Must keep own policy Jamieson WINDSOR Ont CP Can ada must resist becoming rubber stamp of the US and maintain an independent for eign licy External Affairs Minis Don Jamieson said thisweek It would be easy to be car bon copy of the United States there are very few issues we disagree on he told 270 per sons attending Rotary Club international day meeting here Jamieson said an in dependent licy assures that Canada wil have meaningful voice and leverage in world at fairs Although there is little to DETROIT AP Chrysler Corp has filed ZSmillion lawsuit charging Fedders Corp with trying to eliminate com petition in air conditioning The suit filed this week in US District Court results from 1976 sale of its Airtemp division to Fedders Fedders is leading maker of air conditiong equipment Air temp produces nonautomotive air conditioners The suit accused Fedders of conspiring to strip the Airtemp division of its assets while re fusing to live up to the terms of the $47million sales agreement Since assuming control of Airfem Fedders has all but shut own Airtemps US operations and cons ired to destroy Airtemps anadian British Spanish and French rations without paying for the suit charged Fed ders has since started its own subsidiaries in each of those countries Fedders was to have paid ler about $473 million in cas promissory note and stock for Airtemp assets which Chrysler valued at about $93 million choose between the objectives of Canada and the US Jamie son said nuclear nonprolifera tion continues to be one area of difference However the minister said gains are being made and he announced an interim agree ment with the US covering nu clear relations scheduled to be signed in Ottawa today There still is long way to go before the countries agree on common nuclear policy BARRIE DENTURE CllNlC COLEllA DT Complete Denture Service 7264721 14911 Dunlop St Member Denturist Society of Ontario Students see for themselves Liberal Senator Ray Perrault talks with students at annual convention of the Liberal party in British Columbia in Vancouver The party invited high school students from throughout to attend the convention as observers offering to house the students and pay half their travel costs About 32 students went to the threeday convention CP Photo Barrie Winnipeg hit by freezing rain An overnight freezing rain left Winnipeg streets big sheet of ice Tuesday resulting in multitude of minor traffic accidents One of those was the above bus sliding through an in tersection and knocking down light standard Buses like all traffic in the city were mov ing well behind schedule all morning By noon conditions were improving as the ice melted CP Photo on our entire selection of mens hionouterweor You olso sove on lg snoppy gotogethers for the greot indoors too First Prize $2000 Vacation Holiday Second Prize Mensa 10 Portable Candle Cassette Recorders with BuiltIn AMFM Radio Model JTR 1215 Third Prize 20 Polaroid SX70 newest One Step Camera Outfits Heres all you have to do Open Savings or Chequing account for $50 or more at any Municipal branch between October 17th and December 3rd 1977 With every $50 new deposit you make to that account during the contest period youre entitled to one entry to win the great escape onehalf of the value of the trip must be in travel and accomodation Arrangements will be made through OK Johnson Travel or their affiliates or one of 10 Candle Cassette Recorders approx value $120 each or one of 20 Polaroid One Step Camera Outfits approx value $65 each For example deposit $500 and you get ten opportunities Present customers can also participate by making $50 new deposits to their existing accounts Sitting Sitrtwrttrtltlmq mil in the tritium til around the Clly whulovct you to WHO tins wrntct we hove the outctwcur to keep you worm And loolx it the solcrttonl Sin Jackets clubiocltvts tombcr rockets SflONmObllC Sllllt dufflc and Cot trims over coots oil of today lovountu atylos 1th oil or 25 Offl Choose from worm svlcr tion of lOblICJ in sizes 3040 chclt novy red blue brown or green in the group Check the quality in this I3 lowcost sports shin 05 polyester35 cotton style hos regular Qipce collor full but ton front ond pocket Assorted neot checks SerLXL Shop eorly not oil colours 0nd SIZES ovotloble ill all stores Our Reg $699 SAVE $222 Comfonoble western jeans are cosuol bosic ReodyforAction Snowmobile Sun SAVE 51002 lttta nylon rAJlLlShUll ottrl lull polyOStOt illfllllll ltrttrtg With full length lipptr split it uni anchor and lllt utt ï¬lltin Our 99 branches participating downtown Barrie Georgian Mall Orillia Midland Gravenhurst and Pembroke compare the rates the Municipal is offering on Savings and Chequing then open your account today The Populor Melton Overcom lS 80 SAVE $19 02 vrtitlli7l ttylrm long tlrtublo lttttmtll tlylr lltJ lll til ltlt lx Ill lt tr ll lttgi tit lll llt ltttittt tilltl yt gtKt Our lleg $74 99 Get the Warmth of Hood ll llllS Winners must answer timeimited mathematical skilltesting Think of your chances to win with only six question Each contestant will be entitled to maximum one hundred opportunities to win Complete details on Entry Form at all Municipal branches theI municipal sayings loan corporation Convenient Hours Monday thru Saturday Barrie Dunlop at Owen 7269311 Georgian Mall 7260340 Incorporated under The Loan Trust Corporations Act of The Province of Ontario Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 80 wool15 Vintrmv Jyoti5 lllll illillUll Jul Jtit ltl Wllll lull Slutrpm lit tyltt lirurttt lstttt culls lllll Wtll wrty prttt it put latl Out Reg $4299 Hit the Slopes Ill 15llll8tllylfli tll Jt ll tt Willi lull polytsut lliJlUltll llrttnq nylon ripper up potlth gtmv hood and lflSldt Ismt storm culls Pt ltll rttit unlinked Our Reg $2199 SAVE $1102 3197 SAVE $552 1647 1st quollry 10Aoz cotton indigo dyed denim or cotton corduroy in novy brown eonh or wosh blue shodcs pockets 3040 Our Reg $1099 pr SAVE $322 All prices in effect until closing time Saturday November 19 ll Ylllllllllltl ttmtlly ltltptty will titty inittlum wttltttttttrtlttttintpit tl lltttltl ll wt tgtt taint tll Illlltlllti Alti tll titttt Ill with Open Mon l0 50 until 1000PM mm Free Parking For SelectionNolue and Satisfaction Borrie Boyfield Rd Hwys No 2o and No 27