Ztï¬tm new fan for Burt Reynolds Myrna Loy back on screen in The End HOLLYWOOD Burt Reynolds has new fanas if he needed one woman of course lady Myrna Loy Burt whos rather new at the game of directing has just directed Loy an actress whos been steered by the very best in The End picture in which he also stars And she is delighted with his work lm very impressed with him Loy said the other day just about the time her movie was winding up Hes very gifted man Hes full of ideas and he does his homework Also she added after the slightest hesitation he has wonderful sense of humor as suspected when saw him in the centrefold of what was the magazine But took itto be joke Didntyou Burt is not only good as director but hes nice man And Reynolds could scarcely get more authoritative praise than that since it was coming from woman whose costars have included Clark Gable Spencer Tracy Tyrone Power Paul Newman just to select few of the biggies at random and time and again William Powell As matter of fact Loy and Powell played Mr and Mrs Thin Man so often that strangers often concluded they really were married and were disappointed to learn other wise television guide SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 451122 News Reach For The Top Amaling Kreskin l9 Polka Dot Door 25 Pourquoi 79 FBI 30 Inquiry 3Celebrity Concerts 9News Newsmakers 11 77 Football 77 19 Dont Ask Me 22 Ontario Sweeps 25 Nouvelles 635 25 lci AiIleurs 700 Hee Haw Its Academic ShMuppet Show Kirkland Company Skate Canada llGreat Debate 19wFrench Show 22 wStreets of San Fran cisco 257 La Femme Bionique 79 Laurel and Hardy 30 Faces 01 Small Places 47 She Na Na rWere On Our Own Wild World Ot Animals 19 Dr Who 79 Boogie 800 5NHL Hockey 411 Bob Newhart Dr Seuss 19 Mowe Dead of Night 22Point Blank 25Cinema 30 4rWeve Got Each Other 70peration Petticoat 9Movie Cry For Help lireSo The Story Goes 79Laurel and Hardy 900 2277 Jettersons 7Starsky and Hutch lt7Were Only Joking 79McGowan And Com Party 930 4Tony Randall ttVic Franklyn 22Mary And Michael 79Editors 1000 4Carol Burnett 22Love Boat Barnaby Jones IlerMovie Sharon Por trait Of Mistress l9Movie The Queen ol Spades 79 Shutman File 1030 2In Search 0t 257Nouvelles 1100 23 45 News 22Movie McQ 25Politique Federale 1110 25Cinema Drama 11 15 5News 11 20 News 1130 2Saturday Night 4Movie Whats New Pussycat 7Movie Birdman of Alcatraz 1140 SRyan 11 45 lvrMovie White Zom Die 11 50 JMovie Hotel 1200 viMovie House On Green Apple Road It vMovie Breakhearl Pass 79International Cinema 1240 SnAltred Hitchcock 00 2Don Kirshners Rock Concert 25Cinema 115 22Movie Cattle King 140 STwilight Zone 150 3Movie War Devils 00 It Movie Honeymoon with Stranger 220 9Movie Men Ol The Dragon 30 7Challenge 300 News 345 Movne The Ride To Hangmans Tree 350 JMovie The Girl Hunters SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 Meet The Press Garner Ted Armstrong Treasure Hunt Man Alive 7Movie How Sweet It 15 Album TV 257Semaine verte 797 Fin De Semana 1230 This Is The NFL rrHeraId of Truth 7NFL Today Moneymakers 11 News 1240 11 Agriculture Report 1250 117Business Report 100 27NFL Football SMQuarterly Report NFL Football 9Farnily Finder ithovie Death Race 79Memories 0t Greece 130 lialldn Cooking 25Cine Magazine 200 2Oral Roberts 7Building Decent Future 9CFL Football 25 Football Canadian 79 talcme 230 7Chaltenge llWestside Medical 22Peoples Church 300 5w°rId of Disney 7Todays Woman 330 77Sunday Surprise Hee Haw 22Agape 00 NFL Football Beachcombers Movie The Adven tures of Marco Polo 7Issues And Answers 22 Rocket Robin Hood 30 CFL Football tlvTiny Talent Time 19 Electric Company 22 Wait Till Your Father Gets Home 79MOV19 Mister Moses 500 Leave it To Beaver Skate Canada 11 Wild Kingdom 19 Sesame Street 22Bugs aunanoao Runner 25 Dttier Demain 530 Lets Go To Thr Races 11 Lawrence Welk SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 News rrSwiss Family Room son Ivaolka Dot Door 22 Newsweek 25 Ecrivains Francais 630 Conversation With 77Here And Now News 11 New Faces 19 Vision On 257 Nouvelles 79FBI 635 257 Telescopie 700 Mayoral Debate 47 60 Minutes Hardy Boys Skate Canada ll Oceans Alive l9 eontario Scene 22 Movre Columbo 25 Ave Le Temps 730 35 Rhoda ltr Thats Hollywood 19 NightmuSic 25 Beaux Dimanches 79 Boogie 800 NHL Hockey King of Kensmgton 4r Rhoda 79 Six Million Dollar Man tIHalloween With The Adams Family 19W1n95 830 35All In The Family 40n Our Own 22Provincial Lottery 25 Beaux Dimanches 79 Travel 77 900 57 Sidestreet 4All In The Famny 7Movie Thunderbolt and Lighttoot 97Koiak l9AAge ol Uncertainity 227 Private Lite 79Movie High Society 930 22Alice l1Psychic Phenomena 1000 Marketptace Koiak 9CTV Reports l9 rMediterrahee 22Ratterty 1030 2In Search 0t Ombudsman 25 Nouvelles 11 00 23459117 News 19 Communique 22 Money Talks 257Chroniques De France 79 Shulman File 11 10 25 Cinema 11 15 5m Nations Business 11 20 News 11 30 Movie Chamber ot Horrors World At War lt This Earth we Share 227 Sports Probe 1145 57 Movae The Women 1150 Â¥Show Bur 1200 11 Marcus Welby 22 Mowe The Pleasure at His Company 1205 ernSlde 1220 Mannix 12 30 Marcus Welby 79 International Cinema 200 With This Ring 15 Sunday Surprise 22 100 Huntley Street 245 ABC News MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 ll 22 News Hollywood Squares Toronto CBC Newshour Or Definition 19 Polka Dot Door 257 Nouvelles 79 CITY Pulse News 630 News Mary Tyler Moore ll Party Game 19 Readalong 22 Gong Show 25 LActuel 79CITYPuIse News 640 19 Cover To Cover 655 19 Write on 700 Hollywood Connec tion Big Hawaii Cross Wits Mary Tyler Moore To Tell The Truth Bobby Vinton tl Logans Ran 19 Dont Ask Me 22 Fernwood Night 25 La Mangeaille 730 Hollywood Squares Strikes Spares Misses Gene Taylor $128000 Question Waltons Movie Laughter In Paradise Pt 2277 Santord And Son cowo 25 Fame at Detaire 79 Movie Whats Up Tiger Lily 800 11 Little House On The Prairie Betty White Logans Run 722 San Pedro Beach Burns 19 comedy Shoppe 25 Cause De Mon 0n cle 830 Front Page Challenge Fat Albert l9 Education at Mike McManus 25 Le Pont 900 Movie Sharon For trait ot Mistress Superspecaal Betty White 779 NFL Football ll Charlies Angels 19 Power Play With Jurty LaMarsh 22 Second City 25 Cinema 930 22 Maude Soap 1000 Newsmagaiine 4Ratterty Hourlong 11 Family 19 Speakth Out 22 News 1030 Man Alive 25 Nouyelles 1100 11 News 19 Nightmusit 22 Forever Fernwoort 1105 25 Arsene Lupin 11 20 News 11 30 Johnny Carson Mowe How To Com mitt Marriage 11 Lynne Gordon 19 Parliamentary Debate 22 Winners Circle 11 35 90 Minutes Live 11 50 Movie Farewell To Arms 1200 News Ironside 11 Marcus Welby MD 22 Movie Hombre t9 Education 0t Mike McManus 79 PTL Club Maine The Movue Maker 19 Communique 100 Tomorrow Movie Camzit It Merv Grittin SHADOW 0F MGM Though Loy spent her adolescence in the shadow of MGM the studio which would be her professional home for years she was born in Mon tana the daughter of cattle rancher and neighbor of Gary Cooper He and didnt meet however until we were both in films He said that he could remember me sledding but cant remember him Un fortunately we never got to work together After her fathers death she moved with her mother and brother to Culver Cit Calif locale of MGM whic Myrna noted with interest but without suspicion that its clustered gray buildings would play an important part in her life Myrna earned her first money as dancing teacher in Culver City Later she joined the ballet chorus at Graumans Chinese Theatre through which she was discovered by Rudolph Valenr tino who recruited her for films It wasnt Loy in person but picture of her which attracted Valentino so forceably that he called her to Paramount Pic tures to test for role in his movie Cobra She didnt get that part but she was cast as an exotic siren in another Valentino film What Price Beauty She later appeared in thc original Ben Hur and made her talking debut in The Jazz Singer had only one line shc laughted as chorus girl Since shed been studying voice as well as drama talkics as sound pictures were called were boon to her career My vocal training was an enormous help she said At Warner Bros where was under contract all the big stars were gomg down lllc Uiaiii when sound came in For tunately was waiting in the wings very prepared For sometime directors and producers perceived her as temptress frequently exotic to an extreme But Rouben Mamoulian final ly had the insight to give her comedy role in Lovc Mc Myrna Loyauthoritivc praise Tonight He was thc first to realize had comedy tzilcnt Loy said lie said Shcs going to be very big star was already star but he foresaw much widcr recogni tion owc great Ilill to Van Dykc too because he first cast me With William lowcii Her last picture with lowcll was The Senator Was In discrect in which shc madc an unbillcd guest appcurancc wasnt billed shc ex plained bccziu5c my up pcuraincc was to bc it surprise zijokc ln thc picture tlic scnatoi plziycd by Hill had been in discrcct and in thc cnd lilttl left the country with his wifc Alices Polly Holiday different off screen LOS ANGELES AP Any similarity between Pin the waitress and Polly Holliday the actress is purely unintentional Off screen Miss Holiday bears little resemblance physi cal or intellectual to the man hungry wisecracking kiss my grits waitress of BS Alicc Once the rod Wig and the makeup come off and the rev vedup Southwestern accent fades Miss Holliday with shoulderlength brown hair is an extremely attractive woman Much morc so than Flo whose appeal sccnis to be mainly to dusteating truck drivers whove worked up an appetite on the road Along with Linda Lavin Both WATCH for the Grand Opening of Adam looks IIIIIAWI IILIIBS Howlziiid and Vic laybzick slic is onc of thc lcnizcns of Mcls lincr on thc outskirts of Phoo nix lhc scrics now in its scc ond ycar is firmly stnhlislicd in thc front ranks of tlic Niclscn rulings Flos hilSlttlll vciy good person said Miss llolliday Shes had lot of bad luck bad luck in choosing nicn Shes limitcd by not having good education but shcs doing what she can Shcs In excellent waitress Flo is much morc roundcd character than slic was in thc movic Alicc Doesnt livc llcrc any More on which tlic scrics is based Part of that is duc to Miss llolliday who im mediater begun constructing real life for Flo once she was cast in thc pilot said it sounds like she might be divorced she said told that to thc producers and they picked up on it and decided shc had hccn married thrcc timcs Miss Holliday said shc was su rpriscd she was cast as Flo The pilot described her only as brassy bleached blondc which Im not she said just didnt think they would try to ichicvc the character through makeup Meet the Author Pierre Berton WIll be pleased to AUTOGRAPH your copy of his new book The Dionne Years 930210 BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE Tues Nov lst 330 to 400 pm The intriguing inside story 01 those notsoinnocent days In the Thlr ties when the Dionne Ouints were the incredible darlings ot the world and backwoods Canadian town became the Mecca for millions of admirers who hadnt been seen by the au dicncc Right at the very end the audience saw her was the wife Though Powell has been in total retirement for years Loy joyfully continues to work in pictures and on stage And oc czismiially in television She madc hcr stage debut in 1961 touring in Marriage Go Round and since has starred on stagc in There Must Be Pony Good Housekeeping Don Juan in Hell and Barefoot in the Park for which she won the Sarah Sid dons Best Actress Award in Chicago This fall shell tour in RelativelySpeaking Describing The End she calls it black comedy Whllt uniiiiiiing nai siics llUl quilt sure what black coincdy is dont mean its about black people she said But its sar donic Im not sure that can dcfinc black comedy except to say that its comedy set in gcd The Cocoa Butter in Cocréma dry skin creme and beauty soap beauï¬ï¬es your skin and you Cocoa Butter marvellouslytormu titled in both COCHEMA Dry Skin Creme and Beauty Soap really mmsturtzes your skin Rid your acc and body of dry Ilaky skin that gives that aging appearance GET COCREMA COCOA BUTTER Dry Skin Creme and Beauty Soap to help you took more youthful cocromnl Available at Cosmetic Dept SimmonsSan Shoppers Drug Mart Cordonl Drug Store Ron Pharmacy Angus book shop hook shop book shop NEW YORK AP Steve Martin the fasttalking come dian with the wild stare and banjolooking to move his ca reer in new directionsis ram bling around the US on lengthy tour to help the effort His first album Lets Get Small just came out and is doing well on the charts par ticularly since comedy albums can be unpredictable Warner Brothers has two others cut and the plans call fora total of five think that television can wear you thin so we have to get into something new that is totally creative each time Martin said in recent inter view He said he feels things are starting to happen for him Were just moving into whole new era in my career es Awards Night The Thursday meeting of the Barrie Horticultural Society will feature an awards night for residential and commercial horticultural improvement pro grams Speaker for the evening will be Herb Markle president of the Ontario Horticultural Association The meeting will begin at it pm in the Blue Flame Room of the Consumers Gas Building 165 Ferris Lane CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $800 in Barrie 10 Discount on PickUp Orders over $800 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Now in its twelfth year Huronio Symphony provides the vehicle for the people of Huronia to perform in concert We aim to offer our sub scribers the best an tertainment in its field engaging local musicians whenever possible Dollie Winter Soprano November 16th 1977 McConn doctor All held Auditorium Visit us during concerts form Sot afternoon Available at all Municipal Savings Loan offices or sand cheque or money order to Mrs Stephenson RR Barrie L4M 456 7282347 Proudly presents the 197778 season The Barrio Boys Choir Directed by Barbara Pianist March 5th 1978 Performing with the Huronio Symphony Arthur Burgin con at Barrie Central Symphony Week Oct 2229 at Boyfield Moll Symphony will per SEASON TICKETS sentially in recent weeks with the concert tours being sold out Martin has written movie script called Easy Money and hopes to get it roduced soon He also writes out 95 per cent of his material Fall dinner The fall dinner of the Barrie Chapter of the Superannuated Teachers of Ontario was held recently at the Minesing Com munity Hall Guest speaker Herman Van Wesenbeeck resource manager for the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority talked about the origin and preserva tion of the Minesing Swamp SEASON OPENS Toronto Arts Productions 197778 theatre season opens Wednesday Oct 19th with Thomas Dekkers The Shoe makers 1599 Holiday written in Tilden rents big choice of trucks for moving mer chondise or furniture By the day week or month at very economical rates TIEDEN Featuring Chevrolets and other fine trucks Huronia Symphony Desmond Matty May 6th 1978 Collegiate Or purchase at the office of Noel Stephenson Clap perton St Barrie L4M 3E4 7280871 IMPERIAL mm THEATRE 41 outttor 51 CINEMA DAVID CARRADIINE KATIE JACKSON cut 124440 ANYTIME HOW PlAYtHG 710 905 Its zsoProoi Fun TWWW Recommended At Adult Entertainment NOW PLAYING 705 900 The Only Thing More Terrifying Than The Last 12 Minutes Of This Film Are The First 80 More than movie It II on experience Jock Duffy WHATnnz iiuxna supinm TISIDIZRIZIJA was NOT summit lll 9th Week Barrio Recommended As Adult Entertainment Everyday Specials 10 off all remnants Industrial Home Carpeting MONDAY GRILLED LIVER AND ONIONS TUESDAY I4 ROAST CHICKEN WEDNESDAY ROAST lEG OF PORK and Applesauce THURSDAY lAKEVIEWS OWN CABBAGE ROLLS with Tomato Sauce FRIDAY GRILLED NALIBUT STEAK with Egg Sauce IIIOI van 3v nu ll tllll tlXll 7372860 305 BLAKE ST SlMCOE PLAZA Lakeview 185 Dunlop Sunday Special TOP ROUND REEF with ham radish 7285151 GRILLED VEAL CUTLET with Spanish Sauce TRY OUR DAILY LUNCHEON BUFFET SERVED MONDAY T0 FRIDAY FROM 1130 AM T0145 PM ONLY $295 121 EINIII PRESENTATION ltl HY lllllXli NOW PLAYING AT 645 PM Joe Horrodine 50 $325 ROXY THEATRE 46 DUNLOP ST Ill tell you something that never came out made Adam seventeen Eve was fifteen thought that would be like middle age Who knew people would live so long mi Rt NTR out 66 AJERRYWE RAITERRODUCIION GEORGE BURNS 10th DENVER on 600 TERI GARR DONLD PLERSQQE Cd 7184601 Anytime $50th 705 900