Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Oct 1977, p. 4

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The Examiner member of The Canadian Press CF and Audit Burnuptaer NEwsnooM on aacl Only the Canadian Press may re publish new stories In this Nam Apvennsmc austNEss Published dongexcept soclotod Prue Routers or cute FrencoProsu and local 590 Finlay managing editor Len Sevlck manager Marian Gougn content Mdoy cmgrwnndorlzecpzbllm Aln The Examiner it Randy McDonald city editor SALESMEN Belly Armer statutory holiday attain McGovern aswstani City tdilOI can Gaynor Dorothy Bowlanri wrsxrv by corrlor sum cigim copyright on all ortglnal new and advertising material created Curran county editor Ly Johnson Gail Mlt Partand 90am by many and published in this newspaper serving barrie and simcoe count mm 99 SWtsediiw am Boullon vim Grant vmtv mm 22 Bl McFarlane Wire editor Dana Graham Copyrloh rwlr°n hum 20315 ream Chris Montgomery lifestyle Publish tohn Zareckv IVMAILIame ed bY Conadtcn Newspapers Company Limited EEE°R°YESQ° °°°9°° CIRCULATION sum National advertising otllces as Queen st Toronto mo Camen si 16 Boyfield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 John Bruce CLASSIFIED 1° 5004mma9 WAC Calm M° Paul Dctcan Linda Halkes asst manager Er bl Richard Dunstan Lgslcy 5015 50 Andy Haughton MOTOR Tflnoworf The advertiser llarm trout publlsncr shall not be Matte tor aumnu arising out QOSm Pat Guergs reua Sninner Judy Hickey 9° giggolrrllgggrnrrdeigrtlulnozgtRQJmcohnfhgzleafczretiuvtielt=ychuxgrlld Alva Plante NEWSROOM CIRCUlAflON ADVERTISING ClISSIFlEDS BUSINESS azalegfiluz Lean mm Ahkmfi Elaineaporter smug TADA due to the negligence at servants or otherwise and there shall be no lloblllty tor 726 6537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 Sue ater °° Gary Pringle non Insertion at any odveriiumeni beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Dont let em come home again It aint easy This business of being an international terrorist it isnt all that its cracked up to be Little things like family life keep on interfering Two FLQ members who were involved in the kidnapp ing of British trade commissioner James Cross want to come home The two along with the other kidnappers were of fered deal free Cross and get out of Canada The two now want to come back Why So the kids can go to Quebec schools It all sounds very domestic and cozy But it isnt Its frightening Cross kidnappers got off scotfree for vicious crime The consideration of the request by Quebec Premier Rene Levesque is an attempt to make the criminal of fense of 1970 political offense in 1977 There is no such thing in Canada as political crime The term political crime is nothing more than an euphemism for terror another way of saying crime is acceptable if there is some sort of alleged or real ideological basis The federal government should make clear in no uncertain terms that the instant the kidnappers step on Canadian soil they will be held by immigration officials and prosecuted The law of Canada is above pandering to politics Once the law is bent to suit political winds of the mo ment then the law becomes not tool of order in society but means of terror letters to the ditor Letter wasnt appropriate Some Ron Don fihinK Chocolie heqq wants To Go For all seasons Christmas was black By TRAYNOR McFARLANE Every time Christmas approaches we always think about our friend Sid more helpful guy you couldnt find but everything Sid did always seemed to have tinge of unhappiness Sid was married and had child two years old real romantic Sid was Like the time he picked up his girlfriend to become engaged he hired chaffeurdriven RollsRoyce to whisk her to the jewellers to choose the ring After they were married his wife lost the ring When Sid tried helping around the home such as cooking the evening meal to surprise his wife he invariably burned it in the oven We recall Sid flicking lighted cigarette butt upwards into the air with debonair sort of movement and the butt fell to earth down the back of his opennecked shirt In our minds eye we can still see his contortions It was Christmas Eve few years ago in Sids house and wellfurnished homeit was gleaming with Christmas Eve cleanliness Little knickknacks lined the windowsills things such as Toby jugs cute little enamel dogs and two miniature coaloil lamps Note the latter It was almost time for Sids wife to arrive home from work and the livingroom of their home was veritable picture of muted beauty with Christmas tree lights winking the light atop the television set glowing and soft hifi music playing in the background all adding to the romantic aura of warmth The off white Chesterfield added richness to the room Sid looked around admiring the setup and his eye suddenly caught the reflected gleam of the coaloil lamps Even although miniature they contained oil and had wicks just like the real McCo He decided to light the lamps to to the Christmassy look Now Sid was citybred boy and didnt know much about countrytype things such as oil lamps nothing about wicktrimming tur ning up the wick or even how to light the arti cle He went through about 79 matches before discovering the glass could come off Finall he got the two lamps lit and stood Dear Sir chcsquc gets support for his outrageous back to 00k as the flames swelled and reach am opposed to censorship and believe in rograms becausc Frcnchtanadians havc edfull glow ever oncs right to an opinion but am iccn exposed to bigotcd drivel from English He smiled satisfactorily and went about shoc ed that you would print letter from Canada His support Will cvaporatc whcn Pensron plans set retirement Of age more readymgthedmnen misinformed bigotted person like Had don found at least twelve completely idiotic statements in his letter captioned Down With French published in the Oct 19 issue For his enlightenment Trudeau did not force seat belts on us Queens Park did Trudeau does not fill Parliament with Frenchmen The electorate decides who srts in Parliament and all these members are Canadians not Frenchmen or Englishmen l£wiue does not tell us what to do Hes Premier of Quebec We did not go to war to keep Canada linguist We went to war to preserve our freeioms One of these freedoms is the freezer to speak Either of the dficial rangiages guaranteei in the EVA Act arada is not and never was an Emish country iiccordin tn the 1971 census 44 per cen of ana ians are of British origin and ii per cent are of French origir Then were wo officral languages in Canada in as there are HOV Instead of sending Levesque to France as Haddon suggests Haddon shouldrakea mt would also likc to thank lltt many so lory rcsidcncc was borne by the late capsule mp 39 Na Germany when her lrljllllLSVvllll grad and Slylptirilul this clylicnt lrclcrilckl ll Morrtow pilllltltr0llot1 feel comfortable with ll rt uniirn ual tltll cch cut us ria is cnova ions wcrc par or purity TWP ere latc William Wright of Barrie mining cana Canada is suffering from variety of pm You if Illttrcstcd to lcarn that it hm magnatc and horseman and the Landseair story been dccrr cd to make this an annual cycnt on blems today Among these is the problems created by hatred and bigotry exhibited by both French and EnglishCanadians toward each other In free society everyone has right to an opinion but why do the crackpots get all the press This is the time for the reasonable in formed majority of Canadians to be heard write your mp 99 if you would like to write your Membcr of Parliament or Member of Provrncial lar liamciit printed below are thcir mailing ad dresses if you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to thc Editor columns iAttcr all it thcrc is mat ter of concern that makes you want to vmtc to your MPor Mll it it is not personal mattcr it should bc of intcrcst to your fricnds and neighbors tooi FEDERAL Dr it Rynartl Ml Nttllll Simcoc Parliament Hurldings tittawa tint KIA tiAti Ross Milne Ml PeelluflerinSimcoc Parliament Buildings tittawa UnthA iiAti Sinclair Slci ens Mi YorkSimctw larliaincnt Buildings Ottawa tint KlAtlAti tins Mitgcs MP ircySiriicoc larliamcnt lluildings Mll Siiiicoclcntrc lintnrio chislat urc Quccns lark loronto M7A 1A2 Gordon Smith Mll SlilltlKAEUSl Ontario Legislature Quccns lark loronto M7A lA2 icoigi Mctaguc Mll lluftcrinSimcoc Quccns lark loronto M7A lA2 English Canadians Show understanding and lovc not bigotry and hatrcd Mr Haddon has demonstrated that his bigotry is mused by ignorancc His views arc appropriatc in an out housc not on the editorial pagc of ncwspapcr Sinccrcly Andrew Mclnyk loll Sunnidalc Rd Prayer thanks licarSir On behalf of tthtccrmg tommittcc for llll First Annual ity of Barrio lraycr Breakfast would likc to cxprcxx our ap prccialion for your covcragc and support if the Mayors Breakfast hch tict As you are aware thc Vtlll was highly sui cmsful and was gcncrally rcgardcd as worth whili by the businch and political lcadcix of the city who attcndcd number who wrrc in attcndanco do not normally attind any church litimbci who attcndcd haw ncvcr bccn involwd wtth anv othcr dcnornination ft is our sincere hopc that thosc who did pa rticrpatc wrrc riwardcd spiritually the first Wednmday of cvcry ttctobcr Also other smallcr lraycr groups arc in ranging to mcct on ngular basis Yours truly llructA tlwrn llillrlllilll Good but Dear Sir You madc some good points in your editorial rtlct l7i about thi Suncoc County Board of Education wanting to kttpfirtltl til but you say Schools as wc lllltltrhlillltl them are for teaching have always thought that schools wcrc for learning Yours ltoy Macklcin Deal with people Dear Sir would just like to mention few thoughts have had with regards to our up and coming One Hundred and lwcntyFifth Anniversary was wondcring how many thousands of dollars are sct aside for this cclcbration or how much the city is oing to spend Possibly this shoulr br considerml Maybe those thousands of dollars could bc better spent elsewherc like lclccarc or the Simcoc Rescue Squad just to namc fcw more worthy causes lm sure there arc many more Im also sure that very spmtacular celebration could be donc with very low cost and high public spirit We all know what wondcrful city llarric is but think its time that wc stopped in dulging in prestigc and got down to dcaling with people Sure Lets provc Barrio is great but first we have to prove it to ourselves bible thought llclight thysclf also in thc Lord and lic shall give thee tlic desires of thinc litart Psalm Ilizt Giving iod everything will never dcprivc you of anything Sock ye first the kingdom of led and His righteousncss and all llltSt things shall be added unto you as matter of custom than anything else the Barrie Scene lly KEN iiiis lllll SISTERS OF ST ltiSlllll ill Toronto Wirc vcry LJilCltlllM Ill thcir dealing wrtli tluiirrnan Jack Rodgch and dirttors of Harric ommunity Association who ipllillttl toliiriiunily llousc aftci tlu cud of World War Two in min lhc constitution staird that thc Town of liy thllARIl Ill NSIAN All my lllt lVc liatcd vandalism thc scrisclcxs rlmtruction of soiiiclhing valuablc by soinconc who gains nothing from thc act halc ll all lhc niorc wlicn thc thing dcstroycd is somcthing previous to mc hair it most of all whcn thc objcct IS sorncthirig lvc longcd for dcslroycd at thc hands of lhosc who havc always had acctgs to it havcnt always bccn tuiidian and now that am tunada is morc prccioris to inc than gold And cant bcar thc thought of thc dcslruc tiori of my ncw country by vandals whcthci thcy bc chain smoking ucbcc politicians or llarric busincssrncii Wllll nothing bcttcr to do than complain bccausc thcir priiiic ruinistcr Iifc long Francophonc starts wclmmrng address to thc Quccn in itrcnch It all makcs mc want to knock thcir litads togcthcr and ask wlicthcr thcy havc any idca what it is thcyn sowilling to throw away Im not going to call chc chcsqiic traitor Ilcs propcrly clcclcd political Icadcr llut whcn hc gots to country will ineg givc up and says that that country and not Canada should scrvc as an cxainplc to Qucbcc am torn bctwccn sorrow and ragi Interpreting the news Letter offends LONDON Cli lrimc Ministcr Jamis allagluin in attcinptlng to placate Labor party dissidents at honic has raised the irc of llritain ommon Markct partners lhc primi ministcr in letter to the par movc to rippcasc antimarket factions Whatever the mcasure of Cullaghans sucr cotis thcrc is littlc question that he has of fcndcd in the process powerful allies within the Communitv West icrman has reacted most forcefully that countrys orcign minister stating that thc Callaghan proach to such matters as enlargement of European Economic Com munity EEC differs from that of the part ncra lliiiric thc ltll Club and thc Kiwanis lub would bc financially icsixinsrblc for thc optration of lltA Mr Rodgcrs told lhc lZx ainiinr lhc Sisttrx of St loscph llitt tl tainly ginn lllt cit ilcns of llairic wondcrful gift It was most gciicruiis action on thc part of tho tlrdcr Vc arc dccply giatcful to thciii it Vandals work And Im not going to blast thc Rotary Club which scivcd as tomin this wcck for lllc ltlllillk about lurrc liudclius Frciich and othcr malty unworthy comincnts dont know which llltllltltlill iiiadc tlic rcinarks and thcy may wcll bc pcoplc likc and nspcct as great many ltotarians arc llut if lrcncli which by thc way ncithci spcak nor undcrstnnd Is good criough for tlrc himn who iiscd ll its good ciiongh for inc and for all Anglophonc urm dmns thlittlilll whcri simultancous translation is availnblc as it was on thc broadcast of liiidcuus rcmarks lts ironic that llci Majcsty who livcs an occari away from unadian soil is bcttcr Canadian than so inruiy of licr anadiaii sub jccts botli Angloplionc and llllltllltllt Arid if chcsquc and his crcw succccd in pulling Quclxc out of llllttltltllltill and if Anglophonc Canadians lllt foolish criough to hclp him convincc Qucbcc rcsidctits that thcy arc no longcr wclcornc hcrc and would bc lict tcr off scparatul tlicii will shcd rcal tcars without sliamc or ciiibarrassincnt And will spcnd thc rest of my lifc woridcr ing how the most fortunatc pcoplc on earth could throw away thc wundcrful country wantcd so much to call my own market allies Wciii icrmany belicvcs that enlargement of thc EEC by three Portugal Spain and ircccc would strcngthcn that body Callaghan said he felt it would weaken its in tcgration Caught in the middle is Ray Jenkins with Callaghan realizing the prime minister is up against heavy antimarket sentiment within the Labor party with little room to manoeuvre What has touched off EEC ire particularly is Callaghans stand on maintaining the au thority of national parliaments and govern ments his claim to the right to pursue national economic and social policies and his apparent concern over Enlargement of EEC authority experts here say Town Lions and Kiwanis clubs financially responsible for BCA THE BIG ltllllli on Toronto St was opcratcd during the war by volunteer Bar ric group headed by thc late James Hamilton retired general manager of the Royal Bank of Canada who resided in town it was known as Barrie Active Service Club The lalc Mrs Montagu Leeds was in charge of rm women who staffed the canteen three shifts each day seven days week for the wars duration lhc clubs facilities were usr cd by fitltitltitl visits of army and air force per sonncl from 1939 to 1945 tiSl til lllttllSli the old Hampton Hub of loronto At cnd of war Mr Morrow retained his financial rntcrcst in thc building Following is copy of thc bricf presented to Harrie ouncil May I954 by Jack Rodgers on lllllllf of thc ommunity Association litcause of Mr Morrows prolonged illness bciorc his death we wcrc unable to maintain pcrsonal contact with him so wcre quite sur priscd to hear that he had transferred the ownciship of Barric Community House to the Sistcrs of St Joscph in Toronto tow months ago we were able to contact lhc Sistcts of St Joseph and acquaint them with all the circumstances and advise them of thc benefits to the community They very graciously agrccd to sell Community House to llarric ommunity Association of which you arc part for Mr Morrows original in vcslmcnt of $6500 During the past year not knowing just what the final disposition would be we rcfraincd from spending much on iiiainlcnancc with thc result that this year wc will bc required to spcnd more than prcviously and for that reason requested grant of $800 instead of $600 as last year from our sponsors Lions and Kiwanisi Wc wcrc uiidcr thc impression this grant had mct with your approval as we had seen it so reported in The Examiner and your finance chairman had intimated that he thought it would be unnecessary for us to ap pear before you The Active Service Club and following it the Barrie Community As50ciation which was originally sponsored by the Town of Bar ric and which you have financially supported for ovcr 15 years requires your support and continued interest more than ever We appeared before the Sisters of St Joseph few months ago and presented the case well enough to gain their sympathy and support sent timc If in another year or two if you feel that the community is not benefitting sufficiently from the services provided by Barrie Com munity House to warrant thecoritinuation of your support and if we know in time that you are withdrawing that support we can invoke that clause in our charter which we mention ed previously and arrange for other interests to carry on but which we as Board feel would be great mistake About halfhour later his wife came in smiling and took in the tranquil livingroom scene Sid Its lovel She stopped and went over to the Chesterfield Looked like tiny black spots on it she thought She ran finger over some of the spots looked at her finger and shrieked Everything in the room was covered with fine film of soot from the two oil lamps Sid dashed in from the kitchen His wife was standing there sobbing the lit tle spots of soot on her pupils mixing with the disbelief in her eyes It took Sid an hour or so to calm her down and even then she only spoke to him when she had to as they went about cleaning up the furniture They both laugh about it now but at the time it was real crisis Theyre still married and now have four children and two miniature coal oil lamps The lamps look sort of naked without oil or wicks in them You wont find matches in the home either Survivor was dog By BOB BOWMAN Although the Klondike gold msh ended about 1900 number of prospectors camp followers and others stayed there because they enjoyed the life Some of them had made good deal of money but the outside had lost its attraction Nevertheless they made trips south oc casionally and numberof Klondike charac ters were passengers in the Canadian Pacific Ltd liner Sophia when it sailed from Skagway Alaska on Oct 22 1918 One of them was William Scouse of Seattle who had hoisted the first bucket of gold at Eldorado Creek He was great storyteller and the passengers gathered in the loun to listen to him and sing the old songs the Klondike dance halls As the Sophia steamed through the night it suddenly struck hidden rocks at Vanderbilt Reef and was hard aground The ship began to list badly but was not sinking Capt Louis Locke former Nova Scotlan sent out an SOS which brought the US steamer Cedar and number of small boats to the scene Un fortunately there was strong gale blowing and it was not possible to take off the passengers and crew of Sophia They kept up their spirits by continuing their singsong in the lounge Then Sophia began to founder Capt Locke sent out another wireless message For Gods sake come and save us but Cedar or Haw tilll KiAoAt sumqu tys national excculivc last week romisotl British president the gmvs ruling om We feel that we would be breaking faith the other ships could not get clwe although lltlll Hurry Mk tough and llltllptlltltlll illipllttlt l0 hill mission who has remaian silent on the coli with them if we are unable to maintain your they made ETC effortst ticorgc laylor mm llly ltUfilnlSH MIVLIS hch WW it trovcrsy Jenkins is believed to sympathize support and intersi particularly at the pre The final wireless message said Just in time to say goodbye We are fouridering All the passengers and crew were lost343 lives Some of the bodies were recovered later One woman had $80000 in bills sewn in to her clothing Another victim was carrying 540000 Still another woman was carrying diariionds and rubies in bag tied around her nec The only survivor was brown and white English setter which swam into Tee Harbor two days later its coat greasy with oil

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