The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit luraaupl Circuit NEWSROOM ADVERTSNG USNE Published dolly Ilcopi on ABC Only the Canadian Press may republish news stories In this newspaer sun Fww managin Mge Mm Ountam Sunday and credited to cP The Associated Frau Reuters or Aoence FrancePraaaa and ioca gflfymcgmm 07 SALESMEN 33 Mme mmoq holiday news stories published In The Examiner over asst rolny aowiand Bill Curran county 50 my ed 0° Gaynor WEEKLY by cantor Gail Mc Pariand Lva Johnson The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created Werner Ber en not bllshed in om news wadneuhy Oct 19 1977 serving borne and slmcoe county mung mgiesdeimo 35 332 rant yuniummu mpw 9° corIsMontoomer 3° tlon numberloJOISJe Isierai Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited mgrErma ouamoccym penmgrapncr hm cmcuunon IVMAILBarrie POT oo mos l6 Boyheld Shae Borne onano LM 4T6 John 3500 CLASSFED Jon Buncrmmager swcotécoumv zaotlprneatadvertlslna offices 65 Queen St Toron 864 au Dglcan Ruth Blots suoerwSO kmyflxgznzsy manage $3650 mm El °P5° Lesley Vonno Moronmnoworr rm advartisar agrees that thepubllsber snailnoibeiiable or amaoaoar NEWS Agosm mm or 609m he Shmm 1733533 90 your errors to advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied ROOM IGNITION ADVERTISING CIASSIHEDS IUSINISS ézfllegï¬xï¬ PM Eaneap°rere Eistwuza CANADA gill region offline advgrllltsement It whiczihiene errOr osqigrwgnwatgowhbï¬mg DC can Chap once ION or On 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 suesm cm Prmaie 50mm °° noninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advariigment Lest JEth The hangman not answer Capital punishment is not the answer There is no factual evidence to show that capital punishment curbs violence All capital punishment does is make those who see the role of law and justice as one of vengeance feel that evil doers are getting their just reward Bringing back the rope will not end the senseless kill ings plaguing this country Greater understanding is needed of why some people commit the greatest crime Greater control is needed over those who show that =flmm=im£ mamaW aA By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Is the Ontario New they might kill Capital punishment is not understanding punishment is not control capital capital punishment is primitive revenge and has no place in civilized society Sticking to facts letters to the editor Down with French Democratic Part on the way out On the day ter the Manitoba election John Rhodes provincial housing minister made speech to Muskoka Conservatives From some re rts of this the im pression proba ly was left that Rhodes was predicting sudden death for the third party This was not what he actually said He said that with the switch away from leftwing politics in Canada and the depar ture of Stephen Lewis as NDP leader in On tario there were predictable losses for the socialist party in the province and that for at least the next decade only the two traditionalparties would have real chance of forming the government But he carefully also qualified This is not to say that the NDP will completely dis appear from the political picture of this province Dear Sir Agith nal ould car ir ousing ministers ysis When are we English speaking Canadians vcr lht ycars have licsrtatcd to get in seem to be sound one at least as the politi volvcd with the media in the seemingly aflaï¬lfï¬oï¬gfg say how mUCh ench 2443 endless and senseless attacks and counterat tacks that takc place in the great RRSP debate It appears that thc debate in our area is heating up some three to l0ur months before thc usual time to confuse thc buying public the surface the RRSP legislation seems very uncomplicated and is only complicated by those that Sttln to be representing special interest groups vying for the Registered Retirement Savings Plan dollars through Section Hit of the lncomc Tax Act II is my understanding that other financial institutions may apply for legislation to We are sick and tired of being dictated to by Trudeau who has done nothing but make mess of Canada He has spent millions promoting French and forcing us to accept seat belts then metric which 90 per cent of Canadians did not want and now pushing French down our throats with no choice whatsoever He is obsessed with making Canada French country immediately filling any empty seats in Parliament with Frenchmen Where are our members Why arent they making big noise before they too lose their seats Uziï¬r BARRIE l975 TAX FIGURES 043 paid taxes Each paid an average of 2036 to make Barries con tribution to the federal $34 703 000 government whopping cal situation stands today In politics you can never tell what may happen tomorrow to drastically change positions The NDP is not going to disa pear It is an established party in ntario In the past couple of elections it has taken some 28 per cent of the vote And possibly some 20 per cent is committed party vote that it can depend on In addition it has some lockedin ridingsf seats that it has held firmly and in which it has hardworking local membersthese par ticularly in Metropolitan Toronto and the other urban centres There probably are at least dozen seats it market life annuities as do life insurance We could end up with war right here in the cagltOklo as safe Mamet whatltitmpgï¬bt companies however hesitate to do so best country in the world Knowles they 351 appaéeih ere is because of the vast reserve required to be Why should we tolerate man like Leves For we r350 tshéjflst is leader in set up to guarantee life incomes far into the que giving us orders next century to the holders of life annuities He should be slapped on lane and headed ramblngs Sigh who Sign Ewe 1t anythmg near the Stat It is my understanding that chistcred for France since isnt appy here Its re ems Retirement Savings Plan legislation was originally passed to give the selfcmplo ed and professionals of the labor force simi iar opportunity as those working for large cor porations to set up retirement plan Registered Retirement Savings Plan is meant to be exactly that retirement plan in 1957 when the legislation was introduced it was to encourage savings for retirement and that means as long as the person lives The only way know of that will ensure that income will come to you for the rest of your life is to purchase life annuity if you do not wish to purchase an annuity you should do some financial planning before age 71 The legislation was never meant to be an cumulator of taxfree lump sums The movement nt years to wm retire ment incomes for eir peoplewhat of their plans Are we to create two classes Those that can handle their money at retirement because they are selfemployed or freedom we have had so long by being dictat empfor Of course Jamaica has been carrying on professionals and those that cannot because ted to love affair with Castro and his gang for many they work for someone else Haddon years now cana lthink not lnnisfil guess Mr Manley never saw those sfory am continually hearing very simple photographs of the assembly line firing answers to very complex problem At the squads that astro set up after he took over moment the annuin concept seems to be the By LEONARD NOBLE never knew him to back away from Cuba only answer and suggest other financial in stitutiOns wanting to attract this business should look at the possibility of competing in the market place on this basis The annuity business itself is very complex as each retiree has his own situation In almost 25 years in this business of dealing with widows orphans and those in their sunset years of life personally know of no dissatisfied annuitants Lets tell it like it is We may not all be paragons of virtue but we do stick to the acts Yours sincerely Rayner McCuIIOugh Chartered Life Underwriter write your mp mpp If you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Par liament printed bclow are their mailing ad dresses If you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all if there is mat matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL Dr Rynard MP North Simcoc Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Ross Milne Mlw Pecl liuffcrinSirncoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA IIAI Sinclair Stevens MPYorkSimcoc Parliament Buildings Ottawa nt KIA 0A6 Gus Mltges MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 PROVINCIAL George Taylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park loronto M7A 1A2 treason and should not be allowed Do you realize that department after department of government has been transfer red to Hull Quebec parently Ottawa isnt good enough any more or the government How would you like French capital for Canada Trudeau did not even fight for Canada in the war Come on Canadians let us demand we keep this country in English Thats what Canadians went to war for to protect and keep Canada the way it has been for hundreds of years We are fast losing our freedom deeau should be looking after employment for the people and the good of the country not play ing around with the French language Let each person decide on the language he will speak as it always was Canadians let us not lose this wonderful Dear Sir This letter is in regard to The Examiner of Oct 13 comic section on Page 13 The comic in question is BC called the office and was advised to write to make sure that the same thing does not luppen again Believe me Im very broadminded per son and think BC is extremely funny but for the sake of all children who can read feel that the word bitch should have been substituted eg complain or something similar It was my 12yearold son who drew my at tention to the word because most children turn to the comic section first also have sevenyearoid daughter in Grade and she too always looks at the com ics and has just recentl learned how to read As you know profanity in the streets today is on the increase and feel that the younger children do not need the help of comic strip do ho you will take note of my com ments an appreciate my concern Dorothy Williams Ticket blues ticket on Dunlop Street West on Thursday Oct 13 at515pm As am not resident of Barrie and am un familiar with the bylaws the placement of the sign still baffles me It is in the same spot as one which restricts parking from sign to intersection rather than rom intersection to intersection There were approximately 10 other vehicles which received parking tickets so am sure wasnt the only person who misunderstood the sign If vehicles shouldnt park during rush hour the meters should be covered or sign placed on each meter As was on in the store no longer than five minutes bylaw enforcement officer must have been in hidl recording each licence number as the vehic arked in order to have all those tickets tten in such short period of time Your bylaw enforcement officer must cer tainly meet his quota for parking tickets Your city wasnt the least bit hesitant at taking my 10 cents for parking and saw no around to reimburse me By BILL KNOWLES Lets begin with something that bothers me fair bit OK know lots of things appear to bother me fair bit guess bother easily or events and people bother me too easily perhaps Im agetlin old too Well what bothers me most at this par ticular moment is that we will have federal election in April probably and none of the three major Parties will have bothered to nominate their res two candidates until month or two ahea of the election So Wlliit you say Well Im one of those that believe that our federal officials are pretty important people and have heavy responsibility and must be able to assume and handle that responsibili tv And the problem is that by waiting until the last minute to even find out who the pros tivc candidates are for the available of ice we can all be midled by smooth talker or high price publicity campaign or whatihavcyou If the public has six months for example Caveat The buried Sgt Ronald McKean last Satur ay Prior to his death on Wednesday Oct 12th 1977 he had been police officer in the Town of Collingwood In the evening of that fateful day while he and another officer were checking out what national news dispatch was to call routine tip Sgt McKean was shot and killed resulting in charge of first degree murder being laid against two men There are very few oplc who find their niche in life and reafljer enjoy their work Ron McKean loved police work He atc drank and breathed it 24 hours day And manyatime when he was working on case sleep seemed to be of little or no considera tion to him He was hard as nails and soft as butter all rolled into one and had courage that knew no bounds we want your opinion it an original copy and sign it Wc dont publish unsigned lcilcrs although pro name will be used upon rcqucst lncludc your address and Icicphonc numbcr because We have to verify letters but wc wont print your address should you prcfcr Wcvc found that short letters arc the best lOild liccausc of space limitations public interest and good tastenwc sometimes havc to edit condeiisc or reject lctiers lxtlcrs to thc oditor rim Wedncsdays and Saturdays Sind yours to Lettirs to the editor liii lIxuminci liox 370 Barrio Ont MM Illo bible thought Thus with your mouth ye have multiplied your words against me have heard them Thus saith the Lord God When the whole earth rejoiceth will make thee desolate Ezekiel 3513 14 Lifting your voice against Gods work or His people is an invitation to indescriblc pro blems fight Whether it was physical ordeal or verbal argument he took on all comers with no holds barred He never asked for quarter yet he would go out of his way to help someone if he felt they deserved it Fighting crime and protecting the weak and innocent were the major objectives in his life As policeman he was able to devote his full time and attention to what was his work his vocation and his hobby NEVER AME UP WANTING When called as witness for the prosccu tion which he was on numerous occasions he was master at being one step ahead of the defence counsel He would field question after question thrown at him by law ers in cross examination and because he ways did his homework before Court he never came up wanting in the witness box His favorite tactic was to wait for long ambiguous or convoluted question to emerge from defence counsel Then with only the slightest whisp of grin that betrayed his olhenvisc serious countenance he would say Would you repeat that question please knowing that it would be an impossible BSA for counsel to do At the same time he had great respect for the workings of the judicial process and had trained himself selfstudy as well as retur Attorncy in presenting his case to the Court Wealth and status meant little or nothing to Ron McKean He accepted people for their true worth their ethics and integrity Those that tried to throw their wcight around because of their wealth or status soon found themselves out dowr to pro size There was simply no way that an in ividual was go ing to get his charges droppcd or hushed because of his otherwise respected slan ding in the community liy the same tokcn he was not convrction happy cop lic simpl felt that the law had to be just as equitable or the poor as it was for the rich and that it made no difference if the individual was the president of corporation or labourer Unfortunately this dedicated young police officer of 32 years of age died before he had an opportunity to brin to maturity what would have undoubted been brilliant career Yet in the midst of this ublic and rsonal tragedy that his wife an famil his police force and his community have fallen heir to can not resist smi when think of Ron to check out and listen to their Partys can didatcs for the nomination the chances of getting the man or woman you really want are improved hundredfold Taking the opposite stand if there is only month or two to make the decision the urgen cy may cause the choice of person that turns out to be the op osite of what you want In Simcoe South new federal riding in which we all live none of the three Parties have planned to hold their nominating con ventions this year as far as know think this is irresponsible to say the least And in tend to keep saying it too WASNT ll NICE Wasnt it nice for the Jamaican Premier Eric Manley to greet Premier Castro with 2Igun salute and award him Jamaicas top award TEARS IN MY EYES It has been while since felt tears in my eyes but last Friday it happened again When the curtain opened at Central Col legiate during the Silver Jubilee per formance there stood the Military guard of honor with flags waving behind and beside them including the Union Jack The band played God Save the Queen the guard presentedarms and we all sang the familiar words to our former national an them lt felt good and wasnt the only one with damp eyes like the Union Jack flying beside our Maple Leaf was sorry that the Queen in her speech in Ottawa didnt have somethin stronger to say about national unity thoug feel that she could have been more firm about Canada kce ing herself in one piece but the Monarch is ways hesitant to interfere these days Too bad ARGO HAYDREAM Once again the Argos blew it have been yelling for them as long as can remember mainly because remember Grey Cups residing in Toronto in days gone by Theres still hope however and perhaps Cahill will pull off something so Toronto can represent cant resist telling gouof some non news aper media ooboos have hear read recentlv letter read recently was explaining how the group was based on Christian ideals and went to some length to stress this They also said however that they were not money making organization They worded it non prophct organization Gord Bastien of CKBB on the Oct 17 630 news was telling about an event that took lacc at bookstore that was promoting kon weightlifting The author an apparently muscular and handsome man was signing autographs and lady asked him to take off his shirt so she could see the muscles that his weightlifting had produced He replied that he would do so if she would also and to everybodys surprise and shock she promptly did so in the telling of the story as Gord got flustered as he stated that ose that were And second it doesnt have afly real grip on the problems of the day partic arly the eco nomic situation Against this the Liberals for the first time in years show the makings of what is needed to become real force in the province So all the odds would seem to favor the change Rhodes spoke about RHODES POLITICS Incidentally writing about the housing minister while ago said he had been member during his life of all three parties This was not accurate He once was Liberal but never an NDPer The party did approach him but be turned itdown Unknown inventor By BOB BOWMAN Whats in name How about Benjamin Franklin libbets His parents redicted he would have an inventive turn mind when they christened him Benjamin Franklin and they were right Tibbits grew up in Fredericton NB and was apprenticed to watchmaker Steam ships were beginning to appear on the St John River and his hobby was to play along the riverka and watch them He was puz zled about one thing Why did the waste all that steam Couldnt it be to create more power Tibbets resolved to learn if something could be done and got job with steam engi nearing company in the US After working there several years and reading number scientific books he returned to Fredericton and desi ncd method of ca turin the er of concern that makes you want to write Dear Sir gtfirrpjutlnrigloint your lllllld mng to lice co lcge from time to time In eEaS the bg game Daydream steam and feeding it into the boileliDs again to your MP or if is not personal was very disturbed at receiving parking 1h dltilr ilfxISP milk order to of greater aSSistancc to the Crown MEDIA BOOBOOS Then he built an en the and had it installed in the river boat Rein eer Of course people made fun of himanother cuckoo inventor But he was sure his engine was better and challenged the fastest ship on the river the Forest Queen to race Reindeer upstream to Woodstock The challenge was accepted and the race was no contest Reindeer eft Forest Queen far behind and burned only four cords of fuel to Forest Queens nine Tibbetss compound steam engine as it came to be known revolutionized steam navigation throughout the world Yet how many people in Canada today would know the name Benjamin Franklin Tibbets He died on Oct 19 1853 OTHER OCT 19 EVENTS lassGroseilliers returned to London England after successful voyage to Hudson ay 169 New England force trying to capture Quebec was defeated by Count Frontenac 1787Mississauga Indians received grant Measures Act melande For the mm Sh mating he quickly changed the word to andandmQm Nlmfllim What ripoff No wonder people dont knowledgilifllltflliiryif infl IdvvilIIw M° PZ Rh waiting inthcstorc weresurpriscd etc 69 RedBlVer Mels Organized to prom if Mfn 57 shop in downtown Barrie and Bayfield Street Habakkuk 11 Canada taking over Hudson Bay Company Wm RUM does suchabooming business Happ arcthc people WE to and commences his crosscxanunation and Arid so between the religious letter about territory Quflrnglnrk lororitoM7A 1A2 ha incelsho in Barrie Kat asks him to give good account of himself the nonpro het and the baring of chests MittsFirst exhibition was held at Cal sbeenayeea 08 Wm blépgdlong time 889312 35 Dmemrsed an shall surely Sgt Ronald McKean wrll undoubtedly wait watched ose mating will close with ismsHouse of Commons ratified riltfed 51gegléimcoe Momï¬kuggwngown game again coin we of hoggzï¬at mPr ï¬ttest 35 the for the proper opening and With look if im the remin er that it is not only The Examiner Nations Charter mum Mm 1A2 Arecent visitor edt pish seriousness Will say Would you repeat thatmakestypoerrors I970H0use of Commons approved war Queens ar from Orima that question please Guess thatszlo for now