the examiner Thursday Oct 27 1977 Street extenTion to be investigated Downtown washrooms the extension of Anne Street to join Baldwrn Lane and develop ment of an enclosed shopping uconcourse between Collier and DunlopStreets were among suggestions approved Wednes day by the citizens advisory committee to Barries core revitalization study But the committee backed away from firm decision on the hottest topic at Wednes days meeting city proposals ito extend Toronto Street north over Highway 400 to Cundles Road The committee voted instead to ask study consultants to in vestigate the value of such an extension The transportation subcom imittee had voted to oppose Toronto Street extension but rran into heavy criticism from Arch Brown who as member ofthe ways and means subcom mittee is looking at the jflaossibility of attracting ma ior commercial developer into phe downtown area We have to do major sell ing job on some developer and theyre going to be asking about garterial road access Brown gtiold the committee If this iroad Toronto Street is not put through eventually theres no way our committee can attract at major store downtown But Erica Patrick chairman of the transportation subcom mittee said the extension would disrupt stable residen tial neighborhood and other committee members said pre sent and future residents in the viiorthwest part of Barrie will ftind it more convenient to come downtown via Sunnidale Road anyway Extension of Toronto Street No arrests from holdup No arrests have been made in connection with the Saturday holdup of the Beckers Milk store on Collier Street says spokesman for the Barrie city police Police are looking fora niask ed man who took about Stï¬ from store workers at knifepoint The man is described as bet ween 55 and 56 fairhaired and heavyset and wearing burgundy touquc to hide his face brown ski jacket and bluejeans GREAT CHOICE Tlih year fanada Sayings lionl otter iii great tht itcc Tlictcs tickl Regular lntcrcst Bond that pays interet each ear And new joinpound ltiterct liond that fLlllCt your interest autoinatitally CtlllllllL lltlklLWt tlll rill SAFETY INSTANT CASH AND GOOD RETURN Rtltll iicyy londs retain the gicat ltdtttrtW lllrll liIt liyllyfl hlll ida Sayings lit tlltl llltl unite llictllltlit tor llllllli an it Uiiiahin oyer tlitlasl ll years tttltc iiiyestinent llt ic llixtatit Lthll anytime And they interest Ianatla iy ings ylatttl Ntiuttiltt lï¬r ttitl ltlil an average annual llittttst ot 0tva ylitn held to maturity iii ltoti li ll new liond ltLllis Htll inntea the first year and earns lS catli ol the remaining tl REGULAR INTEREST BOND it you want regular annual llltttlllt troin your tittllltltt youll like the new Regular lntcict ln aid whit pan interest autoiiiain ally cat iv lst Yuri liac tlie llt Ilt your Ilitthfltltlitlll1tlt1ttll ly llltftt tltlwslt llltl youi tllLtllllllLT ii savings at ttIlllll his new tlllLtl tlLIlt INlt ieaturc iii added UthttlltltLt it it yr in You tan luy tlic chulai linent ltond loi tasli ylieieyei ou lllll or llt est in tltlltlllllllilllt an it 500 and 53000 5300 $l yt GREAT CHOICE COMPOUND INTEREST OR REGULAR INTEREST year alter year north of Highway 400 as part of major route also including Bradford and High streets was recommended in 197273 transportation study by Read Voorhees and Associates of Toronto The study was adopted in principle by city council but no specific decision has been made on the proposed exteri sion Suggestions approved by the committee include downtown courtesy sta tion which would include such facilities as public washrooms an information service ticket agency and telephones extension of Anne Street east past Adi laidc street to Baldwin to provide an llll proved route to Bayvieyt Drive Charles Wilson member of the transporta tion subcommittee said the extension would require purchase by the city of two homes which currently stand in the way commeicial development on the present city owned Collier Street parking lot between lappeiton and Owen streets The develop ment would be at the level of Dunlop Street and front on existing lancways which would be covered and tiered parking would be provided above the new stores general easing ot park ing rtxuiirements and other zoning bylaw restrictions to encourage core area development policy forbidding spot rezonings to keep core area residential neighlxuhmds st able at request to the proyiii cial government not to assess for taxation tree parking lots providul by businesses promotion of public tlttll sit use which at present ac counts for only about per cent of trips in the lhe suggestions go to the core study committee and coil sultants for Ctt1ltltl£tlltitl in connection with the $61 uoti llVllalthttItiti study due tor completion in February TWO NEW CANADA SAVING United Appeal given boost Appeal got some good news Tuesday from Bob Vlckery assistant manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia branch at Dunlop and Baylleld Streets He told John Picsley chairman of the appeals payroll deduction division that to this years campaign compared to 3354 last year arget of 3205000 Examiner Photo neighborly news The Barrie and District lnited tright branch employees hayr donated $826 The has raised 552500 towards its bell ewart bv Georgina Mitchell 4563232 Pleased to hear Mrs illllv cc loriens is home from ltoyal Victoria Hospital The Bell Ewart senior citizens meet the first and third lucsday each month in the Bell Ewart ommunity cntrc at 130 in There is euclire party lucsday evenings starting it at the Bell Ewart om munity Centre High Score for the men iecen tly was Sid Paine There was lltltll second between ryille Mitchell and liinerson ttrtis who also had most lone hands new flos by Mrs Wanless 3222978 Visitors at lhanksgiying with Mr and Mrs Alex Finlay and sons which included Mr and Mrs lioug Lanibie Heather and tarolyn of Foresters Falls Mr and Mrs Bill happell anti girls and athy llllltl Annie Ma and Helen lickeiing all oi loionto Mr Mrs and amphcll Steele Laura and David of Etobicoke were weekend guests of Mrs Clarence Atkinson With Mr and Mrs Elmer Atkinson were Mr and Mrs Norman Freedman of Deep River and Miss Lynda Atkinson of Barrie Mr and Mrs Larry Cameron celebrated Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs Don Mathers and family of Meaford Mr and Mrs John Ypma and girls had as their guests cousins Mr and Mrs John llelson and son of Waterloo and Mr and Mrs Charles Parkin and son of Angus Holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and Peter included Mr and Mrs Warren Wanless of Sundridge Mr and Mrs Bruce Corbett and Lind say of Toronto and Bill Rain ford of Barrie Mrs Harold Smith and sons were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr and Mrs Gerald Kitchen of Elmvale The Atkinson families attend ed their annual Thanksgiving gettogether in Utopia Hall on let Gladys Train gave talk on Genealogy at joint meeting of Jacks Lake and Clearview Womens institutes on the occa sion of the farmers 55th an niversary Prior to the meeting Mrs Train and her sister Mrs Albert Jackson of Midland were BONDS Illtkltst it illitlt lltyltt salt earn ml lionrls att llIltlth toi oi ret ciying COMPOUND INTEREST BOND lt you seek lllltj growth or in iinestiiicnt tor the tuture or retirement tund youll choose the new it impound interest Bond After the lust year you will earn lllttrtst on your interest at the animal rarc of 0tilo interest on tlil bond is left to at umulatc and payahle only upon redemption or at maturity llcrcs lit iw tlie yaltic ot $400 lond grows he it impound ltitctcst Bond may he purchased tor cash or on the tonycnicnt Monthly Sayings llan ltcretr Htt latilx tit lttLt lt l5 tyallally in denominations of 5100 500 $500 $1000 and $5000 THE CHOICE IS YOURS you an see new anada Savings ln llltl gttter you grcat choice the Regular lntcrcst Bond and the ompound interest Bond Both new lu unds are on sale now tip to illlllllttl total purchase limit of is 5000 They have been specifically tlestgtictl to meet your aymgs goals Ihoi use the one thats right for you oo cra Annual interest it Maturity Employees become partowners MDS Laboratories announced this week at regional meeting in the Continental Inn that 100 Barrie and Central Ontario employees will benefit from the companys profits through deferred prof itsharing plan to be introduced in December The announcement was made by Lewitt MDS presi dent who said through the plan our employees will become partowners of the company and have real opportunity to directly participate in our companys successes We are very confident about the future outlook for our com pany because of the excellent service given by every employee in the past Through the profitsharing plan we are out to pro tect our employees future Employees will directly own 18 per cent of the company in two years he said MDS is Canadas tar est inde ndent priyatelyoperated clinical laboratory with Sgt locationsein 0n tario including 10 facilities in Central Ontario Three are in Barriehone in Midland and Stayner think that by involving all our employees directly in the ownership the company we can be confident that pride of ownership wtllensure that the public and professionals who use our segirées Will contigueetio get that extra attention that is so impor in as c1 iz service Witt said pe as laboratory testing The MDS profitsharing plan has been re istered Revenue Canada and has received approval gby the inflation board for implementation this December Our Prices are lower Today Than in 1960 In 1960 we advertised 131 cu ft refrigerator for $539 Today we can offer you 133 cu ft Kelvinator nofrost refrigerator for only $43995 almost $100 cheaper today than in 1960 dinner guests of Mr and Mrs George Culham of Wasaga Beach Several people from the area were present at the Minesing Community Centre recently when the family of Mrs George Wright hosted 75th birthday party in her honor Mrs Clarence Atkinson and her daughter Mrs Cam bell Steele and Laura attend the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Archie Burk holder of Stayner The October meeting of the New F105 Womens Institute was held at the home of the president Mrs Cline Rawn Eight members and two guests commented on the roll call which has more influence on childs upbringing home school or church It was unanimously agreed that the home has the strongest in fluence Letters were read from Miss Jane Sills home economist Mrs Maguire area presi dent and from CKBB The let ter from CKBB was in reference to the scheduling of funeral announcements at the same time each day district directors meeting is to be held at the Agricultural and Food building in Elmvale on Thursday Oct 20 at 130 pm at which time the place and catering for the District Annual will he discussed Kelvinotor ltNS 4395 Monarch TV Appliances 118 Dunlop St 7282059 133 cu ft nofrost RefrigeratorFreer rho Kid VlllLt try lkilllc no spay pay DrumatICis Canadas And youll even save Thats all there is to it ll is tlsj trim sw KW of lad 7t no 300 largest selling humidifier on heating bills And before you know it Its built stronger to last longer and keep perfect moisturebalance through out your home That means you and your plants will breathe easier Your furniture wont dry out and come unglued Youll reduce static electricity and avoid shocks So dont put it off any your home will be moisture longer Call one of the balancedcomfortable dealers listed below and tell from top to bottom him youre interested in having Drumatic humid iï¬er installed in your home Hell tell you what size of humidiï¬er you need how much it will cost and how long the installation will take When it comes to humidifiers you cant beat the drum WAITSKUITlE COMPANY 430 Wyeftolt Road Uaky itic ltiia tt Lt 590 Hodge Street untied tintbet WW ex Consumers Gus I65 Ferris lone 7266558 Open Friday night till pm 7057286745 Mr Tom Van Wort