32 the examiner Wedneodey Oct 191977 7292414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am accommodations to shore 26 births who as to rent 27 odopions arm machInery 54 houses to rent i7 iostlfound 70 rtuni for men for sale or rent 00 mowmobiles 38 opts to rent mIlï¬easTO°°n may 83 arm machinery wanted 65 houses wanted to rent 19 lots for sole 04 mre foiYsole monogemenf 08 space for rent 24 opts wanted to rem campingeiltri refuses 26 320mg as feed seIad grain 60 in memarlams 87 marketbasket 66 postureto rent 62 property wanted 02 stamps and coins 45 articles for sole 40 card of thacrltk 56 do afs 44 IInonno lcl° 69 108 84 posture wanted 63 public notices so summer properties for sale 31 articlestorent 43 com 76 °f55 89 insurance bilehomesltraliers14 personals lresortsw swaps46 ankles wanted In cars 31 033 oYmerrttswonte as fruits and vegetables 67 landscaping 53l money to loan TS inhotoorophy 49 room and board 21 teach WON 73 mom sales 79 com even 88 grogzmo garages 25 leasing 39 mortgages 12 pfants and bulb 52 room go in 20 tenders 7a auto accessories 36 commgrcial soleorrent 09 TJILfrgfigg 06 gaIrden 19 50 legal 77 motorcyles 37 poultry and chick 59 room want 22 trade schools 75 auto service and repairs 35 cons 05 famed 71 llVOSTOCk for 50 57 nursing homes 15 professional directory 90 sales helpl agents 72 ifs 014 llWb 51 uc ion mac inery 55 arms or so home Improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 office stores for rent 23 property for gal OI NI and pain 54 trucks ond trailers 34 POPGriy for sale 01 property for sale nga Pf°P°YlfljEliw 912977 if 01 property for sols property for side 01 property for Id 01 property for 8010 01 property for sole EMORY The REALTOR Rmnm gt IMJH Reahor RCHOLKAN coLToK jfi oya FUSL AREALTOR MILLER Com 357 BAYFIELD ST pany 55 Collier St fittnhllitn l130 CoIIITer St Barrie 7234401 LIMITED REALTOR BARRIE irect oronto Line 3646625 To 3647941 DUNLOP SEST BARRIE 7261881 TORON 7288800 TOR LINE 8814174 mats Ph 7374771 IS OUT $57 00L HOUSE AT ALCQNA BEACH Lovely bedroom Tor Lne ANTEN MILLS iust reduced level split top floor features huge WH 90 0w with garage and spacious lot completely renovated new master bedroom plus other bedrooms and pc bath main floor Al Rose 7238116 Mil IYlbild 7296054 new sdmg If You flay lmied inc°mei 90W POYment contains beautiful living room dining room model ktichen with Harvey Weber 4363815 Ron Thorne 7288714 me on this one Eric Milton 7288800 17370M walkout lower level has luxurious family room with floor to ceiling P°CY F°rd 7287930 L°V°9r°V° 44289 VILLAGE GROCETERA to ROOM LIVING QUARTERS I5 mms fireplace washroom den walkout to rear yard basement ioveI Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett 7266O96I south of Barrie near Lake Simcoe No compeï¬ion In Wear $40000 has furnished games room laundry room workshop and furnace ROSS Burwell 4589248 Helen Burns 7262386 gross last year 15° net 132 corner lot Ideal family business room The lot is professionally landscaped and fenced and other R°b Krfapf 7267294 J°Y MCN°bb 7264386 near exclusive marina Poul Thompson 7288300 IGNIgM features are attahced garage patios and gardens that have to be K9 Mm 4873365 59 Dmfnan 76345 SIDE SPLIT WITH CHARM $5300 down bedrooms family room soon ca Joe Dyson 7262090 332hvzghflf1hd Bl Punls and unique fireplace professionally decorated walkout ot patio and privacy fenced backyard quiet culdesac Joyce Samson 728 8800 B7473M REDUCED TO $50000 FOR QUICK SALE Tall Trees bedroom bungalow spotless home backing On private field Professionally finished family room brick fireplace cedar sun deck gas BBQ fen ced yard Quality decor Carries $423 mo Janice Vanherk 72B 8800 B744BM BARRIE SOUTH MINI FARM ll ACRES $20 000 down bdrm ia storey large family room born 24 40 Good horse farm ex cellent location Mike Sarenchuk 7288800 Res 7280836 T7455M 54 ACRES CONC 12 INNISFIL Rolling countryside panoramic view Excellent building site 20 acres of cultivated running stream small barn original bdrm farm home Open for offers Janice Vanherk 7288800I1790M THE ROYAL TRUST CO ONTARIO REALTOR OIQH st across front of home situated on heavily treed lot 80 235 ap prox $10000 down to one mortgage Please call Joe Dirrocola 726 0° NORMAN CALL TOLL ran 81511710 0567 or 728 01 JOHN 68 RETIREMENT HOME 75 Blake Street Small bedroom brick home DUNLOP 728 am DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION Close to park andbayOnly $39900 Call DonAllan48724i2 Image resor In Honey H0 SEEING IS BELIEVING Why not set up date to see this for bri ht EAST bour l2 rental units plus office bedroom home Vendor has added many extras famle rogm REALTOR and living quarters also with fireplace furnished games room swimming pool Located on Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to REDUCED FROM $59900 TO $49900 Executive Back Split Featuring xFireplace in family room Two baths Double garage lrdirect lighting Separate dining room lntercom system Top quality shag throughout This is beautifully decorated custom built EXCLUSIVE EAST BARRIE AREA Brick stone bed bungalow with fireplace In living room family room wet bar two baths Florida room garage distinctive custom built home on private freed oversized lot To view contact Brian Millett at 7288494 or 7371771 Ol7l920 home For inspection call Brian Millett at 728 8494 or 7371771 ocres 700 ft shore line WAS DUPLEX DOWNTOWN Only $38900 Two large one bedroom apartments Live in one and let the other pay the expenses Call Don Allan 4872412 PARKSIDE DRIVE Walk downtown from this well located home Large 14 14 kitchen Laundry room on main level Excellent con dition Make an offer Only $42500 Call Poppy Wilde 7281887 or 7284401 ENJOY YOUR FAMILY NOW Just listed rural setting school bus at door acre plus unique storey Tudor styled home Com pletely refreshed interior using an open concept design Large 16 12 dining or family room with fireplace Open staircase to 2nd floor Ultra modern Hollywood styled kitchen with eating area 24 13 master bedroom double garage and workshop Pony barn with tack room and two box stalls completely fenced and freed paddock Plus the pony Have look priced In the 350s Call Bill Hockley 7284401 or 7262596 NEARLY NEW bedroom brick bungalow in Georgian Sands living room 19 136 with fireplace kitchen 11 186 full cedar deck Glenecho Drive Call Poppy Wilde 7281887 or 7284401 Ross Miller 7260563 GEORGE TTRDUZIZALLJLE l14 UUNLOP STW BARRIE 7373200 $59000 REDUCED Io sIQg 000 HONEY East and hung bdrms baths brdlm thruout dish SHADE LT FAITOR REE EXCELLENT STARTER HOME in Minot Point Featuring bedrooms Ior quisk Sale May be seen by WOW 99 beeewcy Bernce obtained by ï¬mgiï¬‚ï¬ 7229303123°I°if 40 Ie ve 0nd Imge llV9 room Wlh fireplace Please call Peter Shelswell at calllg LOU BelSey 705 756 INNIST IL Country home Lrg lot lrg kit with out to cedar °m° °n 7282930 NEW BEDROOM HOME In Edgar Fully broadloomed and 2353 TRANSCANADA HIGHWAY thick lovely l1111 rnt brlck Ff garage priced to sell Bernice QUALITY MORIELLO BUILT Tread lot 73 235 choose own brdlm Close to Barrie Terrific view Coll Ruth Gibbons 7281409 or 728 4401 Agent for Pineview Estates of Mldhurst INCOME PROPERTY why not investigate this income opportunity of JOHN COLE 7738017 PETER GUBBELS 7259425 plastered this home must be seen to be apprenmed pIeose OII busy restauiant and service frxtuus fan 11 flit pl dbl gar easy financing follow signs off ring four bedroom homes side by side close to dowmown Live TOM CAIRNS 7280653 AL CALHOUN no to 8354742 Peter Shelswell at 7282930 station near Waubaushene on 8th of Inn Iust north of 25th side rd Bernice In one side and cone Ihe mm from the 0hor Good sizehmfly kiv BERNIE BLUM 1872299 ART MAW 7284346 COTTAGE on Paudcsh Lake near Bancroft Femures bedrooms HQhWOY 99 0V9 95 °l 35 ACRES At Ity lllilIIS In InnistII OnxtOUSlO sell now Bernice chon living room andfull basement Good terms too Asking price full basement aluminum Sldlng storms and screens Well treed lot with 260 lake frontage and boathouse Please call Peter Shelswell land With 600 ft frontage plan ty of good water fully equpocl EAST END Retirement bung Downsview Drive cozy bdrm brick S41500unit CallJoe Dirrocola 7260567 or 7284401 7282930 SI I0 000 QIIers IrWIIDCI COII belnullful lat Pat BIG BAY POINT acres with 1000 ft on Big Bay Point Road Im Ello Vivian 705 538 2656 after MlllinNG UHOM BUILT level ssplit main fl fam rm brick WCUIOQ bedroom home TWUan 22 Vlng room Wlh LL 019 Of 705 686 7800 days Aui Tf and thin Itllt POI frlelphlofde 1qu orm typo kitchen Priced so 03727m vendor loittlll 2090 call Laurie Bclsey 705 736 215 34 BNMMUI mg bud bung Close hospiaI Ivshoped Iwmg 90 Ca J00 Dyson 726 31 OWNER HAS MOVED and rtII Irii lrg int bdrms finished rec rm garage heating cost Bernice JUST BEAUTIFUL OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL 208 ft of sandy beach with 26 16 boat house This bedroom rambling ranch bungalow Montreal Trust Weilwork hard iorqou 63 5251171 fyl TNT BIJNG Immediate possrwtrri available On this Incdrown has approx 2500 sq ft of living area It affords baths separate II bdlms kl home pnced 58 dining room family room with ce eye catching kitchen includes WILLSOII lmodern bungctlaw lorntcrl 54 selfcleaning range dishwasher garborotor nuton food centre acre lot In Passerth on ULJIIIPr trout wlnn storey brick near acre barn dbl and more Toviow can RthGIbbom723I4oo 0723440I AGIVE AWAY AT $33900 1V storey bedroom large lot den REAL ESTATE your own vegetables rrill on an fIinltl Dalston Rick ONCE IN WHILE IT HAPPENS Firs me offeredI Elegant 000 above ground swimming pool Hurry coll Jim Bouchard 7371223 or garden SOll Garage rirnl Id hh 7285772evenings 119 DUNLOP ST 7261938 TORON70364¢636 wwkshop Iuded Gm mm 87 3362 BerniceWhelan 7262334 s°°° °° °Yd°9°d wlhwl 019 APPRAISING AND HNANC tical planked entrance doors Large foyer opening to 24 18 livtng NG er no be °°9ed Prwrl PO 776 309 Rd Hoker 7264940 room featuring beamed cathedral ceiling 18 floor to ceiling stone OPEN UNTIL 538 500 Con El sumguru 726 7107 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GRAND PLA CE BY CHANLTE INVESTMENTS 0F BARRIE II BRAND NEW BEDROOM SPLIT ENTRY BUNGALOW All broadloamed thermal windows fully Insulated basement walls large 80 179 lot 90 financing to qualified purchaser $45 900 Call Ian Rouse rep Willson Ltd 7261938 or 7265407 020 COUNTRY STYLE LIVING In small community 10 minutes north of Barrie bedroom brick home nestled among the trees on large lot With car garage For more Information call Bill Barr 726 1938 Or728O744 BUNGALOW year old good Siled bedrooms walk out to cedar deck from dining room Broadloom throughout Fireplace In lower level garage View Of the bay good mortgage 10 down Coll Wilma Bldwell 726 1938 or 726 9135 MLS 2996 ITS RIGHT BECAUSE Its the perfect blend of price Size and location Only $49 500 for lovely 1300 sq ft splIt level brick home Located in one of the nicer subdivisions in this area bedrooms an away from the family room dining room WIth walkout to fenced private yard With above ground pool Call Rita Scandrett 726 1938 or 7284865 MLS 2819 6807800 or 686 7960 ffyilllllqi SOLID VALUE BRICK HOME Stotely storey room TIOIYH overlooking the rIvor In villagr of Coldwater Within walking distance to shopping churches Excellent voluf for reduced price Of 53 500 Call Strongttharin at 686 7800 or mo 7960 evenings school 021 INESON APERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 ENERGY CONSCIOUS Would you like malty mature trees ensuring privacy onan 85 ft lot In prestigeous area Would you like custom one of kinrl rambling bdrm bungalowJ Would you like qualIty and comfort and at tentIon to detailJ Would you like fireplaces baths four th bedroom on the lower level2 Would you like famIly room games room car attached garage Would you like an an nual heating bill at less than $50 per month on equal hillinq Iii cludlng hot Tlll performance If watrrr prOven you qualify for this Mr style cull leJfITIIATIES AfffiAISAIS ltNqulTlN1 MFI tHft ITASINU inEALTY mums ms 58 COLLIER ST SUITE BARRIE ONTARIO NEW HOMES ONLY 111 in Vtspiil and Innislil Townships INNISFIL TOWNSHIP EDGE OF CITY bedroom brick and aluminum Sldlttg split entry bungalow with builtin single car garage Insulated 11XeSS of requirements Scenic 80 300 treed lot with ravine at rear 1100 sq ft of living space on main floor with full unfinished basement Asking $49500 10 insured mar tgagra VESPRA TOWNSHIP 10 MINUTES FROM BARRIE No frill bedroom split entry brick and aluminum siding bungalow 1050 sq ft on main floor with full basement which can be finished by buyer to almost double living area 132 162 foot irregular shaped lot Paved road 10 °o insured mortgage Priced at $44500 ORO TOWNSHIP bedroom brick and aluminum back split With double garage Serviced by water system and septic tank Located In modern resrdential area near lake 10 minutes from Barrio Large lot 95 x150 1080 sq feet home priced at $47500 with mortgage at urrent rate ALL OF THE ABOVE HOMES FEATURE broodloom and fireplace formal dining baths master bedroom 15 12 with dressing room and ensuite Unique horizontal rough plank 24 18 family room 2nd fireplace Step Out via sliding doors to patio and heated pool Call Bill Hockley 7284401 or 7262596 SPRINGDALE ROAD Attractive on the outside even better on the inside Let me show you thrhough this raised bungalow with lovely family room and fireplace Broadloom throughout Priced right tool Call Poppy Wilde 728 887 or 7284401 Pat MIGrath 7373394 Nora Rivers 7262596 Joe Dirrocolo 7260567 Joe Dyson 7262090 Ruth Gibbons 7281409 Don Allan 4872412 Martha Dyson 7262090 Doug Ferguson 7286172 Lorna Verstroten 4241956 Marg Ferguson 7286172 Bill Hockley 7262596 Poppy Wilde 7281887 Jiiii Miles 7370499 Muriel JetteTy 7266383 MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 93 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR VVIIIOW Larldirt MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon till dusk JONES PRIVATE SALE bedroom bungalow acre lot fireplace in basement of heat north of Midhurst Carries $305 mo IT 38000 down to one $13000 mtg at 11 per cent Requires some finishing 726 4179 sTAvNER iiRiyATE SALE Three bedroom bungalow completely car peted Finished rec room and den or REALTOR 180 DUNLOP ST L090 9969031 Viewwa PROPERTIES to be sold for tax er 7269933 rears Official Ontario lists Dept EX Box 5380 Steton Ottawa Ont K2C $34900 PRIVATE SALE New three bedroom side split full basement garage finish ed rec room lot 80 131 $54000 Thorn ton 458 9747 v2 ACRE 715747900 Brand new bedroom homiI with attach ed garage ready for immediate posses Nco the price then compare the features bedrooms bathrooms living room dining room laundry room garage stove fridge washer diyer and still have basement to sion Large kitchen area with walkoutta IT 05 you hke AA for sundeck and lull basement Twelve Grant miles south of Barrie Lore LIske 416 895 8671 Robert Realtor LTd INCOME PROPERTY TRlPLEX Law maintenance BEDROOM BUNGALOW completer remodelled interior large kitchen on new decoced e° eight miles south of Barrie Full price location with high income $34500 Call Frank Kokel rep Alliston Real Estate Ltd Broker 435 6800 ONE ACRE TREED BUILDING LOT iust live miles west of Barrie Full price $16900 Call Frank Kokel rep AlIlston Real Estate Ltd Broker 4569583 or 435 6800 POSTED To 8C PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom home on Sendsprlng Cres Angus Two fireplaces rec roam den insulated garage fenced yard pav ed driveway Immediate possession Asking $46000 Have clear title so make me an offer Terms can be arranged will also trade for property on Van couver Island 424 9121 after pm Ask for Cliff Evens Room 127 $59 500 For further information 89583 or on this and other properties askfor Grant COUNTRY LIVING $46 500 bedroom bungalow full basement and oversized double garage for the handyman 549800 Custom built year old brick split level with family room fireplace and garage lnCOfTTC $57 500 Spacious bedroom FIELDSTONE HOME centrally located 12 storey fireplace attached home With baths family many In In Sale garage $49900 Telephonqu 0729 RRIVATET 37 bedroom bungalow In Bayshore Estate subaiwslon lnnlsfll Fireplace racreation room additional room fireplace walkout double garage on fenced acre homesite For information bedrooms in basement Lot site 75 363 El Inescn 718 4794 cushIoii flooring throughout Purchaser Will have chorce of colors ask for Ron DISTRESS SALE Owner wants arton Must sell by end of month OW from builders samples where Name Mlnan 726 8957 Chuck Lambe 728800l GRANT HUNTER 7267993 Efficiï¬iieï¬fzogarAIï¬IEgï¬grwiiliiff 09 fIqurri cupboards flooring Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Larr Brewer 728 9745 West of Home bedrooms plus one In basement Brick bungalow some have not already been ordered by builder Beflcu 7284067 RON JONES 7268997 giltéegIeprInggoggeiwgskIna 345900 has recently been redecorated and has large family room with Id inormmion peose co JOhn COIweH 726 7726 Slorry flag 7263864 LIIWIIKINSON 7289326 Cum bar also attached garage Large lot fully fenced arden All this p°° 8°W Imon ee hurzen 7373795 OI9H Thornton Area $44900 ED JENNINGS ll 737 1010 or 7280803 Doug Baker 7283274 Larr DeW 1d 72 for an action price of $37 900 Make an offer today Call Jim Hams 7267I73 YkH 87353 aggoooï¬wbnuln albirlclillagtzTlliyrtteplber Benham 726 1938 or 424 5033 MLS 2865 Enquiries from all Real Estate Id ran °°°Y 7250676 Lsr Buy on SELL WITH mahogany mom my browIwmw 09 mom if lie Brokers welcome and 00 °V5 7287543 Peter Bracalente 7263916 landscaped 100 166 lot excellent con W5 appreciamd Fred Reynolds 7285333 JPaulDumoulin FRCRA LEON gIlokrI Immediabe pgssessIlon RB re nigr 0R0 4873437 P9 Mm 72833932 55l37°73l ARRICK ï¬querf737 CENTRAL ELMVALF SIXPLEX SRO lCUSTOIyt BUILT brll REAL ESTATE LTo storey year old bricknbulldlnlg IIIII unga OW wit 1260 sq ft of Jig consider smell home co age or an as 999 °G° 372315L elegantliving $51500 1010 on yourakgl dial PRIVATE SALE 17 MarlonCres Three MR BEDROOM BUNGALOW 77 TF SIILSZMISUEII b33333 1123339 Wlh lUll basemem ald dOUbl Mw room and bar downsfnlrs $45900 90099 545500 13199779 7215 lIlIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LawH WNW ORO three bedroom 10 PerflTe Sale 89 5T BA with double garage an 123 lotN ll CORNER OFOVCtlgNtSECOSLLIER STREETS IMMEDlleIS scllstsiï¬islegndltlllgndrgg we 993039 99 019 er lsyselghgll slahdpscoped lot with over so bunfltW WWWW Photo Multiple Listing Service 39 900 VIIllllllll mm 726 netlxed frets lust six miles south of Bk 856 Ohlglzzleedi 533330 3331 HORSE OR HOBBY FARM 36 rie Full rice $57500 Call Frank K0 Ida HILLSDALE approximately 13 miles from Barrie New brick acres mm buiIdmgS In good gortgthygllacQuarrte eizriraodzkrtns SqusagIIsIggwgogaI are ogceaspolengwmes s70 97 aarzre page bedroom 5P 9Y bU9°°Wv LShlped d9 m9 °° repair Situated two miles from 7260873 gï¬ï¬Iï¬ï¬LEAIEATFRWVATEEick £31194 electric furance attached garage lot 69 153 Asking $45900 orIIIIOI 59 500 Judmom swam can Infancy It ACRES with room home Llsten to 16 COOK ST lsbrandt built bedroom back split family room with floor to ceiling fireplace walkouts bathrooms fully FIVE BEDROOM Aluminum AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD two bathrooms broadloomed through out fireplace In living room bar in faml ly room mature trees on fully lendscep the babbling brook lust few yards from the door enioy the fireplace In the winter Just reduced to $49900 Across from Fudas seen by appointment only FWSOMER ALTY ERVICES LTD sided cottage on acre lot In ed lot $59900 Telephone 726 0570 through Russell Carson 726 6161 Frank broadloomed double garage paved drive $89900 om ml 900 l5 355 Baylleld wa Onfarlo AchEnITEiIArrRAISER APPRAISAL iNSTiTuTE or ANAIMIAA ii TO $45900 EEERSLIMLEII 3608LAKE ST be roomron ominium separate iving on thing my homes and con 02property wanted rooms lalge 80 kmhen ludge we wmhm and dryer mun or RE ESHHHPMISERSSRPM rifflvcilsort velliocaied In the Georoien Tl 11 if Coll area variety of Interior colour us our seven broadloomed garage 109099 ASH 535200 Jlm Conrtllo 73l1597 sill McCreary 7281865 Mes an numb mev bum by acres neer north or west of city limits 019 EXAMINER Enid Day 7266904 Verna Mullln 7282875 trIulfi In mm ROAD Tolgbzr72c°1taucflon Lw TeIepnon mgslgayeozggnefnzp building Repiy Box 26 or TM Ln eshwhnnedy 547 mm Ken 787250 WANT ADS JUdY NW 73742 BARRIEON1ARIO L4H sz sTRouo Cozy aï¬riiém butRielow Leo Cavanough 728 1207 Bob Saunders 7263883 PHONE 72804 Jack Slessor 7266280 Wayne Pennett 7371264 draftfllrArzfttstvtvl who no Mum with six foot private hedge ignce payed EXAMINER wry wow mm R0 8050 mam 3372 7760205 G°rd Harm 436 Th N11 335°chés3375337c1l7gr5i£333331 WANT ADS 487 Bi Moron 7283305 099 4362576 Allis on Real Estate Ltd Broker mailno0 cr mm as am PHONE 72oz