For up pointment call Mr Jack at 728 6066 between 11 am and pm SHOWROOM SAMPLES BRAND NAME Of EMBAS N19 NEED MORE MONEY You can earn $l500 plus per month with me Must have car be neat honest and ambitious CALL 7267404 Ample Parking TF TERMS Cash LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER needed for motherless family children end years nice home in Coidwater with comfortable accommodation Apply Box 457 Coldwater Call 835 3110 days or 68679009venings 7265055 Staff required male preferred tori MARKETING parlance an asset Suitable for retired EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company Earn $14000 per raham Allen or property loss Ladies Gentlemen Articles in this sale are in good condition Plan to attend VERNON AYRES Auctioneer RR STROUD SCL 23 Phone 4361922 N16 CATTLE AUCTION SALE For ALEX PRIDHAM Lot 28 Can Adiala Twp Ap fprox miles West of Alliston ion Hwy 89 then south on Can approx miles to farm On Saturday November 19 at pm The sale offers 75 head of beef 3cattle including brood cows calves mixed slackers heavy feeder cattle Charolais Hereford and BWF Holstein heifer 2Holstein steers The cattle have been blood tested and have clean bill of health TERMS Cash day of sale ACCIDENTS Neither the owner nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss Ernie Severn Auctioneer RR 1Alliston Ont Tel 4357467 N16 77 legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ZIN THE ESTATE OF BRYCE JOSEPH JACKSIE All persons having claim against the Estate of Bryce Joseph Jacksie late of the Township of Essa in the County of Simcoe who died April 14 1977 are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before December 11 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the Claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose Claim he shall not then have notice DATED at Lindsay this 10th day of November 1977 Bryan Jacksie Administrator by his solicitor Wallace Scott Barrister and Solicitor l2 Peel Street Lindsay Ontario N162330 79 auction sales Consignment Auctions 7265055 7372491 BARBIE ONTARIO GIGANTIC TUY AUCTION El UVERSTUCKED LINES TOYS GAMES the SY HALL 386 Blake St Barrie NOVEMBER 18 AT PM and NOVEMBER 19 10 AM PM Lunch Counter good cheques Family allowance accepted GRAHAM ALLEN AUCTIONEER 7372491 N1116i7