rs wv vr yV vrvrrv nvVTrvwvwWwwrmwrrwwwrvVw vvvav vvvvvvnvvvvvvvv vr VVwrWWrVf 01 propertytor 01 property for sole OI pr property for sde 12mortgoges 14 the oxamlnor ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED art meNwnjm ment in downtcmn area Avai able ONE BEDROOM apartment OwenWei November let for girls only Rent mo Ilnaton area Heat water cable TV Ev monthly Ius heat 7263257 between refrigerator stove Included8185month em and pm ly No children or pets please 7260655 Two BEDROOM Apartment In down e5Pm for sale is LIST BUY ORSELL WITH lITllouses to rent TOWNHOUSE tawn areaevallablelmmedlatel Tele mm LE ndm 09° m9 Lu phone 7263257 between9em Bndy pm IITTIIléICBII 7289355 afller 5c50 ThursftlllC 53W 3° M° arms vaca ONE BEDROOM Apertméntciase to daymllday SIUFGOY macu 5° than US To an agdnlast months rent Cali 726725 mime 4n2t97tisrazzuberlntelndant dUIIesi dug Iml Ildale debts ow mom men one or app our men 09 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS sznznï¬pmvememsmy wonhylzopaslzm SHE Baeï¬gflmwmml an lthctorla Street No pets please Phone 72847552 ovom OW 93 BAYFIELD sr BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 339997 REAL ESTATE LTD TO Day OXISlIIlO WWW m°9°tl° Iy Fridge stove parking and Fulfil Mtxoiglnzgaarlrï¬ehtignï¬glFYHEEag Between and pm TIL9 OConslruction fundstree advicetry us lncludedCall72629o Newa redecorated fridge and stove OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UN We have ready cash to pUrchase mortgagee ONE AND Twom 9° WMNV Telephone 72886I2 available Immediately Iri stove ONE BEDROOMAPARTMENT close to xCLUSIVE AGENTS IMMU lli $birtlarl° N° am Ferti mg ml tI33l°c°ii UeEaghaFaeEntUcegxn Ultglï¬elllatlmllz an 25 MORTGAGE DI NG 14137274 aolteer am 3or baths Available now $350 monthly plus FOR TW° BE°R°°M Wm We heat and ll dro hone 7263257 Heat included In rent of 8230 East end 333 Can Anytime location No pets Adults Available COZY ONE BEDROOM Apartment w° CW1 29 DUNLOP st EAST 37 gAy SWEET December ist 7265282or1267685 folcwagleA Deceglbler lst CegltIraIIy Lgzï¬iegEng riggssaggyeabrl Ho TORONTO om ccess urge pa rva entrance kln $185 ll laroe DOCK lld Candies Rd 098 Rent MIDHURST NEED NEW FAMILY BARRIE ONTARIO pm 5m 3344 Two BEDROOM mm now Am Utilities Inclsderd clll meenmoglwsln mo monthyly plus utilities Also close to have bedrooms separate dlnln room with ed oak 7230931 area 3220 Includes fridge stove an MW bl 5°P 7293257 DEN9° d9 Sol Sun noon tIII dusk p099 p9 or flooring nice cozy living room big eatin kitchen Im clean and Mon Eyck Assoc mnan ioo UNFURNSHED TWO BEDROOM Im pron and Im only $58500 Call oonnl at72B1615 or Leon at mfwtmvltw 353 milléouxziiolfiél2ttl°its EW CON DOMI UM OPEN HOUSE 7263827 to see me glnl AliandgleN sttlvvge hteaPt HOUSES rep ace Brae yar ets$300 mon ONE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12 TO PM Lors 16 opts to rent lIlIy Available lmmedletepiy 7261045 home lrlE gogoeMndelglllfliQ enIrSIlli agmriggginit Fillinï¬tkllimng SUNNIDALE ROAD miles from Barrie bedroom Split entry one 3Lots on Little Lake Road each 80 200 nicely tread building pef ï¬nlmlï¬gï¬ï¬fï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬ggflï¬gï¬ lrlclvlfellllfrziishzl37923951353 r°°m vmem Year old 86 Ity 600 09d double garage replace ox mlts available approved for septic and well Asking $6500 each FURNISHED ONE and Mo bedroom Utilities included Free arklno SUI Pm 8mm mm ceptionally clean many extras including walkouts family room culngon for particulars at 7288345 dishwasher Asking $69900 NO MORE MAINTENANCE Condominium apartment at 414 Blake St STROUD Three bedroom house fireplace and broadloomed with option SINGLE BUSINESS LA West COSY2bedroom apartment available apartments available Central Adults onwjzbma Nays location Reasonable No pets months rent In advance maybeseen at to buy Very immaculate mam Telephone 7268998 anytime 33 Alfred St alter pm responSIble eo la pets es Lmhfyeggmude £P$ï¬IIME3LSéa° Two BEDROOM APARTMENT over UNFuRNISHED ONE bedroom apert 4363022 me No pen cm Bayued Lnu looking the lake opposite Slmcoe Plaza merit available immediately Couple MFOUR BEDROOM FARM HOUSE manned Teephom 726m Pay own hydro Adults only Available preferred NO children No pets Apply wee miles ea December lsts224 manthiy7265247 Armstrong Hardware or phone 7282441 Bay Two bathrooms oil heated SUBLET BEDROOM apartment ONE BEDROOM selfcontained on modern six months lease required 3300 rwogEoROOMApgrtmgrn Shirley family unit In modern building furnished apartment East endSuIteble permonthFIrstand Iastmonths rent In 8260 per month plus hydro All other available November is $257 monthly for young couple Refrigerator and advanceTelephone726o988 mime included Avgiigbig Immediate First and last months rent required stove $165 monthly Inclusive Available lyuopeysNochiidrnmem Phone 7285423436I2Iafter4z30pm lmmedlatelyTelephone 7281948 Stone Fireplace Prestigious living upgrade braadioom BEDseOOIiIl APARIMENII amiable gw BdEl3l2ClltMI stloï¬dreirigeragolr ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Fridge Decern st or ng all ry Ia en on per ncu ocae and stove private entrance All utilities in clllties $230 monthly plus hydro Midtlurst Available December lst paid East end area Close to bus stop Niece ï¬féwflgbï¬glï¬igfï¬Jï¬g blmrf RuergncN°mys128lou Telephonecoilect4167752877 No pets and no children Available mgcuiate cgii Hari Jan 7373600 or we BEDR 00M AND THRE éBED HliLkgteAihEl ttstiLEs NOR of Bar December lst $195 monthly 7262431 7269915 ROOM apartments Maggy building re ac ve obedroorn dup explre ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent LA 3290 and $310 monthly Includes electric Iloars twat kitchen garden sundeck retrloerator and stove $180 monthly oosZSlEnlBi°n1flifén2fl maylllohyiwater and parking Lease Vacant $160 Suitquiet glrl mature cou Penetang street area Available quired First and last months rent in ad ple83$2031 December Telephone 7263056 after equ rad Angus area mommy First and last months rent required vance Call Wellington Place Apart suaLET SPACIOUS Two bedroom RM Telephone Sunday through Thursday mentsbulldlno superintendentapt N0 apartment Underground parking COZY TWO BEDROOM apartment cen 900amto900 pm4245246 208 in Wellington St Barrie dowmown location Available January ttel location parking heat and hydroln WANTED Retired couple for cozy bungalow in beautiful Mldhurst 24 14 we bedrooms bOICOW 50°05 Party l°°ms loundTY master bedroom pc baths Spacious living room with brick lerllllc View for only 536000 Insped Ihls PFOPGVY tOCIlY fireplace Bright kitchen overlooks treed back yard and sun soaked LIVE lN THORNTON for $56500 Large new brick bungalow with cedar deck Everything in home is yours by calllna 7263327 05k bedrooms full basement angelstone fireplace private lot and J93°5I1Y°Uhl1helUYA3kl9$74500 double garage NEAR SCHOOL VIEW OF THE BAY new listing in residential area of excellent Mldhur Wine 80 274 BUiIdlng 99ml OVOIIObIG ASklng homes and what view Spacious bedroom bungalow double mmoCd L90 07283845 garage trees and shrubs galore living and dining areas bath newly N14 decorated lower level has cherry panelled rec room with fireplace professionally sound proof Study and much more It deserves your inspection CHOLKAN El co LTD 5R BUNGALOW $39900 neat as pin finished family room an lst Mortgages iillllil Iltb 10 prepayment privigeltoflgifvï¬ 2nd Mortgages 1100 spell on nth htereat to 90 of value We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guarantee prompt and individual attention to all mer tgoge Inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample lun for validlid tommfldnl id 7267153 or 7263827 Ist Telephone728226ZI afterap dilded 8195 First and last required TOWNHOUSE FERRS LANE bed roomsfoura nces$300 rmonth 28 SPRUCE CRESCENT ASRW $56900 fl mlrYfxms 10 CoilIer St Barrie 7284401 r0lt°li°°rr°PlI Two BEDROOM APARTMENT close TWO BEDROOM available December littlalerénm AELepeoeRZQIEstete737ptloii bedrooms lovely upgradod braadioom family room wtth floor to Oh 364 6625 W0 also Puchou elln0 m0 downtown bus Wie Avalllble downtown Barrie This Is luxury CINE BEDROOM apartment heat ALLANDALE HEIGHTS your bedroom caning brick menace lenced lord garage dont miss seeing 9° °° wt 2031 tinFlam 3£2225Illililllsbi°l°°n3° mi Elmrsil Immwémv ea par use ee one mon my one Call Mortgage Managzé laggrrrlgnnt rent Telephone 7266725 cllzdeg I$290 mlgnthlly No children or glrst and last mohths rent Available 322335fllgeiï¬ï¬ï¬gjgflgï¬fégl or ousca son 7267676 ecembe lst7 HARDWOOD BUSH IN ORO acres and 43 acres of rolling land fully 208 WATERFRONT MILE PT yr old brick bungalow with all the km K° Valuable Mi 2° M7 or 726 3864 99¢ PiCEd for qUiCk sale $796000nd $42500 10 mortgage comforts Sandy beach boathouse vacant for early possession Bus 7371881 Ros Toll Free 4875965 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East CLOSE TO PLAZA bedroom storey condominium lxz baths Mony why 905 Ruh Gibbons POIIO doors from dining area garage $4300 down to one 10 mor YES lTS STILL POSSIBLE to purchase waterfront home for under tgage $40000 bedrooms large living room overlooking the water $2000 DOWN 1700 sq ft semi detached back split 4th bedroom or 99 Elm 52 °l 0an J°° Drmmo den braadioom family room with fireplace garage Reduced to YOU MUST Yes you must examine this home if you are serious ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGH THERE 547900 buyer Features such as large eating area with walkout main floor Barrie MARSHALL ST Davies Built bedroom storey home family r°°m Wih replace doek Wimwing Poo mam 90m Member bathrooms family room with fireplace double garage nicely Ion °°m llUmlSh°dl Need 5Y 1° Rm Gbb°5 Ontario Mortgage dSCGPed 570900 SUNNIDALE BARRIE Just reduced Fantastic older homel Formal Brokers Association HOLLY BUNGAiow New home by Reid bedrooms dining room living room with fireplace large bedrooms com broadloom family room fireplace sodded front lot backs onto 93e PrIVme cc mm W09 d5°C°° d°Wnl°W0r proposed parkland Priced to senor $48 900 hospital Shopping plaza and many other conveniences Asking MIDHURST EXECUTIVE HOMES On nearly acre tread lots 371500 J°° °c°° TFMP Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible First and Second interior and exterior bathrooms bedrooms builtin stove and oven braadioom family BARRIE Wilding 525000 334900 MozTGAGELARRRANGED room fireplace car garage Asking $134000 BARRIE iOhomes under $50000 resales 0030M 09 BARRIE homes under $60000 Resolesi Existing 18 ACRES Fantastic View for miles 3100 sq ft of executive rancher BARng homes under $70 0001 Rosalesl Mortgages years Old quality washrooms bedrooms sauna family room FIL 500 77 060 0R0 From 30 000i Purchogpd ANDYMN with fireplace builtin appliances plus Viceroy cottage 850 sq ft Frors 325 Ngfvéspnu From $399zm For Cah mo acme averyhing f°r 3164000 Minmes Barrie We have others in every category Call for details Mor9099 Immona mun mmo CM 3333 OWNER MUST SELL This large bedroom with rec room fireplace Pm McGrmh 7313394 New Rivers 7264596 Available ulnm km V° PM 737 OStarm windows cleaned Cleaning and Maintenance 7269887 garage etc only 551500 Joe Dirracolo 7260567 Joe Dyson 7262090 and Immued OTroe cutting PAINTING LARGE FOUR BEDROOM level spilt With family room fireplace Ruth Gibbons 7281409 Don Allan 48724I2 Eavo washrooms plus garage East end sacrifice Only $54900 Martha Dyson 7262090 Doug Ferguson 7286172 BAYHELD ST Gorag and boamems ï¬rfsuwnxxgrmmoél uta NORTH END Split entry bungalow walkout to deck from dining Lorna Versmlen 4244956 More Ferguson 72H esdng Eamrrwgh Tmh haul away 1mm room large family room with fireplace and walkout to patio IV H°FH9Y 7264596 POPPY WIId° 7284887 Sofflt Window Ton Truck and baths and double car garage $59700 Jim Miles MUIIOI Jeffrey 7256333 Office Hours am pm Fuck poo Tandem Trauer IBM 7257339 COLLEGE CRESCENT Three bedroom brick bungalow semi WM 7122 bY OPPOIMmO shutters Awnings Gavunmd and Vin Rm dmlkéffltggzmwng Member Ontario Mortgage $39000 Brokers Association Addmommdmg Installed 415155 l756887I TWO BRAND NEw HOMES lN HILLSDALE Both brick bungalows PW E°W5°W°k FREE ESTIMATES PAULS bedrooms full basements family room and fireplace double For mm CALL garage on large lots Asking $56900 and $67900 good financing 55 Collier St CJHIILSPUIUIO HOME IMPROVEMENTS and immediate possession second Mongages 7150907 Ph 7371771 iNTERlOR REMODELING Kitchens rec Fr fmaes Two BEDROOM Semidetached Penetang St $37500 Tm Line 360 8808 Jaw 332 Local Family Business mun an Coil nullshaman oftr 630 Pm Low mfg mice TIMOIM JUST LISTED $97500 bedrooms fireplaces sauna inground 5000 5136 gpigzmwrmw am ran More vine lingerc geom utru Satisfaction guaranteed sloooo stout Woh 00°F nude JOSIE AQUINO bedroom to ice forage POOI privacy fence lots Of extras Mldhurst tow 6006 attend 7262609 7259m lollzing in panieultsï¬ygowm and oltera space Ala golmgollprbperlng IMurrliry FOUR LEVEL FOUR BEDROOM Sidosplit with fireplace in family moon men K°mm 77 Co M29 room large kitchen with patio doors to cedar deck also patio doors 2lfxiz° unumun 59 MIN mm mnï¬ngmgflzzq gm DON s55um pporgssw arming in from family room 90 Yard hardwood floors and attached WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS 7374964bomeen9amond7m end It aluminum door The number for WT 7900 WP IOIW WN Co what 00 are in OWNER OPERATED all ourneods72B890b mtk$dtisloctlan uaronteedJubm garage Located In the east end Asking $55900 mp IAVESTROIIGIIIIIG STR°U° REDUCED now °r oon Mom oon me WW armor rs slim CCU finished in barnboard witheh322mb32322lagmbdllb9303 Igfgr 10nd cred cards With Who Your homo wnh vuummc Ed d°rp°d rwnib hm w° aw w£wftlf 7mwsmbm Iyou could be paying All you REYNOLDS ALUMINUM °° 90094589346 kitchen to cedar deck and large back yard Asking $48200 Picrllir FRAMING iOR EAVESTROUGNING Ii save is interesll Coll anytime OSidlng OStorrns Ing ondrooflng repoirerroostliot¢ mï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬c£fmlg°$f ml IO ACRE HOBBY FARM Located at New Lowell this fine homo Wayne Dobson3222838 OSoffItFoscla WV°°° fraiiftlniil °w°33e5°lnony 33 features bedrooms large family room with fireplace and patio OFFICE 7269262 Eovostrouglt ms°U°m3°fl7adnggfxf EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Innovallog Mgmmolvw doors to large patio and pool attached double garage small born First mortgagesfrorn seamless 7268657ettorirn PASCOE CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING and streams Call today for appointment We buy and sell existing mor FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP flimlcl Re CONSTRUCTION Kw rollingPl °I$Trpln23fnflamp Ll T39R55 BEDROOM BRICK BACKSPLIT In Toll Trees with fireplace in 190995 TF FREE ESTMATES 6W ElWk Commmial momy Did tssa 9agilly room attached double garage on tread lot Asking all 729769 kffjliof° mcuobmwu GENERAL HOME REPAIRS RADIO lnterio Exterior FOUR BEDROOM LAKEFRONT CHALET With 75ft frontage Located Decoratingr Remodelling Sales Repairs at Big Boy poinr Asking $69900 We Industrla Commercla Ronévafln In omuonn ans 2000 SQ FT CUSTOM BUILT HOME on 40 acres Home has sdd9s°°9h 4°d°° Fmm Recroomlomllyr°°m W°rk 10 100 spacious bedrooms main floor family room with fireplace many BUY OF THE MONTH Awning Door Window El ugllmng chug C°5c° sp°d°5s Docs extras 1700 ft landing strip and bedroom guest cottage TRY $46 OOOI dial CWlldenllal David STORM WINDOWSINSTALLED ca c°mu RI ESTIMATES Huh Beam $169 000 Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 20y experience to 024 INNISFI New lath 25 3th Mkspm WWW 51 mm FR Cly MW lc D9 Reign ear an si eroa new brick bungalow 099 r°°m5 l4nlobilo homes Hull alurTLinulrn 1sofszItésgaottgd fascia fireplace bright kitchen Reduced for lLDIning room N24 7288334 INCOME TAX 1364310 qwc 50 iving room PARRY CTR NCOME TAX rehlrns repared us Bar 100 BY 200 TREED LOT Only miles west ot Barrie on Sunnidale F°Y °° Pumas oindustrioi 0Commerclal Thaw35ml M3 °° HG Road in an area of new homes ready to build on Asking $2i 900 Eam kkhe MObl Ie Homes ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised sales porm saggidgmigl AND Wigglgw and old Involu eFirepoce and service 10 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 ma répm ALLANDALE TRIPLEX Reduce those hlgh mortgage costs with this Double garage Lid Hm mm H°° Shinglmg Painting storey brick triplex Your living area has bedrooms living room DWR°9 and separate dining room kitchen and piece bath Rent out your Ire possession mo EPI R00 DIcng COMMEREIAL lOOFIIUSGIDENTIAI one bedroom and w0 b°d°°m °°°°5 is 71 17 Broadloom hardwoodfloars POITS and Service gsfigsmmhhï¬ttmmï¬ol QUALITY SINCE 949 with huge back yard for the kids Our asking price Is $61900 mu New and Repairs Brick alum construction Excimivo Dealer for 72496 PM Him Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larr Brewer 72827145 Ezclesltzlirllfflk Bendix and Glendale lo N23 Blown Cellulose Fibre Bert Cuff 7284067 Harryy MagIII 7263864 Excellent condition Moduar Homes mfl2itn°zllzgilt£¥og nun FREE ESTIMATES John Colwell 7267726 Simon Beekhulren 7373795 IOAPWN P°¥m°nl Northlanders manpme govtHOFF Emmmg More MwF M7 N15 Doug Baker 7283274 LarrY DeWilde 7283253 °lO lmoncms availab Trovol Trollm 753 333 Wk mualom Jim Harris 726 7173 Frank Hooey 7280676 00 W0 C0 301 H°CkI°Y 737 177 l°r IP°C°n Corsair Glendette l0C MMMB WEST GROVE no em QUALIFIED thlzInï¬ In Harold Davis 7287543 Peter Bracalento 7263916 SPACE FOR LEASE INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Shamrock secemmismms remedial reading and new mom Tlvw Fred Reynolds 7285333 Paul Arbour 7263897 900 sq ii indusmol shop $225 monthly Toms up To No Jog Too SMALL CONSTRUCTION Norman McMIllan 7268957 Chuck Lambert 7288001 0400 sq ft commercial office $175 monthly Highway sounh mockpln° Poyrou ackh° Excov CARE oshinglgg ingganod Jim COMING 7374597 osoo sq ft industrial shop $l20 monthly Hnon lsgagmn In Trenchlno FALL FERTILIZNG fall cleanups Hodge and ROOflng Repaired l70 Burton Ave 7289866 VP denote trimmln Mowing and weed aproyiflii ROOFING IN BARRIE giLgAITE 155 Fou bfdroom semi o7business opportunities RESIDENTIAL TF HWilyWOWNIllIt H°m°m°IA9°° VIcTrlelnltre 260427 FOR OYEARS large bagemenrigggidaggï¬ggg T0wnhouseloppliacnes$325 mOMhIY Reasonable Rates 7286284 MASONRY 2252 °€Z$Jéflnfli$° 032 °°E °°w PW ho MUN 33°° MW 13335inï¬lllfnuï¬islfH3332 23th PLR no Moon Call 7286628 5770205 CeNTRACTORS DOWNTOWN OFFICE SPACE bedsacrlificli atls7ï¬oooflr7rgs Sisoat Barrie cs seen work ellllllney repalr Fireplaces on regalES Wygéaréjw 14 lhrï¬e toggxeui esl°°°f told Federal Trust office Bayfleld Street two floors sublease vs ML camp 60 l2 used mobile home deluxe model MWFNm mam th Watson for free estimates 7231 furnished including drapes and shag monome bedrooms braadioom drapes fridge snow BLOWING camel Askino 90090 A0017 Box WA cos superb aw Produc coil Philip Peacock on any of the above properties at 7281136 or I°V°C3I7°57370006 CARPIRTRT 3me Ihgixfltner Barrie cellent profits Investment I974 TRIPLE 24 It motor home Law KI Alum mï¬snovflowm gï¬mr Tm PRIVATE $2000 below root estate uired Full trainin and 7374771 mileage sleeps or more RooIalr AND GMf FIEWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood Iplll and USIC INT endree entlo eaeono ra Nice bedroom bunualow li baths eq $500 DOWN cruisecontrol awning CB trailer °° delivered Quantity All dry unsorted kh° fouys suowmowmc nwmbi my upstairs with two separate bedrooms in marketmg SCHAUMCHEM 0F hitch new radiall III excellent condi EL mod4074 WARREN BROWN oIMutk 095 ContractReterenceffneodedCall7265217 fully finished basement with CANADA no SHEFFIELD 51 Cozy EUR bungalow i0 min north of Barrie Fridge stove In tloniTAskln LoisooAlPhone 7267949 or CARPENTER lallllvg lnéxprzommtlafi mwgoo FORMSALhE rattle millimeter bathroom347500wllh or withoulsdoooo 737 anras 0L terlor tensode ng III use um um in um DOVOUNEEDMWWPMM orywr morloaoe no reasonable offer refused TORONTO ONT M6M 355 Cludld V°d° WI h°ld °9°9° c° 737 177 87 Wm mugE my my qrppw moLm 1Emymogumhn mum on Wm Elm 55 416 245615 3703 del2reTelephone42403 WIN MAKER Wm WM Kl MIXED MOWOOOdetloln birch0P MW smwplowmc 02property wanted N14 LEASE WITH OPTION NORTHLANDER MOBILE HOMES set mWt WWW toncudbrltordwoodlbirchwdollvmd me upin parkat196BurtonAvenue11976 ï¬lm °° WWW 716 munchto 60 12 two bedroom i976 52xi2 two bedroom Tim 52xi2 two bedroom Immediate possession Con tact 7239866 between am and 53 Executive bedroom home i5 miles south of Barrie Many many extras See this home then try your offer Call Barb Hof 7371771 or 4873703 WANTED iMMEDIATELY 25 100 acre farm or workable acreage within twenty miles of Barrie Call Larry Thompson representing Taurus Real Estate Ltd MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular PAULS SNOWPLOWING residential and commercial reasonable roles free eati rnotea coll Paul 71373064 iNTERNATlONAL Car Renlal Fran chlse for sale good potential for the right person Reply to Box 1292 Allision mwooo roe SALE Dry seasoned maple LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cord dell cottages Innovations repairs Satisfaction 715ng ronteod and Construction 72674 MarceIPotvln Guitar Studio726I489 toms SNOWPLOWING Smell commer Reallofl 7375000 gfgzrnggénfcrommmy wlghes N12 E1 CARPENJER will do regrounuhrentzvoyfm guTIItIr plow 0127 mime rial thwgogg RNMGNO in new on lngetcNo2 found advonc women in mon olINIIIPEIIY 539 rem establishbalhlub resurfaclnï¬ dealers In 11 ï¬nancial 12monggg ltldrlfllgwgnlelergexnzwzxtras Hacs to coNsnucrION licenced carpenters mm no °° leaned for home grctlce Canadian Aco mmmowprowmcwmiwing WANTED7 ANOONIEYV To RENT 750 CIllnlglagzgggolgugr 5° for mlan oddlkm hm 09 ï¬lsrg°i°lml mm dmm wbgdglg WINK ml or by Clo londfolkStrln hence it 56 to 75 acres of farm land within 30 miles write ThermoGlaze Uri 395 Catherine mw 0mm at Barrie Appaly in mung staEtlng grlce Stanislianerio Inn 316 BRLEL mï¬laarlfgnltrgx 1533 m2 93ml acrIEIIAL Cagney IIuIdIllolleII triage FURNITURE SHIPPING yaLynns to lendland NY Mol mumlmgyyriloxaoï¬emllm girl er gsgeuCUQtlosilplonTMBLE Uslï¬eiir Investment Services alr conditioner drapes and rugsutillty rmhgjmeetlmcatgm Film STIRMOcndrtlnlshhword PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC coulombJoin 7372091734604 muse 83d ca 39 r°°g Tmarke No Charge shed on serviced lot In cookstown Ex mum icwumm mm and salt woods Reasonable min Ylo noN Private lessons available In ten owSIMPSONSEASONALCONTRACToroe Isfarms for sale eae pe yr Mum cellent condition Asking $22500 Adults Mmmflftfl59m roell or classical Reasonable rem biowor Igyhï¬ï¬lodhwnh Expansion possible Guarantee Work information onlwugqsg slalom cabintn Experienced and won NM Phanmmw TWO FARMS One 30 acres new house 1919329909 1973317 Investment °HC°°3° NDYMAN and barn One 53 acres new house Im RESTAURANT FOR SALE In shopping com YPes SOCIALAIID mediatepossessionniggafterooo moorll rlrll Owrin Saund Excelelent gps sates L°west Rules ï¬lms me Octagon chonod trash hauls momma STUCCU Deadline for classifi °°°° ti nfor ETC1339 gill 10 mm worm A998 for START YOUR spring cleaning today 7153 RUSSELL 7800 srliuAY aï¬ltolflorlhtm 07businesso ortunities wif1Â¥J word ads Revitalize ourcorpetswlth Alcorpeteteom ï¬rgym wt mm mr occae one Interior textur wo co Lpr Mfllfll MI II 0030 etrlpphg Md Clo now ormlng mnh mumn mm UNIQUE PROFITABLE Plaster Croft gawk nlehlngColl oui 7512075 72 33123 ml ï¬tl£°ol2ll°l9llo CONTACT WWi COUPLE IIILL DRILL floor tllln furniture etr pins 00 Ben The Examiner Barrie Contact mi mm day prevmus All MW ï¬tment an 1154113 IO mirngï¬ffeï¬r flfï¬eflflnfflm In 705 7267191 day COMMflcolcL tum Am mm lumkloflovuotml mull aittlerte Water Well W°Mtl OK mentsevaliebIeCeII Brien Marteitoi 012 0011 film °°°° Mar tell Ltd RE7280674 7372064 N11 m°° mm Wfle