wvwwv ir II Id 17 houses to rent 23 ofï¬ce mom or In 3d the examiner Wednesday Nov 16 1971 HI Jeng 32 cars for title 38 snowmobiles ALL IHEHELP YOUNEED TOWNHOUSE rotor E°° °° w° STORE I970 AMC HORNET LIC 31ï¬22¥¥5°5biipErlefEEJobï¬i MOTOSKI bedrooms immaculate con engine new muttler voltaae regulator ervice dLTlOn bOSOmOTTT heaT pump shocks 9s heater radloI Call $205 ll tilitles ad Its mmmlc Dave4lt75638 Lots of new 77 machines at WI 22 5° 37500 510 reliable car for the winter ars wanedto buy BIG SAVINGS Dail Busine Di Phollé 7284752 hill Isarte More Centre Ltd WE SS rec Org BegweenyundgpImI WomanhIlIcIIoI CIIIIIIIId URGENTLY REgQUDlRED I339 Inï¬eld of Can or ea or rTeed help Just look over the ads below The advertisers TF ownwm ForBomes New A112 III lIsted Iare experts in their field and will assure you of the NEW CONDOMlNlUM mum SIMCOE TOP CASH In itnest lob possible HOUSES mm PM GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL MWFN30l ITSInélLrfrltiï¬aillirloaloidmgcitJ lmsllltbleton 549 mu St AUTOMOBILES I7 St Vincent st 7233030 $2659 Eiirititura Store hat north of Georgian Mill AOOfllCl for III III Reiiio anilTV 1370254 DR OM FARM HOUSE 2159 ITle ezitflat Barrie nIeIar hshaInty rooms ea ed BUYING CAR Why not get loan at I7 BRADFORD ST 7284272 ALUMINUM maintainsRetraining norm Gllltllor commonly unlw or COMMERCIAL ART HANOYMAN OFFICE SERVICES advanceI Tmphone 7260 Draws MI CI cent Interest In Collier St 7285I9t COMMERCIAL ms FREE Go dI LARGE BEDROOM Townhouse iull pRVATE PVmw cum work layout etc Plese callozoilzlgn4lz away Just algalyduTtbtoierdtslbhe GEANNC SERVlCES YOW needs baseman N0 applltnces Relerences Hume no om 3355235535wrpgllgl Vwerooï¬eerirglf LJlUK 53 ngNTPTCzhgmwosl p23 llulmlltc meal méméimim were Eiiiiifl zli 73372 aim2m or Wreckers own ll °°l Telephone737oooo TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tar EENCING momse 952IIIIIIï¬oIlor3dIlnItzgzlfglorhww wrecking and rts top prices paid GAKH 25 Pedal RESIDENTIAL FENCING ctolr link custom Storm windows cleaned PAINTING TOWNrIOUSE FERRIS LANE bed zgfé20PITI857947 console price $5500 37 uc watt 37 Pm P°PY andinstalled VELLINGA rAlNTlNo and decorating 2eggggszttggï¬gï¬tgfgg77mm Aug cuss tor wrecking Fast pickup Days mun Siding Eavestrough am OTree cutting Slot lotion Work uucranlndi Establlstl KLGEAEEEWRETEG Faun Am 29 500 Swin or $1095 soml WindOWS 0Eaves W9Loߴ semi available lmmedlbtely $375003 1976 Chevelle Mam WANTED Clea used same H° WAyNE FOLEY Proteulonal painters month plusullltles Lease Classic Lic No JKKi22 daAuto SalesIroowan5t72ouaa WMWD °Cl0 Doors images and basements letter and Interior Fm utlmutu Work Harr Maglll rep Lou 6033beth building inrpnrutian p5 p3 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top Shmers Awnings Trash hauled away 1HPXILZIIII54IKIféafI9ATGgas LA Eslaler 728 4067 or 7263864 V8 aulommc prices paid Free immediate bickup 5°Ulldel $475 expert ioctory air conditioning AdditionsRooting anytime 4362900 iOTTT EON CERF FRO IVB T412 with Lesli Iree estimates Jack Richardson7670l2 bedroom trame home with basement Ton Truck and Finished in maroon with TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors P°h El°s°55°new°lk Tandem Trailer L736 View available December ist $250 plus consolidated Iiiiilding Imam wmI Limited no Bradrord sneer Bayrie calmnel 53°95 utilities Lease required Call Harry cor oration limg ac 7288111 TARTISA For free estimate BANNER Maglll representing Lou Goedemondt GOQUICKLY AT ONLY 34Erucks and trailers Cd PIIIL SPURLING Galvanized and Vinyl 4875155 gggï¬ggglatfgézgggoggh N24 II ISOR price $1049 ING close to W75 66 lnsOHOd A8 Interior and exgerior Mwe bedroom bvnoalow Hwr27 25933995 automglfcrigzgodgghdlflgï¬l Tglzghdneé Local Fem Business FREE ESTIMATES built in stove and oven trig washer and 4455562 alter 5pm IttANDIYIOMAttiIIIwIII cht ptIlIlntlngIpIapor honlIII Free estimates dryer larva storage $325 monthly Louls HEATED GARAGE SIPACE Plume 97 FORD yon he ce dr F2 995 99 St do our own car re rs Hour or dali en can flILHEzzInALUTMINUIM AiIIroduIcIIs SoIltt CALL rwlnllhlrlLCall Poul 7372575II LOW rates Fast service was ggghzi°33Iér 77 30 959 Located Burton AerI pm tion with Myers way snow plough Best an 72¢2gbg2m to Gum Handyman will do painting paper hanging Satisfaction guaranteed OLDTTTTMNEWW 59 chum Telemonke 72850 alterspm 00 tllln lurnlturo ripping and bungalow my ca ed°°m Pewl WM St W75 FORD EXPLORER Pickup truck lllW 8° PWI 7377975 games room maze li flh r007 32 cars for sale hï¬ Mr in WW Sleerlllitr aviomatic VB low DRESSMAKING HARRY LAGENDVK BUILDER VRenovotions M29 able November i5th Slsozmonttflyévcaall mueage 00 Teephme 7226 WalmlYl b00567 bellCh ALUMINUM Pol blotll work no Fr Itimatu wrv 728 56 IonIo 7370254 N18 Willi FORD BRONCO tour wheel awe and deuvery no chargeI OWNER OPERATED mm by mum 4563547RRIChurchilIOnt ngISEglxlgfrbï¬ROfIgpilONhglQNYNGIJI ieconoorusiaessiiimtiriiriaimala Wm °° Must sell 77 ï¬7Â¥ UI I975 PINTO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altero 7000 or trade tor best six cylinder excellen Used orga tamin room and single garage $350 PROTECT and BEAUTIFY your home with work Satlaloctionjuoran HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING tions 42 Ewia St Phone 7266m0 DRESSMAKING TAILORING and alterations HILLSDALE DECORATING Omar monthly Also bedroom bungalow in not ex Stroud with lirepiace in tamin room Kitchens rac I975 Ford Pinto Lic KFX 482 Two door standard i97t vw BEETLE bucket seats super condition certified 73048 miles Lic automatic Teiephone 4563717 MUST SEL No trades accepted on the above organs I973 GMC torTiTi terlor wallpapering custom textured walls $300 monthly Call norm or 728 4067 HM AU Halsl 35 le 3°°° es V8 REYNOLDS ALUMINUM 533231me533 °° can row at 30 nodeinglFPPEEPPS995355387bml asklor Jim with only 20 000 original 3°°° 55° WEi ei New °° cm Mnmcu availebll DMDL oco rown paint with beige trim VACANTI THREE BEDR 0M 1976 VW RABBIT Custom US I3 SR HIMpie Ave Ierrle ezlodflfrtgF Storms VTROUGNLNG tiED MORE living space rec room extra nun FRAMING bungalow tireplace garage Ten glues lungs This car Am new my Slralm hensysmm $32135 met 72677778 an pm 7164 °° AVMOWWG Em ï¬rmghgagmmagmamag on em on 59BrittleE99m9flihlt5l RE 23 wirssrmizm éérirrréirwriï¬ir lm rono twelve roisénoerctisleao N25 eavesmlgh troughlngmstollod Collmoon Boil72B890a wlngzglaggolwu tocl many sir I7AIIIIISIIlIAIglIILEIIï¬IAI £0333 Kï¬nzeniell SECOND CAR FOR ONLY miles Llc No LEE465 $3795 Auto Club Van low mileage many extras III WW Huh room 59°mlessl SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists CUSTOM REC ROOMs Complete basement éUSIroWrEIEIDRIMINE townhouseI erecmc he hydra we $2295 at QBKSJJVQJW lemme 95 NDOOR SHOWROOM sized pools FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP Rooting and rooting repairs Free estimates planning and decorating prlvocy screens 000 Mm retrigerator and stove mayde Ado I970 VOLKISWAGEN lair Condition 35serVICe and repalrs on dismay Come In today or can 7264606 It Cali Martin Verstroten IRAI956 New Lowell aid patios aluminum door The number tor I5 32727fl only No pets Available January II needs engine 3350 or best otter yor nee 32 age bookye in round and FREE ESTMATES ovcsnoiauï¬crmmarmm Managegzgitos 47 Telephonem mo TESRPEDEtéILL53£EL above 903 pools Flanger Pools Jock Bates Free estimates 117 Barton Ave SPECIALIZiNG IN Tuck Pointing chimnoYI NEW TWO STORE LAkEFRONT ASPEN SPECIAL ADDITO Ps Bayma Plaza Allandale 7268657 alter 5pm IvIgttorproIcIitrng brick and stonewallan win IlOIItInE beautllul view Line Oro Close gaébsbucifs Lils ggoffrgfd HiEPbSSESSED ws on expansion pint or guaran Aup It ling Adults only $695 monthl Call ct FRALICK ALUMINUM ElECTRICAL Mk hummus 193232¢°fm5°° 48I776260ri4164866357 Thu $3995IAul0tIlIau5II8arrie7370i00I II SPECIAL II co NORan 0ng 00 rrIwf STROUD AREA Mae brmrk Horny ï¬dwu NIB I972 DODGE CHALLENGER ale power ON REEINISNING CA U°°°°d W°°d°b°° Stdingsollli FOSCIO PET GAMBLE Elcmc mméno renovations extensions etc etc Guorr Shinflliti Palnllng IGFMhouse bedrooms large kitchen 73701 sleermgldlsc brakeslradio wmcenuy new 0° can oml ouomahc coor eshuners eWindows Wdjg9d° °°° untod wOIlIjtibtwtot 7269002 and livtno room piece bathroom on bestotier Telepitone 728 5388 anytime illuminated channels digltol UHF Instant vu LL ma ï¬r CONsriucï¬oï¬fï¬bï¬ 015 CENTRAL ROOFING heat close to highway II immediate I973 OLEWSTACRUISER wagori on Take over 907mm °l$l9P°° Doors Eavesnough dations renovations additions Phone COMMERCIAL HESIDENHAL Possessmn $267 per month Lease RENAULT 12 one owner 000 No HD 4675PECIAL AT ONLY $1780 PPM tonight Dalivary tonight Where avaIIable Ca mlles carelully maintained and In good Co OdayI iflï¬ï¬rflï¬ljiaher aIpIrrItII II He aIIS Iuo pm no common Cermed Flrm price 575 Parts sor Motors 418 Blake Street else industrla C0mmerCI0l GENERAL HOME REPAIRS ew II Phone an 5pm Bonus 723 8390 III lurs ï¬lm Mhnikn Two ACRES 29th county road ln Flos i976 GRAND PRIX SJtullvloaded like 485 90 05 humor Exterior Township house and born tour 09°05 CHALLENGER 33 new Only27803 miles Lic NoJWZr631 Your choice ofcolor hm Pl 7374 02 Lighlng d°5i9n Decoratn Remod lln yd An gemletrlfleu rag 38sz ygoiédioileslzlï¬griebegm so as Paris smsor Moms Blake sweet De wcL rou Santana8390 Electrlcol consulting Raffovcï¬n 31117 09 436 3792 67 Hooverrétrrooarnï¬ma tt 20yrs experience Nl5 ER LANE Three bedroom WUGREMLIN Xi V8 all condtllomno automatic This car Is in showroolrn can UTO Eï¬ilgrgpï¬gEQCrhlbhtlhs gt glitth Ct Rec room Otmly room 77 townhouse tour appliances broadloom track radlal tires undercoated cer am Ay 737 Faun PM as CI II 500 II ars Slessor to xcellent condition Asking $550 Sddin Sollit Tro c°nsmm°n Specclss 2035 lgtï¬grggtelyagall lgllrle °° °° M°°sr Blake Street Barrie 263435 Awning Doors Winzgows 772tflg3mm mulls 300 76 0600 I936 JEEP metal cob In goodcondltion 1328ng MALIBU M0 360 owls ml sf P°EL°V PARRY ELECTRCII 10M 7260424 BRADFORD AREA large two bedroom 95 Telephone 436 79l hardtop One owner 55000 miles Lic MerDl2 Ing lggadoorusetorealgbezcclyire Corftaci STORM WINDOWS INSTALLED 09 lull basement house New WM i975 OLDSMOBILE ROYALE one No AWA 247 Paris stessor Motors 4Ia other Natures Heating Company FREE lnd5i°l C°°i°l vrr tsmngles Installed eplfmm 875 owner 55000 miles includes air can Blake StrIeet Barrie naggg THREE BEDROOM SEMICentraI Ioca tlon stove and triage included partially turnished Available December Isth Call 728 846 alter 6pm weekdays MODERN FOUR BEDROOM house tor INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared An us Oar rte area 55 up Dobson 424 l0 otter Sand weekends Farm OResidentiol Rooling Repaired ROOFING IN BARRIE FOR I0 YEARS BARRIE 7265609 Electric Heat Dryers Ranges tioning cruise control AM FM radio power windows and seats Asking $3595 Bus 726 0259 Home 728 8328 I975 FORD LTD COUNTRY SOUIRE Station wagon LOW mileage lm W75 vw Beetle tor sale in good condi tion new muttler new rear tires radio rear window detroster block heater SI 700 or best otter Telephone 4873622 arrie Ontario 7057282120 or 4364i29 MOTORISTS SAVE on repair bills Licenced mechanic will repair domestics or imports 737 0724 alter 630 orweekends 36auto accesSOrieS ART Special prion Roof Delcin rent Allandaie Heights Lease to run maculale Brillsh Columbla car Ab 76 INSULATION Irorn December to July 3350 not in solulelv no rust Power steering power my Chew Mam cm PAR GOODYEAR RADAL Orlglnall llmned edition 0t QUALITY SINCE I949 brakes AMFM stereo ir 00 SNOWTIRES size165 SRIJ in good can Cludlngut has 726 28 conditioning It 728 3396 Di FOUR BEDROOM house close to school °°° ksl WO Michelin Snow ï¬trsvï¬friï¬uliréidiiï¬irililisï¬iï¬i °° use °° wm Askw mgs on ogmp ELECTROLUX Conoda Ltd authorized sales INNISHL Asuuno and hospital 175 Toronto St Relerence 2m 6°Igm5 59 00 773 73 lng Finished in silver blue matching In b°59l°°ph°°77° 9341 great masters CHAGALL DALI In Um N23 NS required Available December Isl tlor Lic JTKooo will sellqulcitly aton 37motorCYCleS MIRO PICASSO CALDER and 733392 rmv 7r 726 714i CHRYSLER EXCellent condition Iy $2950 International Automobile 100 when Po hkvee Excvtmc Phone no 5549 mm 5y Barrie 9050 I976 YAMAHA 400 RD black with sad 96 Omit YHREE BEDROOM or house MEET Errrrrrrw iv die bags and windshield mag wheels Io lust on Highway 90 oil heated WUï¬UTLASSSUPREME 52ooomlles 1973 M68 body rustprooted and solid 7000 ml Show m3 condmon 99 VeSlmem 30550 THE ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating hou go reasonable rent available December exce ent condition new radial tires original point good tires mechanically FACE ori ï¬nal at hin AUTO REPAIRS ptc mm mach loader work Blown Cellulose Fibre TONs SWWBLOWWG wwnablc Ist Phone no nos Many extras Asklng 37400 Telephone sound runs smoothly Fully certlilea EJZZIEELI Vime Tm REPAIR rimv4361558l36l757 FREE ESTIMATES Sev95l€3€949 0791571 0N BUS ROUTE mm Wee 729 4400 baiore or no mo even 40000 miles Price $2400 Call George 38snowmobiles $2°°I °° C0 575 Quanltleï¬ WORM 090 MV 1th SNOWPLOWING lowest rates ms 723 24850ays726 2815evenings 777 are imne 5S°°° MW WEST GRCOVE MWFM7 dugwall ygzggg ygglgbggrkm iiiiiféiebflifizmrml$131213 mo VOLVO MODEL 45 As is do i973 cIBsMOoiLEDELTAaiRoyal I233 If3 336073339ï¬3 further inigrmztgfarlï¬r chall CONSTRU TION lt garage$325 monthly No pets 72a 9745 reasonable otter Telephonenb 0235 power steering and brakes one owner 95 aYs BIRD HOUSE INSTRUCTIONS BEDROOM semi detached home It 1950 CHEV DOOR I939 Chrysler 93225 TSWIgOsBQ OpéIIIIII If 640011955347w mm 93 Backhoe Excav baths stove Irrdge garage ms mon door I97II3I DaIIsun lthogr IBOO t9a7 Chev 1973 CHEVELLE DELUXE 350 AItd 50 Incorporation TUTOR FULLY QUALIFIED specializing in thly Lease available Ask tor Larry 0anI So orincu ertonpickupin automatic power steering Requires PURPLEMNTN 90m 3° APPY 097 TreIChw remedial reading and new math Tllophono mowplowmc Dewltde representing Lou Goedernondt trade no 5596 alter paint iob Cartltled SL200 Telephone EXAMINER 56 52nd Slr°° HMS 3°m° 00OPh°°7ZB57°3 Horlzonta Augerth IIZBJISOII II Mulls SNOWPLOWING mmm and RealEstate Ltd Telephoncmwoi 1977 VOLVO WAGONI low mileaoeI 1333399IIII III IIIIIIIIIIII WANT ADS NewYorkNewYork 10022 ft BOOKKEEPING CARE commercial reasonable rate In astlt HOUSE FOR RENT heating ap automaticradlals Extras Good runn STATIONWAGON i970 Dodge Polara Phone 2128388710 matalcalltuul7373064 pllances included mm month Orr Isno comItltton BSOdngood One owner Sis air conditioning new tires and PHONE 7282414 N18 HA We NW Lake area commercial gardening 0W 65 acrl ice best otter brakes Needs body work Must sell til loC BoouflllNG ll fmipucis FALL FERTlLlZlNCv toll chartva H690 and SNOWPLOWWG S° worksho or on Opional 32 2435 737 can on Telephone 4363703 anynme lIr Shrub trimming Mowing and weed spraymgI lot and residential Reasonable rates II II SECRETARIAL SERVICES VIC humo 7560477 Depondablo 726 7757 No J03 Too SMALL flgNIflORIKJM Il°l°77g Ig°l RETCTIEN SNOwriOWINO and Snowblowmg ervoigmbgfmgfnfurgfroé S0 Of Ilm IS eBookeepgng epayron iii£woobï¬m snfgbaï¬xsgglmm am by washrooms broadloom SJIO Contact Mar Jain 717 30000r 72699 Financial Statements Typing STAN kNICELv MASONRY Brick block and Ill ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Randmidi and TWO BEDROOM HOME two bathrooms also ttreplace Situated on 50 acres very scenic property miles north at Barric $250 per month lm FREWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood split and delivered Any quantity All dry seasoned 39d iB72Ilt3 stone work chimney repair Flrepiocos sIIpIeIcIalItIy IIFIrIeIe estimate 7056245I56 commercial Best service to town Recs onIoble rates Telephone 737 2897 726 4604 SIMPSON SEASONAL CONTRACT or as HourlyrWeeklyA Monthly Reasonable Rates 7286284 III hardwoods ouneod It blower or low Radio dls tclt 2Brhw°°d H°°V° ltft¢qotï¬mllioy oisthErtoIrclgtli will deliver MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Phone no 45380r 855 5957 grim possess 779 7550 30 Tzlslzhenfléflzwxrml wmm arowrtot Mum lOVPOOPlO who oouos SNOWPLOWING small commercial MWFN21 MIXED HARDWOOD and plain birch 30 per llng once IGooIdrIotII 728354 andraeidentlal Reotonobl mm 728 8460 zorooms to let 777 77 tec cord tor hardwood birch S40 dellvered Doyou NEH to pl bond in you CARPENTRY 7319589111 olrlltmm party or oohr wgogomnnts STUCCO IlgIRNIgorï¬gooxIIoIAIIangzlgIflm FIREWOOO FOR SALE Dry seasoned mapi IQIITIIHQL II in men reIerred TeIe hon ond beech Si per lace cord delivered RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco GE AND General Contractor rooms renovations additions Kitchen rec 42452I90r 4665210 interior textured walls and ceilings Free 728 4765 dGYS 778 oIeIIlIOEYenlfWS llreplaces estimates Dale Russell Mtdhurst telephone CENTRAL FURNISHED ROONTS FLOOR REFINISIIINO brunto ï¬ï¬‚fi2dflttiirzliri°°° mm °° amt tias 267 CARPENTER Speciallzlng In rec rooms tnr r7 dc tenor remodelling trim etc Please call WDWQOD 0° I°°° 014 ACCORDIONgutorpianoorgon boglnnar FURNISHED ROOMS cleanmodern 7288884 it to 9°°d °nd adwnfld monmtllm Wml central location Parking ayallabi arep NPOJnl l37553l loaned tor home practice Canodtan Aco no pho mum Real Es WINET MAKER European trained Klt Ti MYOIMUW 2I°ayfld 728799 fwoo charts vanities Plna Iutntture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial no 00 Cwal 00d an bonIo DEDROOM FOR RENT in quiet privat 294a FURNITURE STRIPPING and retinithtng hard gum 5°dtt0d Batd Sales Repairs home Central laundry reasonable INCH airsNrggscgmghgn and salt woods wanobl rates Tale 71 73 II Suitable lor working gentleman Phon cottages renovations repairs samlacmn pItItIOIIOIlI3A7977Iatier5IpIm PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC Insta otions 72B 4543 or callat23 WeIIItngton St WIEIRUgonglructlonI737QII or PM Imfmkmmgbg II All work doneindoors CLEAN BRIGHT tarnished bedroom WPENIER do ec mar renown hair 75683935 MKSIDE tor gentleman linen supplled and Chane musn model new Eirifii i27£°2°r3ff CONSTRUCTION llcenced carpenters SOCIAL AND Idealism Id COMioplTABLg FSURNISHIID bed home mag llmm DANCING sitter kitchenette Private toilet my 77 77 GENERAL CARPENTRY Additions garage have to offer in The °° dun 6£C5stlr3rï¬rn°rllfilri egtrbrllgll rec rooms built IIII closets Drywall texture all OCCOSIOHS homo elsewhere and who eums om IEUYIIIIIEI Flee estlmIotes I7263S53 Casses now forming weekends 776 8998 FURNISHED ROOM to rent in private CARPET CLEANING ACOUPLE home in rail Trees area Use ol house lacillties Linen supplied Weekly N0 it START YOUR spring cleaning today parking $27 weekly Telephone 737 2756 Revitalixe your carpets wtth Al carpet steam REGIONAL ACADEMY am WM ammo Foml gt ING lovmc nï¬tm homo no ti I0 2lroom and board SondourFTD cbonngfléwl or DANCING tourism all 237 5237 rillturmer Sllppers SeasonsGreeterBo uqu RELAXED CLEAN HOME tor lemale to room Use at kitchen easy commuting Shoes II to Barrie Slit monthlyII4I5tt 9ilIi9 CHutchg Snow Boots Is LARGE FURNISHED sun roBomIIttI orablu Evenlng Shoes So mm wnT fWr rent Useal kitchen Grove and ay ed rmonte l2 mortgages l2 tonsils Tb gpts to ram opts to rent area Available immediately Youn WOh Stands Dionne sitywoy rrAAr red1 lady only Telephone 7972239 owall Unm Hand Bags Two BEDROOM APARTMENTI do ILARGE TwanIDRlIDOASAporIImcntIoIn 24space tor rent Cunom mme c9 III III III to downtown on bus route Available roue Nab 9m llcofgs December MI WEI ma lama fridge stove laundry tacilllles part PRIME INDIUIsITRIAIL ISPAIICEI 1000 toyour design No N° NORMAN riilliiiy All erences One II 11333 Teephm 6775 7625 cleTIr7I7tl6IrIlIltItIIIlarge cxpandlna lnduslrlal lotto Bill Tidy It 726696 Mommwmmtm no ma Immedlam 53 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED Apt chEIEbEGPï¬tioflï¬pfanmspl Ivmlnblg FOR LEASE Industrial space and Wylie ouulops 724 gloves scarves evenInO Anywhere on all hornes cottages farms mam raisins trimaran was or on 04 74 or and commercial properties Way Love to help you monthly plus heat no 3257 between 7373765 5558 Rd gem ZlI momma Also opening new store In aImandI9pm AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY TheLlule profes Rm Plaxa corner of Hwy 89 bedroom apartment Blake St $185 man 0T0 consolidate debts low monthly payments TWO BEDROOM Apartment In down IIY mus dIIOI CIIIII Sue Brennan 26accommodahonsgo share 807 KI AIII HI own area available Immedtately Tetc Calculato ngI ston We lmDVOVBmenls any WOV 9350 phone 776 3257be1ween am may representing Emory Mtller Ltd 72o liml NEAR ORO PARK house Includes cBAYFl Ody CXlSllng Or maturing mortgage TWO BEDROOM with lridgc and stove or modern kitchen washer dryer and uttioltUCllOIt tunds tree aOVIce try us Heat included in rent at 3210 East and sumET FOR DECEMBER sauna Non smoker preterred For more FM 726529l I2 any hammadycash puychase mongages location No pets Adults Available bedroom apartment Wlh livmr sauna Intormationcallm 5862attar5pm all until mime m4 December tst 5282 or 7685 Shrug ggffm °Y Two PEOPLE NEEDED to share tour Mk ALL ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments cap one 63 bedroomlarmhouse Sfloper monthtteat wlhttlcnrer FUNDING lot rent Fridge and stove Included ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT ahdhydrolncluslve Callm 9990 tillers ISNJSMteryaeth IIIIIII It II ORTGAGE Telephone 737 1674 between co and 00 Available December lsl PM 0W hydro me 95 monthly Adults only Telephone v0 CI LAD 726 HI UN has two be room apar cm uh II II II I6 all nyume TWO BEDROOM available now Angus ment to share Downtown area SIOO 347 STREET area 3220 includes triage stove and ONE BEDROOM apalmentlplvole en mommy Telephone no 6092 Thursday Mulhnkeslnc ALL THINGS NICE WOYIO I29 DUNLOP ST EAST 24 How heat mom allerroo gem PQIIKIIW over We and lav ly900tot 00 5M remember BARRIE ONTARIO Mon Some TORONTOONT Two EIEDROOM APARTMENT In aggemgeï¬mg T°h°d YOUNG MAN has two bedroom home to woman mm mm our nd nd 7250931 333421 plex S2I0 monthly plus hydro Will 3783 gngyeI mm 50 game mlom sa reduce rent tor superintendent duties Telephone 436 7695 7260041 ouulop Anfl relatives this Christ phone 67973320 app Mum BED SITTING ACCOMMODATION 726 7987 ï¬lm ma Ilt Member Ontario Mortgage BTOKOTS ASSOC No IltVictorIa Street Nopetspteose kltIchhenIutlIltles paid Parking ces lsmresor rem mocromo trolled I°° SMALL ONE BEDROOM apartment One bnlyusTZlSItrltgfrttslllg 239715 230 ade Mhwmwwm ii dlm Hpnons Of Th loaned on Dunlap SI BarrieI New two BEDR MODERN OFFICE ace In Iurayaurchlldhasthokey meanthuu EXOMlnefThy OIOOOIy Ibapts to rent painted and broadloomed Fridge stove 00M APARTMEN Ti MORTGAGES bought and sold tmme and ummes Included In 75 per spacious we keptI do to hook sma or ergo suites immediate 0c I4 Dlnlmor IOOr 9LT eylastallyear digte action SMIIUBNIDL Davd FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom month First and last months required 3ng and °U° 99 Efï¬gy mo long 00 if mum and C° Compar 80 776 rtments available Central Adults Because at rear entrance and site 95 p°kl°N° asmmlllY he II Tlh edtothel days no Stevennut on Wigwam army mo sumo 5mm eap one i045 TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square lee Jï¬ 41 EOClt two BébéooM APVARTMENTSI mo maleCalI Ray Bubel Rep Ed Lowe Ltd IsuIBLIET 2Ibedroom apartment view at mm bf ltItlIIIed loaeIlIlIterr $le Into J3 omenssea °°U¢°d Your 1609 montth Includes andcable 5° sitlriérlï¬illirlillé313iré°fl Lola ounlépst°eSSWRvarlatriia ARTISTIC Mm not with will cord No pets Close to Baytietd Mall Lease ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Fridge 5mm uni 11 is Mrs Patch 3339 ttew oleï¬n Ht tintends qu rich 00 BEDROOM VA Wr lr We required Telephone 726 6046 and stove private entrance All utilities my 39 ma OTlVl numerator hoist marrted rltuple no Two BEDROOM Aparmem 74 ShirleyI paid East and MI Close bus slop IItI IIII AIIL STORE or attlce tor rant GNU gm bor children or pets titoulustlrumnrldlest mm pm mm Omar No pets and no children Available nh°m IIVWbDKMW A°°°°° Ialliehm Flam ch utiliteps included Available immediate OCWWV monthlt 776743 JL clzrliozogeltlugrrtfi All mt5 nghd Am su Orgt Ienpslreccemriel mm Tet iy Nopelochlldren no em ONE BEDROOM apartment tor rent mmmbpm 05337le E5 Old OWl Fumuwrtr ammo strl one BEDROOM APAR rMENT Name retrlgeratot and stove Stall mantth OFFIC HoustonI til am Do bedrorirrlapatlmtttl Ellontlonl Intel December pman Iaund Penctanu Street area Available ES FOR RENTl 3990 emmgchch dggoratert irrlrrlerttatn prnsnsmtrtl Call December Telephone maosa alter NEW BEDROOM HOUSE In Alcona 00 90 PAINTINGS CUSTOM plow SPOCIO lm EIIIlItles 3330 mIontizlaonjglus hydro pm 3m Fem room wm replace WI Iloor too 270 on second Iloor 277 HAMING Nehdude yr Snmic lessons GYQHCG LARGE rm hrlmmiM apartment Two WOODI AND THREE BED cozy Two BEDROOM aparmemIcen baths Available now saso monthly plus 39°°°W°°d PAINTINGS CLEANED AND RfsmnmI MEINROIIYIIOIOIIIOdOfIl Cushions for Christmas Writln to THE with stove am 40 Wall decorated 00M wwmmn Modem WWW traI location parklngtteatandhydro in MaIW Y°°gt lemme 71 3757 COMMERCIAL ANDINDUSTRIAL pro FINE FRAMING FUR NEEDLEPOINT Du in very riean quret trillr DIP irlrludas 90 and mo mommy lncwaes elecmé cluded Sl95 First and last required lm Nip1 33 parties tor sale or rant Morteli PHOTOS CERTIFICAIES BdP°d5°mr CllCulotlon Dopt arkln and all utilities HIan tlyum 726gt94iaalter6pm THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available Limited RitaIEstatiJm 0674 heat light water and parking Lease re pl Moms 07 Th Examlnor 77 outreo First and last months rent in ad ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apart °° r°°mr W500 and 30th 7262800 In TWO BEDROOM DllpLF WWI vance Cali Wellington Place Apart ment overlooking the lake $190 man an CUM Rd Re NDUSTRAL SPACE 4100 WHO Md IA TIE or 66537 is miles north at Barric Rlno 01 merits building superintendent apt No thiy Everything included but hydro an °Y llle5 50 059 WWW 00 mom Al 1167391 huge kitchen garden Sull rIlll WI or 200 Its Wellington St Barrie One year lease Phone 726 out or 09 776 325 between and Ims square reel Morrow Rd m7 par 137357 couple mo Na petsrhlldren roll no 7l52tor716 m7 726 3420 month Call WWW 710 0674