wf the examiner Wednesday Nov 1977 Pr°leslsairiine bill OTTAWA CP Liberal Paul McRae says may vote against his own party for the first time in his fiveyear Commons career to protest bill he says would put Air Canada profits ahead of service McRae member for the Northern Ontario riding of Fort William said in the Commons he objected to clause in bill under con srderation Tuesday urging Air Canada to have due regard for sound business prin Ciples and in particular to the con templation of profit He said he felt compelled to support Not luring industry business from Quebec TORONTO CP Claude Bennett On tario minister of industry and tourism said in the legislature Tuaday that Ontario has made no attempt to lure industry or business away from Quebec We as province have not gone into Quebec in its time of trouble he told Albert Roy LOttawa East There is thing called national unity He said the Ontario government is well aware of companies in Quebec that want to move to Ontario But we are not luring them he said That is not in the longrange profit to the country Roy originally had asked what Ontario was doing about the fact that 40 companies from Ontario and Quebec had moved into the northern United States in the last year Iwgntyfive of them were from Ontario he sat SETS UP OFFICES Bennett replied that the companies in question had not left but had set up branch offices in the US He said Ontario offered number of in centives for the establishment of businesses in Ontario including lowinterest loans for industrial parks Virtanen remanded for mental test TORONTO CP Charges of robbery attempted robbery extortion and kid napping were laid Tuesday against Paul Ar nold Virtanen 23 of Toronto as result of hostagetaking incident at shopping plaza during the weekend He was remanded for one week for men tal test Virtanen argued with provincial court Judge James Crossland that he had been promised 30day mental test gave up 15 hostages on promise of 30 day test and all get is this little goody Virtanen said Répo rt in daycare grants TORONTO iCP Current methods of providing grants for day care in Ontario are in efficient and waste public fun ds report prepared for the Ontario Economic Council says The report released today was written by Michael Krashinsky assistant professor of economics at the University of Toronto It says tax credits should be given to working mothers of preschool children to cover dayca re costs The current system of direct grants to daycare centres en courages mothers of children to work although their earnings are less than the cost of day care in many cases Krashinsky says Daycare services in Metro politan Toronto the most ex COSTS RISE lion in 197445 Coll preschool I68 John St pensive area cost up to $4000 year for each child Krashinsky says daycare costs grew at an annual rate of about 56 per cent between 1967 and 1974 to more than $16 mil FOR 00 CORROSION PROTECTION For Your Car or Truck New Democratic Party amendment calling for deletion of the clause because it said nothing about providing service to Canadian communities The amendment comes to vote soon Undue emphasis on profit could lead the national carrier to drop service to smaller communities he said When regional carriers moved in to fill the void fares would up because there would be no crosssu sidization from more lucrative Ionghaulruns CLAUDE BENNETT no attempt made Roy said present incentives are not working and asked that new ones be established He is charged with the kidnapping of Wayne Smith manager of the National Trust Co branch where 29 persons were held as hostages Virtanen also is charged with extortion in connection with demands to police in cluding one that police release Michael La Salle 30 who was arrested Saturday in drugstore holdup Virtanen and LaSaIle have been charged in the drugstore holdup and with conspirac to rob 15 poker players in travel service fice Young Biggin Realty World are pleased to annouce the appointment of Mr Clare Robinson as Manager of our Barrie office Clare has been in real estate for many years and invites all his friends and acquaintances to drop in to see him at our office at 89 Collier Sf 728II2I éiï¬lI 35W Henry Kochanowski left and Guy iravcllc sip champagne Tuesday in Toronto after collecting cheque for $1 million on behalf of 12 members of crew at Algoma Steel in Sault Ste Marie Ont The winners get $83000 and change for their big Provincial Lottery win and the change will go Fiberglas Insulation Dont let fuel costs get the better of you this Winter Stay on top of things With doItyourself Friction Fit Fiberglas insulation From BUIIdaII onetime 0b with permanent fuel sayings and home comfort ben efits Merely install the insulation batts between studs or oists depth of Is recommended for effective attic insulation protection Ask your Boildall man to help you choose Friction Fit insulation thickness that is best Sulled to your specific needs You will earn big sayings in the long run sip of chapagne and col million back in the pot to buy more tickets Kochanowski is good man to have on your team in the lottery stakeshe has won Wintario 23 times plus Western lottery win and two Olym pic successes ICP Photo Insulation BAYFIELD MALLs R7 Friction Fit x15 48 150 sq ft per carton 369 Flow froon into all nooks and corners of your attir for complete protection against twat loss Levels easin to Cftï¬lf uniform insulation barrier that conserves precious fuel dollars MIcafiI is dustrfrrie ANNUAL PET SHOW SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5th AT 1000 AM HERES HOW YOU CAN ENTER JUST FILL OUT THE BALLOT BELOW AND SEND IT on BRING IT TO BAYFIELD MALLS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 320 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE CITY EM AGEWEHHW PUPPIES SMALL DOGS MICE MEDIUM DOGS GERBILS LARGE DOGS 10 RABBITS KITTENS 11 BIRDS 6CATS SHORT HAIR 12 FISH ADDRESS PHONE TYPE OF PET CLASSES OF PETS TO BE JUDGED PRIZES mm LONG HAIR ALL CHILDREN ENTERING WILL RECEIVE RIBBON CLASS WIN NERS WILL RECEIVE RIBBONS AND SMALL GIFT BEST PET OF THE SHOW WILL RECEIVE RIBBON AND $2500 IN CASH JUDGING JUDGING WILL BE DONE BY THE BARRIE HUMANE SOCIETY BASED ON THE HEALTH AND CARE OF THE PET PLUS THE CHILDS KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR PET AND ITS GENERAL HEALTH TO DATE BE SURE YOU ENTER YOUR PET R12 Friction Fit x15 48 369 90 sq ft per carton 329 Heat Recycler Save heating dollars by using all heat you pay for In heated rooms ceiling and floor temperatures often differ as much as 20 to 30F The Heat Recyce ler transfers trapped warm ceiling air gently mixmg it With cold floor air and In creases room comfort reduces chills and drafts AI Operates for less than to per day Attractive deSIgn and neutral finish blend With any decor Installs in 10 to 15 minutes R20 Friction Fit 15 48 50 sq ft per carton ELI Ir 119 Introductory KSpecial ASSOCIATE SI ORE 48 Anne Street So Barrie 7282496 and lightweight for clean riiiri irritating installation Needs no special tools Pours easily and reduces heat loss In the attic bag 69 FIBERGIAS CANADA rymw HandFPak Insulation JusttheSIzetofinishoff that corner of the base ment or attic Choose from Sizes 15 Wide R7 2V thick 60 sq ft per roll R10 3ri thick 40 sq ft per roll Special Aluminum SelfStoring Doors Enhance your entranceways with attractive longlasting aluminum doors These highquality ex tenor doors have removv able safety tempered glass window Inserts Come complete with Windcheck pneumatic closer knob latch and full weatherstripping Avail able With right or lefthand opening Thickness sell storing Installation Instructions Included Sizes as available from stock ON SALE Brown enamel finish or white MII IInIsh 53 Prices In effect until closing Nov 517 is auuv av BRFWfRS DOORS huh Vthfitn SOI HITAII 7282496 Hours MondayThursday am to pm Friday till pm Saturday am to pm Lottery suitL is settled outL of court GUELPH Ont CP An elderly couple who had sued their daughter and soninlaw for half of $500000 prize in the first Olympic Lottery draw have settled out of court for $77500 Frederick Albert Price 79 and his wife Cora 77 of Kitch eneri trilad sought $250000 from Roy and Margorie Brooks of Gue The Prices launched an action in Ontario Supreme Court claiming there was an agreement to split any winnings from two tickets bought on the April 1974 draw The suit was to be heard at the current assizes of the On tario Supreme Court that opened this week but agreement was reached before it went to trial lawyer for one of the couples said Tuesday Both parties refused to comment on the settlement The Prices said in their statement of claim filed with the court that two tickets for the lottery draw were purdiased in trust jointly for the two families with each paying half the cost The Prices said their daughter and soninlaw acknowl edged in writing that both tickets were owned jointly by both families At the time of the draw the Prices were in Florida and one of the two tickets won second prize of $500000 Roy Brooks 51 cashed the ticket and became Canadas biggest single winner in the lottery Rigid Foam Insulation Rigid foam insulation is lightweight and easy to Install It also acts as its own vapour barrier and will not sag or shrink due to moisture Keeps your home comfortable year round and helps control rising fuel bills ON SALE 4x8x34 418x1 459 4x8x1z Buildall Professional Caulking Premium quality acrylic latex caulk ReSIsts stain and mildew lasts up to 10 years because It dues to tough flexible seal Dries in 30 minutes easy clean Lip White gray or brown 49 ON SALE tube Value Caulking The economical OII base caulk Available in white gray or black Savel 69mm Caulking Gun Ratchet type gun holds Estandard 11 oz cartridge Convenient pistol grip 39 each GoodBye Dry® Furnace Humidifier home With proper humidity requnes less heating This easytoInstall unit is pieWired and oreplumbed eliminat Ing confusrng details and costly extras Goodlt8ye Dry humidifier helps to eliminate static electncrty and provides m0ister healthier climate for your whole family End winter dryout at each sale prices today Eliminate drafty basements save fuel Stop valuable fuel dollars escaping through basement Windows by Installing aluminum storm and screen WIII dowstoday Includes one sliding light one fixed light and fiberglass screen Easy to install With screwdriver ONSALE 36x23l82° 39x23915 tIIAIiiI Fast Friendly Service oFree Ample Parking Free Home Delivery On Most Products