Jennings ioins medal winners Ed Jennings vice pmldent of Big Brothers of Canada and past president of the organizations local branch is Barries 14th known reci ient of the Silver Jubileem al The federal government is distributing 30000 such WantL to reserve some More historic buildings found Barrie has about 350 historic or architecturaliy mended will be about two por clea for reference She said in reservation as herita buildings which date from 1880 distinguished buildings cent of the total which work an Interview she expects the building need not decrease the or earlier Barbara Marshall She told general committee out to approximaton sown inventory to be completed structures resale value or chairman of the citys local 250 buildings In Barrie are buildings sometime nextyear workahardshipontheowner Architectural Conservation listed as dating from 1880 or The only building singled out She also told council Such designation restricts Advisory Committee said earlier in the com terized by the committee for pionni inoinhors her committee hopes external changes to the Monday Canadian inventor Historic vation so far Is the ttlttlltivm to ho consulted by council building Miss Marshall said But she said the committee Buildings In dition she sialCoiIier Stmttirotmlltiu planning board and com but the owners can do isnt planning to demand that said members of her commit rently facin an Illlltttluin IIIIIIIM of adjustment in con whatever they wantinside all350bepreserved tee have identified about 100 future Miss iiisimll said in inaction with planning deci In some cases it becomes Miss Marshall appeared such buildings not listed in the an interview turtlior rotom ulomi which might affect quite status symbol to have before city counmls general inventory mendations will he Intltlulii In historic buildings or areas your house designated Boyko Illustrated lecture at Public Library Photography and history meet at the Barrie Public Library Nov 16 when Brian Musselwhite of the R0 0n lario Museum will give special presentation on 19th century photography The il ustrated lecture starts at 730 pm and is open to everyone free of charge The event is being sponsored by the library with the assistance of the Georgian Bay Regional Library System and the museum Musselwhite is graduate of the University of Toronto and is presently completing masters degree in museology 35 His main interests are in historic photographs as reflection of the lifestyle of their period He will also speak briefly about the photographic tech 35 medals nationwide in honor committee Monday to give TWO PERCENT early next car WONTIIUItI said OfQPeenEl128b€lhllSllVer progress re ort on the ac The committee will recom She tol council iiminiwrii Mitts Marshall profcs ï¬lï¬sï¬ffgrgmmiliftifgnéirgh added interest by small Jubilee ms to Cans last tiVities of or committee mend some of the buil her committee plans to turn sional planntr anti committee FLIGHTS BEGAN displayofvaluable hotography frotnthe ROM collection month The meda thonolr esIublISIKd by council earlier dings for preservation but its final inventory of Iiltiltrl iciniwr Len Itoyko an al The Canadian Air Force be This display be at the library in ihn pvohingof aszlsngfnllile selVlCe al in the year to make recom Miss Marshall told The Ex Barrie buildings over to lllt tllllml told council members gan the first transCanada Nov isoniy The medals are being meiidiitions on preservation of aminer the number recom ty library and other tily nutn IIIHIKIIIIIIHII of ii building for flight in 1920 distributed by mail and no geographic list of recipients has been kept so it is im possible to say how many residents of any given com munity have received medals Other known Barrie reci pients in alphabetical order are Bill Caldwell chairman of Georgian Colleges board of governors Cameron Royal Victoria tie physician and First Hospital administralor World War veteran Edith Ethel Clifton active in Corby Moore president of numerous community theCanadianLadIesCurling groups Jean Gable of the Association Deputypolico BarrieHorticulturalSociety Chief Reg Neathway Earl Eldon Greer former mayor Richardson former Vcsprii and current police commis Township clerk AI Sccor sion chairman Bart Jonker postal area manager Police postal supervisor who has Chief Earl Snider and worked with various com George Taylor Simeoc tcn munity groups Dr Bill Lit ire MPI SAVE COMPARE OUR MORE PRICES ANYWHERE AT YOU Wlll BE GLAD YOU DID AM El JENNINGS FRESH REGULAR GROUND BEEF Meeting disrupted TORONTO CPI City of the sextorture film Snuff at councils regular meeting alocaltheatre Monday was disrupted for about 20 minutes about 50 It was the third demonstra shouting women emanding tion in as many days against that Toronto ban the showing the controversial film lB GEORGIAN COllEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION I0 lB AVG PACK FIll YOUR FREEZER AT AlM CANADAS FINEST MEAT PlUS lOWEST PRICES INCOME TAX COURSE IN YOUR OWN HOME AT YOUR CONVENIENCE AT YOUR rm OFPIOGRESS BURNS FARM FRESH This course introduces adults to the preparation at individual in come tax returns It includes detailed inlormation on taxable In Ar come and eligible deductions use of tax schedules and sup plementary schedules and the calculation ol relund or balance due Upon successful completion the student Will be knowledgeable to the point where he she may be employed in the individual income tax Iield FOR INFORMATION AND APPLICATION All STORE 212 DOZEN l3 AVG DARRIE 705 71II95l MlDLANDPENEIANG 705 5493350 PACK OlilllA 1053254705 LBS COUNTRY Write Georgian Cologo 401 Duckom Strut unis Ontario im no la 85 UP TEITH PROJECT IN COOPERATION WITH THE TAX GROUP rm or wasps WIT RII AND ROUND RON CHICKEN FRESH SAVE EXIRA IURGE QUARTERED 331 31 gflggfmm moist DISCOUNT on All not $85 mm 401 010 BONELESS Purcmszs $5000 lt1 If AND OVER 3352 693 was 39 99 ms up 39 69 sons IIOOD aunt mu RAZOR 0mm SAUERKRAUT no one HOUR CHEESE f3 KIT may on LBJRooms 67 C01 CRACKERS mu rice in amount 79 are 89 33535 all BREAD 24 oz to CARNAIIOII VEGETABLES mm DAVIDS BISCUITS clD Poul Sodlon lensing 337 ll minim mum we Sirloin my mm nouns us not rs 233 Bradford St 103 racx 125 5m Toronto 3640534 Barrie 726181 mu mmmm mm or ii WM rooosw oz CHIIDRENS U0 or ee 905mg 550 Mounts TOOTHPASIE 99¢ mm 2933 Short or long term 43¢ mm mu me am SAVEOO 4llTUI 15 Net lease or purchase lease amt Insurance and maintenance available Any make or model Wï¬Wf lARGE USA WHITE 48 SIIE GRAPEFRUIT ONT No1I0lB BAG POTATOES USA TANGEllOS I25 SIZE ORANGES MCCAIN BEEF EATER l8 P0 10 misc FRIES 63¢ FISH CHIPS AWAKE CONC I2 01 6952 ORANGE DRINK Plus IDDI InStoro Features too numerous to mention Prices oIIoctIvo tlIl CloIn Nov Hih l9 STOW HOURS sum mus MONTE CARlO AS lOW AS moorqu Mandy DO IO Mm loy to inlurday tu in if DISCOUNT rooo not mania cm to pm Wu mamvo the right to limit PM I49o =32 nwmr VI automatic power steering power brakes electric dolrost dual rriirmn tide mldgsh AM radio Rate shown II for 36 mmth Ilnarico loan Does not include maintenance or In marco Barrie DriveACnr 43 lm Rd 7266474 SUGAR 59¢ WITH THIS COUPON AND SIO PURCHASE EXClUDIHG CIGARETTES EXPIRES HOV IS KG lANTIC WHITE than Friday to average ImnIIy neatly 116633