am 22 the oxamlnor Wodnuday Nov 1977 All about Hollywood AnnMargret radiates happiness By DICK KLEINER HOLLYWOOD NEA Sometimes you can walk into room and know who lives there Thats the way it is at Ann Margrets house If you know her at all you know shes basically sunny un complicated person dedicated to the proposition that the best thing to be is happy And so you walk into her livmg room and its her Its bright and airy done in tones of een and ellow full of lowers and uffy pillows and populated with cats both real and embroidered told her the room looked like her and she said that was the nicest thi could have said to her coul think of few nicer things but thats her business Anyhow she fits her room and her house and her life At this point she appears to be the television guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 2471122News JHollywood Squares 5Toronto CBC Newshour 9Detihgion l9Polka Dot Door 25Nouvelles 79CITYPutse 30 247979News JMary Tyler Moore iiParty Game i9Readalon9 22Gong Show 25LActuel 640 l9Cover To Cover 655 i9Write On 00 2Hollywood Con nection JChariles Angels lCrosswits Mary Tyler Moore 7To Tell The Truth 9Emergency ilMovie The Boy in The Plastic Bubble i9Oiymplc Profiles 22Fernwood Night 25Les Belles Histoires Des Pays DEn Haut 730 2Match Game PM AStrikes Spares Misses sGene Taylor 7Gong Show litMovie Laughter In Paradise Pt 22santord And Son 79Odd Couple 800 2Grizzly Adams 35Fortunes 422Good Times 70 is Enough 9Rosetti and Ryan i9Cope 22Santord Arms 25Jamals Deux Sans Toi 79Movle Alter The Fox 30 35Muslcamera 4Candid camera i9Education 0t Mike McManus 22Busting Loose 25RetoSpec 00 2ilLaughin lMovie Breakheart Pass 7Charlles Angels 9Movie Dogpound Shuttle t9Clnema 22War Years 25HorsSerie 30 JsPassionate Cana dians 10 00 2Dean Martin 7Baretta 91 lPeter Appieyard 2FNews 25Consommateurs Avertis 79Jenny Lady Ran dolph Churchill 10 30 35Watson Report viiNews 25Nouvelies 11 00 2346 7r9News 11NHL Hockey Leafs vs Canucks i9La Femme Engagee Dans Son Milieu 22Forever Fernwood 79AWitness To Yesterday 11 05 25Retiets DUn Pays 11 20 359News 1130 2Johnny Carson dHawaii FiveO 7Movie Flying Tigers l9Parliamentary Debate 22WInners Circle 79ACiTY Lights 1135 590 Minutes Live 11 50 3Movie Journey To The Centre Oi The Earth 1200 9Movie Fire Down Below i9Education 0t Mike McManus 22Movie Attack On Terror Pt 79PTL Club 1205 25Cinema 1230 i9Communique 1240 lMovie Police Story 100 Zï¬Tomorrow 130 ilMarcus Weiby MD 215 9Ironside 30 tlMerv Grillin THURSDAY MORNING VIEWING 555 9Focus 22PTL Club 600 2PTL Club 9University ot the Air iiCamera on Canada 79Cartoons 615 AFarm Report 625 ANews 7Window on the World 630 45unrlse Semester 9Cartoon Playhouse iiYoga 645 JDaybeat 655 2Mission Employment 7Employment File 22Canadian Cavalcade 700 2Today ACBS News 7Good Morning America 9Canada AM 11 Figures 79Greek Horizons 15 3700 Club 730 liOntario Schools 79Portugat Today 00 ACaptain Kangaroo 7Rocketship nItailanissimo 15 JEd Allen 825 sNews 830 sBonlour 845 itsFriendly Giant 900 2Dlnah 380niour lHeres Lucy sln Touch 7Phll Donahue 9Toronto Today 22Canadlan Cavalcade 79Super Cinelotto 15 JOntarlo Schools 30 ATanletales 9Romper Room 22100 Huntley Street 79ChairJewlsh Show 945 250um Le Dauphin Blanc 1000 2Not For women Only 4Magazine SOntario Schools 7Dialing For Dollars taArt of Cooking liDaybeat 25You Hou 79 Sounds Oi The East 10 15 2Minute Moumoute 10 30 2Hollywood Squares 35 Mr Dressup 9TBA 25Cours Scolaires De LOntario 79CITY Pulse 1100 2Wheel Of Fortune 3$Sesame Street APrlce Is Right 7HaDDY Days ilKaras Korner 227Ed Allen Time 79CITYPuIse News 11 30 2Knockout lYoung And the Restless 7Famiiy Feud 9Its Your Move iiMidday 22intermedia 25Les Animaux Chez Eux THURSDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 2To Say The Least 3Leave It To Beaver 7News 5Bob McLean 9Uncle Bobby Show i9Mr Rogers Neighborhood 22News 25Fiti Brindacier 79Pay Cards 1230 2Maga1ine 3News lSearch For Tomorrow 7Ryans Hope 9Flintstones llAll My Children 25Les Coqueluches 79Youre Beautllul 1255 sNews 00 2Gong Show 3Merv Griftln AConcentration STlme For You 7All My Children 22vcoing Places IiiCITY classilied 30 IiiDays at Our Lives 79As The World Turns 5Tattietales 9Joyce Davidson nWinners Circle 25Nouvelles 135 25Femme DAuiourA dhHul 200 3Molra Hunt 5Ryans Hope 7S20000 Pyramid 9Alan Hamel 22Movie Kung Fu 230 2Doctors 35Edge at Night 7iiOne Lite to Live lGuldlng Light 25Clnema 79Clty Lights 300 29Another World 35Take 30 lAli in The Family 79Jokers Wild 15 7Commander Tom liGeneral Hospital 330 SCelebrity Cooks 479Match Game 22Rocket Robin Hood 400 2Movie The Last Sunset Vision on dMerv Grittin 9$tar Trek HWYoung and The Restless litPink Panther 2580mm 79 Family Feud 430 3Party Game 5Whats New 7Mike Douglas lieDinah i9Electric Company 22Littie Rascals 25Gruiot Et Delicat 79 My Three Sons 500 3Hogans Heroes Marketplace 22rGiiIigans island 9Emergency i9$esame Street 25Odyssee Saus Marine De LEquipe Cousteau 79 FBI 530 3News 40dd Couple SrAll in The Family iirrBewitched 22V rDoris Day THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 471122News 3Holiywood Squares sToronto CBC Newshour 9Detnltion l9Poika Dot Door 25Nouveiies 79ity Pulse 630 79News 3Mary Tyler Moore iiParty Game 19Readalong 22 Gorig Show 25LActuel 640 l9£over To Cover 655 197 Write On 700 Hollywood Connec tlon 3Lou Grant Mary Tyler Moore 4CrossWlts To Tell The Truth 9VFunny Farm ii Behind The Scenes With Jonathan winter 19 Vision On 72 Farnwood Night 730 2Hollywooci Squares krstrlkel Spares Mines Enemy Allen 7Family Feud 9Flh liisha Na Na 19 Movie Laughter in Paradise conci 22 Sanlord and San 25 Du Tac Au Tac 79 Odd Couple 800 211Chlps JsCarol Burnett lWaltons TutWelcome Back Kotter 9Wonder Woman WComumer Challenge 25Le Travail La Chalne 79Movie River 01 Mystery 30 7v22Whars Hap penlngl iiiEducation Oi Mike McManus 2Hinema 900 2Jamec At 15 lMOVIe River at Mystery sCanadlan Express 7Barney Miller 97Carter Country ll Klngston Conlidentlal WOmnibus 22Code 1078 930 9CTV Reports 7Carter Country 223120000 Question 1000 Rosettl and Ryan Barnaby Jones In Touch Redd Foxx it Origins or The Malia l9 Pile Et Face 22 Global News 79 Pookiea 1030 19 Dela Demaln 25 Nouvelles 1100 234579 iiiNews l9 Ontario Scene 22 Forever Fernwood 79 Witness To Yester day 1105 29 Cinema 1120 News 1130 2Johnny Carson Ar Movie Call Me Bwana 7Movle Farewll To Armst 11 Lynne Gordon 19 Parliamentary Debate 22 Winners Circle 7977 CITY Lights 1135 57790 Minutes Live 1150 PMovie Macho Callahan 1200 9Movie Georgie Girl liMovle The Graduate i9rAThe Education at Mike McManus 22Movio Attack on Tore ror Pt 79PTL Club 1230 i9Communique 2Clnema 100 2Tomorrow 105 5Movie Journey 2200 9Ironslde lifeMerv Grillin 330 ll Marcus Weiby MD happiest person this side of the continental divide And she talks about her happiness so much even she realizes its almost too much Sometimes know sound like Pollyanna she says But cant help it its all so wonderful really am happy lady There are two chief con tributory causes to her radiant happiness Shes happily married and shes happily oc cupied She loves being Mrs Roger Smith and she loves being AnnMargret and doing the professional things Ann Margret does cant believe she says that Roger and have been together for 13 years On paper its 10 years but we lived together for three years before we got married Despite that record shes hardly the domestic sort You wont find any AnnMargret recipes in The Collected Cooking Secrets of the Stars still do not cook she says Ive never had the slightest in terest in cooking My mother tried and tried to teach me but it wasnt any use Actually my mother and my grandmother were great cooks they had bakery in Sweden But dont cook and you know something dont feel guilty about not cooking either And guess thats whats really rotten She considers herself totally liberated woman and says she was liberated even before that term became fashionable Ive been liberated since was 13 she says Thats when first won some money singing in contest From then on knew could take care of myself Still taking care of herself does not mean she wants to he completely independent Far from it In fact she says shc likes the feeling of being dcpcn dent on man am dependent on man she says because choose be but could exist alone Just the same find Im morc com fortable with man around find it comforting feeling It have man protecting me and looking out for me Roger who has abandoncd his acting career to guidc her career makes good coun terpoint to Ann They enjoy each othcrs foibles and peculiarities call Roger Garry Gimr mick Ann says lie runs out and buys every new clcc tronic gadget that comes along Last night we ate dinner out side in our gazebo llcd seen an electronic bug killcr in Miami Beach and bought onc But it makes so much noise as it disintegrates the bugs zzzzt that asked him to disconlt nect it He has his gadgets She has her animals mostly cats Shcs down to manageable fivc cats now She used to have so many that Roger and the rest of their friends called The Cat Lady of Benedict Canyon But fcw of the cats have fallen VlCiilTl to the coyotes that roam the canyon and Ann hasnt replaced them Mostly thats because shes so seldom home Thats the only problem with being as popular and successful an on tertaincr as she is She loves her home In culture where most people par ticularly stars move on an average of once every threc or four years she is something of stickinthemud Shes lived in the same garden spot for nine years now Its lUacre place far up in the canyon off the beaten track and yet convenient to the city WATCH for the Grand Opening of Adam Books WHAT IE PRINCE SLIPIIJI FINDER WAS Nln SLIP entertainment AnnMargret says shc was libcratcd vcn hcforc the term bccamc fashionahlc She doesnt know how to cook and doesnt 1ch the slightcst bit guilty knew when walkcd in the entry hall AnnMargret says that this was my house Still thc demands on her timc movies and doing licr stuff in as Vegas and othcr places keep her away much of the time In the calendar year 1976 she was at homc only for one month For fivc months She shot llcuu icstcf for three months slic shot Joscph Andrews and thrcc months were spcni rclicursmg and per forming hcr not So when shcs homo shc in dulges in her favorite luxury cntcrtaining If you have to find an lIlZl whcrc AntiMzirgrct is loss than totally happy it is in thc fari that shc has no child Shc has thrcc stopchildrcn ii 18 13 but nonc of her own ch id like child of my own She says Thats all really need won 500 what hap pens or health considering the tcrriblc accident she had on stage in has Vegas year or so back is remarkably good The only thing from the ac cidcnt notice she says that cant turn my head all the way around to the left And whcn get tired theres slight trcmor in my right hand can soc the diffcrcncc in my facc there are some bones missing in my chcck and ltogcr can too but nobody else can just dont invite troublc any more Roger has groun dcd me from my molorcyclc for your thcmisc shes thc picture of contented lady and hcs smart enough to rcalizc slics got it madc IMPERIAI 1w THEATRE CI WIN CINEMA 710 905 DAVID CARRADINE KATE JACKSON We no Proof Punt Adult Entertainment JERRY ROXY THEATRE lNiRAUB PRODUCTION GEORGE BURNS JOHN DENVER OH GOD can mam am CINEMA 705 900 The Only Thing More Terrifying han The Last 12 Minutes Ot This Film Are The First 80 46 Dunlop St Tl 7200001 We 705 900 into ovn 9th Wool IN IAIIIE Miichells Bock to Beuloh grips openingnight audience OIIAWA CP Playwright Mitchells powerful drama Back to Beulah held an opening night National Arts Centre audience in firm grip at the Monday night start of threeweek run of its production by Neptune Theatre of Halifax The story of three female ex inmates of mental institution living in halfway house the basement of their woman chiatrist doctor is reviva by director John Wood of Nep tunes hit production of last sea son Denise Fergusson and Rita Howell made their arts centre debuts in the production which starred Joan Orenstein as Har riet the strongerwilled of the three mentallydistressed women Wood mounted the production of Mitchells play when he was artistic director of the Halifax regional theatre and brought it here in his new capacity as ar show biz UCKFIELD England Reu ter American stage and screen actress Joan Tetzel died of cancer at her home here Monday at the age of 56 rela tivesaid Her husband actor Oscar Ho molka was with her when she died Miss Tetzel made her first stage appearance in 1938 in New York and her first film role in Due in the Sun in 1945 To pay RCA NASHVILLE Tenn AP The producer of an album in cluding bits of early Elvis Pres ley songs has agreed to stop distributing the record and to pay an undisclosed sum to RCA Corp lawyers said Monday Lawyers for the producer Shelby Singleton and for RCA Corp which claims rights to all Presley recordings said settlement has been reached When RCA filed suit in Sep tember it obtained an in junction stopping manufacture and distribution of the album called Elvis PresleyThe Sun Years RCA said in its suit that it bought all Presleys material from Sun Record Co of Mem phis in 1955 Frank Gorrell who repre sents RCA said the settlement takes the record permanently off the market Boyfield Mall 7372352 Barrie Our 10 is the only dillum Prowashed denims Sizes 2838 First quality tistic director of English theatre at the national centre Mitchell said in an interview Monday he now has rewritten Back to Beulah for prospec tive fulllength feature film production on which shooting may begin this winter He hopes the production can star Maggie Smith and Katharine Hepburn two of the worlds leading dramatic actresses HAS HOPES FOR PLAY The author of Jake and the Kid muchloved CBC radio series of many years ago Mit chell also said he has hopes that another of his plays The Black Bonspeil of Wuliie Mac Crimmon will go to the Edin bur Festival in major new pr uction In Back to Beulah Mitchell deals with situation he knew first hand in his native province of Saskatchewan where he lived for time near mental hospital in Weyburn and per sonally knew many of the patients Back to Beulah has its comic moments but they are so sym pathetically handled by Mit chell that they do not reach the stage of embarassment about the mentally ill Rather his play finds its comedy not in the people involved but in the Situ ation created by them The three women led by the biblethum ing Harriet manage to all their women doctors intention to run off for weeks skiing holiday in Ver mont with male doctor of the Beulah mental institution Janet Doherty plays Dr An ders and Craig Gardner is Dr Wilson The play ends on dramatic note when Agnes Findlay played by Miss Fergusson has to be sent back to Beulah Ask us aboutyou Come and tell us what youre looking for in job Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs No obligations on either side Well be glad to talk And we may have just what youre looking for But youll never know until you ask Visit our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Manpower Centre Burma 10 17 24 Nov 77 Burries Newest Dining and Dancing Spot Is Now Here Poor Richards is Colour Poor Richards restaurant where you can dig into tender steaks and sip fine wines ome and is an intimate is tL Jn Son and light and Fun OPEN Monday to Friday 121 Saturdays 430 pm 1am For lunch try our salad sandwich bur HAPPY HOUR DAILY NOON 730 FULLY lICENSED UNDER llBO