in progress across nation Like government inquiries Canada has big selection to By NEIL STEVENS The Canadian Press crosscountry check reveals Canadian taxpayers are footing bills for at least 21 federal and rovincial inquiries Taxpayers are sharing the cost the federal govern ments study group on national unity and federal in uiriw into environmental hazards posed West Coast 01 ship merits and into transportation in New oundland The other 18 special government studies or investigations are at the provincial level and deal with diverse list of sub jects ranging from the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal to wilderness camps in northern Saskatchewan Quebec has the longestrunning inquiryan investigation of organized crime authorized in September 1972 Ontario has five inquiries Newfoundland four Quebec and Saskatchewan three each and New Brunswick Alberta and British Columbia one each There are none in Mamtoba Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island ment electric In Ontario commissions are studying northern develop wer planning freedom of information land acquisition an waste management HEARINGS BEGIN royal commission was established by the Ontario government last July 13 to obtain public reaction to possible effects on the environment of industries established north of the 50th parallel Under Mr Justice Patrick Hartt of Ontario Supreme Court the commission is to begin five weeks of preliminary hearings Nov commission staff of 20 permanent and four temporary emplo ees is expected to take three years to complete hearings prepare report royal commission established March 13 1975 to exam ine longrange plans for electricity production by Ontario Hydro is conducting third stage of hearings now The commission has no specific deadline Progres was impeded earlier this year when plane crash killed several sass extra Strongarm Inco or face violence OTTAWA CP it Douglas former leader of the federal New Democratic Party predicts there will be violence in the streets of Canada it the federal government does not take strong action to head off unemployment In an interview Douglas urged the government to use stron arm tactics on Inco Ltd in or er to avoid the announced layoffs at Sudbury Ont and Thompson Man The company announced that more than 3400 jobs will be eliminated in the two cities either through layof fs or attrition by the middle of next year Douglas said the govern ments failure to take strong action with lnco will encourage other corporations who feel the will continue to give high pri ority to any criminal activity that violence against Ontarios South Asian community is in creasing and discrimination is everywhere schools Asian community which in cause it believes if doing enough too fer protection againstdiscrimination DOUGLAS wantsjobs saved bers of workers No easy answer to layoffs WlNNlPEG CP Manitoba Mines Minister Brian Ran som said Sunday he expects INCO Ltd to follow through with plans to eliminate 650 jobs at its Thompson Man operation next year Its just very bad situation which certainly has no easy solution hesaid The company does appear to be in very difficult situation It has been stockpiling for some time and the cash flow situation is getting serious Ransom attended meeting in Ottawa Friday with com pany officials and representatives of the United Steelworkers of America The union represents INCO hourly employees in both Thompson and Sudbury 0nt where 2m0 jobs are expected to be lost The minister said he supports suggestion by INCO that employees laid off in Sudbury be given preference for an jobs in Thompson that become available because of high worker turnover Goodnight sweet prince SACRAMENTO Calif tReuteri Prince Charles toured vineyard had lunch with California Gov Edmund Brown and dozed few times Saturday the last full day of his busy 12day United States visit spokesman said sheer fatigue accounted for the 28 yearold prince nodding off during morning slide presenta tion on the states agriculture at the University of California at Davis Refreshai the prince continued to the state capital here for lunch with the governor who said he will visit London next month The princes next stop is Australia Only at San Francisco was the prince faced with demon strators protesting the British presence in Northern Ireland Racial crime watched closely TORONTO cc Ontario that is motivated by racism AttorneyGeneral Roy Mc Murtry pledged Sunday He made the statement dur ing public meeting at which report was presented claiming including the The report said the South eludes immigrants from India Bangladesh and Pakistan has lost confidence in police be lice are not ROY McMURTRY high priority Pound allowed to float LONDON AP The British government today suspen ded its efforts to suppress the value of the pound sterling and allowed it to float in the worlds money markets The rate of exchange jumped to around $184 US from $177 in hectic trading on the London exchange prediction of the governments action in London news paper Sunday started similar increases on exchanges in the Far East which open some hours before the London market because of the time differences The overnment announced that beginning today the Bank England would no longer try to keep the value of the pound down by purchasing dollars and other foreign curren Cies Will Ford run again His lips are sealed TORONTO CP Gerald arent pinch to also lay off huge num Ford former president the United States says it would be lnap opriate for him to com menron whether he Intends to run again for president However he told news can Iorence Saturda he intends to remain active the political Ford here to address Na tional InterFaith dinner said that while relations between Canada and the US had not been the beat during his admin latratitm the atmosphere is amicable enough for problems tube mlvtad commission staff members during tour of Northem On tar The commission on freedom of information and individual privacy was set up last March 30 under Dr DC Williams who has 12 fulltime staff members to help him through projected term of to two cars Public hearings gan 11 with the commission to study public access to government information and protec tion of individual privacy as it pertains to use of information in government files CHECK TOWNSITE JF Donnelly former Ontario Supreme Court judge was named by the Ontario government in October 1976 to in vestigate allegations of unfair land purchases by the provin ce at proposed townsite northeast of Toronto The commission staff of five is to resume work Nov fol lowing an adjournment caused legal wrangling Twenty seven former landowners wit row from hearings com plaining Donnelly had set up triallike atmosphere rather than investigating their complaints royal commission into waste management was set up by Premier Davis during the campaign which won him rc election last June There were reports durin the campaign that Disposals Services Ltd Canadian su sidiary of the United Statesbased Waste Management he donated $35000 to the Progressive Conservatives eventual election winners to obtain rights to dump garbage in two landfill sites at Maple Ont Mr Justice SH Hughes of the Ontario Supreme Court be gan hearings but now awaits divisional court ruling on the nature of evidence he will be allowed to hear Staff consists of three provincial police officers and four other employees FIRE CLAIMED LIVES Newfoundlands four judicial inquiries deal with nursing home fire last Jan which claimed 26 lives land assembly for Gros Morne national park hiring practices at Labrador Watergate judge steps down US District Court Judge John Sirica thc Italian im migrants son who presided over two Watcrgatc cases is voluntarily assuming the status of senior judgc By so do ing Judge Sirica creates vacancy that will allow Prcsi dent Carter to appoint judge to the post even though Ihc 73 yearoId Sirica plans to remain active AP Photoi Breach of faith charged OTTAWA tCPi The president of the War Amputations of Canada said Saturday the federal governmcnl has broken faith with disabled war veterans by refusing pcn sion increases to offset inflation Bert Coulson the organizations national prcsidcnt said in release that Veterans Affairs Minister Dan Macllonitld had been poorly advised when he said earlier in the wcck that veterans as good Canadian citizens would un derstand increases could not be given in times of rcstrainl Coulson said the government madc contrucl with disabled veterans in 1973 by introducing lcgislntion which admitted for the first time in history that war disabilitics pensions should be tied to the wages of compositc group In the federal pgblic service of Canada He said re now is gap of $540 bctwccn tht basic war disability pension of $6680 and thc avcrugc wugc for thc composite public service group Cataract patients breaking law TORONTO JP Man post surgcry cataract pulwnls who must wear glasses whilie driving arc brcaking thc law it symposium on ophthalmology and driving was told on llic weekend Dr Harold Stein chief of ophthalmology tit Scarlxirougli General Hospital said postcutariicl patients losc sonic scn se of depth perception because of ring scatomii tim optically blind area and have limited field of vision postcataract patient has field of vision ranging from 35 degrees t065 degrees said Dr Sitin However under the Ontario ministry of tritiLsportitlions driver classification system vision standtmls rcquirc it pcr son to have field of vision of at lctist 120 tlcgrtts in cnch eye Douglas Iowan an information officcr with thc ministry said that according to regulations pcrson who didnt meet the vision standards would bc brcnking thc law Its an ophthalmologists rcsimnsiblity to notify tlic minis try of cases where patient does not inch thc Visual stand ards Cowan said Womens crime said minor TORONTO CP Most crimcs committed by womcn arc minor offences such as shoplifting officials of thc Elizabeth Fry Society say Officials commented during the weekend on last weeks statements by Frank Orca Ontario correctional services minister who said more women must be juilcd in order to curb an increase in the female crimc ratc Linda Reid and Judith Collard two researchers with the society said they have federal statistics to challcngc Ircas claims that female offenders get off light in court The researchers said statistics show that in 1974 44 pcr cent of all criminal convictions against women were for theft under $200 and that most of those were for shoplifting The said women offenders are fined instead of being sent to Jar because most of the charges against them are for lesser nonviolent crimes The Elizabeth Fry Society is an agency which provides counselling and shelter for women who have been in conflict with the law Have need for our special health coverage while travel ling outside Canada or for visitors to Canada Give me call for details ONTAIIO BLUE CFIDS MN innu 19 King Slim ititln ZOR ViltJtï¬iWr hunt wt uu Willow woo 34 the examiner MondayJDIn a1 1017 iron ore mines and mine safety practices All are in final stages andare to submit reports to the provincial government by ears end The nursingmhome inqu ry has heard submissions about the way the measures The Gros Morne determined amounts paid me was run and the effectiveness of safety nquiry has heard of ways the province for land expropriated for the park Some area residents complained that land owners who sutpeport the Conservative government got more money than rs The Inquiry studying mine hiring practices is considering allegations that workers from outside Newfoundland are being given jobs The safety study arises from union charges that some mine jobs are unsafe The fiveyearold Quebec crime commission has alread prepared three booklength reports and has had its mandatb renewed six times It gained notoriety partly because its public hearings unlike those of other starting in May 1975 DOORS CLOSED provincial commissions were televised Latest hearings centred on dealings of William Obront former meat magnate who was described as financier of the Montreal underworld Previous reports included testimony regardin the Dubois brothers described as clan of FrenchCana ian gangsters The commission now is holdin closeddoor hearings on an undisclosed subject spokesman said Three judges chairman Denys Dionne Jacques Coderre and Romeo Courtmanche form the commission The commission an arm of the Quebec Police Com mission works with battery of police investigators and electronic surveillance experts but only employs 12 persons Two other commissions of inqui were named last sum mer Attracting most attention has con the investigation of illegal police breakins at leftwing news agency Agence de Presse Libre du Quebec in October 1972 Quebec Justice Minister MarcAndre Bedard created it June 15 the same day three senior lice officersone each from RCMP Quebec rovincial municipal rankswere granted unconditiona discharges after pleading guilty to authorizing the raid without search warrant Three weeks later federal SolicitorGeneral Francis Fox said he has plans for federal royal commission into illegal RCMP activities HEARINGS CONTINUE Public hearings by the Quebec youp began Oct under Jean Keable 31 labor lawyer and former Parti Quebecois candidate Seven staff members help report is to be prepared by Dec 31 An inquiry into allegations of wrongdoing in Olympic cos overruns is continuing preliminary work Construction costs soared from an triginal rojection of $310 million to $14 billion leaving Quebec with $1billion deficit Judge Albert Maiouf of Quebec Su rior Court heads the commission set up July Other mem rs are Gilles Poirier HydroQuebec engineer and JeanGuy Laliberte an ac counting specialist who is vioe resident of Credit Lyonnais Malouf said he will have staf of from 10 to 30 persons once hearings begin There is also study group headed by Lucien Saulnier in vestigating police reorganization in Quebec ln Saskatchewan Mr Justice ED Bayda is studying ura nium development in the rovince with special investiga tion of proposal to boil uranium mine and mill at Cluff Lake Hearings have been concluded and report is being prepared Environment not warfare worst security threat By GARRY FAIRRAIRN WASHINGTON CPI The gravest threats to almost every countrys national security do not come from missiles air craft or tanks says study is sued by Worldwatch Institute nonprofit rescarc organization funded by private foundations United Nations agencies and US government grants While politicians and generals hold narrow military oricnted definitions national security their societies face possib destruction from escalating changes in climate vegetation energy resources and population levels it says The study by Worldwatch In stitutc president Lester Brown describes how seeminglyharm less factors can combine to thrcatcn societies He notes how the worlds for csts are disappearing because of the demand for firewood in dcvcloping countries on the one hand and because of the build ing and newsprint industries in developed countries on the other The price is measured in hu man lives not just crop statis tics CAUSE OF FLOODS In Bangladesh in 197445 floods damaged the rice crop and killed an estimated 333000 persons The floods were largely caused by deforestation of watershed in Nepal and east ernlndia The new threats to national security are extraordinarily complex Ecologists un derstand that the deteriorating relationship between four billion humans and the Earths biological systems cannot con tinue Even soil has problems Over much if the Earths sur face it tproductive topsoil is only inches deep usually less than foot Nature produces new soil very slowly much more slowly than the rate which humans are now remov ingit Brown says that since the Africa Rhodesia battle black forces By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The South African and Rhodesian governments repor ted killing 87 black guerrillas in two border battles as the UN Security Council prepared to vote today on four resolutions ccnsuring South Africa South Africa said its forces killed 61 guerrillas and suffered five casualties in whour bat tlc last week along the border bctwccn SouthWest Africa and Angola It was the heaviest fighting reported in thc l0year bush war for the independence of Southth Africa or Namibia ii former German territory ceded to South Africa as pro tectoratc after the First World War communique said govern nmcnt troops engaged an 80 man force the SouthWest Af rica Peoples Organization SWAPO on Thursday and bat tch back and forth across the bonicr It said the South Airi ctms reached the guerrillas most northern base in Angola bcforc retrciiting Saturday Ihc nnnounccmcnt did not say where along tlic 121Itrkilo inclrc border the fighting took placc KILLINSllluilINTS Mczmwhilc the Rhodesian govcrnmcnt said its umiy inter ccptod errillii forcc cross ing into II iodcsia from Zambia and killed 26 of thc black insur gcnts It did not say when or where along the border the bat tlc took place CO LTD MAKES OF OIL BURNERS Its out phone cal any OFFERS MEORT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 0A FULtY STAFFED SALARIED SERVICE DEPARYMENT AND our seavtce vsmcus Aggy COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS FOR ALL 024HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED ANNUAL FURNACE AND OIL BURNER CLEANING AUTOMATIC FUEL OIL DELIVERIES RADIO DISPATCHED LOW COST PARTS REPLACEMENT PLAN FUEL OIL BUDGET PLAN NO CARRYING CHARGES FURNACES HUMIDIFIERS AND AIR CONDITIONING COMPLETE FARM SERVICE DIESEL GASOLINE LUBRICANTS Th warmth of Sarluntl Service The Rhodesian government also announced an exchange of fire with Zambian troops across the Zambezi River near the Victoria Falls The com munique said Zambian forces shelled Rhodesian positions Rhodesian forces returned the fire and appeared to hit an am munition dump No Rhodesian casualties were reported but there was damage to buildings and vehicles the government said Representatives from Britain and the United Nations were scheduled to begin two days of ceasefire talks with leaders of the black Rhodesian guerrillas today in Dar es Salaam Tan Lama Lord Carver Britains com missionerdesigriate for Rho desia and Gen Prem Chand of India designated by the UN to head transitional peace keeping force then will go to Salisbury the Rhodesian capi tal PREDICT VETOES At UN headquarters in New York US sources predicted that British vetoes would kill three African resolutions calling for embargoes on arms trade investments and loans to South Africa However the sourcts said the the council would likely ap prove fourth resolution demanding that the South African government lift the bans it imposed Oct 19 on black organizations and newspapers Ontario leads with five hoose from If you are planning wedding Qilihï¬wot IvnAVtoAt Invites you to Nearly Wed bridal show for engaged girls and their mothers at Blue Flame Room Consumers Gas Nov 1977 745 CAROL WALLIS 7264454 Weve probany Second World War every conti nent except North American has become net importer of food In response to growing food deficits around the world the US and Canada increased their grain exports from 56 mil lion tons in mo to 94 million tons in 1976 Since the United Stata and Canada experience the same climatic cycles this over whelming dependence on one geographic region also contrib utes to the global food in security The sea once considered virtuallyinexhaustible source of food is also being strained World fish catches since 1970 has declined 11 per cent on percapita basis he says In energy the end of world supplies of oil is in sight even takenoifmore We know of nothing thats helped more people learn to lose weight than the Weight Watchers® Program We have over mil lion hours of classroom experience worldwide Our Medical Director behavioral psychologist nutritionists gourmet chefs and thousands of skilled lec It Kingston Orom BARRIE 7202460 DRILLIA 32635 Service with bsmlle assuming that all oil found is recoverable Another area of concern is climate changes caused by at mospheric pollutants some of which threaten to keep the Ear th from losing heat to space which could lead to melting polar ice caps Other pollutants like dust tend to decrease solar heat No one yet knows if such factors will create rough balance But the basic message of the study entitled Redefining Na See for yourself turers work continually to bring you the worlds best weight control program Todays Weight Watchers food plan IS Simpler more flexible with foods you never thought you could have on weight control program WATCHERS rIhe Authority wremisciosetoiosingweigm tionaISecurityis Sim ie EVElquaw The deterioration theEar Rm 730 II ths biologcal systems is not Thu19 peripheral issue of concern only to environmentalists The Reï¬nerie 10h any Ink Io mm Woolly In 53 global economy depends on WI to 55 these biological systems lath loath to $1 Anything that threatens ninthafoul WBGHT their viability threaters the locoL Youth volcano global economy Any deteriora ml Ar tion in these systems represen imam IS In the human 2in4 begun to V1 menuq prospect IINM Inc unimp an cutIs srn Iu BAYFIELD MALLs ANNUAL PET snow SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5th AT 1000 AM RE WY BARRIE PRIZES JUDGING GENERAL HEALTH TO DATE AN ENTER JUST FILL OUTTHE BALLOT BELOW AND SEND IT OR BRING IT TO BAYFIELD MALLS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 020 BAYFIELD ST NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE AGE TYPE OF PETv CLASSES OF PETS TO BE JUDGED PUPPIES cars LONG won SMALL ooos MICE MEDIUM ooos GERBILS LARGE ooos 10 means KITTENS 11 BIRDS sicns snonr HAIR 12 FISH ALL CHILDREN ENTERING WILL RECEIVE RIBBON CLASS WIN NERS WILL RECEIVE RIBBONS AND SMALL GIFT BEST PET OF THE SHOW WILL RECEIVE RIBBON AND $2500 IN CASH JUDGING WILL BE DONE BY THE BARRIE HUMANE SOCIETY BASED ON THE HEALTH AND CARE OF THE PET PLUS THE CHILDB KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR PET AND ITS BE SURE YOU ENTER YOUR PET