Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1977, p. 18

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Ext c3 ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Tl aways Mumd and Win Prizes MERIITTfflefLAfIDLITTLE AREA MIMLDERANCIS AREA WCKWORTIIEIIGENIA AREA WINNIEAMELIA AREA IIOIISElLJOIIN ST AREA Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept16 Bayfield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 ru VON GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS ARE AJoy to give AJoy to receive AN EVEN GREATER JOY TO SELL For full information call 728 9652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ont Commission Sales Full Time Excellent potential for high commissions in the home in sulation industry Clean con scientious people required for in and around Barrie Leads supplied car necessary Please call sales manager 7286232 amt05pm N3 N0 STRIKES N0 LAYOEES Immediate positions available with local concern for full time people Good earnings and excellent opportunity for advancement Car necessary Phone 7267407 for personal interview TF WANTED IMMEDIATELY Mature men and women who are tired of working for others and want to earn better than average income Your only requirements are to be of neat appearance personable and drive your own car Call 7267404 KITCHEN HELP wanted three hours daily Apply Mothers Beef Burger 284 Dunlop Street West MANAGEMENT TRAINEES good pay and full training provided Car essential Must have neat appearance and enioy meeting the public 737 1904 between 10 am and 430pm SALESPERSON required to sell fast moving Japanese import and quality Swedish import cars Experienced prefered Contact Dale Kitchen 728 2287 WELLvGROOMED outgoing person to demonstrate fashion accessory in shopp ing mall Sales background preferred Salary bonus and travel incentive Choice of hours 11 to or to till Christmas Box V93 The Examiner Barrie ARE YOU THIS PERSON You have some experience with horses and would likea fultime iob with them You are physically fit to do most of the chores in 20horse stable You can ride Eng lish or want to learn You have good character references Small separate quarters available or may come by the day Telephone 7260192 am to 72sales helpagents MT EXPANDING CANADIAN OIICompany needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 76employment wanted CHILD CARE any age my home Goodfellow School area off Line 4364363 rh EXPERIENCED DAYCARE available In my home Full or partitime Children aged one year and over Constant super vision References available Please call 728 7086 for more information MOTEL MANAGER moving to Barrie seeks responsible position Full or part time Telephone 6889 742 CLEANING WOMAN available once or twice week Telephone 728 8278 even ings 11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against the estate of LOLA MAE RUSSELL late of 37 John Street Barrie Ontario widow who died on May ist 1977 must be filed with the un dersigned before the 16th day of November 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to unfiled claims Edmund Joseph Walters QC Executor 3416 Dundos Street West Toronto 01731 NOTICE Daaline Ior classrliod word ads 3pm day previous noon Saturday 78 tenders GENERAL CONTRACTORS Renovations to the OPP Detachment Headquarters Beaver Avenue and Highway No 12in BEAVERTON Ont SGL6230 82876 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Wednesday November 23 1977 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Of fice 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Services Ontario 77 legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of HAROLD WINFRED HAMMOND late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Carpenter who died on the 17th day of April 1977 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitors for the Administrator on or before the 1st day of December 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Ad ministrator shall then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 26th day of October 1977 Stewart Esten Drawer 248 Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator 031 N714 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise Ontario Government Tender Washroom Alterations at the OPP District Headquarters in BARRIE Ont The Clue To Increasing Sales CLASSIFIED 78 tenders 031Nl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72824l4 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by in day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $550 Additional words lOcts par word CARD OF THANKS words 35 50 Addi lionol words ts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 55 50 With verse par count line 72 cents per line COMING EVENTS $372 par column inch 21 WORD MINIMUM ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before am in order that some my be rectified for the following day publication Th9 Examiner is responsible for poly one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the mlsprinl Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reject any want ads PHONE 7782414 Service Call 7282414 Death Notices Engagements Births maximum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse par count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch Mondays Child Is fair of face Tuesdays Child Is full of grace Wednesdays Child lsfulI of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Frldays Child Is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for Its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Is fair and wlse and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record In Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 maximum 40 words Addl tional words 10 cents per word PHONE 728 2414 85 deaths LORIMER Joseph Carl Suddenly on Sunday October Jolh 1977 Carl Lorimer in his 74th year Beloved hus band of Anna Arkinstall of RR Stroud Loving lather of Anne Mrs Cooper of RR Newmarket Dorothy Mrs Foster of RR Stroud and William of Burlington Dearhggwndfather of Steven David Jain Peter and Jennifer Dear brother of Annie of Perth Ontario Charles of Surrey and Walter of New Westminister Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visitation from Monday at pm Service in the chapel on Wednesday Nov home Barrie on Friday October 28 rangements ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel l27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWF1F 87 in memoriams HALE In loving memory of dear husband Frank Hale who passed away October 311975 Heavy are our hearts today Memory brings you back once more To the time when you were wrth us To the happy days of yore Sadly missed by wile Florrie HALE In loving memory of dear father and grandfather Frank Hale who passed away October 3t 1975 His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away Sadly missed by daughter Joan and granddaughter Barb wizava ITS Tiff iAUIIlIK grout for casual springsumincr Iivrng Srrtnothfitting gunchm IIL lltppctl off by honey of clawic shirt and con trastrcordcd vest Youll rzicc riff with fashian l1tllttlfllhl pantskirt suit by Willi of ulifitr niri hnusi denim pnplin chitin cotton hlcnds knits for Printed Priltcrn M463 lrintcd lullcrn M46l is ithllilltlL Ill Mmcs Silos it It 12 I4 I6 18 Sic i2 bust 14 gauclim and veal ttqllltc 78 yards flinch fabric shirt 78 yardx 45inch Send $125 for Printed Pattern to The Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough MIP 4P7 Add 25 for each Pattern for first class mailing and special handling Please print plainly YOUR NAME ADDRESS with POSTAL CODE STYLE NUMBER AND SIZE ONTARIO RESIDENTS ADD SALES TAX FOR EACH PATTERN NEW All the clothes you want most now are in our new 1977 IROMINIiNf DIISIGNIER HOOK See them sew lhcinjumpsuits tunics daydinncr drcsxcs tops punts skirts l0lill wardrobes by Americas top creators ch the 50d free coupon to apply to any pattern of your choice Scnd 75¢ for Book 32 now INSTANT FASHION HOOK look 2nd at pm Interment St James Cemetery PACKARDWiIIiamJohn atthelOOFI 1977 William John Packard in his fund year Husband of the late Lulu Black servrce was held Monday afternoon with interment at Ora United Cemetery Ar nold Funeral Home in charge of ar patterns GREAT LOOK GAUCHO OUTFIT SEW KNII BOOK INCLUDES BASIC TISSUE PATTERN adjustable for sites 1020 40 42 Sew dresses gowns blouses skirts jackets more Then knit another complete wardrobe budget 128 pages hundreds ufpiclurc ideas $100 INSTANT SEWING BOOK Quick professional techniques $100 STITCH PATCH QUILT BOOK Gct actual black silc charts direc tions for 40 of Americas most popular quiltsMaplc Leaf Snowflake Brides more Quilting designs embroidery SI 25 NIFTY FIFTY QUILT BKict applique or patch patterns for 50 quilts 1ig7agshcll blocks triangles squares $100 88 coming events CHRISTMAS Tea and Bazaar Saturday Nov 1977 1pm t03230 pm Sponsored by CWL at ST JOHN VIANNEY PARISH CENTRE Innlsfll Street Free admission N4 nu MARKET Every Saturday Sunday 9am4pmatthe COOKSTOWN SALES BARN One mile east of Cookstown on Hwy 89 All inside in new building Vendors welcome small rent For further details phone 17054589172 MWFNll BINGO St John Vianney Hall EVERY TUESDAY $200 Jackpot MTF question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow land cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 PRINTED PATTERN srzrs 818 Send $125 now beautifully drcsxcd on the smallest WHICH Two women DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this KALAMAZOO Mich AP 77 Mary Appelhof is rancher Her animals are housed in it so foot pit and eat their weight in garbage every day For five years Ms Appelhol and her partner llda Wissman have been raising and selling worms The worm ranch is just one part of Flowerfield En ter rises the business they run un er the philosophy that less is more The partners operate small printing press publish di rectory of womenowned busi nesses across the United States and distribute their own design for freestanding bookshelves with little photography weaving carpentry and free lance wnting thrown in for good measure Its the same strategy used by multinational cor porations said Ms Appelhof Diversifyif one thing $005 you have the others to fall back on Still she added We hope that the worms are going to support us Talk to her about worms and before long shell have you be MUNTSAINTMICHEL France AP This mystical monastery on granite isle one of the worlds most dramatic sites will soon be grassbound extension of the Normandy coast if the creeping sands are not held back And discord between con servationists and free enterprising businessmen may delay an ambitious proposal to let nature fix what man has wrought on the 1011yearold shrine The abbey with its Cloisters and ram rts was sacked bur ned an expanded so many times that it includes classic works of every architectural style from the llllh century to the 15th Its towers and spires appear to rise straight out of the Eng lish Channel 450 feet into the UM lieving that the crawly crea tures are potential answer to everything from urban garbage disposal to the world food short age and crop fertilization BEGAN EXPERIMENTING Trained as biologist she fir st became interested in al ternative technologies after hearing ecologist Barry Com moner speak on the environ ment Later after reading an ad about wormfarming in an organicgrowing magazine she and her partner sent for their first batch of night crawlers After following standard wormgrowing procedurefee ding the creatures mix of grain and manurethe two began experimenting In light of the impending food crisis it just didnt make sense to be feeding grain by the ton to raise worms for bait she said What did make sense is to let the worms do what they are good zitturning garbage into rich marketable substance She stooped over the tilinch leep worm pit in her backyard turning over shovelful of its contents to reveal thousands of writhing worms and the rem nants of the households We This monastery threatened air perfect rendition of story book fantasy as it takes shape in the morning mist From the beginning it was deluged with the faithful and the curious Last year with one and half million visitors it was among the most frequented monuments of Europe century ago engineers built wide causeway so that pilgrims and tourists could pay homage to the Archangel Mi chael without risking their lives in the quicksands and in tides that roar in at the pace of galloping horse They built dams and dikes rechannelling three rivers spill ing into the Channel and ex tending the coastline several miles toward the tiny island with huge tracts of reclaimed farmland As result hvdrolozisls sav Va $4 tiQ 1a the examiner Monday Oct 31 1977 Charles mobbed at university Britains Prince Charles left works his way through crowd of thousands at University of California at Berkeley Saturday as security clears the way There were few signs from protestors Students lined windows and stairs to get glimpse of the Prince At right is Wheeler Hall AP Photo peraiors of warm ranch in US organic garbagefruit and vegetable peels eggshells paper CASTINGS VALUABLE The worms eat the waste so fast theresno time for it to de cay Taking up handful of worms and earth she added This isnt dirtwits worm castings droppings very valuable The castings are high in soil nutrients You ought to be able to get ton of worms to eat ton of gar bage day If you can do that theres really no reason why you cant have worms handling municipal organic garbage on massive scale The worm farm of the future she said is multistoreyed structure of stacked wooden boxes each capable of housing about 15000 worms Well start with four boxes in the basement this fall she said Since worms breed at an astonishing rate she figures by next June to have 128 boxes stacked in her basement and at corporate headquarters garage in Flowerfield the town southwest of Kalamazoo which gave the business its name the currents and tides cannot wash away the sands and as banks form and marine grass grows land is fast encroaching If the trend is not reversed the 19905 study shows it wt betoo late BLOW UP CAUSEWAY But main recommendation is to blow up the causeway and build bridge over the last 600 yards Some merchants and ho teliers on the island fear that would limit nearby parking af fecting business We agree that it should be saved from the sands but we have to think about the way to do it best remarked one hole her We have lot of elderly clients How are they going to be able to walk 600 or 700 yar ds They have right to visit the abbey loo it At White House billsigning President Carter greets Canadian Ambassador Peter Towe centre and Mexican Am bassador Hugo Marguln right Friday in the Rose Garden of the White House They were there to witness Carter signing prisoner exchange bill to set up machinery to carry out prisoner exchange treaties between the United State and the governments of Mexico and Canada They are the first such treaties signed by this country AP Photo alluston by Margaret Stoltz 4357676 ILL VACANCY FMrs Kingsbury presrded for the meeting which opened wrth repeating the Auxiliary Prayer f0 10 wed by remarks by Mr Consaul Sylvia Lindner will fill the vacancy of secretary on the executive and Gwadys Bruce read letter from Beth Comrie in appreciation of her bursary Christmas gifts for the Good Samaritan Nursing Home are to be brought to the November meeting and the Auxiliary may be represented at the Con ference at the Royal York Hotel Toronto The December meeting is on the 15th and an nual dinner at Knox Presbyterian Church on Jan l9th RECENT PROJECT The most recent project of the Auxiliary was to provide new drapes for the nursery at the Hospital Sympathy is extended to the family of John Slater who passed away suddenly at Stevenson Memorial Hospital on Wednesday October 19th in his 77th year He is survived by his wife Ellen Davidge one son Edwin of Don Mills and grandchildren also two sisters in England Visitation was at the John Thomas Funeral Home on Thursday with Ser vice at St Peters Anglican Church Churchill on Friday afternoon with Interment in the adjoining Cemetery Friends of Mrs Irene Mc Donald were sorry to hear of her accident in suffering broken arm in fall this week She was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie for surgery Mrs Marjorie Cunningham spent month with friends and relatives in Vancouver and Seattle Washington recently YOUNG MINISTER Rev Brodie young minister presently serving the Church of the Messiah in Toron to will assume duties as Rector on Dec lst and Rev and Mrs Symons are moving to Pene tanguishine for their retire ment home Their family in cludes daughters Jocelyn and Margaret and sons Dennis Peter and Andrew are all away from home but well known at Banting Memorial High School for their scholalic ability Mr William Patton of Alliston has taken over his duties as organist and choirmaster The congregation of St Peters Anglican Church at Elmgrove honored Mr and Mrs Symons Saturday purse of money was presented to the Rector and garden book tools and bulbs to plant at their new home as living momenta of their friends There was smaller than usual attendance at the recent regular meeting of the Steven son Memorial Hospital Aux iliary but those present were enthusiastic as auctioneer Patt Boyd conducted the annual sale of donated articles and approx imately $8500 was added to the treasury GENEROUS GIFT Besides the generous gift of money in an attache case Rev Symors was presented with barometer With an engraved plaque indicating years 19621977 and Mrs ons painting by local artist Masie Moon in appreciation of their dedicated service to the con gregation and from the ACW the presentation of quilt made by the ladies was an added sur prise for Mrs Symons with Mrs Almon Baxter and Mrs Raymond Sutcliffe doing the honors and on behalf of the Sun day school teachers Mrs Hub bard presented the gift of favorite album In presenting the tote bag and sum of money to Miss Brett Rev Symom referred to her dependability cooperation and courtesy during the many years she has served as Church organist and all recipients ex tended deep appreciation for the gifts Artifacts their forte YELLOWKNIFE NWT CP Two territorial govern ment officials are helping to keep important Canadian arti facts in the countr Robert James irector of the Prince of Wales Museum in Yellowknife has been named signin expert examiner by the federa secretary of states de partment Henry Cook coorv dinator of territorial historical programs was named an alter nate Both work for the territorial governments natural and cul tural affairs department Examiners are em owored by the recentlyenact federal Cultural Property Export and Import Act to decide whether archeological or historical items of Canada can be sold for export James said he and Cook will help customs officers decide on applications to export Canadian artifacts The new act has builtin in centives to encourage Cana dians to keep artifacts at home Janes said The seller is subject to capi tal gains tax unless the buyer is Canadian and if the Canadian buyer is museum or archives that lacks the money for the gteirchase grants or loans might availab from the secretary ofstate department Donors of historical property are allowed fullvalue claim as deduction as long as the item is donated to Canadian facility

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