23 office stores for rent STORE FOR RENT 3500 Square Feet Con Divide Join Loblaws Woolworths LCB0 Shoppers Drug Mart At the BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Space Suitable For Furniture Store Radio and TV Hardware Womens Apparel Florist Fabric shop etc Phone Don Orme 416 9252351 shop innsuï¬duted consoEdated building corporation limited Zis pa ce for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq lt Iully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks14lt 18 ll clear part ol large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FORT LEASE Tindustrial 535cc hand warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloll VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large lenced in property Phone 728 7044 or 416 635 0637 BRADFORD STREET warehouse space 4200 sq it at $300 monthly im mediate occupancy Also Morrow Road industrial unit Ior rent Approximately 1325 sq It at $287 monthly tenant pays own heat and hydro Call Mortell Ltd Real Estate 72870674 25ga rages GARAGE WANTED to rent tor winter car storage Telephone 7264842 32 cars for sale PARIS SLESSOR MOTORS Used Cars Trucks 41s Blake St IARRIE 7288390 BUYING CAR Why not get loan at Barrie Community Credit Union 12 per cent interest 18 Collier St 726 5191 i973 CDTLASS 351 power sieering power brakes new radial tires tape deck Excellent shape Call 728 4400 1972 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS In ex cellent condition Certified $1900 Telephone 726 9215 1974 CADILLAC Coupe de ville lull power excellent condition Reasonable Phone 737 3036 Til72THUNDER eTRD exEéiiéni Edith tion IuIIy loaded with options Tele PDE72657Z men 1974 CHRYSLER door custom Newport blue with white vinyl top new tires one owner certilied Telephone 737 1458 1967 BARRACUDA 340 Duster motor 35000 miles speed transmission new paint new interior custom designed for speed will certily asking $2100 or best oller Telephone 728 0143 atter6 1970 TOYOTA CORONA Mark II automatic transmission new brakes battery multler good body clean in terior radio Will certily $850 or best of ler 728 1594 evenings 76 MAROUIS BROUGHAM 1976 Mercury Marquis laughII Llc MNO764 This hilarious loer door sedan lilished in gold with matching vhyl root Is lest broken it with oidy 21000 miles Origlnd cost over $6500 Cer will sel wickly for half that amount IMUIRE TODAY SIMCOE DATSUN sitsyield St lust north of Georgian Mal Barrie 7370254 029 1972 DATSUN 510 very good Condition uncertilied also 1965 Corvair converli ble collectors interest Best olIers Telephone 7373556 1969 DART SWINGER 340 speed many new parts including brakes have bills to prove Excellent condition $975 or best oller 487 5966 1974 BUICK Estate wagon fully equipp ed including tempmatic air condit toning 455 cu in engine Asking $3500 Will certily Telephone 737 1996 alter pm Dayst 44576292 1969 BEAUMONT 350 speed automatic bucket seats door hardtop excellent condition Certilied Must be seen Telephone 7260142 after pm 1972 OLDS 98 L5 Fully equipped Good condition AM FM radio 59000 miles Certilied Asking $2000 Also 1969 CAMARO Best oller over $1000 Telephone 726 3559 1973 PONTIAC PARISIENNE two door vinyl roof excellent condition Power steering brakes and windows radio Good tires plus new snows Telephone 7265998 SCRAFPiTJéTï¬IYEprd 552 cubicinch via engine and transmission lor sale Tele phone 728 0154 1973 MONTE CARLO two door V8 automatic power steering and brakes radio In excellent shape Telephone 728 7709 1970 PLYMOUTH Duster door 61000 miles$500 orbestoller Phone 436 3265 1975 PONTIAC LE MANS door power steering power brakes excellent condi tion Michelin tires certified $3850 or best oller 1973 COUGAR excellent con dition power brakes power steering snow tires winterized $2395 or best oller7371974 1973 ASTRE Pontiac Hatchback door cylinder Condition Good on gas Will certily Asking $1400 Contact 728 3760 1973 CHEVELLE MALIBU V8 58000 miles power steering power brakes tach mags snow tires Asking 5850 Telephone 322 1410 anytime 1971 PONTIAC LEMANS woody station wagon 350 V8 power steering Dower brakes standard transmission good running shape $650 or best oller Call 726 4758 1973 CHEVROLET IMPALA low mileage power steering power brakes radiocertilied lic FLY 429 $1495 1972 Ford Gran Torlno air conditioning power brakes power steering low mileage lic FJF776 $1295 1973 Gremlin radial tires radio new paint $1295 1972 Dodge Charger door hardtop power steering power brakes radio $1295 lIc FFH 082 SILVER MAPLES AUTO SALES Highway 27M miles north or Barrie 322 1654 76 DATSUN 710 1976 Detsen 710 Lic No M436 Two door sedan 2000 cc enghle leer speed tinsellssieil Michelin redial thus AMFM radio FhlIshed In mstdic sliver eild in true showroom condition An Heel pi saving commuter priced to 32 cars for sale 77 TRANS AM 1977 Fiebird Trans Am LIc lb KZI275 VB tour speed studd PS PI factory Honing PW tilt steering theol Fbllshed hi bhok with ï¬shing black biterler COM PARE ANYWHERE AT DNlV $5995 Eimgge DATSUN 549Iaytield5t lust north of Georgian Md Barrie 73704 029 1974 CHRYSLER NEWPORT CUSTOM white air conditioning power windows and seats and extras Michelin radials one owner can be seen at 69 Steel St $3700 or best oller Telephone 726 1845 alter pm 1975 CORVETTE immaculate one owner car with every possible option Silver with black leather interior and on ly 44000 original highway miles New Firestone lettered tires Only 57450 Call Tammy at 728 9622 between 10 am and pm Alter pm 73771901 1974 DODGE MONACO tour door V8 automatic power steering and brakes radio rear speaker rear window de lroster 21000 miles Will certily $2250 726 8459 1975 THUNDERBIRD lasagna at tion available 51000 miles Certitied or as is Telephone 70532 2545 1970 VW WAGON good body and in terior two extra tires gas heater block heater needs clutch As is Telephone 835 3305 alter 600 1974 ASTRE GT WAGON 45000 miles Michelin vitalized tour speed radio root racks custom interior tinted glass and many more Excellent condition $2000 456 3707 1972 FORD GRAN TORINO two door hardtop $1450 also 1971 Plymouth Sat ellite lour door sedan $1000 In good condition Telephone 7281680 alter pm 1970 CNRYSLER NEWPORT excellent condition Asking $1100 or best oller Telephone 436 2213 1972 VW CONVERTIBLE Excellent shape and salety checked Complete with radio mag wheels and live radial ply tires Asking $1695 Phone lor details 726 6801 1969 CHRSYLER door 383 motor power steering good running condition good body Extra snow tire on rims $600 lirm Telephone 72816182 am 1970 ACADIAN new brakes tires and battery Rebuilt 350 posi Call 726 0087 1971 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 power steering and brakes Excellent condi tion New paint Vinyl root New tires and battery Telephone alter pm weekdays 726 8360 1973 PINTO FIATCHSACK aurornaiic Excellent condition 40000 miles Price $1295 Telephone 436 1467 1974 FORD ELITE white with red top and trim AMFM stereo air codition ing ps pb pw tilt steering wheel Car is immaculate only $2900 certilied Call 728 5470 SUPERB I977 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2door silver canopy opera windows PB PS PW trunk air track cruise matlc white red cloth healed electric windows tilt steering new radials Ziebarted low mileage Owner purchas ing larger car otherwise it is unlikely car 01 this class could be ollered at such an attractive price $6699 726 9433 726 2638 1966 BEAUMONT Custom Ior sale good condition best oller Telephone 728 9727 alter pm 1977 DODGE van 4000 miles only Cost $6100 Must sell lor best after speed overdrive rustprooted radio Purchas ed August 1977 737 0492 1968 BUICK Skylark 350 automatic in good condition Can be certrlied $650 lirm Telephone 728 9946 lo 10 pm Monday to Thursday only ask for Len 1972 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle lor sale standard would make good second car tires radio $850 or best otter Cer tilted Telephone 737 3129 or 726 4940 I968 BEAUMONT door hardtop power steering brakes automatic 327 barrel airconditioning tinted wind shield $300 or best oIIer as is 726 3503 alter4pm 1974 DATSUN B210 hatchback cylinders automatic rear delogger cassette deck certilied 50000 miles $1500 Telephone 436 3071 1969 OLDSMOBILE 88 V8 power steer ing and brakes as is $450 Telephone 728 9366 alter I974 VENTURA hatchback 350 automatic power steering 38000 miles excellent condition CertiIled $2250 or best otter Telephone 4362206 alter pm ask Ior Christopher 1969 FURY III 318 PS PB eight track radials uncertilied Best oller Call alterop 737 2943 1972 COUGAR 351 CLEVELAND new paint side pipes mags Monroe air shocks radio Must be seen to be ap preciated $2500 or bestotler 424 1977 1959 BUICK ELECTRA Excellent con dition Will pass Safety 1968 Cuda slant six Excellent interior needs body work Owner will repair 1970 snowmobile 440 Rupp 726 5731 1973 PONTIAC PARISIENNE vinyl top Excellent condition Call alter pm 726 8503 T977 oLDSMOeiLE DELTA Ba ROYALE power steering and brakes one owner $1595 Telephone 728 7005 1970 OLDS DELTA 88 automatic power steering power brakes new transmis sion and new exhaust $600 Telephone 726 3143 PARTS 1969 Ford Mustang 302 cu in speed standard transmission new clutch and shilter F7014 snow tires F7014 tires on Ford rims Most electrical parts 424 6722 1976 RALLY SPORT CAMERO 305 eight cylinder silver and black Ex cellent condition Only $4500 Telephone 726 3683 33ca rs wantedtor buy JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks Ior wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted lor wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 Alter pm 424 5949 WANTED Clean used carsFBarrierHon da Auto Sales17 GowanVSt 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pickup anytime 436 292 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Borries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF 1976 FORD F150 HALF TON Truck power steering power brakes V8 auto matic radial tires Asklng $3550 or best oller Telephone 7282366 alter 530 pm ANTIQUE VEHICLE 1951 Mercury Hall ton Body in good shape Good run ner Many new parts Must sell $650 or bestolferCal1428 2137 1965 CHEV VAN completely Iinlshed in side mechanically but needs body work Asking $650 Telephone 424 9761 1972 FORD plckup A1 condition coin plate with Cap and mini camper Asklng $1500 telephone 726 9999 MUST SELL Tandem dump truck 1973 GMC 427 live and tour transmission 1380 Ironts 1000 rears 145 box automatic tarper Good possibility Ior winter work Will sell as Is or cer tilled Owner has entered new line 01 work Telephone Wes days 7371200 evenings 7288630 1970 FORD Econoline club wagon slx cylinder standard partlaily converted to camper Uncertllled $700 Telephone 728 0966 DODGE T100 silver van slant six block heater automatic power steering swlvel captain seats AM FM radio Michelin radial tlres Insulated panell ed carpeted 14000 miles certilied $50 Call 726 3510 SNOW pLow Beaver plow It hydraulic Iilt complete with lights and hydraulic kit Wlll llt GMC or Chev adaptable to most makes Asking $650 728 5494 Aiv 1974 015 JEEP tour wheel drive 302 vs roll bar good tires Asklng $3200 Phone 728 1294alter6p 344 twin tach includes two helmuts Ex cellent condition $800 737 1449 19715KIROULE 340 cc twin good condi tion with cover and new drive belt S350 Telephone726 3786 alter JDX4 1973 Mold Ski Zephyr Telephone 7266362 4m USED EIGHT FOOT two tube lluores cent Telephone 726 3400 ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent 7263435 EEEEELOST HEATHer yBiir Iur nace Install heat mlser in your smoke pipes Call Ior lnlormation 728 0755 PIANos New aparTment slzéflrom 399s dellvered Neales burydailyrWed closed 519 59972896 WEI OUOTA FOR SALE million 500000 lbs Mso Phone 519 0434496 or L519 943 me 34 trucks and trailers 1975 F250 FORD tour wheel drive V8 automatic in good condition Telephone 4455562 alter pm SPECIAL 1974 ONE TON CHEV No 30 with tandem axles and general pur pose sixteen loot box 21000 mlles Owner retired has been undercoated twice each year No rust anywhere Cer 40 articles or sale WOOD STOVES CANADIAN STEPSTOVE tilled $4000 withbp4587958 VWW mid 1976 GMC TON with cap modetlHigh Vgamom Sierra power steering and rakes radio i9ooo miles Telephone 424 5800 DOWNDRAFTER Dominion Hardware Ar+r Armgt7 or more el 1972 DODGE 500 Iooo gallon water truck New hp Briggs and Stratton licient combustion waterpump1elephone705 32112515 on 7266836 1976 FORD VAN 300 six standard like new Insulated panelled Extra seals Jim Kenny rugs snows on rims undercoated MwF N14 Never worked Will certily $4100 or best oller Phone 436 I363 alter pm All day Saturday and Sunday 36auto accessories FOUR GR 14 Uniroyal radial tires white walled 5000 miles Just like new 3125 set Phone 424 9761777 37motorcycles 1976 YAMAHA 400 RD black with sadr dle bags and windshield mag wheels 7000 mlles Show room condition 726 7771 days 37 motorcycles BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD CLEARANCE SALE on New Used Motorcycles to make room for our new MOTOSKI Snowmobiles NEW STREET BIKES m7 aso Jawe Twin $39500 Reg 1049 NEW DIRT BIKES 1976 I25 CZ MoteCross $69500 Reg 1049 1977 250 CZ MoteCross $139500 Reg 1595 1977 125 GS Hercules Enduro $149500 Reg 1595 I977 175 GS Hercules Enduro $155000 Reg 1795 1976 250 ConAm TNT Enduro $129500 Reg 1545 I976 175 CanAm OR Enduro $119500 Reg 1445 I976 125 CutAm MX2 MoteCross $89500 Reg 145 1977 175 CanAm TNT Enduro $135000 Reg 1545 I977 250 CanAm TNT Enduro $145000 Reg 1745 1977 250 CutAm Miler Endura $155000 Reg 1845 I977 250 CanAm MX3 MoteCross $155000 Reg 1395 USED DIRT BIKES 1976 CenAm115 OR Enduro $89500 1977 ConAm 250 Oueilier Enduro $139500 1975 Honda 250 XL Enduro $50000 1973 C1 250 MoteCross $42500 1973 1125 MoteCross $350 Tax setup extra on New Bliss Tax only on used bliss BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 389 Bayfield of Cundles Rd Open till 10 pm 7264112 38 snowmobiles BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD CLEARANCE SALE ON BRAND NEW MOTOSKI SNOWMOBILES With the new 2season Warranty SALE ENDS Nov 1977 Come on up and Deal With Dallimore 11976 Nuvl 340 Manual $115000 11977 Spbit 250 Manud 89500 21977 Hort 440 Manual 135000 11977Futura 400 Electric 157500 1977 Futura 440 Manud152500 21977 Sonic FreeAir 182500 Tax Setup Extra BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 389 Bayfield St of Cundles Rd Open till 10 pm 7264112 38 snowmobiles O272831N2 MOTOSKI Sales and Service Lots of new 77 machines at BIG SAVINGS Barie MoteCross Centre ltd 389 Baylield St of Cun dies 7264112 MwFN30 40 articles for sale Open till 10 975 MASSEY FERGUSON Sllti WHIZ 40 970 SKI DOO Nordic 1973 John Deere COLOR TV RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE inter 26 Electrohome per week $495 20 Toshiba per week $390 20 RCA X1100 per week $565 26 Panasonic per week $650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL Womens Teens Childrens Dress coats Wide DECEMBER 77 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZ KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA 7371182 N2 coats cor ski iockets selection of sizes and colors ADAIR VOLUME SALES 21 Mary St BARRIE lixtures lor sale $25 each condition Asking $550 147 Bruce Thorn PA TIIS ANTIQUES i9 INTERIORS Village of Shanty Bay 7200599 Are you looking lor those super llttla Collco prints for quilting crafts and swelng OStock an assortment ol O2628N24H BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENT upholstery fabric between Dryers basins styling stations and styl $5310 p9 Yard 122 a7iialrs Telephone 726 4621 or Open TuesdaySaturday 94130 MWFN18 RAVILEIGH AGENT Iriend of the lamllv Family and pet needs Delivery For appt 728 7639 evenings 07 articles lerflsale DOCK SURPLUS NOBODY BEATS OUR PRICES UNCLAIMED FREIGHT MAKES FANTASTIC DOCK PURo CHASE FOR YOU ENGAGED COUPLES llnilaimcd Freight will but your wedding liLLn io with the purchase of our LUXURY GROUPING beautiful rooms of fur IRTUIB for only $671 Complete kitchen bedroom Payments as low as $600 per week with no money down Free delivery Free layaway living 144 Pc KIT HEN SUITES table plus chairs $8700 NO MONEY DOWN N0 PAYMENTS Till JAN 78 We accept CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 26l5anyo COLOR VISION $488 Proowned Payment as low as $420 we DOUBLE SIZE 54 MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING with legs $99 7k BRAND NEW JUKE BOX Solid State Stereos with psychedelic light com plete music system $449 Full manufacturers warran ty Payment as low as $500 per Geek Pc LIVING ROOM SUITES dies rlield chair ottoman $259 Brand no Payment as low as $400 weeIin kï¬i HAVE GOOD DAY UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 20211unlilp St just west of the Iillrriil Ar 726 2900 O2831N room 40 articles for sale $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Recover it Yourself Wide selection at discount lobrics Foom cushions Tools both amateur prolessional Neodles threads twines °Buttons mode to order °A complete line at upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div ol Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Moll 7371510 WThFTF WOOD FOR SALE dry mixed hard wood split Sold by the lace cord 436 1372 EWOOD manna beechhxï¬ace cord or $10 andyyou cut 835 2110 $6 PER WEEK Buys beautllul 26 RCA XLIW colour Spanish to the lloor console television Automatic colour automatic llne tuning No money down No payments until Docember Phone tonight delivery °° mu KELLYS IarriePhse 737112 GARAGE SALE Saturday Oct 29 73 Owen St 930 am tIII noon Includes Torcan baseboard heater seater hard wood toboggan 100 ll bale plastic coated wire lencing 312 lt htl mens jackets S38 sheet music music stand records preschoolers toys and cloth ing dishes Many other assorted items Nee ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eovastrough Sottit Windows chio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRooting Porch EnclosuresStonework For tree estimate Cd PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Famlly Buslnoss NORTHERN ALUMTNUM Products Sollit Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guor unread 7262609772690 PAINSWICK ALUMINUM OWNER OPERATED PROTECT and BEAUTIFY your home with IREYNOLDS ALUMINUMI Siding Storms SollitFoscio Eovestrough seamless FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7269769 FRAlICK ALUMINUM Siding Soflit Fdscid Shutters Windows Doors Eovestrough Call today 4361830 STROUD N6 GIBSON ALUMINUM Old Fashioned Prhle Sidding Sollit Trough Awnings Doors Windows STORM WINDOWS INSTALLED FREE BARRIE 7265609 N24 ARRLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 7283392 WE WILL PICK UP and dispose ol old op pliance dtflgcost to you LIV2873 Auro REPAIRS WE REPAIR Brltlsli European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Sarv 17 Mary St 73501 mo nousr PURPLE MARTIN Houses Iar sale Apply at 92 Mahdi Ae Barrie or telephone BOOKKEEPING lOC BOOKKEEPING SECRETARIAL SERVICES NO JOB TOO SMALL Bookoeping Payroll Financlal Statements Typing HourlyWeeklyMonthly Reasonable Rates 7286284 Birchwood Dr Hoover Barrio MWFN21 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions replaces guaLonteed737ISU7 CARPENTER clallilng In re rooms In terior remodeling trim etc Please call 72BBBBdaltaripm CABINET MAKER European trained Kit chens vanities Pine Iumlture renovations olteratlons Domestic Commercial 726 2948 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satlsloctlon warranted and Constructlgl 7267461 CARPENTER will do roc rooms renovations roinpdglllrtg etc No iobtu smull72641771 II CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters Ior renovations additions homes cottages Fr stlmates 4354995 GENERAL CARPENTRY AdCTItIone garogaj rec rooms built In closets Drywall texture sproylng Free estimates 7263853 CARPENTER SPECIALIZING IN rec rooms and custom cabinets Experienced and reason able Call alter 30 4569342 40 articles for sale REPOSSESSED 26 RCA xuoo carved wood cabinet to the floor Casters total automatic color Illuminated channels digital UHF Instan on Take over payments ol $29 per month Phone tonight delivery tonight Where aha RAZY mus BeirIsHIu 7371102 at HEAD SKIS 207 Lecroix Nevada bin dings Nordlga boots 912 separate complete Telephone 726 0639 table with six chairs single bed cheeterlleld carpets piece bedroom sulte Telephone 7284138 alter pm ORGAN electronic Pacemaker speaker rhythm one octave pedals new $2800 7372164 weekends or alter pm weekdays ca EQUIPMENT Bengal side band base D104 mike and elementbeam Excellent condition Telephone 7370065 GIANT RCA XL100 We have RCA XLIG solid state color porv tdlles new In crates lor only $466 or pay lust $475 weekly on our Rental Purchase Plan No money down no payments tlll December 1977 Phone tonight delivery mom mzr KELLYS Barrie Phu 7371182 WHITE BIRCH FIREWOOD 16 lac cord $35 hardwood $25 delivered Telephone 728 2609 FIREWOOF FORKLEIï¬oTa Iac cord Free kindling Phone 7269139 424 9449 HUMIDIFIER VIIliftoff Edie humidistat variable speed motor auto matlc shut all relill light water level in dicator woodgrain on steel cabinet ex ceHent 728 9759 FOREAETGEISGEJI end tables and collee table $15 ai condition 555 Telephon mattresses $5 each 1945 Encyclopedia Britannica with case $20 Wooden table $7 Odd end table 55 head and tool board with railings $5 tormal gowns $25 each maternity clothes include long gown with slip $25 bathing suit $6 737 0313 FIREWOODEOE 511555353 maple 16 cord $40 12 cord $30 Local deliveries 728 7587 3x6 POOL TABLE complete with set or billiard balls and snooker balls Good shapeï¬sking $1201Phonre 424 9761 help Just look overt listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest job possible CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with Al carpet steam cleaning 7266321 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design or work layout etc Plesa coll collect 416 932631 CUSTOM riNClNG RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood Iences Improve your property 737 1507 main touriproprmt CHAIN LINK FENCING Galvanized and Vinyl Installed FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7287829 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT iI mode by 0le AOUINO Spoclolhlng in pantsuits gowns and allow lions 42 Eugenia 51 Phone 726m mm DRESSMAKING tAiLDITINOTand alterc tlons Reasonable rules For appointment call 7373984 between am and9 pm GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughlng Installed Coll 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roollng and tooling repairs Fre estimates Call Martin Verstraten 4241956 New Lowell EAVESTROUGHING contractor and repairs Jock Bates Free estimates 117 Burton Ava Allondole 7268657 olter pmr ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and set vlco 776496 Form Residentiol Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Rool DisIcing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work Evel43615504361257 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Bockhoe Excov Trenching Horizontol Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and IIrIpIOCOI specialty Vic Watson lar lree estimates 7281599 illiiwooo FMEkVOOD FOR SALE Hardwood split and dellvered Any quantity All dry seasoned wood 4072113 FMEWOOD FOR SALE mixed hardwoods limited quantity ol whlte birch WIII deliver Telephone726O7mevenlngsï¬Â¥ USONED DRYED HARDWOOD Ior by lace cord Delivered Barrie and cod 7287871 evenlrmand weekand FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installotlon and rellnlshlng old and new guaranteed not to 4258341 FURNITURE STRIPPING FURNITURE STRIPPING and rallnishlng hard and salt woods Reasonable rates Tele Eone4362997alter5 Gulbranson complete with Lesley N3 poplar s20 Either $65 pair pants and tops $15 Call anytime ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory EAVESTROUGHING the examiner Friday Oct 28 1977 17 40 articles for sale 40 articles for sale BANKRUPT CARPET SALE $70000 MUST CLEAR Room size and area rugs ADAIR VOLUME SALES 21 MARY ST BARRIE O2628N24H CHILDRENS CLOTHES childrens games baby carriage two steel en trance doors living room and dining room drapes arborlte furniture Phone 726 1171 FULL SPRING MATTRESS single size Special this week $49 or box spring with legs Barrie Mattress Factory 15 Dunlop downtown Barrie 7289922 WESTERM SADDLE hand tooled tan also bookcase metal shelves both In excellent condition Telephone 7262328 GARAGE SALE October 29th 1000 am to 500 pm East on Little Ave olt Highway 11 263 Highland Cres lur niture clothing doors tour white spoke wheels and tlres toys books plants skates bargains galore 726 1875 WINDOWS assorted sizes electrlc lawn mower $25 arborite counter Ior double sink 515 teenagers hockey equipment Telephone 726 4006 BAKERY PRODUCTS near code and past code hall price Full code also reduced Can be Irozen 7269725 Satur day noon to pm Satisfaction guar anteed FIREPLACE ZEFo clearance type Us ed one season Telephone 7372369 anytime GARAGE SALESEILrHFmrn 930 am pm 13 Hillcrest Rd Some antiques carpeting rugs toys screen and protector draperies bedspreads furniture etc WHITE ENAMEL wood cook stove cast iron box stove nearly new medium size refrigerator All in good condition 728 7898 GARAGE SALE Saturday October 29 to pm Typewriter baby carriage upright vacuum cleaner clothing for niture and many more household items 246 Rose Street GARAGE SALE by garage sale auc tion addict ol slull accummulated and not needed Wide variety ol items many selling at below cost Kitchen range $10 15 snow tires $15 houshold stull books bottles camping items etc Sat Oct 298 30 430 291 Patterson Rd all TillinSt GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday 10 am to Furniture good electric stove plane propeller small appliances etc 4th Line lnnislil Sunnyside Greenhouses Lelroy FURNACES New iiornart oil tired lorced air furnace 143 BTU one hot water lurnace Telephone 736 9388 TWO SOFA BEDS $10 each school desk chair $4 tub bench s3 two sinks one lavatory both $6 old platform rocker wood table odd chair $2 each 7283776 he ads below The advertisers MOVING STORAGE THE PROFESSIONALS Lowest prices Honest efficient Free Estimateslnsurance Locol or long hauls HANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned trosh hauled away Just give us your costolls Telephone 4875525 or 726 3441 FALL CLEANUP Storm windows cleaned and installed Tree cutting E°V°S 7266555 TGorcages cncdl basements O29 rds Ouie owoy ï¬ï¬T OFFICE SERVICES Ton Truck and Tandem Trailer BARRIE 4375155 CLEANING SERVICES to suit your needs Roosonobla rates Sotisloction guaranteed and Cleaning and Maintenance 7269867 awnings PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decoratlng In tarior exterior Work guaranteed Establish 0d 39 years 7262725 7269W2 WAYNE FOLEY Professional pointers Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 7267399 PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced lroe estimates Jack Richardson 7262012 175638747 PAULS PAINTING lnteriorond exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Sotisldction guaranteed 7371295 Wmkï¬ M29 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING In terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisldction Quorum126m PICTURE FRAMING A8 HANOYMANwtIIJo pointirIg 53 lloor tiling Iurnitura stripping and inishing Call Paul HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 oltar 630 pm References available MED MORE living space rec room axtio bedroom play room laundry oHica storage space Also pointing wollpopering Murray Ball 72878906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number Ior all your needs 728 8906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chimneys waterprooï¬ng brick and stone caulking win dows and expansion joints Work guoron lead 455 9346 CARPENTRY Decks rec renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed work 726 2609 or 726 9002 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER RariOvotlons house raising panelling masonry and ihimhays tooling Estimates call 726 91735 CONSTRUCTION House raising loun OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom datlons renovations additions Phone lraming of all types We stock many sixes 436729550r43641757alter6pm n7zegg7BLW PASCOE CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING lt Choose lrom hundreds ol Mats and INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar flogging ltlfflflflllm rie area 55 up Dobson 4245910 otter florid weekends INSULATION AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Frge estimates 4363177 otter pm hamMm INNISEIL INSULATION Shingling Painting SIMCOE ELECTRIC RENOVATIONS comm ROOFING lndustrio Commercio COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Residentiol Forms New and Repairs lighting drill Blown Cellulose Fibre Uphem Mhnllfl °° 60 6° FREE ESTIMATES Eml 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 MWFifM7 31221 7288234 Wwh meimiiqu 1W cm SNOWPLOWING FALL FERTILIZING loll cleanups Hedge and PAULS SNOWPLOWNG lndustriol Commorciol and wnd Ipmylnu commercial reasonable 10 as gt niotesolLloul 7373064 MASONRY MIGHIS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and rosldentlol Reasonable rules Dependable 7267757 STAN KNlCElY MASONRY Brick block and REICHEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblowlng stone work chlmney repolr Fireplaces Reasonable rates Contracts seasonal or by specialty Ftaa estimate 705 4246158 clean Up Call 7265666 SIMPSON SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you need It blower or plow Telephone 745360r8355957 aILLALLANSNOWPLowING Residential and MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT commercial Bast service In town Roas WARREN BROWN DJ Musk Ior people who onabla rates Telephone 73728917264604 like to dance idles 7289545 TATEH MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 7261489 RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Interior textured walls and ceilings Free ï¬r estimates Dale Russell Mldhunt telephone ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner 7213439 and advanced Two months triol Instrument loaned lor home practice Canadian Acor demyolMuslc121Boylield7281799 willll°tl3311 21 TWOWAY RADIO Eflls PgOFESSIONAI DRUMI MINSTRUC RADIO rock ortlvoirRtulcafm RgdtsIozoble saIes Repalrs Iflwflgbm4777w Installations SOCIAL AND All work done Indoors IALLROOM DANCING DOCKSIDE Instruction for Meshore Id all occasions Classes now forming Mam 7267310 CALL 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY In DIIIIING Gilberts Wotar ll Drllll or Ducmc homes cottages Fro estimat lawn N14 expertrice Angus 4245657 EXAMINER WANT ADS DONT COST THEY PAY