Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Oct 1977, p. 6

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Wcltr lt The folks at the irove Park Nursing Home on ook Street got jump on Halloween with costume party earlier this week Phyllis Roach worked the keyboard much to the apprecia Shortage of washrooms excuse for not hiring ST ATHARINIIX Um Welder Barbara Cart iiier has heard lot about washrooms since she lost her job more than year ago when pipe plant closed down lrs tartiner it said that lack of womens washrooms is usually used by employers as an excuse for not hiring her Jean Slack anada Man power agent confirms that the nowashrmni reason is com mon one for the refusal to hire women for industrial jobs Jane Nicholls 26 who is re cent graduate of welding course said in her first attempt to find job she met the no washroom excuse Miss icholls didnt even get past the secretary at the Kitch ener Hit plan she isited fses were ayazlable for she as find and therc Seminar for working mothers said but there are lots of men around who couldnt do that ei ther Mrs Cartmer was pipe wel der with an American branch plant SJ Healy in Beams ville nt before it closed down in July 1976 While employed at the plant Mrs artmer and it other wclr ders were laid off temporarily When the plant reopened for another two months only three persons were alled back the supervisor male employee with 30 years standing and her self My welding must have been all right she said There was no washroom problem at Healy There wasnt one for either men or women until Johnnyron the spot was eventually installed Before that Healys workers used the facilities at Seneca Steel and Iron Works Ltd which shared building with Healy But when she applied for work Seneca Steel after the Heat operations closed down she was told there were no washrooms for women lrs tarirrier said she was not prepared to be aggressve with errpvigers who isec the non facilities reason for not hrrg her tion of Joan Walker photo at left while two tricksters kept their identity hidden from everyone during the party The festivities were put on for residents of the home by members of the lay ourt lub of Barrie Examiner Photos over image of saunas HELSINKI Router Fin land home of the sauna bath is worried about the erotic con notations abroad of what has been healthy family ritual here for centuries The concern is felt particu larly among sauna manufac turers who are trying to meet growing demand for their prod uct in Eastern and Western Eu rope North America and Arab states Sauna exports bring Finland foreign exchange worth many millions of dollars each year But Finns would prefer their saunas to be regarded in other countries with the respect they are given in their place of ori gin said Torsten Hyvaerinen director of leading sauna firm In some places in Europe Finnish saunas are used as camouflage for sexual or erotic purposes It would never occur to the Firm to use the sauna for this In Finland men and women do not bathe in the sauna together unless they are members of the same family and in many families older boys and girls bathe separately NOT FOR STATUS In Finland the sauna is not status symbol There are nearly one million in the coun try among fewer than five million Finns The sauna is meeting place for friends place to talk over problems smooth out quarrels fix business or political deals or relax after the days work Eighty per cent of Finns use it regularly Once week mem bers of the Finnish government hold working session in sauna It is not slimming cure Weight reduction through loss of fluid during sauna is soon restored by drinking sauna leaves the bather thirsty and hungry Finns rec ommend eating something salty afterwards like herrings with hot boiled potatoes an chovy sardines smoked fish or salted mushrooms Radiation treatment for breast cancer is attracting renewed attention in US NEW YORK Ali treat ment for early breast cancer dating back some 3o years is attracting renewed interest as an alternative to breast re moval in few medical centres The treatment involves ap plying an external beam of radiation to the breast followed by implanting radioactive substances lilttll to the tumor In the implantation either radium needles or seeds of iri diumlltil in flexible plastic tubes are inserted into the breast The use of radiation treat ment remains controversial with most physicians recoin mending some form of mas tectomy removal of the breast The latest report on the radi ation treatment is from the Joint entre for Radiation lhcrapy at the Harvard Medi cal School published recently in anccr the journal of the American ancer Society The Harvard group says the intensity of the argument has prompted reevaluation of methods for local control of breast cancer and that it has been encouraged by recent re ports of the effectiveness of chemotherapy after treatment llllIAlNllINl vliiltl2l Radium implants fell into disuse because the large radium deyiccs were painful to patients and exposed physicians to excess radiation Radiation therapy without mastectomy the Harvard re Coping with stress ltKl tl Inlifih arrinw Mali Reportsi it ltr sheet has juri fi iflht atiffi tu sitsp you UN irisJ why and what to arm says Ani Mt biosgt counselling consul tar fr anada Employment and irrirrigraior commission irf uliougi was speak ing it group ot women at fieorgai oiicge Wednesday on the subject of working mothers and stress hc told the gathering that she has seen many women who were bewildered by the several different roles which had been treated by their Il The stress created by these many roles can and has led to such illlllflx as the person qtnt ting lici iob single parents or accepting lower iobposition She says she has found stress to be an individual but in teidepcndcnt kind of problem You van talk about stress and Wltiklllfl mothers Without ionsidciing lot of variables uiicb as limit of energy per sonality reasons foi working and faintly makeup My obiti live llltt today it ge you hinking discussing and hopefully to create and in teasing awareness of yourself MOTHER TRAP Mrs Mcfullough said she fell into the same trap most work ing mothers do attempted to be 100 per cent mother career woman and ife Somehow it never ad ded up to 1m per cent Many days felt was failure As result of all of this Ive taken look at the situa tion and come up with some ideas We have to create some cop ing mechanisms which allow us to share the workload Im not going to offer any magic answers but there are ways of coping Its up to you to take look at your situation and decide what yours is going to be With the increase in cardiac problems and ulcers in women it is becomin obvious that women are lillt cr more stress Iaiming jobs traditionally held by men added resimn sibility along with peer and family pressure to be mother leads to new kind of neighborly news rugby bv Beatrice Johnston 326681 Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Jim liangman and Mr Aii Langman were Mr and Mit George Nessner of Guelph Mr and Mrs turl ilinimbcrger and Miss Katherine liaiiinbcrger of Lima ihio It and Miu tuthcrim lipio Hamilton of littshiirg PM May itutlierfoid hm returned home from trip totiipc od foiigintulationk to Mr and Min Wayne Simpson of Edgar on the birth of daughter Oct at the ltoynl Victoria Hospital liarru pressure women were not ac customed to How many of our mothers really accept the fact that we are working We were not brought up prepared for leader ship ow we have the worry about becoming successful and what that will do to our femininity How we accept this situa tion depends lot on the expcc tations of those around us com bined with those we have of ourselves FEELINGSUFilllT Mrs Mctullotigh said many mothers suffer from feelings of guilt which lead to added stress How husband accepts the fact that his wife is working is extremely important My hangup is home baking My husband was brought up on it and feel guilty if there isnt apple pie or dessert each night Many women feel little Johnny should have home made cookies when he gets home from school at 330 so lliey stay up until midnight baking Its one way of conquering their feelings of guilt about working We dont have an unlimited supply of energy and too much stress is going to cause mumthing to ivc II is nnpor find to be ilc to recognize them strcsis signs and do something about them before it iH too lntc We must learn to cope Sonic signs of stress put forth by the lliit iciicc were no sleep due to insomnia headaches queasy stomach and over eating kinoking and drinking Willi tln lllttNNllv in many cases for two pay cheques com ing into home the need for working mothers is ever iii creasing For this reason the Women Here and Now program at Georgian College is focusing on the hanging role of Women iii todays society The noon hour program was the first in this years series Mrs Mcfullough noted that women who work in order to pay the bills do not usually suf fer the same amount of guilt feelings as the mother who is working for self fulfilment Its easier tojustify working when you know you are helping to put bread and butter on the table But being away from the children is not what is int portant its the quality of the time spent with them not quantity of time Mrs Mctullough quoted study done in the United States which shOWed mothers who stayed at home all day with their children spent on the average only 20 minutes of con ccntrated time with their child want to put plug in here for women who stay at home They are under just as much stress in ii lot of cases as the women who works Peer pressure to go to work attempts to meet exixctzitions hers and everyone elses and the trauma of iiotiiiiig hin pciiing make stress for the stay at home iiioilicr lint there are many of them coping Willi tinsituation Slic recalled statement she had heard What every good woman needs is II good Wife till then there was the husband who was all for his wife work ingniit of the home My wife searchers say is local treat ment which offers the potential for local control Will mim umal functional or cosmetic impairment The words local control are key to the different ap proaches Dr Samuel Hellman director of the Harvard centre says that in many cases the cancer already has spread at the time of detection so the foriii of treatment will not de teriiiiiie whether the patient is cured or not lly local control fir Hellman means the prevention of local recurrence of the tumor in the breast although the cancer may spread elsewhere But at Memorial Sloan Kettering ancer entrc in New York experts disagree with the radiation approach Dr Roy Ashikari acting chief of the breast service says local lump removal and radiation are inferior to surgical treat ment in the long run lIIIts STATISTICS Ashikari says 73 per cent of the women with early breast cancer and with no spread of the cancer to the lymph nodes under the armpit can be alive cured at the end of it years Even with evidence of spread to the nodes the cure rate is to per cent at itiycars At SloanKettcring some Boo to 601 cases of breast cancer year are treated the largest number in the country Ashikari says He argues that radiation treatment has no such longterni results yet Hellman his results so far are comparable to those re sulting from general surgical techniques but that it is still too early to evaluate longterm survival The use of external radiation and radioactive implants as an alternative to mastectomy is not new The first good scien tific paper on the subject was published in 1937 in the British Medical Journal covering nearly 10 years of experience Hellmans team reported re viewing 150 consecutive patien ts treated primarily by radiation at the Harvard centre between July 1968 and Dec 31 1974 and updated in telephone interviews big problem has right to her own growth as long as my shirts are ironed Emotional fatigue Mrs Mc Iullough notes comes from loss or lack of me time time to do what you want when you want and where you want time to be selfish FATHER FLOOR 15minute film entitled They Appreciate You More portrayed the lives of family of five where the mother work ed to provide cultural things such as piano and camping equipment which they would not have been able to afford otherwise The husband admitted he wasnt housebroken for the first year that his wife worked Now realize she cant do it all herself and chip in with the kids and the housework Its better for us all when she is working The film ended with instruc tions from mothertochild Dont drip popscicle on your fathers clean floor Mrs McCullough advised anyone who was under stress to keep log of all their activities for one week Everything they did from the time they woke up until they went to sleep Take look at the log and analyse it See if you cant cut out some things which are not really important and make room for your priorities Take some time first to decide just what your priorities are Look at time as something very precious and remember time spent doing something is really time spent you cant get it back Time is not recoverable once its gone it gone forever Ann McCullough in counselling consultant with Mnnpon er and Immigration Canada spoke to ii group of women nt Georgian College Wednesday on the subject of working mothers and stress This was the first in in series living Nptilt sored by Women Here Women Now whose progriunu are designed to focus on the changing role of women In tmluy world Mrs McCullough who year old child says she has has twonndtlirciuiiintci call with stress both pct Mlllul ly and professionally and has come up with Nllllll idem on how to cope with the problem Examiner lhoto the examiner Friday Oct 28 1977 Ann Landers Heres few safety tips Dear Ann Please get this in the paper before Halloween It could save some little lives am addressing myself to the parents of children under 11 years of age If our kids want to go trickortreating dont just let them run oose An older brother or sister at least 16 years of age or YOU should stay close enough to keep an eye on them at all times Instruct the children to ring only doorbells of neighbors who know them twoblock radius of your own home should be the limit Impress on your children that they must not eat anything given to them until they get home Then examine whatever they collect and decide what is safe Every year children die pegause some nut put razor blades in apples or poison in the ge If your children wear costumes make sure they can walk in them without falling down Several youngsters have been hit by cars because they tripped in the street on long skirts Also make certain they wear something white so they can be seen by oncoming cars Black costumes or alldark clothes are hazardous The best idea of all is to have Halloween party in your own home and invite the neighbors kids in It would eliminate lot of worry and be great deal safer Believe me its worth the troubleA Mother Who Learned The Hard Way Dear Mother Heres your letter three days before Hailoweenand its good one especially like the last suggestion Theres no place like home Dear Ann Landers certain member of our family is male homosexual Ill call him Greg We have all known for quite some time the is 32 but no one ever discusses it Greg is an attorney well respected dresses conservatively nohflaming queen and he is bright witty and fun to be wit Problem My sister has beautiful fiveyearold boy He just loves Greg Sis dreads the day Greg asks to take the boy somewhere alone How should she handle the situationAlso Worried Dear Also If its child molesting you are concerned about may disabuse you of common myth The vast majority of males who go in for this sort of thing are heterosexuals Some gays have been known to bother little boys but this is not their usual pattern If it were my son would have no hesitation whatever about allowing Greg to be alone with the youngster Andwhile were on the subjectail children should be taught early three years of age is not too soon that they must never permit anyone to take off their clothing or touch their private parts Moreover if it is suggested they should be instructed to say no and tell Mom or Dad immediately Dear Ann am 14yearold girl and have brother Buddy who is six years old He is pest and troublemaker am being grounded for one full week because slapped Buddy yesterday oclock in the afternoon when caught him eating peanutbutter and jelly sandwich When dinner time comes he is never hungry How can he be when he is eating junk every 10 minutes worry that Buddy might die early because of his terrible eating habits Please say some thing to help me Abused Sis Dear Sis You are right to be concerned about Buddys eating habits but apparently your mother doesnt approve of your slapping the kid and neither do Are you really worried about his health or did you use that as an excuse to belt him one for something else Erma Bombeck Handbags quesfioned The first and only time was on ski slo had the at tention of every person within twomile ra ius It might have been in color co rd jaCket mated pants and It might have been my oversized goggles It might have been my knitted cap with the signature of leading skier on it My husband seemed to think it was because was the only woman on skis carrying handbag cant help it Do men actually believe women enjoy lug ging around handbag everywhere they go By the time ev eryone in the family unloads their stuff on me feel like an anvil salesman dont know when it all started but somewhere in hzstcry someone decided women were the keepers of the Ti fingernail clipper breath sprays Bandaa restrooms pins hair spray studs for maps combs and scratch pad Queen Elizabeth with that large that dont half expect to see pflii say Got any gum Ducky History was kinder to 15 Did you see Joan of Arc ca hontas lug around poor dont know where Lady Ga it wasnt ina handbag Iv Believe me there aura of mystery and overtbeshoulder bag think its time we wet the entire family If Childila own toys if men don have p03 Things are clearly out of maging through my bag for wedding ceremony didnt raise my vozce when wen to surgery with tote bag over my chest But the other day realized things had gone too far My husband said These candies are stuck together here did you have them When went to the sauna You didntt PolXs Eointers Vinegar tip is repeated DEAR FULLYPlease help me When letting down henis in dresses how can erase the line where the hem was formerly So far have had no luck with anything Thanks for any suggestionsKit DEAR KHThis question has been answered beforeand more than oncebut so many are now dropping hems bit that it is being repeated for those who missed it before Wring clean cloth out of mixture of WHITE vinegar and water and use mi pressing cloth over that line When such lines are particularly stubborn have eVen used fullstrength WHITE vinegar friend of mine who has several daughters said she wondered how she ever got along before hearing of this It is certainly one of my favorites Do test firstIOLLY DEAR lllYSqunrc electric fans can he made safe by stretching screen over the grill folding the screen edges under the grill edge and then tightening the grill back in place Do this on both front and hack of the inn Hound inns lllll Ilinde snfei by wrnpitng screenith around the grill inn then pulling it fight all back using fine wire its drawstring This is certainly vniih the luv it takes to do even though inns are placed out of childs way childs fingers cannot be replaced so we should all make our inns mi safe as pimnillll iiiIAN PHI llic washing instructions for some pantyhose any to let tlicin di 1p dry hot find MN only chuma them to stretch due to the weight of the water dripping down then length To avoid wrinkled ankles and flogging pnnivlnmc gently qulttll out the excess water and then lci them ill flat on bath towel They feel and fit like ncn lo mm men have llnlt finished boxes of cereal that the rtiililicn will not finish cluttering up your shelves have found unit tfious and economical way to use them is to pill all iltlk iii cereal in the blender and chop These crumbs can then be mldmi to favorite ontnicnl cookie recipe for mini ciniich oi nle to top Nlltllfltl lflkefl etc tMlilMltA it Lfiid Hr

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