vï¬wwm the examiner Tuesday Nov 1911 17 The 1978 Board of hirertors of in iitvitm tutlnl reum lrodueers Association was chosen at the 25th annual bariumt mfl meeting rlinesimz Left front liff Weston direc tor Brenda Simpson iiiiirw tounty liairx Princess and guest speaker Arnold Rodgers chairman Russ liipnuu iii emm qu lhnney senrotarytnasunr Elmer French pastpresident Norman triffen lireem back row Ilo MacDonald vicechairman lr vine Watson director and rot iulm director idmruiner Photo Karen Taylor and veterinariln Hi Jim ill mitth Seattle Slew work out at New ork lit Innn2 aria rida the first time since rreent illmx llix so think the MT Triple Crown winner in and iii wok lmvi from his ignominious loss at the stiltth up ntukrw at Hoilywood Park then lw it 15 ii ll in her AP Photo helping hand is what Kimberly Lystar is get ting from her father Jim The two were out Saturday to get in some skating as the Angus Arena opened for its first season The official opening ceremony takes place Nov 26 Examiner llloiol The doctor says Some people polyp formers By GC THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Can you tell me something about polyps in the lower colon and rectum would also appreciate any thing you can tell me about diet to help prevent them Since 1968 have had 13 re moved Some the doctor leaves in place He says they are too small also heard him tell his nurse can expect some more which upset me The removal is done in his office Thank God they were all benignMrs AM Some people are polyp for mersln fact there is condi tion in which there are polyps throughout the intestinal tract It may run in families But about half of all polyps are found within reach by way of the rectum and can be readily removed as yours were Polyps with little stemlike attachments to the wall are usually benign Broadbased ones are more suspicious Those under halfinch in size 12 cm are usually benign Polyps in the gut beyond the reach of the instrument can be checked periodically with flexible viewing instrument fibroscope to see if they change in size or appearance sufficiently to warrant removal There is no diet to prevent polyps Overheard conversations as this one between your doctor and nurse are always unfortu nate In your case it should be comforting to know that while polyps do tend to recur only in small number of cases does cancer develop About per cent of polypbearing colons de velop cancer Dear Dr Thosteson My eightyearold daughter looks like she has slight hump back although she doesnt am con stantly telling her to straighten her back Should have her sleep without pillow at nightWM spinal deformity such as scoliosrs or kyphosis may cause one to slump These con ditions should be treated as early as possible If your little girl is slumping now and one of these disorders is causing it it will get worse with time Re moving her pillow wont help Braces might Dear Dr Thosteson After having the eyes dilated for an examination is it harmful to go out in the sun with your eyes still dilated am truly con cemed Mrs MS Not harmful but un comfortable The effect usually wars off quickly Some offices give drops that constrict the pupils to hasten the recove process If youre bothere next time ask about this Dear Dr Thosteson What would cause the urethra at the outlet to recede mentioned this to my doctor He examined me but did not see anything wrong was embarrassed to explain just what meant have no trouble urinating but would like to know if some thing should be done about it It seems flat with no extension at the openingMrs SD Its not entirely clear to me just exactly what you do mean Since you have no trouble now would let the matter rest Va ginal membranes may recede bit at menopause which is to be expected Oswald and Jim Jacoby East given tough choice NORTH ¢Q4 VKIO65 ¢A87 ï¬AQSS WEST EAST lo If in it SOUTH Neither vulnerable West North East South Id Double Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Ace By Oswald James Jacoby Easts double of Norths oneclub opening was just bad bid He did have some high cards but his best suit had just been bid by an oppo nent Souths jump to two hearts was conventional It showed good heart suit and from to highcard points This conven tion while not part of stan dard American is used by many matchpoint players West might well have tried two spades but he had seen examples of his partners takeout doubles before and decided to stay out of the bid ding North jumped to four hearts slight overbia in view of the fact that his partners twoheart call was not forcing West opened the ace of spades and shifted to dia mond South took dummys ace and promptly played the ace and trey of clubs South was sure that East held the club king and wanted to put East right on the spot What would you do if you were East It you rise with the king and South has singleton club you have chuck ed trick If you duck and South started with jacksmall you have chucked trick that way This East did play low and South became the only declarer to make 10 tricks at hearts California reader wants to know what the San Francisco convention is or was The convention showed aces and kings on the basis of two points for an ace and one point for king in response to an ar tificial four notrump It never achieved any popularity daily crossword ACROS Light Superlative suffix Answer to Previous Puzzle AstraG raph Bernice Bede Osol Nov 1977 Your wanderlust may be lul lilled this coming year in the physical and mental spheres The moves you make could be farreaching In both areas SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You could be bit restless today it youre not doing things that help widen your scope of inter ests SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your business instincts to day are finely honed and reli able Youll know how to put WinthrOp BE DRIVING OUR SCHOOL BLJS ANVMORE Short Ribs YES DONT WANT ANY yes MEN ORGANIZATION $PEAK YOUR PIECE MR BENéON WONT gooddeal together with hurting anyone CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 You handle onetoone rela tionships with great skill today Others will find your compan lonshlp enjoyable AQUARIUS Jon 20Feb 19 Though you may not think so when the alarm goes off youll find being active and produc tive is far more fun than goofing off Put out solid effOrt today PISCES Feb 20March 20 To day you have the ability to turn an acquaintance into friend If theres someone youd like to be closer to spend time with him or her ARIES March 21April 19 In HE5 GOING JOIN THE SPACE AM WITHOUT DOUBT IllIE BEST HEAD SHRINKEIZ HOW MUCH WOULDW IF YEK FATHER HADNT LEFT YA THIS euswess VAD ALWAYS BEEN Frank and Ernest TONIGHTS RECORDED tQTTmMA Flu Tm WARP SCIEMcEFrchon HOURZ PORTION OF lHE PROGRAM WERE LATER FOR FROADCRST EARLIER stinctlvely you have way of gauging the wants and needs of others today This is big plus since youre dealing di rectly with the public TAURUS April 20May 20 You are more adroit today at mental pursuits than physical ones Spend time balancing the books instead of balancingrthe barbells GEMINI May 21June 20 Be fore the day is over you could be showing profit Its be cause you manage wisely and are shrewd at shopping or selling CANCER June 21July 22 Mat ters that you take hand in today should work out to your satisfaction Where you date gate authority It could be an other story LEO July 23Aug 22 Stand bit in the background today Let others be closer to the lootllghts Theyll appreciate you more if you dont upstage them VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 This should prove to be fortunate day regarding projects youre Involved in with persons you hold in high regard If they benefit you will too LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You exert considerable influence today Youll handle yourself In manner which enhances your prestige and popularity HE 5ND OLJTEQ 59ACE HOLDS NOTERW ON THE UPPER AMAZON ©1977mNEAlnc TM Fm US Pal on 1971 Windhoek CKARGE FOR JUST WHau TrEl see too mime THEY a3 42 Whole school WHO ON THE Source of 43 Christian Emil light symbol EEG PRIZE FOR THE Go under 45 Rice field 12 Small island 43 33 DB 13 Spanish 9° Elam room article 52 533 g°gmnrsrh 63 Anatomical Hanna ot 15 Motion 56 Over again THEE Ell pcmm 66 Engage in an Hum 16 Water sprite winter won Ema 33222939 Elma dli From 36 Miro 20 Buenos mgr 10 gistancc 37 Deathly pale 21 38 59 Skin tumor Ws 39 Bab 22 Pm 60 Antarctic sea bf pPYtFW mg Caps 40 Nicotimc acid qw WW WAQ 23 Aggregate DOWN 19 To be Lao UP 25 Nocturnal 20 Bother 99m wds iOU N625 COLLH €HELL illumination mgtsrfggm 22 Remove 59° Edith ON 31 Ordinary moisture 33 igniting examining Stringing flick 46 Actress Baxter OBSERI ossessive ear at 47 cmmestime pronoun am 35 Friar 4g Roast SiNut ark builder mo American 49 Group NTH oesnt exrst abbr western allies cont 096 28 Promo FARKAH 36 First person Nitrous oxide 29 Derbies 5° summms Fri FAWCETT gt 37 Large artery obbr 30 which 51 Halfscores 38 Change off Resident of 32 Leave office 63 Compass SUPER wds Cebu wds point SHOULDNT BE GemN WINDED AT MYAGE MEBBE ISHOULDTHINK Anomth UPSMOKIN ANDRINKIN FOR ME ow uP THINKIN reassess can can no as room tLMENf IN SELF NORTH ERN STATIONERY Come see our wide selection of 1918 Calendars and Diaries for home it office use Amanda lowland gorilla liitllll pmnpkin luring Halloween party at Metro Toronto Zoo 29 Dunop st Saturday But the pumpkin was not til ml olriwt cf Ilfl attackit was ttlie assorted fruits 7373860 which filled themmni imm