the examiner Wednesday Oct 19 1977 Four ways to salvage corncPopw ELMVALE Staff Robert fields in the county too soft for ear corn ground ear corn high feet and can be 1012 feet high Humphries associated silageequipment moisture shelled corn or dry They must be built in an bestoredinconventionalsilos agricultural representative for Once mcisture of the shelled corn he advises that area that provides good ventila He warns that these special fAnOthe memo handling North Simcoe suggests four whole plant drops below 55 per careful conSIderation has tobe tionCom should notbecribbed attachment heads are in very this product 18 to treat the ways which corn past its prime cent the product ferments given to storage and rocessing at kernel moisture levels above limited supply and cost bet whole kernel with an organic Proince may be forced into Buy Ontario policy TORONTO CP Ontario has never had buy Ontario be forced into This hi moisture roduct can silos McKeough said he only wished some Western govern ment electrical utilities had buy Canadian policy which would have greatly benefitted for silage production may be under higher temperatures beforeafinalmeth is decided 30 rcent ween 4000to 5000 act acid product such as Chemsor green own provmcen Treasurer the Ontario manufacturers of salvaged This results in mold and yeast on ï¬mphries noted that Cos combsines nd Bickep Acid treated com 93 be signed ï¬LiMCKEOugh said today certain goods as opposed to The corn on many farms has formation and carmelization of If the crop is to be harvested special snapping head is now shellers can harvest the crop as in wooden granaries prOVided cough also said in some European countries now passed its prime due to the theplantmaterial as ear com then suitable cnbs available for certain forage high moisture kernels This that plastic 15 used on the bin Speech to the Socrety of the spokesman for McKeough Plastics Industry of Canada that there should be lower tar iffs to encourage productivity and competitiveness in Cana dianindustry He said the statement by Quebec Finance Minister Jac ues Parizeau that Canada nee increased protection cannot be taken seriously Olie said recent reports that ario was Chan in its bu Ontario policy Erogwmng continue to extend and cntrench capse Ontario never had such 318 tweenglt byng predfep pom nariomay on up DARCY KLOUGII emphasize that in literally havmg to do the same thmg Personally hundreds of million dollars of ITES FIGURES mum very well re rttht purchases by Ontario Hydro He said that 81 per cent of all ngtmug sort 0f mmg said and ourselves the provincial Ontario Hydros nonfuel pur governmentr and other agena chases of manufactured goods lie also said the most chal CIes there is no buy Ontario were made within Canada and lenging aspect 01 me mUlilna policythere is buy 72 per cent came from Ontario tional trade negotiations in Canadian policy McKeough which meant nine per cent Geneva concern tariff reduc said came from other provinces tions Meet the Author JAMES LAMB author Of farmer publisher The Packet owettie lillieilii einis golonged wet weather which Humphries suggests the corn have to be built The cribs harvesters which will allow the oduct can be ground and floors to prevent the upward left the majority of corn be harvested as grain Whether should not be wider than our harvest 0f ground ear corn lown into conventional tower mOVementOImOlSiure To ol north Jr Prices in Effect Oct 19 to Oct 25 or while quantities last said later that the treasurer did not want to name the provinces involved or the purchases he was talking about The treasurer said in his speech that several Canadian governments might argue that buy internally policy makes sense INevertheless am of the View that if other provinces Voting is down TORONTO CP Figures released this week by Ontarios chief election officer showed that more than 3361000 voters cast ballots in the June pro vincial election which produced another Progressive Con servative minority govern ment HALLOWEEN CANDY KISSES Molasses candy flavored kisses in lb bag HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS For Halloween 24 boas per box of regular nature chips corn chips hickory sticks AllOWEEN cosrumrs In flame retarded rayon or plastic fabric Pirates Spocemen PopeyeB more Sizes SML Our Woolworth Reg Price 59 each 5PM Fri Our Woolworth Reg Price 267 box OUI Woolworth Reg Price 99 bag The figures showed that the owspuhlmc snchiprk 656 percent or the engine CANADASATLANTIC WAR NIF ers who cast ballots was down Odd ior Soï¬aiggtggrgï¬ggï¬nggg rurs ocr 25th 330 TD 430 31 Med 19 om nearly eight percentage points Reg Price 359 each for from the 1971 election Our Special Price 299 SAVE 60 The candidate receiving the largest majority was Liberal Hugh Edighoffer who gathered 689 per cent of the vote in re taining the constituency of Per th STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE Delicious fresh baked daily days only Thurs Fri Sat WOOLCREST GARBAGE BAGS 26 36 size 10 bags porpockoge FARRAH FASHION DOLL 12 fully posoble doll with posing stand cutout ac cessories fully washable hair Our Woolworth Reg Price 999 each Our SpeciulPrico oo ouch KODAK EK6 MOTORIZED INSTANT CAMERA Kodaks instant picture camera takes beautiful SatinluxeTMfinishprints Our Woolworth Special Price 5793 BOYS GIRLS BEGINNERS SKATES Made in Canada Leather lined padded tongue Boys back leather ankle protector Girls fur trim top edge Sizes to 13 1st time in Simcoe County at this price Our Woolworth Reg Pricel 59 each Our Woolworth Reg Pricankgs 197 Our Special Price Our Special Price 24 HOLLY HOBBIE ELECTRIC OVEN Comes with each oi Pkg pt lust no arva pie titling German hocolote cake mix Vanilla frostng pie tiii cake pan wood ladle measuring teaspoon cook book Our WOOIV1f6rllSecgnpP 1799 each ouch LLOYDS AMFM8 TRACK RECORDER PLAYER With boilt in automatic record hanger and stereo speakers and stand I2CUFT cursfrnrrzrn By General Freezer 420 lb capacity Lock key White only yr parts labor warranty your food spoilage insurance Our Woolworth Reg Price 26298 each Our SpociulPrico Our Woolworth Rug Price 229 95 set Our Woolworth Reg Price 1495 pair Our Special Price Our Special Prico SAVE 3395 19600 LADIES FIGURE SKATES Leather boot with leather lining and padded tongue Sizes Sta 10 PAINTER PANTS CCM HOCKEY HELMET FACE MASK Model No 504466 Pro standard hockey helmet with full wire loco protection PRESTONE ll ANTIFREEZE Winter antifreeze Summer antiboil Protects to 84 degrees JJVV Our Woolworth Reg Price 2295 pair JJV Our Woolworth Reg Price 2995 each Our Woolworth Reg Pric969990 Our Special Price Our Special Price OurSpocill Price 595 00 595 24 00 pair cit LADIES TIMEX WATCHES Water resistant watch Two attractive svles to choose from Timex suggested retail price 1695 each Our Specbl rm LADIES BULKY KNIT MITTS 1009 acrylic knit variety of patterns and color com binations KITCHEN CHAIRS With chrome legs and back support Upholstered seats and backs in sturdy plastic Floral patterns in several colors Our Woolworth Reg Price 10 95 each OurSpociol rnc LADIES CROCHET SLIPPERETTE lOO°o acrylic in plain colors and white with red blue beige pink or rose One size fits all Our Woolworth Reg Price 296 pair OurSpociulPrlco In new khdil shade Slit hporfoctim While Supplies last Over 400 pairs Sizes 2536 oNLv AT BrassBrGlenn Our Woolworth Reg Price 197 pair Our Special Price MENS lONG THERMAL UNDERWEAR 100 cotton thermal knit Sizes Med and Lge only BOYS PIECE SKI SUITS 100° nylon with polyester fibre fill Sizes SMLXL Our Woolworth Reg Price 3995 suit Our SpociIIPrico Our Woolworth Reg Price 397 each Our Spochl Price 00 for DOWTOWNBARRIE mastitis SATURDAY 600 PM 355223 676 BAYFIELD ST AIIIOIIIDOI Downown some mm entrance ff Maple Avenue of the Brass 9ounlop sun 7285353