the exemlner seatedy act 22 1017 vr 12 mortgages 16 opts to rent L20 rooms to let I32 4am for sale I60 tides for sale l40 dies for side rum Two BEDROOM apartment Anous LOVELVCLEAN iioME large bright olmgertytor sde area tarnished or unturnlshed pay own tarnished bedroom with sink Rooms IF YOU NEED MONEY 321mg2$2Iiiï¬ï¬Ã©lliinll°ef£ am CAR ADVANCED VACUUM Two BEDROOM apartment tridge WedHMSWOIHINTI 1416 Mulcaster St Barrie M°RTGAGES L°VI°eieliiei£° €22EWIIIIIIJ 90592 533I3I5Dei351 1975 0000 COIOIIET APPRAISALS 09° Mom Lu evaliable immediatelyICall 7372139 Caiieiï¬eï¬oniieie to °Fridays ONLY CONSULTING AnYWherel on all homesi conagesi iarms Vacauon t7houses to rent 9°° Mm abmhw mm One of the oldest and most complete vacuum services north at AAAAAA weekends 7260998 Toronto Special offer $1050 with this ad only and commercial properties Wed love to help you WM Itorile vinyl mt 24000 SALES LEASING TOWNHOUSE 1m To consolidate debts low monthly payments sIggpflteigies Jnvgncopl KTcuiu$3gn sHome improvements any worthy reason 09h OW In 70010 two 72663 58 COLLIER ST eTO pay all existing or maturing mortgage bedrooms Immaculate mm Essa Id Bank Parts inCIUded SUITE Constructionlundstree advicetry us ditlon full basement oll Iiaot Central Available Immediately 12221 309 and be for mos machines In OCR we also baud $205 plus all and utilities adults Tlpm new BARRIE ONTARIO We have ready cash to purchase mortgages 399001 l1qu 37101D FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING O2122MP °lY dog R3236 Oggafflxgiitcfégrlglggzhrggm Dont take chance on door to door selling you 03159 $105 120 Phone 7284752 Shane 7200470 between6and9pm 1970 TOYOTA CORONA Mark 11 °°YT Between4 ands pm automatic transmission new brakes Advanced Is also service warranty depot ior HOOVER EUREKA ii TF near bus and plaza arklng board op Wm 9°°d b0in Clea IT and ROYAL me tlonal Suit older gent eman 7265067 l°rl°ri 60 Wlll cerllV $850 or best 01 129 DUNLOP st EAST 347 BAY STREET ter III594 evenlniis SINK IN IAIII iniCE not spams Hm TORONTO ONT PUGET COURT 23°C95 lows 07 rem 1972 0105 CUTLAss two door hardtop cw PRESTIGE EXECUTIVE HOMES °° Prionswe 350 v0 em We 911 7260981 331 PRESTIGE luxury bedroom MODERN OFFICE space ior lease Ingbrakes bucket seats redials vinyl root Telephone 7371051 W80 DODGE DART tour door small or large suites Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 townhouses Selective neigh 0N Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc borh°°d R°l°°¢ 275 Anï¬elw IONartiCles for sale 40miclas fondle EXCLUSIVE TREED RAVINE LOTS make new to pmw ggggggggï¬gmggggm 355433 233378347iéieï¬tléiï¬iitiï¬lff WITH Eveninssnlttbs thly eecii Includes parking and heat girldtorgNVyggtofngingérmgggr COLOR 1333M 12mongages IMiiloltllit homeslitrailers IThsfli pï¬ifï¬g22F°wm power brakes new paint Teiephone MECHANICS TOOLS VIEW OF KEMPENFELT BAY models with plenty at square feet feature fireplaces and baths respectively central vacuum system radio intercom heat 7374051 TOWNHOUSE mm bedrooms OFFICE SPACE tor rent 99 We bums Wr appnances boadoom sweet Parkng second or mIrd 00 1975 DODGE ROYAL MONACO station throughout garage $1125 monthly In single or combined ottlces No lease re w°°° pwer veering and makes cludes cable and water Close to school quired Phone 7262772 days Of 73712349 cofldlilOlllng radial tires cruise control LS We stock complete line of Herbrand RENTAUPURCHASE Hand Tools RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes tt lh pump with airconditioner balconies and walkouts Plus many 335 °° T°°p°° 333mg FT oEFICE SPACE oApAtAlanlsvls git000 hinienymrfille all In mum PRATT MOTOR moreeatur Pgiced ft $105000 on Chicks fixtures NEW SFBEEIJIROOM HialrlsflE inl Alcona Rowilitgwnb 533pr CAIIEMgarklng mcziélfle condition s4500 will certiiy 20 rum ILPPLY CO LTD C01 CU or CO rom of sum as ro SOmO Beach Bm room rep 8C9 1V2 Va 15 17 of has9 not bfen ordered by builder For personal interview with SALE RENT mQSaggagggngvgigagomrgopggwu 726699616579LL L953U3Liflmï¬fgï¬ 6315de LTD bond df ED JENNINGS 737 24space for re tlon Power windows PS PBalr candi 39 High St Barrie er an or mar in ormation ease CO at pars and Servce am108pm436 3348 atter6 on 500 Telephone NO MONEY DOWN 10100r72808m BEDROOM HOME Big Bay Point PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 I972 PERI 97556 iéiTliTpggecem 7285911 Exclustve Dealer ior area $285 monthly Reterences rec 60000sqittuily sprinklered transport me up rebum mow asking 3500 or NO pAYMENT III GI quiredJelephone14168775982 andlighttruck loading docks i4itrleit Des one Telephone 7370243 ask tor Open Saturdays ti Enquiries from all Real Estate en Ix an en THREE SEDROOM House nimble Cleltlr part at large expanding industrial BIIL DECEMBER 022 Brett welcome and Modular November lst Rec room garage and 7767l3° mm TT TTTT TTT awed large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent FOR LEASE industrial space and 315233ï¬gï¬ilgiceuflgggtédnng Phone lomghl FIREWOOD Mame and beech no Ppr Northlondars $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to warehouse Telephone 7263400 bane radial tires$2800 Telephone Delivered Tonight cord or tl0ano you cut 035 2110 Travel Trailers gliméop 3257 between lm and gÂ¥m€€lgagfgfflflaï¬aoï¬ LBW avfl2g3 melzicgifl3FEgdlm 336 iWe are mortgage brokers and corsair Glenele LOVELY HOUSE wm bewml weed DUN 99 mad 21322319 rgczligiglcbitriliigrzybbg torn llléUOed lelIPMlle 7265323 net WNW bedwms OW WWW P°° 7° miles Certiiied Asking sets or bestoi evenings TThSTF smce we specclle can guaran yg sire we Avallble lmmedlaely ltwmf vï¬ mn yen phone 723 6134 origin for lg Kimban I100 exceilem tee prompt and individuo Terms Up To 15 Years WLKWLWJDEEQEQELL FOR RENT 1800 square teet Suitable FinEfï¬e Bum aIfxjvIgï¬TeITIï¬ condition Telephone 7281973 tention to all morta Highwo 11 South FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE smmy waehwsm F°r m°re °m°° track deluxe Interior speed coniigol pun WANTEDTo BUY Judo suit sizetl to WW Bay tour miles east oi Barrie Also call Plumbing Mart 312 Baytleld St electrlc detrost rustprdoting and others Tm mmc III 100 lbs in good Condition Telephbne inqutries ensuring mOXImum I70 Burton Ave 7289866 lame Dam Rel 75 monthly Mln 7263092 20 4000 092501 II 72609 es und Imum six month least FltSi Grid 15 um if WWW 176954115 n9 79 liner bgl er mols Winn mm In advance Rdermces re 25 arages 197e CHEVELLE wit dt N2 Gill RCA XLTOO cor ar yo mar el errns Amps TOIPS to rent alga72609gm WANTED To RENT 95 pele buckets console 411 12 bolt dlit rib RCA XIII cob funds for residential com TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT 07 SALE double garage lor winter car storage 00 bod 33 be ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and wt BARBIE three bedroom washrooms iully one 726 yojgevenm en Amplitier approx bittoning old 30min idsles newln crateslor only84660rpoy mental and recreational broonomed Mums $325 momth Lc £Lv Call726 3697Vaiter6prn mum condilon Askh so 75 Hy ml RM erlles $35000 Férrls Lane area Telephone WNTER STORAGE WANTED 776 335 IU 0000 You 737353°II6 mo antique car Call aiter pm 72670575 71 NOVA Hort No menv Mn EAL We also purchase existing mor Baffler new bude BEXUflFUL THREE BEDROOM Lgrio5fliï¬ Chew Nova Moor Coupe Lie RECYCLE LOST HEAT trom your iur December 1977 Phone tonight delivery 26a ccommodationsto sha re IN OLDER HOME IN ALLANDALE AREA Business girls wlshe to share 77l cyl automatic radio iinlshed In med bronle metallic beige vinyl in terior Only 63000 miles Wlll go quickly at $1695 International Automobile 100 nece Install heat mlser in your smoke ton lit up pipes Call tor lntonation 7280755 Tn PIANOS New apartment sIze trotn $995 Thu NIT1 delivered Neaies 147 Bruce Thorn IQOQESIOFCOSh One and two bedroom opart Townhouse available November C° M°9°9° M°°9e mom with nice view and WW Eiï¬tétggmtï¬lrï¬fieiepï¬ï¬ï¬me$5525 Kerr for valuable advice WI9 TTTT TT TT TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTT TTT tfl house with same Rent reasonable Call TItiIn Street Barrie 726 9050 burydaily Wed closed 15195992896 RCA XL100 NEW ICOLOR 100 solid BUS 737 883 7370027 PT TO 726 7m beiore and 726 6468 alter iiï¬gaAï¬gagjï¬gfaï¬gï¬ggjï¬fï¬ TIRES GR 70 14 Goodyear radials Imlllcl 39 50 RES TOLL FREE 4875965 FTF NEW THREE BEDROOM house Anten mu 799mm 737 3770 3331 mounted on steel slotted dish rlms week 591 JanuarY Mills 8350 per month plus heat and hydro Must have reierences First and MODERN luxuny last months rent Call Dan Henderson rep Unlgroup Inc RE Broker 717 1771 VERY LARGE and bedroom or728 6065 Rim TehranTee littleitenmisiï¬mmasi7132102123 453 on News °° FREIGHT 202 Dunlap Street west Just west at the Barrie Arena HEAD SKIS 207 Lecroix Nevada bin 32cars for sale 74 GREMLIN 1974 GREMLIN 2door Coupe LiC I974 CHRYSLER NEWPORT CUSTOM white alr condItIonlng power windows and seats and extras Michelin radials one owner can be seen at 69 Steel 51 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East muUi e4 Wyes We Hpi at Six cyi auto radio root rack 83700 or best otter Telephone 7261345 BARRIE apartments lor lease QUIet zgguifLsogs fniruzgsoalfl tlnlshed In burnt orange White vinyl alter5pm HOLIDAY 333ewï¬fgfémglzzahuwnie kt il ld REAL ESTATE BROKER Memberommo qugoge OdUl bulldlng N0 Pels rooms baths iamlly room living 2503Iffgminiziï¬erieï¬ZIlf3Ir PORTABLE RADIOS DISC JOCKEY EQUIPMENT for sale Brokers Assomation Reierences 7239632 90 room dining room kitchen and laundry mobIIe I00 TIIIIn 511726 9050 ecood quamy dual turntables speakers amplifier room Located near Angus Immediate rrAuri microphone and records Telephone IF OLGATE Apl 02 Possesslon 24 I609 gxdï¬ï¬Ã©nzd copueï¬eglï¬téermém Fully guaranteed 7257741 89 ST lmSTTF TWO BEDROOM W3 available miles Newly painted Private sale Best lowlow prices First and Second Member $250 monmlv Call otter over$1700 Telephone 720 7156 Used Cars Trucks PRATT tlioToksumr FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom Phillip Peacock 737 I771 rep Uhlgroup BUYmTGKaIég Whhéiagjlagrfai Buys beautitul 26 RCA XLIW colour photo Multiple Listing SerVIce MORTGAGES ARRANGED colorimenls avalladble Central Adults 16 8€B°ller we common flan WM 410 like St Ill C0 lTD lI II III WWI Mum R°°5°n°b° Rm ï¬leEï¬gflffï¬jh 20 Ew CON DOMI UM gm Int393192le so 73013 7200390 39 Hilhflu letr10 meme eeieer eeiemeiie tine uninl dew Esther Kennedy 424547I Vicki Kent 4872501 MEISIW tpolber rlsta Large balï¬my or ysgg HOUSES meflgtfess 23w°°gé Pug Nznï¬zrmzuxg Leo Cavanough 7281207 Bob Sounders 7263883 or gage 031 ï¬guriraitgioitrtitign ans shictpping For immediate rental Ail broadloom 9305 ELSPIISILLYEEJLBP mud in tonight Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstone 7263043 Pu Please telephone 728 0990 000 Vino 00 and dillan I972 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS In ex 73 MAVERCK GRABBERI SX 022H ll For Cash TT TT TT room located at 17 St Vincent St celieni condition Certiï¬ed $1900 CYllndell OUlomflllCl 0006 condlllon phi131412 NI Morg Wood no toll 4873148 Bill Moran 7282305 ran lt Eggs Eunfomrigixaalasnmggte 3030 0459 TeIephom 975 Cerililedsllso Telephone 7280465 CLEANNG SERWCE home and or nsu ce hF e7 777 TTTT TTTTTT TTT TT TTTTTTTTTTTTT TT utilities included tree parking Suit FARM HOUSEsix mlessoutnol Barrie 1972 NEWPORT door aqumatc °°° WWI Reasonable rates Excellent reierences FRIDGE AND STOVE colour Available IngIe bum Wanna Imam 32027 Highway modernkltctgen three power steering In and wIndom gzgghhaouceJaOm ZIJrlenlrbtgonrder51550 TeIepmnem 6875 we bedroom sum abIe Wm sIx Propeny or so property far Reasonable Telephone 726 8998 oom5 19 roomr 559m 9000 condliloni DSKIIW i600 Desi Ol LW WELL MILKQUoTA FOR SALE mIIIIon Chairs single bed Chesterfield CBTDCIS anytime 19199098776991 LegTelephonetggagltcrqpm I969 ssh 396 standard tour speed 500000 M50 phone Is Hm Telephone 7284138aiter4pm SPACIOUS COUNTRY Two éTTEijoTOMA enmemslbvwame FURNISHED BEACH HOUSE In Bar i977 CHRYSLER Newportior saleCOm WWIme Fedemv 395 15193432728 ORGAN electronic Gulbranson all bedrooms full suite dining 90o mai ENTERPRISES immediately Novegtber 151 December rle 09 bedrooms replace tanlastlc plately equipped Periect condition 50 mOIO 339 50 Im yaCEILING FIXTURES spoke Pacemaker complete with Lesley ilaor tamin room with walkout to cede I2I BAYFIEID 51 13 Parklno laundry iacllltles $230 VlewmmmhY OVsuilWlm 74 $739 For lurther lnlormatlon mesd 219 9l555°1ew wooden whee mm ambe shades speaker rhythm one octave pedals as deck Bmwmm Inmughout memo mommy pm Md penance No ailer6pm telephone 622 one Digegyegwunezxg epzuwlscéngcé whee measures 38 around We new s2eoo 7372164 weekendsOratter6 lovely treed lot near the bay tor yea pets 72s 1035 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE In Angus 3250 i977 CHRVSLER Newport custom ch wiii sen to no each Teie hone meeelwaYS round enioyment Reduced $1000 Call 7267130 TWO BEDROOM aparimem Buiiabie monthly plus heat and hydro First and outlined like New Yorker Loaded 39 35 we WA 7606 50 two tables both Hm Laddie 73771223737g2i Hoursqom 9pm Novembe We SIM dose last rrioTntrsrent2reg71i¢d One rel Showroom condition $6799 Telephone must83x0rggmfmypaévgdgugil torsao Portable televisionsso Record 02 ro en shopping and bus route adults only $230 95¢ 07096717 736 2633 player s25 Tub bench $3 AMFM UNLOP ST Ml °PP°Tem manthlyPlease call726 9200 VACANT TOWNHOUSE Lount St 1972 DODGE Demon 340 automatic 2hgg595123553ï¬35 FACTORY BUILT radio310 72113776 WANTED industrial site iaurto seven Membelonimm Molgoge ONE BEDROOM Sell contained apart 99 bedrooms two wasrirooms very well maintained radial tires 53 ENGINES CB EQUIPMENT Bengal side band TT acres near north or west ot city limits Brokers Association merit ior rent all services supplied $125 aardoe adults $290 per month plus stereo Telephone 72s 7246 alter6pm tiltcars wantedto buy base Dto4mlke andaaelementbeam BARRIE 7263422 Outside Siorace no building Reply Box monthl rele hone 726 i439 Ullllles Telephone 776 7109 belore WM irrvi OR ExcellentcongitionTelephonenmoaa V82 Th 1968 CAMARO cylinder new brakes JUNK CARS WANTED amnei LARGE TWO BEDROOM In triplex Suit and exhaust 51250 cerlllled $lll00 as Sam Ick IstI Your own engine bebuilt in DISHWASHER avocado two and halt TI lHAVEACLlENT with cash looking ior young coup UIIIIII he gamma STEELE AND BLAKE 5T area abed is 1970 Dart swinger 340 gear new 3v WY yearsoidiivesettingsportabieorbullt to bedroom bungaiow in game mace and 30 IncIudw No WI room townhousebroadloom throughout brakes needs body and exhaust to be 00 hOP In carving board top Asking $250 Cali NEW LISTING Owners leaving Pleas ca 4°30 Garritk 99 Leon Reierences and deposit required 3265 SQWHGMNITEC r00moarage9350 plus certiiied 3110 or best Otter Telephone TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor mnuoropsuppu 73121533Iierbpm co FGFFICK Ltd it you are interested in gen Tomth TeIephone 776 m7 urging available December lst Call 726 9979 ai1er6Apm Askior Keri wrecking and rgs tpp prices paid co TTPIANOI WEBER Uprmm Good com mu 97163377 Two BEDROOM APARTMENTS 3290 29 59m 1974 CADILLAC Coupe de ville iuil Jeep 95° 16 W7 tlon Must seli$430 or best offer bedrooms IV bums garage 0an IncIude mIIIIes and we BEDROOM HOUSE on Baylleld St power excellent condition Reasonable COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted 39 Iiigli St Telephonem 9796 arms 01 58 If No pets Close to Bayiield Mall Lease 90 BaYlleld MB Lottie lot No ap Phone 737 3036 tor wrecking Fast pickup Days 128 5911 °m wlh d9 9°55 required Telephone 7766046 93 mm Wwa L98 T975 COUGAR XR7 ruSt prooied rally 959377 999759° 41boats and molors doors $46900 To vlew call PRIVAT second BUCKWORTH STREET AREA Min WIï¬gf ï¬vallable N°V°b° 735 wheels bucket seats three speaker AM WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon OWBWY Dave scaniaII 7263422 or 737 50 rm wim JbeéroéAI apartment iurnished stove irldge own gngéogogzimmrémieo COTTAGE again fzinggmma 3000 ï¬ll5 99 AU 51 9°151Jz8 02022 1975 ONTARIO rri ouse arn bathroom and entrance Suitable to Mn SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top 293 gtaniï¬fdcafeageozvzggim22309 Pen mature young adult $115 monthly Call 015 Plea 7233 1976 CAMARO mileage 21000 J504bar prices pald Free immediate pickup GAS FURNACE Mam space saver SHANNON ST sidespm ormanon please Marcus Wmlknk Betty 728 3876 ALLANDALE AREA Modern 21 rel automatic duals blue with while In LnytlmeJu 2900 ms In 00 modeI 350 50000 BTU Mod foo Two BEDROOM apartment suitable bedroom townhouse available No terlor radio excellent condition $5000 IdeaI Io comma oniy used six months beautifully decorated close to schools coil Gary DAmbrosio 7263422 or 7372043 BEDROOM STOREY ideal for large family stone fireplace baths Call Gory 34trucks and trailers 07business opportunities Iéfifliï¬oï¬hc idoor speed in lair condition web or bést otter Telephone 4875174 between Sand pm 1973 BUICK REGAL Iaudau root radial tires power windows air conditioning stereo track certliiea 53000 miles ex cellent condition best Otter Telephone complete 5195 Also two aluminum gale doors Ila 210 as combination only T° b° 5° def used one year $24 each Phone 434 1392 personal property security act 729 on or about October 31 1977 BEAUTY SALON EQUIPMENT Dryers basins styling stations and styl wrmen bds be received ing chairs Telephone 7264621 or TORONTO DOMINION BANK 726 my 320 Bayiield St Io smme or coupIe Sham any vember 15 Stave and retrlgerator in Available December Ist Telephone CUdedinomts Telephone 726 Obiscven 728 9955 alters 30pm allday Saturday 995 LARGE MODERN pRIVATE cenyraI JBEDROOMDUIIDBIOWIOVFOHI121111183 ground 00 M0 bedroom aparimeml south Oi Barrie garage iireplace large com uni $190 monthly Heat and water included l°it 300 0le PUS Ullllli TEIC No children Available November Ist 210 9l24raller59m on 723519 Agnlvrlopeelstreel BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES new 1975 F250 FORD tour wheel drive V8 automatic in good condition Telephone 445 5562aitPrSDm 1970 CHEV Tan V8 standard can be Certiiied Telephone 45643209 SPECIAL i974 ONETON CHEV No 30 with tandem axles and general pur $10000 PER YEAR PART TIMEI $40000 PER YEAR Two III Id nd bedroom bungalows with garage $125 125 9446 DAmbrosuo 7263422 or 737 TThSNl stove pgalncdoavailaabi Noveinxrlsl WWW 830 4Ndl°°m WWW Wl REPOSSESSED 1973 OATSUN Station prosfier5iiilerrd°hiasmenuriggrcrgdlfe BARRE on hi VIrgo Realt Lla 22 203 0le C8 737 1305 590 Dem 9°agf 00 mom wagon ACCBDIIW otters Contact Brian twice each year NO rust anywhere Cer 01415 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme or 726 3867 alter pm Warburton Bank at Montreal 728 5949 titled 54000 with box 453 9535 CONDOMINIUM End unit ultra AUDIOVOX dlate action conï¬dential David WELL DEEORAIED bacheuy Iumim THREE BEDROOM semi with garage 1969 PONTIAC good ior parts IE5 GMC RALLVVAN 31000 miles FT SHEPHERD WWW W3 POTENTIAL mode 59 Ibis Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 ed MWII erymmg IncIudIng in TallTreesarea$32$ monthlyClose to Tue one 773 7a betwnnéandg rI double hull6cyllnder Chrysler Inboard boy ob 9c II Do 137719fl31Efl33 Muselloldreoulrements Oweekly AP °°° WNW Telepmml 9333 I¢72pTHIINDEqI3IRD when cpde 3mg aufadioa Crerï¬ef $533 ch m0er ATI Condlllon Mle 52500 Y°U COMPARE our rates First second Pllcatlons are being accepted Bayiicld BEDROOM HOUSE close to MI waded wIII options Tm passengerwlthtableandbedNotdriven 30 Telephone435424581ter4z309m Scanlan 7263422 or 7372493 third mortgages appraisals Gerry and Grove Reterences Telephone downtown Ireshly decorated Inside and phage 726 aIIertoopm In winter Excellent condition For Iur piers 17 FOOT SPORTRAY runabout 105 022 Syvokas 48773362 Pat Qulnn Ltd 73876204 out Reierences required Available Im W7 MN ms IMrInIormaIIon can 57 Sn Chrysler omboard converIIbIe 73714 FRESHLY DECORATEDtwobedroom medlatelv $300 monthly Telephone CylindeZAwg reaflgdgaer Canasta TieneopbpmIxgyiinagrgigngga bar accessories $3000 or best otter SUNNIDALE AREA PRIVATE Brick apaflmemt PlVBe WWW mull 7166633 cpl cerIIIIed 300 mi 8000 mIIes undercoated radio Tele MOTOR SUPPLY Telephone7288960atter5pm audmom dew garage mewer ll10 10 01110 raters lostlohéhonl bus rloiyte Includegnirlgisg BSDRIOOM BUNGALOW redec TeIephonemny phone 737 1357 co lm BOAT STORAGE Inside or outside mmed 9053955 or no room flanges HAAAW rï¬iArr gt TT WV 5379 Clean reasmable Reserve now £33333siggsmpgigfg IAINDEIlll Citatlonl hBlenth kldeluixe per month 720 4507 drapes shearsbroadloom MEI central aligns Vmegxlcaï¬g ï¬gï¬gg YjuLTxtEezlsorigiiigl baotletiggsh 39 mob Calms0915 UUY 95 19 location onbus route adults reterred Liiggfï¬gï¬ï¬3355 bed sacrlilce at s7oooiirm cost $9500 ï¬gsï¬gï¬fgctoe°g°je3in mmedim muss 3759m0nh condition New exhaust system rust 3235ngï¬gmboggnrggleékzléngnzacdgg 59 42articles wanted IL iT MWLELZOLYEILINET 795 55lil° to Climb $180 monthly Telephone 4597 gfglebganflmcermea Telephone dIiI°n certiï¬ed Askingnyoo or make $45900 TRAILER STORAGE 50 tops inside 726 0804aiier6pm LARGE BUNGALow with sell 74 anotier4e7 21183 ownmmy $35 season others outside $5 monthly TWO BEDROOM II contained apartmen to my Pfyae en 1972 CORTINA 4cylnder bucket seats Aw New Sin le tamil no es under con denme CC mIIes 00d ondIImn 35 EXPLORER CAMPER CAP ior truck All kind of gcra metal struction well locgtedTli the Georgian web 352925920296 9323 localed near hospital iully broadloom MRS appliances dVBllable lm 725mm 72696792 Insulated and panelled Approximately 01922 FIFTH WHEEL CAMPER with Ford ed 5225 per month Fridge and stove medlfllelv $525 99 month TellPWM truck like new Telephone 428 2101 224 Supplied all utilities included available 233707 Main 51 Stayner November lst Call 737 2261 or 728 7537 House FoR RENT central location i977 MODEL 22 FOOT iully equipped TWO BEDROOM stove iridiie park two bedroom Immediate possession motor home tor sale or lease Telephone Ing laundry iacllities and heat included IFICPMM 728 1061 Chuck Byron at Byron Graham No Children or pets Apply apartment l2 STOREY home on 10 acre lot miles Motors 20155 Blake Street outside at Barrie bedrooms den 12 copper cost brass etc Boxes available ii needed for ioc GARAGE SALE tories Also trucks and cars for Saturday0ctober22nd10amsnowor wrecking We sell structural shine Furniture Including maior ap pliances household wares clothing in pp College area variety ot interior colour schemes are available Quality built by Pratt Construction Ltd Telephone 7267972 or 72872210 PRIVATE SALE bedroom bungalow V2 acre lot tireplace in basement oil heat north at Midhurst Carries $305 mo 20 months old Telephone 728 7854 alter 4530weekdays all daY weskchdrs 74 ECONOLINE 1974 Ford Econoline E200 Window Van Lic J19 485 cylinder auto power steering pawer brakes radio Insulated TONKA REVELL IDEAL ETC No selling or experience 1973 PONTIAC PARISIENNE two door vinyl root excellent condition 300 cylinder engine power steering power brakes power windows push button radio tour good tires plus new snows private sale 726 5998 alter 530 Fv Evre es 1970 FORD LTD squire Country wagon dI Harem Gene uI mm In PIT $0000 down to one $30000 mtg at necessary you wlll restock baths deuble oaraoe $350 monthly and iinlshed In medium gold with mat noc it per cent Requlres some linishing beouIIIUI dispons wim Iho lbflPTS to rent 16 ¢Pi5 to 70111 Telephone 416 775 7284 evenings pasnsenmrbs°° 75 Cemea Tee chlng troni and rear seats wen main cludlng lawn mower toys ansts brlc 72 79 TT THREE BEDROOM house tirepiace talned and used by ilawer dhsp Only brac bargains galore Leavmo 027 c°WlllY 30 Illng 1972 DATSUN 510 very good condition PRIVATE SALE New three bedroom side split lull basement garage iinish ed rec room lot 80 131 $54000 Thorn tori 458 9747 POSTED TO BC PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom home on Sandspring Cres Angus Two replaces rec room den Insulated garage tenced yard pav ed driveway Immediate possession Asking $46000 Have clear title so make me an otter Terms can be arranged will also trade tor property on Van couver Island 424 5503 alter pm Ask ior Clllt Evans Room 127 FIELDSTONE HOME Centrally located 1V2 storey ilreplace attached garage many extras Private Sale $49900 Telephone 728 0729 PRIVATE SALE I7Marlon Cres Three bedroom brick bungalow with detached garage Iourth bedroom iinished rec room and bar downstairs $45900 Telephone 726 7215 WENattéwsfalé $58000 Well decorated three year old split entry $2475 International Automobile 100 Tit tin Street Barrie 726 970750 37motorcycles 1976 YAMAHA 400 RD black with sea die bags and windshield mag wheels 7000 miles Show roam condition 726 7771days 1976 YAMAHA DT 100 tamoxifen 1300 miles Purchased new this Year Excellent condition Accessories Includ Canada 186 Letitia Street VIKING AUTOAKTIC wasHETRITTIn CASH FOR Old furniture books dishes old pictures Clocks odds and ends Pre goodnrmtgvborking condition 50 Telephone sonar no Handyman wll do painting paper hang 8905935 In Iloor tiling iurnlture stripping and 55 RCA xum can wood 35 yo retlnlshlng Call Paul 7372875 Iiaor Casters total automatic color1 REQUIRED Good used Items at all garage adults preterred or couple with one child $280monthly Ora Park area Telephone 487 3876 STROUD lovely bedroom broadloom tlreplece large lot backing onto golt course $295 monthly Available lm mediately Reierences Phone 458 9360 art 416 8898177 BEDROOM Mobile Home 12 60 Nottawasaga Township $125 monthly Pay own utilities Available Immediate ly Telephone 428 5602 THREE BEDROOM House garage close to schools east end Available November 1st Reierences Telephone 737 2973evenings or 728 4067 days AVAILABLE NOVEMBER IST two bedroom bungalow redecorated broadloom garage large lot quiet street $290 plus utilities and heat reterences Telephone 728 6089 STROUD Three bedroom house iireplace and broadloomed with option to buy Very Immaculate mature responsible people no pets reterences as Is s750irm also as Is 1965 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE Collectors Interest 737 3556 1974 FORD CUSTOM tourdoor 530 Vii automatic in good condition Telephone 726 9883 anytime alter 1971 PINTO standard radio 23000 miles on new drop in motor good condir tlon Certliied $650 or best Otter 14 11 Cedar strip boat Ilberglassed good con dltlon 8100 Telephone 726 2936 I974 CHRYSLER door custom Newport blue with white vinyl top new tires one owner cerlliied Telephone 737 1458 1976 ASPEN WAGON must sell leaving country reasonable price many extras Includes cruise control Telephone 7373055 1967 BARRACUDA 340 Duster motor 115000 miles speed transmission new paint new Interior custom designed tor speed will certlty asking $2100 or best otter Telephone 728 0141 aiterfle pm nationally advertised toys in high tralllc company established accounts that will be turned over to you Your reorders will be computer processed by one at the oldest and largest brand name toy wholesalers in Canada This oi ler is being made available en tirely by National Marketing Services and is not directly or indirectly altiliated with any manufacturer mentioned above APPLICANTS MUST BE RESPONSIBLE ABLE TO MAKE DECISIONS AND BE CAPABLE OF MAKING MINIMUM CASH alumina chunk dioiiui up In kinds tor the needy Salvation Army 60 on Take aver paymnts of Q9 per month can Sine 778379 tonight delivery tonight WNW and pets isAzvuurf BARRIE POODLE SalonShampoolng and cli ping at all breeds Sophia mu Street asl7264141 GOOD CHESTERFIELD and chair POODLE TRMMNGI P°°° seven piece Swedishtireplace set snow woommg Wm plew and tires 650 13 Telephone 7209309 5M 384snowmob les SKI BOOSE DELUXE used S60 Tele phone 726 0986 40 articles for sale SANYO 26 INCH NEW COLOR 100 solid state lully automatic 3609 cash or $450 weekly on rent to own starting January 1978 No money down Phone tonight delivery tonight 726 2900 UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlap Street West Just rvrrrr TinsFiat Fm RmLAiisgm gig town uarlums all sixes at unbeatable mme rlces vcnlhgs and weekends Edge LL MEL III Aquarla 143 Ardegh Road 7260794 BLACK PERSIAN LAMB coat Letitia make colour Size 16 18 Excellentcondl MAY POODLE PARLOR Pro tlonReasonableCall726 0923 °°°°I hone7260061 NVESTMENI OF 553°010 4361122 1972 TOYOTA CELICA manual RAwLEIGH AGENT Mend Ema lth bedrooms com TTTTTTTTTTTTT MALT TERRI giggfIWIInï¬m Lament doubie 100 MERCHANDISE BUY TOWNHOUSE modern broadloomed mï¬lflflgï¬ï¬‚ixi 53Zinlfl wdlsplay Comelntoda glisliggdpmws oTIYIFTgIIYugM mimsmmm not reaEIsstered wirich oldiollllborbaagh gaage on unle srï¬gg Io 5333 BACK ca C°l°d 7027330200 gflészézomfngvmomm basfflrgorlg 5111 tTme up 42 000 miles Excellentlcon tor tree page booklet bl lnbaround and MW hard T°lepn°m tum an 59 arr bï¬ï¬geiilmmel s70270777 alter pm Sunday calls 0cCItPlINrl 684263 110CiifliséélzmEEILPElli WWW P°°5 90 90° wood split sold by the lace cord THREE °°G5°° 9° °°°°°d WI Children WITCH TOIO phonemeieo BLACK LABRADOR also Redbone 40 eh Ila hound puppies weeks Elmer sex 50 Apply 24 Slmcoe Street Orlllla or telephone 10255198 PUREBRED GOLDEN LAMADOE retriever ups ready to go Two males 1973 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR Wmmpul automatic power brakes and steering radio block heater moving and must sell to best otter 7266044 1969 CHEV 250 six cyierder automatic tour door sedan Telephone 7264997 anytime 4361942 THREE BEDROOM mobile home on lot In Angus extra room on side 8x12 patio irldge stove utility shed clothes line asking price $9000 or best otter Will barter Call 424 6610 PRIVATE LAKEFRONT Three BUILDING 60 20 consisting at one bedroom artment work shop oiilce small iaml house commercial garden Ing possible Highway 93 Orr Lake area Telgghone 322 2405 19 houses wanted to rent I40 articles for sale O22 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY snack bar all equipment otilce bedroom apart merit rented Owners living quarters has bedrooms Iurnlture Included and much much more For more Intorma tlon call Joye Canning 726 1676 Luxury apartments in Barrios newest and iinest apartment development 1974 MAVERICK tour door automatic bedroom living room dining room kit II FOUR OR FIVE bedroom Older home one tame 5100 each Six weeks old ililp 55232 In it me stalllocalitieiimmm °°° Avallable Dally at These monumentIm fOtiin ON GE gr ougr 7A in PRIVATE SALE Thfee bedroom 12nonggge FESPBNcsiBLEAIULT Mines 1209 Ferit Agï¬ImrfMA dgfkhgm Slmcoe County Merchants Shielï¬rgrliiimiifiipiléitï¬33 bungalow with carport ilreplace In live on or Mo bedroom Mu In Power an 90 IL ed radio certliled sieso Telephone EOIDEN RETRIEVER moistened I3 5330 idt Etiilaaaoyu Polniearaea Agk Household Rea LARGE BALCONES OVERLOOKING BAY Elligangliénxenlnzf flï¬n Iliawkestone General Store gflgpllï¬wmmn 23 WW COLORED APPLIANCES SMALL BEDROOM HOUSE required IIIHONIR Tczbcl and running ace Call alter pm or ExcellentOpportunity SECOND MORTGAGES 510RAGELOCKERsENsun£ 33ogg7bgnm°ggagggrgpm mIIeereilSIentï¬Srzili FUdO F°°d5 HWY ll Private Sale No bonuses SAUNASI EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM guided PIOIII stroua am Telephone 37 13mg mgcglï¬gggegohggg Oro Station General Store 5ri°iliï¬ffaimihi££ to house condominium one bedrooms No brokerage fees TENNIS COURT 3139 new Ish goineranlqgggtglg 901105 7542212 mfg ï¬rmLgï¬myiï¬vï¬rgoid MNUTES To SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH AND £C9M i97l VOLKSWAGENstation WanamCeI only ay enera Store Sitgarden supplies may and stove view oVarlooklng bay er ees YACHT CLUB FURNISHED RooM In Attend thI 05 001 Ck CONN COMING II Road Texac WMTTTTTTTT TTTTT Sauna exercise and recreation rooms CREATED AND MANAGED BY op cooking cum IIabIel rusligg7ngélzteirom AlbertaCalIIlior6 ICHOICE TOP SOIL ExcellenI tor and mamasygrlcgfluiauélllliirgflgllzl II th fizggiiznspiilitiiiiVenliiiphon° i997 PONTIAC wVENTURA v4 sun Valley RGSIOUTODI HWY 11 uiVJiIIveFyTEIIIrreEIériIIrrmiiim ligigurgnly Telephona 7265394 or ogre onflzor Miracles EENiTRrl TfoimgHED gaboMsT automatic tour door sedan power MRIES Caneetorteilplen ASA r° 2°é2r 37 Johnson Street Pill 932310 itinerariesitem G°ld° Reslwwnl ll 222IIellili°eieml at DUPL prc or or ac es bedroom apartment one one bedroom FURNISHED agopig mm mam 7°° 31 Lor Lee Texaco Hwy 11 ELM apartment mwelm 9° °°i VC95 central location Parking available 75 C°RVETTEI lmmacvlllet one Sltrees and shrubs ll Jo Canning 7244470 represen owner car with every possible lion C8 25 Styea East now Phone Hamilton Real Estate an UT 00 Oi Oi WY tingofle Real Estate 424 6205 Op Also SEE CEDARWOOD COURT nnom filmroigéttsglalcuogthgrInteripr and on sï¬ADE TREES Now wiltiiliisskzlrzgiegIAggiloadwrig1 BARRE 125 WELLINGTON STREET BARRIE 7264991 FURNRHEoroom IVEWI EITHER titrationIetlmauriilclririrlï¬iéill Hlll5d°l9 General 510 Grid P05l Office Slxiiinwiiiizduiiaflmitw iii 30 Gamma 726467 prmmmo 7266534 ITJhISN26l SJ carpeted own bathroom Parklnli Tammy at 720 9622 between to am and Phone 726 1531 or7267704 M28 tor tell pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 end Real Estate 4246205 Fernde Dr 7262951 4pmAiteirr4pVm 71171901 vlrxe