man mm ï¬xEgan mm we 30 the examiner Wodngsgay Oct 19 1977 Children escape to US NEW YORK AP Penni less but thankful six great grandchildren of the late Ethio Elan Emperor Haile Selassie ave reached the United States after secret escape from Eth iopia that took them through several countries Their arrival recently ended an undercover joumey across Europe and the Atlantic that had its roots in the politcal tur moil that followed the over throw of the Selassie reign But it was bittersweet es cape Their lather Dejazemach Feie Mariam is imprisoned in Ethiopia his fate uncertain and their mother Princess Ed jhighayao Asfawossen died in jail last January after twr years of incarceration We cannot feel as relieved as we would like said ltLyearv old Rachel in fainin inter view with The Associated Press Our mother is dead our fathers life is In peril There is not much joy lheir mothers last wish was to see the fainin tree of Elli iopias Marxist military government which dismantled the countrys monarchy in 1974 The princess was the grand daughter of the emperor who traced his ancestry hack to the biblical King David HELPED BY FRIENDS The escape last Iiily the three girls and three boys whc range in age from 13 to was arranged by family friends The children were hidden in Sweden West Germany and Britain by an underground net work of friends and relatives They were met at the airport by comedian Ioey Adams and his ife tindy who were close friends ot the princess and yis Ited her in ddis Ababa in 197 as guests of the royal fainin After an overnight stay in New York City relative whisked the children to an undisclosed Iocatioii in Virginia for safe keeping Ihey were haunted by fear in Ethiopia said the relative who asked not to be identified Mrs Adams said The chil lieii haye no food or clothes They are still Iii shock from the events in their homeland We are trying to raise money to help them start new life She said she decided to make public the childrens plight only at ter she was convinced of their sater lhe lanky frohaired youngsters greeted her as an old triend The children Esther IT Meheret 18 and Rachel Isaac 15 Beliere l3 and Samson are reluctant to revea many details about their jour iiey or to talk about events ii their African homeland out of fear of reprisals against theii father jailed with several huii dred other persons during lllt takeover Founder charged KINGSTON int iCPI Kenneth Rowley 31 founder of the Kingston crimewatchers committee was sentenced to seven months in jail this week after he pleaded guilty in pro Vincial court to charges of fraud and attempted fraud at localbank Rowley former hairstylist and defeated aldermanic candir date had been in custody since Sept He was charged while on pro bation for an earlier crinthion 0f possessmg stolen property fraud and uttering forged docu ments ne of the terms of pro babation was that he make resr titution of $726 in monthly payments The crimewatchers come mittee was set up in 197 by group of persons critical of po lice operations in the city The committee endorsed by the mayor lasted about year Tilderi rents big chonce ol truks for moving mer chandise or furniture By the day week or month at very economical rates EDEN 341 Buyfield St 7370800 Featuring Cbevrolots and other fine trucks A4A from THE GARIIEI Dominions GardenFresh fruits and vegetables are always top quality produce at downtoearth prices Crisp flavourtu greens for salads Sweet mouth watering fruits for snacks or nourishing desserts Save on this weeks features from Dominion CANADA FANCY Muclntosh Apples 5lb bog 127 PRODUCE OF USA CANADA NO GRADE Jumbo Spanish Onions Em249¢ PRODUCE OF USA Romaine LEM79¢ PRODUCE OF USA FRESH SHELL Peanuts PP¢ PRODUCE OF USA ONTARIO NO SWEET Green Peppers Papaya 68¢ LAST WEEKS WINNING WIS69¢ PRODUCE OF HAWAII TICKET COMBINATIONS IF YOU HAVE IF YOU HAVE IF YOU HAVE IF YOU HAVE IF YOU HAVE FL RACE 1T ï¬I ESTHER aid Fiï¬+7 7+ FINISHING ORDER 41h RACE PRIZES You MAY 15000 YOU MAY 500 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