Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1977, p. 34

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16 opts to rent THE MAYFAIR Borrios newest building One and two bedroom apart mtxgmlner ALL THE HELP YOUNEED RIGHT HERE 32 cars for sole i2 cots for sag 112 stirs TDIVSlle ABOUT mom Wm vi and many THE ONLY DEALS WE MISS ARE THE ONES WE DON features Dal Di 11301688 rec org MWFTF Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments Id available November 1st quiet street 15 are experts in eir ie on Will assure you of the 13 shoppgggoaagobrtfirpxlteputts finest iob possible 59 call 7269200 BEDROOM APARTMENTstT€ reglgeratlor parklng laundry lacllltlels an eat ncluded $220 monthly Ave gggiztggvgmber East end Telephone er6pmfir gm telldELL DECORATED bathllelor lulrryisnh 941 lfi or men every ing nc um ALUMINUM iiANbilliAtl tit 11°°°i21°°°°éiil° ca ons are no accepted by CUSTOM FENCING usc lustnualous and Grove References Telephone 10 IMMEDIATIDUIV UNCOLN PROFESSIONAL DRUM lNSTRuc 7289104 RESIDEaLlatfrggyg Yiuglzrggréllg Privat lessons RoyallabLe ln Ian TVVOWHEEDEOM ATPANTMENT 507 Storm windows clean 00mm rates Utilities and parking included $240 mon OWNER OPERATED and installed ed 70Ph0M7262908 thly dFllrst attd 13 Signals lsent re WE aure eepone ae PROTECT and BEAUTIFY oTrea cutting PAINTING picamaomfimrrasgé To mar rd 111 Llc No Price Your home wlh Eaves VELUNGA PAINTNG d°° 311201ng fifiierluslfiivéllrlggg all 1977 Dodge itoti Pickup Dual rear tires Vet °°° PSI PB BADW REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Gomges and baseman terlor exterior Work guaranteed Esta llsh dry facilities First and last months rent vs 1973 ford country 5d Sutton OSidin es Trosh hauled away N°pesc°fl919ligiégi7 7777 lama P5 P8 Hmal V8 Auto PS PB JKV9l5 arms gfisnfllrdgsslonalpainters E3 Two BEDROOM Mme Wm me 1916 ercory Nerquls Dr sedan soffnFascm Ton Truckand mm 726 73259 ree es motes We and gave Hem and parklng Included vs outol PS P8 KHP948 1973 Pontiac VIIITVIII Door $240 monthl East end location Adults EOVeSTOUQh Galvanized and Vin undem 70 FAiNTiNG PAPER HANGlNG experiehced No pets YAvallable November cyl Gum PS Rad KRX 637 seamless Installed an 1326 guanine Richardson7262Ol27 gerlephone 7685 or 0875 after veAuta Ps PB KHP645 $4888 NANDYMAN SPECIALS FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP 4875155 5va 74 rv AM 1976 Ferd Gran Toriiol Dr SOLD AS IS FREE ESTIMATES FREE ECSILTMES A8 PAULS 33151thSFnTSISQAiriftiitlltznlriggémil V8 0010 P5 P8 11 LDW19i $3743 1975 94 up mm and lre ts Non ok rs ANDYMAN d°i P°l9r P09 008 pleasel gaasTeend 0nd bus stopmPhne 76 Fordnoo eh um V8 OUTO P5 P8 Radio JFBm try floor tiling furniture stripping 6nd 72847752 WV 777 AMIA V8 000 P5 P3 H43747 no ugh swrnmn GEORGIAN W7 nlzflofan exterior Two BEDROOM lakefront winterized 1975 Mercury Meteor4 door lkieou 500 V8 Auo PS PB Radio HTN554 SOLD HANDYMAN CAN ree es mates fully furnished duplex $160 month all BUILDNG ONESSMAKINO reasonable quote for llnblags mfloolnll Low rates Fast service Xflnflegiuldwegi clml cmlllaiguissbome 1975 ngaz 98 no on chlmneys pointing etc For old fashioned 139PJETPWLELJWC °° V8 Auto PS PB Radio HTY792 0°06 $325lrallies12321222112 925 8533311 classifiers °°° WW Mm wit1 tiom Guslost Phone 7266000 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 737 295 $185 monthly Heal hydro and parking 74 Ch Pl V8 auto P5 P8 JBV907 sT 488 DRESSMAKING TAILORtNG and olfera M29 included Suitable ior couple or single V8auto PS PB HMA316 $2788 e5idin lions Reasonable rates For appointment iNTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec 77 person Telephone 726 7186after4zoo 73 ford Gran Torino Squire Wagon it 39 call 7373934 between9arn and9pm mmt C0 ergl4363601 altr6110 1m SESUNG Rmissonf fNTNGT Two BEDROOM apartment $170 Two MMVrkk 98 V8 Auto P5 P8 MND592 $1448 In ows rm one quota erior elk or or paper ng rig custom 6c auto PS JRZ55 Fm Dom EAVESTROUGNING 82819395 223 it22°izi °°° 510411 Shuners Awnin GRAHAM EAVEWOUGHNG bedroom playroom iaundrypttru storage cm Mums 9711728 27115 $2888 V8 auto PS PB BKT743 Wghino immumi ca 72866 flyiélasgmpamting wollpopertng Murray UUlor PB TN404 1912 cy Al on AdditionsRooting e7 OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom BaChelOI Apartment 197 Dodge CoroneHDrJedelt 888 Em EAVSSYROUGMNG CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complolu bos Cnl framing of all types We stock many Ilzes $135 monthly includes everything Fur V8 auto P5 p8 HTR 012 VB Auto FE 686 on nc osuresStonework mlugrazdvzogmpxsirhguxv pipdnning andI decorum pgvocy screefns Phone7283270 nlshed and broadloomed clean cosy MC sm 71MPTWDL 688 tim cuminum Inumber or 5a Held and jungles Catt Mar 0111 For free eSTmOTe EAVESTROUGHING contractor all pa ed V8 Auo Ps Radlo FCV733 your ne 572 can PM spuauuc Jock Bates Free estimates 117rtdgpAon spgcmuzchm ck VUPST Al RS CYL ouo LPUVSb 1972 DINO Dr 7266907 A°L° 7763657fl Pm waterproofing brick and stone caulking AND ROOFNG Nw °d °ld RWl ment stove and fridge rug wall toaaaarll 13 cum ha CYlr Slandord Fczl08 claws and expansion joints Work guaran TEE£631799pnhiv Furnished all utilities paid Suitable for Cyl PS Auto FCV698 Local Family Business Lflfiifléimfi Shin paintin older couple or widow Near bus stop PETER 5mm slump Commudot NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms good locality $150 monthly Abstainers log ORTHER ALUMINUM Products 50 Residential Industrial installations and ser °3°51 l° Qua only 776 1655 ma ing Troug All colors Guur vice 7264996 or worti77267609017769002 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT close °°°L7J£7°9 7263992 Tfl EXPERIENCEDTWCvARPENFETl Rina altar COMMERCAL RESLDENTAL to downtown Utilities provided Avail house raising panelling masorllry and New and Repairs able NOVPmPE 51 75 TOMMY do ndustrio Commerciol Ené£g 335 UplNllll Minnikin lgiértsnoirneltrpfirsllhloigll1b mung PROTECT ITYW RWY 0U e5dmg egofm spasm 7ReStdenttal Farms dations renovations additions Phone bullets Anger l7houses to rent you Ford Motor crettlt Shutters Windows Lighting design fifiéwflré 3222713 4241709 000 mm Inlr tinricth Doors OEovestrOu Electrical cons lt my mafigngs Ni BAYFIEID CUNDlEs WARRANTY mil ay iNCOME TAx returns prepared Angus Bar smwplowmc New storey home mu on mud PYM City Masters Ltc 118 rte area up Dobsan 424 5910 after bed rooms baths December 436 183° STROUD 728 8234 e7 PAULS SNOWPLOWING residential and 3300 gum N6 cornmercifil reasonable rates free lstl mlon AVOlOble or 77 777777777 10105 199L735 me lots Phone 4164537991 GIBSON AwMINUM PAR ELECTRIC wtttottrs SNOWPLOWING Small ram 07054363021 LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD In lndusriol com ciol and residential Reasonable rates OHFasltlon Pride m° 9° 9225499 7164797 09 SSA RD BARR is Siddm 50 no F°rm Resdenllo REICHEN SNOWPLOWING and Snowblowing MsL Fw Awning Doors Winégows Electric Heat 4364899 SETCSFLUEEsEXM °°° by TOWNHOUSE How tall GET 11m IS 10011 BUSINESS iiow tou lEAVE is ouRS 019 DryersRanges SEASONALCONTRACTorosyouneedit STORM WINDOWS lNSTALLED Root Dancing Blown Cellulose Fibre blowr or plow Simpson rlphon EWVW We two fimi It 7264538or835 5957 iers FREE QUALITY SiNCE 1949 FREE ESTIMATES gfijiunsfiéwplowmo Manama 3711mm m°°9 lt0 777 °377l977717wsv 115359031019113091 105119 EJEISL 726 5609 728 3896 TIT hh Communal Best service in town Reds on b°5°m°nlv heal 1W0 BEDROOM House available YOUNG GENTLEMAN WlTH HOME tn 72 CHEV PCWPI 35° Nort ern Insulation onablerales Telephone737 2892 7264604 $205 plus all and utilities adults November 15111 $250 monthly Cali Barrie on waterfront seeks same to PARIS susson létgénagcfiicgliifigiag ispggsgdfictgrodllfltgz N24 N23 Phillip Peacock 737 1771 rep Unlgroup share accommodations Available 77777777777777 landscapmg Stucco only 8095 Inc Broker rovember 151 For inquiries contact i159 Teephmenb 937 32m Attic Blowing RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco one 29 so 309 lglgifing¥elzgggnelzgés3g€iar ca interior textured walls and ceilings Free BBTWGOD and 32cars for sale god cor Truck ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd outhottred sales RanRT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage Free Estimates um 00 Run Mghu When HOUSES 777777777 777 A7 1968 CHEV VAN automatic le radlor $833539 °° 3731 25272 3792 °° Guaranteed 71 TF For immediate rental broadloom 37115851C°NaLLlETJibalW°ai 363 Sslélfctéaélfrilll L2tirt7£ WE wfilfick 7U and dispose at old 7371727 TWOWAT RADIO TOWNHOUSE three bedrooms WWW 391 and WE mites Newly ppainled PgivaFe sale Best 1288390 WM plances atnocostto you 7372873 77 77 MTvrWa baths tour appliansces broadloom ggggmgfiggdwfl otler over $1700 Telephone 728 7156 SpEciAL197 ONE TON CHEVI No throughout garage 375 monthly In in 30with tandem axles and genera pur cludes tabla and water Close to school FARIMHHOHUSE SIXSIIBS 51th Bahrrte Lindigdnl gowefosyggrsingrovs b11312 pose shape toot box 21020 mutei shopping and buS route Telephone on I0 way ern ic re it Owner retired has been un ercoa WE REPNR British European 0nd Japan BOCkhe EXCOVI ercltELthiorY tTMFtrrklétefng sllnlats Rims 776 33 bedrooms Vino °°m baseman gchleeghcyxelasfllflgl any reasonable ligrlatggNJlolgoLO rthTIesR Elggtlhgrd OSTF Mice each year No rust anywhere Cer cors Coronation Auto 59 MOW Trenc mg Specialty Frbeestimoyle 7351424 5156 3k NEW BEDROOM HOUSE tn Alcona Telephone 776 éUymi con why not get loan at Ranger Pickup with Cap 47000 miles lliea°°°wlh boJsavsas 7265441 wiv pr war one in oars Horizonto Augering 7289833 ExCXvATING AND EOUTFMENT RENTALS Dragltne back hoe bulldozers grader low Construction Ltd Shanty Day 720782779 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces specialty Vic Watson for free estimates 728 1599 81110 11005 PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sole Apply at92 Malroie Ave Game or telephone 728 CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS LEONS Custom Made Clocks will also do repairs Showroom Hwy 93 at Dalston 7289548 CARPENTle AND General Contractor roams renovations additions guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER Spemaltztng raaraams til tenor remodelling trim etc Please call 7283884 allerbrp CABINET MAKER European trained kit CNHS VGHITIQS P1710 lurnttura TGHOVOIOHS alterations Domestic Commercial 726 FIREWOOD FREWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood split and delivered Any quanttty All dry seasoned 199 9379 ASSORTED FIREWOOD CUSTOM CUT 7264131 FLOOR REFINISNING HARDWOOD FLOOR installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to Ehip or peel 32587311 Kitchen rec fireplaces LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom Name cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed arter Construction 723774317 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No lob to small 7261127717 CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters for renovations addtttons homes cottages Free estimates 435 4995 GENERAL CARPENTRY Additions garage rec rooms built in closets Drywall texture sprayinglFrrge intimates 7263853 CARPENTER SPEClALIZING IN rec rooms and custom cabinets Experienced and reason able Coll ofter 4730 4589342 TF instelleis All floor wall mosaic tiles and vinyl asbestos CARPET CLEANING Work guaranteed year START YOUR spring cleaning today PrOciOion Company mziinsizsiifffwiif°f°° J°197 COMMERC1AL ART HANDYMAN COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art FREE Garages cleaned trash hauled work layout etc Plese call collect 416 away Just give us your coslolfs Telephone 1°°9 4875525 or 7263441 ostarms for sale 12 mortgages PRIVATE SALE 50 acre term with bedroom house barn with stable cleaner and milk house loca lion Sunnidaie Township For more in Second Mortgages formation please call 424 0875 LOAN MONTHLY AMOUNT PAYMENT monguges 5000 53 36 $106 71 First and Second 6006 MORTGAGES ARRANGED mow 3m Reasonable R0185 Bases onth per year Existing 25 year OllOlllOllon Mortgages Compare what you are paying Purchased now for car loan personal loan For Cash and credit cords with what Mortgage Life Insurance you could be paying All you Available save is interest Callaaaanyttme Wayne Dobsort 3222 OFFICE 7269262 First mortgages from9 121 BAYFIELD ST We buy and sell extsttng mor tgages 7267 MwFTF Office Hours pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association llHL101Uli fgrmstrnng TF IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1211 and 2nd Open Mortgage Loene Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacallon and commercial properties Wed Love to help you oTo consolidate debls low monthly payments oHome improvements any worthy reason To pay 011 exrsling or maturing mortgage 0Conslruction lunds free advice try Us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages ail Anytime 347 BAY 5111 ET 129 DUNLOP 5T EAST How TORONTO OEm BARRIE ONTARIO pm Sm am2 7260981 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc MOVING 8r STORAGE TNE PROFESSIONALS Lowest prices Honest efficient OFree Estimateslnsuronce Locol Or long hauls CAMPIELLS Movhg Storage 7266555 MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who like to dgnce Good rates 728 9545 liius1c iNSTRucnoNs GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Porvin Gutiar Studio 7261489 ACCORDTON guitar piano argon beginner and advanced Two months trial instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aca diemyof Music 1721 Bayfield 728 1799 GUITAR Classical and folk string bonlo and drums The Bandstand Boyfield Ma 4973 SOCIAL AND BALLROOM DANCING Instruction for all occasions Classes now forming DanceaSize for adults Fitness CALL 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY or DANCING 12 111918109 SECOND MORTGAGES TO 85 0F VALUE 11 We are mortgage brokers and since we Specialize con guaran tee prompl and individual 01 tention to all mortgage inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential com mercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager Kerr for valuable advice BUS 7371881 RES TOLL FREE 4875965 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlop St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association Ian TF MORTGAGES bought and sold lmme diate action confidential David Wriss Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 days 728 4651 evenings COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerr Syvokas 487 3362 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 1414 14 metilsitiitt 9191120 25 FT HCME BUILT Motor Home all qulpped ideal buy for hunters good buy at $3200 or besl offer Phone 737 3079 afler530pm Beach Family roorn withflreplace FURNISHED BEACH HOUSE in Bar 76 DATSUN WAGON 1976 Dotsun F100 wagon Barrie Community Credit Untoh 12 per This front baths Available now $350 monthly plus rie three bedrooms fireplace fantastic em imam Come 728 519 heal and hydro Telephone 776 3757 view $300 monthly plus utilities 728 2471 Mh° Rd is rn toap 436 3348 after after BEDROOM HOME Big Bay Point TWO BEDROOM HOUSE in Angus S25 area $2115 monthly References re monthly plus heat and hydro First and Mulcester qutred Telephoncl 416 877 5982 last months rent required One ref 7267310 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE for rnnl 99 T99°°7 5703 fully broadloomod includes all ap 20 rooms yet HNG pliances Large rooms $300 monthly wee K28 039 AV° °°V 30 FURNISHED ROOM in Allendale atbus 436 4587 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE available November ist Rec room garage and large backyard Cundles Rd area Rent stop cooking facilities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 728 4268 days Orgt728gt0810evenlngs DO YOU NEED TYPING DONE Fast accurate service now avatlable Reasonable rates Coll 72836007 CENTRAL FURNisHED ROOMS $330 monthly plus utilities Also close to common rooms nee parking laundry bus stop 726 3257 between and dimes 726 71 Water Well Drilling Farms FVRNISHED ROOMS clean modern collages Free estimate 10 years LOVELY HOUSE with beautitul freed location Parking available experience Angus 424 5657 lot very private bedronms DU°° now Phone Hamilton Real Estate Street West Available immediately 7371000 WELL DIOGINW Telephone 737 2oooeventngs 776 2055 LOVELY CLEAN HOME large brig EggglNFIR Thee awrygzdbrencggégm furnished bedroom with sink Rooms 01 Cflrpi ln han ed weekl Ktchen and den or fourth bedroom Two applt ea ed facilities Free parking Gentlemen pro ferred 728 0598 or 728 2471 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED bedslt ter kitchenette private toilet shower Available Mondays to Fridays ONLY Suit gentleman with established home elsewhere and who returns home weekends 726 8998 ancos $325 monthly plus utilities Tele phone4168817213 OCTOBER OCCUPANCY in freshly decorated three bedroom two storey townhouse Fridge and stove included East end $295 monthly Evenings 14161 884 0649 or 884 6287 till No Barrie Home Form Cottage Concrete well tiles Pump installations For Free Estimate STROUD 00 bedmm bUWaW BEDROOM in private home Cooking large Klimt Wm walkOV deClr 93 and laundry facility Share bathroom ed drive finished family room with Available now 30 week Apply 75 ettytliiie fireplace and built in bar utility room Blake st ROOMS from $25 and up weekly cen trel clean bright large parking Telephone 737 0901 days EXTRA LARGE furnished rooms Share kitchen for singles or young couples Linen supplied Downtown area 736 6392 BACHELORETTE furnished suit lady Central Available immediately Telephone 728 0755 and workshop $300 monthly plus util ities First and last Phone 436 5517 alter 5pm SMALL BUNGALOW newly decoraled bedroom living room kitchen bath room garage nice garden Close 10 bus and schools Retired couple or teacher $250 plus utililios Relerences 728 4659 16 SOPHIA ST brick home for rent rooms first and last months rent $250 monthly plus Utilities Telephone 728 1319 days 728 8798 evenings THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW new ly decorated carpeted throughout fridge and stove east end Barrie $275 monthly plusutilitits Nopels Available November 151 Call after Pm Brad ford 416 7756592 or apply 91 Queen Street Barrie TALL TREES detached three bedroom family room with fireplace baths garage finished rec room broadloom throughout Fenced lol Quiet area $350 monthly plus utilities Call collect 416 494 9325 TWO BEDROOM winterized collage $150 monthly Lefroy All conveniences Available immediately Telephone 436 4656 between 5pm and8 3013 BUNGALOW TWO BEDROOM lakefront on Highway 93 at Orr Lake All conveniences suit single person or business couple No pets $175 monthly 1416 2310426 FOUR BEDRooM HOUSE at Shanty Bay four miles east of Barrie Also large barn Rent $475 monthly Min imum six month lease First and last months rent In advance References re quired 726 09sldays BRENTWOOD FARM HOUSE for rent two storey three bedroom stucco house with all conveniences surrounded by nice trees good garden $200 monthly NOTICE deadline for classiftod word ads previOus day noon Saturday of kitchen $25 per week Telephon 737 3106 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEFiNG parking Near Wellington Plaza Tole phone 728 8478 between and pm FURNISHED PRIVATE ROOM to Ten In home In Tall Trees area Linen chang ed weekly share house facilities Telephone 737 2756 evenings lfflnoliiile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years 230flices stores for rent MEAFORD STOREFOR EASE About 2100 square feet on busy main highway shop ping centre Modern front and warehouse facilities Reasonable terms Call Murray Petch Real Estate Ltd Meoford 519538 1221 after pm 519538 2596 Hghwoy scum first and last months rent References 020 I70 Burton Avg 7289366 requlred 416 635 06548am to4pm TF THREE BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE large living room and dining room 10 baths and garage Located at 360 Blake St $290 per month plus ulillties ap pliances Included Call Rob Knapp 726 1881 rep Emory Miller Ltd Realtor TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king site bed sacrifice 1157000 firm cost $9500 new used only Six times 705 445 1480 TRAILER STORAGE Will store trailers for winter season Reasonable Call7261114 TRAILER STORAGE soft tops inside $35 season others outside $5 montth Webbs CamprGround 726 9823 FIFTH WHEEL CAMPER with Ford truck like new Telephone 428 2101 224 Maln51 Slayner MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelofl TWO OFFICES lust over 500 square feet each can be lolned together $150 mon thly each Includes parking and heal Located Dunlop st downtown Barrie Mrs Pelch 726 3338 TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE three bedroom washrooms fully broadloomed appliances $325 monthly or $35000 Ferris Lane area Telephone 737 35214 or 416 223 7720 BEAUTIFUL THREE BEDROOM Townhouse available November Broadloom appliances aorage Ferris Lane $325 monthly Telephone 726 7794 PT TO NEW THREE BEDROOM house Anten Mills $350 per month plus heat and hydro Must have references First and last months rent Call Dan Henderson rep Unlgroup Inc RE Broker 737 1771 or 728 6065 FOUR BEDROOM SEMI ln Tall Trees Available immediately $300 per month Barbara Hof 737 1771 rep Unlgroup Inc RE Broker Detached Back Split OFFICE sFAcElorreni 99 Biyiielo street Parking second or third floor single or combined offices No lease re quired Phone 726 2772 days or 737 2349 evenings 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE Downtown 54 Maple Ave Parking Available October lst Call 7281743 or 72868998fter7pm 1977 MODEL 22 FOOT fully equipped motor home for sale or lease Telephone 728 1061 Chuck Byron at Byron Graham Motors CORSAI 14 FOOT sleeps slx two way frldge three burner Stove excellent con dltlon Telephone 728 3480 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60000 sq lt lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 14 ft 18 ft clear part at large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 16apts to rent FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays FOR LEE inatistriei Epic na warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelofl VERY NICE inoustrittibulldino on PRIVATE COMFORTABLE TALL TREES $325 monthly Three Dun bedroom fully furnished apartment bedrooms lamlly room and replace Opes Pfigzleggg7suargf encslldbm utilities included tree Darklnv doublegaregeAvallable Novemberlst 615 0637 LARE EARN 1075117 Edited To horses and storaoe located in Oro For information call7371245 after 530 pm FOR RENT 11100 square leetSitiiabié for warehousing For more information call Plumbing Mart 312 Baylleld 51 363927 slngle business lady West and location Reasonable Telephone 726 8998 anytime TWO BEDROOM Apartments available immediately November 1st December 1st Parking laundry facilities $230 monthly plus hydro References No pets 728 1035 Call Bob Hockley rep Unlgroup Inc RlEBroker7v371771 FOR SALE OR RENT Double wide modular home includes three bed rooms baths lamlly room living room dining room kitchen and laundry room Located near Angus immediate possession 424 1609 FURNISHED BEDROOM central use ROOM own entrance own bathroom plenty of cargo in canary yellow only 7000 origina great buy at only SIMCOE lust north of Georg Barrie 7370254 windows power brake tinted windows stere cellent condition See Apt 305 1931 CUTLASS 350 1972 OLDSMOBlLE CU cellenl Condition Telephone 726 9215 1973 BIRD two doo liliedexcellenlcondlllo Tilephone 424 0022 1972 transmission AM FM proofed ANSA exhaust 42000 miles Excellent i975 CHEVELLE automatic power brakes radio air condil 726 8204 steering power brake i959 eule interiors need body wor needs cash and mus anytime lion some body work 1976 MONTECARLO power steering and 19611 FORD FAI RLANE Excellent mechanically Call 726 6618alter 530p 1957 CHEV 327 chrome Real bargain sheph plank boat motor and needs money Must sell 11774 MONTE CARLO and brakes swlvel buck pletely equipped $7399 For tglgphone 622 6238 1977 CHRYSLE Ne outlined like New Yorker Showroom condition $6799 Telephone 726 2638 1972 DODGE Danton very well Is 1970 Dart swlnper 726 9979 after pm Ask track 728 2959 after 6pm power excellent $6500 Phone 737 3036 heels bucket seats lh redlo 49901 41101 wheel drive wagon offers great gas mileage Finished 549 Ieyfleld 51 power brakes new radial tires deck Excellent shape Call 728 4400 Certified TOYOTA CELICA steering malntalned stereo Telephone 72787777248 alter pm air conditioning area yet and with miles 3295 my ion Moll O2iH 1977 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY power and steering system Ex 259 Dunlop St power steering tape TLASSS ln ex 31900 hardtop cer Asking $2795 manual radials rust recent tuneup condition Cer tlfied 51500 Call 487 5714 WAGON V8 power ionino excellent shape mechanical New radial tires Certified Phone 728 4577 I966 METEOR MONTCALM two door hardtop Power steering and brakes Body excellent Must sell $300 as is 1974 METEOR MERCURY Montcalm Dark blue door sedan 351 power radio 63000 miles Certified $1650 Phone 728 3468 Snowmobile Both in excellent condition 1965 Pontiac and 1968 Barracuda good 1970 K726 5731 I976HORNET HATCHBACk new condition Priced for quick sale Owner sell 7286168 1969 METEOR good mechanical Candi needed $200 or best offer Telephone 726 7892 evenings 16000 miles brakes swivel buckets radlals Telephone 737 3977 body very good Certified 5750 1972 NEWPORT door automatic power steering brakes and wlndows good condition asking $1800 or best at fer Telephone 726 2178 ntter6 pm reverse radlals erd mahogany trailer Widow 705 454 3553 p0wer Steering ets In good call dltlon Telephone 728 8249 alter 8pm 1972 MAVERICK door for sale radio rear defooger good running condition $60 Telephone726 3202 i977 CHRYSLER Newport for sale Corn Perfect further condition information wporl custom Loaded 340 automatic redial tires 1968 CAMARO cylinder new brakes and exhaust $1250 certified or $1100 as 40 gear new brakes needs body and exhaust to be certified $1300 or best offer Telephone for Ken 1975 GREMLI vs air conditioning certified $1500 Telephone 1774 CADILLAC Coupe de ville litli condition Asking 1975 COUGARXRT rust prooled rally ree speaker AM 31000 miles 1969 Acadian door All in good condi tion Telephone 726 8407 after pm 1976 CAMARO mileage 21000350 bar rel automatic duals blue with while in letter radio excellent condition $5000 Telephone 737 3477 1975 SCAMP slant auto power steer ing low mileage certified Lease car Avis 101 Dunlap s1 726 65277 i975 DART slant auto power steer ing low mileage certified Lease car Avis 101 DunlOp St 726 1975 SWINGER slant auto power steering low mileage certified Lease car Avis 101 Dunlop St 726 6527 1974 DUSTER Gold Edition two door coupe V8 automatic with radio Only $1600 Telephone Brian Moltatt 728 5470 1975 vw BEETLE 59000 miles 51995 One owner good condition new back tires certified Telephone 487 3622 1974 VEGA FOR SALE door speed in lair condition $900 or best offer Telephone 487 5174 betweenvsrand pm 1970 MERCURY CYCLONE GT 8351 automatic P5 P8 radio bucket seats excellent condition S825 or best offer Certified 728 6799 IT DOESNT COST TO SEE IT 1972 Celica like new AM FM cassette cer tilled College student must sell $1500 orbestoller 776 6773 1970 OLDSDELTASE tor sarisnew transmission and new exhaust $600 Telephone 726 3143 1973 BUlCK REGAL laudau roof radial tires power windows air conditioning stereoB track certified 53000 miles ex cellent condition best offer Telephone 325 9446 MUST SELL 1968 Chev Biscayne in good running order $300 or best offer Telephone 728 4745 alter pm RE POSSESSED 1973 DATSUN StatEFt Wagon Accepting offers Contact Brian Warburton Bank of Montreal 728 5949 1973 BUICK LESABRE one owner automatic power steering and brakes clean car vinyl top radial tires radio Clean car Certified $1695 or best otter Telephone 726 8029 1969 PONTIAC good for parts Telephone 728 8578 behNeepAo and pm 1975 CHARGER SE 211000 miles ex cellent condition power steering and brakes split bench with arm rest lendau root Telephone lo 7286242 ext 71 51010 728 0668 1972 THUNDEReiRD excellenicanar tlon fully loaded with options Tele phone7268712afler600pm 1972 MERC COMET as is one owner snow tires $750Call Joanne 737 3474 1974 DAT SUN 8210 Hatchback deck certified $1800 or best offer Telephone 436 3071 1973 CAPRI V6 metallic blue deluxe in terlor four new Michelins excellen condition New exhaust system rust prooled $1975 certified Telephon 7263189alter5pm gitcars wantedtobuy URGENTLY REQUtRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers726871l TRACYWANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Flee pickup Telephone 726 8487 COLE BROS Cirsland trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 4351323 Alter pm 424 5949 WANTED ciéfiusedcarEarrteitan d3 Auto Sales 17 Gowa 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES ANTEOI TEp prices paid Free Immediate pickup anytime 436 2900 34trucksand trailers 1975 F250 FORD four wheel drive V8 automatic in good condition Telephone 445 5562 alters pm 1974 FORD looHALF TON CeFtifled in good condition 24000 miles 360 motor power steering Telephone 458 9030 1973 GMC 4wheel drive Many many extras Telephone 424 5220 ECONOLINE VAN Chateau cigars 11v passenger long wheel base V8 automatic A1 body and mechanical three lone paint Only $1500 Telephone 728 4804 evenings and weekends cylinder auto rear delogger cassette 1969 FORD HALF TON pickup automatic good condition body good $900 as is Telephone 737 1755 72 GMC PICKUP 1972 GMC Halfton pick up Lic No H75876 V8 stan dard with only 52000 miles reliable and handy second vehicle fOr only $1 650 SIMCOE 549 Ieyfleld St lust north of Georgiii Mel Barrie 7370254 O21H CANADIAN LADY 1975 Ford 150 351 standard chrome rims radial road and track formula tires Muntx AMFM stereo 8track Johnston 123A C8 in overhead consule Insulated and panell ed 12 interior lights CW switching CB and stereo headphone lacks duel bate tertes roof racks many more extras Exterior brown firemist and murals molded llairS copper paint grill and bumpers interior modular components are completely portable These are ope 1101872000811 Bob at 4240966 74 FORD PICKUP CUSTOM 1974 Ford F250 ton pickup V8 three speed standard Junior west coast mirrors rear step bumper SUPER VALUE AT $1895 Lic 81441 International Automobile 100 Tlffh St Barrie 7269050 020 37molorcycles 1976 YAMAHA 400 RD black with sad dle bags and windshield mag wheels 7000 miles Show room condition 726 7771 days VW TRIKE 1300 cc Empi headers MT mags MTL 60 Springer lront end frame and fibreglass body from California $2000 Call 737 2193 alter 385nowmobiles MOTOSKI Sales and Service Lots of new 77 machines at BIG SAVINGS Barrio MoteCross Centre Ltd 389 Boyfieid St of Clin dies 72641 12 MWFN30 1976 YAMAHA 65300 One year old low mileage Asking $850 Telephone 728 3909 DOUBLE SKI DOO trailer tlltbedextre tire and wheel $100 Ski Boose deluxe used 360 Telephone 726 0986 Open till 10 libarticles for sale USED EIGHT FOOT two tube fluores cent Telephone 726 3400 fixtures for sale 325 each INDOOR SHOWROOM lull slzed pools on display Come in today or 117264606 for free 32 page booklet of lnground and above ground pools Baymert Plala ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in excellent 73613435 JOTUL The Sage wood burning stove for exceptional fuel efficiency and heating Open the doors for coxy fire Contact Pioneer Pools condition Asking 8550 Mother Natures Heating Company Barrie0ntarlo 705 728 2120 or 4364129 RECYCLE LOST HEAT tTom your tur nece Install heat mlser in your smoke pipes Cell for information 728 0755 RUMMAGE SALE Friday October 21st at pm Grace United Church corner of Grove and Cook st Sponsored by Grece UCW PIANOS New apartment silo from $995 delivered Neales 147 Bruce Thorn bury daily Wed closed 5195992896

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