Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Oct 1977, p. 9

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or mild fiat5 u¢drvzu4n 33 Princess Liz Taylor meet of function Lnited Kingdoms Princess Margaret right and actress Elizabeth Taylor greet each other warmly Thursday night at Dance for Dance the dinner dance held by the Anglo American Contemporary Dance Foundation Inc The actress was honorary chairman of the affair attended by more than 600 guests while the Princess was guest of honor AP Photo neighborly news Mrs Sawyer 7753666 Gilford United Church Womens Institute entertained members of the congregation on Oct 17 Mrs Phylles Foxcroft who had been delegate to the general council meeting in Calgary gave report with slides Mrs Guthrie was the soloist for the evening Gilford Institute members met at the home of Lorna Atkinson Oct 18 with 19 persons present with public Relations the theme of the meeting Mrs Don Hermessy of Duntroon board member was guest speaker Lila Bell conducted contest on articles made in Canada or elsewhere The business portion of the meeting was handled by president Mrs Daves There will be salute to vegetable course at Lorna Atkins Nov from 10 to pm There were nine tables of euchre players at the Hull Board party on Oct 14 Prizes went to Ena Crawley Lillian Armstrong Sawyer Albert Wood Mrs Glidden won the draw FAMILY DINNER Gilford United Church Women met Oct 13 with Mrs Kell as hostess there was good attendance Mrs Bell president open ed the meeting and conducted the business There will be family dinner in the Church Nov 20 Winnifred Whally gave report of the presbyterial ex ecutive meeting held in Stroud Mrs Hughes dedicated the offering Mrs Kell gave the study book on Justice not Charity and Whally gave the worship service Mrs Jennett 4240238 Church service will be held as usual Sunday at 1015 am and at pm The Induction Service will be held for Rev Lloyd Howard as Rector of Parish of North Essa visitors and friends are welcome and light refreshments will be served Mr and Mrs Rick Bates each read lesson on Oct 93 Mrs Bates gave very interesting report from Synod which she at tended Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith entertained the McLean and the Smith families at dimer Oct 16 Mr and Mrs Joe Wilson and family of Lucan Ont spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson Glad to report that Mrs Hob Davis is recovering from her operahon at Wellesley Hospital Toronto Mrs Cleve Patton en tertained the Hunters wives to an euchre party Saturday when the men held their annual hunt meeting Mrs Kenneth Smith and Helen recently entertained about 30 ladies to shower for Karen Hewton of Woodbridge Karen will be married by her father Rev Wm Hewton early in November Several of her old school pals were present Con tests and games were played until she arrived and it was total surprise for her she received many beautiful and useful gifts Helen and her mother served delicious lunch including lovely decorated Best Wishes cake Mrs Eileen Jennett Mrs Harry Cooper Wiston Mrs Ruth Hunt and Marion visited this week with Jean Jennett Owing to circumstances in previous years it has always been hard to get help to go out and collect for the Bible Society This year people are asked to please bring your donation to your Church not later than Nov where you will receive receipt Anyone who would like to leave donation is asked to leave it with Mrs James McDermott Ivy or with Jean Jennett REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Don Ham mond The programme was in charge of Norma Hammond The Tweedsmuir Curator she gave an interesting history of Essa township and showed pic tures of antique chairs She attended meeting of the Stroud historical society which has documented old pictures papers Clippings Vilda Campbell 4873201 At the Guthrie Presbyterian Church service on Oct 23 Rev Ken Heron dedicated gift from John and Margaret Campbell of an oak case in which were placed commu nion set and the pulpit bible not now in regular use Congratulations and best wishes go to Mr and Mrs Ed Hastings and Mr and Mrs Campbell married 40 years on Oct 19 Mr and Mrs Hastings enter tained number of friends and relatives at house party recently to celebrate their an niversary Mr and Mrs Campbell were guests at the home of their daughter Hazel in Midland recently at gathering of their family and the Campbell and Gilchrist sisters and brothers The last meeting of WMS was held at the home of the present Mrs Keith Lees car load of members attended the sec tional meeting in St Andres Church Orillia and the thank offering meeting at Central Oro Presbyterian Church Mr and Mrs Roy Stoddart of Timmins visited Mrs Florence Stoddart and attended the TOWERS CORRECTION On page of Towers Get Set Flyer inserted in Tuesdays Examiner the assorted warm comforters do not measure 72 84 They are approximately 64 70 We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers Trust for Solution Vulu and Qriilnltlon 014 pltthilt in So omt it 109 free pIPlti Dorrie in1 to Towers in it Wirwlfll Hastings wedding anniversary party Mr and Mrs Robert Amos attended the funeral of their Aunt Mary Cook Graham in rillia last week Mr and Mrs Cecil Cameron and Mr and Mrs Duncan Cameron recently visited Mr and Mrs Bert Sluggett at akwood stroud by Mrs Campbell 4361084 Stroud Womens Institute tSWIi held Salute to Vegetables course sponsored by the ministry of agriculture and food Alliston Mrs Rix and Mrs Marie Ayers went to Alliston for three day training course and returned to teach the ladies on the course IMcntytwu ladies attended the course at the home of Mrs Eisses The course was from to am till 330 pm Those attending learned how to make different raw vegetable menus with variety of things added to add color and taste Summary day is to be in the Blue Flame Room of on sumers Gas Dec from 10 am to 1pm The Stroud Womens Institute met in the Stroud complex Oct 20 with twenty members pre sent Mrs Campbell president opened the meeting by reading two poems Thanksgiving Wish and Kind Iy Thought The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approv ed also the treasurers report by secretary Mrs Ayers Mrs Rix was thanked for the nuni HAIL Au ltl IV by in llll Burma 7269944 CINEMA rm IIIinmrla SIIIIII Gltoll IluiSlZATAHHS llllttlltt sot use of her home for celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Womenslnstitutes AREA ONVENTION The area convention is Nov 14 and 15 at Alliston and Mrs Ayers is going as delegate Mrs Kelley is the alternate thankgvou from the Cookstown Fair Board was read and it was moved that donation be given again next year Two delegates were ap pointed to go to the Stroud In nisfil meeting on Nov It to take notes and bring back findings to the Institute Institute members were in vited to visit Gordon Cowan to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their parents Mr and Mrs Iowan on Nov front 230 to 530pm andto$i30pm CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP Mrs Hoffman who spoke on Canadian citizenship and it status regarding British sub jects and other immigrants who need their citizenship papers She outlined how to obtain the papers in Barrie and that proof of birthplace is must Mrs Evelyn Rix and Mrs Marie Ayers leaders of train ing course and Mrs Eisses hostess were presented with gifts of thanks on behalf of the branch Stroud Presbyterian Ladies held coffee party and bazaar at the Stroud complex recently potluck dinner will be held in the basement of the Church Oct 30 at 530 for members It is hopelt the Sun day School children will be pre sent with parents to enjoy an hour of fellowship EXPEDITION RETURNED The Lewis and Clark ex pedition returned to St Louis M0 in 1806 gt rrlléi intuit In IIIIIl NOW PLAYING AT 645 PM CUPE president claims PM Dividing country with unity drive VANCOUVER UP Prime Minister Trudeau is dividing the country with his national unity campaign Grace Hart man president of the 231000 member Canadian Union of Public Employees CUPE saidThursday Ms Hartman advised dele gates to CUPEs national policy convention to avoid getting caught in the frenzy that has been stirred up by the rime minister of Canada and his col leagues CUPE the countrys largest union said Quebec should have the right to determine its own political destiny without inter erence from the federal gov ernment Delegates gave over whelming approval to resolution quJporting Quebecs right to self etermination and resolving that CUPE should join together with Quebecois against any attempt by the federal government to deny them this right Ms Hartman said the vote reaffirmed the unions position Pornography issue to be dealt with CHARLOTIETOWN CP The use of children in pornogra phic publications will be dealt with by the provincial attor neysgeneral when they meet again in about two months it was decided Thursday AttorneyGeneral Garde Gar dom of British Columbia said at news conference following daylong meeting of nine attor neysgeneral that the provinces want changes in the Criminal Code to tighten existing pornog raphylaws He said the recommendations to be drafted by the ministers may include suggestions on penalties for breaking the laws AttorneyGeneral Roy Mc Murtry of Ontario said he did not see how laws could be draf ted to have publications deemed legal when distributed to adults but obscene if in the hands of children For that rea son discussion was confined to material containing obscene pictures of children rather than to the problem of children hav ing access to pornography The ministers also discussscd proposed diversion program intended to keep some of fenders out of court and to provide alternate sentences such as community work to others OTTAWA OMMIIIED SolicitorGeneral Francis Fox and federal Justice Minister Ron Basford said earlier this week that they were committed to the rogram but that no additional ureaucracy should be created to administer it AttorneyGeneral Roy Roma now of Saskatchewan said di FOR 100 CORROSION PROTECTION For Your Car or Truck Coll USED 168 John St 728ll2l IMF version programs in two Sas katchewan centres indicated that widespread im plementation could not avoid eading to additional bureaucracy He said the provinces sup ported the program because it introduced greater flexibility to the criminal justice system but it was not regarded as money saving step McMurtry said the most 08 federal government could do was to create legislative framework that would allow the provinces to implement diversion programs that the workers of Quebec must make their own decision She said Irudeaus national unity campaign is stirring up feelings against our brothers and sisters in Quebec The labor movement should press the federal government to do something about the eco nomic situation because that will help rwolve the national unity problem faster than any thing else PREDICTED ELECTION Newfoundland delegate Andy Wells vicepresident of CUPE redicted that Trudeau will cal federal election on the national unity issue and dont think this union should participate in the fraudulent campaign that is going to be conducted Some delegates attacked the media for whipping up public hysteria with stories about the possibilitfy of Quebec separation mm the rest of Canada Earlier this week Louis La berge president of the Quebec Federation of Labor told dele gates the Quebec labor move ment supports social policies of the Levesque government but has not decided on the question of Quebec independence CUPE has 40000 Quebec members The 1150 delegates also passed polic statement urg ing CUPE lea crs to make paid Huronio Symphony Proudly presents the 197778 season Now in its twelfth year Huronia Symphony provides the vehicle for the people of Huronio to perform in concert We aim to offer our sub scribers the best on tertainment in its field engaging local musicians whenever possible Balm Wilton Soprano November lbth I977 McConn Tho Dorrie onI Choir Directed by Barbara Duan Moloy Pionist May 6th 1978 March 5th I978 Performing with the Huronio Symphony Arthur Burgin conv ductor All Auditorium Visit us durlng concerts form Sat afternoon held at Barrie Central Collegiate Symphony Week Oct 2229 of Boyfield Mall Symphony will per SEASOH TICKETS Available at all Municipal Savings Loan offices or send cheque or money order to Mrs Stephenson RR Barrie L4M 456 7282347 at the Or purchase at the office of Noel Stephenson Clap perton St Barrio LAM 364 728087l Holiday Inn there are NO TRICKS TO OUR TREATS Special HALLOWEEN BUFFET This Saturday evening you can en ioy many Halloween specialties from our kitchen And in keeping with the spirit of Halloween try our delicious Pum pkin Pie Be After Dinner Festivities entertained by Shelloys and join In the fun of Our special Halloween Gong Show the WSM Hwy 400 at Eton Rd 72861 the examiner Frlday Oct 28 1977 II educational leave major col lective bargaining goal Paid educational leave would give workers the right to paid cave of absence during work ing hours so the employee could attend courses to increase skills in variety of fields in cluding vocational training at any level general social and civic education and trade union education The CUPE policy statement said universities and colleges offer courses designed for man agement training but there are very few courses designed for trade union training again has entertainment featuring John Kirk on the guitorgan Come and hear wide variety of music played softly for your listening pleasure Every Saturday night pm MIL 726964 355 Boyfield St IIII CUT OUT AND SAVEIuI TAKEO Enjoy the finest takeout foods in your home prepared by Simcoe Countys favorite eating places 4W FISH CHIPS TOM FANCY Hwy II OwnerOperator PaInSWC 7371851 Theres Only One Foncys The Taste Will Tell Tuesdoy Special HALIBUT CHIPS SI 55 Shrimp Scollops Deep Fried Mushrooms Pineopple Rings Chorbroiled Hamburgers Frying Hours Mon$ot Ii om 7pm Fridoytillapm Five Points Restaurant Dunlop St 72B808I OPEN 24 hours days week Homburgs french fries coffee etc Fast TokeOut Featuring Col Sandes Kentucky flied filiiclteua l0 TAKE OUT 5T0 MN 315 IAVFIELD 33A no 73501 353 DUCKIOINI SO GROVEIDUCKWORTH PLIA T255710 Pizzas and Subs Open SumThurs II pmI2 Mother midnight Beef Burger FirSotopentil2om 34 Dunlop St 7373120 DeiveY 5P C°9 East Take Out Service loner schnitlol on bun mu Homburgs Homemade french fries Open Ddly I0 onl I0 pm 53 Collier St 72mm Cozy Joe Mo Fish and Chips or II ommidmglit iJSot llomllln 691unlop 51 40 72e9195 Post To lroolilosts om Small Dining Room Facilities Free Home Delivery from $800 in city lilnItI 10 off pickup Fast Taliaout Service Open rum630 pm OPEN 24 HOURS SEVEN DAYS WEEK Comein and try our donuts and freshly ground superb coffee IN onliold St Dorrie 7283640 Belly Jim Sn Bar Open Sun 90m10pm MomSal am10pm GOOD HOMEMADE MEALS EAST TAKE OUT SERVICE 36 Anne St hmplelc Lobster Dinner 728153 36 50 oSeaoodSpecialixl Jade East Ilalibulandhips Restaurant Takooul Chinur Polynesian Canadian Dining Room or Tali Out opiu Hwy 27 mi north of Goorglon Mall 1373910 magnum no TooIWodTth ll ll1l II IJI Opp HIlonIpll SUI lp 7pm mar noun Omd Mullr warm in human lolteviow Restaurant Dover Platce Inc us Dunlop St 118Sl5l Fish and Chips FEATURING 35 rm lolroviow Fried Chicken 72621 lo Try our takeout snack pac FormerlY Fc1Y FSh ChPS dinner box thrift pak family 59Vln9 Norh 59° HaddOCk or party barrel OR come In Open Fri Sat It om 2am SumThurs ll oml0pm and enjoy leisurely lunch or meal and the beautiful view of Kempenfolt Boy CALL AND PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW CUT OUT AND SAVE

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