Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1977, p. 23

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ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT IERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Solfit Eavestrough Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRooting Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business NORTIIERN ALUMINUM ProduCts SoIIit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar anteed 7262609 7269002 FRALICK ALUMINUM Siding Soffit Fascia Shutters Windows Doors Eavestrough Call today 4361830STROUD GIBSON ALUMINUM Old Fashioned Pride Sidding Soffit Trough Awnings Doors Windows STORM WINDOWS INSTALLED FREE BARRIE 7265609 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Conada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd Unit l9 728939 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 7265441 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses tor sale Apply at 92 Melrosc Ave WBVarrfe or telephone 7285283 BOOKKEEPING YOU NEED CONFIDENTIAL BOOKKEEPING Complete set of books Payroll Financial Statements Familiar with most systems For Consulatotion Pick up and delivery CALL 7269696 TThSN25 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces guaranteed 7371507 CARPENTER SpeCICtlllIFTé in rec tn terior remodelling trim etc Please call 5553 921 CW CABINET MAKER European trairied kit charts vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 VA LICENCED CARPENTERS cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed and Construction 126 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renOvations remodelling etc No Iobtoflsmall 7726427717 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 4354995 GENERAL CARPENTRY Additioinisflrgarage rec rooms built in closets Drywall texture worrie WSEPEWEW 7769959 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning Revitalize your carpets with Al carpet steam cleaning 7266321 CHIMNEY REPAIR Graham Chimney Repair IO Years in Barrie Chimneys Repaired Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Cleaned Call 7286628 TThSDIO COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout etc Plesa call collect 416 massif CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood lences Improve your property 737 l507 N24 17 Mary St Custom homes HARDWOOD FLOOR today DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT it made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia 51 Phone DRESSMAKING TAILORING and altera tions Reasonable rates For appointment call 7373984 between 9am and pm DRYWALL CONSTRUCTION General Carpentry Drywall Interior and Exterior Painting Spray Texture 7288663 BARRIE 4240052 BORDEN TTh SN30 EAVESTROUGRING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves troughing installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialistsl Roofing and rooting repairs Free estimates Coll Martin Verstraton 4241956 New lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jock Bates Free estimates 117 Burton Ave Afllndale 7268657 after pm ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 72649 SIMCOE ELECTRIC ndustrial Commercial Residential Forms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic i8 7288234 PARRY ELECTRICAL lndustrial OFarm Commercial OResidential Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE I949 7283896 N23 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work 9°9£3659 5161757 WESTVGROVEW CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES lSTONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic 1929 Ws tfllPEFB 728 FIREWOOD FIREWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood split and delivered Any quantity All dry seasoned wood 48721713 FIREWOODV FOR SALE mixed Esrawgsa limited quantity of white birch Will deliver ElectiveZita07989vminss iMixED HARDWOOD and plain birch 30 per llace card for hardwood birch S40 delivered 7795663 99 FlREWOOD FOR SALE Dry seasoned maple land beech $30 per lace cord delivered l514¥9f9539 FLOOR REFINISHING Installation and retinishing old and new guaranteed not to cflppr peel 325703741 FURNITURE STRIPPING FURNITURE STRIPPING and refinishing hard land soft woods Reasonable rates Tele lphone 436 2997 alterSpni HANDYMAN mi FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled away Just give us your castolls Telephone 34875525 or 7263441 FALL CLEAN iiP jStorm windows cleaned and installed ITree cutting gEaves °Garages and basements 0Trash hauled away Ton Truck and Tandem Trailer BARRIE 4875I55 A8 lHANDYMAN will do painting paper hang lloar tiling lurniture stripping and grfiinishing Call Paul 7372875 lHandyman will do painting paper hanging ltloor tiling furniture stripping andi refinishing Call Paul 7372875 HARRY LAGENDYK BUILDER Renovations repairs block work etc Free estimates 4563347 RR Churchill Ont anteed work 7262609 or 7261002 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm Ratarences available NEED MORE living space rec roam extra bedroom play roam laundry otfica storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIIING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion joints Work guaran teed 4589346 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions atc etc Guar Renovations house raising panelling masonry and chimneys rooting Estimates coll 7269l35 CONSTRUCTION House railing loun dations renovations additions Phone 43612355 or 4364175 after pm GENERAL HOME REPAIRS Interior Exterior Decorating Remodelling Renovating Rec room family room Construction Specialists FREE ESTIMATES CdTOM 7260424 D9 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area 55 up Dobson 4245910 alter jffltd weektnds INSTRUCTIONS TUTOR FULLY QUALIFIED spociallxing in remedial reading and new math Telephone LAWN CARE FALL FERTILIZING loll cleanups Hodge and shrub trimming Mowing and wood spraying Vic Triemstrafl726O427 734156 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Flraplacas specialty Free estimgta 705 4245I58 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music tor people who like to dance Goodrgtu 7269545 TMUSIC SERVICE DJs available for bowling banquets weddings private parties etc Book now for holiday season References Available 7370947 TTh$Nl2 DO YOU NEED live lourrpiece band lor yojr Christmas party or other engagements2 4364656 evenings MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classtcol and Populor M059 Pew9319 51049139 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced Two months trial instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aca demyrgl Music Dayliejd GUITAR Classical and talk string bana and drums The Bandstand Daytiuld Mall 7264973 PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TION Private lessons available in ion rack or classical Reasonable ratu Telphon 2222990 SOCIAL AND BALLROOM DANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming $4ACOUPLE All 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY or DANCING OFFICE SERVICES CLEANING SERVICES to suit your needs Reasonable rates Satistaction guaranteed and Cleaning and Maintenance 7269887 evenings PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Establish ed 30 yoars7262fi22517269X2 WAYNE FOLEY Prblaniongl painters Ex torior and Interior Free estimates Work QarantnAedk7267389 PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced from estimates Jack Richardson 7262012 lr77568874 PAULS PAINTING Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 737I295 M29 boNSIESLiNo PROFESSIONAL PAINTING in terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satislafliiornguaronteed 7266000 HILLSOALE DECORATING Interior ex terior wallpoparing custom textured walls and cewngisVJATekphana 70583553877locol PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom Iramlng at all types We stock many sixes Phone 7283270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 737 0832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages PASCOE CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING Gtoou from hundreds at Mats and Mouldings Telephone 3222711 Elmvala ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 4363177 alterb pm Shingling Painting CENTRAL ROOFING COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL New and Repairs Upham Mlnnikiii Ehvale Angus 3222713 4241109 N15 LAURIER SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar Gravel New and Re airs Eavestroug ing Commercial Residential Eavestroughin Cleaned and flus ed $15 and up For estimates call 7263492 TThSTF SNOW BLOWING DOUGS SNOWPLOWING small commercial and residential Reasonable rates 7288460 TONYS SNOWDLOWING Reasonable rates Contract Ralerencoitneaded Cgll 72652 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING residential and commercial reasonable rates tree esti mates coll Paul 7373064 Miourfirfiwnowmo Small commer cial and residential Reasonable rates Dependable 7267757 REICHEN SNow PLOWING andSnowblowing Reasonable rates Contract seasonal or by clean up Call 7265666 aiLL ALLAN suownowmo Ruidcniioifia commercial Bast service in town Reas onabla rates Telephony 7272892 7264604 SIMPSON SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you need iteblowar or plow Radio dispatch iPthri17264538 or aassvsr STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco interior textured walls and ceilings Free utimatas Dale Russell Midhurst telephone 73942 WELL minim Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms homes cottages Free estimate 10 years xparriAanca Ang ACOUSTICAL CONTRACTORS ALTERATIONS APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTO PARTS AND REPAIRS AUTO PARTS Ii MARINE SUPPLIES CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS CARPET iNSTALLATioN CERAMICS CIiAiR CARING CiiiMNEt REPAIR CLEANING CONCRETE CRESTS CURTAINS Do you offer any of the above services If so tell it through the business direc tory Phone 7282414 neighborly news edenvale by Mrs Aubrey Giffen 7281857 The Edenvaie Womens In stitute held its regular meeting in Edenvalc Hall The roll call was another country would like to visit and why Mrs Eric Bali read poem called World Neighbors Mrs Vaughn Latimcr thc convcncr of World Affairs then asked Mrs Aubrey Giffen to show slides of her recent trip to England and Scotland Minesing and Edcnvale Womens Institutes combined under leaders Mrs Wilbur Ma quire and Mrs Aubrey Giffen to have two evening meetings with demonstrations for the short course Ftstival of Dairy All the ladies taking part enjoyed sampling the several dishes and were looking forward to Summary Day on Nov at 10 am in lfllinvnlc Sincere sympathy is extend ed to Mr and Mrs Vaughn Latimer in the passing of the latt rs father Donald Pudden 0f aIIle Mrs Maurice Schaer has returned home from Toronto General Hospital We hope she will soon be feeling better Mrs Russel Sage and Mrs Raymond Ward visited recent ly with Mr and Mrs Charlie Degcer in Barrie Mr and Mrs Douglas Giffen attended Eimvale High School Commencement where Nancy received several awards Congratulations to Ken Gif fen who achieved the highest academic standing in Grade 13 at Barrie North Collegiate Ken was also the vaiedictorian for the schools commencement George Barnett was top stu dent in Grade 10 Several others received awards and cer tificates Sandra Giffen Con nic Giffen John and James McNabb Mr and Mrs John Dockman of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Aubrey Giffen on Satur day ltcccnt visitors with Mr and Mrs Doug Giffen wcrc Mr and Mrs Wm Patrick Mrs Eli Charlclmis Miss Julie Charlebois Mrs Charlebois and Mrs Lespcrancc all of Perkinsfield Congratulations to Mr Earl Richardson former clerk of Vespra on receiving the Queen Elizabeths Silver Jubilee silver medal Mr and Mrs Harry Giffen Mr and Mrs Graydon Giffen and family and Mr and Mrs Douglas Giffen celebrated Christmas Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Graydon prior to Mr and Mrs Harry Giffen leaving for Florida on November 10 for the winter Mr and Mrs Aubrey Giffen visited Mr and Mrs Arthur Giffen who have recently mov edtoStayner Congratulations to David Walker and Judy Stever who were married on Nov in Jubilee Presbyterian Church Stayner Lead fantasy lives with other partners MONTREAL CP sur vey of sexual attitudes among Quebec couples indicates large percentage of females lead rich fantasy lives while participating in sex with their partners The study which is to be used as part of the foundation of larger survey of sexual atti tudes was based on re duced rather than probable sample This means says sexologist Marvel Couture who is con ducting the survey that gener alities about Quebecs female population cannot be drawn from the results Couture and team of Uni versity of Quebec researchers are working on the companion study to survey carried out last year on 66 females Although data is still being gathered on about 100 males Couture said there are many similarities between the atti tudes and experiences the re spondents in the two stu ies Something new under the sun PASADENA Calif AP may be the 10th planetary There is something new under member of our solar system the sun after alla tiny object Astronomer Charles Kawal that scientists said Tuesday who has embarked on pIOJeCl to map the universe through his powerful 48inch telescope at California Institute of Tech nology noticed the tiny body last week The object is 480 kilometres 30 miles in diame ter onetenth the size of the smallest known planet Mer cury Kowal said at news confer ence Tuesday that while the ob jects orbital pattern and loca YOU can fit into this plan for EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH THE JOB EXPERIENCE TRAINING PROGRAM NEW EXPANDED Program Includes TRAINEES Aged1524 ORegistered with Canada Employment Centre OSeeking work at least months Up to years since leaving school °Will be given Ioh orientation training °Will be counselled matched and referred to suitable participating employers EMPLOYERS OWill contract to participate for up to 26 weeks OProgram ends 3131 May I978 OWIII receive subsidy of 50 of trainee wages maximum $150 per hour total $1560 per participant FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT ROY BLAIR OR DON STAINTON AT THE CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE Employment and Emploi et Immigration Canada Immigration Canada Canada Centre Employment Centre dEmPIOI du Canada 48 OWEN ST BARRIE PHONE 7282468 tion are exactly those of planet its small size bothers me He said his findings will be studied by other astronomers who will decide whether the ob ject indeed is 10th planet If it is the discovery might tell more about the origin of earth and the other planets Caltech spokesman Dennis Meredith said Monday that Kowal discovered the object as he was using microscope to look for minute differences in photographs of the heavens taken on consecutive nights The object he found is orbit ing the sun between Saturn and Uranus on the same plane as all other planets in the solar system It is 28 billion kilo metres 15 billion miles from earth and takes an estimated 115 years to circle the sun Saturn and Uranus are the PRICES SEE STARS AT THE OKEEFE SEE STARS AT THE OKEEFE NOW AVIS IS MOVING ON TUES NOV 15th wh AVIS of course to 437 Dunlap St West AVIS Phone 7266527 Garage Phone 7260112 Duiilop St A99 DMBR0WN MOTORS BARRIE LTD CAR TRUCK RENTALS lEASING BUY YOUR CANADA The time to buy this years Canada Savings Bonds is now After November 15th they will cost you more because youll have to pay accrued interest SAVINGS BONDS BEFORE NOV ISTH SEE STARS AT THE OKEEFE SEE STARS AT THE OKEEFE DEC DEC I8 LIONEL BLAIR CANADAS PIED PIPER DICK WHITTINGTON AND HIS CAT OKEEFES ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME TUES WED THURS FRI AT 700 PM SAT SUN AT 200 PM AND 700 PM Adults $650 $550 $500 $450 Children Under 12 $550 $450 $400 $350 Box Office Open November 17 OKeefe Centre Front Yonge Sts Toronto 3636633 sixth and seventh planets from the sun Kowal is emphatic that he is not ready to call it planet said Meredith This is up to the fraternity of astronomers to decide But if it is planet it is by far the smallest He said the final decision as to whether it is planetbased on such criteria as its mass its orbit and the effect it has on other bodieswill be made by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Laboratory in Cambridge Mass Kowal discovered the 13th and 14th moons of Jupiter and located 80 supernovas the brilliant but momentary ex plosions of dying stars USE MOTIIBALL To keep knitting wool moth free use mothball as the core when you wind it into ball ii Average Annual Interest to Maturity DONT MISS OUT ON GREAT CHOCE

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