FARM MACHINERY HOUSEHOLD AUCTION SALE SAT OCT 2277 at 11 am for JOHN WALSH RR EGBERT ONT miles west of Cookstown on Hwy No 89 to Can Essa Twp and north miles to sale Watch for sale signs on Hwy No 89 Sale in cludes Nuffield model 465 diesel tractor with loader and hydraulic controlled bucket Case model tractor recent valve job Case model 800 com bine 10 header New Holland baler No 271 heavy duty John Deere tandem wheel disc 11 other tillage harvesting oquipment fence rails approx 12 tons mixed grain home fur nishings appliances antique old furniture gunstock dining room chairs walnut dining room table dresser occasional chairs pieces of silver and ar ticles etc With our unknown treasures from the store rooms furniture antiques selling at 11 am For further information contact owner at 7054589394 Terms Cash day of sale cheques accepted with ID ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer SCL No8 7054584589 01419 BROWNS ANTIQUE AUCTION Our first at the Collingwood Holiday Inn just west of Collingwood this Sunday Oc tober 23rd at 130 pm viewing from pm Refinished country furnishings include piece cupboards Blanket boxes Dry sink Deacons bench with arms and others Pressbock and other chairs All sizes of tables Washstands Bellows coffee table etc Fine Victorian fur nishings include lovely lamp tolbes Wing chairs Drum table Balloon back chairs Sewina cabinet Tea waqon Desk etc Glassware and china Washstand pitchers and bowls Lamps Jewellery Cracks Small primitives etc etc No reproductions or reserves Length approximately hours Ivan Brawn Auctioneer Ol9MP CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly rechecli their advertisement immediately after first inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that same may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rats which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reect any want PHONE 7282414 ANOU 5i ECIL Death Notices Engagements Births $550 maximum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words IO cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch WM 84 marriages GELDARDELVIN On Saturday tober ts l977 by the Rev David Thom son Grace Elizabeth Betty Elvin daughter at Mr and Mrs William Elvin of Iroquois Falls Ont to Mr John Douglas Geldard son of Mr and Mrs Vernon Geldard oi Barrie 85 deaths McKEE Alexander Sandy On Tuesday October is 1977 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Son of Emma McKee and the late Alexander McKee Dear brother at Arthur Hulda Mrs Andrews Edna Mrs Elder Ross Jack Margaret Mrs Richardson Joyce Mrs Guy and the late Thomas McKee Friends may call at the Arnold Funeral Home 127 Baytield St Barrie atter pm Wednesday Service in the chapel Fri day afternoon at am Interment Minesing Union Cemetery Arnold Funeral Home parking at rear McMASTER Wilfred Passed away at Simcoe Manor Beeton on Tuesday October la I977 Wilfred McMaster husband at the late Frances Perry Dear father of Dolly Blanche Mrs Lewis Cole at lslington and Mabel Mrs Floyd Moth of Angus Predeceased by Samuel and Jack Also survived by three sisters and I6 grandchildren Resting at the John Thomas Funeral Home Alliston for service Thursday October 20 at pm interment Angus Union Cemetery PUDDEN Donald At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday October IS 1977 Donald Pudden of Barrie Beloved husband of Frances McKellar Dear father of Donna Mrs Adair of London Ontario Tea at Dianne Mrs Latimer of Mines ing and Lois Mrs Kane ot Barrie Loving grandfather of Craig Adair Marsha and Lisa Latimer and Jesse Pudden Brother of Henry Albert Ed ward Richard Harold Gordon and Edith Predeceased by brother Robert Friends may call at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar rie SerVice in the chapel on Friday 0c tober 2lsl at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery Masonic service Thursday at 730 under auspioes IMKempentelt Lodge No67 AF and SERVICE aertiia Katherine At Sunset Manor Collingwood on Tuesday October 18 1977 Bertha Katherine Pat tendon in her 85th year Beloved wife of the late Benjamin Earl Service Dear mother of Beryl Mrs McLennan at Grand Blanc Michigan Joyce Mrs Mac Lang at Sundridge and Ross of Toronto Loving grandmother of seven grandchildren Sister of Harry and Tom Pattenden Ruby Mrs Schultz and Helen Mrs Mulholland all of Bar rie Friends may call at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Bar me after pm Wednesday Complete service in the chapel on Thursday 0c tober 20 at pm interment Barrie Union Cemetery Eastern Star service Wednesday evening at 30 under auspicies Dayview Chapter No l05 ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF 81 coming events FLEA MARKET Every Saturday Sunday 9am pm at the COOKSTOWN SALES BARN One mile east of Coakstown on Hwy 89 All inside in new building Vendors welcome small rent For further details phone 7054589172 MWFN11 if Sussex England couple has donated major collecton of original glass negatives showing 88 coming events Thrift Shop Kempenfelt Chapter IODE Thurs Oct 20 to Sat Oct 22 oclock to Place Former Ardole fabrics Dunlop St Courtesy of Malcolmsons insurance Good used clothing home baking gilt table household ef fects books jewellery knick knacks Public invited to submit articles to be sold on profit sharing basis Articles accepted Wed nesday afternoon October 19 Phone 7283719 7282730 01819 ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL AUXILIARY presents CHRISTMAS IN OCTOBER Craft and Gourmet Bake Sale WEDNESDAY OCT 26 commencing iOam in the RVH LOBBY Featuring Gifts for Christmas Holiday Foods to Freeze 5280192 WBINGU Over $700 in Prizes Knights of Columbus Every Thursday Night EMBASSY HALL Early Bird starts 730 pm Regular 800 pm Cards $150 Everyone Welcome WTF mwiuiiii snoor Aimy Navy and Air Force Club MILL ST ANGUS from l2f1f0lllllli in OCTOBER 22nd Shotguns milrihle Shells siippliiil Also Dir Roll 02 TURKEY SHOOT If Alliston Rod Gun Club 13th Concession of Tocumseth SATURDAY OCT 22 I977 at pm Refreshment booth 01921 author Samuel Clemens and his family to the Mark Twain Memorial in Hartford Conn Clemens known to millions as Mark Twain is shown here with his wife Olivia and daughter Clara The picture was taken on the grounds of their suburban London homc in 1900 Clemens is shown exhausted from world lecture tour he was on at tho time and wor ried over his wifes failing health said Memorial curator Wilson Faude AP Photo White water brings out an Irresistible urge In some adventuresome spirits to exercise pad powcr West Virginia youths show how Its done In segment of series on childrens sports on the awardwinning public service television program Big Blue Marble The doctor says By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Ive been getting sties on the same eye often They come and go Could you tell me why et so many and what can for themRA sty hordeolum is an in fection of one or more of the glands at the edge of the lid The most common cause is the staph germ There are many ways you can get onapplying makeup for instance Since only one eye is involved Id suspect the germ gets there by your rubbing the eye However poor nutrition can be factor especially if you are finicky eater or on one of the radical diets Stics recur because the germ is not completely eliminated Warm to hot compresses over the lid in the beginning will re duce the infection and hasten pointing of the sly sty begins as small reddened area on the margin of the lid It may develop as tender swelling of the entire lid In few days yellow centre pus forms It usually erupts in few days later Stics on the inside of the lids arc more stubborn and tend to recur more easily ln stubborn cases an anti biotic or sulfa preparation taken by mouth may be needed to halt the infection Because lhc staph germ is so widespread on the body its cs scntial to keep the hands clean and away from the face The germ may lurk in the nose An examination of nasal secretion would reveal it Its controllablc situation and lhcrcs no need to continue infection of lid gland being miserable Get some treatment Dear Dr Thosteson What is the purpose of the sinuses Mrs HK Sinuses are hollow cavities in the head the word comes from the Latin for hollow Many folks would insist their only function is to make life miserable for millions But they have definite purposes one of which is to lighten the total weight of the skull They also provide resonance for the voice and are thought to help the nose in circulating war ming and moistening air as the needs require Dear Dr Thosteson My 15 yearold son had routine phys ical for track and during it the doctor said You have Ray nauds disease He asked the doctor what if is and was told it is dilation of the skin capil laries and that he should move to warmer climate We sure cant afford to pack up and move at this point and this has me worriedMrs Raynauds disease is good reason to move to war mer climate Its not clear why but the tiny blood vessels of the fingers constrict not dilate causing whiteness Raynauds disease is not com mon in boys so young Something may well have been lost in translation in this thrceway communication Be forc you pack your bags obtain another opinion Raynauds would produce ainful symp toms that shou have been noted bynow Without more in formation cant comment further BRIDGE 19 NORTH 10 ti 915 WIIST AST if It Ill II II it iii ti luKQJ 10974 JAIIIIJ SilliTll ii NorthSouth vulncrzihlc West North East South IA Pass 53 litSS Pass liiSS pcning lcad Kai By Oswald it James Jacoby In this duplicate hand there were just about as many bid ding scqucnccs as there were pairs The most popular final contract was five hearts played by South thn club was opened South would ruff in dummy and load spade Some llasts rose with the spade ace and ch trump South would then make the rest of the tricks by the simple expedient of draw ing trumps and eventually dis carding his last club and third diamond on good spades tlicr blasts would duck Oswald angiim Jacoby wide variety of scores South would Wlll ruff his last club cash dummys last trump and lead second spade to Easts ace East could then give his partner spade ruff Otherwise South would make SIX When North played in spades he always had to lose spade and diamond but couple of North players were doubled at five spades for very good scores Those EastWest pairs who sacrificed at SIX clubs came out near the top They would lose spade two hearts and diamond for minus 500 and near tops few NorthSouth pairs wont to six One went down one for bottom the others were lucky enough to get their opponents to seven clubs down California reader wants to know if Wests twospade bid is forcing in the partnership sequence West one spade East two clubs West two spades It IS not forcmg in standard American nor in many expert partnerships 0n the other hand some players use the convention that player who responds at thc two level promises to bid again daily crossword ACROSS 59 Nitrous OXIDE abbr Breakfast 40 Dance step food 41 Nuclear Time lune weapon lrlllf 44 Heyerdahls Sill Strecin rah WflS pl 48 ShelFr l2 Brilliance 49 Buddhism 13 Egypt abhr type 14 Therefore 50 Home of 15 Bulgarian Adam currency 51 Mats 16 Prohibition 52 Killer whale 17 Streamlet 53 Tear 18 leakage 54 Slangy 20 Straightenerl affirmative 21 Wield 55 Unit 22 Command to 56 Group of horse Western allies 23 Clerical title 26 Aperture DOWN 30 Gazer 31 John Sp Electric fish Source of Merriment metal Made gift of 33 Primin color Cracked 34 frocliwty Thick 35 Island of Challenge saints Test 36 iiesemhling More uncanny bone Forbidding 38 Rings 10 Oeillade as to Answer to Prewous Puzzle 11 Auctioneers word 19 Pub beverage 37 Entangle 20 Vast period of 38 Taboo 34 Dummy 35 Of the Orient time 40 Puerto Rican 22 Domestic resort animal 41 Eagles nest 23 Air prefix 42 Azure 24 Farewells 43 Womans 25 Sleeping name places 44 Celtic peasant 26 Asks for 45 Opinion payment 46 Midwestern 27 Motheaten college 28 Dry 47 Of india 29 Longs sl prefix 31 Games Fr 49 Animal park AStIOG raph Bernice Bede Osol Wow Bfliiiilhiilï¬llj Oct 20 1917 More attention shOuId be devoted this coming year to ar tistic musical or creative pur suits lnvolvements in these areas will broaden your perspec tive and could even provide source of profit LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 This is not good day to press people you know on purely social basis for financial or business favors Request of this nature jeopardizes relationships SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your material prospects look Winthrop Short Ribs MISTER PRESIDENT MV GOVERNMENT DEMANDS GETTIN Tii BUMS RUSH As USUALI nanom on Born Loser MISSI NCO PERSONS 1W5 THIS BLOKE FLO5 ENDS ME WHEY ON MEINAWTHANIDO NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 WiNiHROFE LAW WHEN VOLJPE CARVING 50METHlNG our OF THEKES SVLVESTER OUT MOOC VT gm You Game To iv WiliI ALL GP 174056 CHICKENé rather encouraging today but theres chance you could mess things up by doing something erratic Watch your temper SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Youre bit too gullible to day and you could be deceived by someone with ulterior motives Dont take everyone at face value CAPRICOHN DOC 22Jen 10 Keep prying noses out of your financial and business affairs to day especially those who offer abundant but unsound advice AQUARIUS Jen 20Feb Normally youre very easy per son to get along with You usual ly treat others with objectivity and friendliness Today HER ii= youRE VEizv CAREFULNOTTO CLJTYOLJRBELF lM acme T0 HAVE FUND RAlslNé DINNER Frpm eomeï¬oow ANYBODY however your methods could be dictatorial PIBCES Feb 20Merch 20 Although your Intentions are no ble today your tactics may leave something to be desired To achieve results the means must be of equally high standards ARIES March 21Aprll 10 Friends will cooperate today but only It you treat them with kid gloves Throwing your weight around could cause serious problem TAURUS April 20May 20 An enormous amount of per sistence is required It goals are to be attained today Dont let downl GEMINI May 2140 20 Some IONIIIKAKJVKMUSIIJM motiveleans inc MA no last hit riiau mhusio LLY WISH REA Ab war ARMAND 0620 To IVE BEEN PUTTING ON BE ABLE To 1065 IHE GONow PRAYLATER PLAN ilnsyiuJacJunqusni iii THAKl of your Ideas are quite clever and Ingenious today However the ones you have regarding money wont be included in the group CANCER June 21iiuty 22 Enter Into no business arrangements today with problem persons from the post Old wounds could be reopened LEO July 28Aug 22 Be cooperative with other today but dont make Impulsive con cessions you might regret Sound judgment is essential VIRGO Aug 28Oept 22 Make haste slowly today If working on new or untemlller protect Costly errors are possible it youre careless CALL lI PEANUT BUTTER DIPLOMACY ME ALL THE MY TO THE coke CAUre HE wTAll THEsE Df Come see our wide selection of 1978 Calendars and Diaries for home office use